What is your favorite Capcom game?

What is your favorite Capcom game?

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have sex 2


The one where my head is between her legs. :^)
Asian pussy>all



Mega Yikes

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Okami but Capcom makes so many series I love they have to be my favorite developers

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Deadrising 2

its true though
asian girls are cuter than white girls

Stay mad tranny.

Nobody wants to befriend seething losers bud.


monster hunter 4

>post pic of a cute girl
>everyone on /v seethes
Why are there so many trannies here now?

This is an objective fact

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>No Photos

was this man executed for his transgression

disgusting plastic whore.

Her shirt is true. She must know how many "people" loathe her for simply being beautiful.

I loathe her for being korean.

I will, I gave up and booked a big tiddy escort for Saturday
Wish me luck

Why, they're the 2nd most attractive women in the world.

Korean ladies are GOD-tier.

Taiwan is a western imperialist lie, it is just another provence of the People's Republic of China

Dead Rising

pls respond

It's a more pure China actually. China is pretty much becoming the mutt of east Asian countries.

It probably just means no photos of the game being demoed in the booth or something. Not the girls.

Anyone else smell arbys?

this man is 30 year old korean

don't pretend to be me

Attached: classic.png (806x844, 1.26M)

Never knew they relesed a second one

Night Warriors

t. Worker ant #13951951895198

Dragon's Dogma
Favorite by far.

Holy fucking shit my sides

This is your example? some asian girls can be cute but this is some ugly shit, kys yourself k-pop brainlet

There may be SOME ugly Koreans but ALL trannies are ugly. :^)

How can i get a Japanese gf in Serbia, bros?

based and red-pilled

That's synonymous with some Koreans not getting plastic surgery.

Keep telling yourself that tranny.

Anyways my favorite Capcom game is 3rd Strike.

lmoa more like turd shite LOL

I'll have you know Tencent has put a bid in for Yea Forums, so you better stop with the anti-chinese rhetoric unless you want to get banned


Have sex

This is hate speech
I already have your IP address and I've reported you to the local authorities
I've also put you on a blacklist so if you ever visit China you can expect the authorities to take you out for tea and a chat

Resident Evil 2

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This, but unironically.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
Resident Evil REmake.

capcom girls~

Give me a quick rundown on this man.

starcraft 2 player called classic

>not a single RE girl

Seething incel

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what game?

Yea Forums is AGRESSIVELY homosexual, the problem is people think "homsoexual = fairy" and it doesn't. The people you post with here are as shitty as you or me except they hate women and want to fuck pretty lads assess when they are done. Why do you think as the new gen has become more accepting of open homosexuality that places like Yea Forums have become more anti women and anti girls getting on girls while faggot link taking it up the ass in a dress threads hit bump and image limit?


Escorts are great. Just unplug your brain and don't think about anything else than the fugg. Otherwise you will be disappointed. They aren't therapist or your girlfriend.

monster hunter stories

Looks like Monster Hunter Stories

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From the thumbnail that looked like a cute black girl.

They seriously need to stop making these


>He thinks white girls aren't exactly the same

>if I post a woman wearing a costume and playing up the transformation it means all asian women are ugly!
You are not very bright are you?

post more

Yea Forums has also become more anti-sissy trannies kys btw sissy tranny shit 40%

>pulls off her nose like a strip of goo

okay post the vid not the greentext

greentext is obviously yellow

Cope and seethe
Have sex, incels

God i wish that were me

im so fat

>b-b-but ignore all that because we pretend we dont fuck traps and call people tranny

Yea Forums is gay as fuck my doot. You aren't convincing me it isn't. There has never been such an overwhelming disgust for sexy bitches as there is now on Yea Forums.

This goes way beyond just simply makeup though...

as usual; crackers on suicide watch

How can asians even compete?

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Well until recently the only Capcom game I regularly played was Ace Attorney but I recently got into Devil May Cry which I also quite enjoy. So It's one of those.

Disgusting kimchi plastic whore
Even Tenga is more human than korean whores

>no nudes

Hand over the sauce. NOW.

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based and red-pilled

Mega Man 9

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links are somewhere near the bottom

she needs to eat more, even with all that frill her hips are nonexistant.


You're clearly not a woman, you're to aggro to be, so what's your angle?
Why is the concept of men being attracted to and possibly preferring asian women offend you so?
How can that possibly harm you in any way?

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She has pretty shoulders/clavicles.
It's not buried under a fat triple chin like you.


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they're bony as fuck. if the holocaust survivor look is your thing, that's fine, don't project onto other people though.


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You are actually mentally ill. Dont go shooting any schools.

gabgom :DDD

Okami and Hiryu Strider 1&2


it's getting old. time to come up with a new one lads


why do you respond to obvious shitposts?

why am i?

What's your angle, what motivates you to do this?
I could only think up a few people with possible motivations that make sense, that would take the effort you have.
White jealous woman, which you are not.
Asian man trying to dissuade other men from going after asian women but I don't think that is the case you wouldn't put down asian women to accomplish this.
Finally white man who doesn't like the idea of race mixing but nothing indicates that.
I don't think any of these are you, which means you are most likely just a nonsensical nutjob.
Is it true then, are the other anons accusing trannies of doing this correct? It would line up with you being a nutjob, since that's what trannies are.

Why don't you visit Asia, user?

I'm sure you will find a lot of cheap games here.

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I want to go back

Your ilk should be locked up before you shoot more people because you can't get laid.

If you're white, having yellow fever is probably the most pleb shit possible and means you're probably underage.


Again with this, why does me asking why you do this make me a school shooter?
You are psycho right, something is broken in your head?

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Luckily I'm black my nigga

This is photoshopped. Here's the original

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two nukes weren't enough

unf time for JAVs


that is a man

Crotch area seems to be edited.

goddamn shes cute
Marvel vs Capcom 3, or Third Strike, or Maybe Resident Evil Revelations 2

King of muhfuckin Dragons bitch.

that's china (or as I like to call it insect colony)

see you in 5 minutes

There is a 90% chance you are an American.

why the hell haven't we nuked them yet


Nope, British we got America and Austrailia out fatted

Might have to censor that for Snoyfans

Whats even the point of this

why is there always a guy looking at his phone in the background for these photos?

Kek cause I'm an Australian. I disagree but based nonetheless.

>I can see you changing me
>I want to take my clothes off
>Tear my mouth and nose off and take out my eyes

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>it's actually Paul Dano in disguise
Holy shit!

god navels make me hard

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You'll find people looking at their phones in most places now.

I want to explode in her mouth desu senpai.

>Great Jaggi
excuse me, what?

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Have sex 3 is obviously better

no she would protest constantly

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