The Minish Cap is a cute, CUTE game

The Minish Cap is a cute, CUTE game

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Oracle of Ages is the best 2D Zelda


it is unironically the worst zelda outside of the 3do zeldas

God why can't they make a properly new 2D Zelda? ALBW was pretty good but far too derivative of LttP, and now they're literally reskinning LA. Do they just not have any creative people working on Zelda anymore? Is that why BotW had the same Link/Zelda/Ganon schtick despite supposedly being a reinvention of the franchise?

Easiest game in the series. Didn't die once until the final boss.
Kinship pieces is a bad mechanic.
Otherwise, thumbs up.

Giantess is a shit tier fetish, kys

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Why does almost everything from the Aonuma era feel completely rushed? Ironically the two that don;t (Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword) are both ultra shit.

Pinnacle of soul right here

The 2D Zelda with the best visuals, like holy shit is it good-looking

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you're unironically a faggot

Based and redpilled.

Best 2D Zelda
>god tier visuals
>god tier dungeons
>great item variety
>tons of shit to collect
>comfy as fuck
Easily my favorite Zelda game.

>Light Arrows
Fuck this game

You ever do a triple frontflip when jumping out of bed, lads?

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what was wrong with kinship stones? I liked them as a kid.

how do emulate? or i'll check around for a gba copy to play on my ds lite


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>Hey kid I hope you like searching Hyrule after every major event because someone suddenly decided they wanted to trade
>Also hope you saved the old man in time :^)

>how do I emulate a GBA game

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>Capcom Zeldas are the best ones
Really baffling

it was my first video game


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you need to have milk and pegasus boots equipped, then run into a wall for 1000 times so the milk becomes butter, then use the butter near the cats to lure them away. Then he can build the third house

It's not like Farore needs one

>not doing a 3 heart run

>you will never be lonely Malon's cute Minish friend

i remembering stealing money from my mom to buy this game when it first came out.

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Ezlo is best sidekick.

>10/10 spritework, animations and concept
It oozes with SOUL.

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I never finished it because I was playing on an emulator, and there was a spot in the (apparently) final dungeon where it always crashed.