Random slavs decided to do the best wrpg in years

>random slavs decided to do the best wrpg in years
I still dont know how exactly this happened

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Other urls found in this thread:


It has my mom in it

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I want to fuck your mom.

>how exactly this happened
With 80 million € budget and 400+ devs.


I'll meet you halfway, it's one of the best VNs in years.

I will find you, user

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They stole some authors fantasy setting and made their workers lives miserable.

i want to fuck you


>*whistles for magic horse*

>GTX 560 when it came out
>No way toaster can run
>Have to play on PS4
>Load times are dog shit
>Frames could be better
>Controls are clunky
>Get real job
>Finally have money
>Build a new PC
>Throw in a RTX 2080
>W3 on steam for 15 dollars few weeks ago
>Decide to see if I can run it on ultra for shits and gigs
>Plays perfectly on ultra, 140+ FPS
>Buttery smooth af. Looks amazing.
>MUCH FASTER load times
>Somehow M+KB feels so much better than PS4 controller
>Combat actually seems more fun somehow
>End up getting hooked on it again

Now that I'm playing it the way it was probably MEANT to be played, I'm having so much more fun with it. Based slavs.

he allowed them to have the rights to make a video game series based on his novels
>made their workers lives miserable
no source

>random slavs decided to do the best wrpg in years

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They had an exisiting universe, stories and characters to base their game on.

just like diablo 3

That's a FPS though.

Sapkowski is that you?

what's your job user

They had quality writers, great source material, and the low living wage necessary to put an autistic amount of detail into the environments. The game is mediocre outside of those aspects.

>They had quality writers
The main story is the worst part of the game.

>hey we like your book can we make a game with its setting?
>no, games r gay, fuck you
>please o great Sapkowski, we will even pay you scale/% of profits
>nah, you suck, will take 10k tho
>fair enough
Then a decade later the fat hack of an author is still assblasted about getting a shit deal from CDPR and recently tried suing them.

>random slavs
They had 80 million budget, marketing partnership with fucking Microsoft and on top of this also government and EU backing them witth funds.

This isn't some underdog. This is a shrewd AAA studio utilizing everything they can to make their bloated AAA mess.

who was pro consumer at every turn

they didn't have any external backing. they won a few grants from the goverment to research very specific technologies after W3 already came out, and all of those grants amounted to couple hundred thousands.

>author is in the wrong and adapters are in the right
Weird feeling desu

How long until that autistic Gothic poster shows up? Witcher threads attract his salt

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CDPR shills pls go.


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Same with that obsicuck being salty over Divinity.

fuck off nigger, w3 is average game but sapkowski is fucking piece of a shit

go sit on a pitchfork

Gothic is amazing tho. Gothic 2+night of the raven and witcher 3 are top 2 rpg's ever made imo.
And cucks talking trash about combat can keep seething after their daily attack/roll/estus spam for 5hours in DS.

Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.

>random slavs decided to exterminate germanics

Could have just played it on PC in the first place.

The fuck are you doing? I'm actually shocked by how bad it looks on it. Are you fucking kidding me?

>GTX 560
You can run it, game's godly optimized.

It's an easy show.
Slavs love PCs.

We love making games, but this shit, where you think we'd actually care about your market, sub 1080?

lol, the fuck out

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Suddenly you've got west*ids tripping all over themselves to claim this game for western gaming, you can fuck off.

>going to fucking Poland to fulfill muh dream of working in muh vidya induhstree
Dumb anglos got what they deserved.
For everyone else it was the normal hell of employment.

t. Slav

>witcher 3
Based dolboeb

My PC can fully do it. What's really odd, is people acting like theirs can.

Or else, a console player acting like, it's possible. Fucking how?

Yeah only conbat
It's not the main plot aka your princess is in another castle, it's not open world that hurts the narrative, it's not braindead dialog system, it's not butchered rpg system, it's just bad combat

>tried suing them
He won, dude.

>muh open world
>muh narrative

The Witcher 3 actually has a better plot than Gothic. At least if you're a male. It's your daughter.

Might not mean much to a woman, but that's like ripping through a battleship to a male. It's psychological kryptonite.

>muh narrative
>when it's a main focus of witcher games
Ur a faget

He didn’t sue them because "durr he wanted more money", he sued because the contract he signed didn’t actually cover anything but the first game.
They made everything else illegally.

what JoJo part is your pic from?

Guys Im basically in the same situation, poor as piss just got the first PC in my life (I only had shitty laptops from family before)
Where can I torrent this?

oh go fuck yourself, you probaly are an anti faggot against anything. he fucked himself over his price and CDPred reached out to him to save the relations to each other.


>They made everything else illegally.
Stop spreading misinformation. The contract gave them the license to create games using the Witcher IP. He sued, maybe not because he wanted more money, but because going by Polish law he had a case; if the profit from the sold license exceeds the amount it was sold for initially by a very large amount then the seller of said artistic license has a right to more money.

Man I am 25, been working since I was 16, about to graduate with a master's this year, all paid by myself.
I'd be happy to buy the game but I spent everything on the PC and my salary will come only on the 26th...

I love how that nigger cunt writer is still so assblasted and seething over TW games. To the point he won't even recognize how much narketing they were for his books. And how they even were the first kickstart to translate and sell his shitty novels.

Truly a cunt that deserves nothing.

>arguing with CDPR dickriders
Anons don't waste your breath let them live in their fantasy world where CDPR is the best producer and W3 is game of the decade.

Probably because other western rpg's got bastardized and dismembered for political reasoning and mismanagement, tell me what competition it has really.
The combat is fucking dogshit.

>le combat is bad
Why would you nitpick this in a genre where literally no good combat system exists
Witcher 3 at least had decent combat

It's the only thing they can nitpick. It's the only thing you ever hear from them in these threads.

ye i also waited until end of last year before i first played it on a high end rig.
it was amazing. especially the dlc. no other AAA game has as much soul.

Buy the GOTY ed., it's worth it.

whats with this fabricated rivalry ?
fuck off. i enjoyed both games a lot. witcher 1 is arguably extremelly close to gothic in many aspects.

>rpg's can't be in first person

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its the literall only reason the last of us was a success. i really am looking forward to the in depth reviews of the second game.

peak kino

i recommend getting ghost mod from nexus

I enjoyed it immensely on my PS4. Then again, I'm not a PC-only fag.

Are they making another DLC or no?

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False, open world is also empty trash.

>shitty combat
>item level scaling
Its shit.

Why do they pronounce Dandelion wrong in the games?
Why is Geralt's accent gone in the games?

They weren't always that good and did not always have that budget.

>Try playing TW1
Okay the game is kinda old and looks even older but it is not THAT old. I get like 1000 fps and that literally grills my GPU and forced vsynch does not work for some reason. Bandicam keeps unfocussing from the game. Goddamnit lads.

I bet you play shitty weeb games 100% sure you do. don't @ me im going out to fuck ur mommy and pay your internet

don't project user
dunno how you can defend that shitty crafting system and item scaling making most items obsolete
heck even leveling don't make sense in witcher especially for Geralt

You craft for fashion bruh

dont worry CP77 will be even better

the combat's alright
what's wrong with looting and crafting and rewards scaling?

I'm replaying the witcher 1 and i'm amazed they went from this to the witcher 3, based poland giving them shit tons of money.

>*muffled screams* of the original author in the distance

>best wrpg
>repetitive sandbox so boring that the actual only good part is the card game

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He acts like he was fucked over when he was the one who fucked himself over. What a way to ruin your reputation kek

i don't really get why sapkowski is weird about it, i finished the books a few days ago and the games are pretty faithful, generally.

he never played them

Back to l.eddit with you where you took that meme from

This tbf, wish you could play GWENT with the ancient vampire.

Reddit loves those overrated meme sandboxes though, so "no you", zoomer.

my ocd demand to loot everything
leveling for a witcher especially geralt don't make sense, it just feel silly and bad designs
monsters and humans should have static power levels
fuck progression

>care about quality over quantity
>it shows
also can anyone please post the pasta?

You seem to know a lot about reddit

Not true, they settled for less than he asked for (and only to avoid the bad PR). He had no case whatsoever, and was a moron for selling the rights for $2200

>monsters and humans should have static power levels
They do have though.

And it's still the best wrpg. Funny how that goes

>Can anyone pls post some stale pasta because I don't have any thoughts of my own
Fuckin sad

>oh this bandit in rags have level 40 you better level up but this one elite guardsman have level 5 you can beat him in one hit

unless you're plants there's not that much
it doesn't make sense for dante or sekiro either
i would like it if skills/gear were rare and you'd have to do something meaningful for them

>these features are shit because I say so
>loot systems are bad!
I'm open to be convinced TW3 is trash, but all you get are meme answers like this.

Gwent is great, especially standalone card game
Also Thronebreaker is great and underrated as fuck

>best wrpg
If you don't think gameplay in games matter, sure.

>perfectly dodging and killing a pack of 6 monsters
is there any better feeling

winning Dice in the witcher 1

I think compared to most rpgs it has pretty good gameplay, compare it to older turn-based games which are still held in high regard, and would still be considered good by modern standards

>loot even dont have sense with all that stuff stuffed in peasant coffers that you can steal on their eyes
>feel forced to check and rob every little barrel because they can have some rare crafting resources
I would be okay if you actually gather parts from monsters and from some rare plants but you can loot even brooms and shit and then use it in crafting
its just tiring and feel like filler
>i would like it if skills/gear were rare and you'd have to do something meaningful for them
that sword master hanzo make for you - obsolete in 5 levels(if not faster)
well yeah

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Don't even need to loot though, you can buy rare materials off merchants. Saying a voluntary grind is too grindy makes no sense.

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nah its bad design

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>I don't like it so I win with no responding argument

you get it chap
thanks for admitting your defeat

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your ocd is bad design

well yeah

How is TW3 Enhanced Edition mod? Does it work well with controllers?

> this one elite guardsman have level 5
This is untrue though. Even guards and soldiers in the village have around level 15-20.

and then some other random slavs decided to make another with Kingdom Come.

Good for replays. Wouldn't say it complete changes combat or makes it harder, it makes it more interesting, forces more usage of the games mechanics, like potions and bombs.
If anything its better with a controller.

nice, looked interesting but it seemed like a lot of the features would be lost using a controller

I played it through recently with a controller on the difficulty below death march without any mayor problems. Should be alright.

Good for you I guess but the game runs like shit on consoles and the ps4 has shit cooling and the fans are way too loud.

Your princess is never in another castle. There's a difference between "She's supposed to be there but actually isn't" vs "She was there and you're following the trail" you dumb fuck.

perfectly dodging the onslaught of the stone golem with backwards dashes.

The only thing TW3 has over Dragon's Dogma is that it is the complete opposite of janky.

If we could have a Dragon's Dogma with TW3 production values, or even just a game doing DD better than DD, only then would we have a superior WRPG to DD. Compare the feature list of both games.


Yeah, TW3 is way below DD. It's battling it out with stuff like Mass Effect and Dragon Age instead.

I actually started playing it a few days ago and I'm finding it mostly really boring. The main quest is pretty good and I really liked the whole arc with the bloody baron and the crones but so far everything outside of that hasn't really sold me. Kind of hoping it's not too long if I ignore a majority of the sidequests.

>random slavs decided to do the best wrpg in years
Wrong picture, OP.

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It's really not. Would recommend looking at one of those "best witcher 3 side quests" lists somewhere, as some definitely exceed the main quest in quality.
Don't bother with all the map events, I 100% the velen/novigrad area on my first playthrough and almost ruined the game for myself.
Gwent is fun but you need to keep playing it throughout the entire game all you'll get out matched easily.

If you've played the peak already you should stop torturing yourself. If you really want to keep playing it people talk about the 2 DLCs as if they are on par or better than the Baron arc. Play those or move onto a more fun game.


The world feels way more fleshed out in that game.

i ran it on a 560 ti and an i5 2500k, on normal settings at 40-60 fps, a ps4 must be able to run it better than that

This game felt more real and more rpg than Witcher 3 desu.

Witcher 3 felt like a telltale game/movie.

>*whistles for magic horse*
>*autoruns on road to quest marker*
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>*guys in Drowner™ costumes appear*
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half*
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof" *shows flipper*
>10 crowns received

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what's next?
>random slavs decided to the best crpg in years

i wish this was a real quest

pathmaker? based

Radish Mod, just wait.


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Poles are superior race. Other nations are souless bugs.

The bitcher 3 wild cunt

Iris' Rose. Who took it?

If you're so smart then how come you can't figure out how to find a torrent of a popular video game?

A ps4 will run it at 1080p with long loading times and it will dip down bellow 20 fps often.

>I'll meet you halfway, it's one of the best VNs in years.
Honestly this sounds like a great compromise we could all get behind. Even if it's not your thing, you can still admit the cutscenes and character designs are top quality.

pc has ansel too, so make sure to take some dope shots as you play m8

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It's just what happens on this board when a game/ series gets too popular, just like the DMC vs Sekiro threads, which made absolutely no sense

I did.

they should have switched cosplays

Praise Geraldo!

Attached: justin.jpg (900x900, 32K)

Imagine how sweaty she gets wearing those tight boots and pants.

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imagine having sex


>doesnt even have the cats eyes
>doesnt even have the penis

what a lazy cosplay


what would stalker stalker and metro be?

>they decided to do it
>then they failed miserably and fell into every shitty trapping of the genre
That's how it happened. Lack of talent and skill on the devs' part basically.

>This may be a case in some parts
>Still owned fucking everyone.
Behind each fucking together.

>>Still owned fucking everyone.
state of western crpg

All of them. Eastern as much.

so what actually are good rpg, just asking

FPS free-roam action-adventure.

You started it, man.

>WOW, you have to attack to deal damage??
>WOW, you have to dodge and block to avoid damage??
literally unplayable

lmao deluded polish niggers. your garbage game is irrelevant compared to bloodborne

>leveling for a witcher especially geralt don't make sense, it just feel silly and bad designs
>monsters and humans should have static power levels
leveling for a witcher is okay imo but agreed the way it was portrayed in the game was dumb as fuck
you start the game as a legendary witcher who is already known throughout the lands for his prowess and feats of strength and yet you're still so fucking weak that a pack of stray, starving dogs or peasant bandits with no combat experience can tear you a new asshole easy
it's just a dumb approach to game design and makes you feel less like a world famous witcher and more like a random schmuck with white hair who has nothing to do with the protag from the first two games
what they should've done is had a leveling system that starts you out significantly stronger than all the trash in the game ie bandits, random human guards or warriors, animals and has you capable of taking down monsters and beasts already with a bit of challenge.
then, any levels you gain are used for learning new skills / attacks and getting even better at taking out monsters and beasts.
that would've been a hell of a lot more immersive and satisfying to play, especially seeing as this is an RPG where you're not roleplaying as a random self-insert character you made, you're roleplaying as a unique character that's already established in the lore and the previous two games

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Same way other people make big games. Lots of money and exploitation of their employees. But it's based and frankly epic when CDRP does it.

>They stole some authors fantasy setting and made their workers lives miserable.
That's just a meme which was born in the minds of those who cannot really comprehend that people in a post-communist country do not earn as much as their western counterparts

>t. polish

no just curious what you think is a good rpg old or new
my recent pick is pathfinder and atom rpg
and well i still like witcher but not for the gameplay systems
yeah essentially
>normal slav working condition
well you are not wrong

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>*presses tab for pda*
>walks on road to map marker
>"blyat....giant slash marks all over the victim.....a bloodsucker™, gotta be."
>follows pda marker to cordon
>bandits™ in bloodsucker™ costumes appear
>"tvoyu mat blyat" *dodges a million heatseeking grenades and comes out of the encounter with 5% health despite having the best armor and weapons in the game*
>"bandits™ pretending to be bloodsuckers™.....they must have been preying on the rookies™, blyat....better go tell the barkeep™"
>follows pda marker back to the 100 rads bar
>"hey marked one™, you're alive! how goes it?"
>"just some bandits™.... here's proof" *shows bandit's™ pda*
>"oi blyat good work marked one™"
>500 roubles rec-eived-eived-eived-eived-eived
>*x-ray engine A crash has been detected by bugtrap*

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>leveling for a witcher is okay imo but agreed the way it was portrayed in the game was dumb as fuck
>you start the game as a legendary witcher who is already known throughout the lands for his prowess and feats of strength and yet you're still so fucking weak that a pack of stray, starving dogs or peasant bandits with no combat experience can tear you a new asshole easy
geralt literally dies from a peasant with a pitchfork

Oh yeah, no one in the world recognises Geralt of Rivia compared to Bloodborne's... uuuuuh...

They pay him what he wanted and offered him % and even after Witcher 1 they asked for more of his cooperation.
Also Witcher 1 was big deal for them and big risks and Sapek didn't take any risks.

>random slavs decided to do the pretty accurate fantasy movie in decades
>beating cuckflix jewniggerfest with 100kk$+ budget
>by only 10 creates of vodka drunked all the fucking time on stage and keep away kikes with niggers
>I still dont know how exactly this happened


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i wish they just made a fucking animated series

though of course they'd still fill that with negroids

>trusting Sapkowski writings

>geralt literally dies from a peasant with a pitchfork
way to take the scene out of context
iirc (been a while) wasn't what actually happened was, geralt was fighting a town full of peasants that were rioting, one of them dropped down and begged geralt for his life because he didn't want to die, geralt decided to spare him since he doesn't particularly enjoy cutting down random peasants (which is completely in character) and the peasant took advantage of that and stabbed him with the pitchfork
keep in mind, geralt isn't invincible, a wound like that would kill any human in a medieval world, he's just incredibly skilled at his profession and combat expertise.
having a game start you out as a legendary witcher whose name is known literally everywhere in the world due to his skills and how many great beasts he's taken down but also somehow so weak at the beginning of the game that he has trouble fending off stray dogs and starving peasants is just whack.

that's not what happened, it's a different peasant

anyway the point of his death is that no matter how good you are, unexpected things can happen, a mistake can get you killed. Which is why Leo Bonhart died the way he did.

that arc was bullshit
a bullshit

Do not listen to these degenerates, in this world, anyone can die slipping into the bath.

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I liked Pathfinder, but I think last act was rushed as fuck, companions were way too tame, but it is general problem with the setting, the city should have much more content in terms of customization and expanding it (as whole kingdom stuff), but in general it was pretty nice.
Atom has its own faults, like rushed ending and pretty lame last choice, but also was pretty nice, all things considered. Divinity OS2 was great, at least for me. (undead finally getting some recognition in games). From older ones... well, I like shitton. Old Wizardry trylogy (6, 7, 8), Arx Fatalix, Neverwinter Nights (modules and expansions), Dungeon Siege (amazing Ultima mods for it. Risen was good for it's own thing and had amazing soundtrack, but Kai does that for games. Icewind Dale had great combat on harder difficulties. Mountain Blade lacks, but is nice to play on multiplayer. Just to name a few.

4/10 made me reply

yeah desu i would've preferred to see geralt face bonhart and ciri + yen face vilgefortz

>that's not what happened, it's a different peasant
ah okay I must be remembering it wrong then. been ages now, thanks for the correction.
>anyway the point of his death is that no matter how good you are, unexpected things can happen, a mistake can get you killed.
right, I completely agree with this- I'm not saying that the games shouldn't reflect that, you should still be able to die at the hands of weaker mobs if you fuck up or play dumb. but geralt at the beginning of the game literally struggles with trash enemies which is completely out of character for him. those kinds of enemies shouldn't pose the slightest challenge unless you're playing him like a complete retard. I'm saying that the game probably would've been more immersive and satisfying if it was fairly easy to cut down mooks (as you're already an established witcher with tons of experience) and have most of the challenge in the game come from fighting larger mobs of enemies that surround you or from fighting beasts in your contracts, the leveling system would pick up from there and make you more adept and dealing with those situations

Oh, and Kamidori and few parts of Rance are pretty dope.

joke's on you faggot. i love both

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Stop trying to start shit faggot.

>those kinds of enemies shouldn't pose the slightest challenge unless you're playing him like a complete retard
i honestly never had this issue, even on NG+ on death march bandits only ever killed me when i played stupidly. at worst they might be a little damage sponge-ish, the witcher 2 fits your criticism more because enemies were damage sponges at higher difficulty, but movement was also worse so it was harder to avoid them

been a while since i played it though, going to replay it soon.

>Gothic poster shows up
He's shitposting on russian 2ch.

Some ubidrones are already deployed btw.

thing is you can't really fight higher level enemies as you literally deal no damage to them
potions could be more important especially fighting monsters
but yeah the whole leveling and level scaling/progression both items and enemies feel like mmo
best characters die in this arcs :(

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>angouleme saying she wished she opened the brothel
god damnit sapkowski

>unironically believin twitcher 3 was the best wrpg
the state of Yea Forums

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>pillars of boredom

>putting pillars of shiternity against witcher
the state of western rpg

lol, pillars was decent but TW3 absolutely shat on it, as did pathmaker and presumably kingdom come

What movie? Witcher?

>pre wm pillars
Fuck no

i bet you liked pillars 2 you faggot

what said. higher level enemies completely stomp your shit in as far as damage goes and they're complete health sponges to boot even if the actual enemy type isn't something that should be challenging in the slightest towards a witcher, ie a town guard stationed in some village on the outskirts of civilization or random bandits robbing peasants on one of the backwoods roads. the level scaling is wack and really should be restructured to fit the theme of you playing as a witcher way better.
imo, enemies should be able to damage you and be dangerous if they manage to get a hit off on you in nearly any encounter, but geralt as a witcher shouldn't struggle so much dealing with mook targets that any half-decent witcher should be able to cut down without breaking a sweat solely on the basis that the game designers decided to give them some retarded level scaling and give them some high, fuck-off huge value as their actual level.
human mooks and low-tier animals should've all just been rolled as low level enemies that geralt should have no problem cutting down even at the start of the game regardless of where those enemies are on the map. the real challenges where leveling your character actually comes into play should be enemies that are supernatural or mythical ie beasts, monsters and the like, as it's a lot more believable that a witcher would have to train some to deal with a mythical enemy he hasn't faced before (or hasn't faced in a while) than a witcher having to train and grind just to take on some town guards or peasant bandits. just my thought on the matter. really does feel like a dumb mmo grind at points in the game like that user said

Game had such good music


Milva even Cahir
fuck Sapkowski

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now that pillars 2 has turn based combat it's a great game

I agree with the higher leveled enemies becoming impossible to beat, i thought that was retarded


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Alzur's Legacy
It's finally done.

>Wanna hear a limerick?
Have they finished filming? It's been years.


Yep. 3 days ago.
They already drunk as fuck.

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But its actually pretty good game especially when Soviets fix bugs and shit
still most companions are dull or bore
really or you just funposting?

I disagree, the kingdom management is tedious garbage and the combat is your average 3.5 shit
Some of the companions were better than I expected like that nigger, the dwarf or the degenerate orc

so he wanted more money then. Otherwise, he would not have sue in the first place.


>EA, Ubisoft, SE, MS, Sony and so on can't do better

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The answer is one. Art.
See who created the Witcher3 soundtrack and how it is a clue.

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TW1 is pretty fun so far. That is the true miracle, not TW3. 1 was the one that was made by a bunch of slavs that barely knew shit but they put together a flawed yet great game.
>Bandicam keeps unfocussing
Works on my machine but yeah a program like Bandicam was the only solution that worked for me, I think it's when you play the game through steam that regular forced Vsynch doesn't work.

still compared to other in similar fashion it was pretty good


Nigger, just use the fucking hardware-driver VSYNC

Attached: 999.jpg (273x185, 6K)


That's what forced vsync is. He tried that

Does what you do in the first two games matter in the third?

Not much

Just the W2 tattoo and Vorhis' bath interrogation.

The way it constantly holds your hand as it leads you to the next cutscene is the worst part

You encounter Letho if you spared him

Yeah, I forgot to mention this important one. Thanks.

Neat, I'm pirating this game right now and I see a thread pop up. Built my gayman PC last week, been looking forward to seeing this at ultra settings.

most kino vidya ending