You think Vergil's waifu was better or worse in personality than women Dante surrounds himself with?
Other urls found in this thread:
cheese on my cracker
cheese on my cracker
cheese on my cracker
smear it on slacker!
Fuck furies
For his neutral special he wields a GUN.
Nero got the unga gene from his mother
Delete that right now.
A wrestling mom and samurai dad would make one hell of a dlc.
You can ghost punch 2 times when you air taunt and can ghost punch once during a normal taunt.
oh god please link to this mod now
When can we expect more news?
July at the latest. Beyond then it's legally declared dead
roll for a random power, or 2 for human mode
how do you fair in a demon invasion?
>Prehensile Wings
>The ability to possess wings/feathers capable of being used as a pair of hands.
So, I'm Nero?
forgot, feel free to re-roll if its not a combat ability really
>Team Manipulation
>The user can create, call or otherwise gain control/access to/over a team. Unlike armies, teams are usually smaller, and can be used for purposes other than fighting such as tasks.
So I'm basically V.
at least my defense is pretty good. now If I only had a weapon
I actually vote to joinand their team since I have durability
>Vibrokinetic Weaponry
Deck me out in a sick ass cyborg body too and I’ll get this crossover started.
>Play BP as Nero
>The decide to play Dante v Vergil
>Keep trying to rev my fucking sword messing up my guns
Don't open.
According to this. I'am immune to your bullshit.
Have all the jokes make him try apply some Yamato magic to his crotch?
You’re basically just an angel version of the DMC boys.
zero gravity movement. shame it's only movement and not overall gravitational powers
>Life Lordship
>User has absolute control over life and all living things, allowing them to have limitless control over everyone and everything that is living, and can manipulate all things related to life.
jesus maybe I should have specified no OP bullshit powers. Didn't realize there were so many broken powers on there
I mean, sure, enter the mind of whatever big bad it is now, but what really matters is V is fucking back.
Apparently I'm an addict. Since it doesn't give specific details, I'll roll for a power that Dependency gives me, and you Anons can pick what I require to keep using that power.
I have something that lets me use death force powers then, but if I lose it or stop doing/using whatever I'm Dependent on it ceases to function.
>everybody in redgrave is fucking dead
>while dante and crew are fighting demons you just run through the city magnatizing all the money and becoming rich
Leaked image of Baajiru DLC
>death force
is that like a soul reaper?
>hell and hell
>cant RG
Literally have to change my entire fucking game plan
Real mod or just a shoop?
>"Get more orbs" with possibility to Dr. Faust
Wow, whoever cleaned Dante's place did a fine job.
>Hell Fire Attacks
I dunno, to be honest. How good is hellfire against demons?
Basically if it's death related, I can do it. Necromancy, communing with dead souls, shooting literal death at people, etc.
I don't know, ask those who got the taste of Ifrit and Balrog.
Pretty good, considering all Devil Arms are demonic.
I actually don't know. A mate sent it to me
I wonder how Karlo feels about seeing his face perpetually having a shit eating grin attached to it.
Holy fuck, I seem busted. Am I just Satan?
we DmC now
Groovy. I still feel like all fire demons would fuck me up anyway. Looking for ice mage user to back me up.
Bronze Constructs?
I can make all the shitty Devil Arm knockoffs I want.
So.... I'm Dante?
more like donte
still thats a pretty good power for fighting demons
>Coincidence Immunity
>The user has the power to nullify or be immune to coincidence, preventing the whims of fate from interfering with a battle or activity the user is participating. This power takes good and bad luck out of the equation and can be considered a counter to "plot-armor".
Not much help in a demon invasion, but this would be a perfect superpower for anyone that browses Yea Forums.
>enhanced visabilty
>aggro all demons within miles
nothin' personnel, Uriboy
I mean yeah, it would probably suck in a demon invasion but it increases my chances of getting laid one day.
w-what form of power is this?
>modded reversals in the game
>whiny euro faggot tries to show what it can do
>it's literally 80% useless dashing SWORD TRICK SWORD TRICK, sideways/back stinger that does nothing and 20% him damaging Geryon
>uses E&I like a complete retard
>can't even reach SSS rank without Perfect Guarding
>also uses turbo mod
it's utterly boring
who the fuck thought this was good?
only thing worth watching was the DKA at the end
Seriously, Donte? Seriously?
So did we just not like him because his name was Dante?
Because Nero is copying his act and we're sort of fine with it.
>Nero is copying his act
>Absolute Wits
>The user has a limitless thinking capacity, enabling them to adapt to any changing situations, always remaining calm and collected no matter the environment. They come up with an infinite amount of plans and ideas almost instantly, shrugging away the obstacles through sheer as well as limitless critical thinking effortlessly.
Well, since I already have this power, I do about as well during a demon invasion as usual. As if those animals could compete with me.
Maybe having to save people to recharge your ability to balance it might be cool as a character concept
jesus fuck
why am I Donte
Millz somehow manages to be one of the most whiniest combofags and also one of the worst combofags at the same time.
Though reversals and inertia being modded back in does exponentially increase the game's skill ceiling, these fuckers need to stop acting like god damn children.
That's actually a really cool idea.
i guess i'd fuck shit up
I thought Vergin's hair would look better than Tetsuo.
I was proven wrong.
Nero's been around before Dante and his attitude in DMC5 is pretty similar to his attitude in 4.
Call the cops.
As the other user implied with his image, Donte resembles Nero more than he does Dante in every single way. Attitude, design, gameplay, hell even his animations are closer to Nero's wild style than Dante's refined moves.
It's like NT only watched clips of Nero in DMC4 and thought that THAT was Dante.
now you both team up and fight urizen in the tag team of the century
>rerolled because too edgy for my tastes
>got this
fucking hell
sounds pretty brutal desu
Nice job boys, but leave the planning to
Well, ask me anything, i guess.
Pretty well I'd say
Is there a chance we're getting an official turbo mode?
>butchered DT
>No taunts
>No styles
>He's personality was created to be a lone wolf like Nero instead of being the fun guy you would want to go on a drink with like Dante
Gee user I don't know, it isn't like his gameplay is just Nero but with a Dante skin on top, or that he was going to be replacing a fan favorite character
Like, I know you're a baiting retard, however here's your serious reply:
I actively disliked Donte during DmC's development precisely because he was replacing Dante. DMC3 and DMC4 were really big games for me and realizing I'm not only not getting a continuation - I'm getting robbed of any hope of getting it in the future wasn't really a pleasant feeling.
That being said, there was a huge-ass time interval between me getting pissed at DmC and me getting a chance to actually play the game - I'm a PC player and I was in the army when it was released.
So, by the time I could actually play it, I had already long gotten over it. I essentially grabbed the game as soon as I could - I might not get the same characters, but I still love Devil May Cry so I was okay with playing anything that resembles it in any fashion.
And I honestly liked the game. It was alright. I even enjoyed Donte to an extent during the first half of it when he was acting like an immature punk. However, the game heavily suffered from the "We aren't DMC but, wait, we're actually DMC!"
It would've been better for the game to go with the earlier designs and ideas instead of trying to get closer to DMC. Were it to do that instead of what we've got, it might've not ended looking like a bad DMC knock-off.
The main problem with it, however, is that it's that kind of a "media" - not limited to games - that considers itself "very smart" while it really isn't.
It tries to tell a "deep story" and fails miserably. The characters are terribly written whenever they try to be serious. Plot twists are stupid and fall flat every single time.
The best part of its story is world-building and it's heavily inspired by the original DMC, especially DMC3 - so even it doesn't feel "fresh" for the viewer.
To put it into perspective, DMC1 also had a pretty bad story that falls apart under criticism. However, the story in DMC1 not only wasn't a major part of the game - it didn't pretend to be "deep".
top 10 anime teams
>The ability to have any random powers at any time.
You win because none of the monsters can come to attack you, feeling sympathy for such a hideous creature they just leave back to hell. Congratulations.
yeah go ahead an reroll
>Vergil probably didn't let go of yamato the entire time he was fucking nero's mom.
Is there any practical use for this glitch other than igniting balrog?
Its nice to have actual discussion and fun posting in this thread desu instead of the normal fujo posting
>Psychic Acid Manipulation
Some of them look cool.
I wonder what Cavaliere Dance Macabre looks like
well.....they're about the same age so
>The power to gain strength from any/all opposing forces. Variation of Affinity.
>User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. from any/all opposing forces, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from opposing forces or even stop or slow aging.
My wife!
>S-rank every difficulty and complete BP with all characters
>still have never seen Artemis big attack outside of that one trailer
archer is unironically my goal body. I know his shoulders are too big to get naturally though. won't stop my from trying
Two days old?
continuing So, in the light of all of that, it wasn't about Donte's "behavior". It was about him being a bad and a very bland character.
Nero's "FUCK YOU" in DMC5 was fucking powerful. Doubly so when it was actually linked to player's actions in a game that *previously* used to separate the story and the gameplay way more clearly.
Donte never had a similar moment. For me personally, his best moments were "Not in a million years", "I'm your prom date, you ugly sack of shit" and "Fuck you. Fuck you! FUCK YOU!". All of which were funny but none were "powerful".
That being said, I was marginally bothered by Nero (and Dante, once, sorta) actually cursing during the game as DMC previously used to be more theatrical in that sense.
Still, I got used to it fairly quickly and now it doesn't bother me any more then anons adding "fucking" to every other post me included.
In fact, judging the game from a "cursing is allowed" standpoint made me realize how rare, natural and usually justified it was - as opposed to DmC's 'we say FUCK YOU because we aren't DMC! But also we are".
So, to reiterate, while I personally don't hate Donte, I strongly disagree with the idea of his behavior:
1) Being the same as Nero's;
2) Being the main reason for the hate he receives.
Meta Environment Manipulation
What's the condition for ex Vergil again? Killing the judecca on Nero's credits on Sos or above? Can I do it on HaH? I can use Super Nero right?
Garcher looks like sleeveless Vergil here.
I believe it's winning the Dante's credits fight on SoS or higher.
Or maybe it's missions 19/20 on SoS or higher.
without continues I mean
>Lust Empowerment
I completed all of Nero's BP without doing a single Hard Way. It's such a cool move, but I never remember it exists.
I think you have to win both Nero's and Dante's credits on SoS or above.
I like that the distortion effects of DMC5 lets us have Borgils without any editing required
you become like the guy from highschool DXD that gets stronger by seeing/touching tits
She abandoned her own child the moment he was born and never shown ever again after that. The only thing we know for sure about her personality is her being a dumb thot.
>User can manipulate the relatedness between people, such as causing siblings to become half-siblings or unrelated to each other, strangers to become parent and child and so on. The changes may be done on on a biological level, changing only DNA, or on a cosmic level...
If making me a son of sparda via my ability buffs me up a lot I should be fine. It'd still be like a really bad fanfic but at least I'll be okay.
Nice headcanon, considering we don't know shit about her.
>Temporal Monster Physiology
>Able to transform entirely, or partly, into select monsters.
I'll be like if V stopped being crippled and was crossed with Nero.
I'd probably be able to give the Dead-weight a run for his money, but I'm not sure if I could match Dante or Vergil.
This seems broken
I'm the coolest.
Vergil looks so young when he isn't scowling
Regular mode
Human mode bonus
I could turn demons into puppets and have a V playstyle but that'd require being a little bitch so I guess I'm support for someone else
Now I'm motivated
So I'm pretty much Evan from Pact.
It's over, Vergil.
I can't get over how happy itsuno looks in that webm. he's too pure
>physical nonexistent
But i’m already a neet
>creates own unique moveset
Am I OP toho girl now?
>left nero
>rumored to be a prostitute
Not him, but it's enough to suggest that she's not the best girl ever.
I got portal physiology, so I guess I spew demons or other shit at them?
>Tickling Inducement
I'll make the demons laugh to death?
>rumored to be a prostitute
>by edgy 5 y.o. orphans
Top lel
>Simultaneously exist in all places at once.
I am absolute
Don't be silly, that's clearly Nero's twin sister. The nice act is just a ruse though, she is just as unga as her brother.
Isn't this just D4C?
>Verg's kids
>wearing red
You do realize Nero wears a combination of blue and red?
Purple isn't red.
t. Sparda
Nero's vest in 4 is very much red, and the sweater Kyrie made for him in 5 is a muted shade of red.
How would Vergil and Dante react if Nero was replaced with Fate Nero in the entirety of 5
>Sanctus is 5 y.o orphan
And which color do you get when you mix red and blue, genius?
Quote me the exact line where Sanctus implies that.
Pretty much Dante/Vergil/Nero
Does anyone know if style switching mod works with dmc3 on dmc collection?
I get a retarded user replying to me.
And I get an idiot who can't solve 2+2
I've never been more ready.
But you're being incredibly stubborn right now.
The guy said Nero wears red but you're saying by mixing the rest of his colors together it somehow implies that he doesn't.
>Light Cutting
Basically summoned swords
I meant PURE red. Nero was always a combo of red and blue with neon blue highlights.
Yes, Sanctus thought Nero's mom was a prostitute, but not based on facts, rather on his own amateur detective work. Fortuna is a small community and pregnancies can't be hidden without some evil tongue setting rumors in motion sooner or later. With no stories being shared around the time Nero was found, Sanctus assumed it was one of the working women from outside city perimeter.
But what fans have to take into account is that this is info from the novel, not the game. And that Sanctus has low opinion on people based on himself being a selfish asshole. And that he didn't take into account she might have not been Fortuna citizen, but rather just smuggled her baby in there to be kept safe.
And how do you know the girl in the art ain't wearing something blue under her dress?
I'm going to stab you.
>Yes, Sanctus thought Nero's mom was a prostitute
Again, stated where, exactly? Did you even read the novel?
Now that's what I call autism.
Fuck fujos, fuck fags and fuck everyone who post gay shit and Destroy DMC threads
I read the summary, he blabs something about it to Nero, but the kid ignores him for most part.
>I read the summary
>that shitty summary
Figures. Then I can assure you, nowhere in the novel Sanctus assumes that Nero's mom is a prostitute. The only ones who mention this are "5 y.o. orphans". Literally no one knew who she was.
>found a drawing of Nero DT's glowing boipussi with shark-like dick
Oh no, my eyes
holy shit
i'm the perfect demon slayer
I warned you
> The user can manipulate space-time anomalies that defy physics and scientific explanation and can warp the space-time.
So, I got a more OP version of Yamato's dimension power?
>Bodily Rotation Manipulation.
>Can move body how ever he wants, including spread it out to avoid all fall damage. Can dodge any attack, can reach his genitals with his mouth with no effort, can scratch any itch, god of the twister game, one can only guess what he can do in bed with a woman.
Yep ... that's me, I guess.
Vergil chose her because the red clothes reminded him of her brother?
Donte was coping Nero, retard.
Same love interest, same attitude, same grapple mechanics, even DmC Rebellion looks like discount Red Queen.
His penetration instin-- No, I won't give fujos and degenerates ideas.
what the fug
Collab DLC
And DmC Eva, who had red hair, was holding a Blue Rose.
5Sparda is so fucking ugly. Sparda has a shit taste, even his DT sucks.
>User can surround themselves within an aura/energy that doesn't fit into a standard classification, for defensive and/or offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable and granting them various abilities/attacks depending on the unique energy. The auras may also give the user enhanced physical capabilities such as speed, strength and durability.
The only moment that cockroach had some taste were making Yamato
Don't forget Rebellion although it's gotten sexier with age
Truly a beautiful swordfu
Unwakened Rebellion > 3 Reb >= 5 Reb > 2 Reb > 4 Reb
>that sfw boypuss
there're more wholesome things on their twitter
I know a lot of people here don't care for it and talk around it has been muddied by whiny twitter faggots, but if you're on PC you should give the WIP inertia mod a try.
Might not be the same for you but for me personally it makes gameplay feel so much better.
>space time manipulation
Thanks, I'm literally God.
Chock it up to the graphics but in-game DMC3 Rebellion is ugly as fuck to me
It's literally DMC5 Rebellion but with the ribcage covering all the blade on that part, i like the bones better than that normal looking shit 5Reb has
What about DmC Rebellion?
Doesn't exist
complete shit
All DmC weapons look like shit, they trashed E&I and Yamato looks like a scuffed chinese 50$ katana
Oh hunny....
the bait is bland user its not even ironically funny anymore
More than anything else DmC did, butchering E&I is something that I will never be able to forget or forgive
>the virgin deagle vs the chad m1911
who was the Design Director for DmC?
They should’ve gone with earlier designs. E&I were supposed to be revolvers originally, and Rebellion was going to change forms throughout the game.
E&I are literally perfect, no wonder they never changed their design in the MAIN GAMES™.
DMC5 Yamato design is godlike but look at this shit, look how they massacrated my boy
The hours of cardio are measured by the clock; but of gains, no clock can measure.
don't talk about it
looks shit
It’s just a question.
I don't think whoever made DmC Yamato had ever held or seen a proper katana in their life.
What THE FUCK is this shit
DmC E&I looks like guns made to trigger /k/, with the sharp edges and being based on deagles
I think they were going to make a exceed mechanic for Rebellion in DmC but the idea got scraped. They were literally transforming Dante into Nero
>motor sword
Not to mention Yamato is a giant ass katana, it has 160cm or more. Iamató looks so bland and tiny, it has no personality
>that tip
I miss the yellow ribbon.
the ya-mA-toe
for vergil
Today i will remember them
Yammytoe genuinely looks like an early ps2 era stock asset
Fuck me it looks worse than the ACTUAL early PS2 version of it
Someone should use the scuffed playable Vergil table to add DMC5's version to this
>that foot
Jesus Christ.
fuck no they got rid of the dragon and made it look more european
DMC3 yamato>DMC5 yamato
Thank the lord that it’s only an edit.
Vorgil's Lame-A-toe looks like it's made from China, sounds like its made from plastic
it's got to be one of the worst Katana designs
>copying his act
>literally a "loner"
>literally apart of an organization called "The Order"
>literally pinning after his waifu
>literally says SLAM DUNK
>literally took his grapple mechanic
>literally took his roulette spin
>literally took his charged shot
It is Dino, who is the cheap imitation.
I met a dude once that literally said DmC version looked better and 4 "just looked faster"
the yow-my-toe looks nothing like an actual katana
>tfw Yamato will never be used from the back again
I and hear the wet and meaty sounds from Vorgil’s DLC.
>a katana
5Yamato is literally the best Yamato, the ornaments and the silk tsuka-ito makes my pee pee big pee pee. I agree that it misses the dragon though
it sucks demon toes
They made it too ornate, I prefer the more plain look of the original.
you're both wrong
Three eyed serpent > dragon
nah 4 is shit because 3 has cooler looking judgement cuts
They removed western looking dragon and gave it flowers, presumably cherry blossom, which was a traditional flower of samurais.
........White people
Niggas look at THIS handle look at THIS blade HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH. I never gave a shit about Yamato until 5, 5 turned her into my swordfu
which do you prefer?
Demon hands or demon feet?
the grip for 3/4 looks better because it kinda looks like a dragon scale underneath in a crack sort of way, rather than the diamond version of DMC5
Ya ma's toes
Jesus fuck so Yamato is really a big ass Katana? goddamn that close up makes me ERECT
>I never gave a shit about Yamato until 5, 5 turned her into my swordfu
Same, my top 3 are 5Yamato, 5Red Queen and Rebellion
Hope they add DMC weapons in DD2 so i can roll with Yamato and E&I
Lmao, that design, looks like those rock em sock em shits.
both I love
I need to make a replica of this sword with people who can actually make swords, maybe japanese. I will only use for decoration but this is a beautiful looking sword. Depending on the price i will put even real gold on it.
It's atleast 5'2 or 160cm
Every time this is posted I get fixated on Vergil's fingers looking so cute.
how durable is Yamato? Vergil used it as a shield to Dante's DSD Stinger and there was no single scratch mark on the blade
Sparda was a fucking weeb
It can't be broken in Nero or Vergil hands i assume, since Nero fixed it in 4 automatically
Well Rebellion broke when Urizen was too strong. And Yamato broke when Vergil lost to Mundus. But in the ending Vergil and Dante were tied for strength.
Technically they should be able to fix it like how Nero did anyway.
Donte copied HIS act, but Donte didn't copy everything, this shit right here? 100% original Donte creation, Nero ain't never do no bullet for my valentine shit like this kek
Sparda probably visited a lot of different countries while sealing up the demon world.
DMC Japan adventures when
It was made from his soul.
How there is people going back to DmC? Are they actually retarded? That fucking YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH is still stuck in my head and i didn't even finished the game
>Vergil : "While you were busy being born Nero... I was sucking on ya Ma's toes and making demons go "Yow! My toe!" With my Yamato."
using weeb thoughts
>Nero: saves the military
>Donte: gets beat by the police
>feet fetish
using thoughts of a cunning warrior
That’s 100% Tameem.
>that top left hand
Hmmm Would it be cool to have a Sparda trilogy?
>nero saves his own father who ripped his arm off
>donte wants to kill his brother over a bitch
>made a katana but still uses dishonorable guns
He was faster than an F5 tornado
Because DE is surprisingly decent.
>one of my friends says that he cant really tell the difference in animation and likes the DmC version better because of the flashy effects
It would
1 - Sparda and Mundus being bros, Sparda awakening to justice
2 - Sparda adventures in human world
3 - Sparda meets Eva, gets her pregnant and fucks off forever
Uncultured swines. DmC Judgement Cut is so fucking retarded, the whole point is that Vergil cuts reality so fucking fast that you can't even see. Vorgil just use it as a magic wand
I wouldn't have it any other way.
What should we call the games?
>Nero's mom: Foolishness Vergil, foolishness. Might controls everything. And without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone your virginity.
Devil Never Cry
>the only reason he doesn’t kill him is because of that same bitch
Tale of Sparda
that's good, I like it.
Even better....
>Planetary Constructs
>The power to create constructs out of planetary energy/substances
Who will hold out the longest!? The summoned horrors of the nether realms, or the very elements themselves come alive?! Find out in the next installment of Devil May C!
He's a cute
A Sparda game would suck. I'd rather the series move forward not move backward and force us to play as someone who Dante surpassed years ago.
Was Donte even strong in DmC? all his strength shit seems to be done by yanking shit with his "demonic grapple". He was getting absolutely raped by Mundus until Vorgil showed up. And I don't even know what was the point in making him a half angel? it's not like the angel side actually did shit. Half Angel, Half Demon makes you vastly weaker to a 1/4 demon in DMC? kek
how do i do this?
>Buying things for sister
>Suddenly find dante's jacket in recommended items
>See this in the revives
Oh god
He had to become Sparda to defeat Mundus :D :D :D fug
Lads, I think I'm in love with a sword.
Fuck you DAD
He's just as strong as the plot demands
>not wanting to know what the fuck happened to the Legendary Dark Knight
I don't have a son
>boss of this Limbo.avi
I'm conflicted about a Sparda game. His legendary status makes him cool for me.
Donte has no feats other than healing stripper scars on his back, and bullets. Other than that and his pussy devil trigger, almost all of his abilities come from his weapons.
God, 5Yamato and 5Red Queen look so fucking good
Dosnt work like this , he gets power up when he is angry gives in to rage
if this works on demons/hell then it's over
I'd rather see the legend come to life RAWR
And DMC4 stated that Dante surpassed that, with DMC5 Dante wouldn't even need his DT to destroy Sparda.
I don't want to know because whatever they do won't match the legend. Sparda is best left as this huge mystery as it gives him a station that's above anyone despite being weaker than Dante.
please do not have lewd thoughts about Yamato. she's only Vergil's property
They were going to have an Angel Trigger at one point, but it got scrapped for unknown reasons. God only knows what it was supposed to do.
If he is weaker than Dante how did he fend off all of hell by himself?
Didn't they say Sparda or something had the power to strike out demon names or some shit? I'm sorry, but Dante ain't NEVER do no shit like that.
>it's just male bayonetta
Wait....his angel trigger was literally going to be Nero's stand in DMC4 kek
if it's by mr Morihashi then no, i don't wanna know
Don't know about Vergil, but I would've go diamonds after hearing this.
hell wasn't gud at the time
Sparda didn't have Kalina ann or Coyote
Bayonnetta came after DMC so....
Sparda game plea
Pure love only.
Well, they updated his Angel Dodge to operate like the Trickster Style in DE, so I guess Trickster must be an Angel ability in DmC.
My guess is that in raw power Sparda were stronger, but humanity makes Dante have an edge
use your imagination....
What do you think he/they had?
>these hips
You’re right. You have sons.
he's a pure virgin and sparda scored.
>male bayonetta
George Michael in the Freeek video, if anyone.
>Nero's mom is actually cuhrazy bitch
>literally defeated Vergil in a fight
>stabs Vergil with his own Yamato
>Vergil faints and she carries him to her house
The canon of the manga is dodgy at best and just because Dante hasn't done that dosn't mean he can't, I mean Dante is at the level where he can blink anything out of existence, all Sparda could do was remove a name.
sparda can fly all the time, dante can't
Sparda didn't count on his son releasing them again.
>dante can blink anything out of existence
>Vergil lost to Dante because he had sex
>Nero lost to Urizen because he had sex with Kyrie
>Sparda slowly decayed to death after he impregnated Eva
>Dante saves the world by remaining a virgin and NO WAY FAGing Patty
How long do you think Vergil was in her sex dungeon?
Not necessarily. That was earlier in development before they gave Donte the black and red coat. This picture has both Angel and Devil Trigger before they changed it.
that's stupid and flawed
immaturity doesn't win you anything
Not only btfo'd by his daddy
>dante needs to DT to fly
>his nephew can summon wings at will without DT
“Thick Thighs Save Lives. But Thick Thighs with Thigh Highs Are A Dicks Demise”
- Sparda
>on a coat
probably a month like Dante in DMC5
It's one of his Sin Devil Trigger moves. Just pops them out of existence.
>literally defeated Vergil in a fight
>stabs Vergil with his own Yamato
Marry her right now, Vergil.
But He need the Super costume to actually take them out again.
goddamn sometimes I wish I was Vergil. Fortuna thot has plump thighs. Trish is kinda boring now and Lady keeps ignoring me
Are you dumb?
Do you think DMC5 boosted the careers of the face models in any substantial way?
Most of them were relatively unknown prior to the game
Very useful on Furies.
Wait, what?
Literally he doesn't. Someone hasen't unlocked his tripple jump
can someone please screencap this post? will use it for future references
>yfw Nero's mom ripped Vergil's dick off and kept it similar to the scene with Nero's arm in dmc5
No, but I think you're making up abilities lmao.
I will not lose. Not to Dante.
Actually play DMC5 before commenting lad
my guy I'm betting Owen is getting at least 50 DMs of women thirsting over him everyday
It's called Judgement or something, the one SDT nukes everything
I have, and Dante doesn't blink people out of existence you absolute retard lmao. If he could it would make the whole struggle through the game seem retarded and pointless to begin with.
>artemis is a gun
>made by a hellsmith
> if you cool enough you can transform it into a battle unit
what's the problem?
it actually looks pretty cool
to bad I already got the nero jacket
Your retardation is giving me a headache.
>an explosion =/= blinking people out of existence
That move doesn't even instantly kill everything let alone blink them out of existence.
>Unleash all of your power at once, bathing nearby enemies in lethal damage. Expends all of your SDT Gauge.
Where did you get "blink people out of existence", from that? kek
Dante literally stops time and everything around him and nukes them. That's blinking people out of existence
And watch what happens when you unleash that attack you utter dumbass.
KEK, jesus christ
I do idiot and again the move being strong enough to one shot weaker enemies =/= blinking them out of existence, the same move FAILS to one shot the stronger enemy types. At this point, you're creating your own headcanon for abilities. That's Kratos tier levels of autism.
So it's similar to Sparda not being able to just erase Mundus' name then? well I'm glad we can agree on something.
>effect generation >Cut things into 2 without actually cutting >Literally Judgement cut without needing weapon
If you consider Behemoths, Queen Empusas Mundus level lmao
>first it was the Yamato autism
>now it's Dante's Sin DT moveset
please stop
>stop talking about the game
the fuck nigger go back to or
Talk about Vergil's Sin DT instead
Considering Mundus got spanked by DMC1 Dante then yeah I do.
Vergil's Sin DT is dumb, i hate the exhausts
Fuck off Fujo
It kinda rubs me the wrong way how they used the crystal skull as an example when it's pretty clearly just an oversight
Can we give ideas for what we'd want in dmc6. My idea is ,to evolve nero gameplay wise, make it so before a mission you can set a devil breaker to a d pad button so like style switching, you can switch between 4 devil breakers.
>signature move
For me it's
>dmc 5 yamato
>judgement cut / end
enough of this autism
an user wants to play DMC and it's his first time playing the game
But not the Nicki Minaj butt?
So, 5 was my first game but I went back to play 4SE since I wanted more DMC. I just beat Berial and ťbh, I'm dissapointed. If he's the "king of fire hells" why is he just a common boss that jobs twice?
Vergil and Nero as the protagonists to build up their relationship and have Vergil start atoning for his actions.
>roulette spin
Because 4 is a unfinished game, he would probably have a bigger role being Mundus son
I think he was only given that title cos he's one of mundus' sons, not cos he earned it
Don't want a sword, only nero's arms. They're the coolest ability in DMC
>red queen
>DMC1 shotgun
Vergi's got the right idea a Bayo crossover would be beyond shit.
>no dad for berial
wow dust is cruel
How did Mundus even make a son. I thought he hates sex.
It's a mistranslation
There's actually no proof Mundus was Berial's father, it was just said that Berial was heir to the emperor, which doesn't have to be a biological connection.
Jewish superpower?
>Virgin Dante
>The most powerful being in the DMC universe
>Father Vergil
>Just keeps losing
So I'm basically a lich? pretty neat
What the hell is Country-Metal?
Nico has some weird taste
Dante, shut yo ass up.
>The most powerful being in the DMC universe
I'm honestly ok with all the setup for Nero to surpass even the Sons of Sparda, he's grown a lot.
What do the numbers MEAN Nico?
>The user can slash through the dimension of time and destroy anything occupying that point in time, altering history by destroying certain objects, people, etc. Since the attack will strike at all temporal locations, this ensures a successful hit at a time when the target is vulnerable (i.e. before acquiring intangibility or immortality). By cutting open the time-space, user can either open up a portal to travel through time or control the speed of time depending on the cut's properties, such as severing the time's flow to stop it or slice a frozen time-stream to return it to normal.
Damn, I wasn't expecting to become so overpowered. Bring it on demons, I don't care.
Zoomer can't defeat their combined power. I doubt anyone can desu.
>mundus is still alive
Looks like a hex
Too bad that'll never happen kek.
You say that but DMC is practically a shounen anime and it's the most standard thing that happens in them.
To bad it already did.
>dt dante's performance against urizen
Why do people worship Sparda but not the brothers?
Nero is literally Sparda 2.0 at this point
Imagine if they stop pussy footing with his powers and go back to him doing Bayonetta shit in 6. That's my one gripe about 5, literally the whole game is him nerfed/without his powers.
I did appreciate Eryx at least being completely dedicated to punches.
>A fresh Cuckro needs a brand new DT just to beat an exhausted and worn out Vergil
He's talking about their careers, not about the models getting their dick wet
If you honestly think this you're not very bright.
>a fresh DT defeats an SDT who has ate an all powerful fruit to get more power
>all that text scrawled on the walls
Also nearly killed Dante with a bitchslap.
>Nero vs SoS is literally Dante vs Vergil 2019 edition
Oh the irony
Ok lets stop, we're going to trigger the severe power level autism in this thread kek
It's a bug with the buster arm.
better than gay spamming
BTW Nero is strong but not SoS strong, more like DMC1 Dante strong even being younger than DMC1 Dante. So he has potential
I wonder just how hard it was to defeat all of hell and seal the demons away in the first place?
Probably a hell of a ride.
>Nero = 2 arns
>Nero + DT = 4 arms
>Nero gets Sin DT and he gets EVEN more arms
>nero back handed by both, sits up immediately
>nero casually backhands Dante, blood is drawn and he does a 360
Dante is a mercenary, and it's possible that nobody even knows shit went down. News is probably "There was a huge fucking tower in the middle of the city, but then suddenly it fell apart, more news at 12, hail Sparda".
Sparda taught Dante well.
>already got the nero jacket
They really doubled down on Dante being almost hobo in 5 didn't they
Forgot the file like an idiot.
He's bad with money so it makes sense that he can't keep an office running.
He still looks great tho.
Now cut off your arm for the perfect prologue Nero cosplay
Is this the official Nero jacket or some that looks alike/bootleg replica?
brb gonna call my dad he has his Katana ready
The official one is around 8k USD, and has a torn sleeve. This is a replica. A good one, at that. Here's the link if you're interested.
It aint a Devil Arm
Godspeed user
based. Where did you get your burgandy jacket? I have one from amazon but its a half zip so its not like 100% acurate
dude holy shit we both bought from the exact same ebay seller
nero hivemind
Looks kinda longer and a different tone but i'm buying it anyways
Nero is a THICC boy. Even his neck is thick af. If this was an mmo
Dante = Physical DPS
V = Support
Nero = Tank
Vergil = Magic DPS
its pretty similar. I have a webm of myself wearing it but its a bit cringe because I do the matt walker face
Nero chads ww@?
It's a sweater from some local clothing store.
ah I couldn't find any near me. I'm thinking of doing a full cosplay with hair dye and everything this summer for a con my buddy is dragging me too. might end up just dying a sweater burgandy to save time finding one
In the model viewer I noticed that Balrog has a mouth in the palms of the gauntlet modes. Guess that's where he jabbers on from
Pyroportation? I guess I can jump around and annoy them if it's a fire demon
I know Dante long surpassed Sparda but I can't help but think about how badass it would be to be flying around killing armies of those demons all at the same time being a force of nature.
Urizen is cut Balrog and nobody can tell me otherwise
I wear a small. and the length is pretty good, I'm like 5'10. so I'd only get a medium if you're really tall or heavy. its considerably longer than the small
Can you coat fuckers go to /soc/ or something? this thread is for the game not for you cosplaying assholes.
based nerofag
thanks for the routines
Better than incest spamming
Here's Nelo vs Sparda in DMC4
glad you liked them. I actually made an excel sheet of my routine if people are interested. I've been working hard trying to hit my bench press goal before Christmas. I'm on 85's for dumbbell bench and I'm kind of plateaued. so I guess I need to EAT BIG TO GET BIG
Above average chances, I suppose.
Mission 10 achievement only works if you beat DMD and get that skill to not use any weapons?
Pizza = mass
you're damn right it is.
funny enough I had to get one yesterday because I was stuck inside writing a big essay last minute
Sparda was always smooth with the ladies.
how do i get slowmo fuck you again
it only happens the first time unfortunately
Shit, is it worth to delete the save file? I'm lost on blue/purple orbs too
Depends how much progress you have. Up to you. I decided not too
Mission 10 on SoS, half of human and all DH S ranked. I'm not sure if i should to
I'd probably just not delete it. Maybe like a year from now or something when you want to replay it you can start fresh
Just watch a replay. 2 seconds of amazement is not worth 10 hours of grind.
why didn't you saved me too mothier
fuck yeah I'm an edgelord just like my husbando
i just wanna be loved and protected
>not in a million years
>capcom has plans
can this mad men be stopped
The quantum ranger is always impressing us.
I prefer the Jack Frost posting.
I guess I'm Echida/Urizen now.
how to make curently equipped weapons always be visible on screen? in heat of comboing i keep forgeting what currently ranged i have equipped at that moment and start scrolling and it ruins everything
hell yes
Apparently I mastered trickster and Dark slayer at the same time and somehow infused it with every drug known to man.
new thread