Is AC Odyssey worth getting if I really want a Ancient Greece game to play?

Is AC Odyssey worth getting if I really want a Ancient Greece game to play?

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what the fuck else is there

hell yes

just emulate spartan total warrior

i don't know



no, big map with not much to do in it filled with copy-pasted assets, ridiculously excessive looting required, weird giant statues that were never there, no codex so half the time you don't know what you're looking at
outside of cities the game is dead, llifeless

If you want a janky sp game that feels like an mmo, go for it

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nope whinnie the pooh Tienanmen square

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Can't you guys agree

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H*ck yeah

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My first asscreed since ac3. i played it 6 hours today. its pretty much a single player mmo

It's a shame that character looks like tranny in game.

Fuck off countershill

not if you care about historical accuracy, but then again there's nothing else

/r/ing that post where user carries her greek amazon gf through the threshold

pretty sure that game takes place during roman occupation. doesn't compare to free roam open world peloponnesian war greece.

It's asscreed with all the animus bullshit.


>what the fuck else is there

This hidden gem.

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>historical accuracy
No such thing, history changes every day depending on new stuff they find.

the original god of war trilogy, titan quest, age of mythology

sequel never
at least they're working on Battle Realms remake and 2

Yes. But if you want an AC game like when they were halfway decent you'll be sorely disappointed.
0 A.D.
God of War
Age of Mythology
Fate of Hellas
Rise of the Argonauts
Spartan: Total Warrior
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods
Titan Quest

they have yet to find evidence of giant rock statues all over greece and gender parity bounty hunters with flaming swords (protag's powers are excused by the eden spear, what's theirs besides ubi quebec being hacks?)

Janky as fuck but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Ionians a shit

absolutely ludicrous, our perception of history may be refined continuously but it's certainly consistent and stable

>yet to find
You said it yourself, they need to dig deeper.

>bounty hunters with flaming swords
Reminds me of that one article where some artist wanted to make a statue with a flaming sword, the internals of the statue would have shit like pipes to feed it air and some oil.
I never knew what happened to that, if the madman ever got the funds to make his dream a reality.

What is Gobekli Tepe?

If you like open world with copy pasted content, repetitive combat, diablo loot and level scaling

very interesting but also non conclusive

It's good for what it is. To be perfectly honest, I'm a very easy mark for a premise like "hot amazon hunting down a shady cult in Ancient Greece" but the gameplay is solid, even if I think that the inclusion of RPG elements detracts from the game in many regards, rather than adding to it.


none of them compare as games focused on ancient greece. having greek mythology things in them =/= ancient greece

Yes. It's a pretty great sandbox of mindless fun, decent gameplay, cool historical shit and Bioware Lite RPG mechanics.

Although as someone who'se actually been to Greece the game does seem to imply there must have been a million times more immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East thousands of years ago compared to today, and presumably some sort of genocide to get rid of them all at some point since.

sure if you want mundane greek society you could play ass creed or any of the city builders

So is this game worth enough to pirate and enjoy?

>ass creed or any of the city builders
not mundane enough
it needs to have dysentery, homoerotic tendencies, painful death via the most harmless of wounds, gay sex, lesbian sex, diarrhea, and rape at regular intervals

Reminder that this bollocks is what post modernists want everyone to believe to undermine society and push their otherwise obviously insane and destructive political opinions.

face it it's the best ancient greece game ever made

That doesn't work unless it's in chinese

I for one can't wait until they uncover female, PoC and transexual Spartan remains at Thermapalie

if you enjoy boring shlock #58497654 sure, assassins creed stopped being interesting after black fag

Still dont know how winnie the pooh gets you banned over there

It's ok, not very historically accurate when it comes to depicting the culture.

Who gives a shit? Kassandra is VERY sweet and cute; that's all that matters.

Unity is free.
Use it to satisfy your AC itch and move on.

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Slow down there Alex Jones.

Could you repeat the question?

its next months humble, so just get humble for that month if you want it.

Maximum historicity.

I dont know

There like 6 God of War games. Or simply play Rome Total War 2, AC Odyssey lady looks nothing like your pic. She is more like a boy.

>>Total Warrior spin off
>>only the Spartan game exists
Sucks, but at least it was a good game and that Viking themed battle game for last gen was a good'in.

>Unity is free
Thanks Frenchies

On this generation? Yes.

Bought the game recently and it's pretty great. Finished assassin's creed origins and went straight to odyssey
They removed shields but it's definitely for the better because it was a bit too easy with it because you could block, but
the downside to this is that you can't block arrows anymore but that's not necessary since npcs prefer melee combat and are agressive.
In origins they tended to walk back and shoot arrows.
Great improvement in graphics, the forests are really lush and colorful and the water gives me a big peepee. The npcs have also gone up
in quality. Origins had these ps3 era npcs that all looked the same with muddy faces. It felt really weird that important npcs like bayek had such
good models that you could even see a vein on Bayek's forehead but the npcs looked way different.
Better movement. The bigger map probably led to increased speed of running and horses and it actually feels better this way.
Probably more points but im not that far yet

>want to play a game set in [insert time period]
>game periodically forces me to play as some cunt in the modern world I don't give a shit about
Man, fuck Ubisoft. They could be giving us historically accurate video games to not only entertain but also educate the masses but they are incapable of letting go of the Templar vs Assassins bullshit.

Where the fuck do you think you are?


Too bad the screen fades to black whenever you have sex and you can't see her getting DP'ed

please tell me he did a pregnant version on this one.

Kassandra is a lesbian.

she canon has sex with men sorry boy


Hope so because I just picked it up new for $20 on GS spring sale.

>letting her do this
kassandra is pure

the books decided for you sorry

>if I really want a Ancient Greece game to play?
It's a reskinned Origins with a lot more to do.
You seriously do not want to pick Cassandra. It seems like Ubisoft put all effort into Alexios, then just added her at the last second.
It's best to buy DLC weapons and armor before you start the game. Much like WoW, legendaries are not very common. I used a certain set (pick the one you want) until I was able to build an endgame set by killing an entire branch of bosses/mercenaries.
The game is longer than Persona 5. Much, much, longer.
The game is $19.99 at the moment on Amazon.
Rush assassination may seem like a waste of an ability point due to the low damage early on, but as you upgrade your spear, it becomes one of the deadliest/best abilities in the game. Attack with it, run around the corner and hide in a bush, then use it again. You could also use the vanish ability, but that takes quite a lot of time to build up your energy bar.

Why does Kassandra HATE bald people?

She acts like she has mental issues

>The game is longer than Persona 5. Much, much, longer.

Welp there goes any interest in this game. Asscreeds gameplay and content is so atrocious its not worth the time just to look at the pretty assets.

because lmao whacky

>joke about Hippocrates lack of hair
>peasants across greece somehow know of this

>western games
>historically accurate


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thank goodness I rented this instead of paying $90NZD for it new. It can be finished in about 8 hours.

AC was never historically accurate user

>actually user, the older games were "historically AUTHENTIC" there is a huge difference

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I know nothing compares exactly, but saying none of those games are about ancient greece is flat-out retarded, just say you don't like strategy games then.

I don't know where this "asscreed isn't accurate" meme started, but they are some of the most detailed recreations of the historical periods and settings they feature ever made, and are highly accurate when it comes to the cities, architecture, attire, and general hustle nd bustle of those locations.

They are substentially less accurate when it comes to their plots and actual historical events and specific historical figures, since they have to be fictionalized and adapted to fit the fictional templar/assassin plot, but the "world" is generally high accurate and you can read breakdowns from historians talkibng about it.

>Hear about the DLC baby controversy
>think oh yeah bitches are being offended over nothing again
>play it recently
>one minute Kassandra goes from just kind of being friends with this dude to getting married and having a baby

While I think people were still overreacting, I think it was really poorly done and just not earned

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>the "world" is generally high accurate and you can read breakdowns from historians talkibng about it.

this is fake though, if you ever took the Origins discovery tours every third or fourth step they had to stop to explain what they depicted wasn't accurate and was done for "inclusion and diversity"

how old is Kassandra? Looks 40 or something

>>peasants across greece somehow know of this
Are you talking about that minor generic quest that has the line about her wanting to make him a wig from bear fur?

Their president got compared to Winnie The Pooh by even people within China so he banned all images of Pooh in China. That's the kind of nut in charge.


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there are three minor quests that reflect it yeah, one for killing bears for a wig, another to get flowers to make a hair tonic and another is killing bandits that laughed at bald people

what a sex goddess

That's pretty hilarious

play Fate

Just imagine all the cock and vagina she's had over that time.

What's that hood.
And outfit in general?

Master Assassin set I think, you get it at the end of first DLC.

>google it
>this comes up
Is this it? I'm taking the plunge, I just want some fuck damn it

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Yes yes but how is her foot game?


huge disappointment and piece of shit
Warriors: Legend of Troy

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yes bro, i put over 100 hrs in just one playthrough

I still wanna go back and start a new game as Cassandra or whatever her name is

You're not the boss of me now

pretty sure he meant Fate/Stay Night
There is a route for that I believe.

>take single step outside of town

Fuckin bears and wolves always attacking me.

Does anyone know if you can start a New Game+ from a save that's already New Game+?

It looks great. Gameplay is a bit samey though, like every other recent open world game.

Absolutely, It's fantastic for immersion in the environment

No, play age of mythology or God of War

You can't even gay romance a cute femboy shota, not even immersive.

ACO doesn't even get architecture right, aside from the acropolis. Even the 'lingo' is completely wrong ie. using 'misthios' or 'malakas'. There's consolation though, the game doesn't take place on earth's ancient greece.

people were bitching because the game "forced" a straight relationship on you.

Play Spartan Total Warrior. It's a billion times better than Assassin's Creed.

The game forces gay relationships on you as well, yet nobody complained about those.

It was a couple things
it was that, how hamfisted it was. Also:

>forced Kassandra into a straight breeder relationship
>the achievement for reaching that part of the story was called "Growing Up"

Basically it 'unintentionally' shit all over the sjw/yaoi fag fantasy of female protag being this storngk indepedent lesbiant and it was hilarious

You're never forced to engage in any of them. You're given the option, the DLC doesn't.





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The world is kinda nice but it's fucking boring, repetitive and generic open world ARPG gameplay.

Shields are for armies.

Currently playing Origins since I got it real cheap.
Am I supposed to feel overwhelmed by the amount of sidequests? Maybe its just me being autistic but when I look at the map and see 10+ sidequests in my level range I lose all motivation to play. Anyone else have the same issue?

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im installing it right now, thanks fitgirl!

You're a mercenary, not a soldier.

Play Titan Quest for some ancient greeking.

Just make sure to set speed to maximum and get a speedhack to double it again.

Just take your time. Many side quests are really good.

Roxana and Kyra are both forced gay romance quests (if you are female), if you decline their advances it still happens. Look up youtube videos of it.

Don't confuse actual sidequests with the radiant ones though.

Does this game have the Animus Control Panel that Origins had? No one in the last thread answered me
Why lie?

Thats probably just because female playable character was shoehorned in late in the development cycle. Thats what I read atleast.

I completed the game as a girl and I don't remember getting laid with anyone.

Does being a mercenary make you physically incapable of holding a lump of bronze

Depends on how much you love Ancient Greece. But, keep in mind though, that the Kassandra in game looks nothing like that pic you posted. She is much less attractive and her body is built like a refrigerator. Alexios is the chad MC to go to.

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What about the section where you play as Leonidas and are, in fact, a soldier in an army

>fuck Kyra
>kill her boytoy
>she throw herself of a cliff at the end
good times

Dunno, didn't play it.

Shoehorned? Kassandra is a much better character of the two.

So why are you in this thread talking about a game you haven't played? Because that's the tutorial

I haven't even played the game, just remember reading somewhere that several things in the game indicate that it was meant for a male protagonist. Might have just been dude-bro fuck female protags shitposting though.

Nope. Its a totally misleading sjw agenda.
And please, stop even thinking to play any bioware/ubishit games, because if you will, you're become just an blind degenerate.

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>you're become just an blind degenerate.

what is wrong with these people

The only thing here that ruffles my jimmies is the pottery. Prioritizing "inclusive gameplay" over "historical sexism". Like honestly, who the fuck cares. How do you manage to feel marginalized playing a game that was set two thousand years ago.

Does it have some cute mods?

But you can use cheat engine to give yourself all the armors in the game and play dress up with the girl.

Because I hate video games and I am compelled to shitpost every vidya thread on this board.

How long until they use that staff and the scarf from Syndicate to revive Desmond? Also, let me guess she's evil now

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Reviving Desmond would imply that the modern day storyline advances somehow. Ubisoft simply can't allow that.
And no, she's just there to give you the staff, then dies since by then she's 2500 years old and the staff was the only thing keeping her alive..

>read Herodotus
>he refers to all the people of Lesbos as Lesbians
That island had a single famous dyke who killed herself over the love of a man and it turns into a lezzo mecca which all the actual inhabitants hate.

Not me but yeah.

Mercenaries still use shields. 10,000 Greek mercenaries didn't march into the middle of the Persian empire without shields.

Huh, an Assassin legend living throughout every game yet never seeing even a mention of her, even in the game that took place in Constantinople just after the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. Funny how that works out.

It's implied she travelled all over the world, and that she didn't stay in Greece.

Wait until an important greek structure burns to the ground and you can get it for free then.

Is the Ass Creed Unity woth playing? It was for free after all.

Are you saying that the best way to get free ubisoft games is to go on an arson spree, burning down various historical sites?
They didn't give out the first Ass Creed game for free when isis trashed the middle east.

Seriously, does anyone know the answer to this? It should be easy to find out on the PC version, the ACP in Origins was at the top of the main menu

Well, it's the last "classic" styled AC game, and has the smoothest parkour in the series, although it takes a while to master it, and jumping sometimes feels a bit floaty.

It's also the heaviest game regarding hardware requierements, but it's also the one with the best graphics.

That just makes even less sense, she could've been a random npc in every fucking game and we'd not notice. Also how does it work with the staff, does she have to be physically holding it, or just in the vicinity? I'd that imagine it would be awkward walking around the world with a giant ass golden staff.

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>does she have to be physically holding it
I think so.
But yeah, none of that is explained.

Not that I know.

She hides it in her pusy

there are people out there who unironically played as Alexios and think they're "right"


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They made this way too fucking complicated. All they had to do is just rip off the Last Crusade and have her be the watchman of the staff, doing fuckall for a good few millennia

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Yeah dude, that's what he meant

imagine having to hold that shit for 2500 years

>that random dog


>Not that I know.
That's a pity, I definitely would have bought it if it did have the Control Panel. Now I guess I just might get it

>who killed herself over the love of a man
This story is widely considered to be a much, much later fabrication. I mean the dude's name was allegedly "Penis from the city of Man".

his name was Alceus iirc

>be Kassandra
>see hot dude
>manipulate him into fucking me
>I can't
>because I'm holding A FUCKING STAFF
>cry myself to sleep as he leaves


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At least she can use the staff to relief herself.

You're conflating the two stories. One poet joked about her being married to the dude you described. The other said she killed herself because of a ferryman.

post moar greek mommy pls

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Haven't played any AC in forever
is it fun?

My bad, you are correct. Still the story of her killing herself because of the ferryman is a likely fabrication.

>go to buy game off uplay store
>go to use uplay credits for sweet 20% discount
>uplay 404s
>doesn't process payment
>can no longer use discount code
>credits are gone
>game is nowhere to be seen
That's what I get for getting my hopes up, I guess...

even if it was, that doesnt mean she was a carpet muncher, which is a fabrication that came about centuries later

What's funny is the I'm 99% positive that the original picture was meant to make fun of obama

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But tigger is based tho.

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Kassandra is in nearly all the advertising and shit, they threw all there eggs in one basket for Kassandra only for it to fail and find out most people played Alexios

what rhymes with tigger

True as well

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Kass is cute.

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I'm playing as Alexios and I just got to the part with the cult, Kassandra plays the part well but I don't think I could ever imagine Alexios in that role, even if I made hum an asshole


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I just finished Black Flag last week. Should I keep going to Unity, skip to Origin, or skip to Odyssey? I heard the present day story starts a new ongoing story in Origins with a new MC? Are the present day MCs important to the story after Desmond?

Just pirate it.
Also, Unity is free in uplay, if you want to play one right now.

>Are the present day MCs important to the story after Desmond?
Not really.
In Unity and Syndicate there's not even modern day sections aside from some short cutscenes.
In Origin and Odyssey you play as a generic quirky and sarcastic millennial, but there's almost no modern day sections in either Origin or Odyssey.
There's barely a plot beyond "we need to find these pieces of eden before the templars do".

It's a shame they killed Desmond, those missions in AC3 were pretty fun.

Yes, but it's a bit repetitive and it has level scaling

It has a VERY slow start.
It's maybe about 4-5 hours of gameplay until things finally get going.
Otherwise, it's a mix between TW3-like open world game with the typical loot and "Normal, Rare, Epic, Legendary" gear thing that so many games have today.

Rome 2 total war, play as Massalia.

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It's okay, he comes off as a deranged psychopath.
I think his voice fits more a villain than a good guy, actually.

Times have changed user. We give sympathy to anything now, even plastic

If you like witcher 3,youll like this. Its the same game just with parkour

It's a nationalist thing, which is funny coming from Ubisoft

>indignant but doesn't say or do anything
Just best girl things.

Ah fuck off

Yeah that sucks. Oh well. I thought the modern day tie in stuff was neat. Does it hurt to just skip to Odyssey then?

Ppl from Lesvos are still called lesbians in Greece and are quite different in the pronunciation than lez lesbians plus we differentiate genders in our nouns (masculine, feminine and neutral for things and animals) so its not like someone is going to be confused when he says in Greek that he/she is from Lesvos (Λέσβιος,Λέσβια) instead of λεσβία. The neutral pronoun on the other hand is quite problematic as it is the same for both (λεσβιαkό). I always crack up when I visit one of my favourite ouzeri that has a calendar near the till that reads 'Lesbian Memories 2019' with big ass letters(and yes its called Lesbos).

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You could, although many agree that Origins was better, mostly in story.
Odyssey is longer, has more stuff to do, has a ship like in Black Flag, a more interesting map and has dialogue options and choices, and a better customization system for gear.

Odyssey's story takes a while to pick up though, while Origins you jump straight away into the meat of things.

>Alexios is the chad MC to go to.

Not to mention Kassandra just reuses his animations anyway. He IS the default MC no mater what drivel Ubisoft got up to.

Not really, Kassandra has more "girlier" animations for walking, running and parkour.

I keep hearing that they fucked it up, so did they unfuck Rome 2?

Wrong, you can use a shield on an individual level. Shit, it's why centre grip shields are preferable for solo combat.

God I want to lick that braphole as she insults me

Thinking of bombing a parthenon to get a free copy. Should I go for it?

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It's a great game

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Not yet. Try to blow up the Pyramids first, see if Ubi bites.

You can also blow up NY and Boston to see if they'll make the new remaster free.

The Turks already bombed the parthenon, that's why the roof is missing

I don't understand why we don't restore damaged ancient buildings. Today's ruin is not what the original creators intended, just because it's worn out or damaged or bombed doesn't mean we have to let it be.

We're worshipping ancient stones instead of restoring the vision of the original creators.


You're gonna need a fucking nuke to blow up the pyramids

That user better start working on it, then.

Wtf is up with the blue shit? The building is white.

>Can't fuck why holding a staff
That's a new level of pathetic

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It's the lighting I guess
Here it is in clear light
There is some light blue

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i ll play it just for the scenery alone, trying to ignore the modern political progressive shit injections.

Melisani cave in-game

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Melisani cave irl

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They fucked it by adding tonnes of female generals. This can be modded out however CA are a bunch of Jewish cuckolds. I love playing the Greek campaigns and custom battles but the developers are tranny shitheels. It's honestly up to you my man.

Lots of ancient architecture and art wasn't actually colorless, it just lost its color after a few thousand years of sitting around

Ubisoft is so fucking based

This pool, I'm guessing there's a lot of dead shit at the bottom, right?

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oh god they fucked that lion to death

>Yesg goyim, these buildings were colored like rainbows! They're only white now because the color faded! Now does anyone remember what the rainbow is the symbol of?
We should purge the universities.

It's just blue, and blue was pretty prevalent in greek architecture.

I think the water is flowing because right outside the cave is a small waterfall and a lake with some large fish and ducks in it.
Then there's a small waterwheel and it flows into the sea.

Any dead things have been washed away long ago I guess.

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Post Kassandra gifs

Besides being repetitive.

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Viral marketing doesn't exist.

Or you should just purge yourself from this thread

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It's funny because the Jews see the rainbow as a promise from God that he'll never wipe out mankid with a flood again.

>that Codex entry about his vambrace
>that Codex entry about him drawing his waifu
the man is really talented
i guess it really was autism

Oh shit you said gifs
I thought pics

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>kick goon into molten rock
>doesn't instantly die
I was so disappointed.

its especially good if you read The Peleponesian War by Thucydides. They have the Attica siege the plague a lot of the characters from there as well.

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Actually they used to have more colors than that.
The colors that were used were mostly blue, red and black.

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The level up rpg nerd shit is extremely tedious and annoying. They need to ditch it for the next game. Its not fun whatsoever. Hurr durr enemy is level 20 and you are level 15 so you die in one hot and do fuck all damage to him. This is why the first AC game is the best. Just a straight up action game with no stats.

>trading sexual favours for food with a starving child

I wish Kassandra forced me to impregnate her.

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I'm going to say the M word!

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Yes. Just as Professor Goldstein said!

its actually true, nigger

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Is this a millennial thing, just trying your hardest to be offended by asinine stuff?

>the man is really talented
He couldn't even swim.

It's worth it anyway. It's a fun game, and the RPG elements are more fleshed out than I was expecting

Autism has many crippling disabilities.

If you like RPG mechanics you are a basement dweller. It has no place in this series. This series is for chads and normies.


Kassandra is for love not lewd

He might play one of the latest sportsball games socially but that's where it stops.

Fuck her gently and with love. Problem solved.
And then fuck her haaaaaaaaaaaaard

Chads can play:
Assassin's Creed

>ctrl+f "Decadence"
Proof Yea Forums is complete shit run by zoomer retards. Time to abandon the ship. Have cancer and die, tasteless faggots.

And for the demented, the game is "Age of decadence"

Yes it's pretty good for an Ancient Greece simulator.
However it's filled with power women and an obscene amounts of non-white

My dick > My brain

>does she have to be physically holding it, or just in the vicinity

It's explained in the book. It can become pretty much everything , disappear and have pretty much every fucking stupid superpower you can imagine. Had to search for that since I was so bothered by the fact she has to let go of it just to change clothes regulary.

Yeah, clearly.

But AoD's setting is more roman than greek

Attached: 1554763698770.gif (332x332, 1.45M)

Age of Decadence isn't a historical game and it's not even inspired by ancient Greece what's wrong with you angy faggot

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Wasn't the excuse for that supposed to be a flaw in the animus?

Greek women are not attractive IRL

Have sex

You should've realised by now that remasters are bad

Look at all this Diversity and Inclusiveness yet they don't give a shit about my Autism.
Fuck them.

I don't know, I just found it incredible that such a strong, agile man could be that hopeless in the water.

Wow, Cassandra is cute when she is drawn nothing like her in the game!

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>Lesbian Revisionism
Is there no history you faggots won't destroy to serve your agenda.

If you're just taking the piss you're just being annoying. If you're not then I don't know why you'd be annoyed with the knowledge that the Greeks made their statues look like what they were depicting.

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Makes no fucking sense since I'm not the sex starved poster.


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it's unironically a big game

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This but unironically.

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Fate/ hollow atraxia you can get double teamed my your kouhai and medusa.

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I wasn't being ironic

Kassandra has a cute face and sexy braided ponytail

Sure Kassandra is fine and all.
But if you don't choose Alexios you're choosing an inferior experience

Hard to tell these days. Women don't belong on the battlefield.

It's a really pretty game.

The water makes me rock hard.

Attached: 812140_20190417211150_1.jpg (2560x1440, 1.67M)

Origins was fucking repetitive trash without any of the things that made AC fun. Considering this is the same game but reskinned I'm gonna go with no

>inferior experience
I am incapable of playing as a female.


Where was this temple found?

Greeks have 4 words for love, one of them being erotic. So you can still love her lewdly.

Kassandra lewds herself to old men

>Thinking that women can actually compete on the field of battle.
Come on bro
Sure if this was a stealth game I could accept a female MC but it isn't you're asking me to believe that a mere woman can battle the armies of Sparta?

I also enjoy in this game infiltrating a bandit camp, and one of the bandits is a screeching woman soldier who thinks she's a badass. I beat them down with my fists and leave the men bandits to have their way.

do they really kill off your love interest in the dlc?

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Dude, I know that. I said I am incapable of playing as a female.

Better than getting knocked up and having a child like a non-degenerate

Are there any worthwhile changes from Origins to Odyssey? Or is it just a reskin?

oh okay then.
Sorry bro.

It's alright bro, battlefield is no place for a woman.

>Can't even get geometrics right
No wonder the empire fell

History as a discipline is nothing but an exercise in control by the elites.

literal zoomer

The woman is a literal demigod; descendant of an ancient bloodline.


Combat now has a skills you can use.
Bows no longer impart status effects you have specific arrows you can use with all bows.
Fire and Poison aren't an instant effect you have to fill a gauge for it to take effect.
Poison also doesn't spread like a plague anymore so you can't clear out a fort by poisoning the guard at the front gate and waiting.
Other than that it's pretty similar.
Oh it also has ship stuff like Black Flag

Helen was a demigod too but she wasnt no badass warrior.our disease is a modern one

And that's why she can fuck shit up. She's not just any woman

How does that explain every other woman in the game?

She has a bigger dick.

>She's not just any woman
Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? Seething discord trannies lmao.

even less so if she s generation down the line of divine blood

She has a clit like a hyena.
She's so pumped with test that she may as well be a man.
She even shaves her face in one scene I think.
Tranny role model.

Hm, might pick it up then since its 50 % off. Currently playing Origins since I got it cheap as fuck, not sure what I think of it yet.

>Seething discord trannies
This, I'd wish they'd just join the 40% already.

>literally manlier than 100% of Yea Forums despite being a tranny
>which makes trannies seethe because trannies are supposed to look girly
why would ubi btfo both sides?

>tfw no Kassandra gf for hugs, handholding and cuddles

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It took me 6 months to finish Origins.
Didn't really know what to think about it and dropped it for a while when I reached Krokodilopolous.
But the later I got into the game the more fun it got and I ended up finishing everything except the elephant battles because fuck them.

I started Odyssey a few weeks ago and it feels like it did at the start of Origins. I'm hoping it gets good later on.

>literally manlier than 100% of Yea Forums despite being a tranny
I am 6'1, have a beard and weigh 200 lbs.

>have a beard and weigh 200 lbs.
cute bear

>he wants Kassandra "I had a hecatomb in my womb" gf

Attached: 1554680261535.jpg (621x621, 77K)

Dude, she dies at the age of 2500, she has a literal godlike spear, hell, she has four apples of eden in her possession by the end of the game, along with a staff that makes her literally immortal.
It's not a realistic game, it's even less realistic that past games.

And you're not so big

Still manlier than her.

bears aren't manly, they're pretty gay

>She even shaves her face in one scene I think
No she doesn't.
Why do millennials just make shit up to be offended about them?

Elephant fights are easy, just fucking shoot em until you fill your overpower gauge, do that until it's dead

Would you fuck off you queer.

Of course honey, you did say I'll be on top tonight~

At least you used a spoiler image. I just got to that area, but was disappointed when there was literally nobody there.

I'm about 10 hours in. The amount of sidequests are pretty overwhelming and is my one gripe with the game. I know its pretty gay to complain about "too much content" but I feel like most of the sidequests are very same-y with only a few being memorable. Don't think I'll drop the game though, I've got nothing to play so I might as well just finish it. Hoping it gets better.

Based retard.

Queers and trannies deserve to be flayed.

Aw honey, I thought you said you didn't want circumcised guys? Don't worry, you can still suck on it tonight you cute little chubby bear.

I like ubisoft games

lmao at this faggot's insecurity
"manlier than her" my ass hahahahahahaha

There's a big controversy right now over how quickly, and how many donations Notre Dame received in such a short amount of time, vs other monuments which have gone to ruin with no real help.

>if I really want a Ancient Greece game to play?

yes, the setting is amazing

Once one of my favorite franchises, Ubisoft's overreliance on mtx with a refusal to release complete editions mean I refuse to buy AC games. Shame.

I usually limit myself to only completing side quests with a recommended level lower than the next story quest.
A lot of the side quests are literally there for infinite padding. Avoid the ones on the boards and the ones with an hourglass symbol.

if only there werent any niggers in it, it would be better

Based, fuck ubishit and fuck their shills.
>all the damage control from the other posts

>It's another "Shill posts fanart because they know the actual in game model looks like a tranny" episode

That's like celebrating a ring/ps4 your cheating slut of a gf gave you as a promise she'd never cheat on you again.

Odyssey is pretty great but I really hate how bad the quests are in making you go through the area's and how disconnected the whole mercenary/army stuff is from the main game.

It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't played the game but the game has a lot of cool elements that don't seem to work together well at all.

I want Kassandra to beat me up

Thank God KCD didn't have niggers.

Attached: KCD.jpg (2000x2000, 1.1M)

Please start acting like a man.

I wish it was easier to figure out which quests are 100% repeatable and empty and which one arn't. I noticed some of the "Black and white" quests are actually relevant to the story and are unique. I end up wasting so much time doing tons of these boring quests because i'm a lore completionist when it comes to my games and the game doesn't tell you which quests gives more plot/cutscenes and which one is just a boring kill 5 sharks quest.

Could a 14 year old boy beat you up? Because that's around where her strength would be, women are weak as hell

It had inbred yokels arguing about if people with dark skin exist which was pretty funny

Attached: Qy3WXpio5O4.jpg (1024x575, 129K)

Will Kassandra stomp on my balls if I do that?

If I were acting like a woman do you think I would want another woman to beat me up?
Not unless I let them, no.

Yes but only if you are willing to invest 100+ hours into a single RPG playthrough
I personally love the game, but it is a looong game and some people translate their hatred for games longer than 5-10 hours into a "criticism" of this game

I don't care, I want her to push me back and fuck furiously.

>Theresa is expected to play a primary role in the unreleased DLC A Woman’s Lot, which is likely to enable her to be a first-person character as originally planned as part of the development and Kickstarter campaign.
its gonna get a stronk women'ed though

Yeah, I don't do any of the blue quests. Haven't encountered any hourglass quests yet (I think?), but I try to do most side quests. Problem is when said side quests take me to a new area, which in turn unlocks 5 new side quests. Feels like a never ending cycle. Like I said, my biggest gripe with the game.

user asking the important questions

>implying I own any of the DLC
Base game is fine plus it caters to virgins.

Attached: KCD Virgin.jpg (1200x675, 89K)

Game set in the Achaemenid Persian empire when?
>Imperialist empire ruled by a king but each territory annexed is allowed to govern themselves
>Religiously tolerant and forbade slavery
>Templarchads will have an opportunity to shine while assassinvirgins will be butthurt and scream "muh republic" even though greek cities practiced slavery, suffrage was limited and most of times said politicians were corrupt.

It's not really the same thing. In your example the gf wronged you and tries to make it up to you. In the flood God specifically saved Noah because his family were the only ones who didn't deserve to drown.

the developers said "fuck the alt right" in their forums.
They hate the extreme left and the extreme right

Christians see it as an example of God's mercy but I wonder if Jews see it as "oh shit we can do evil shit as much as we want now"

I don't give a shit what the devs said, the game doesn't have niggers and that is great!

>this person said the shibboleth you have to say to not be unpersoned
oh okay who cares

>fuck the alt right
if i had a company and wasnt a believer in progressivism myself i would prob say something similar to drop some heat.

hey last thread there was some guy posting screenshots of his mans and they were wearing chest armors I'd never seen before, I didn't even recognize them from the dlc, wtf are these???

Attached: 1555642819862.jpg (1434x838, 488K)

Being alt-right is simply wanting for whites to continue existing.

I'm the one who posted the one in the middle.
That's the aegean pirate armor.
It's from the store only, although I got it using cheat engine.
The same for the other two.

Attached: 1551409137451.jpg (1920x1080, 753K)

I have the game on PS4, is it PC only? I've never seen those armors. And what about that one with the wolf and that smooth one on the left, what are those called?

Good thread, leftists and cuckolds can continue to fuck off.

Attached: Charles Utopia.jpg (1080x720, 55K)

Yeah I'm struggling with similar feels.
It's just bad design that they put in since you can run out of quests in Origins.

never thought about using the cheat engine for dlc costumes.

Dumb /pol/ack persecution fantasy.

Yes it is pretty accurate geographically

Clever kike is not so clever.

That's one of the things that bugged me. But I guess since you're carrying around that spear/dagger thing all fucking game, they didn't want to limit you to just that.
That's literally the stupidest fucking thing I've read all week.

Attached: 1361255172157.jpg (500x400, 98K)


I don't think so.
Dunno why they would release armors on PC alone.
I do know that the only way to get them, if you are on PS4, is either with the lootboxes, buying them with orichalcum if they are in the the guy who sells you the boxes, or just paying for them in the game store.
I do know the chest piece on the left is called the Lawgiver chest piece.

I've never even met a Jew, you're literally just LARPing.

This is the cheat table if you want it.!hExT0IpD!KlgKNY1hVMOwwoq8gjDOryigbhEv5m8sBRDqPT51KMo

The only ones already included are the legendary packs from the store.
If you want any other item, you'll need to introduce their individual hash ID.

Thoughts on AssCreed Syndicate? I played about 35-ish% of it then uninstalled. It got too repetitive with the do all the "important side quests in this area to unlock the boss" schtick . And one I liberated once area I just moved to the next like some sort of drone. Is Unity better despite being an older game?

Not him but how does one get the individual hash IDs

How does one make this game run well

my spec:
rx 480 8gb
1500x ryzen
16 gb ram
500 gb ssd +2tb hdd

>add gay stuff
>make canon that your characters is hetero and have a baby
>homos btfo
Based ubi

They are in this excel file.!NYBXhSSL!aycwLHRTEYZWy9VJrBqlh9IT-TfbieN3DqlANAUBGG0

If you don't have an excel reader, just use this website.

>Thoughts on AssCreed Syndicate?

Old Ass Creed is just Ass.

>How does one make this game run well
>1500x ryzen

don't fall for memes next time and buy a real processor.

Yes, it's AC Syndicate except with good graphics and there's no "do side quests to unlock the main quests" shit.

>fucking nigger almost throws herself at my dick
>reject her
>kill her in the end
>get her shield, Alexios says something about putting it on athena statue
>fuck that, sell it to the first merchant I find

Feel good, man. Kyra was hot tho, is there any other fuckable waifu around?

Attached: return-to-roxana[1].jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

Why everybody is black in greece?

Apollo got too close to Greeks.


Can you repeat the question?

I use CE to lower my exp rate. Was going to reach level cap way too soon, so fuck that.

ryzen is fine

I have a GTX 1080 and an i5-3570K overclocked and I run it at 40fps flat because it's CPU limited

It brings even modern 6-cores to their knees, it needs an 8-core CPU to run well.

our of hundreds of characters, there's like 5 black people in the entire game (excluding randomly generated mercenaries which can wind up anything)
you're mistaking the tanned complexion of Mediterranean Caucasians (aka the true white people) with blackoids

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I prefer her brother. Kassandra's model is hideous

have sex

I can't believe it, the one time the spartan "woman" looks like a woman

Attached: Hades leiks.gif (444x250, 113K)

wtf. Kassanda has nice face and braided ponytail

best thing i can tell you is not to use msaa if possible

So whats up with that viking game? what time period will it most likely be set?

They're making Battle Realms 2?

Disable or turn down the volumetric cloud thingy in settings. It changes almost nothing, but can increase FPS in 50%.

and a man's body

I only care about face

I just checked. They cancelled it last year.

Why did this turn me on
I wanna fuck her psuedopenis!


Seems a little excessive. They all look pajeets to me.

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Isn't there also the dlc where she has some guys kid? No matter what yuricucks think she's had dick in her.

The people mad weren't getting mad at how poorly done it was, they likely wouldn't have given a shit if they were forced into a hastily thrown together romance with a fag/dyke.

yeah that helped a lot. it now runs around 55-60 fps. thanks !

Attached: bueno.jpg (620x349, 24K)


??? Kassandra has a nice face

Says the faggot playing the game with literal cuckshit, and a ubisoft game at that.

If Minecraft has taught me anything, just make a hole on the top, that goes through the entire pyramid, fill it with tnt, and let the fireworks begin.

Also don't forget you need a strong rig so the world doesn't crash.

my Ἑταῖροι

Make fun of them all you like, normies have more fun with video games than the jaded fucks around here.


Attached: 1539617740499.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

>"ur a fag"

>all this shilling
Ubisoft is fucking loaded.

And the body of a tranny

Ubi dindu nothing wrong

get your malakes poor ass out of here, malaka

this is based richcreed posting only


Is Liberation any good?


i would play ( pirate, because fuck me if i ever give money to ubisoft ) some ass creed game because i fucking love the setting they use, the one with the pirates, egypt, greece, but for some reason all the suspension of disbelief goes to shit when i remeber that theres is a machine that makes you live the memories of your ancestrors because they share the same dna or some shit like that.
why taint such a beautiful setting that we rarely see like ancient egypt whit that bullshit.

Recently developed a toned torso fetish.

Attached: sample-cc8921bd243d1e02ce6d01858194e759.jpg?e=1555783755&m=-e6qQCWZzJI_Chgbu0BQ3w.jpg (600x1000, 117K)

So you're a cuck? Buying a game from someone who despise the alt right LMAO



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That's not toned at all

Can I go full /u/ in this game?
Asking for a friend.

Who is this semen demon and how do I convince her to rape me?

But all sex scenes are fade to black.

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That is unfortunate, but acceptable.


Ubi has a bad habit of writing it's stories into holes.
They killed off Desmond in AC.
They literally nuked Farcry.
Ties Splinter Cell into Far Cry New Dawn so Clancy universe maybe post apocalyptic.

how has no one posted kassandra's tranny bod yet?

the pregnant version is excellent

Titan Quest tbtbh senpai


Yes, definitely.

is there gay sex?

Whats a good, non strategy, game about ancient rome?
I played Shadow of Rome and Ryse, and were kinda meh.

The attention to historical detail on the temples, town and cities is incredibly well done. Though it sacrifices a little historical accuracy for game play, like Sparta having Navy. I still find Origins the better game though.

Attached: Assassin's Creed® Odyssey2019-4-18-22-8-49.jpg (1920x1080, 426K)

Haven't played the game, but I heard it's set during the peloponnesian war, in which Sparta most definitely had a navy, and a very capable one at that, so that's not an inaccuracy.

Does Odyssey run better than Origins on PC? Origins runs like shit on my PC despite every other game in the series running fine for me.


Spartans had a navy but it wasn't as good as Athenian navy.

It runs exactly the same

Turn down volumetric clouds.

Life is unfair.

It's not exactly historically accurate but I'm enjoying it quite a lot. Kassandra is fairly charismatic (Alexios isn't bad either and he's funnier), the combat is decent but the open world is a bit boring. I just fast travel everywhere. Quests are pretty unremarkable as well, I think most of my enjoyment comes from the setting.

On my rig this runs better than Origins.Don't set volumetric clouds to anything higher than medium it's not working properly.

>how do I convince her to rape me
You think you want that, but you don't.

I tried, but I think it's a CPU bottleneck, I can't go over 40-45 fps on cities even with everything on low, but outside of cities I can go at 60 fps with everything on ultra.

Attached: 130998629900120110725-22047-o4ie3r.png (388x360, 7K)

its cpu bottleneck.

Why does Yea Forums hate or pretend to hate this game? It has a decent story, looks great, combat ok, the world is fun to explore, music is good, etc. It's nowhere near terrible. The best thing about the game is that it doesn't feel like an asscreed game.

it's as wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle. I don't like the basic gameplay yet I would keep going if there was something interesting going on, but there isn't. it's like a full price singleplayer mmo with microtransactions on top

>i-it has too much content :((

"Yea Forums" hates the game because its ubisoft. thats it. period.

it has NO content, that's the problem. it's the same shit over and over

should I take the bullet and buy the gold edition for 33 bucks? I heard you also get AC3

imagine paying money for this shit lol

just go grab the torrent and try it

except it's not and that's the criticism of someone who hasn't played it

this game is about enjoying its beauty and its adventure, not super deep combat, anyone knows that

I liked everything about it except for the horrible quest design. It was literally always a glorified fetch quest and most of the writing for said side quests wasn't good enough to alleviate that problem. That said, if you dig ancient greece, give it a try.

boring game desu

That's funny because for me it's the other way around. I can't imagine Kassandra in that role at all and think Alexios works well as Deimos.


I mean what kind of content we're you looking for?