>collective asshurt of virgins is heard around the world
based sony
Collective asshurt of virgins is heard around the world
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
Gee, oh I wonder who's behind this post?
have sex
Oh no.
Whatever will I do without my shitty hentai """"""""""games""""""""""?
I never understood why people have a problem with anime and weeb games if you can just ignore them. Nobodys forcing you to play them so why do you care that people enjoy them?
Because pic related. It also explains console wars, launcher wars, most fandom wars and in fact a lot of our culture.
Hmmm... just a while ago Snoys were still going all "Haha Playstation is best, we got all the based weeb games, enjoy your western trash"
Now that Snoy is censoring them harder than anyone else and JP devs are starting to jump ship suddenly Sony fans don't want weeb games no more and only like western games...
Kinda strange.... weird how this happened...
Personally while im against censorship I dont see how this time it's a bad thing since they're just fucking with titty shovelware.
Wait... you were expecting Mature Content in an M Rated game?
>Personally while I am against censorship in general I think it's okay as long as they censor games I personally don't want to play
Think about what you just said
This is the real fucking joke. Fuck California.
Based retard
based snoy ruining themselves
Yeah that's what I just said because I think getting rid of them will only make japanese games less shit in general.
I was a "Sony fan" until they started doing this shit. I didn't participate in the dumb wars on here or shit on other platforms or be a child (I own a Switch as well) but I still didn't feel that bad about owning a PS4. This has made me reconsider that though and it sucks.
Worst part is my best friend, we basically keep in contact nowadays via games since we live on opposite ends of the country. If it were up to me I'd just build a good PC instead of getting a PS5 but I know that my friend won't do that.
So you support censorship?
>"i wish the US was just like japan!!!"
>sexual content gets censored
>"no not like that"
*sips tea* really makes you think huh?
Can someone please tell me what the fuck Sony is doing?
>starts to censor everything
>focuses hard on VR
>nothing but cinematic experiences anymore
>says things like "why would people want to play older games?" when asked about backwards compability
>blocks crossplay with everyone else
Nice fucking strawman, especially because these games weren't originally censored in Japan to begin with.
In this particular case yes. Even if you wanted to play this trash you could still do it on your own on the Internet. Giving less options for them to pollute gaming is a good thing imo.
But they are not censored in Japan?
I want to punch this person.
porn is censores in japan
It's better that way.
remember when basedgers said paid online was bad? then when sony did it, they started calling everyone complaining poorfags?
I also remember when Sony fans laughed at VR shit, then Sony started doing it and now even made it one of its main focuses and now they go all "h-haha yeah it's great I'm loving it..."
really makes you think
>still releases pedoshit anyway
But at least they put a white bar over the nudity! Sony cares!
Japan only censors genitals
A dumb law no one wants to be the one to speak out against but still, that's where it stops
Why would they even bother putting that shit on consoles anyways? It's already censored to begin with since there's no sex scenes or whatever.
I just don't get the point.
Take any random anime ecchi game with lewd scenes rated M
Why would Sony have to censor this to begin with? Surely not for the sake of poor kids who might end up playing it and end up scarred for life over seeing some drawn nipples or butts. It ALREADY is rated. Clearly the content is appropriate for whatever age group and up the rating board has decided on.
None of this makes any sense.
Besides, whatever happened to "don't like it, don't buy it"?
The fuck is wrong with you? It's a fucking quote that's ambiguous, how many normalfags like yourself you think will get it? I doubt you're in company.
Stop waching porn you degenerate normalfag.
>NOOOO stop calling me snoy!
>buying vns on console
why tho? Even before Snoy went full Christian suburb mom the games were already censored anyway? Why not buy lewd games from places like dlsite, mangagamer, or nutaku instead? Those sites are specialized for this stuff. I would say steam but they are also going the Snoy route too.
back to resetera
The Sony fanbase, everyone
Hi user, I think you might want to check out this server.
>Business is going perfectly
>World is eating out of the palm of your hand after the wii u and xbone blunders
>Decide to move HQ to california for god knows what reason
>Japanese devs hate you now and want to work for other consoles.
You don't understand American /pol/tard teenagers. They are just as puritanical in personality as the SJW retards.
What? I mean the quote sums up an attitude which is fairly common, that simply being successful is not enough but that people you don't like must fail. I don't understand your response.
>censoring is based
more proof that Sony successfully indoctrinated a whole generation to hate pro-consumer decisions
>being so incompetent and pathetic you need others to fail to make yourself look good because you’d be shit otherwise
>how can you nintendies allow treehouse to censor your games so much?
Go away Billy you fucking shill shitter
This thread was made by someone who needs a dilation station
I feel like it's law that whoever is on top has to fuck up afterwards
See MS after Xbox/360
Nintendo after Wii
Sony now
You guys can't just pretend this never existed.
>>Japanese devs hate you now and want to work for other consoles.
Nice delusion. Only shovelware devs get fucked with this. And that's not a bad thing.
Okay retard
Dilate, Kotaku shill
>No argument.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Seems less cringe to me.
Here you have people who were tired of cinematic trailers with zero gameplay who are happy that Nintendo put an end to that and gave us hours upon hours worth of unedited actual gameplay at E3.
On the other side you have Sony guys now actually celebrating censorship and VR cinematic experiences.
how is this at all related to the thread though user?
You are literally /pol/taku
Thanks i added more to my Filter List.
why would you buy nekopara on console? the game is already censored anyway, you don’t get to fuck chocolate and vanilla.
have sex
Typical Yea Forumsintendo post.
Imagine being a Sonyera user
no problem bro see you at the funeral
Jordan Peterson is hated universally by the alt-right. How fucking out of touch with reality are these faggots?
You say strawman I say someone used a monkeypaw again
>user: Then we get them in PC
>Sony: :o
>How fucking out of touch with reality are these faggots?
it's resetera, m8
>violence against whamen good
>tiddy ninjas with water guns bad
Americans are stupid
Oh shit i forgot to add Yikes. Thank you.
>steam: *bans the game*
>epic: *bans the game*
>gog: *bans the game*
You know there's billions of other places to get them, even for free?
I hope someone with less to lose than I do decides that this has gone too far and bombs Sony's California HQ.
Gamers' rights are not defended by a boycott. A boycott is literally doing nothing. Until gamers get serious about defending our rights, they will continue to be ignored.
The right I'm talking about is the right to cunny, tiddy, and saying "nigger" of course.
>user:apply uncensor patch
Judging by your fatass. You would be dead before me you huge doughboy.
>nintendo: doesn't ban the game and is based as hell
We now live in a world where Nintendo censors far less than anyone else
why don’t people just use dlsite, mangagamer, and nutaku for lewd waifu content?
>Reading books is alt-right
Imagine being such a brainlet
You can uncensor games through patches you know that right. On consoles you are fucked if that happens. Unless you know how to import.
being a person who thinks for themselves is racist, get with times honk honk
>Not pirating It
it's the same as it's always been, jealousy over anime as a superior art form so they force censor it to have their ugly realism dyke games full of uncensored hairy tumblr nastiness to show how 'beautiful' real sexuality is.
Not going to add cope. That is actually original and decent for once.
Alice calling others discord trannies.
Somebody should just nuke California, period
okay goober
It's clearly a strawman/falseflag. Lurk moar.
How times have changed
Could also try jailbreaking
unless you'd rather not have your house raided by thugs
That's getting way too extreme. There are plenty of Gamers in California and they don't deserve to die just because they're living in the same rough area as Google.
Living in the same -specific- area though ... gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.
Ok. Have Sex.
Sure. Gamers standing up for their rights and saying "No. This is not acceptable." to corporations who think their money justifies their lack of morality is a falseflag/strawman.
I don't want anyone harmed but I think there needs to be something as an eye opener for this shit to stop, maybe something that would make them take a severe financial hit to wake them up and tell the basedfornians to fuck off.
Thisis a clear overexaggeration. None of us unironically think this way. Leave it to blind Reseteratards to think in complete and total hyperbole. Dilate.
>Snoy back stabbing the very people who kept PS3 alive when nobody gave a shit about it
top 10 anime betrayals
It's more insane when you consider the fact that times changed in the middle of the same console generation so the bulk of the PS4's library is entire inconsistent with their content policies.
Thats true there is jailbreaking aka Homebrew communities. I would not feel bad for anyone doing that.
>based filter hur dur
This. Fuck California.
None of """us"""?
Good appeal to popularity there, outsider.
There are more of us getting fed up every day, and it's only a matter of time until someone thinks that instead of waiting for a better opportunity to solve the problem with violence, that the best opportunity is now.
>All these threads about this bullshit
>But nobody does anything of importance about it
>Just shitposting
Why? What have we accomplished? Absolutely fucking nothing.
Then again if we as a board attempt to do something to stand our ground the retarded fucking mods would just ban everyone on sight for "organizing raids". Fuck this timeline.
But it's good of you to let me know that the shill damage control can be easily identified by calling things they don't like "tranny", "resetera", and "dilate".
It's like how shills in all those Apex Legends and Link's Awakening threads call people who insult their game shills.
Bit of a transparent tactic tho.
How about instead of doing the typical shillbot stuff, you tell me WHY you think Sony of California shouldn't go up in a massive fireball? What non-violent solutions are there to this anti-cunny epidemic?
Yea Forums mods can't ban you for IRL raids. IRL police can though so make sure your raid is prepared.
What do you expect people to do? Unless you're planning to drive a truck bomb into their California HQ then there's nothing.
Stop larping as an autist depicted in Gang Weed. You're making actual autists look good in comparison.
Do you not remember Gamergate?
We got the admin of the entire site to step down out of shame.
We can do so again.
Gang weed but unironic is exactly what the world needs to wake up from this nightmare.
>n̶o̶w̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶I̶'̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶o̶ ̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶j̶a̶p̶a̶n̶e̶s̶e̶ ̶p̶o̶r̶n̶
I agree with you 100% here. But I really with blithering morons on social media would stop larping as people like us.
>Virgin/Tranny calls others Virgins/Loser.
wish*** oh fuck that really came out wrong LMAO
Looking at this SJW Tranny cuck from reddit.
Seething it all up in here.
>comparing the comical japanese porn ''censorship'' with So(n)y's brigading
>a couple lines
>unapologetic deplatforming
>What do you expect people to do?
I don't know, user. Something. Something that changes everything. I just want it to stop. Vidya and most importantly weebshit was all I had left after losing my job and 98% of my family and friends.
>Yea Forums mods can't ban you for IRL raids
Let's be real, nigga. Most of us are shut in autists that lack social skills to talk to someone else IRL. Any possibility to do something online that gets big enough to win over the normalfags (and thus victory) would have to start here. But mods won't allow that to happen.
>IRL police can though so make sure your raid is prepared
Honestly none of us is going to do anything drastic like We always talk about having lost our will to live and how much we hate life, but we're still somehow scare of death. Myself included, I'm probably the biggest pussy ITT.
>We got the admin of the entire site to step down out of shame
I doubt Hiroshima cares enough about this shithole.
Oh nononono!
This cđť’¶n't be hđť’¶ppening
Pretty soon you won't be able to see any posts on this site. Maybe you should leave if this triggers you so much?
japan has a law that genitals have to be censored
only genitals
not to mention the law exists because of the US
Maybe they aren't larping as us.
Maybe they're sincere, and larping as the larpers.
This is only because they are ashamed of their virginity and projecting/lashing out. Having virginity shows that you didn't fall for the 3dpd meme. Be proud of your virginity! I wish I could be...
> Any possibility to do something online that gets big enough to win over the normalfags (and thus victory) would have to start here. But mods won't allow that to happen.
Then it is simple.
We raid the mods.
thats a good thing.
Fahrenheit 451 a buck about the dangers of censorship is now considered "alt right".
Oh look the person has a cat avatar the only thing worse than a furry or weeb.
To be fair, said law has probably caused Japan to start getting creative and develop all these other fetishes and things that make Japanese porn so great now.
When you're not allowed to see dicks and vaginas you find other things to get off to.
It's also a preferable alternative to Microsoft, Nintendo, Steam and Epic too just in case anyone thinks I'm playing favourites.
Daily reminder that anyone who uses the following in an argument is a retard.
>have sex
piracy is immoral
I don't think that's logical or possible.
Is that so? Just commit honorable seppuku without a fight? Then the liberals win...
have sex bluepilled cringe unbased incel virgin
>Juden Peterstein
>Alt right
Seppuku's good, you just need to make it an AoE.
When Games become Service, Piracy becomes Justice!
I almost forgot to mention that one
>any other negative IQ phrase
>launcher wars
This isn't a thing, don't believe the shitposters paid marketers.
There are basically people with no standards that will install anything, and people that are sick of needing 20 different launchers and just stick to Steam/GoG/itch.io at most.
There are no wars, no other launchers are even close to those three. There are only people that care about having too many launchers and people that don't, if you care about having too many the choices are insanely obvious.
>walk past library
>look through window
>see bunch of kids reading
My God... even the young ones are alt-right now
participate in human copulation acts
Honestly, the only reason hentai is remotely appealing is because of the setting they build in it. Even the most retarded plot will feel genuine enough to get most people off. Its why games/VNs with riske/pornographic content are so big to the people who can get into them. The crude censorship made them develop something more than penis in vagina to porn and there really isn't a comparable product. AVs are kinda lame most of the time, but they usually have a gimmick that's interesting enough to warrant at least two views if it isnt your thing
Already fucked your mom lol.
>I don't think that's logical or possible.
Neither do I but we've got people unironically thinking the sexualisation of children is harmful while the sexualisation of roasties is empowering, so logic is clearly AFK. And as for what's possible, the president is fucking ORANGE. Cmon son.
>Object to Sony censoring cleavage
>Get called a cornucopia of degrading names
So being against the base concept of censorship is a bad thing now?
I have no interest in any of these "games" but at the same time, I have every right to be upset that they're being altered to fit one groups "moral" standards.
Sony should not be allowed to do this, completely refuse release on their console? Fine, but they shouldn't be allowed to control what the consumer pays money for. Are big anime tiddies, ample amounts of gore, and enough N-bombs to fill a Tarantino film for everyone? No, but they shouldn't be able to pick and choose what people are allowed to view, that's Fascism. I realize censorship laws are different all over the world, Australia is super strict when it comes to violence, but not Sony is imposing a predominantly North American standard on foreign customers, which is a slippery slope to go down.
If you don't like something, fine, it's not for you, move on, you shouldn't be allowed to control what people say, or how they act. Some guys like to look at scantily clad video game girls, some guys like to called women and dress accordingly, some guys like to fuck donkey's while getting fisted by a midget, and you know what? Fine, it's none of your fucking business.
I don't hate Sony taking away anime bewbs, I hate them for taking away a freedom to choose. Videogames were supposed to be an "art form" but shit like this is just another reason it will never be viewed as anything more than a product.
>Videogames were supposed to be an "art form" but shit like this is just another reason it will never be viewed as anything more than a product.
Yeah I heard it was good, but there's no way they'd allow-
I'm in. Let's rock.
Well yeah, it's not like commies like to read or appreciate art.
They like to burn them.
I just hate Christians and America.
>think of the kids! what if they saw a nipple? they'd never get over it
>ah yeah violence that's fine hey take ur kids to the gun range after playing some mortal kombat with them
>hate Catholics
>this is the work of conservative christians because some boomer parents back in 1998 thought video games were satanic
Its basically just a great place to get indie games, most of them are "pay what you want" as well.
Lots of kino shit to find on there, I just finished playing a really interesting "3X" game where you have to grow a tree by growing roots/branches and managing your water/sunlight resources
Every extreme political side is guilty of this not just Communists.
Imagine being so retarded you think "toys" can't be art.
Here's the golden question: How do we convince the normalfags that this is wrong?
That's literally the exact same strategy the libtards used to fuck everything in this world in just a couple years, and they didn't even know it was a strategy, they weren't even aware of it. It just happened for some fucking reason.
I'm not saying we make them our allies, I'm saying we use them as tools. The second we get the normalfags on our side, the war is over and [they] lose.
But the Nazis burned books too!
They burned wonderful literature about the positive effects of crossdressing in children, and the empowering results of forced prostitution!
>Grow a tree
Sounds like a game for HIPPIES. also sounds fun tho.
>Every extreme political side is guilty
Might be, but not on the fucking scale what Commies did.
Mao managed to destroy any culture and temples through all of China.
Only Taiwan was spared from it.
>tfw no catgirl maid to headpat.
>sexual content
Sony just needs to get it over with and say that their only censoring Japanese games.
>How do we convince the normalfags that this is wrong?
You don't.
Welcome to American politics. If you ever truly figure them out, please be sure to explain it to me because I still don't get it.
You are pretty retarded if you unironically think that this accurately describes what they burned.
>You don't.
Ah, I see. Makes sense, I don't know what I was thinking. I'll just bring the lube instead so that every single one of us can happily get fucked in the ass! :D
By not focusing on what they are censoring, but the act of censorship itself, and how Sony has gone about it so far, targeting smaller studio's with less legal power to push back than AAA developers.
You focus on what they're censoring and you just come off as immature.
Hol up son.
Some censorship is necessary. The average user is a dumbfuck who will unironically buy Skyrim re-releases, who will be persuaded to buy a washing machine because it "speaks to what's important" and "helps me get through the day" even if it sucks arse at washing clothes.
Plus, if you try to change someone's website because it's full of anti-racist prickery, then you're still censoring them.
I have no particular problem if you say "Fuck you, I like my ideas better than I like yours, and you can either agree with me or eat shit and die", because that's fundamentally how every disagreement on the planet works.
But don't disguise it with a morality that can't be applied in absolutes without wrecking itself.
the absolute fucking state
>targeting smaller studio's with less legal power to push back than AAA developers
Yeah well part of the problem is that AAA developers WILLINGLY censor themselves.
t. incel
Good. Anti-SJWs deserve to suffer.
Taking your kids to the gun range is a great idea.
Childhood innocence is not protected by a fence, or an 8 minute response time on 911, or a document, or the concept of justice.
Childhood innocence is protected by the the promise that, should someone try to take it from them, your kids will FIGHT BACK. With WEAPONS.
If he managed to do it through all of China
then how come Taipei province was spared, considering that it is part of China?
Went from
>against censorship
>I support censorship
In two posts. Gotta love how retarded people with no principles are.
>But don't disguise it with a morality that can't be applied in absolutes without wrecking itself.
And how did that, I'm actually intrigued.
>tfw you will never be a catgirl maid and get headpats from A stern older businesswoman with massive tits who hired you because she doesn't have time to clean her own expensive apartment and because she needs some stress relief after she comes home from a day bossing around her subordinates at a prestigious lawfirm
>it is part of China?
Great, now some asshole 8 year old is going to shoot up disneyland screaming SHALL NOT because goofy took his costume off.
My only principle is that the only justice you can rely on is the justice that you can enforce. It doesn't matter how right or good you think something is. It only matters if you can force that view on others through power.
I'd like to have a worldview less nihilistic but shit, it's not like any other worldview synchs up with reality.
Really? Making smaller devs and publishers censor at the last minute and cause delays in an industry where time is money? Hell, where smaller devs/publishers have to submit reports of their game in English even if they aren't gonna bring it to the states and on Cali time?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Hell, this is even MORE questionable when you consider DMC got censored but was uncensored (in the US version at least) in a later patch.
I love my PS4 (I also have a Switch), but this is straight up bullshit and you know it.
>typical alt-right books
>fahrenheit 451
anal sex with Jahy sama!
I was disappointed in you Yea Forums. Why isn't this thread full of cunny?
nice belly
This user is right
loli + anal
if you are so butthurt about not having boobs in your bing-bing-wahoo anymore just transistion and get boob yourselves
>still up
i see pusy. Delet this
thanks doc
I've seen people go "if you the support censorship of this they'll start ro censor things YOU like" which makes senes, but has it happened to anything else in the industry?
just looks like anime tiddy games
Google 'chilling effect'
Thankfully this new content is broad enough to affect the normalfag's games too.
Sony has no games.
Nintendo fans defend paid online now too.
>childhood innocence is protected by destroying such innocence
Do this means more VNs will come to PC? It is still verry retarded to get a console to play VNs
Sexual content like this one?
Not gaming related but one Buzzfeed article got banned from facebook for being "fake news". The author was not amused.
This is the fastest way to shut snoys up
There's gotta be some gay pride stuff that Nintendo, Intel, AMD, Nvidia, or Valve have done.
Oh hey, found an Intel one. You PC bros better be using AMD!
Vidya fanservice bad
Half-naked fag parades good
Well yeah.
If you want gays and women to have power, then you can't let men get distracted by vidya games. The less competition there is for your product (the product in this case being roastiepussy and faggotass), the lower quality your product can be and still get sales
>You PC bros better be using AMD
Already got an AMD CPU
why are faggots like this? why cant they just keep their sexuality in the bedroom, like normal people do?
This is a Nintendo gay parade, notice something different compared with the SONY one?
>like normal people
your answer is in your question
Look man, I just don't like SONY's double standards.
Hey is that MIKE?
Well they burned a lot of that shit, too.
And commie shit, which is at the same level.
What double standards?
If you want to respect 3dpd roastie and gay, then you want to remove their competition. It's only a double standard if you think that 3dpd and 2d are on the same team. They aren't.
>i want censorship as long its things i agree with
gen z everyone, these are the people that will rule the world soon.
free speech unless you support that RACIST RAPIST president!!!!! omg baka how can we even
the fuck are the mods doing
Because theyare not "normal", they need to promote themselves in an extreme way to normalize their actual behavior.
Sounds crazy but shit works. It's like of like giving terrible news first to make the actual bad news sound not as bad.
Me too. I think anyone who respects women, fights against racism, opposes cunny, and thinks the holocaust happened exactly as advertised should be censored.
Also anyone who goes afk for a smoke break should be censored but instead of their speech it's their breathing altogether.
ess emm aytch wordfilters to baka now? how long has this been going on?
Like 6 years.
ive never typed it before because im not a faggot. thats pretty amazing ive never noticed it before.
Since before you started browsing here. Lurk moar newfag.
Imagine the coming butthurt of Playstation owning CD Projekt Red fags when PS4 version of Cyberpunk 2077 will get censored and altered.
Sony is the Sweden of video games.
>he doesnt type in zoomer memes so he's a newfag!!
I emailed Hiro to try to get him to change Ayo hol up to Minna, chotto matte but he hasn't :(
An east asian legume popular for its high protein content despite being a bean = onions
That wont happen since Cyberpunk 207 isnt a Japanese game.
>Cyberpunk 207
At the height of the decadent roman empire, modification of your body with various oils and supplements is at an all time high. Alternative sexualities are becoming all too common, and the tyrannical Roman Emperor rules his people with an iron fist, distracting them with colisseum showings.
Cloud you fags stop reposting this image for 5 seconds
You bet it will. Once wole company leadership starts virtue sognaling like this they can't avoid doubling down.
Would play.
snoy's gonna snoy
what is Yea Forums if not being literal shill dispensaries of game journo websites?
Where do you think we are? Yea Forums is nothing but the same old reposts day in day out.
I laughed and then got sad
Christians destroyed plenty of temples, statues, "sacred" forests. The punishment for worshipping fake gods is death and it's a virtue in christianity to destroy their symbols