To what does Yea Forums hated the that? dragon engine is far more refined this place and there’s still tons for substories. Will those hated it due to for only individual small area this were cut?
To what does Yea Forums hated the that...
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is English your first language?
Cut content, pretty sure they changed the soundtrack too? Can't remember.
Is this the birth of a new epic meme?
Seriously, from what I've seen, Yea Forums like Kiwami 2. It's Kiwami that is kind of frown upon, for low qualities sub stories and shitty bosses.
This but it does have the cabaret side stuff that’s a continuation of 0s story and that shit a big cute
Are you okay user?
Dragon engine did the who many easy. Characters baby floating dolls. Old game more funner, the jinglanring tanana was better. The final who was more feeling
preordered it a few days back. pretty hype.
Alright, I'm not going to make fun of you for the english if you're being serious, I will try to take this question on it's own merits.
Never in an action game.
>The Engine
I mean it looks good, in places, but some things are blurry and the game freezes up and stutters sometime.
>The combat
Is worse in almost every way. The punches feel heavier, but that's also because it's slower, Kazuma attacks look like bullshit swings instead of martial arts strikes and it's not challenging in a good way. Enemies just drain ya health like crazy while you deal a nats ass worth of damage.
Is this fucking thread google translated?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I'll buy it for PC just so we get ports of the rest too.
Yea Forums Also claimed Kiwami was shit but, while no 0, I enjoyed it just fine for the most part.
>Yea Forums said Kiwami was bad, but I thought it was MOSTLY passable
I love seeing "you guys were soooo wrong" posts like this
Understand you, I do not.
pre-ordered today
feels good mang
It's half assed, sometimes you see the effort in key cutscenes but then in most of them everyone moves like they are from a ps2 game.
Also I'd rather have a remake of the Marietta host minigame than the cabaret again.
What speak do you I understand not? Why Yea Forums think is only person of one? Retard probably is.
Why am you can’t make the milk man in the jungle English not you can understand?
>I love twisting other people's words
If someone doesn't hate what I hate then obviously he's wrong. Opinions do not exist.
>Never in an action game.
ah yes
all Yakuza games have been 60fps since the dawn of time
LMAO at this 0babby
Are you ESL?
>To what does Yea Forums hated the that
back in the day, this would have become a set phrase on Yea Forums forever. Standards really have dropped.
Monitoring this thread for Yakuza criticisms
Kiryu is a cuck
too many long cutscenes
too easy
kiwami 1's boss health regen
shit gunplay
cant steal cars
no stealth
no tits
too long cutscenes
You mean female nipples, tits are plenty
Nah, shit like "loli haet pizza" was funny in of itself, this is just drivel from some SEAmonkey
I actually loved the combat in Kiwami 2. The seamless transitions and the extra weight behind the blows really worked for me.
>boss health regen
is it all of them? just fought shimano at the funeral and what a waste of fucking time. he also kept spamming grab, so i spent half the fight mindlessly mashing X
>We build shit
>that anthem
>that trailer with a english anthem
kek. Still takes them a decade to build something
30fps is shit, but Yakuza is weak gameplay-wise in both 30fps and 60fps to be fair so it's not hard to understand why it's not a dealbreaker for people
>but that's also because it's slower
People can actually play the game now so you can stop saying this. Kiryu with the speed upgrades is faster than any other Kiryu in the series aside from Rush style Kiryu.
>b-but the speed upgrades are really hidden away, how am I supposed to know about them
Literally one of the first upgrades on that entire category of upgrades.
> Enemies just drain ya health like crazy while you deal a nats ass worth of damage.
Also false, enemies are too weak in this game and go down way quicker than in most games. They are also more aggressive than the past couple games which is probably what you're trying to repeat what you've seen someone else who's actually played the game say.
Just finished Yakuza 4 recently; was it ever explained how the fuck Akiyama gathered all that money? It couldn't just be the hostess business right
Also six hours into Yakuza 5, and I struggle to enjoy it. The story just feels too damn serious, and I didn't get a single laugh before Kiryu's chapter 3 where he does the same pose as that statue during the long battle. Why is this game so gloomy? Where's my wacky shit like /breakingtheworld/, 'that bitch is ready to go', kicking Akiyama's ass in a nursery etc
(yeah I did 6 right after 0, K1 and K2 because I was too impatient regarding the remasters and I didn't notice PS Now was still a thing)
Did you have a stroke?
>to what does Yea Forums hated the that
what did he mean by this
Akiyama is a genie and wishes for money whenever he feels like
Non-meme answer please
have sex
Since you did play 4 The only thing they say about Akiyama getting rich is the events of Y1 where money started raining down, he gathered a lot of it and started investing to get where he is now IIRC
Go back to lurking, ESL.
He said he gathered 5 million from Y1, but then in 4 he has exactly 2 billion; one he lends Yasuko, the other he had in his stash and Kido found it. Seems like a huge growth even from investing
That's all that has been said about Akiyama's riches, IT JUST WORKS
They made the combat worse then 0 and kiwami, its as simple as that
thanks for that laugh, OP. intentional or not
I keep seeing this shit repeated but never with any real examples to back it up. How is it worse? Is it because there's less heat actions? Is that it?
It honestly looks like more of the same but with more fluid animations and the dynamic fight transitions.
Did something happen in recent months? I feel like ETL niggers are getting more and more frequent.
Looks like the exact same shit to me just less spammy.
Which is why I said he is a genie. Dude just prints money. Or maybe he beats people, get their cash, he uses his hax financial abilities and gets more money
Maybe he did what Kiryu did in Zero and has a real estate firm
Would’ve been a better explanation than “investments” anyway. Also I realize the games can’t really explain this due to 0 being a prequel, but what do you think happened to all of that money between 0 and 1?
>The final who was more feeling
Magic background investments that make you instantly rich forever.
Batman has been doing it for decades.
How underage are you to not know of the Japanese economy crash after the 80s bubble burst?
There's a reason why the main theme in JP version of Y0 is literally called "Bubble".
Japanese government was defrauding money, printing more without reporting that they printed it, making up bullshit values and many other financial scams to basically prop their economy into that extravagant "everyone is rich" shit you see in Y0.
Naturally they couldn't keep it up forever and as soon as jew banks and other nations found out everything crashed hard and all that money became toilet paper.
how do I read these kinds of graphs?
I thought the story was horse shit, on the level of Yakuza 4. Everything else was fine.
In this case higher is better.
>To what does Yea Forums hated the that?
I like you. I like you even if I don't know what the fuck you're saying.
Whan content will be cut in the eventual western release of Y3 compared to the most complete version? I heard they removed the hostess minigame
The drag queen and some hostess are changed in the new version. Og Y3 had some mini games removed(like the hostesses despite still doing that final substory with them) and some substories
2 is my favourite but Kiwami 2 just kinda blows it out the water, aside from a worse soundtrack. The PS2 games are completely fine but I don’t blame people for wanting to play the remakes instead and it’ll probably help the series take off a bit more on PC. No idea what they’ll do for 3, 4, and 5 if they ever get ports, though. Those’d feel quite weird to play after K2
Seeing how they port K2 before 6 I guess they will actually port them all and in order otherwise this wouldn't make any sense at all.
>To what does Yea Forums hated the that? dragon engine is far more refined this place and there’s still tons for substories. Will those hated it due to for only individual small area this were cut?
Are you okay son?
6 is in a weird place, it makes sense for them to port K2 first for continuity reasons but on the other hand K2 is basically 6 but fixed, for the most part.
I just hope Dead Souls gets a port. It’s really fun but the framerate is absolute booty on PS3
I'd rather they remade that with everything they learned from BD so the shooting isn't absolute crap.
Having Kamurocho not be a pain in the ass to navigate would be pretty good, too. I guess that’s asking for more than what a port usually does though and I’d be grateful for nothing more than a FPS boost
I'm so glad everyone sees Kiwami 2 as the piece of shit it is. I was saying this in 2017 and getting shit on by people who had never even played the series before.
Kiwami 2 is worse than Kiwami 1.
you don’t sound smart
>March 2019
>Yea Forums lauds Kiwami 2 as the best game in the series after 0
>April 2019
>K2 gets announced for PC
>butt mad SNOYBROS suddenly start calling K2 a piece of shit even though their only argument is soundtrack which will get a replacement patch day one guaranteed
fucking hilarious
>Yea Forums lauds Kiwami 2 as the best game in the series after 0
you are absolutely retarded if you believe this.
actually, it makes sense because you probably only played 0, so K2 would be the best after it to you.
>Yea Forums lauds Kiwami 2 as the best game in the series after 0
In what kind of alternative revisionist version of history did you came from?
I've played rgg1, 2 (pcsx2), rgg0(pc), rgg kenzan (rpcs3) in that order
Go home and beg for kenzan/ishin localization EOP cuck
go hom
>but then in most of them everyone moves like they are from a ps2 game.
Well....they are.
Anyone wanna talk about any playthroughs they’re doing on any of the games or are we gonna keep arguing about shit that doesn’t matter
I’m currently playing through 5 and the taxi shit is actually way more fun than I thought it’d be, a mini game where you actually have to obey the rules of the road is more interesting than you’d think
Is 5 good? Everyone says it's shit but at least it has tons of cities to virtual tourism in so it can't be that horrible right?
I hope New Yakuza will have at the very least two cities in addition to kamurochou and none of them can be soutenbori
>To what does Yea Forums hated the that
Playing 0 right now. Are the adult cards supposed to be locked in the video even though I picked up a bunch of them? Is it a story thing?
Doesn't he only give her 100 million?
I haven’t even finished Kiryu’s part yet but from what I’ve heard the complaints people have for 5 come more from its story, but despite the fact that I’m on the fourth chapter it hasn’t really picked up yet.
should I actually play Kiwami 1 or just watch the cutscenes?
I can’t remember if you need all three of a girls cards to unlock the video or if you need to do her substory, this is the kinda shit Moose would know but I don’t think he’s here
Why wouldn’t you play it? It’s good. If you don’t wanna spend money you could just emulate the original also
Just fuck off already. Everyone knows there's only one person on Yea Forums who comes here to ruin these threads with their negative opinions and we're sick of you.
Wow. A person with shit taste can't even speak proper English. Go figure.
5 juggles between being awesome and complete tedious, the prison section of Saejima's chapter and the entire Haruka chapter are real slogs.
I read the synopsis of Yakuza 3 and it sounds like retarded fan fiction.
Don’t tell me Saejima gets shafted again. His entire segment in 4 was annoying as fuck