First time playing Fallout 1

>First time playing Fallout 1
>Don't really know what I'm doing and how to do things
>End up dying
>"Your life ends in the wasteland..."
>Get too scared and exit out of the game
This game is too scary, I can't play it

Attached: latest[1].jpg (640x480, 104K)

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Take it as the game's incentive to not die.

What did you die to?

Radscorpion outside a shack when I was heading towards Vault 15
I guess I ended up using all of my bullets and my knife didn't kill it in time

just play defensively till you get the 10mm SMG at the 3th floor in Vault 15

Go to Shady Sands and recruit Ian

Well, if I did go back to Fallout 1, how should I make my stats that I can just be tanky? What are some of the best skills to have?

>go to place you have never heard of been to and recruit person you don't know

The first couple of levels in fallout 1/2 are bullshit. You need to get through them to get enough gear and hp to survive

How the fuck didn't you run into shady sands? That's the first place you should get to after getting out of vault 13

I couldn't understand the map at all and didn't realize you had to click the destination in the map screen, so when I got out of Vault 13 (which was spooky because there's whispers in the background in the cave) I clicked on a green arrow button and got taken to some random desert area with a radscorpion immediately in front of me

Shady Sands is directly between Vault 13 and 15
You just ran into a random encounter, maybe you'll get luckier next time
Btw if you're spooked by the cave wait until you get to The Cathedral

Should I put my Luck up then? I put a lot of points into Intelligence and Charisma

Try to have a good Charisma/Speech skill when you get go Shady Sands so you can recruit your first companion without any trouble. The higher your charisma, the more followers you can have. Dont put too many points into charisma tho. Also, talk to EVERYONE. There are a lot of simple stuff in Shady Sands that'll give you xp.

Take combat kinda slow in the beginning. Learn to space out AP for movement and attacking.

I don't want to give away too much, but there is a quest in Shady that involves radscorpions. They are kinda beefy for a low level player but not impossible. Also, search every container, but try to sneak while doing so. It isnt always stealing, but just be safe. There are a ton of items/ammo hidden away

Avoid all big creatures for a few levels or until you have a gun bigger than a pistol plus a companion or two. Getting a random encounter isn't worth fighting right out of the gate. You'll lose precious health and ammo for pittance of XP. Quests give more xp and rewards overall. Save often and if you absolutely hate random encounters you can make a character with a high "outdoorsman" skill which gives you a higher chance to choose to avoid random encounters (or not).

Is there a way to regen AP by not acting on a turn or do I just have to move to a different position? The pistol was using 5 AP. I'm still confused on how to click on things and use items.

I forgot to say you should just run away from seemingly hard random encounters by walking off the grid at the edges of the area. This is viable even if you engaged in battle first.

Don't forget that sleeping by using the "pip" button at the bottom hud heals you.

Try to avoid using items and opening your inventory during combat. You can equip stimpaks to your second slot and switch to it when need be. AP can stack for extra armor if you choose to not take an action during your turn, but I advise to trying to stay at distance when fighting at a low level

This guy knows his stuff. SAVE VERY OFTEN.

This game definitely isnt for everyone, but I really want you to like it, OP.

Very good points user, however dont forget to mention that you do have a limited number of ingame days.
Game is harsh, but very rewarding once you get the hang of it

You can "skip turn" to get all your action points converted into armor class points. Which will make you take less damage during enemy turn but reverts back when you act.

As someone said, opening inventory, reloading, healing, walking, targeting bodyparts all take extra AP to perform. If you want to generally shoot twice per round it's recommended to have 9 or 10 Agility from the start. It's much easier to work around with fewer AP on the second run because you have an idea on how much everything costs and how tough enemies get. Awareness is a great perk to see exact enemy health, I think it required 6 or 7 perception though but it appears on low levels.

And a tip: Don't accidentally sell important quest items and then forget where like I did

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I should mention that I am an insane fucking little bitch when it comes to anything horror or overly tense and atmospheric. I remember the first time I played Oblivion I didn't make it past the tutorial dungeon because I got too scared of the goblin or whatever that was in the cave.

Is there a control or button layout? I feel like I have no idea what anything does.

Don't be afraid to create a sort of "test file" before you actually start role playing. You can get away with putting points wherever you want, however it's good to get a decent grip on the game first. See how AP works in fights, get a feel for how enemies fight, and learn what items are best to look out for.

>play fallout 1
>do pretty well for myself
>get power armor, gatling laser and save a shitton of communities and people
>kill the master and finish the game
>end credits say because i took so long to finish, everything still went to shit and super mutants killed and raped everyone

what the fuck man

You can examine stuff to figure out what it is. I believe if you hold right click, a little drop down appears. The binoculars icon is the examine one.

The atmosphere is very nice. Power through it OP. If it makes you uncomfortable, then I think the game is doing a good job. It's rewarding

>High luck
>Get the best random encounters
>Game is easy


This isn't Bethesda's Fallout 4. You can make mistakes just like in real life, and it has actual consequences

I think the games gives you a pretty good bump towards the quest to solve the water problem. You just have to talk to basically the most important people in towns and you'll either get directions or a general idea where it should be. I would only start to panic if there's like a couple of weeks left. The random encounters going straight up in difficulty if you divert from directions given really keeps you around the important areas until things have settled down. Not that it isn't fun to run off and see what kind of bs the game throws at you.

Aren't super mutants infertile or something?

I will totally say that the game is definitely doing an amazing job at the atmosphere stuff and definitely doing its job, but sometimes that can be a bit too much for me to handle. Should I put more points into Agility so I can move faster or something? Are you stuck with the same stats the entire game?

Hopefully we've given you enough pointers to give the game another shot OP. Like I said, it isnt a perfect game, and it isnt for everyone. But it's very enjoyable and rewarding.

Use this game to get passed your issues with horror/heavy atmosphere. You dont wanna miss out on a good experience, whether it be this game or another

What you really need to know is that you can use inventory items by putting them into one of your active slots (where you have your weapons) on the environment. To save you some headache I'm sure others had same trouble as me, you will come across a time where you will have to tie a rope around a beam to progress. Put the rope into your active slot, click the rope and click in the environment where to tie it. Repeat until something happens or not as it can be a bit pixel-hunty. You will also need to place explosives for some tasks. First you arm the explosive with a timer by holding r-click on it. Then you either drop it fast as bloody hell (regardless if timer is high) or click on an object which it might be fastened around. Then run away from it.

You can increase combat speed in options and you can select "always run" to go much MUCH faster.

I actually do not know how to increase "SPECIAL" stats throughout the game. Someone else would have to chime in on that. I've only played through it a handful of times, but Fallout 2, that's another story. Agility will help you start out tho, yes. There is no way to increase actual movement speed, however

How long ago was this? I know they (DO NOT READ THIS OP) had a hidden timer for the master invasion of the wasteland in which towns were meant to be progressively destroyed from a mutant army. Taking too long meant they pretty much obliterated everything

Good point, forgot to mention to check the options menu and turn speeds up. I just meant there arent any "speed up shoes" or like that

skeletons are not real they are just stories your father told to scare you so there is no reason to be afraid

Seriously OP dont read that. Keep the story as vague to yourself as you can

The narrative is that the supermutants breed in their vats everyday, so if you took too long then by the time you finish the game their numbers are too big for most settlements to handle.

If you actually played FO1 you'd know that fucking up the Master isn't the only thing you have to do to win the game.

It's literally the first area you run into, retard.

I'm not even kidding when I say how much of a little bitch I am when it comes to horror stuff. Although I don't know if you could call Fallout horror. It's just super tense and atmospheric, and the hopelessness of it all is really well done, but maybe a little too well done.
I'm the kind of person that needs to close their eyes if something's too scary.
I'm 23.

Well, I'd suggest you jump ship from this thread, before too much gets posted and the story gets ruined for you.

Just trial and error it, my friend. You can do it. Once you've got the hang of it you'll realize the game isnt that hard, it's just unforgiving. And use it to get over your issues. I promise you're in for a good experience, and hopefully it helps you try out other games as well.

You should try to play Stalker then

How are Fallout 3 and New Vegas in comparison? I'm sure they're still just as spooky in some ways, but I would imagine they're easier to play because of it being more what I'm used to.
I still want people to talk about shit in this thread though.

I think the closest thing to an actual horror game I played is Bloodborne, and I love that game, but that's a completely different type of horror altogether. Old PC games and their really jarring and uncanny valley 3D graphics are a whole different story though. It's... unsettling.

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It's unironically called "soul" my friend. And they completely lack the atmosphere these games have. Vaults are somewhat creepy but that's literally it. Fallout 3 did a good job atmosphere wise and hide a few creepy things in the vaults, buts borderline baby stuff

>I think the closest thing to an actual horror game I played is Bloodborne

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F3 and NV are easier than the old ones. The only scary parts are some set-pieces that are meant to be scary. The "everthing is ruined and shit's bleak" atmosphere is still there. Stalker SoC has atmosphere coming out the wazoo and it gets real creepy at some points.

Fallout New Vegas is essentially a sequel to Fallout 1 and 2
To get the best experience you gotta finish (or at least play a little bit) of the first 2

It's still classified as horror

You haven't played a horror game if Bloodborne is horror to you, I don't know what else to say.

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Fallout 3 and NV are Skyrim with guns and barely have anything to do with FO1 and 2

>How are Fallout 3 and New Vegas in comparison?
Don't expect happily blasting super mutants to some old rocky tunes in F1 and 2. You'll be tense throughout the entire game. But when you figure the combat and shit out, its extremely satisfying. And risking in these games really pays off.

He literally said it's a different type of horror you nut

For your first playthrough I strongly advise ignoring Gambling, Throwing and First Aid skills.

>when the monster chip fails

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>Should I put more points into Agility so I can move faster or something? Are you stuck with the same stats the entire game?

I can't remember if you can increase it in FO1 other than by using a perk (a waste). If you want to change stuff around without restarting there are trainer programs, just remember to subtract a special point whenever you add it somewhere else or you'll break shit entirely.

>recomending cheats for first playthrough

Yep, they don't make the chips like they used to.

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I guess restarting and changing stats is cheating too then? Exactly same effect if you actually read what I said.

>hurp durp lovecraft
>hyurp derp lack of well lit areas
Bloodborne is not a fucking horror game, even if it takes inspiration from horror things, it's a game about killing shit with your axe or whatever other weapon you chose. You get to overcome the dream and become its new ruler if you play your cards right.

If you think you played a horror game by playing Bloodborne, you haven't played shit and should bother playing something like Silent Hill or Amnesia, even though these are horribly entry level.

>first time playing F1
>kill all the rats
>fast travel
>get random encounter
>its 6 radscorpions
>cant run away literally surrounded
>close game

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The Colt 6520 10mm autoloading pistol is a highly durable and efficient weapon developed by Colt Firearms prior to the Great War. It proved to be resistant to the desert-like conditions of the post-nuclear wasteland and is a fine example of workmanship and quality construction. The simple design of the gun allows it to be easily manufactured with relatively basic equipment, making it possible to be replicated in workshops in the post-nuclear world.

Attached: Classic_10mm_pistol.png (1464x813, 699K)

Casual filtered. Mission accomplished.

I actually did the exact same thing when I first played fallout, though I was about 8 at the time so I think it's a bit more excusable

How old are you?

>first time playing F1
>kill all the rats
>fast travel
>do all the shit around Shady Sands, Junktown etc
>get leather armor and a shotgun plus Ian and Dogmeat
>big dick vault man now aims for the horizon
>go west into the darkness
>get random encounter
>super mutants
>realize i've taken water chips over my head
>get pew pew'd by one in the back
Such is life in the wasteland.

Will we have another real fallout ever, lads? What would you like to see?

The feat of becoming a super mutant in Fallout: Online is cool


Fallout 1&2had so much soul
Fuck Bethesda

>do gambling trick
>richest vault man in all of Cali
>still get random crit hit and instant 'd

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The AK-112 assault rifle is a military assault rifle of Soviet origin that was in service during the early 21st century. Chambered for 5mm ammunition, it utilizes a 24-round magazine. The AK-112 was eventually considered aged and was scheduled to be replaced just prior to the Great War.

Attached: assaultrifle.png (1900x664, 266K)

I'd rather see an Arcanum 2

Man, I finished 1 like 2 years ago for the first time. Still haven't touched 2, I need to change that.

Play Atom and Underrail.

Underrail is better, Atom is more like Fallout. Both are heavily inspired by it. Underrail is unironically what Fallout 3 should've been.

Where the fuck did you get this render?

Underrail is nothing like Fallout, the only thing they have in common is the isometric view.


I loved 1 but couldn't get into 2. Don't know if it's because excessive silliness or something else, shame because there's apparently lots of shit to do.

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>fallout 1 + 2
>laser beam walls
>thriving communities
>people are well aware of technology works, have reactors and other advanced tech online
>post post apocalyptic to the point theres a drug trade and porn film industry
>actual money being made
>towns survive off each other
>most people are normal just hardened by the wastes
>choices actually matter

>fallout 3 + 4
>lol dude like radiation and explosions XD

Some guy was making a New Vegas mod for it an suddenly stopped updating 2 years ago

You know there' s this thing called instruction manual?

Underrail is way more focused on combat than roleplaying, has a different atmosphere and is more centered around hubs than an open world.

Granted, it still will seem very familiar and will probably be liked by almost everybody that loved the original Fallouts. I greatly appreciate the combat depth to be honest, especially that going through the whole game with, let's say, a knife, is perfectly possible.

I think the main issue is that people care so much about the Fallout universe, and while a clone is nice, it won't offer the thing they're actually interested in.

The Winchester City-Killer 12 gauge combat shotgun, bullpup variant. In excellent condition, it has the optional DesertWarfare environmental sealant modification for extra reliability.

Attached: CombatShotgun.png (1660x764, 1.06M)

I'm not a fan of those visions you get from the home village's shaman reminding you to stay on path. They just pop up on your screen abruptly like a jump scare when you least expect it.

A Colt Rangemaster semi-automatic rifle, in .223 caliber. Single-shot only.

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Why do zoomers struggle with old vidya?

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This was honestly so out of place, how did Ron get away with it?

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ok retard

What an ugly gun design

Should I bother buying F4? Never bothered with it but the mods seem nice

>Legitimately forgot that 76 existed up until a few days ago
Maybe it's for the better

It has the best gunplay of the 3D Fallout games and being in an actual suit of Power Armor is cool, but the main story sucks and the pre-determined character background is garbage if you actually want to roleplay.

This. Play it as an action adventure throw some mods on it and you'll have some fun with it. But from an RPG standpoint it doesn't get close to even fucking Fallout 3.


same reason why future generations will struggle with anything that isn't a touch screen.

its a retards Fallout, shooting things is fun but the game is designed for knuckle draggers and if you played any other Fallout the simplifications become apparent very quick

Not everyone grew up playing old PC games

My neighbor had Tomb Raider 2 on PC. My mind was broken over how to work the controls.

>It has the best gunplay of the 3D Fallout games
Because ID Software helped Bethesda design that part, just keep that in mind - the only good part of the game had nothing to do with Bethesda.

I mean, Bethesda games are essentially so lazily worked on because they expect the community to pick up all of the labor. I highly doubt we'll ever see a multiplayer-only game from them anytime soon after the disaster that was 76.

Two's weird for me. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the game, but it was a bit hard to get into after 1. It felt like a weird fan mod of 1 for a while, and it starts really, really slow. Anyone using guns knows you don't get anything remotely cool for a while, though unarmed is fine.
The game is silly, but as weird as it sounds you get used to it after a while. If you stopped early on, like the first real town or near it, I really recommend powering through until your build gets it's footing. The game picks up the slack.

Daily reminder to play 1.5. Resurrection for another dose of true Fallout.

Shit, I didn't either. None of that stopped me from playing them though.

>made by 4 Czech fans of the originals
Why is saving the western gaming always up to slavs?

We still have souls

put your luck to 10 and walk around until you find the alien blaster

user there's a skeleton in all of us right nOW OMG IT'S COMING OU

We're always a few decades behind.

You'll think... of me...
When you are all alone...


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What other games use old classical music the same way Fallout does? The only other series I can think of is Bioshock.
Would Bioshock work as an isometric WRPG the same way Fallout 1/2 are?
>Bioshock could have had the same appeal Fallout did
>Then they ruined it with Infinite

Deathclaw husbando > Deathclaw waifu

I once found the tipped over truck with 10.000 caps between Vault 13 and Junktown. Good start.
>Those giant footprints with one creature squished in the middle
>"You search the area but this is the only footprint you can find"
Too fucking spooky for 12 year old me. I expected gigantic monsters roaming the waste to fuck my shit at every turn after that.

Has there ever been a monster that size actually recorded in Fallout, or is just meant to be an easter egg?

I liked BioShock infinite, but not as a mainline BioShock game

Does anyone know how the game calculates when a creature is between the shooter and its target? Ian is infamous for bursting your shit from behind but whenever I try to abuse this on enemies stacking up it's seems far more rare.

Special encounters are not canon

dont fight them its not worth it.
go to the green marked green spot. take care of the rats and mole rats. (either solo or with ian) and loot the place. i would avoid the kidnapped quest in shady sands completelly for now since you prob cant pass the speech skillcheck

Oh dear.

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Why the hell would aliens even want to come to an irradiated shithole planet anyway

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that doctor who easter egg encounter caused such a galaxy brain chain reaction in my head at the time bcs i had no idea what doctor who was. for years i was wondering what the was about and what i missed. figuring out that its just an easter egg was such a letdown...

I had to look it up:
>This encounter coincides with the original plot of Fallout, which, according to Timothy Cain during a live conference, involved time traveling and dinosaurs. While these aspects were ultimately scrapped for the new plot that later became the official Fallout game, a dinosaur footprint remained in the final release of the game indirectly in homage to the dinosaurs intended for the game initially in the form of a non-canon random encounter. [1] It should be noted, however, that while the footprint is in indirect homage, there is currently no substantial evidence linking the two events as the reason for the footprint's ultimate creation and implementation.

thats what you get for exploiting game mechanics and meta gaming

not that guy.
i jsut wanted to add that i didnt like the "claustrophobic slav special" at all. these tunnels just arent that impressive or interresting to explore.

Fallout 1/2 is nightmare mode in the early levels but gets easier as you get stacked

Savescum constantly because its so easy to screw the game forever. You may also find success in stealing a lot.

its way more important to have the points in the skill instead of beeing at the perfect range. its DnD and not a modern shooter. i remeber seeing the formular once and it did inculde range value i think but it isnt that important. you can get by with common sense. smg burst fire for closer range, sniper and assault rifles for longer range. though 1 pistol crit can fk you up especially early and mid game.

New game runs that change the most shit?
>Low Int
>Jinxed trait (with 10 Luck)
>Gifted trait (overpowered but hits more SPECIAL checks easier)
>Non-combat centric (painful but possible)
>Get Slaver mark
>Evil / Good
>High heavy weapons skill early on when you know where to find them

Just wait until you get captured by super mutants, get turned into an abomination, and have to watch them brutalize your vault's inhabitants.

How the fuck do you deal with attempts at "ironman" runs where you don't savescum for setbacks? Specifically when it's so easy to lose companions at any large fight? I hate how I can't control them more than a few basic commands that get overridden anyway if they run out of ammo and shit. It's such a big loss, at least early on, and you can't really replace them more than a few times. I wish they just made them get knocked down unconscious if they lose all their health. Wake them up by using healing after the fight is over. Otherwise I will just reload the save anyway.

>Random encounter
>Kill dude with melee
>His body slides off the grid where you can't loot him anymore

Attached: white lizard fighting.webm (640x640, 2.02M)

I wouldn't say it's that bad. The only real danger is accidentally selling a vital item you'll need later on.

Pump 10 points into agility and that pretty much ensures you can run away from most encounters. Except in Fallout 2 where you might need to save scum during longer trips when you get ambushed and encircled by aliens/100 wolves/muties. Enclave encounters are the worst

Go get vegas and 3 they are way the fuck better despite what these hipsters say op.

That shit is hilarious and ridiculous.
Only thing worse is when an enemy is injured and runs away. Good luck trying to close combat or even killing that bitch when they're off grid.

I genuinely do appreciate all the helpful advice this thread has offered. I just hope I can stop being such a little bitch and press onward and go back to it.

I hate that sliding shit with melee. I had to reroll my melee character because every fight I'd be constantly chasing after someone I just smacked 9 tiles away with my super sledge, risking getting shotgunned or SMG bursted in the face each time I went in for the kill.

Just discovered this thread so I haven't had time to read through every response but I would seriously recommend sticking with it op. The game can be frustrating at times and I would suggest making different saves before any important decision you make, just in case, but in the end it will suck you in. Imo none of the sequel fallouts come close to F1/F2s atmosphere, vision and the fleshed out world. That alone is enough to endure the clunky combat (which does get a lot easier as you progress in skills and weapons/armor).

Just install the patches and high res fixes and dive into it. Also make sure to pump 10 points into agility and get gifted perk.

Why didnt he hit her back?

I believe they walk idly back into the grid if you can run to the other side of the area and start sneaking. Keep attempting to close combat and then WALK back close enough to get a decent chance to hit and activate combat manually before they see you to get the shot off. Otherwise they use their turn to simply run out again.

Sometimes I believe this is the only reason they added those "move 2 extra steps" perks. Still, annoying as shit and doesn't benefit you in any way.

In all honesty I was not expecting Fallout 1 to spook me so much, and I'm easily scared by shit, which can make it very difficult to progress. I just hope I can get over some of that and actually get into the game.
So 10 Agility, what else would be worth putting stats into? I don't want my character to be dumb.

>Also make sure to pump 10 points into agility and get gifted perk.
Ehh 10 agility is always a good suggestion, especially for new players as anything less neuters your combat ability by quite a bit. Which is the hardest part when new. Gifted is quite broken and the reduction of all skills is annoying when you already don't know what's important. I wouldn't recommend it as first experience even if it pays off a bit later.

No one dared to ask his business
No one dared to make a slip

What is it with old game and spooky game overs?

Making a dumb character is fun, though I wouldn't recommend it for a first playthrough since you're locked out of most content. Make sure you have at least 4 int. You can dump charisma though.

You mean that Charisma isn't all that important?

Agility, Perception and Intelligence desu. Haven't played in a while but strength isn't worth too much, charisma only really increases number of companions you can have. Pump points into speech. Stealing is also pretty good but very contextual.

Low int runs are great fun in Fallout 1/2/Arcanum since there is A LOT of dialogue written for dumb characters.

You need at least 4 INT to not be considered mentally retarded by other NPCs.

There are more and less effective builds that cater to what the game actually offers the most but that's really not necessary. You will find stuff important to have a lot of different skills high in. Aim for at least 1 combat skill and 2 or 3 other skills pumped higher than others.

I always hated stealing because one little fuck up and and the entire area will be on your ass and you get effectively vilified from ever coming back. No game should base a skill around save scumming for a success or have whole settlements locked forever. Unless I've been using it wrong this whole time. Outside towns you can just kill people for their shit so stealing isn't doing much there either.

So, Yea Forums, will they deliver?

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It's not that spooky, you just die and turn into a skeleton. The voice over shits all over you because you let yourself get killed through dumb decisions, simple. The music is oppressive and almost tribal because the society and the world got fucked by the nukes.

It may be seen as depressing, but scary? Are you fucking kidding me?

I think stealing works better if you are sneaking simultaneously. Maybe sneaking is an even better skill since at max you can murder anyone in their own house and people outside of the house won't go nuts.

>It's not that spooky
I got intense shivers seeing that game over screen for the first time paired with the music and the monotone voice
In fact just typing this is starting to spook me

Yeah, charisma kinda sucks in Fallout. It's a little better in Fallout 2 because it affects how many companions you can have with you. Strength isn't too important either, 4 or 5 should be fine. you can use your companions in the first game for infinite carry weight
Otherwise, it depends on what you want out of the game. high perception can help with ranged combat. High int opens up a lot of dialog not otherwise available. Luck is always fun.

Plus you can use implants to get your strength higher permanently and you only need 6 STR to use the best Power Armor.

Old 3d are uncanny for me

It's pretty much mandatory to sneak before stealing but even then it's a city wide call-out if you get caught stealing an iguana on a stick. The difficulty goes exponentially up with value and weight of items so unless you only wish to steal stims, handfulls of money and food your chances go really low. Like you said, then it's better to sneak into a house and whack someone from behind before robbing them instead.

stop being such an elitist you huge faggot

Properly done elitism is what keeps a higher standard in place.

You can always drug up your victim, 9 beers will cost you 45$ but will surely drop perception to minimum.
>The difficulty goes exponentially up with value and weight of items
Get pick pocket or whatever it named perk, it eliminates all penalties, including the weight of the item you're stealing.

So how much OP is going to freak out looking at the final boss?

Slavs love post-apocalypse or something. ATOM RPG was pretty decent too for a fallout clone.

I remember going to the NCR in F2 and stealing just about every gun the little dwarf was selling in a tent right outside the NCR. Stealing is pretty decent if you pump a lot of points into it but generally only useful for shops and vendors.

Inspiration drawn from every day life.

New Fallout TC soon, my dudes.

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How's Fallout 1.5? Is it decent or just fanfic tier?

The old Shadow of the Beast game over screens always kinda creeped me out back then.

>Plus you can use implants to get your strength higher permanently and you only need 6 STR to use the best Power Armor.
There is no strength requirement for power armor. The usual suggestion is taking 4 or 5 strength max because the power armor raises your strength by +3 so you can use really heavy weapons despite starting with average or low strength.

Wait, you can force feed people beers? This includes all consumables? I knew of certain items but didn't think of it this way.
>Get pick pocket
Level 9
Agility 8
Sneak 80%
"waste" a perk
All of this to get a decent chance of stealing what is mostly average stuff which can be bought easily? I don't remember even seeing worthwhile steal-able items on NPCS other than what said in FO2. It sounds like a decent thief roleplay but when the consequence of failure is always a savegame reload I would hesitate.

This thread reminded me I've never actually done a low int run in Fallout.
How does this look?

Attached: 1531445652566.png (640x479, 195K)

Don't use Bloody Mess. It ruins the fun of getting gory splatter on somewhat rare critical hits. You'll get sick of getting max gore on every single kill no matter what.

You can increase INT to 3 if you want at least a few skillpoints on level up but still retain the dumb-guy dialogues. Remember that power armor gives +3 strength so you can lower that to 7 and add points to charisma if you want some companions or INT/LK.

>This includes all consumables?
Nigga, you dumb? Super-Stimpak assassination was a thing for 20 years.
>I don't remember even seeing worthwhile steal-able items on NPCS other than what said in FO2
Bozar alone makes it worth, plus all the random shit people at old tanker are carrying
Fast shot won't reduce melee attack cost in F2, plus it would make more sense for roleplaying to go for heavy handed.

>Named him Grog
kek literally what I was thinking.
I would tag gifted and jinxed desu then dump some points into luck but that's just me.

Worthwhile playthrough just for the novelty.

>The Glow
>coming BACK from The Glow

Attached: 1523212660775.jpg (627x720, 229K)

>coming back from the Glow
Guess again

If you like OG Fallout check out INSOMNIA: The Ark
The game's kinda buggy but the universe and the atmosphere is pure kino

Attached: 20190419020807_1.jpg (1920x1080, 488K)

Makes me think of Dark Souls.

Alright, thanks for the advice. It's fallout 1, so charisma doesn't affect companion limit, and fast shot reduces melee AP. I wanted that sweet 1 attack per AP
Anyway, this is what I've decided to go with I think.

Attached: 1539854451505.png (640x479, 195K)

>not entering a random tile BEFORE touching the GLOW tile
>not eating 2 poptarts and a couple of buffout and psycho before leaving that random tile and then enter the GLOW

do you even fallout?

Does "Slayer" perk override Heavy Handed? I imagine the extra damage isn't worth getting almost 1/3 fewer crits.

>Bozar alone makes it worth
I remember installing the New Vegas DLC to be able to get this from the gun runners, and then being disappointed that it doesn't behave anywhere near close to the original. Then I installed a mod to make it behave properly.
>mfw it fired so fast it instantly de-limbed a dude in four different places

Attached: 1544265600139.jpg (320x401, 44K)

I had to do the same with "That gun". It was so underwhelming in FNV.

Nvm looked it up and it does:
>Despite the in-game description, Slayer does not need a Luck roll, all hand-to-hand attacks are upgraded to critical hits.

I assume all perks you choose are dependent on your base SPECIAL so anything equipped that increases attributes does not count into what perks you are allowed?

Just run to the bunker in fallout 2, grab that free power armor right at the beginning of the game

heavy handed decreases crit damage, not crit rate.
That said, low int locks you out of a lot of quests, so I don't think I'll reach level 18 anyway.

>Robbing yourself of all the gear progression from the get go
It's fun, the first time, but then it's like bloody mess. It just becomes tiresome until all your enemies are Enclave or Super mutants.

>Game is literally 5 minutes long but people say it's the best in the series

I really can't interpret the choice of words they had for heavy handed.
>Critical hits have a -30% modifier to the critical hit tables
I believe it when you say it's damage but there's nothing there to say whether it's damage or crit chance. "Tables" could mean either.

What a great weapon. Story behind it is just as good
>So we made a sniper rifle, stats are all fucked though
>How so?
>Well, it uses sniper rounds and does sniper damage, but it acts like an assault rifle. Burst fire, AP cost, it's an easy fix bu-
>leave it in

Tables mean the hidden D100 that game throws to determine what happens upon successful crit strike, which it then corresponds with the fraction in the crit tables that are 1-20/21-40/41-60/61-80/81-100/100+ and determine how much damage it will deal, whether it ignores armor or not and other negative effects.
It shows the critical hit table here. Better Criticals adds 20 to the critical hit table.

What happened at the master? Did he just glitch out of combat or was the custom dialogue he typed in important?

Looks nice

Attached: 1554984909842.jpg (443x719, 44K)

>ignores armor, ignores armor, ignores armor, ignores armor, ignores armor
Thanks for everything, power armor.

Well how else you could have any chance at dealing damage against 14 dt + 40 dr stacked on top of each other?

when i was a bit younger i got traumatised as fuck by the master. just the look and sound and idea behind him was utterly horrifying to me. Now that im older i find all this lore and stuff cool as fuck. This game has 10/10 atmosphere. Anyone have a similar experience?

I can't make a formula but taking reduced crit damage depending on armor should work I think. You can also make that PC exclusive so you don't have to chip away the same way on 10 enemies in power armor. Perhaps only having "ignores armor" on aimed shots, I can't remember if enemies do those at all. I don't think it's necessarily broken as is but any burst weapon ignoring armor can one-shot any PC even at late levels who also started with 10 endurance and extra health perks, since it goes so high on damage. I guess it's sort of balanced by going both ways but since there are no stances and stuff from Tactics there is no real way to mitigate random crit rolls/hits when enemies typically always outnumber you. Other than running away a few steps and hoping your aim is better than theirs.

I was able to actually fuck up my first attempt at fallout and had to restart. But I enjoyed it and the game is very replayable except for the first fights with rats and scorpion. But after you learn the game it's very easy actually. Very easy to end up with an overpowered character and once you have your plasma to the eye build there is no strategy involved anymore.

A game like fallout would benefit from being designed and balanced around no quick saves btw

REMINDER: Non-Todd games aren't canon

>I was able to actually fuck up my first attempt at fallout and had to restart
What happened?

On the note of rats outside the vault and the temple trials, how would you introduce combat in Fallout 1-2 in a non obnoxious way (today when people don't have the manuals)? Should a tutorial try to be as roleplaying as possible with UI highlights to learn the interface or should it be something that loads in even before character creation to actually show how everything is done?

For what it's worth, the "ignores armor" effect only ignores 80% of armor, it doesn't entirely negate it.
That said, it's still an issue with full auto weapons. The first time I fought the master, he scored a crit on the first round killing me instantly from full health. Of course, after I reloaded he wasn't much of a threat.

>ignores 80% of armor
If that goes for both DT and DR that is enough to degrade even Enclave MKII into leather jacket level of protection.

oh shit so that's what this dude's been working on

Attached: goodsprings_by_red888guns_dd498mm.png (1280x720, 1.81M)

I absolutely love you often take 0 damage from shitty guns when in Power armor. Almost makes me feel bad when encountering 15 random raiders who can do jack shit. It's just an incredible feel to go from scared man barely holding out with combat armor and being a literal man of steel felling them by the dozen by obliterating their groins. I guess the trade off is the sudden crit burst from proper enemies.

I think only item icons and talking heads are legit parto f the game, because they still use original engine.

Attached: QV99px5mOeE.jpg (640x480, 173K)

>Neat concept art of talking heads
>Click it
>They are fucking animated
Holy fuck.
>Too big to post on chans

Buy my game user.

Attached: Selling lies in future times.gif (388x200, 753K)

you're correct yeah

Attached: f60bc855787a4965a92ff42aa9bd556e.jpg (640x480, 107K)

>There is an unique ending cutscene for a female Vault Dweller

Atom is not a good game. It really tries to be, but if you dont make your character a certain way, you struggle to kill spiders and wasps even after you've hit level 10. The game levels with you too, so when you dont encounter insects, you fight drunken peasants with crossbows and shotguns, who can shoot usually twice per turn, take away 1/3 of your hp, and get 6 activations before you or your allies get to go again.

It still needs a lot of work

why do talking heads ooze so much SOUL?

Attached: frollo.jpg (480x360, 22K)

They're literally handcrafted.

imagine being so petty you have to shoehorn muh bethesda into every fallout thread you enter

All character models are handcrafted or which games have procedurally generated character models?

He means the talking heads were actually modeled in clay

All talking heads with few being unused and some of the character models like deathclaws, rest is just early 3D being forced into 2D sprite.

Their faces actually change if you piss/stroke them off. It's nice tell someone they should kill themselves and having them still be angry at you when you ask how the kids are doing.

Hilarious that they thought giving it to some rando guards would prevent players from getting their hands on it. Same with being able to steal a Power Armor in San Francisco minutes after starting the run.

>The higher your charisma, the more followers you can have.
I know this late to say, but this is wrong. Charisma is a complete dump stat in the first Fallout, you can have everyone in your group at once in it with 1 CHA. In 2 that changes to one every two CHA, but it's still isn't very good as you can pop mentats and get five people at once even with 1 CHA.

Your reply is written a bit weird but:
>Handmade 3d model gone through a process to make it a 2D sprite makes it no longer handmade
That doesn't make sense.

I always mix it up between the games.

give me
a kiss to build a dream on

I didn't imply that, I meant that Talking heads and some of the creatures like deathclaws were made from clay models, the rest, like most humanoid characters were 3D modelled and then make into sprites.

Reminder that you can die of thirst in Fallout 1/2:
>The flask has the simple property of preventing dehydrating-random encounters from occurring.

Ayylien blaster baby!

It's incredibly rare though, I don't think I ever had that event

yeah, bethesda is pretty much irrelevant to the fallout franchise. how someone could think of mentioning them is beyond me.

How do I stop being shit at Tactics?

They are very easy to not notice. You basically get into an empty random encounter with flavor text mentioning you spent x amount of time looking for water. If unsuccessful you take a few hitpoints of damage. I'm not sure if the "you take a swig from your trusty canteen" shows up as flavor text instead during the "encounter" or if it just sits in the action log until next time you stop somewhere.