Japanese developer change series graphics and story to please western audience

>Japanese developer change series graphics and story to please western audience
>It always end up following trends set by Swedish and French devs
>Series turns to shit
>They don't realize that people play their games just because Swedish and French games suck

When will China nuke the west? I can't wait

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>Swedish devs
you mean dice?

Attached: 1525965850438.jpg (533x594, 43K)

>French games suck
shut the fuck up, nigger

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>Look! here it is a shit game made by stupid french with revolutionary first person view and meme edgy characters
>It has also gore
Get out of v and go back to NeoGAF

>china nukes west
>now you're left with the already copycat chinese to pander to with even more copycatting and much worse games
yeah good going you fucking weebnigger

>When will China nuke the west? I can't wait
Right after they nuke whatever shithole you reside in

Cute show

can someone translate what this ESL schizo is saying?

>It always end up following trends set by Swedish and French devs

Who? What?

>by Swedish and French devs
Swedish I understand but French?

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mental illness thread

I think he's angry with EYE for inventing the first person perspective. At least that's as close I get to making any sense of it.

>Who? What?
Dice, Bioware and Ubisoft set the standards and others follow

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quebec =/= france you retard

They're french garbage

no they're not, france hates quebec

>Bioware and Ubisoft

french and french-canadian

french here, why is OP mad at us?

because he's a faggot

>japanese game starts following western trends
>game ends up being shit
>game starts selling better than it did before despite that
>everyone pretends that this new direction is better than the old style

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