Wait I made him depressed and made him leave? How is that my fault?
Wait I made him depressed and made him leave? How is that my fault?
>little bitch cat talks shit all game
>someone insults him back
>ryuji is somehow the bad guy
Of course Ryuji is the bad guy, he's blonde Yosuke.
I miss Junpei.
I want to FUCK Ryuji.
Morgana was the Yosuke of the group
more like stupei ace defective
Fuck morgana for that shit.
more like stupid faggot little cocksucker
Next playthrough I can see it coming from a fucking mile away. They bicker constantly and then Morgana just suddenly has his period over it.
Shut the FUCK up Yukari you stupid thot
why do people hate yosuke again
ok sorry sir
5th palace was such a shitshow, honestly what was even the point of the entire Mona Ryuuji bickering? I mean I "get" the point of the 5th palace arc being the part where Phantom Thieves get too overconfident and decided to follow fame than doing the right thing, but its so badly executed. I can forgive a lot of the games' missteps, but this one's glaring holy shit.
>blonde Yosuke
He isn't a homophobe and is actually useful.
He's gay
>being the part where Phantom Thieves get too overconfident
But they don't. Yusuke and Ann even both essentially say "we need to wait until shit calms down." Morgana just gets pissy and Ryuji feeds into it.
>Sacrifices himself to save the group
>Turns out he didn't really die
>Everyone beats the shit out of him for it
dumbfuck cat can't handle the bantz
>Entire confidant questline is about how he can have a level head when it matters and that he cares about his friends.
>Still retarded in the main storyline just in-case someone never did his sidequests.
Should have avoided this entire mess if you did his quests.
Ryuji you stupid waste of air just asphyxiate yourself and do us all a favor.
The confidants and main plot had to have been written by different people who never spoke to each other, only way it makes sense.
Honestly Morgana was the worst part of Persona 5, I'd rather have just gotten a Teddy Cameo for the whole game as opposed to Morgana, or at the very least they should have doubled down and made Morganan a girl.
pretty much morgana's entire character
I'd believe that honestly because the confidants are written very very well and the main story is just hot trash. Its almost like Id have liked Persona 5 more if it stayed on the low level scum trash like dungeons 1 and 2 as the focus as opposed to all this government nonsense it builds into.
>Best and most well written part of the main story is the first hour and tutorial dungeon
Its a fucking disgrace.
Even on a second playthrough you failed to see that Morgana was only using his quarrel with Ryuji as a cover to leave for his own reasons? Even after it was explained to you?
All of the PT's growths should have been tied to the main story.
The cat was useless though
Morgana was a fag. He was basically shitting on Ryuji all game while Ryuji just took it on the chin. Then Ryuji decides to give him a taste of his own medicine and he has an emotional breakdown. I hate people who pull that shit.
Fuck you, Ryuuji. Don't bully my cat.
Remember to try the big bang challenge every day.
You guys obviously don't understand Japanese society. Ryuji and Morgana always pick on each other, and both are equally guilty. But this time Ryuji went over the line, when he called Morgana USELESS. That's the worst possible insult in Japan.
Why are you guys so fucking stupid?
what word should they have used in the localization instead?
This. The game wants the Phantom Thieves to be sort of anti-hereos but they never actually have them behave like ones.
This. If your skin is thin then you don't get to banter with people. Morgana started it and then suddenly it's somehow Ryuji's fight that Morgana is shit stirring.
Worst part is that the reason Morgana bitches out is because "Boo hoo, I might not be human" when everyone has spent the game being nothing but supportive of Morgana's plight in this situation.
Then make yourself useful you stupid fucking cunt.
That's still retarded, you don't get flustered when it's fucking Ryuji of all people calling you useless.
Ryuji was right though. Futaba made the cat obsolete as a navi support.
>Best party member in the game
>Shit talks your annoying bedtime cat
Ryuji literally did nothing wrong except brag about being a thief
that was one of the reasons why he left I think making ryuji not wrong when he called morgana useless
Can you side with ryuji alot or does everyone just endlessly shit on him with no recompense?
Yukari is worst girl.
It doesn't help that the 5th palace is also the worst gameplay wise, Jesus Christ that thing just dragged on and on
It's a persona game, they always shit on the best guy
See: Brown, Michelle, Junpei, Kanji
You don't really get an option to side with Ryuji.
You have pretty much zero control over the story.
Morgana was a faggot who kept talking shit to him the entire game. He deserves it.
You can defend him at times, but it doesn't change anything. The main story goes out of its way to make him insufferably stupid.
His social link character is really different though, as if it was written by a completely different person. Though, they all feel that way.
Ryuji is stuck being the 'hilarious' Japanese 'comedy' character, so everyone will always get away with picking on him even though that's a reprehensible thing to do to an abused crippled kid who still manages to be better than all of them in combat.
His S.Link is actually very touching. I loved his and Yosuke's, those guys are real bros.
> that's a reprehensible thing to do to an abused crippled kid who still manages to be better than all of them in combat.
>and sacrifices himself during the Shido dungeon so that the rest of the group can escape only to luckshit an escape.
>only to end up getting beaten the fuck up by the girls in the party when it's revealed he's alive.
Ryuji was literally in my party 24/7, holy fuck he was so broken
She's the best girl in whole nu-Persona.
>tfw swift strike appeared in his upcoming skill slot
I don't understand why people give Ryuji shit for that, a lot of NPC's were calling themselves Phantom thieves during the game
So was Ann. Literally the only time it wasn't safe to say it in public was when Makoto already knew what they were doing and was literally stalking them with a mic. That meme has always been silly.
seething homo
Go have a stroke somewhere else.
>get yusuke
>ryuji already btfo's him in his own palace and surpasses him even more later on
fucking yusuke
Morgana calls Skull useless whenever he misses a fucking attack
Morgana apologists have always been dumb.
This was absolute bullshit, Ryuji had no idea they thought he was dead and they absolutely tear into him for acting normally.
Persona 6 if it even comes out before I die better not have another fucking mascot character
Odds are grim.
I wouldn't count on it.
The games have been using the exact same template since 3.
>he's blonde Yosuke.
Yes, that's what he is.
>bunch of stupid pointless drama because they're both retarded
>okay, let's just pretend to apologize
>wow, the problem is almost solved just like that
Fuck the entire Okumura arc.
>Pick favourite characters and use them as my party for the entire game
>Fuse my Personas to fill in the gaps where the party is lacking
>Never any weaknesses with the party because of the Star confidant party member swap ability
>I'm just a useless cuck used for swapping in characters when they're needed
This if Morgana cant fucking handle the bantz then he shouldn't be talking shit. Good thing he straightened out.
Yo, we really gonna sit here and pretend the very first thing out of Morgana's mouth towards Ryuji wasn't some kind of insult? Fuck off.
I pray to YHVH Persona 6 has no Teddie/Morgana. If you wanna sell plushies that badly just give me a cute, silent pup like Koromaru again please.
>He didnt get Alice
>He didnt get yoshimitsu
You made joker the bitch yourself.
I loved Persona 5 and this plot point made me livid. Morgana would literally constantly shit talk Ryuji to his fucking face. Ryuji makes one joke at Morgana's expense and I'm supposed to be on his side? If you don't want to get made fun of, don't make fun of other people. That's just the way it is.
Why was Morgana constantly asspained about Ryuji anyway
>ever having to swap until a boss
Dirty casual.
>start off as a hothead and a bestfriend to the MC
>halfway through the game the writing for ryuji turns into stupid dumbass retard christ ryuji wdf are you doing
one of the most hilarious parts was in the bank (i think it was when you had to find the codes from kaneshiro's journal) where ann said something stupid and everyone ignored her but ryuji said the exact same thing and they all called him a dumbass
wanna know what drives me insane in P5?
Morgana calls him useless when he misses an attack, and when he actually lands one he says that he's good for something atleast. Morgana can suck a dick, he keeps throwing rocks but he's made out of glass himself.
Predictable niggas
How would you feel if about Teddie if he was a cute girl the entire game
>playing with american dub
You have no one to blame but yourself.
>not just shiki swift strike everything
the only way to go in persona, sorry
What do you expect from Morgana apologists, they are all weak bitches just like that deadweight. Futaba made him obsolete, that slut is glorified transportation.
Not since 5 got an official undub DLC for free.
And there were unofficial ones for the previous games as well.
>familiar thing BAD
>foreign thing GOOD
But american is also foreign.
There's an undub patch for every game available for emulation on the PC.
ahaha, no.
but you are speaking english
>on Yea Forums
>complaining about "japshit"
Normalfags fuck off and die.
>you can only be american or japanese
burger education everyone
But the American dub has incorrect Japanese AND incorrect English.
I guarantee I've been listening to weeb audio longer than you have. In P5 it's shit.
>people in the real world always speak perfect English
>calls it "japshit"
Alright user, whatever you say.
Video games aren't real world though. I expect some quality control over the products I pay for.
It's about the inaccuracy to source, not grammatical correctness.
Deal with it, shitbrain.
Morgana is the fucking worst. Persona really just needs to drop the retarded mascot characters or at least just go back to making them actual animals like P3's dog so we don't have to suffer through something as shitty as Teddie or Morgana again. In fact, I'd actually prefer if the P5 re-release just cut Morgana out entirely, or just made it a non-party member cat that never transforms or gets a persona.
You're a fucking retard
back to /facebook/, normalfag.
Fuck off Pat.
The chad has arrived.
I can't believe FeMC got fucked by a dog.
1 > EP > 3 > IS > 5 > 4
Daily reminder
How was ryuji cripple?
I remember something about that but it never seemed to matter.
Koromaru wouldn't indulge a filthy roastie who wanted that.
Didn't Kamoshida break his legs or something?
He has a bum leg. He almost died in the first castle because of it.
swift strike is fucking insane
My party was Ryuji, Makoto, and Yosuke for the entire game and it was broken as fuck
Ryuji, Makoto, and MC all buff everyone and set up triple baton passes to Yosuke so he could drop a savage katana slash, forget the move name
Otherwise Ryuji swift strikes the shit out of everything
An attack buffed, speed buffed, defense buffed, triple baton passed Yosuke is something to be feared
Kamoshida fucked up his leg because he stood up to him at some point before the story began
Let’s not forget that Morgana’s bullshit is the entire reason Okumara died and the PT were framed
>Okumura gets voted to the top of the poll overnight
>literally everyone, even dumbass Ryuji, says “this is sketchy, let’s not jump into this, it could be a trap”
>Morgana goes REEEEEE and jumps into the palace to compensate for his small cat dick
>because he’s already started it and gotten Haru involved, the rest of the team go along with him and raid the palace to help her despite the possible setup
He legitimately brings the IQ of the group down 400 points with his stupid nonsense and gets someone murdered in the process.
Bum leg??
>above anything
Haha, yeah.
One thing i hate about P5 is how they are labeled as anarchist,but nothing they really do is bad.
They should have had some real life scenarios where they use their abilities in real life.
Would be canon to because they eventually manifest their powers in the real world.
Why could we not have them actually breaking an entering while and starting off as antagonist and eventually maturing to become robin hood type heros over the course of the game is beyong me
Love Ryuji but seriously shut the fuck up when we're in public
>Man this food is pretty good
>Nobody fucks with the Phantom Thieves
If you take a close look at him, he basically already was and you can't convince me otherwise.
>My party was Ryuji, Makoto, and Yosuke for the entire game and it was broken as fuck
Yosuke for those AOE
Ryuji for that damage and GOD HAND
Makota for group heals and AOE
Same they all mix so well togethor.
>Ann was trash
>Forhead girl was trash
>Morgana is weak
>Neet girl is dead weight
>tfw in Persona Q on 3DS, at one point both the P3 girls and P4 girls are shitting on Yosuke, and then based Door-kun tells him to ignore it and then hangs out with (you) and Yosuke afterwards
It's amazing how they managed to make Door-kun and his turbo-autism the most based character in the game.
Are you ready to admit this little goober was better than you gave him credit for? He may have been annoying at points but he had a great arc.
It’s just IS except the gameplay is better and you play as a cute lady and her group of adult weirdos. What’s not to like?
I really like Persona 1's concepts for the gameplay, I wish the port had tried to improve rather than just making minor tweaks.
>He didn't know how to build Haru
Boi. Crits/Support for DAYS.
>Ann was trash
Low intelligence
She has Focus, she has the highest magic damage of any party member
And Haru has ludicrously high bullet damage
Most of the dungeons are recycled
Maya was gutted of any character she had in IS
You hipster fuck.
IS/EP > 4 > 3 > 5 > 1 > Q
Haru can be good if you focus her on guns, but you have to sacrifice other stuff..
I liked him, he was pretty cool when he wasn't being a faggot
IS>3>5>1>EP>power gap>4
better than the fucking "go to sleep REEEEEEE" cat but Koromaru is still the best
They manifest their powers in reality because Metaverse fuses with it. Only person who has some degree of power in real world is a Fool, because he is social savant and it's completely separate from power of Persona. Arcana are personality types.
Ryuji is the best physical attacker in the early and late game, but for most of the game Yusuke hits harder.
Ann is the best magic user throughout the game.
Makoto is better than Morgana because of her versatility but Morgana's critical hit moves are useful against enemies with no weaknesses
Haru is an albatross, I only really ever used her on my first playthrough. Her role in the party mirrors her role in the game
>the dungeons are recycled
Yeah. It’s just IS but better.
>Maya was gutted of any character
Imagine not seeing her personality still absolutely being displayed just because she speaks less.
It's a pity how every Etrian Odyssey spin-off is always so fucking awful when it comes to gameplay, the mainline games are great.
I only ever played P5 and P3:FES
P5 > P3:FES
>Her role in the party mirrors her role in the game
I must've missed the part when Haru slaughtered all those people with sick gun crits in the story. While being covered by Tetra /Makarakarn.
>most of the game
Swift strike is the best non-unique physical attack in the game until Ryuji learns GH/Agneyastra. Yusuke is held back by his situational gimmick and inferior utility.
I should play that sometime. Do we have 3DS emulators yet?
Some real detective work like after you discover the lewd photos of students in the first dungeons you then have to sneak into his home or office in real world and steal the photos as evidence to get him arrested in real life while he confess his crimes after he gets his heart captured.
They treated this game like a new chapter of Death Note except its persona style.
Whole game is practically Death Note.
Confession=heart attacks
Tv Broadcast from phatom thieves like Worldwide broadcast in Death Note
Story could have been much more than what they gave us and not a rewritten Death Note.
All the chracter side quest and learning about the rest of the team was fine
I'm sorry but how can you put 4 last? It actually knew what it was doing and wanted to be unlike 5 and didn't go up its own ass with thematics and had a story that took 2/3's of the game to even start like 3. 1's indefensible as well given the encounter rate and battles basically going on auto-pilot the moment you learn an almighty spell.
>hating on PQ
It's fun.
Why did they have to go and utterly ruin the karn skills anyway? Having them only be single cast is so fucking useless and they’re still expensive anyway. Just wasted slots on her the vast majority of the time.
I'd say Akechi is Mello, L was a really nice guy, just super autistic and weird. Akechi is more like Mello, a huge fucking sociopathic cunt.
Gameplay? at points, though fuck the 3rd labyrinth.
Story? NO.
When will liars stop pretending they played P1
Almighty is a normal element, it gets blocked and reflected and drained just like any other
Yes the almighty skills are strong but they don’t win you the game
>P5 > P3:FES
Here are my problems with Haru in battle, off the top of my head
1. You only get her for three dungeons. You can only max out her Confidant for two of those dungeons.
2. Psy and Gun are rare weaknesses for enemies.
3. Tetra/Makara are great in theory. In practice, during regular battles I just want to blitzkrieg the enemies as fast as possible and for boss battles I just want my heavy hitters to be wailing on them.
4. Haru also has that weird Pokemon problem where she doesn't really have enough move slots to carry all the moves that compliment her. She can't have Tetra/Makara + the final Psy and Gun moves + all of her Gun/Psy boosting moves all at the same time
Citra exists for several years already.
It's Japanese humor
Yeah they went overboard in the 3rd labyrinth and admitted it. Hence why PQ doesn't have a horror dungeon.
It was an excuse to pander to 3/4fags, they had to BS a story to make it happen because of their obsession with having things work into canon somehow. They can't all be winners.
Gun crits were all I really needed honestly. She was the MVP when I had her because she would just shit out damage.
Meant Q2.
He was recovering from a broken leg, so he couldn't reliably run.
Yeah hes more like Mello at his core,but at the start of the game hes basically L 100%
>understands what Phantom thief's are doing
>still considered them criminals and questions their motives
Only difference between him and L is that Akechi is popular among normal people and famous while L is reclusive and private.
Haru and Ann are both better than Yusuke. Doubly so during boss fights where you rarely if ever can baton pass.
Ann is basically Magic Ryuji, having concentrate+the strongest spell+the highest Magic+Fire Boost and Amp, plus she has some of the best support spells in the game for fire immune enemies.
Meanwhile Haru has gun skills which are busted as fuck. Toss in the innate -Karns (if you don't exploit money for infinite mirrors) or amped Psi (if you do) and she's an extremely hard-hitting physical attacker who can support with reflects/almost completely unresisted element coming off her decently high Magic.
L wasn't a nice guy. He was cold, calculating and willing to sacrifice lives to capture Kira.
He even says himself that he's childish and just wants to win, no matter the cost. He does feel SOME empathy at times, such as when the FBI agents were killed off, but he's not "really nice" by any means.
P5 just made me realise that iam getting too old for this
Oh shit, I haven't been keeping up with emulation news, how demanding is it?
>You only get her for three dungeons
So? She showed up for the most difficult parts, that's what matters.
This is a story issue, if anything.
>Psy and Gun are rare weaknesses for enemies
I wouldn't call gun a rare weakness, but regardless, she still shits out damage with crits.
>Tetra/Makara are great in theory
They're there to save your ass when you fuck up, not for regular fights.
>can't equip all the skills
All characters should have this """problem."""
Because the -karns are disgustingly busted. Slightly less so in Persona, but still.
>Acting like Nuke wasn't busted in P1
You don't get to talk shit about IS and its difficulty while defending that
Why were there two Akechis? Does the 'metaverse double' trick actually make any sense?
I feel like the game tried to gloss over it so that the player didn't think about it too much.
There's a lot of things in P5 that don't make sense and get glossed over.
I will never not be mad that autistic little shit made /our guy/ Aizawa quit the team because he just didn't want to tell him that he would provide for his family if they stopped being paid a salary. Glad L died after that
Cognitive Akechi and real Akechi
They said, flossing over what actually didn’t make sense
I have i5-7300 and GTX 1050 on my laptop and I get full speed in almost everything. I guess not that much, I'm not too interested in hardware.
Akechi for whatever reason could summon his Cognitive self in the real world similar to what joker does to fake his death(been a while since i played the game).
Remember both Joker and Akechi are both the fool if i remember the game correctly.
What they also gloss over is that killing or defeating your cognitive self should have effect on your real self,but joker just casually sacrifices his shadowself and apparently had full control over it when most everyone elses shadows seem like their own individual will aside from being a reflection of the host
Killing/sacrifising his shadow should have had some sort of effect on joker theoretically speaking from the games narrative
But their 'real' consciousness is the one inhabiting the metaverse when they enter it.
Does everyone just have their cognitive versions run around and do things when their real versions are outside of the metaverse?
I feel like this aspect of the world was only introduced so that Joker could pull off his prison trick, up until that point there was no reason to believe that Joker's (and Akechi's) metaverse entities co-existed with their real world counterparts.
But then the writers realized they had to make the same rules apply to the other characters as well so they just said
>oh we beat up the second Akechi and tied him up somewhere
>characters make fun of someone that's always doing or saying stupid shit.
>n-no they're shitting on him for no reason!!!
You guys are fucking retards
I think you severely misunderstand how this works. Cognition is how someone views something, so cognitive akechi in shido's palace is shido's cognition of akechi, they aren't the shadow, they were never in the real world.
No you idiot.
The "Shadow" Joker was SAE'S cognition of Joker. It wasn't his shadow because it wasn't in his own cognitive palace, it was an NPC in Sae's mind. Futaba explains that outside of Sae's palace, everything in her cognitive world looked normal. They went to the police station and it looked like a normal police station, with all of the police officers appearing as they do in real life.
They then figured if Sae knew Joker was in a cell, a figment of Joker would appear in her cognitive world's cell. They had Akechi go into Sae's cognition so he could see and kill the Joker NPC and feel like he won.
If Akechi went into Joker's cognition and killed Joker THERE then yes, Joker would have died in real life.
No, the cognitive versions of the characters only exist if they're perceived as relevant in the palace owner's consciousness. If they're unimportant to the cognition itself they won't exist. Kamoshida had a cognitive version of Anne, Shido had Goro, etc. They're nothing more than the product of the mind of the owner.
I considred that, but that would mean that Cognitive Joker is Shido's cognition of Joker.
Shido didn't know what Joker looked like (besides the part in the intro which doesn't really count) nor is there any reason to believe they could get Cognitive Joker to work together with them in this bizzarre scheme.
The way they portray it make it look like Joker's identity is the same across two different versions of him, as he's posessing two bodies.
The game in no uncertain terms explains this to you.
Nevermind I mixed up my chronology, it makes more sense now with
Why were Morgana and Ryuji so aggressive toward each other? They insulted for no reason from time to time
So what's the deal with Akechi 2?
Was he Sae's cognition of Akechi who they tied up so that the real Akechi wouldn't realize he was in the metaverse?
Morgana was a beta cuck and thought he'd look cooler to Ann if he insulted Ryuji constantly. Ryuji doesn't take shit from a cat, so he bit back.
I just wanted to point out that Joker (and any other Persona user) can't have palaces since they have full control of their shadows which are Personas. It would be impossible to kill Jokers shadow since it doesn't exist.
Isn't Morgana a girl's name?
Everyone complains about this part, but I liked it, for the most part. I was always bothered by how bothered Kanji was from Yosuke insulting him in P4 and even though the game acknowledges it it doesn't do anything with it, and it makes the two feel less like the friends they're supposed to be as a result, so I thought it was nice to have a small interpersonal conflict between two members of the group actually amount to something unlike in P4. It does reflect poorly on Morgana because he can dish it out but he can't take it, but I still prefer it this way.
>They had Akechi go into Sae's cognition so he could see and kill the Joker NPC and feel like he won.
How did Akechi not know he was in Sae palace?
I dont recall them explaining,but just him realizing he was duped
Yes, they ambushed the NPC Akechi in Sae's metaverse and tied him up so the real Akechi wouldn't "my own clone!" if he saw him.
Not him but the prison was identical in the metaverse, and the PT coordinated some trick with hacker magic to transfer Akechi into the metaverse when he was in the prison.
Remember when Sae showed the phone to Akechi?
>outside of Sae's palace, everything in her cognitive world looked normal.
Futaba explains how she put a program in Joker's phone to allow the Metaverse app to function when Sae did something and had her do it after she confiscated Joker's phone while she passed by Akechi.
The entire exposition dump scene explains why Joker isn't dead.
>games spends an entire annoying hour explaining the fake death trick
>people still don't understand
>They then figured if Sae knew Joker was in a cell, a figment of Joker would appear in her cognitive world's cell. They had Akechi go into Sae's cognition so he could see and kill the Joker NPC and feel like he won.
>If Akechi went into Joker's cognition and killed Joker THERE then yes, Joker would have died in real life.
ohhh i think i do
Akechi commented that he felt something happen when he held the phone but ignored it
I like him when he's not in the suit and dislike him when he's in it. He feels like a different person depending on the situation. I still prefer Morgana overall.
How did joker even get into the meta verse to go into Sae palace when Sae confiscated his phone too
>misinterprets the bible as just "if you eat apples you get smart!"
>eats like 50 apples
He didn't
He was in the real world
That is why he didn't die
Akechi went into the Metaverse
Joker was in real world
Akechi killed NPC Joker
Real Joker never saw Akechi
That was Adam though. He told Eve to eat the fruits because they were supposed to give wisdom.
but user
Holy fucking shit. Sae showed goro the phone and activated the metaverse, so he killed the cognitive MC, not the real MC.
Did you even play the game?
Completely inaccurate faggot OP.
Junpei teased Morgana only once and that was when Morgana chucked a full bitch on her period fit and ran off.
Junpei put up with Morgana talking shit for fucking months and just laughed it off. Like a based hero junpei then comes back with a quick remark once and little bitch cat has a cry for a few days.
I really wish I could put Morgana in a sack then throw that sack in the river.
You're a fucking idiot.
It was in the cutscene after third mini-boss in Shido's Palace, during interview he is asked how he felt after catching Joker and he says he felt a bit dizzy, and that's when he realizes that he killed a cognitive Joker in the Sae's Palace. We know from the very beginning that entering Metaverse is a bit taxing on the mind.
That's the thing that pisses me off the most when I see people talk about the game, and you see it with some other parts of the game too. The game spends so much time it doesn't have to beating you over the head with every little detail of every little thing over and over far beyond the point where the player gets the point and the game should have just let it be, but somehow some people still don't understand certain things about the game after all of that.
>It's Japanese humor
Is Japanese humor just yesteryears Western humor?
Ryuji.. bit drunk here
Just fuck off already it's clear you didn't pay attention to the game.
Just kidding i remembered but wanted to see if you guys knew what you were talking about.
Good job
So what happen was Sae unintentionally activated the Meta world allowing joker to escape the police station in the meta verse, so the joker we see get caught by the police is his persona outfit are cops in Sae palace and not in the real world.
Joker replaced his real self with Sae cognitive version of joker while they were in the met averse capturing Saes heart.
Hence why joker gets caught in his PT outift even though he doest trully manifest his powers in the real world till the end of the game
Hope i explained everything for you guys
Have a nice day
The game could've probably done a better job then. You can explain something elegantly and clearly without having it be drawn out.
A couple user's in this thread did a better job explaining it than the game.
the game spent like an hour explaining it.
Did you even fucking play this game?
based just kidding poster
I missed the part where they beat him unconscious
Not really, but at this point I believe you're just pretending.
Sae didn't know she activated the metaverse.
I can't believe P5's story is so deep plebs can't even comprehend it.
>Confirmed for never playing PQ
This, Ryuji is a good boy
Yes, hence 'without having it be drawn out'.
The way they went about it is questionable if it causes confusion over a fairly understandable trick.
As pointed out a couple of user's in this thread did a much better job explaining it than the game. The game taking an hour to do it probably made it sound more complicated than it actually was.
She was in on the scheme but technically she didn't know.
Every action she took in that sequence was intentional. That was the point of the ruse, to get her to do it.
The metaverse stuff is like 10 minutes at most.
While I think user worded it in a way that would definitely cause people to get up in arms, Sae technically had no clue about what the phone trick did at the time.
While showing the phone was intentional, putting Akechi in the metaverse was unintentional (although that's a pointless observation desu)
why do people like persona5?
I honestly can't find any good thing about it other than kawakami
The entire plot is ADULT BAD, while throwing some kind of retarded anarchist kids in extremely unlikely scenarios
also the characters are unlikable as fuck
Literal bland slate, (as always, but this time even more so)
Starts out smug but quickly sidelined because of how fucking stupid and useless it is, The token mascot character
Thot among thots - did nothing for her friend and is the token 'perfect' popular girl
Yuusuke, except an he's oversocial, rough mannered and an unfunny clown
So unmemorable that I can't even remember his name. This guy brings nothing to the table. - the token "eccentric" in the group
Autist girl with less personality than a cardboard box
Japan being selfconscious about a real hikikomori problem in their country, except unlike reality, futaba is actually a talented genius and ultimately has no problems going out as long as she has company.
She is the most pretentious and unrealistic character in the group
>the rest
I don't know, I dropped it because it was just oo fucking boring
To be fair so did I.
I bet you think P3 was the best game in the series.
you bet wrong, didn't even play it
no, ryuji gets swift strike around palace 4 and yusuke becomes useless
>Literal bland slate, (as always, but this time even more so)
It's almost like you're lying, or didn't play the game.
Your criticisms completely ignore the social links of characters like Ann, Yusuke, Makoto and Futaba.
In fact a lot of them provide characterization that completely contradict your criticisms.
Whatever the fuck happened to Goro can we at least admit that Futaba is just a walking plot device?
>Hey the world's greatest hacker is targetting us guys
>Also she just happens to live at my uncle's place and that's why he treats us like dirt at the beginning
>Now we can Hacc
Mommyfags don't deserve to complain about any other characters.
Kawakami's only noteworthy trait is that she's a teacher, if she was only a prostitute you wouldn't give a fuck about her.
Fuck off /pg/
I would agree if the social links affected the main story in any way. The way characters act in the main story and the way they act in their social links are so different that they might as well be completely different characters.
He says that so much that "MAJI" sounds in my head when I read "for real"
I hope you're not implying that Maya isn't prime mommyfu material.
I disagree. A character can open up to you in a personal setting without having to change how they behave normally.
That being said I do think there's payoff lacking with the disconnect between social links and the main story, but I don't think that the characterization should be written off as null and void because of it.
Did you even play the game? Ryuji was all over the Okumura heist because it would get the Phantom Thieves more fame.
Fucking this. I just wanted to kick that loud idiot out of the group when he almost got them caught for the second time by not keeping his big mouth shut in public.
Yeah, but even he backs down after everyone else says the thing seems fishy. Literally the only rule they agreed upon was that they had to all agree on a target.
>Literal bland slate, (as always, but this time even more so)
word of advice: your point is only as strong as your weakest argument. Any rational person is going to read this and not read the rest because it's ridiculous. You're either a blank slate or you're not, there is no "moreso." You would've been better off just ignoring Joker as a non-character, because that's what he is
>cat can't take the banter after dishing it out
It has some amazing women.
I fucking hate Kawakami faggots more than Makoto faggots at this point. They always show up shilling their stupid irresponsible old hag because their mommies coddled them for too long. Sorry, but just because she plays into your oedipus complex doesn't mean she gets to be the "one positive" about the game. She's a shit character.
Why did Ann's confident story start so good and turn so shit?
>Feels genuine remorse over being a silent witness and feels that her friend almost killed herself because of something she could've possibly prevented but was too scared
>Knows that to become a better person she needs to needs to become a braver compassionate individual that can solve problems and be a hero
>Still can't shake the shame/guilt of what happened to her friend but wants to find the resolve to prove to herself and her friend that things do get better
Disappointing as hell, I was actually pretty invested until that. Did they change writers halfway through writing her?
the only interesting part about Ann's Confidant was Mika
During the process of writing Ann's Social Link, the writers themselves have actually gone on record to say that the reason why it's so bad, is because Ann was such a stupid bitch they actually lost multiple brain cells writing her. The director actually had to call in a new writing staff because Ann "Bimbo" Takamaki siphoned all of the intelligence out of the current staff.
Exactly. Should've been able to visit her in the hospital with Ann
>He isn't a homophobe
that's a good thing? Faggot.
not Shiho, Mika. The model. Though Shiho probably would've been more interesting than Ann as well.
morgana and teddie are non-characters
koromaru is the only good mascot
>Every side character in Ann's confident is better written and more likeable than her
Oh fuck my sides
>Implying Ann didn't lead pipe her at some point
don't know if I'd call Mika more likable, but ironically I like her more as a result. She's not just some boring dindu like Ann. She has ambition.
Honestly when a confidant starts to focus on another character with the detriment of the focal person, it goes to shit.
Same with the second half of Makotos.
This is why Piggyhara is the best girl in Persona 4
And this is why Haru is the best girl, her SL is focused entirely on her own development and doesn't get sidetracked by other characters IIRC, I dunno, I haven't touched the game since its launch.
Best taste in the thread.
Eiko is only meant to be the bitch Makoto slaps, she does not steal the focus at all.
Why does Haru come so late in the game, i hope that shit changes in royal.
>expecting good writing in animu shit
I like teddie and honestly dont understand the hate. He is like a retarded little brother who just hit puberty and wont stop asking about boobs, which is based.
The best we can hope for is more late-game events like in P4G, so she has more opportunity to interact with the cast.
He spamming those retarded "are you OK?" lines didn't make me like him more.
Cat was calling him stupid and useless since the tutorial dungeon, even before Kamoshida's Palace.
Ryuji gives Morgana flack like ONCE and he abandons the group for two weeks. Am i supposed to feel sorry for the cat after he gets called out on his bull shit?
fuck you, the cat was fucking garbage.
They didn't say for no reason, they said with no consequence.
Best animal mascot.
10/10 would pet.
Morgana shits on Ryuji all the time and the moment he says anything back he goes full bitch mode and runs away.
The game is full of shitty character dynamics. Makoto is a little bitch for her entire introduction, but gets all Dom when her persona appears, everyone just accepts it and acts like her pet too.
I wanna eat out futaba’s pussy until she can’t walk
P3-5 all have a party member who is completely unrealistic and break the mold of having normal people who get caught up in a supernatural world. Futaba's worse for that than Naoto but better for it than Aigis. Not that I think any of them are bad characters, but I feel like they all don't fit in to varying degrees and are too fantastical, but Aigis, though I like her, is the absolute worst for that.
little bitch cat calls Ryuji useless a lot and then acts all indignant when Ryuji doesn't even call him useless at first, he just said "wow, futaba does a better job at this than you, cat"
fuck that sensitive little faggot
THE boss slayer team
>KAMAHN DOOD, how was i supposed to know people could hear me? nothing i could do, dood! bugged talking mechanics!
The difference is the Ryuji is ACTUALLY all the things that Morgana calls him, and Morgana is usually none of the things that Ryuji calls him (other than cat).
Well Futaba certainly was more useful than Morgana during her dungeon, so I see no reason for the cat to throw a bitchfit over that.
How was Akechi instantly transported to the police station of Sae's palace when everytime the group enters the Metaverse to a palace they have to start at the beginning? Seems like Akechi would have realized something was fishy if he started at the Casino instead before he murdered fake Joker.
People are surprised the childish cat things acts like a child that can dish it but not take it?
They start where they enter. That's why Ann and Yusuke suddenly fall out of the sky during the museum dungeon when she activates her app.
I had a classmate like this over a decade ago. He constantly talked shit about me, but when I made fun of his girl name, he wanted to fight.
Morgana is a little bitch with a literal bitch voice actress.
this is actually how it really is and it was INFURIATING. fuck morgana
>literal bitch voice actress
Tell me more.
This is the same case as was with Tartarus or TV World. They enter always from the same place, because they never know where will they end up, it was huge plot point during Fuuka's recruitment in P3 and almost every dungeon in P4. Because outside of courthouse Sae's Palace wasn't distorted, it moved them to Metaverse version of the police station. We have it dropped (not openly stated, but it happened) with Kamoshida's Palace - Ryuji and Joker enter Palace on the main street, and in every next entry they go from the alleyway near school. Entering Palace's inside the distortion is dangerous, Futaba's Palace is a proof - they ran the Nav inside Sojiro's house, which Futaba considered her tomb at the time and already was part of the distortion.
Can we all be mature and admit Teddie was better
They exit where they are, but they enter at the fixed place.
This is shown when they first enter Futaba's palace next to the door to her room, but instead of entering at the same door in the palace they enter in the middle of the desert.
Even though Morgana acted really stupid because they really needed to get Haru into the game and didn't care how, I always found Teddie annoying.
Khamille's a man's name you nigger
nice try, p4 babby, but no. teddie is the worst character in all of megaten.
>I don't know, I dropped it because it was just oo fucking boring
Well everything before and after Futaba was kinda meh so you dodged a bullet
Don’t say things you can’t take back
Ryuji snaps one time and Morgana tucks tail and runs away.
At that point, the game should improve because the fucking cat isn't railroading you. BUT NOOOOOO can't let you do that.
He was betterBEARLY
Based Morgana working this simp into shoot
Is this a Smash thread?
>This is my first Lovers Arcana Social Link/Confidante
Welcome to the Lovers Arcana, where YOU are always second in mind to someone else your NPC is always thinking about.
Why is chie best girl still
Tomboys are the best
Morgana brings this game from a 9/10 to an 8/10 and that sucks desu
It'd be neat if we had a nonlinear story with branches depending on whether your confidants are sufficiently strong at certain points in the story. That's be a shitload of work for 7 party members though.
He wasn't recovering from a broken leg, his leg was so severely broken that he will be crippled for the rest of his life.
He can still run faster than the average person, but that's just a testament to how talented of a runner he was before the injury.
I have a similar injury from a similar incident in a similar context and Ryuji's social link was really special to me. Shame he was so shitty in the main plot by comparison.
It's super obvious that the confidant stories were written by someone separate from the main story team.
That Makoto shit was the worst.
Nah, Tomboys are one thing, but something about chie is perfect...
fuck teddie, fuck morgana, fuck talking mascot characters
Imagine being unironically a Ryugeefag.
That's not Yosuke fag.
Who else would it be?
Ew, Yosuke's dick is nowhere near girthy enough to pleasure chie
Yu, as you can tell from every other image from that artist being Yu and Chie.
Chie's real man
>tfw he also ruins the smash stage by making constant annoying cat noises.
What's the point of having some of the best music in the game if you're gonna do that?
But I fucked Rise though?
This is Yu not Jamal.
But Jamal is fucking Larry, not Rise.
Jamal is fucking everybody, he just spends Christmas with Larry.
>hum ryuji you're so stupid
>stop being dumb ryuji
>ryuji no baka
>no ryuji, it's wrong again
>fuck you ryuji, I am the main character
"stop being stupid mona"
>teehee, we're all friends
>When you think Morgana finally fucked off forever at the end but he comes back
I would say that Joker has used his powers for personal gain in every single confidant where you go into Mementos to advance it.
He comes back because the cast wants him back and end up creating a new one, involuntarily
u mean yoshitsune u retard?
Is Yusuke gay?
>That mementos request about the guy who cheated in video games
At least they had the decency to cut this one
>and end up creating a new one, involuntarily
Would you?
Those poor creative publishers.
Morgana literally never apologizes either
The scene after Ryuji’s “death” was an abortion. And I’m not talking about the “funny” scene where all the girls treat Ryuji like shit. Morgana walks up to Ryuji, says nothing, and leaves. What a fucking cunt.
hatu stayed in my party once i got her. she dishes out criticals like no one's business and psiodyne hits pretty hard
I actually like him, but he should have stayed gone, it feels much more fitting. I imagine they just brought him back for spinoffs though.
No. I already have meido ass.
Reminds me of the GOG shilling quest in Witcher 3
A man of taste
Because Atlus is way too risk-averse and they need something marketable and not too controversial, actual rebels or delinquents would be considered a bad influence or some dumb shit like that so what you get is cute kids who actually didn't do anything wrong. I'm fine with what we got but the concept art looked more badass.
Surely this isn't real.
Disregard that , I watched the scene again and apparently, just like with all the PTs, only his other "him" (the one in the metaverse, the big head one) disappeared , the IRL one stayed
I don't think i liked any of the social links.
None of the characters were that interesting.
>at the end of the game the cast compares joker to morgana
>cat constantly tell you to fucking neck yourself the whole game
>you finally decide to retaliate after months of verbal abuse
>cat starts fucking crying before you even get a chance to say what you want to the little fucker
>cat cries and runs away
>friends blame you for the cat leaving even though you didnt really didnt give the cat a piece of your mind
>have to apologize to the cat for him to return because he is important i guess
Between makoto inserting herself as the new leader of the phantom thieves and morgana's incessant bitching throughout the game I can't decide which one was worse. If you're a makoto fag just fucking jump off a bridge how can you be happy that this new bitch is just taking your leadership right in front of your eyes just because she's pretty? She's just a lower level Sae, hell Haru is a better choice to romance.
Believe it
>A boy in Akihabara has been illegally downloading video games and is even bragging about it...
>that frumpy look
>that accidental upskirt
>those humble panties that are probably dirty
>I hear there's a housewife whose sense of entitlement makes her an unbearable complainer...
>A self-important old man clings to past glories, harshly criticizing anyone who happens to be younger.
>An indie idol is riding the Phantom Thieves' popularity and using lies to attain greater fame...
>Someone erased critical data and isn't showing up to work due to an unjust grudge against his company.
Time to brainwash.
Yeah that felt cheap, you already had two fakeout deaths with Sojiro and Ryuji.
I like the characters but can barely remember what happens in SLs. The only one I remember is the Magician guy in P3 who wanted to bang his teacher and failed
I hate that this little faggot turned out to be by far the best party member in the game.
I beat persona 5.
It was fun. My first persona. I really disliked Morgana. He didn't click with me i guess.
Haru needed more screen time. I missed a lot of social links. I didn't get the politician one at all.
Fun gameplay. I thought. I read it is really casual compared to the other games. Making new persona demon things was neat. I'll probably do a ng+ with a guide to experience everything.
Either or, you're still shit talking someone. You cant throw a tantrum if they suddenly bite back, that's called being a woman.
>tfw used to be friends with a girl just like chie in high school
I should have kept in contact with her.
What more could they do?
A monkey?
A parrot?
Poochie the dog?
A tanuki with giant balls
>Tfw too old to fuck my teacher.
>Tfw getting old enough that dating a milf won't be special.
Some of these could show up if Royal is the enhanced version and could tie into if what the Phantom Thieves are doing really is right.
>finish his Confidant very early on
>you know I think I'm gonna try to grow and be a more level headed person
>still a punk ass wipe with zero thoughts in the story
Giving the main cast S-links was a mistake, Persona 3 had the right of it when it came to character development and Persona evolutions all being tied to the story
>Ryuji told me about a cheap and selfish mother who refuses to pay for school lunches.
>Beat her.
>I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry for ignoring the rules of society!
>Please, spare my life...
I hope so, shit's hilarious.
It's really not that casualized. The only thing that's notably easier is that it's a lot more realistic to get all the S. Links done without a guide, where in P4 it was doable but pretty tough and in P3 it required an extremely specific schedule. The combat and dungeon crawling isn't difficult in any of the games.
fucking corporations. I regret buying the game now,
I got a 3ds and SMT4.
I'm hoping that will be fun. Plan on playing it after i finish Sekiro.
I'm not sure if I'll do a ng+ of p5 or wait for royal. Going through the game with satanael sounds fun though.
I'd recommend you wait for Royal, personally, if you plan on playing Royal at all. You'll burn yourself out on P5 if you go right into play it again after having just beat it, especially with how much talking and story it starts with,
why is the cat so fucking thick?
>tfw just realised that outside of Kidd, there's no pirate demon in this fucking franchise if I recall
Looks like my youtube avatar, haha.
You should hire a better artist next time, face proportions aren’t as stylish.
On that topic, we have no cowboys either, right? If the new girl has a Persona is she going to get Calamity Jane or something like that?
go away brit
The worst part is, Ryuji didn't even say it to be mean. He jokingly said "guess you're useless now" to someone he assumed was his friend. Friends fucking rib each other all the time and never mean anything by it. Morgana sits there actively insulting Ryuji the entire fucking game.
Ryuji calls him a cat (which he is), and then ONE TIME jokes that he is not useful now that they have an expert data specialist.
FPBP, stupid fucking cat.
Should've let us kick him out, considering we were SUPPOSED to be the leader.
Ryuji did nothing wrong.
Morgana is annoying and useless.
Of course he was.
>friendly with everyone
>willing to stand up for others even when they won't for themselves
>actual existential crisis with a threatening shadow fight instead of Morgana's pointless whining
>takes shit from the group because he knows most of it is deserved and he is just happy to have friends he can be himself around
>knows when he's going to far with his antics (most of the time)
Just like with P4 itself, only friendless losers and edgelords hate Teddy.
Can i sext her? Makoto ruined the game.
I only played p5 and liked it.
Should i go to SMT next or other personas?
Teddie's crisis is actually relatable as well. I'm sure most people at some point or another have felt lost or like they didn't have a reason for living or a sense of self. It went a long way in making him really human and knowing that he's struggling with that made his comedic moments actually pretty endearing imo. Most people forget he's a sad sack at the start of P4.
Play what you want except for direct sequels like P2 and SMTIVA
He was jelly joker liked Ryuji more
The cool thing about Teddie is that the rest of the cast reacted as they should to his antics: being really annoyed despite caring about him.
Morgana is annoying and the Phantom Thieves act as if he wasn't.
The worst part is that his insecurities are nowhere near justified, since even if Futaba is better at support, he is still the resident expert on metaverse matters and a frontline fighter. Does he really need his contribution to be acknowledged that bad? Pathetic.
The minute I was able to swap out party members, Morgana became my regulated healslut outside of battle and I never had to hear that stupid fucking phrase throughout the rest of the game
>or at the very least they should have doubled down and made Morganan a girl.
I love Morgana!
>Inb4: t. Anne
Navigators were a mistake and akechi is left for P5R, like half of the plot points that never got used
He's creepy.
for what it's worth I was Team Morgana during that arc. Yeah Morgana could be a prick to Ryuji but at the end of the day Ryuji's a human and everyone accepts him as an integral part of the team. Morgana had his role usurped as the brains by Makoto and Futaba and kept showing obvious warning signs that he was feeling self conscious, but nobody noticed them... because Morgana was right. To them, Morgana was just a talking cat rather than an equal.
I genuinely forgot, aside from everything surrounding Akechi's scenario what else was left up in the air?
>t. _Ann
I may be misremembering, but I don't think he was the expert passed the first dungeon which is part of why he was insecure about how his usefulness. I'm pretty sure there's some part around the start of Yusuke's dungeon or something where the rest of the group expects him to be able to tell them more than what they know about the place, but he's already told them everything he knows in Kamoshida's Palace.
Remeber how shido'a cronies were ranking about what to do next after shido's live confession ? Remember how joker STILL has their eyes on him after the game is done ?
He playfully bullied the girls who acted like highschool stacies about it.
All a girl has to do is call a guy creepy towards literally anything he does in order to murder his social standing.
teddie was not around 24/7 and did not force you to go to sleep.
the correct term is Yu-sexual
There's also that throwaway line where Anne mentions she feels as if she had already met Ryuji and Joker or something like that, but maybe I'm reaching.
I mean , Ryuji and Anne knew each other existed for a while , but that's it
Yeah, it can also be easily interpreted as her saying she finally found a place where she fits in. I think the theory was something about the characters being stuck in a temporal loop due to some other deity's fuckery, it's contrived but I'm wondering where they're going with P5R.
That girl is definitely associated with yaldabaoth , you can be sure of that
It's the cat that's a cheeky little cunt to Ryuji the entire game.
Ryuji is nothing like Yosuke, Yosuke is an annoying fag
Oh god I just hope it's not something like "Shido's cronies tried to infuse Sophia's spirit into a little grill using Wakaba's research".
Nah she'll be like Marie and be an aspect of Yaldabaoth.
>He doesnt know
I really want them to do something original for once. I actually like the idea of a FeMC if her storyline diverges strongly from Joker's, but considering Atlus' pattern another Marie is very likely.
He's supposed to Riajuu/normalfag. It even sounds like his name.
I would rather she be a Marie-type character because, while I like the FeMC playthrough of P3P, I much prefer how Golden fixed a lot of the problems in P4 on top of building upon what the game already had and adding new content and would prefer that to just giving you an alternate way to play the game. Obviously I hope they handle her better than they handled Marie though.
FeMC would be absolutely glorious, but P3P didn't turn a profit since it's a lot of money to hire all those voice actors once again, so they aren't doing it again.
Fuck Japanese seiyuu culture, it's the cause of many bad things in their entertainment industry,
You will have your Marie 2.0 and you will be forced to like it, just as you were the first time.
no bully kitty
This Gnosticism is some real fucking heretical nonsense.
>save everyone and believed to be dead
>Guys I made it!
>get beaten up
Her being forced like Marie is the worst thing that could happen. Marie actually wouldn't bother me in the slightest if not for the fact that you have to sit through her poetry, having to be introduced to her is fine, but after that you can almost ignore her entirely except for her godawful poems which you have to sit through no matter what, though I believe there's less of them if you don't do her S. Link.
Marie was fucking garbage but knowing japs and Atlus specifically, they don't learn from their mistakes.
>complaining about mascot characters
you do know this is atlus right?
This is a modern japanese story. The only one ever allowed to get their dick sucked and constantly praised is the protagonist. Every other character must be either cartoonishly evil or severely retarded, incapable of even breathing if the protagonist isn't around.
Jack Frost is a good mascot.
>Cool appearence
>Shows up in all the games as a summonable creature
>Recognizable speech Hee-Ho
>Is referenced here and there
And most importantly, doesn't ruin any games by being an annoying and unfitting character, which mascots have a tendency of doing.
As opposed to western games where the protagonist is a blank slate but that one side character is clearly the creators' pet?'
I prefer the Japanese model.
This, he is not meant to be taken seriously
Why are people defending Ryuji? Hes the obligatory male 'friend' (that the MC doesnt treat like a friend at all) who is there to look and act pathetic and be shat on by everyone to make 'Literally me - the character' look better. This is the kind of hamfisted stupid shit you signed up for when you start getting into haremshit like Persona.
Yosuke did it way better. His and Teddie's banter was excellent compared to how bad Morgana and Ryuji's is.
>Try to shit on best boy Ryuji
>Get destroyed by the first post
>Makoto is the better healer
>have to hear "I'LL USE MY PERSONA"
i dont think the writers on persona team are bold enough to really expand on the whole "maybe what we're doing isn't right" bit in any meaningful way
I really, really enjoyed Persona 5, but I had to sit on this bit for a long while. This is the epitome of those ">japanese 'humor'" shitposts.
It wasn't so bad. The fact that her persona is a motorcycle is real stupid though.
They aren't shitposts when they point out a real problem related to the board's topic.
>enjoy game a lot
>get to makoto's arc
>severe drop in quality in every way
>game only gets worse from there
a-at least the first two palaces were good.
casino was fun too.
>english dub
>The fact that her persona is a motorcycle is real stupid though.
Fuck you, having an original initial persona is the only good thing about Makoto.
Personas are supposed to be gods/mythological creatures/heroic characters (real or myth) drawn in a way that only makes sense if you've gotten a double portion of stamps. They're not supposed to be motorcycles.
>because someone took your niche, it's okay that you constantly abused an abuse victim long before that happened and then continued to abuse him even though he's not responsible
Yeah, no. Morgana is indefensible from beginning to end.
>ywn pull your adult willy out in front of Nanako
why live...
It looks like you're asking why people are enjoying a character instead of disliking him for dumb reasons.
thats a cute yukari
He still has the most experience, is a team mate, and is the fucking transport in Mementos. He objectively has the most usefulness outside of Joker from a story standpoint, even after he stops being the analyzer. So no, it's not justified at all. He's just an insecure little bitch that talks shit and then crys when people talk shit back. Fuck him.
Personas are a combination of things.
They are the user's tamed shadow, but also the facade they use for their daily life, and it borrows from the collective whatever the mythical parts.
So, maybe Makoto's shadow would have been a motorcycle?
>They are the user's tamed shadow
No they're not, retard. They're what they use to keep their shadows under control, not the shadows themselves. It would make more sense is Makoto's shadow was a motorcycle, but her persona should represent her being the good girl that she present herself as.
There are Demonic cars so I don't really mind as much
Metis states they are one and the same. In Arena they deduce that their shadows are fakes because they can still use their personas.
Shadows become personas when they are accepted/controlled.
The only one that made sense to post endlessly was the Yakuza 0 one.
Surprised no one made an OP with the Ryuji fakeout scene
Did you like Black Frost in DeSu? He was pretty cool
>Shadows become personas when they are accepted/controlled
No. Shadows are suppressed by having a persona. Read some basic Jungian psychology that this whole thing is based around.
sorry for what? our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks
Ryuji gets shit on too much in this game, not even Junpei and Yosuke had it this bad
It's like the game wants me to always think little of Ryuji and always treat him like the comic relieving idiot
The way they wrote him to fail or look bad in front of others just to make the Protagonist or Player look better was done in very poor taste in 5
Like I think Ryuji is an alright guy but I wish the game and the characters in it would stop shitting on him so much for every single thing he says and does
Junpei and Yosuke were better characters who weren't as annoying and counterproductive to the group's purpose.
>it's actually better than the nip audio
Because they were written with the intention of making them good characters that developed
Ryuji was written only to fail and be comic relieve, he is always written to be this lesser character to the main character so the player can feel better about themselves like "Glad I'm not a loser like Ryuji"
I know Persona games always try to make your character seem really cool and amazing, especially when it comes to your bro character, but the way they did with Ryuji makes me a little mad
They made him to give Chaosfags someone they can relate to.
>simple man fucked over by society and wants change
>considered a retarded meme man outside of the game
I see.
Play the Answer.
I'd say the source material I reference is more accurate here, boyo.
>Morgana apologists love Light McDeathNote’s gayer cousin
What a shocker
Didn’t play anything before 4 so fuck me if this has been done but gimme a dog.
A totally normal, non-talking, non-shapeshifter dog who befriend the PC as a dog would (food, adventures, snuggles and shit) that just so happens to have a persona.
Based filename poster
His name is Koromaru
No u
Hope that doesn’t make you run away crying like your gay little ferret
Sick shit, which game?
Morgana just makes miss Gotou.
He was better as a talking cat
You really are a retard.
This is literally why people say Persona 3 has the best story and characters but then people who started with 4 and are overprotective of the Scooby gang ree the fuck out and try to defend Larry being a cardboard box
the best one
You know, if that playable epilogue is too hard for you, you could just watch it on Youtube. There's no shame in that.
It's almost as if personal insecurities often don't hold up to logical analysis
Persona 3
Play FES
>too hard for you
It just wasn't included in P3P.
Took Morgana off my team after this and never put him back
Such a needless little piece of bullshit, if they needed to give Morgana a reason to leave and hate Ryuji it should have been over Ryuji getting a big head over the power the Phantom Thieves was giving him not a light hearted banter insult. Seeing every other party member get on Ryuji's case about Morgana getting bent over this when they saw how stupid and overblown it was was eyerolling.
because annes canon interest is ryuji and morgana is a bitch
That would have been better, but even then it's still a shitty thing for Morgana to do. This is like the one thing Ryuji has that other people haven't ruined. The way everyone is written to just kind of ignore his problems always irritated me.
She's lusting all over Akihibro first time she meets him in PQ2 as well.
Anybody playing PQ2? Whose fucking idea it was to completely ignore the first one. P4 and P3 don't fucking recognize each other.
Wasn't the gimmick in 1 that the game took place during the other games but their memories were wiped?
And isn't the gimmick of every persona game that friendship and bond deletes shit like that?
That's really just 4, deception isn't the same as forgetting, and Brotagonist doesn't have that power until the end of the game.
How bad do you think Futaba's room smells?
It can't be worse than mine.
Delete this, you're not allowed to say retarded things with Marvelous as your mouthpiece.
massive faggot
Fuck Morgana
Fuck Teddie
Fuck Koromaru
Fuck Chocobos
Fuck Moogles
Fuck Quickie
Fuck Corrine
Fuck Mieu
Fuck Rollo
Fuck Bienfu
And fuck Nopons
I hate all these annoying shithead mascots