Any other games besides Hearts of Iron where I can play as the Axis powers?
If not, I guess this can be Hearts of Iron thread.
Any other games besides Hearts of Iron where I can play as the Axis powers?
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>start Hearts of Iron 4 as Finland.
>Go hard axis, conquer northern norway for resources, and fortify eastern border against soviets.
>soviets backstab germany and invade them when they start the Winter War.
>my line holds, and germans start pushing the soviets back.
>When Moscow is about to fall, fucking USA joins the comitern.
>no matter, soviet union crumbles, as do the brittish isles as I navally invade them with germany and italy.
>the problem however remains with the comitern and USA.
>Germany is still warring against the remnants of Soviets and the commie murrican forces in the far east.
>I decide to take a bold strategy, as Canada falls to civil war between fascists and commies.
>I invade canada, help to install the fascists to power, and prepare for invasion of USA.
>I am also researching nukes.
>Invasion commences, I take boston, new york and much of the northern east coast of USA, nuking Washington in the process.
>However, it quickly dawns to me how fucking outnumbered I am, legions of american commies swarm all around me.
>I am currently desperately fighting near the great lakes, trying to hold ground and hoping for Germany to come and assist me in this mad invasion.
My troops are running out, and I have already nuked Chicago as well, however the murricans do not relent. What do?
>crossing the Atlantic to the new world
u fucked up, restart
I am thinking of holding my positions and just keeping on nuking the commie bastards.
Maybe they will run out of forces eventually or germany will come to my aid.
Nah, you commie swine.
>Any other games besides Hearts of Iron where I can play as the Axis powers?
Silent Storm
>thinking the HoI AI can invade worth a shit across the Atlantic
Germany can barely pull off Sealion and they have to have a stroke of genius to do it.
Have a good war!
based Benito approves of this thread
I'll look it up.
Yeah, the AI is kind of fucked in this game.
Panzer corp
Codename Panzer phase II
>Benny's relatives are in the Italian government now
Didn't she argue with Jim Carrey over twitter?
Söyboys HATE this! Found out how he sculpted his jawline!
I find the allies to be more fun, the UK or US that is. Japan is also pretty varied though.
Post more Hitler.
Our lad
>mfw dabbing on France with Italy.
Imagine living in Nazi Germany during the rise of Adolf Hitler. Imagine the sense of pride you felt just to be a citizen. I'm not a Nazi apologist, but you can tell it was epic.
It must have been wonderful.
Is that game good?
ridin dirty
Being stylish
Panzer general & Panzer corps if you are into turn-based strategy.
The only reason she is into politics is because she failed as actress, is all about the fame for her.
i hope i will live long enough to see something like this
Same here.
Well it was epic if you were in his camp or a closely enough aligned camp to get behind him. A part of history that tends to get kind of ironed out is the sheer number of political factions that were active in Germany, even after Hitler's rise to power. His dissenters sure got the message about what happened if you were too loud about it, but the country was never really as 'unified' as a lot of people tend to assume from rallies and propaganda shots. I mean remember, the most iconic piece of film-making to come out of the Nazi party, Triumph of the Will? That was party propaganda to demoralize the military institution that had misgivings about the government. You don't need productions like that in a unified society.
Panzer General 2 is so good and has a timeless look
>having to rotate the arm band to an inorganic position to get your cosplay across to dumb fans
How else would the braindead leftists know that mustache man is bad?