Thoughts on the new MK villain?

Thoughts on the new MK villain?

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looks like a confused boy after seeing some weird man dressed like a woman in mall

terrible just like every other aspect of the game

it triggers Yea Forumseddit so I'm all for it!


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is that male or female

I literally don't care anymore

You cared enough to post.

I'll wait and see how she is during the story mode. Not impressed yet but I'll give her a fair shot.

I hope she's *apart* from the elder gods and not explicitly *above* the elder gods. I hate when franchises keep moving the bar on what was supposed to be an objective top tier.
Looking at you, Dragon Ball.

The only real issue I have with her and the MK designs are that they look like they belong in a MOBA game. They don't really seem to fit the MK aesthetic

Her death in the Arcade mode is pretty satisfying.

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she looks cute smiling like that tho

Will the game have a game mode that will be interesting?

Im already have doubts.

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i dont care either fugg ya

They really aren't trying to make any good looking characters are they



>mom told me its my turn to play on the computer

Who the fuck is designing these faggot tumblr characters jesus christ they all look so terrible

Everything about this MK looks like söy fueled cringe. I'm glad I don't care about fighting games

>want to reset the world
>Old & new Kombatants unite to stop her
I'm rooting for her just for that, destroy MK from 10 and onwards, rest and... we get the decent MK back.

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>destroy MK from 10 and onwards
Want me to spoil what happened?

You didn't like seeing Leatherface and Jason murder your favorite characters?

underrated post

You can't, never had any hope for it from the start.

>never had any hope for it from the start
Yes, but have you wondered how badly they fucked up?


I designed new MK female character

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Get ready then (serious story spoilers below, don't look and then bitch how I ruined it for you):
Kronika comes along and does time bullshit
Dark Raiden just gone
Everyone is confused for a bit and runs around not achieving much
Leaks for the story segment pretty much true
Borgs are NPCs you fight in the story
Future Hanzo dies to D'Vorah, past Scorpion just decides to stop being badong
Shao gets killed by Kitana, Kotal just hands over the throne because despite being black he still has male privilege
They get on a boat, Frost and Geras dies
Jax had turned bad, but also decides that was badong
Lius fuse, then Raiden fuses with them to become Lord Liu Kang
Big battle
Time reversal begins
Cetrion is just bad cause mommy, gets beat and nearly has a change of heart but then doesn't. Fuses with Kornika
Time is reversed to the start of everything?
Liu wins, is now Elder God Triple Deluxe
Brings Kitana to be with him as he reshapes the universe

Looks like Frieza

I didn't know Whis was in this game.

>In a videogame
>In MK from all of things

Thanks for the info anyway, based user. What a shitfest.

Woah, Cassie lookin' kinda thicc

This is okay.
Big cleavages are not.

Fuck nu-MK and fuck Boon.

Can't unsee

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Lmao Ka ka ka ka kachi daze

She looks autistic

There is no way this clusterfuck is real

WHY THE FUCK ARE SONYA, CASSIE, JACQUI, JAX AND KNAO IN THE GODDAMN GAME. WHO ASKED FOR THESE BORING FAGGOTS??? WTF BOON? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO SICK OF EVERY NUMK HAVING A SEVERE LACK OF SICK NINJAS BECAUSE OF THESE STUPID SPEC OPS NIGGAS. FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this needs an edit of the helmet into a switch.


I like bald girls. I want to hold their heads in my hands and feel them around and then facefuck them

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wow the artists could not have managed to make her look more fucked up if they tried
>weird unfocused eyes
>awkward expression
>really fucking wide mouth
>tiny little ears
>no dent in top lip
she(?) literally has fetal alcohol syndrome

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no, you like cute bald girls. ugly bald girls are abominations.


Man, I wish that was the case.

My nibba.

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Patrician taste, I also enjoy squeezing their heads and slapping my dick against their dome in between bouts of hot passionate intercourse.

That model is so terrible holy shit. I hope they fix her for future games

man. why don't they just make each game a death tournament for immortality. it'll save them money and effort, and stop these clusterfuck storylines.

She's ugly

That's a face scanned actor

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Meant for

Imagine getting this upset about vidya titties. Petulant wittle babby

Always online for singleplayer modes.

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Only incels care!
Look at this loser he wanted to play offline hahaha I bet he dont have any vagina pass!

welp. guess us aussiebros are never gonna get to play mk then.


Can't wait for the motherfucking 9.9 reviews at this shitfest

Core EVO values right there.

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Me when I'm about to quit visiting Yea Forums.

Why would anyone want ugly anything?

>slapping my dick against their dome
And rub my saliva dripping cock and balls all over it, just before I splatter it with my cum. Jack would have loved it. My ex felt aroused and dirty and then felt embarrassed about it. Which only made me want to do worse stuff to her.

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My meat tonight.

it was probably going to get banned anyways m8

What mid 00's graphic card box art did xer come from?

I'm just gonna say that skimpy outfits are cosplay bait and cosplays of your characters are gonna promote your game. It may be a few thousands only, or maybe more, but sales are sales. NRS fucked up in that regard.

The lower the % drops the more la creatura will spread to all aspects of American life.

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SHE is just a ugly girl who is immortal and thus beyond caring what she looks like.

So this is what no proper art direction does to games

peak garbage.

Trash just like the rest of the game. Sorry, I don't buy games that disrespect the female form by making all the women look like trannies.


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you sealed your fate now. MK11 you gave yourself a FATALITY. This game ..its laughable really HAHAHAHA street fighter finally got its revenge on this joke of a franchise.


So, no western games then?

Won’t really know until that guy finishes that playthrough. Really he uploads part 4 soon.

>Arcade mode death is fucking great and super fitting for MK
>Story Mode death is just her turned into crystal and getting shattered.

What a fucking disappointment.

It's nice that they got creative with her death and didn't just have her burst into giblets.


I've been keeping up with the leaks and I still can't make sense of what she's trying to accomplish.

She wants to make the world go bald

Are they related?

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>Liu wins, is now Elder God Triple Deluxe
>Brings Kitana to be with him as he reshapes the universe
they're writing them out of the series aren't they

I'd fuck her shes not that ugly

Why is every MK villain bald?

now you're getting it

another fucking peebee goddamit

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Chronica is a shitty and generic name but at this point I'm glad she`s not called Time-o.

It's too much. I don't hate this character enough to enjoy seeing her brutalized like this. She doesn't even do much to deserve something like this.
This game is really jarring with the lack of tits and ass but with this much overzealous violence. Psycho mutts desu.

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>man. why don't they just make each game a death tournament for immortality. it'll save them money and effort, and stop these clusterfuck storylines.

Literally this, it would make for a way better story than all this "invasions of the Earth realm" shit we've been getting since 1998.

>It require the combine power of White man and Asian man to beat the ultimate evil that is White woman and her slaves to restore balance to the universe.

Fucking KEK.

>she's a single mother with a brainwashed daughter, a black manslave and an army of literal robot NPCs

She looks like a 16 year-old witch cancer, and I despise Hale's voice acting, they generally all sound the same and I want to slap the shit out of them

She'll be completely forgotten after this and people will pretend she didn't exist.

>Classic MK takes down modern MK


I hate to break it to ya, but i distinctly remember ed boon saying she was above the elder gods during one of the kombat kasts or that rapid fire interview he did recently. Idr exactly which but i def remember him saying it.

Maybe we should all start playing games from your country.

American values.


Elder Gods were the be all end all plot device, Shao Kahn breaking their rules pretty much solidified this new timeline.

Now that doesn't even matter. Fighting game stories are generally awful, but at least try to maintain a continuity.

Is that the girl from mass effect Andromeda. .ryder or something ?

oh wow
the lighter hat 2" further didnt got sucked in

Ed Boon said that MK is not about violence and gore, its about the story

Jesuschrist, now I know who has the blame for the dark age of MK then.

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>MK is about the story
>the story is shit
what did he mean by this

>about the story?

>boobies bad
>mutilation and gore good
truly ironic

I'm pretty sure she's intended to be a one-off villain, anyway.


someone already finished a playthrough without split parts you mong

>Ed Boon said this.
Where the Fuck is John Tobias?
He's needs to comeback.
John Tobias was the main force behind Mortal Kombat. He practically build it and kept Boons from doing nonsense shit as a creator. When he left, it went to shit with Boons nonsense.

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Built for BBH

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What are you talking about user, the gore IS the porn.

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>dude look at my eyes lmao
>dude look at my skin, I'm so white and evil
looks generic and boring as fuck

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>tfw mkx has kano, johnny, sonya blade, jax, jacqui and cassie
>think that there's no possible way mk11 will make all these characters return. likely going to get some more sick ninjas, demons or cyborgs
>mk11 roster anounced. all spec ops characters are back. somehow mk11 has less ninjas than mkx.
but why?

How did they drop the ball so fucking HARD with this game?

I've always been pumped for new MK games but this one just sucks on all account. Wtf happened?

> Brings Kitana to be with him as he reshapes the universe
Here comes MK12 with a brand new cast of "diverse" characters (all niggers and some gooks, no a single white male) and rewritten history (stronk black wamen won WW2).
Will be rated 10/10 by the trannies at RetardEra

what about the krypt?

muh realism


holy shit Noob's in

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am i the only one who hates all the over the top kustomisation options? not just in this game but in all games in general. i miss the simplicity that older, more restricting games, had.

>Noobs in.
>He doesn't know....

>Petulant wittle babby
Imagine thinking posting this on some cartoon forum lands you pussy

it's like they secretly want to make a FPS but they don't know how since they've been making fighting games exclusively for the past millennium.

he doesn't know what? explain.

Except Vegeta not only correctly concludes powerlevels are BS he abuses it very quickly. Piccolo had just fused with Nail i mean come on user, if you dont like DBZ i get it. But dont you dare tread near android/cell saga. Cell is my muthafuckin nigggggaaaaa. Sorry Geetz, was fun watching you beat up FT for a bit. More fun watching ou destroy that chub nub. Aw who am i kidding Vegeta is the fuckin best. A WIN AGAINST KAKAROT would be nice. Goku Black almost msde up for it.... almost.

Noob Saibot is the one that gets cucked and disrespected in this game.

I dont know what they want to do. four generic military characters are a SHIT idea, especially when half of them are new generation kids bullshit. you had a transitional game with MKX. either keep the old ones or the new ones but not both again. thats retarded.

All franchises must die at one point and it seems MK's time has come. This is a joke.

>shows up once or twice to job spectacularly with only a token reference that Kronika promised him some sick shit
>gear reveals that he cheated on Sareena with dark chocolate
>and Sareena fucks Kano in his ending because reasons?
it really do be like that

It's was done In umk3. Hell j said mk4 was it's last stand.

Jax has been a mainstay user. Never played 1st but MK2 had him. And he was even fun.

>gear reveals that he cheated on Sareena with dark chocolate
>Dark Chocolate.

Kabal, but same shit

>Mom: Time to show you little fags how this shit is done.
Proceed to be destroyed. You taught me so much... you fucking bitch.

>dark chocolate
Who is this "Dark Chocolate"?

yeah, but that's all the more reason to give him a break this time round. especially since we have his stupid daughter as a character.

i'll admit though, i do enjoy playing him. i just hate how boring all the army dudes look.

I didn't know until this thread that MK even has a coherent, continuous story. I thought it was always just some random set of events for each game that got ignored in the next one, like Final Fantasy games but with recurring characters

Fuck Jaqui,
She a fucking token dude. Thanks to the ending hopefully she's doesn't exist

What happen with my boy Kuai?I hear Noob kill hin but i want know the details

>MK9 story fixed all the powercreep and bigger bad guy garbage
>Bring it back in less than 2 games

She looks fine herself. Seems to me some persons dont know how to design around a face. I unironically liked her character in Wolf too. Was not expecting to see a bonafide sista

Shut the fuck up nigger.

great idea

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You sound so stupid it's almost unbelievable.

Why is this WHORE not veiled?

I agree user. You'll hear the sjw's, soi bois and blue haired tumblr whales say that it's sad and pathetic to have attractive female characters in the game "to jerk off to" but they seem to have no problem with the gore hounds that jerk off to stuff like this.

To me that's a hell of a lot more disturbing.

>MK9 story fixed all the powercreep

How? Isn't that the one where Sindel kills like 12 people at once?

Oh im sorry, was more than a saga too much for you? The fact i was passionate? God forbid you be around fun. I know it hurts you.

I hope it kills you. You dont even equal a Raditz

Sympathy for moefags oh user....

Can anyone decipher this jived up cat?

That's not true. He loses his entire clan, though.

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Tha'ts great and all, but will Mortal Kombat ever be as fucking cool as it was when Deception's intro cinematic rolled around?

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Damn, Erron Black looks like THAT?

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inb4 hes gay


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The worst part of, you're still exactly right

Liu will cease all proclivities in the new timeline.

Let's see which one is worse.

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Lurk moar dipshit.

it's nonbinary you biggot

Trio standing side by side was the hypest moment


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MK never had a coherent story user. It tries, very hard in the last 2 games, to be percieved as a game with an interesting and continuous storyline. But it's very easy to understand that they make stuff as they go along and change and retcon everything. Don't forget that there are 2 timelines at the moment.

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Not very enthused, though I guess that might be less the fault of the character and more the fault of the game she's in being just a string of disappointments after disappointments.

Let's face it: ONLY time anyone was hyped for MK11 was when they put the song from the movie into a trailer, and that was just because it reminded them of a better, more fun thing from 20+ years ago. I don't think that song is even in the game.

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Who cares about Mortal Kombat nowadays?
Like seriously?

I appreciate your use of badong, but you know the rules.

Is the krypt a mini konquest?

I dont know why they arent using tracks like that in the MK games.
The MK movie is literally the best videogame movie ever made and they should be aware of that. its infinitely better than the games its based on.

Yet every single fucking MK game has super forgettable music. Now they use this track but the game music isnt anything like that at all.

Ironically, the spoiler showing the tits was deleted instead of the HD butchering of Kronika.

Never change jannies.

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One is from a game and other is /ss/ niggerdom just for the sake of breaking the rules.

/ss/ is patrician. Unless you are a hypocrite, it's what you always wanted to do with older attractive women since you were 12-13. Not a full fun of the genre, yet I understand the appeal.

>gore = good
>tits = bad

Just fuck off already cuck.

tranny jannies are used to seeing open wounds and bodyparts getting dismembered.

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How am I a cuck tranny?

they should've just made xiaolin monks 2 honestly

I would have liked one where you play as Sub Zero and Frost traveling the realms of MK, teaching Frost, and changing shit up by having her actually not turn on Sub Zero and become his version of Takeda.

>Mom said it's my turn to be the villain


>Dark Raiden just gone
Christ, the twist with Raiden going aggro and kicking the shit out of Earthrealm's potential enemies proactively was the only thing I was looking forward to. If that block of spoilers is right, there's not a single breadcrumb of future plotlines indicated in MKX that made it to MK11.

>Kotal just hands over the throne because despite being black
Kotal not black......what in the Fuck is this?

Sekiro Easy Mode

He's not black but he isn't white either.

I think everybody wanted Frost to not turn into an evil bitch in this timeline, but I guess some things just aren't meant to be.

Well fuck, let me try to find the webm.

But it felt like the comic was actually setting up something different like a rivalry with Cassie. Fuck the NRS era of MK is nothing but disappointment.

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it's cool, based Liu Kang will rewrite everything to give everyone a happy end


Kys fag

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Post the edit.

Im sorry you havent experienced abridged. I now understand you were given the bad touch. And thats Fat Cat to you ya fuckin mook.

>tfw no cutie cassie being in lesbians with angry frost dyke

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t-th-that's ex-exactly how the MK stories are...

It'd be a nice change for sure or at least tease that she could be a bad guy for a hot second.
Good, fine. Maybe MK12 will not be such a disappointment for every character.

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my disappointing cyberized apprentice can't possibly be this kute


>Frost/Male Reader
>Vanilla, Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Multiple Orgasms, Masturbation, Handjobs, Cum Swallowing, Facials, Rough Sex Romance, Kissing, Handholding, Smut

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Alright i know this movie but dont quite understand. I suppose i will find out

facescan is the cancer killing gaming

>even if you purchase the whole fighter game and all dlcs, you can only access full content if you are paying a monthly fee towards an internet provider

He's all grown up now.

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Woah, thats a Disney princess face.

I know right? They really can make them kute if they try.

do they even play this game beyond story mode?

is that a young arnold swatanigger?

>in a martial arts game

based shizzyz poster
FUCK nu mk

Right? Christ, If I wanted to look at the goblins outside I wouldn't be playing videogames.

>I suppose i will find out
Every time Kung Pow is mentioned, someone must post the full movie of it.

I want to see what she looks like when her bones are shattered and her spine is ripped out.

Id agree if DMC5 hadnt done it so well. And while i understand they dont look like they probably should, they also dont look like abominations

nah, scanning not 10/10 models is the actual crime

Can we at least appreciate the fact this man finally got the respect he deserves?.........please?

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stryker uses guns since mk3, retard


holy shit that's lewd

Nkt that user but dude there's a difference between a former Law enforcer and a gunslinger outlaw.

>he says this when half the cast can fart magical fireballs

utterly based and headfuckingpilled

why do white people always make this stupid face

so? i don't like stryker either. only guns that are alright are erron blacks, and that's just because cowboys are cool as fuck.

I haven't played a Mortal Kombat game since MK4. Mortal Kombat Trilogy was the pinnacle of Mortal Kombat and MK4 was so depressing weak and different that I dropped the franchise completely. I've never had an urge to pick up the games again because all of the games since have looked like shit and this game is no exception. It looks like cheap garbage.

Shucks user i was gonna commit but thanks. That even makes sense.

>cowboys are cool as fuck.
Hell yeah

She looks like she has down syndrome.

I'm so glad that she wears that leather armor. It would be really uncomfortable to play this with my family if she was some sort of misogynistic portrayal of women like with big boobs and thick tights. I'm glad to have this respectful entertainment I can enjoy with my children.

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>Frost's body was considered too lewd
>they just got rid of it instead of covering it up

I usually prefer originals, but this edit makes my dick rock solid.

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إن شاء الله

>with my family
The hell is a grown man doing playing a mature rated game with his "family"?!

That's some next level prude sensibilities right there. I mean there's censorship then there's that, like fucking 4th Reich or some shit.

man, stop being such a fucking bitch in the mud.

Yeah you kinda missed out but not really... although im not sure what the consensus is here as to what are good MK games

What is this expression trying to convey

Looks like the bitch from Doctor Strange

I can't get over the fact that they used that theme music

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Nothing can beat Chop Suey for MKX.

This has to be the most beta shit I've saw. What the hell happen to us man..

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Kronika is a hot sexy woman with a pretty face and got and sexy body and hot and sexy legs.

No fuck you dude!
The moment that original theme came on in the launch trailer and gave me flashbacks.



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>character can fight against literal gods and powerful characters, tanking their powerful blows and weapons
>gets cup by shards of glass


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I do not really like Frost's outfit in general, but everything else I like

>her pre-fight robotic intro


>I can't get over the fact that they used that theme music
Shame they used it for such an underwhelming game (in both story and gameplay aspects).

They had to do something to distract customers from the absolute tidal wave of complaints. Last ditch effort to get people to buy anything is ALWAYS nostalgia and anyone who fell for it shouldn't be allowed to posses cash.

She looks cool but is ultimately a dumb character like basically everybody in the game.

I just finished watching all the story. It's fucking terrible. This is coming from someone who didn't mind MKX's story either. There is so much retarded shit in this story I literally don't even know where to begin.

Ironically: Too hot for nu-NRS to handle without changing her.

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Normally I'd agree with you, but the MKX trailer is still great to watch. Especially when the drums rolls in to show Raiden and Fujin about to slap Netherrealms imps.

he was being sarcastic you flaming homo

my earliest memory of MK was playing MK on the SNES with a lot of my family members. It was great and everyone wanted to see the fatalities but could never do Kano's one.

She is the mother of the Elder gods.

I think you need to cop some glasses matey

to be honest, frost is the one character that makes sense to desexualize. it makes less sense with girls like jade or skarlet since they have lore precedents for dressing skimpily, but frost's just a big sperg who literally could not give less of a fuck about how hot she looks and only wants power. the fact that she is so devoted makes her interesting and kute

Yeah but now she is so desexualized she doesn't even have a p*ssy

>oh, he sliced my chrome steel rifle like it was butter
>I guess I'll have to deal with him with my fists
No, actually you're dead.

motherfucker, her head comes off at will and here you are worrying about her pussy like a fucking idiot, THINK man THINK

This does not look cute though. No matter what VA the have assigned her.
And you should see her up-close. NOT cute at all...

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>head comes off
at this point, frost is neither a man or woman, since it doesn't possess a pussy or dick

frost is a unisexual humanoid roleplaying as a female

This, i was honestly surprised wtf. First we hear a song with 21 Savage and now we are taken back.

>my wife's children

the long robe is meant to hide nu-frost's dick

You're acting as if Frost is afraid of her own skin or some shit which is just wrong.

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she kute tho

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>aways online
>DLC out the ass
>preoder only characters

anyone who buys this game is a idiot

Lol no

Don't forget that the story is garbage.

If this is cute to you, then I wouldn't want you to post soemthing that's not.

This is cute (and sexy)

Seriously who the FUCK plays this garbage, I really don't get it

fuck u

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People who get bodied playing actual fighters like Tekken and casuals who only play fighters for the plot. It used to be good to pick up inbetween actual fighters and enjoy for it's b movie aesthetic in my opinion but that's gone now.

I will be in the model viewer for some time it seems.

Whoa hey okaaay. Hello. She's cute. At least she looks cute there. I was reserving my judgement since even Skarlet looks ultra cute with her mask on. But this indeed looks really cute.

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Frost.... What have they done to you girl?

Attached: Frost.png (811x1169, 942K)

Does Frost have the Ice Clone?
More important, does she have her Ice Slide?
Also who the fuck did she hire for the Cyborg body what the fuck. You got ripped off girl.

If only.

What if I pirate it?

good luck unlocking characters

>give her a cyborg body (with detachable head)
>not a massive improvement

i specifically said "lore precedent". i mean obviously the female characters were originally sexy and skimpy because sex sells, but they've since had some lore rationalizations for their mode of dress since then.

>jade, kitana, mileena: outworld fashion
>skarlet: gotta draw blood for blood magicks or some shit

frost doesn't really have a reason for dressing skimpily, so it makes sense that she doesn't. i don't think there's anything wrong with sexualization, but when you're fucking up your own game's internal consistency to fit some in, then you're making more of a porn than a creative work


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Kronika gave her the body

she has an ice slide x-games win pose

>good luck unlocking characters
Pirates always have a way for unlocking/hacking/modding in these things.

>implying I won't pirate a version without all the kharacters and other shit unlocked
I'm a patient man.

>frost doesn't really have a reason for dressing skimpily
She's a cryomancer they don't exactly need to keep warm. Why aren't you complaining that Sub Zero walked around topless in MKX?

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The issue here is the overdesigned shit cyborg body.
What was your reaction when Cyborg Sub-Zero showed up and had a predator face with a blue Sektor body?
Was it the same when you saw whatever the fuck is Frost's body?

Boobies bad, Murder Porn good

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WYPIPO, baka...

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Pretty good bad guy since no one likes bald dykes

it is over designed, yes - although even when they go simple, the designs are still shit. They just do not know how to well design female characters as if they did, there would not be so many changes with them on every game and they would have a basic silhouette to work with like they do with the guys.

Thicc ponytail skarlet is the best.

Attached: mk11 Screenshot 2019-04-19 11-42-45.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

>Raiden completely fucked the timeline
>Kronika wants to fix his shit
>Improves Frost
>Introduces some random literal sand nigger for cannon fodder
>Merges with Injustice Avatar rip-off
>And fucking dies

Best villian in the series desu

No it's not. And Cyber Sub-Zero wasn't a fan favourite so they ditched him.
When have "females" like MK11 Frost ever looked good and were famous in a purely mechanical cybersuit, with only their heads being visible (behind a mask) and with 0 sexuality/femininity?

i got the sense that sub zero's clothing there is more of a casual dress for chilling out (heh) and not meant for combat. but frost is never chill and she obsesses over fighting, so it makes sense that she would never wear casual clothing either.

a lot of the other male characters have reasons for not wearing shirts too, like johnny cage, shao kahn not wearing any because they're meatheads who want everyone to see their muscles

but to be honest there is a pretty clear double standard for how they treat men and women in this game. as i said, i think it makes sense for jade, kitana and such to dress skimpily because they're from outworld and that seems to be the fashion there, and i think they're being very patronizing to women by "protecting" them from sexualization in mk11. both men and women should be sexualized if the story calls for it, anything else is an act of prudence or perversion.

Show me the pixiecut. I need reassurance that it's still in the game.

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Literally how does this fucking retard beat Kronica? He's just a demi-god merged with a strong human. Kronica is the mother of the Elder Gods, merged with an Elder god and with a Shjang Tsung's souls power crown. Literally what was even the point of the crown? This game is fucking trash. Why the fuck did they only kill off like 2 or 3 character's in the story when they could have killed as many as they wanted, because in the end it doesn't even matter. Why were the 2 or 3 deaths lame as fuck? One was just getting shot in the head, another was just getting stabbed, another was just a throat cut. What the fuck? Thank god time is erased at the end so they can at least do something not shit next time.

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>frost is that one angry emo cool skater kid that hates authority

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Wait. Does this mean that Frost is a cyborg now? Won't she have any other variation other than that powersuit? I don't get it.

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that looks fucking stupid

Nah, it is. At that point, she was literally just female Sub Zero. At least now, she is something else that sets her apart from him, which is a development which can be extended upon.

Make no mistake though, this character will never be famous and never has been.

She's a cyborg. It's not possible for a human variation because her core moves are doing weird cyborg shit with her body.

>tfw no cool to the touch, robo gf to warm up via mating press

Attached: goose.jpg (1765x1200, 248K)

She's basically Alisa from Tekken but with ice powers.

it seems you understand mk now

>and not meant for combat
Bi-Han used it in Mythologies and MK1
Kuai-Liang used it in both tournaments, Shinnok's attack and the Deadly Alliance attack
Only when THE MOTHERFUCKING DRAGON KING ONAGA woke up and just because he found the Cryomancer crypt bullshit did he get the Shredder Armor
That's Sub-Zero's combat armor, actually every single Kharacter has used combat armor, because the times where Kharakters were fought off guard were from MK9 and onwards and I can only think of Johnny Cage's suit in the beggining of MK9, the rest is alternate costumes.

do you really want one if she looks like a butch lesbian or a FtM tranny

It does and it's also fitting for her loser woobie character kek

Just a show of character user; you could say she is showing her human side. Very rare if you have a robot body.

Sweet baby Jesus that bodysuit does things to me

I actually like her design and her bratty attitude has always been the best aspect of her, not her looks.

answer me, whiteboi

well i dunno maybe frost is just shy around boys and is waiting for me to rescue her so we can live together happily in earth realm

Is this really something that looks entertaining or even satisfying to anyone older than 14?

She's a cyborg, user.
The only skin she has is her face's.
She's literally showing all of her skin.
Do you really want to rescue a slut?

Shareholders, forced matchmaking and consoles are but you do you senpai.

Yes, faggot.
Go play through 10+ fights with her at the end and tell me watching her die like a bitch is not kathartik.

>forced matchmaking
Noob question, but what is is?

>Literally showing of all her skin

This is your Sheeva for MK11

Attached: MK11 Sheeva.jpg (1280x720, 127K)


Attached: snap.png (128x128, 39K)

Mustache kween slay

>No abs
Where are Netherrealm's offices?
We can't keep letting them get away with it.

Jokes on you I'm not buying MK11 so she's not my anything!

Face scanning is fine. If you didn't have it, you wouldn't see anything cute like


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xhe who controls the spice controls the universe

Fuck you shill. Face scanninhg is a meme. Humans are imperfect. Games can achieve perfection. Why be a lazy ass and waste your money on starlets and not create a fully made-up 3D perfection?

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Agreed it should only be done by capcom on the re engine. That's like the only time it's ever looked good.

that looks like total shit though

Finally some fucking respect for Liu kang.
Dude has been treated like a bitch since 2002
with Deadly alliance.
I'm still mad that they created a cool character like Kotal just to make him job forever.

throm-ka warchief

>no way to have happy family of cryobabbies with Frost now
fuck this shit, do another reset

Attached: oMaETKy.gif (300x225, 1.66M)

looks a lot better than anything in muslim kombat 11

At least post a better example guy

So is 11's Frost like X's Frost or past's Frost?

Liu fused with Raiden at the end and already did that

Kill yourself asap

Kotal not only jobs like a faggot, he literally gets crippled. Shao Khan makes him a paraplegic or some shit.

the pic you posted looks like something from a visual novel porn game asset flip

i'm ashamed to share this board with you to be honest


Attached: Sindel2.jpg (1077x609, 59K)

I made my case.
I'd like you to prove me wrong by posting a superior example.

>looks a lot better than

both you incel nazi! And it’s not wearing a bikini! You mad facisit?

Fire + Lightning = Time Reset Powers
That's bullshit but I'll believe it.

>fuck this shit, do another reset

Lucky for you and me that is the ending.

your mother is ashamed to share her house with you

Kotal and Eron are the two best new comers.Kotal just jobs two games in a row and Eron barely is in the new story.

Attached: Mortal-Kombat-2.jpg (896x504, 540K)

You da whyteboy.
I aint got no clue, wypipo bein like they is.

And yet, it's 100 times more sexy than anything a multimillion company can produce.

Strange right?

I don't even fucking know at this point.

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she'll look like a tranny if she gets added anyways


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Why would a perfect cyber being need to reproduce anyway. She can just turn you into a cyborg and you can connect via bluetooth or something.

So you get mad when you lose in fighting games? What a fucking little bitch. Replace her with yourself in that cutscene, way more fitting.

>autism cracker language

>can't reproduce
hi miranda

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Uhh they're MEN of course they're not going to have a fucking place in the story you fucking SHITLORD

I’m rooting by not buying the game.

>Cowadooty tier linearity of cutscene gameplay cutecene is story now

Fire every fucker in charge of it and bring back konquest.

That's fucking A.
Is it like the End End or do they show how the New-52 MKverse works?

>She looks fine herself

Lie some more baby!

Had to be suspended until they covered all her no no bits neatly and proper so incels won't fap I mean objectify her.

You know you fucked up your new generation when a copy paste gay and less interesting version of an old character is the best one of the bunch.

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>So you get mad when you lose in fighting games?
You don't feel anything when you lose, bitchface?
Computer or Human opponent you still lost in a test of (buttonmashing) skill.

>its about the story

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Nah. it's literally "Hey Liu Kang, I'm Raiden the mortal now, who will die from old age, but I'm talking to you in the vacuum of space somehow. You're the time god now, so you have to make a new timeline". Then Liu Kang says "Okay, I will". Cut to black, the end,

not in a world where dvorah and kotal exist

>Face scanned some nigger roastie
Face scanning is fucking ass, the characters that look the best in this game are the ones with their faces covered and the robots.
They need to STOP!

I am talking the new ''heroes'' to be specific


Please user. PLEASE give me a source on that so I can rub it on the shills' face.

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>Makes out and kills Mileena
>Not the heroine we need and deserve

Someone told me she's not even an NPC featured in the story mode. How in the fuck can this be? She's Kitana's mother and Shao Khan's ex-wife, and the fucking potential for seeing Young Sindel was an incredible anticipation.
Is it true she's not even an NPC in this game?

Attached: Sindel.jpg (533x360, 44K)

>Face scanned some nigger roastie
Sorry senpai this is her face scan

Attached: MKASheeva.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

That would actually take balls, and they don't have them.

they suck yeah, but i think cassie and jacquie are the best ones

Jesus so this is okay but TITS and ASS is not? Okay world.

>this is user's idea of perfection

> Game gets release a week early because euroshits

yeah ok

Takeda could be the best one of the new earth generation,if he didnt looked like an autistic Liu Kang,i like his scorpion like gameplay.
Also if is whole story arc wasnt about lusting for la creatura

Attached: mkx-takeda-750.png (750x400, 112K)

I had forgotten that this piece of shit movie existed, fuck you.

True perfection is _____(You)______

at no time should you have to access the internet to play single player modes

Most likely Kitana is still gonna be there since he loves her.

Sup bros. Hope you dont mind if incorporate my Injustice designs to your classic series!

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Based Bongjutsu

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>That one autistic user crying about the girls not being sexual objects anymore


reminds me of those off brand action figures I used to see at the 99 cent store when I was child

Because we're not actually happy to see your shit skin. We try our hardest to pretend though, hence the lazy half pained smiles you get all the time from us.

Fuck off back to pedoera tranny

I mean, bringing the motherfucking Alien and Predator as guests was already enough and out of place as it was back in X. But now, they have gone full futuristic with the characters and designs.

Predator was aight, I just wish his fatalities were better

Here is another (You). Third reply is a charm they say.

How do you go from this

Attached: JacquiRender22.jpg (300x338, 16K)

If third times the charm what does four replies make?

To this?

Attached: Jacqui_mk11.png (1100x1129, 1.8M)

Whoever is the lead character designer over there at NRS is doing an awful job lmao. No one in this game looks even remotely cool

This was her defualt user

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 7K)

holy shit why do all the outfits look like early combat armor from mass effect

It was really jarring to see this retarded face and then immediately hear Jennifer Hale's generic resting bitch voice come out of her mouth

leaked jacqui briggs design for MK 12

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>literal computer generated replies

>Shows the most unliked/unused variation
Fuck off

NRS would rather make Injustice.

its best use such language when trying to communicate with a NPC

they made her cute

the blue biotic effect doesn't help

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She is cute, at least seems so, personality-wise.
But she's ugly as a sin.

I mean look at that.

Attached: 20_jacqui06.jpg (1360x768, 85K)

I'm not talking her about clothes .

looks fine to me. not even the most unflattering shot for someone mid speech either

I was hoping that since they gave up on Smoke and Cyrax, they'd have Frost be the one who got forcefully cyberized but regained her free will and joined the heroes. Instead, she's just inexplicably mad that Sub-Zero made peace with Scorpion and the Shirai Ryu.

>NRS make both black characters look like literal neanderthals.
>people still defend on the guise of diversity.
Based and redpilled,fuck niggers.

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Holy shit is that jax why does he look like a fat 50cent

Looks like Freeza and dies like Freeza.

jax actually looks the best he ever did since mk3

But think about it user. Weren't they the ones crying about realism in vidya all these years? It's good to know that they can be sincere in their representations for once.

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oh shit didn't know debra wilson was in MGS4. she was really good in Mad TV

Fuck off his MKX look is his best, he looks like a literal ape in 11.

>his MKX look is his best
Agreed. Both he and his daughter looked better in MKX.

i used to like cross-over characters on fighting games
then we got soul calibur IV and this injustice shit

He is gay, look at all the porn

>frost doesn't really have a reason for dressing skimpily, so it makes sense that she doesn't

This isn't how logic works.

>but when you're fucking up your own game's internal consistency to fit some in

Oh okay, you're just a moron then.

What part of the game's internal consistency is fucked up by having a character that has had no problems with showing off skin suddenly decide that it's not okay to do so anymore?

Isn't the decision to cover up as much as possible itself doing the work of ":fucking up the game's internal consistency"?

I think it looks pretty good. A lot of the characters look better than ever, but I think a lot of the girls looked better in MKX.
They had big tiddy in MK9 but fuck those faces and proportions made them kind of hard to get into.

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>Culture warriors trying to convince people that gore in a Mortal Kombat game is wrong

A bit of both. She betrays Sub-Zero out of a very warped sense of honour rather than for the sake of power.

She, Smoke, Stryker and Nightwolf are completely absent.

>. Weren't they the ones crying about realism in vidya all these years?
That was white people from Yea Forums

It seems like most of the complaints about the game are art wise, and a bit because of the always online.
I heard it plays well though.

Nah the 4th reich is straight,men like titties,those fags at netherrealm are just that,Homo trannies that cant be reminded that they will never look like real women

Some user had said that if we combined MKX's bodies and faces with MK9's clothes/outfits, we would have the sexiest array of female fighters in the history of Mortal Kombat's 3D era.

And I agree.

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Frost was never my thing.
New Frost is giving me feelings because I want to fuck robots

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Robots are good my man but Nu Frost looks like she's getting ready to cosplay the new avengers movie. Save that boner for proper clanks.

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MKX bodies were absolutely abysmal. They all had these tiny t-rex arms and stubby legs.

Hell naw

Son of a...

>and stubby legs.
MK11 has that problem, they're not modeled correctly and the females' shoulders are wider than their hips making them look like boys.

I miss when it got streamed

>MK11 has that problem
To some degree, yes. Especially on Sonya. But at least their stances are fixed and females with heels end up having a better posture/figure.

In MKX it was just ridiculous.

Because we don’t wanna be in your vicinity

She looks like shit here too to be fair
this is one character they never should've brought back in the first place (yeah I know she cameo'd in X)

Just keep Cassie. Jacqui can go and stay go, young Jax I really like though

No, Cassie's has all the same problems Jacqui does (plus has an even duller moveset in 11). Aside from that one tournament player no one likes Sonya either. Keep Johnny and Jax, or maybe replace both with Cassie and Jacqui if you want to push muh next generation meme but don't put all of those characters in the same game.

>Just keep Cassie
fuck no
Takeda was the only kombat kid who wasn't complete shit, Cassie gets shoved down everyone's throats so hard and so obnoxiously that people have accepted that she's not going anywhere but if it were actually possible to get rid of her I would in a heartbeat

This is terrible grammar

That dosn't change the fact that it's still there, nor that their bodies are still very manly.

50cent ?

>No, Cassie's has all the same problems Jacqui does
But she isn't ugly and boring like Jacqui. She's actually the cutest character and is also funny. Why would you further drain the already limited supply of MK waifus?

Takeda is literally nothing. Devalues Kenshi as a character and is just a weird amalgamation of him and Scorpion. Came out of nowhere and went absolutely nowhere. There is nothing about Takeda other than "muh two dads" and "muh jungle fever".

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That sounds based as fuck tho


Someone please god make the edit.

Attached: depositphotos_82634300-stock-photo-pengzhou-china-old-man-smoking.jpg (1023x685, 102K)

Cassie is literally nothing. Devalues Johnny and Sonya as characters and is just a weird amalgamation of them. Came out of nowhere and goes absolutely nowhere. There is nothing about Cassie other than "muh dad's shadow" and "muh mom is a bitch".,dur,ei,expire,gir,id,ip,ipbits,ipbypass,itag,lmt,mime,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,ratebypass,requiressl,source&ei=0bK5XLrmOMip1Abm14egBw&ip= Kombat 11 PS4 Story Mode complete&mip=2601:4a:c880:472c:71ad:7c5e:b125:fe59&rm=sn-vgqees76,sn-bvvbax-2iaeel&req_id=b660db888bb2a3ee&ipbypass=yes&redirect_counter=2&cms_redirect=yes&mm=29&mn=sn-ab5l6ndr&ms=rdu&mt=1555690979&mv=m heres your story mode

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>fatality is ripping the enemy apart over and over
that is pretty dope

This. Not a single game has ever done it right.

Why lie?

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>my favorite character isn't in the launch roster so the game is just terrible even though it improved on the things that made the last game bad or lacked on, it's just terrible

>Improve gameplay a little
>downgrade literally everything else
Cope harder tranny

Lads, I'm so fucking sorry but I think that trailer just saved them.
No, look, I'm serious. I know you want them to crash and burn and believe me I do too and I honestly believe they were going to. The wave of complains has been massive and they had to pull out something miraculous and I swear to fucking god I'm not even meming when I say this but that music track really did just bring so many people back. Like I cannot believe that their trump card was a fucking song of all things but it worked. The track is unironically great and it's nostalgic and I'm gonna be honest that track made the trailer seem so much fucking better than it was. I can't stop watching the trailer. I fucking hate that I am doing that but it is what it is and I've had people who aren't even interested in MK but they've heard the track before say they're gonna buy the game too.

They fucking won lads, they're going to pretend that people want those ugly as fuck females and accept them being covered up to shit now because the games going to sell gangbusters BECAUSE OF 1 GREAT SONG IN A WELL MADE TRAILER

The slimey fucks actually pulled it off and clawed their way out from the brink of ruin.

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few games have done it fine. The problem is the fact that many people here just expect shit to have no issues and be perfect from the moment of release.

No senpai you can't re-purpose that for her. Cassie makes the most sense to be there in the new generation. She doesn't devalue either one of her parents but actually justifies their relationship, including their divorce. And she's not a "weird" amalgamation like Takeda is. She makes the perfect blend and sense of how a child of Johnny and Sonya would look and act.

She is the only Kombat kid that makes sense. Even Bongjutsu is more interesting and fitting than a fanfic tier shit that was Takeda.

Yeah the trailer was amazing, easily one of the best trailers for a fighting game ever. But fuck this game lmao

After watching MK11 story in its entirety I can definitely say it’s a vast improvement over MKX but isn’t as good as MK9

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>future Hanzo dies
>Dark Raiden gone
It's like they activelly hate MKX now.


Old MK is problematic.

>strong and very useful in battle
>opens up her legs easily, with no bullshit

>mentally unstable bipolar bitch who pick fights with everyone, and if you side with her, everyone will hold a grudge against you

At least you can rush to fuck her and later tell her to fuck off, switching to the best girl in the game, Tali.

We better fuck him straight before he goes tranny or some shit!

>What was your reaction when Cyborg Sub-Zero showed up and had a predator face with a blue Sektor body?
"Oh no, they ruined my boy subzero. Fuck you BOON."

>Was it the same when you saw whatever the fuck is Frost's body?
No. This time my reaction is "at least is better than just a genderbender of a character".

Attached: 1546292383292.jpg (548x512, 25K)

>Giant, four armed monster lady.
>New game comes out.
>Suddenly a black woman.
Oh man.
Oh jeez.
Oh god.

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So is she like KI's A.R.I.A. but human version?


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Downgrade what exactly?

Mortal Kombat continues to ruin fighting games. We'll never get the golden age of Capcom and SNK back.

NRS was a mistake. Can we just firebomb the building except for anyone who hasn't fallen for the SJW meme, and put Tobias back as team lead? When he left everything went to absolute shit

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they made the gameplay worse though

I can't fucking believe I miss the 3D era. This new garbage is making it look so fucking good

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In terms of visual and lore, the 3D era was the best hands down.

In matters of gameplay tough they were absolutelly horrible, and not enough nostalgia glasses can change that. They were one of the slowest fighting games I have ever saw.

Didn't read your post. Use a less retarded image next time

I didn't mean gameplay.
Sure, gameplay was fucked and there was a record high in shit characters like Hsu Hao and Drahmin, but otherwise they were fun. All those minigames, the dumb lore coming out, those bomb ass constumes. It was all so much fun
Fun goes to NRS to die

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>Mom said it's my turn to play

Attached: 1484485986661.jpg (496x444, 41K)

Being powerful doesn't exactly translate to being good on a fight. Kronika was a thot who controls time, Cetrion was just a thot who could control de elements. Were they capable of doing impossible things? Of course, but that doesn't exactly translate into an ability of holding your grond on a 1x1. Elder Gods in MK were never that strong in fights to being with, if they can't summon their golden dragons to kill you from far they usually get rekt.

Liu Kang is a fighter, the only thing he is good at is fighting, all with human level powers, Of course that in the moment he gets too much power, he will make good use of it.

This was the sexiest man alive.

Is that a fucking mustache or just a weird shadow above her lip?

Vivi looks attractive there

With current day NRS, probably a mustache

Attached: dd10c40c8fa03c44f8d290b13585e058.jpg (626x960, 79K)

But boobs are big no no.

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To be fair, she did slap the shit out of an Elder God once.

Because they forgot to powder her into pale ghost mode.

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