It's been, like what, one day?
And we already know that Xbox Scarlett will be "more advanced" than the PS5.
It's been, like what, one day?
And we already know that Xbox Scarlett will be "more advanced" than the PS5.
Other urls found in this thread:
my dick stinky
Probably another $100 more as well then, they already claimed they will be losing $100 per console at launch
it doesn't need to be more powerful than the PS5 to matter, it needs to be more powerful than a good PC since they play the same games
Another win for the Xbros.
It may be less since Mike on a podcast kind of hinted that it could be less than the X was at launch.
Xbox will have 2 SKUs, 500 and 600. PS5 and the low end Xbox will both be 500, SUPER Box is 599USD.
I am not a fan of the combat in Heavenly Sword, Enslaved or DmC. So I don't really care about Ninja Theory continuing where they are at.
>XBOX Scarlett
I think you mean xbox SAD
>I hate fun
Too bad there's zero reason to own a console with no exclusives from a company that doesn't want physical games to be a thing.
>Windows 10 Store
That's not the Scarlett, retard, Scarlett isn't even part of the Xbox One family.
Nope, Xbox Scarlett Lockhart will be $299 or $399, Xbox Scarlett Anaconda could be $399, $449, or $499. PS5 will be $499.
>Windows 10 Store
Keep seething
Read the same shit in 2013 from "insiders".
Just your normal FUD from MS.
you do realise sony was literally planning on doing the same thing right?
You missed the part where they are releasing stuff on steam now, huh?
Why are Sonyfags from resetera and reddit on suicide watch when it comes to Microsoft and Nintendo news?
>This old shit that no one has ever proven beyond making massive leaps based off a vague interview line.
Not him but they only release old outsourced games on Steam, try harder.
I think we all know how it's gonna end up for both of them lmao
Fear. Defeat awaits.
343i already confirmed Infinite won't be on Steam.
They're hoping Steamcucks will use W10 Store for Infinite after playing the 15 year old ones on Steam.
The Xbox One X was over priced at 500, and the PS4 Pro was quite overpriced at 400. I don't see Microsoft having a single SKU worse than the PS4, only equal or better. So there is zero chance they can put out a 400 dollar box that is worse than a PS5 without making it look like a dogshit box not worth buying. Seems weird in the first place to have these SKUs when XCloud should be the big push.
>n-no they totally weren't already talking about how used games were fucking the revenue in advance i SWEAR and they also didn't literally copy xbox's online paid play requirement
But will it have games?
Lockhart will be equal or weaker than the PS5, Anaconda will be stronger than the PS5.
>I have no source yet I must scream.jpg
What about streaming consoles? What happened to the future?
>This desperate Xcuck delusion
Cuckhard will be $299, PS5 will be $399 or $449 and Snake Emoji will be $499 minimum. Book it.
streaming pile of shiit can run on any console of tooday, you dont need amazing hardware for it.
Six years on and you faggots are still pushing this discredited shit.
>ya our console is going to be pretty powerful
Xbox (sad)
I remember at least three times I've seen someone here make the same argument that guy is, then when pushed for a source come up with nothing but conspiracy bullshit, called everyone sony fanboys, then ran away.
haha yeah this patent sure had nothing to do with with microshaft was doing amirite?
I'm sorry I forgot Google exist.
>Loss Japanese games
>Loss hardware spec
Lol gaystation. just kill yourself
Meanwhile Sony confirmed they weren't doing any anti-used games DRM in February 2013, three months before the Xbone was announced.
I'm still waiting to shout "McDonald's!" before I can continue a game.
>was planning
Stay seething
>If there's a patent then that totally means they were going to do it!
>I have no idea what I'm talking about, but if it confirms my conspiracy shit even the tiniest bit after I hit myself eight times in the dick with a shovel, I'll buy it!
problem with patents is that you don't have to have access to the technology. RFid Chip in your CD sounds like terrible idea probably why it never caught on.
hey good point i have been unironically btfo i wasnt aware of this and it makes it even more astounding that microshaft went on with their plan, the ps4 still sucks though, like all consoles this gen
Oh yeah? I've got it on a good authority that PS6 is going to be even better than that. Checkmate, Microtards!
Not him but this is true, this is the first gen I skipped completely, I am getting the Switch Mini and Xbox Scarlett Anaconda though.
>he thinks there's going to be a PS6
How cute
oh yh bros i remember when the most powerful console of any given gen becomes the winner. I rememeber when N64 was "the most powerful console on earth" i remember when Xbox was "the most powerful console on earth" i remember when he PS3 was "te most powerful console on earth" heck and now Xbone X is the most powerful console on earth. Sure is the absolute deciding factor on who wins a gen, yep.
Who cares
Graphic dont matter anyway
I don't think it's Consoles at fault. PC games were also major letdowns. It Looks like AAA gaming is just boring this days and every normie is getting into them so GG I guess.
>It's that zoomer again
Why wait for the crappier Switch anyway? Get one now. Go on.
>It Looks like AAA gaming is just boring this days and every normie is getting into them so GG I guess.
this is the real problem, as with any industry normalfags have garbage taste and will make sure the most widespread content is also the shallowest
Fuck off, I only get Nintendo handhelds, Switch Mini is the 3DS successor and that's what I'm getting.
Xbone has better specs than PS4. Remind me, which one sold 92 millions units?
It is a handheld, you dumb queer.
>Meanwhile my 2013 PC is better than both
"Power" isn't just graphics. Something can have great graphical capabilities but suck at raw performance power. If you have the latest graphics card and a 10 year old cpu, you probably won't be able to play most games on high settings, if at all.
Man, you must be really salty that God of War on a puny console looks better than literally any PC game ever made.
Nintendo calls the Switch a home console the replacement to the Wii U, Switch Mini is based on the Switch's portable mode and will replace the 3DS, that's what I'm getting now fuck off, I wasn't stupid enough to buy the console on release. I'm buying it now because it's finally truly becoming a handheld like it should have been in the beginning.
Soyo of War looks like poorly modded Skyrim.
It doesn't though
The Switch is a hybrid console. Stop making excuses, Xfag.
so what you are saying, having a powerful CPU with powerful GPU will give you better graphics?
Neat, what games do they have?
Next gen console has hard drive. And there will be discless ps4
Wasn't the 360 more powerful than the PS3?
Not that guy, but what he's saying is that there's more to performance than polygons and textures. For instance, try playing Besiege - a simple-looking game your GPU will have zero problems with, but you'll still eventually choke on physics/collision and get single digit framerates.
games? sure, exclusives though? probably not
No. What sense does that make? If you have a weak cpu and good graphics card it means you probably won't be able to play on high settings due to the lack of raw processing power. It's the same if you reverse it. If you have a great cpu and weak graphics card you CAN'T play on high settings because the lack of graphical power. They should be balanced. Performance is better when it comes to games, I think, because you PLAY them and need to interact with them, but graphics are important to of course.
PS4 is less powerful than xbox, and we all know how that turned out
>CAN'T play on high settings because the lack of graphical power.
That depends on the game. of course. I'm referring to newer, bigger games. But smaller games usually don't need a strong GPU
It's telling how no one can respond.
It's more telling that you have to (you) your own posts because you're so desperate for attention.
Who cares. PC is still the king.
I'm desperate for a fucking answer. Why should I even care about ps5 for any reason than to stroke my e-dick? Tell me damn it.
>that first resposne
lol never change Yea Forums
Yeah and I'm getting the Switch Mini version over the regular version, Sony faggot.
Ah, the new console gen.
Maybe this year E3 will be fun after all?
>more powerful than the PS4
>no censorship
>Microsoft already making deals with publishers
>Jap devs will flock to it instead because Snoy has reportedly pissed them off
I will enjoy seeing Snoy fail next gen.
Nice job exposing how much of a poser you are, zoomer. You're never getting a Switch.
Well, no one but MS themselves and the devs know. There are rumors that MS has been interacting a lot with Japanses devs. But again we don't know and therefore can't answer. All I know is that they NEED better EXCLUSIVE games on the next xbox, and ONLY on the xbox; no crossing between PC. Why would I want to buy a console when I can just get the game for PC with all the benefits that brings? Don't get me wrong, the cross-over with PC is great for gamers but it's not really helping them sell consoles. And the games need to deliver; neither sea of thieves or crackdown did.
>force lionhead to make some f2p game with mtx to really soak those shekels instead of fable 4
>close them down after it's already mostly done
Microsoft deserved to lose.
Xcuck reddit fanfic falling over again and again always makes me laugh.
Unfortunately, Xbox's general manager is a SJW who even wears those tacky feminist glasses.
Nintendo should consider partnering with possibly Samsung to make a super powered console.
I am, I'm just not a dumbass early adopter.
what happend with xbox one x will be relevant for the next gen and are they going to screw it again releasing it much later when sony already control the market again?
I don't even own an xbox m8 I just want to see Snoy get obliterated I'd be happy if Nintendo were to do that to them as well.
I can't see it happening unfortuently as Nintendo themselves have gone on record saying they don't care to compete power wise with other systems, it's why the Switch is just a hand held Wii-U.
>I am, I'm just not a dumbass
>Microsoft releases Xbone 2 for winter 2019 getting a half years start on Sony
oh that'd be a hoot
Brand strength, solid price, and exclusives will always trump power.
Microsoft isn't hiring trannies for Xbox, Sonyfag.
Can't believe you're seething that I rather get Nintendo's better handhelds over their home consoles, keep seething, I get what I want, maybe next time you'll wait until the revision, retard.
Bad news, Xnig.
Do you just wait around with a dualshock 4 handle up your ass waiting for an Xbox thread to pop up?
How fucking stupid do you have to be to care about the Xbox after the Xbone
Pretty sure the next Xbox is going to be a cloud platform instead of a box, so yeah obviously the sky is the limit when it comes to power that way but it all comes down to how much you are willing to bet on always online and your connection being able handle it.
>Gets called out for being an Xcuck fraud
Typical bullshit. Take it to reddit if you want it taken seriously.
I plan on getting a bone when it's cheaper simply because it plays my 360 games and upscales them.
>Bu-but Snoy
Look at you seething fucktards. Can't wait for the Cucklett to be another fucking failure and another six years of your sniveling.
but will it run gentoo?
Combinations for a successful price point:
More expensive than rival, but weaker hardware: FAILURE.
More expensive than rival, but more powerful: WIN.
Less expensive than rival, but more powerful: WIN.
Less expensive than rival, and weaker hardware: FAILURE.
More expensive than rival, more powerful, but harder to progam for: FAILURE.
It's never been any other way.
Aren't Xboxes always more powerful than whatever Sony pushes out?
>343i already confirmed Infinite won't be on Steam.
[Citation needed]
Same shit over, and over, and over, and over, and over.
More powerful
About the same but way, way, easier to code for resulting in the best versions of multiplats
Weaker than PS4
>Bone X
Stronger than PS4 Pro
But will it have anime tiddies?
I know it's one of you resetera discord trannies. No need to play dumb and act like you dont cock ride Sony like that faggot Eric
But what's the point of owning a Xbone when you got a PC?
This is low effort live action advertising.
What's the point of any console when you have a PC?
>sci-fi game with a focus on melee combat
Did I just hallucinate The Surge?
Exclusives. Something the Xbone doesn't have.
That meme only comes true for brands with the smaller base which launch later than the competition, or have some type of obstructive gimmick like cartridges or the cell. Sony have almost always had the base advantage. Only time they didn't have it was in 2013, but then MS fucked up.
If a slightly more expensive, but more powerful PS launches in the same year as a MS one, PS will 'win' by default. MS need a year advantage, cheaper price, and easier-to-use hardware to compete. That's how they did it last time.
And I'm not even talking about the games. MS aren't where they were with the 360. They have next to zero console exclusives and all their good devs are gone. Unless Sony fucks up (probably will), they're gonna fail.
Kill yourself already.
Ninja Theory feels like an action game company that should be doing RPGs or adventure games instead. I'm not exactly an action game connoisseur and even I could tell there was something stiff about Enslaved's controls.
Wow a black woman, oh no, how horrible...
Now I see, you're that Sonyfag I just responded too with my post above, can't wait until Nintendo and Microsoft kill Sony nex gen.
>It's OK when Microcuck does it
And I know I'm dealing with the zoomer whose first console was a 360 and is longing for his middle school years. This harder while Cuckbox keeps being irrelevant.
We know they're both using custom AMD Zen 2 APU's, whatever they end up being won't be all that different from the other. Particularly because they can't actually push the graphics chip all that hard so long as it's built into the CPU.
Then again I never put it past Sony to fuck up their hardware after the PS3.
It kinda bugs me that Microsoft is releasing new Xbox consoles every fucking year.
>not denying it
lol dumb bitch
I'm already saving for my 3k dollar ship, aye aye captain!
well, they don't have any games to release every year
Cell processing help sony avoid piracy for a decent amount of time.
Anyone else getting "blast processing" vibes from the "ray-traced audio" thing?
No point, your obsession with your boogeyman Eric is too much for reality to disrupt.
that is true
PC is still king
ayo hol up
whats this?
>Indeed, the PS4 will have 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, while your regular high-end PC only has DDR3 RAM
>And if you can target to specific hardware you can make it run faster, too
what an absolutely abhorrent article
>tries to compare regular ram to vram when they don't serve remotely the same purpose
>flaunts that the game will be poorly optimized for PC and perfectly optimized for ps4
How long will it be until Sony has another interview saying its more powerful?
this is the time SONY might actually open a store on PC, PS5 is literally DOA, literally on the brink of defeat
Whatever happened to the PS4 being part of the "final generation of consoles" that would never go obsolete
Does it matter? it won't hit 60 fps run like shit temp issues anyways who gives a fuck LMFAO!
My first console was an NES, Sonyfag, try harder, go back to where you came from.
>Yea Forums loves consoles
>Yea Forums hates AMD
>their favorite consoles are AMD powered
You do realise you're talking to more than one person here, right?
Hardly. The hivemind is strong as fuck nowadays.
Xbone2 will have a more powerful and less powerful version
If anything you should be concerned that your entire fanbase is the same as one obsessed shitposter.
That's not a good sign you know.
>Triggered because everyone can spot his Xcuck gimmick
Maybe stick to the falseflagging instead.
Eric needs a permaban and his fanbase needs their own board.
>zoomers falling for the marketing hype yet again
Unfortunately no one can ban Eric because he hides behind proxies. It's like he's made it his life goal to ruin everything here.
Oh yea, a hivemind with two opposite opinions. You're retarded m8.
And if you faggots had the self control to just ignore career trolls he'd have left long ago.
$340 seems like a good price..
better hardware is alright but what it truly needs is more games. They need to invest in Studios. They already bought Ninja Theory and Bungie might return too.... Now just let them make whatever they want because MS has a tendency in meddling with their devs and forcing them to do stuff that they either don't want to do or that are not good at.
Also instead of wasting like 2 billions dollars on fucking Minecraft they could have made like 20 exclusives with all of that money.
Yeah because that totally wasn't the first thing everyone tried almost 7 years ago now.
I don't think you understand this but he doesn't do it for attention so the lack of it isn't going to be stopping him any time soon.
Yea I'm sure being infamous and talked about constantly isn't any sort of motivation for him.
It's not. His fame is a fairly recent thing compared to how long he's been here in other words it isn't a motivator. Even if that were the case he would have left years ago like the rest of them.
Personally I don't really care about specs and how powerful the system is, I just want a console that has good/enjoyable games. I skipped over the XBONE and got a PS4 because I didn't really see any games that appealed to me on it. I'd do the same thing to the PS5 if it has shit games.
XBox uncensored performance.
Microsoft is going to show something else besides the new cancer from Ninja Theory to make me interested, better specs or not
Xbox is completely fucking irrelevant and it doesn't matter how powerful it is
>xbos are into beautiful negrisses with the giant fro
based desu
wait wtf for real? I just sold my used one (just the console and and hdmi cable, no controller) for $350.00. That's a screaming deal
lol no they didnt
this but in english
Who care anyway, the californiastation5 is set to be garbage next gen, the only option is PC.
Microsoft can afford to lose more per sale to win back the market, Sony can't.
Imagine actually believing this
Thats cool and everything, but..
literally both are powered by AMD
>And we already know that Xbox Scarlett will be "more advanced" than the PS5.
So ps5 going to win?
Weaker console always wins..
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
Its time to fire phil spencer.
Thay launched the anime of senko this season bro, so far its good
>they only release old outsourced games on Steam, try harder.
quantum break is an old outsourced game
I dont know a single person who has an xbox right now
The first party games won't come to Steam.
2nd party and 3rd party games published by MS will come to Steam.
they keeo getting away with this horseshit because new zoomers keep getting born and born every generation, and they handwave the boomers that experienced every console generation telling them it's lies because "they know better" like zoomers tend to think
fuck consoles and fuck sony and microsoft, but especially sony
snoy of war looks like a ps2 game though
>ninja theory
I remember when new console generations had clear jumps in technology between each other
Based AMD grandma bringing high-end gaming to the third world
fuck crackers and FUCK Nvidia
Im not a poorfag and actually have a job so Ill just get both
Can AMD please hurry and put out SOMETHING
I want to upgrade from my 1070 but as long as there's no competition nvidia will keep jewing the fuck out of us, and I'm not paying those ridicolous prices.
MIcrosoft is incredibly assblasted that they fucked up the marketing of xbone so of course they're gonna triple down on power because that's the only thing they can do.
If the Playstation is defeated Sony will crumble as they have nothing else to support them.
not gonna happen, AMD to nvidia is what console to PCs are, perpetually outdated, cheap and janky
>See an article yesterday
>"PS5 is EIGHTEEN times faster than PS4!"
>This is based on a single load time
I've had amd for years now. No jank on my end.
Fuck no. I don't want sony or Nintendo to come to pc. They would HAVE WORSE PRACTICES THAN FUCKING EPIC. Stay in your contaiment hardware.
Will it have exclusives is the question?
Being powerful is okay, but it needs fucking games.
It doesn't matter, you just wait till AMD's tech gets good enough to play these games.For example, I only played GTA 5 back in 2018's steam christmas' sale.
lol this happens every time.
Still remember those gay viral marketing news stories from back in the day claiming that the PS2 would be capable of Toy Story level of graphics and that it was so powerful that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling PS2s to use as missile guidance systems.
they will re-remake the last of us for the PS5 again, don't worry
based ms
it just keeps getting worse for snoyboys
Chocolate queens > White roasties
could ms be so deperate that they clock their shit so high that every xbox comes with a watercooler?
X1 is 20% less powerful than than the ps4 gpu wise. Games like rdr2 run at 860p compared to the ps4 being able to run 1080p. Why are you spreading false information?
Oof how will xbone rap ever recover?
And X1X destroys the PS4Pro, while base X1 has a faster CPU, lower latency RAM, better graphics API through directx, makes more memory available to games, etc...
>ps4 is less powerful than the xbox
Why are lying?
Do you Xbox niggers really think that the windows 10 is the same thing as an xbone one?
No. Ps3 had very high advantage if the dev wasnt a complete cock about it. Look up techno buffalo console wars.
That's not true. 360s CPU is a tri core Cell minus the stupid, slow and hard to program SPEs. It can execute almost double the instructions the cell can
>muh shit CPU and DirectX
Back to Twitter
lmao cope harder Xcuck, 95 million sold vs 36 million, absolutely EMBARRASSING.
>coping this hard when faced with facts
I'm surprised Microsoft is opting to stay in the console race.
kek good one
>giving a shit about console sales
Unless you have a stake in the company, why the fuck would anyone care?
>X1X destroys
Wow a console that released a year after for $100 more is a better console. What a shocker. Its not like the ps4 launched months before for $100 cheaper with 20% more gpu performance.
Why would MS ever leave the console race? They have more money tha Sony and Nintendo combine and even with the xbone trailing in sales compared to the ps4, it still makes a lot of money, more money than Nintendo and Sony failures.
The cell was 8 core and would run circles around the 3 core xenon. The issue was coding for the cell which wasn't very user friendly for game devs. This is why the cell was popular for companies to turn into a super computer.
This reminds me when Yea Forums discussed how the Wii U was more powerful than the PS3 every day for a year.
>SPEs are cores meme
keep thinking that way retard
Nintendo isn't the same?
They are cores. Smaller ones but they are cores blithering idiot. Infact it had 9 cores total, 1 was disabled for best yields and another was used for the OS. So 6 was used for gaming and 1 main one was used for controlling it all. You can essentially make it a 6 vs 3 core cpu. The main issue was devs didnt want to take the time and code their games to have certain tasks run on a dedicated core. They wanted it easy that the xenon was making it so they only used the main core and left the rest to sit there doing nothing. This is why games naughty dog were producing wouldn't ever run on 360.
which Xbox 360 exclusive ran at 720p with 2xmsaa?
SPEs are not equal to a whole core. Combined they cannot reach the output of the Xenon's two extra cores
>Jap devs will flock to it instead because Snoy has reportedly pissed them off
I really wonder if the Japs will start using the xbox because of this.
We always hear shit about developers pushing that video games are an art. Why would you be okay for sony to be censoring your "art"
I'm finally at a place financially where I could drop 500 for something dumb like a console and be fine with it. I don't think I'd want a launch console though. Usually some fuckin issue with it. Maybe I'll just see if there are any games I want. doubt
Here’s a spoiler for you: No, Japanese devs will never give a shit about Xshit, beause it’s shit, and will continue to release gmes on Playstation and some on the Switch.
They'll drop the number before then. Not even certain it will be PS5. Maybe they go the Apple route and just have PlayStation (2020) or PlayStation (2022) etc
If I had money and talent, I would make a game filled with big titty waifus, give it an anime art style, make it have actually good gameplay, then release it on xbox, but never release it to Japan.
Don't you have a parade to attend?
The cells 7 SPE's each were indeed as powerful as the main core and xenon's cores. The issue was the ps3's gpu wasn't as powerful as the 360's but the SPEs would combat that since thats what their intended use was for. SPEs aren't good at random data like a regular core is which is why it used a SPU to control it all, essentially sending the data to the SPE that would run it better. So yes a SPE used as a normal SPU core would be dog shit compared to the xenon. This is what ive been trying to tell you, but if coded correctly and used like it's intended use it would run circles around the xenon. Once again this is literally why even the military used hundreds of ps3s for a super computer. Nothing of its time was as powerful with the price it was. I'm not going to deny the cell was a dumb choice but sony didn't expect devs to be as lazy as they were. Towards the end of the generation companies like r* were finally creating equally instead of just porting. Proved it when gtav performed better on ps3 than 360.
I dont have an xbox one x. The xbox anaconda is a day one buy one for me because of ninja gaiden black and 2 at 4K. I consider these 2 system sellers and the next xbox will be back compat with whatever is BC now. That is my case, call me a fag or not
The Xbox One was more advanced than the PS4 and look what happened
You're a fag or not
$0.05 has been deposited into your Sony wallet
lmao, cope.
Literally no reason to own a Xbox now. A PC running Windows, a PS5, and a new Nintendo console will be the holy trinity.
An Xbox is literally just a worse PC.
xbox still will not sell in Japan. They will not get many Japanese titles. PS5 will win and xbox will lose again.
Microsoft tries to be Apple. They fail.
Microsoft tries to be Google. They fail.
Microsoft tries to be Sony. They fail.
How are they still a company?
Except it wasn’t? Base PS4 runs games at 1080p that Xbone could barely run at 720p.
can't wait for polystation 5, console launches are always hype as fuck
americans everyone
It's not hard when 90% of all computers in the world run your OS.
The Japanese market doesn't matter. Xbox should focus on dominating the European and American markets. Preferably with lots of exclusives like Sony did. But they wont...
But didn't they give that away for free? How many people are buying into their "services"? Is it really just businesses buying into office?
Well, they also sell volume licences for the OS to companies, as well as the server OS. There's also Azure as an additional market. But Office is a huge cashcow for them. .
The OS isn't free. It's just included in the price of the computer when you buy it. If you're building your own, you still need to buy an activation key for the OS
Without the Japanese market you don't get the Japanese games and then all you have are the multiplats which Sony will be getting as well and Microsoft exclusives a handful care about. Even at its peak Halo was not able to turn the tide in Microsoft's favor and Sony still won.
It has been a few gens now. Expecting Microsoft to usurp Sony's throne is unlikely.
With emphasis on WAS
I know at one point they were giving windows 10 away for free.
You do know that ps now is a thing right? And Bloodborne was just added to the catalog, every ps4 exclusive will be available on pc eventually.
Tick Tock basedcuck
False. Xbox has NEVER made Microsoft any money. The division is a money sink, it costs more to keep open than it makes in profits.
look at all that powa and no gaems
Can someone tell me why people still buy consoles? It baffles me.
>easy to use
So is steam
>can use controller on a TV sitting on a couch
You can do all this on PC too, just buy a long ass HDMI cable and long ass usb cable for your controller.
>console exclusives
I'll give you that, but PC will eventually be able to emulate it and devs flock in droves to sell on the PC market.
Not really, you guys have to pay online membership and get worse deals on games. Also your console will be totally obsolete 4-6 years after release while a 20 year old computer can still play pretty much every PC game except the newest ones.
>less issues to fix
Yeah, but the issues that do crop up will be pretty much impossible to fix. 360 red ring? Instead of popping out the motherboard and getting one that doesn't have chink solder you have to pay microsoft to resolder it with the same chink solder.
Yeah, for about a year people who owned Windows 7 could upgrade to Windows 10 for free. I THINK you needed to own Windows 7 though.
Microsoft makes pretty much all their money by licensing software to businesses.
Also the Surge 2 being announced already
Normies are too dumb to pick up some parts and build a pc, consoles are not going away anytime soon.
Because you have to fuck around with PCs in order to play games on them. You're simply NEVER going to equal the convenience factor of plugging the console into your TV, putting a disk into it, and then playing it.
Even after consoles fucked up by emulating PCs and making it harder to get games, it's still easier in total.
The biggest issue is that nobody cares. Normies don't give a shit about playing the best games with the best graphics. They just want their Madden/CoD/Fifa/Fortnite machine and don't give a shit if it doesn't perform as well as it could.
> a long ass HDMI cable
I'm pretty sure wireless hdmi exists no? Valve released something like that
>You're simply NEVER going to equal the convenience factor of plugging the console into your TV, putting a disk into it, and then playing it.
Let's be real, modern consoles don't deliver that either. Not anymore.
Brand loyalty. It's dumb but you have people literally bowing down at Sony's E3.
And all you have to do to destroy a stupid narrative such as that is to look at pc performance with similar hardware.
How cares, they have no games to display their awesome power.
Xbox fans are so fucking weird. You people are battered housewives with no games and yet you always try to brag about MS at the first opportunity.
How's Crackdown 3 treating you all?
Oh no, Microsoft has black women instead of trany freaks, what ever will we do?
You have to fuck around with consoles too. Ever since last gen you got mandatory patches, installations, system crashes etc.
I was changing my red ringed xbawxes more often than I was "fixing" my PC.
>more advanced
>more powerful
How about these fucking faggots make some good games instead of dickwaving on power. Why does the PS2 generation have 100x more good games than the PS4 generation?
I hope so as well. Fuck game journalists, youtubers and other e-celebs.
>It's OK when Based Phil enables wokeness instead of just pandering
can't you do something else with that 340 buckaroos?
Not everyone is an Amerifat user.
Praying for another forest fire to consume your state, and an eternal drought everafter
Kill yourself faggot
>Ninja Theory
unironically PS3s linked together were used for cloud processing since thats all the retarded cpu design was good for
>especially sony
>All these Xcucks pushing their same boring talking points over and over because years of their shitposting didn't pan out
Go back to Twitter, Xnig
what's the point if you can play the same games on PC?
>imagine being so fucking poor that 100$ is an issue for you
I am saying this as an eastern European. How fucked you americucks are? Just how much? Superpower my fucking ass USA is third world.
Couldn't agree more. Abject bitches.
>Next-Gen Nintendo System Reportedly Weaker Than Original Gameboy, Same Price As PS5
Why even buy PS4? It's so fucking shit compared to XBOX. Exclusive games my ass shitty slashers for brain dead idiots and japanese trash. It's a well established fact that japanese can't do good games.
>no games
lol snoy fags are so delusional. Nobody fucking cares about your retarded snoy exclusives.
>hurr durr i wipe my ass with $100 bills all day erryday
good to know, damn shame someone doesnt put you out of your misery, you being a deluded inbred retard with no clue of the outside world n such
more to the point, japanese devs will never embrace xbox because japanese consumers will never buy an xbox. the sales figures for the xbone in japan are hilarious, they've only sold about 100,000 units there total in all this time on the market.
>The Japanese market doesn't matter.
meanwhile in reality, japan is making the best-selling and most acclaimed games right now while the west is shitting out flops like anthem and fallout 76.
I couldn’t give a single shit about Xbox so long as they aren’t making any exclusives (or at least any worth a damn). There’s little reason to buy a One over a PS4 for me
>PS4 is less powerful than xbox, and we all know how that turned out
Xbox X>PS4 Pro>PS4 Slim>Xbox S>Xbox One
And the 360 was a failure of a console for that reason.
500$ bloodborne 2 machine
The console does all of those things by itself. I see PC players saying this all the time, but it's just not true. When you play PC, YOU have to download updates, new drivers, patches, etc. When you have a console, it just does it automatically with no input required.
In actual reality westacucks shit out highly successful games such as RDR2 (23 million), TW3 (33 million), HZD (10 million), GoW (9 million), Spiderman (9 million), TLoU (17 million), Uncharted 4 (8.7 million) etc.
Amazing Japanese games like Sekiro, DMC5, Ace Combat 7 etc. are lucky to sell over 3-4 millions. And they don't even get as high score, praises and awards as those westacuck moviegames I listed above.
Yeah things are even worse this gen.
How's backward compatibility treating you? Still using your PS3 and PS2 a lot?
How's your game pass?
They're both going to use Zen2 and Navi. Microsoft will probably just clock them higher and use a better pricier cooling solution while PS5 uses Sony's standard small jet engine fans that are horrible.
PS5 ends up 10tflop and Xtwo ends up 11-12 would be my guess.
>every day
>$100 saved over 5-10 years is worth subjecting yourself to those years of subpar experience
it's like sitting on an uncomfortable chair and coping because you draw some arbitrary budget line
that slav is right
Jesus. Back then 3-4 million was pretty good for even big AAA games.
Xbone X is more powerful than PS4 right now.
Sure is more successful too.. oh wait.
some people are poor = everyone is poor
great logic inbred eurocuck
PlayStation and Square have a licenses to make or sub any Marvel Game. For those who thought Spider-Man was a one and done then proceeded to eat crow when Iron Man was announced, you haven't seen the end. There's so much more capeshit in the pipeline exclusive to PlayStation, that murdering Xbox would be as easy as announcing a Venom or Captain America exclusive.
Do you really NEED to upgrade from a gtx 1070? I have a 1080ti myself and I'm skipping the RTX cards. Games already run well enough on my 2k 144hz monitor no shilling out $1000+ for the overpriced RTX lineup. Hope AMD sells a better GPU at non-exorbitant prices.
>YOU have to download updates, new drivers, patches, etc.
When does that every happen? "Updates" and "patches" are the same thing and they're downloaded automatically. Games nearly never require you to update your drivers unless it relies on something like RTX and that's like two games. Even then you don't HAVE to.
>while a 20 year old computer can still play pretty much every PC game except the newest ones
>updates, new drivers, patches
Love it when obvious consolecuckies are just throwing shit hoping something sticks and ends up looking like an argument.
There is not a lot they can do unless is a lot more expensive. Is MS going to release a 599$ machine? The only reason the xbonex is a lot more powerful than the pro is the year difference. Launching the same year, 100$ more or less is not going to make enough of a difference to make the 100 million PS4 owners abandon that ecosystem, specially now that backwards compatibility is confirmed.
The 1080ti is still one of the best cards though, outside the 2080ti which is like $1500.
Well, i was staying with Xbox anyway.
>games i like the most
>controller i like the most
>xbox game pass ultimate
>ea access
PC gaming is just not worth the money were i live and all pc/indie games get console ports sooner or later. PS4 didn't launched a single really interesting exclusive for me the whole gen and i'm sure it will not change next gen, not to mention that playstation games are also available on pc trough ps now so it is pretty much in the same spot as xbox in that regard. Switch is really not for me, not a fan of bing bing wahoo games.
>games I like the most
Yeah, I guess if you prefer multiplats you’re better off playing them on Xbox vs PS4
This is why Nintendo was smart to just pursue a different gimmick. You could never be the most powerful forever.
Not him but realistically what is the MUST HAVE THIS GAME AT ALL COSTS for the PS4? I don't like From Software games. I don't like Uncharted.
i'll buy whichever is more powerful next gen. fuck playing at sub native resolutions. have you guys even used an xbone on a 1080p tv or a ps4 pro on a 4k tv? the games look like ass like vaseline has been smudged everywhere its so blurry. i guess i'm getting xbox 2 or whatever it's called next gen.
Shame the Xbox brand is dead due to no software.
>console GAYmers will never EVER have any FPS past 60
People like you are why the Switch is a 300 dollar 2017 release that runs most of its games at 20 fps and sub720p res.
Someone is mad Sony is on top and made GOTY last year.
If devs would stop capping framerate at 30, BonerX and Ps4 Pro could have hit 60.
What games?
I don't get the reaction from this news, the XBox one x is also more powerful than the pro but it's not like it's making it sell better.
BB cant even maintain a steady 24 fps, let alone 60, and that game is 5 years old.
>The first party games won't come to Steam.
Halo MCC is literally on Steam.
>Being eastern European and falling for the american CONSUME mememe
Using only fairly priced and high quality products are the hallmarks of intelligent investors and consumers. Waiting for a bit for the ps5 to drop in price and get a better model like most consoles do makes more sense. Until Then it's better to own a Mid high tier PC which gets most multiplats anyway. The more money you keep in your pocket the more disposable income you have to dress well or save for expensive trips while owning everything you want.
Don't be a tool.
Playing multiplats on PC is soulless.
Because MS abandoned games this gen to focus on next gen. No idea why they thought it was cool to release Xbone X when they did if there are no exclusives to take advantage of it. It's literally a multiplat machine.
5 years is pretty long in video game terms and thats an obvious exaggeration. The likes of Dragons dogma ps3 release it more accurate to that.
>at all costs
Not necessarily this. It’s just that what matters to me are the games available, and Microsoft constantly shoots themselves in the foot with this by also releasing any of the few games they produce on PC. Not only does Sony more often make exclusive games, but other companies like Atlus do as well.
I think MS knocked it out of the park this time with their hardware, despite the poor quality of 360s, so it’s just a shame.
As for the games that matter to me:
>Gravity Rush 1 & 2
>Persona 5 (just for the art and aesthetic, the gameplay is mostly neutral to me)
>Nier Automata (exclusive until it was brought to Xbox a year later)
>Last Guardian (meh, but it was a motivator)
>Rez Infinity
Just off the top of my head. I’m sure there’s more. Haven’t played GoW or Spider-Man. I don’t care about Uncharted
Only the Japanese release domestic sales numbers. The west doesn't.
To add, the only 2 games that really had me interested in an Xbox were Cuphead and Scalebound
PS5 will win anyway it has BC with PS4
>people give a shit about specs
>but not about games
Being powerful means nothing if there are no games to play.
ps5 will have backward capability no word on the new xboner
It especially doesn’t matter when that extra processing power is put to anything except higher, consistent framerate
It likely will to some degree, considering it’s worked as one of the few selling points of the One
ps3 bc with ps2 and ps1 didn't do shit for it
neither did xbone and 360 bc
no one cares about bc outside of echochambers like this. normies will buy the remasters and the proof is in the sales. the real selling point will be performance. if xbox comes out with highly rated halo and is more powerful in 4k for multiplats you can guarantee people will buy the shit out of it. no one wants to spend the same money on a weak console if there's a powerful console for the same money.
the nextbox will have full bc with the xb1 as well as the 360 and hueg games they have. they said this already. it was part of their "end of console generations" talk
that guy looks like my uncle
Guerilla Games was a mediocre developer pumping out Halo knockoffs for a decade. Sony gave them time and resources which led to the development of Horizon. I don't personally care for the game, but it sold well and is critically acclaimed. Why couldn't Ninja Theory, a developer with more success than GG historically, do the same?
As I lay next to my blue eyed Italian gf, I’m so happy I don’t have to wake up to a beast like this.
>imagine the smell
>she wears a wig or burns her big hair daily, which is disgusting
>Ass and tits will be blown the fuck out by the time she hits 40.
>ruining my handsome rugged white man looks
I’m good brah.
F sony for that shit. Fps game aka does not exist on 2005 slide had me thinking the ps3 would be a beast. I went with xbox again, but was wondering when this would have came out.
Deep down is the same from sony promising then not delivering.
xbox has no games
playstation censors all your games
consolefags are utterly cucked in the future.
says the neckbeard having a breakdown over downloading another launcher
but will it have BLAST PROCESSING?
>Another win for the Xbros.
what was the first one?
This one.
i pirate all my games lmao
>game pass
>play anywhere
>back compat
>most powerful console
dont be salty :^)
I just want a console that can plug into a PC really easily so I can play console locked vidja on my monitor/audio setup, preferably also with support for my 360 pad. I don't even care if its a glorified DRM dongle I just can't be fucked to set up an entirely different area for gayman.
but will it have that crazy new solid slate technology which is literally pixie dust and unicorn magic invocated by sony?
>says the scared Sony faggot
>why aren't there freaks with no dicks working at Microsoft, I don't want hot women
Fuck graphics I want SOUL
Says the desperate Xcuck false flagger
Won't the Lockhart hold gaming back since it's weaker than both the new PS5 and Xbox Anaconda but developers have to make sure their games run on it anyway?
>Xbox created DLC and paid online
b-but Sony was going to do it too
The fuck is lockhart?
gaming doesn't work like that. the xbox one doesn't hold back the ps4 they just downgrade the resolution on the xbox without changing the asset quality. pc gaming has been like that for ages. one guy might have a 2060 and the other might have a 2080 ti but they can both run the game at the same quality settings but the guy with the 2060 might have to settle for 1440p whereas the other guy can play at like 4k or whatever. it won't change anything. it will be a benefit to microsoft though as consolefags are cheap as fuck and they'll just go for the cheapest console that offers them a decent level of visuals.
No, think of it like a mid-high PC while the Anaconda is Ultra settings.
Another gay ass try hard codename for a new Xbox console. Remember when everybody was dicksucking "Scorpio" like the underage twat that they were and the fucking thing ended up being retardledly called "Xbox One X" LMAAOO
tl;dr it’s literally nothing.
Not that being THE MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE helped them this gen anyway.
>being this scared, I can't wait until Microsoft's Anaconda swallows the PS5 whole.
>being this scared
I can't wait until Microsoft's Anaconda swallows the PS5 whole.
>of Xbox
Can’t wait until the Switch sales eclipse Xbox One, real embarrassing console you’ve got there Phil.
>Not that being THE MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE helped them this gen anyway.
nigger the ps4 sold initially SOLELY because it was more powerful. the xbox was less powerful and even without the kinect bundle you were paying the same cost for a console which was playing games a 720p compared to 1080p on ps4. power is a huge factor in gaming and people who say otherwise are deluded.
>Thanks for the clicks, suckers!
>Power is the only reason we got blown out in 2013!
Thank fuck for the Switch, based Ninty coming along to ram Phil's hubris back where it belongs.
I hope Xbox wins so Sony is pressured to support bishoujo games again
Yeah I’m sure costing a hundred bucks more because of forced Kinect, or the abysmal reveal, or Sony making a mockery of their original Xbox One used content policies had NOTHING to do with it.
>the facts are a lie!!
stay mad
Based and prioritypilled
Don't forget five years of MS' first party studios being ground into shit by - you guessed it - our very own Phil Spencer, among other things! The Xbone's 2013 debacle was a number of factors all converging into one at a critical moment. Burbling "power" just means you never got that.
>Faster processing power higher on Xbox than PlayStation
100 million people seem to care. Don't worry Phil will deliver this time.
Guerilla Games are talented though
the xbox one has a faster processor than the ps4. that's an actual fact too. 1.6ghz vs 1.75ghz on xbox one.
Who cares about the Xbox One, it's the Xbox Scarlett that matters and it will be a repeat of 7th gen, Nintendo Switch up top, Xbox Scarlett in the middle, PS5 dead last, and you will have a mental breakdown like you did 7th gen but this time it will kill you.
Not the point.
>game pass
the only good killzone game was 2
pretty based actually. trying out monster hunter now. wasn't really into mh games before this but i'll probably get it physical now that i've played it and seen how good it is.
crackdown 3 came out though.
Too bad it's worse than the first game.
How much were you trembling as you typed this?
I think you're the only scared one here.
>Fucking nothing.gif
Didn't stop most games having better framerate on PS4 either.
You're gonna be so mad when the Cucklett comes dead last YET AGAIN.
ps4 gpu was more powerful hence the "higher resolution" being the top factor for ps4 sales
How does Ninja Theory stay in business? They've never once made a good game.
Better say some prayers buddy because so far Sony has finished ahead of Xbox every time, even last gen where Microsoft actually had a chance.
Uh huh
But the PS3 never outsold the Xbox 360.
Of course they didn't. PS3 owners didn't need to replace their consoles. Xbox owners at one point were replacing them once maybe twice.
PS3 was more powerful than X360 too. And look how it's turned out.
>a 20 year old computer can still play pretty much every PC game except the newest ones.
why are you lying?
it actually wasn't. the 360 gpu was miles better than the ps3 gpu and the xbox 360 cpu was basically 3 ps3 cpu stuck together without those extra bits which were hard to develop for.
>Source: some Xbox shill on Twitter who admits he has no new info
Total yikes bro
>Next-Gen Xbox Reportedly More Powerful Than The PS5
Both will most likely be based on comparable AMD APUs
Even if Xbox one is slightly more powerful, it probably won't make up for the lack of exclusives, which will most likely launch on Win 10 too.
Will still both be less powerful than the latest PCs. Who cares.
Um, excuse me you dumb fuck.
Doesnt Mircosoft already have like 2 consoles out that are stronger than the Ps4 Pro?
And you dont seem that helping them at all
Oh right, no fucking games
it's causing insane butthurt from sony fans though. they first didn't care about power when xb1x came out, then they did when the wired article came out and now they don't care about power again. i don't know which one it is.
Microsoft is the EGS of consoles.
They're a bunch of retarded "how do you do fellow kids" boomers who think they're hip and know how to out market Sony nowadays.
It did, idiot.
The PS3 had a much greater CPU and that's it. The GPU was about the same and the RAM arrangement was a massive bottleneck. It's similar with the Xbonex: they put in a massive beast fire GPU but then used the same fucking (slightly modified) Jaguar CPU to cut costs.
provide official sources then
>Hurr durr y u talk about powah wiff new gen
People are laughing at Xbox shills like Bowden for a reason.
Using Google is hard, huh?
except they're not. go on resetera right now and see the asshurt in the xbox thread about the same claims. it brought all the sony shills out of the woodwork. a literal who managed to do this so it proves they do care about power and when even a literal who says xbox will be more powerful they start screeching about it.
To be fair, "muh puwah" is pretty much the only reason for Xbox's existence now that Halo is a bust and because MS is a richer corporation with more resources. So when they worry they might get pipped again, it's all hands on deck for the usual Twitter crowd.
Google, retard, first result
You're a faggot. 6 year old news.
meanwhile in 2014
and sony sales were behind that by a whopping 4m just a few months earlier
and sony didn't sell 4m in the whole of 2014
>calling out and mocking a clickbaiter
This must be that renowned Xbro reading comprehension. It's not surprising, you don't appear too sharp.
who are they mocking? they are asshurt as fuck and are on full damage control. go and read it for yourself or stay in denial.
History repeats itself.
>"Damage controlling" dressing up some loser spinning the same Phil Spencer IOUs as hot details from his own sources
Oh look, it's Ainsley Bowden. Piss off back to your pissant website.
Because a neckbeard not liking something doesnt mean everyone else dislikes it too
Xbox learnt their lesson with xbox one, this time they will make 100% sure scarlet is more powerful than PS5, xbox is been very user friendly recently (because they're loosing) and that new game pass+ xbox gold for 14$ a month is a heck of deal, if scarlet can be backwards compatible with all xbox consoles, offer a nice lineup of first party exclusive and a powerful machine at a competitive price, you are in for some real competition this time
they just acquired a big fucking load of dev studios to work on games for scarlet so pray that sony has some nice movie games to back this up
Sony stopped releasing PS3 numbers when the PS4 came out, which was in Nov 2013.
>no reponse
as i thought. also we can safely say you're one of those resetera posters and is maximum asshurt right now. stay mad. MS doing a wonderful job if people like you are getting worked up over nothing.
>Xbox learnt their lesson with xbox one,
the SAD wants a word
No surprise that this MS shill is borderline retarded. They ain't bringing their best.
either way last known official sources from both have the 360 ahead. anyone claiming otherwise is basing it on pure speculation or wishful thinking.
xbox digital is still xbox one. next gen is not the same as this gen unless you think all companies are the same and in that case you must have thought sony would charge 599 for the ps4 because the ps3 was that price right?
I'm guessing
>$499 again
>A lot of ranting about TF numbers and dumb buzzphrases like "higher quality pixels"
>The practical results don't match the hype
>Another mediocre launch lineup
And Xbros will eat it up like the mongs they are.
>reading comprehension
the SAD is just a quick money grab to get rid of more unsold xboneS, they literally just removed the disc drive and printed a new case with no disc sleeve, the fucking sata port and eject button are still inside the fucking thing alongside a open space where the DD used to be, its not even a revision
thanks for ignoring the xbox one x, the latest revision they released after the S and it a complete correction over their past mistakes
Xbone SAD is a budget redesign for people who want to access the system's library at the end of the generation but don't need all the bells and whistles. Just like the NES 2/AV Famicom, SNES jr, PSone and Wii mini. How is it proof they haven't learned their lesson?
>$250 rrp when you can get an s for $190
>shit bundled games
exercise your brain a bit haha
Yup, budget shit like this always releases at the end of a console generation. Nothing new.
>european markets
xbox already has a stranglehold in the uk which is the biggest gaming market in europe. like no one here buys ps4 unless they're norther paki or indian. pretty much 90% of the people i know who don't own a pc owns an xbox. the 360 outsold the wii and ps3 here. ps3 actually came last in 7th gen.
>implying Sony isn't the biggest faggot when it comes to brag about hardware raw power
>ignoring the infinite power of the cell
>ignoring the 8gigs of ram por PS4 listed as a huge selling point in 2013
>ignoring that they JUST released a "sneak peak" talking about 8K, ray tracing and "no loading" level SSD that's faster than the fastest PC SSD available on the market right now
>implying PS4 was anything but a fucking snorefest
>implying sonygros are not defending terrible anti consumer practices and censorship right now
i dont like xbros at all but sonygros are a bunch of fucking cuck sucking hypocrites, holy shit
>release MCC on steam as full price title instead of gamepass like it is on xbone
>steamtards actually cheer over this
The Xbone S sea of thieves bundle MSRPs at $300 (xbox.com
>implying PS4's launch line up was anything but a fucking snorefest*
this isn't an official source. even ign has their own speculation and said ps3 sold 88m. in reality the last known numbers have 360 ahead. either prove that wrong with sony sources or don't bother posting.
>listing the M$ store price
you can get the S on amazon for literally 20$ less than the SAD and with a newer game than anything M$ is bundling with the SAD
Nice excuse, Microsoft replaced broken Xbox 360s for free.
holy kekerino
it will take time for the price to adjust for 3rd party sellers. when it has adjusted it will be $50 cheaper by microsofts own words. they mandate a $50 cheaper digital edition.
Not him but
>xcuck this triggered over a ps5 soft reveal
buckle up buttercup, it's going to be a long, grinding two months before e3
hopefully the 250$ price tag is just a place holder kind of bullshit pricing so it doesn't look they're devaluing their hardware that much
i think we will see later this year the price on amazon being permanently discounted to 200$ or so, honestly the SAD should be more than 150$
Does anyone seriously care about this?
Console wars only really mattered when most of the games the consoles got were exclusive.
Now there is about 10 games which are exclusive per gen and all the rest are crossplatform.
So what's the trolling about?
>the last known numbers
>Doesn't post them
Keep lying your way out of your lie, most 360 "sales" were rrod sales because the 360's failure rate was 50+% with anons having to re-buy 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th+ 360's
Last gen wasn't even a war, it was a slaughter, microshit just pays off the media to convince idiot shills that they were competing
>stranglehold in the uk which is the biggest gaming market in europe. like no one here buys ps4
It has a fat lead over the Xbone and the Switch is on course to knock Xbone into third too.
how are you even assuming i'm an xbro? kek
oh yeah E3, the one Sony announced to completely skip? fucking embarrassing
i posted them in my first reply you retard and how retarded are you? the og 360 was only out for like 3 years with the slim coming out in 2009 which completely removed those issues. educate yourself.
lol i already addressed that in the post he replied to, it's clear he's a bit thick
Imagine seething this hard over kideo games. Holy fuck who cares about any of this shit. Just buy a console or a pc and play some games, no one in their right mind gives a fuck what platform you choose.
ps4 is only ~1m ahead of the xbox one
switch is around 4m behind the xbox one
uk is always xbox country which is good. ps3 was so shit you had people selling them for £50 when mw2 came out. i got mine from some guy selling his ps3 in a fucking burger shop.
>lays next to an italian
>tries to say ebony goddesses smell
You're smelling much worse on a daily basis my brother.
what the fuck are you doing in a fucking console war thread in that case fucking faggot, go back to plebeddit or take your own advice
>how are you even assuming i'm an xbro?
the nauseating amount of damage control you're doing is a big giveaway haha
>ps4 is only ~1m ahead of the xbox one
M$ stopped reporting xbone sales numbers out of shame years ago, i will need some actual sources on that one
last time anyone mentioned sale it was around 30M, switch might actually catch on xbone before it gets anything but close to ps4 numbers
The thing about Xbox is PCs exist.
>the og 360 was only out for like 3 years with the slim coming out in 2009
Thanks for reminding me, the 360 was out out a full year ahead of the PS3 and still got out sold, that with 4 years? of shit unreliable hardware that forced its dumb fanbase into buying multiple consoles
As i said, it wasn't even a war, and what war do we have today?
>Sony vs Nintendo
Microshit isn't even in the picture anymore, Embarrassing
PC is irrelevant.
>being poor
prove to me the ps3 outsold the 360 with sony's official numbers. i'll wait. for every post you fail to respond with what i want i'll buy a full priced game on the xbox because i just got 200 for easter which is fucking nice.
>xbox already has a stranglehold in the uk which is the biggest gaming market in europe. like no one here buys ps4
>ps4 is only ~1m ahead of the xbox one
Which is it then? Can't forget the massive disparity in multiplat sales either. LOL "Xbox country," not for like six years now.
>its just UK numbers
>implying anyone cares about bongs
how are those sand niggers working for ya mate? got a license to share that link here?
you do realise that pc market share is as big as the big three combined
Just saw your cringey post browsing the threads and thought I'd pop in and call you a fag.
xbox isn't even selling that well in the US. its selling as well as it is in the Uk because people here like xbox. compare uk to the rest of europe and xbox has sold like 10x as much in uk compared to like germany.
But it ain't part of console gaming so stop acting like it is.
i dont think any PC gamer has ever pretended PC is part of the so called "console gaming"
pc doesn't have physical media so as long as xbox exist and microsoft puts their game on xbox with limited collectors edition and all that i'll buy it on xbox. i like having my physical disk and special editions. i bought a spiderman steel book edition and it's on the top of my shelf it looks good.
yeah it is better than that
>imagine playing shooters with sticks
Many of the xbox 360's Microsoft didn't replace and owners had to pay out of pocket for new ones.
PC will always be ahead of consoles.
Name one game that normies enjoyed that was developed by Ninja Theory.
people have managed it just fine since xbox/ps2 days. who the fuck cares.
There is that one guy that comes into console threads stating that the only people that buy console are those too stupid to build a $3000 PC.
You know that how?
>It's powerful guys!
Just like how the Xbone is supposedly powerful too and everyone shilling the shit out of it claiming it'll be about the same level as a pc,only to be a forgettable piece of shit? I don't trust both these consoles claims
the xbox one x has become the go to console for console multiplats if resetera is anything to go by. it has big influence over there.
I mean if you're using 4+ CPU cores most of the time and implementing DX12 well the Xbox is pretty speedy
lol this comment will brainwash a few burger flippers to prove they're not poor
Good job, fucktard. Keep it up.
why waste your money on the inferior product?
when will you guys actually win tho
can i say i am just incredibly happy consoles are upping each other on performance rather than exclusives, shitty features no one truly wants ( like sharing, streamshit, TV integration), or gimmick controllers?
stronger consoles will drag the PC games down less than weak consoles.
let's just hope the whole raytracing meme on consoles will get ditched fast since that could destroy all the progress in performance.
Why are you shilling and trying to make me waste money on a $5000 PC, I'm fine with getting an Xbox Scarlett Anaconda and Switch Mini next gen.
>stronger consoles will drag the PC games down less than weak consoles.
How so? Just have the PC ports have higher settings available if your machine can handle it. Or develop the PC version and scale it to consoles (if that's even needed).
>Ass and tits will be blown the fuck out by the time she hits 40.
Not with black women who eat well and excersize. They have high sex drives and young bodies till they are 50. It's only American soot skins that age like shit because they eat shit
he's not wrong tho, you're just proving him right by using the "all PCs are expensive and hard to build" meme
better games, better graphics, better performance, cheaper games, more options, better community
that is why I "shill" pc gaming
I dont really care why you want to play on console and you are free to do that, but pc gaming is better