Dark Souls 2 is the best game in the series.
Dark Souls 2 is the best game in the series
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Only low iq retards hate Dark Souls 2
A lot of the people who do like Dark Souls 2 are also low iq retards
I'm playing Dark Souls 1 for the first time and is there a bonfire anywhere near the Taurus Demon? I killed this big dude in stone armor and it lead me to this foresty area with crystal dudes and something is shooting magic at me and I get the feeling that I'm not supposed to be here yet
Dark Souls: Unknown Pleasures
Dark Souls II: Closer
The closest bonfire is the Undead Burg one. It shouldn't take you more than a minute to run back to Taurus if you die.
That's kind of a pain in the ass.
>It shouldn't take you more than a minute to run back to Taurus
So I should stop systematically killing everything on my way there? Do these enemies lose their aggro at some point?
the bridge where you got killed by the dragon is progress
Just run past them
They have a certain maximum range they chase you to, but even if that range is infinite you can easily outrun them and they can't enter the boss arena anyway.
Alright, cool. What does restoring your humanity do? All I can tell is it turns me back to the character I designed instead of keep me as a Hollow. Does it do something else?
having humanity allows you to summon spirits among a couple other minor things.
Don't forget to kindle bonfires when youre in tough spots. Kindling increases the amount of estus you get when you rest.
>allows you to summon spirits among a couple other minor things.
Alright cool.
Is that a temporary or permanent thing? Cause more Estus sounds pretty good to me.
per bonfire, but the results are permanent (except one but spoilers)
I think the primary use of humanities in 1, apart from enabling co-op, is that you need to be human to be able to kindle bonfires, and thus increase your amount of estus.
Other than that just a bunch of minor technical stuff like item drop rates and influencing the amount of damage you get out of a very specific kind of weapon, the kind of thing you shouldn't worry about as a first time player. Good luck user!
But user, Sekiro is the best Souls game.
Not a meme, I legitimately think it is the best Souls like game by miles, its combat system is far superior than any other Souls and a new Dark Souls with Sekiro combat but more weapon/armor customization would be goat.
It's permanent for the bonfire you kindle at. Each bonfire has it's own kindling level, they don't transfer between themselves.
What weapon are you using?
But user what about level design, going through the actual levels in Sekiro is really boring.
kill the dogs first
Only pvpfags prefers DS2 over DS3
You're right anonsan, I guess its a matter of preference and I feel like the start point of any Souls game is "what is the combat like". Sekiro's parry based combat is just better than the dodge/block of other Souls.
From that basis I think you could fix all these other issues around it easily like its lacking level design, weapons, armor, ect. But first you got to get the combat right.
Armored core is the best souls game you fucking retard.
Alright, thanks. I'll keep that in mind for when I get stuck.
Some 1H battleaxe I nabbed off one of the Hollow soldiers in the Undead Burg. I started with the wooden plank from Deprived because I have no idea about any classes or setups or anything or what I'll eventually want so I figured well-rounded starting stats would be a good idea.
Most Dark Souls fans are low iq retards so that is ok.
When will we get an AC game with Souls gameplay?
With soul memory? Are you stupid?
>Soul Memory
>Have to farm red eyes in the arena because there's no full orb
DS2 was great for build variety and gimmicks, but it was bound to die when anew game came out no matter what. SM is a total fucking drag.
Can I sell all this trash armor and weapons I'm picking up or should I just dump the stuff I won't want to keep my inventory clean?
You can sell it eventually but most items get you like 50 souls or something insignificant like that. Might as well just dump it.
Protip: get a shield with 100 physical reisist you'll find fairly easily and if you want a weapon to totally cheese the game check around the graveyard with the skeletons.
>I have no idea about any classes or setups or anything
Don't worry too much about that. Classes really only influence what your starting position is. You can go anywhere from there, and Deprived is a fun way to start, you get to build a character from nothing.
By the way, never, ever, ever, put any points into Resistance. Please trust me on this.
And like the other user said, dogs first. Don't worry, you'll know when it applies.
As you say, user, I think Sekiro might be right up the alley for any people who tended to play through the games by parrying primarily, but I've always been more about big, high-damage, slow weapons, so it feels a little weird to me. I still had a good time through it though.
You wanna know what metric I use to decide if a game is good or not?
Whether or not I enjoyed it.
Get fucked detail fags.
>but I've always been more about big, high-damage, slow weapons, so it feels a little weird to me.
I think given some work these weapons would be more fun in Sekiro than Souls, if they were made more unique.
Alright, I'll just dump all this shit.
I checked around there but I couldn't kill those guys and more kept spawning so I just ran through and grabbed whatever I could before I ran out of there. I found this grass sigil shield in the woods after knocking this big knight guy off a cliff that boosts stamina regen, so I figure this is pretty useful.
Cool, I'll keep that in mind and just use whatever fun stuff I come across.
How about getting your dick sucked by a trans person?
Good stuff :
-all the DLC
-variety of weapons, armors and builds
-Vendrick and Aldia and the overall lore
Bad stuff:
-tonally and visually all over the place, some locations look and feel okay and some amateur-level. enemies, bosses and entire locations look like they were designed by completely separate teams that lacked oversight
-most enemies have too much poise and always gang up on you making virtually every combat situation an exercise in tedium
Even though I somehow managed to finish it, I can't say I had fun at any point in the game.
Essentially it's like they ran with "Dark Souls is a really hard games guys!" audience expectation so they made the game kick you in the dick at every opportunity.
The entire thing felt like a fangame.
>has the grass shield already
Well fuck you already have rhe most useful shield in the game.
these are neat, I remember seeing some from DS1 a while ago now. please post more
I do? I was just following the woods path cause it's more interesting than zombieland and I wanted to see what was beyond the stone knight and found it. Now I'm being attacked by trees, I should've expected this.
It has the shittiest art of all time, what in the actual fuck is that anime character creation screen and why are all the foliage parts just a wall of ugly wall of green vomit, this by itself almost makes it unplayable. Painful to look at.
post kino
A lot of bad stuff you missed tbhdesu
the bridge with the dragon after taurus demon, run to the right and go down those stairs, then go through the door on the left. drop down the ladder and you'll have connected back to the undead burg bonfire
Why didn't the Earthen Peak elevator just go down instead of up?
You can get some sweet armor if you explore some more also walk slowly as those dickass trees will ambush you easily.
fucking lmao
based source engine
imagine having no taste lmao
imagine being a zoomer ahahaha
I found some leather armor and a bow, and a giant headless one-legged stone statue in the Undead Parish, it seems kind of dumb and rarely hits me. I wanna go back and kill whatever was shooting magic at me earlier with the crystal dudes, but those shots were oneshotting the crystal guys so I don't think I'm ready yet.
>every solution to the elevator is practical to the max
>devs still didn’t use ANY OF THEM
It was that rushed
Oh god the running animation those guys had.
dont mind me, just being the best enemy and best armor set in any souls game
>sloooowly moves towards you
>dies to mace
There's not a whole lot of extreme stuff in it and most of the "issues" are stuff that you won't notice during normal play like the Tomb of Giants clipping through multiple areas or are the result of last minute changes like the different Firelink Shrine you see from Undead Burg and the Wall next to the entrance to Queelag's Domain that shouldn't exist.
>hollows go from rotting corpses to veiny goblinos
>soul memory
>no red eye orb
>the most powerful telekinetic grabs in the series
>the highest concentration of large men in armor enemies
>the highest concentration of "more enemies = harder" design in the series
>ADP, especially the fact that it adds iframes to your roll is never mentioned in game
there's a reason that enemy went unused in vanilla DS2
>rotting corpses
Not even that, DS1 hollows looked almost like they're actually hollowed out husks, empty eyesockets and everything.
Why on earth did they change that.
I like video games.
But From having a "best game" is the most retarded shit ever
I finished ds1 a little while ago and I had a blast. Started ds2 but it feels so clunky and awkward in comparison.
Their appearance in vanilla DS2 definitely points at most of the stuff that NG+ adds being actually only semi-finished assets and concepts that they threw in just for the hell of it.
Same goes for the early spider boss cameo that felt like some early encounters like her and the Pursuer would've been the norm, not the exception.
Fucking hell this stone fucker in the Parish is a bitch to avoid
It's overcompensating, they felt the need to change things for the sake of change so the game would be more distinct from its predecessor, without thinking about the execution. Problem with a lot of sequels unfortunately.
I wouldn't call the 'firelink with bridge' last minute, the fact that there's basically no sign of what that removed bridge led to other than a low lod doorway in a different level's distant lod version of the model suggests it was a really, really early cut. Chances are it just linked to Lower Burg somehow and upper burg would have come after lower burg original.
There's also shit like this totally unused pathway in Depths which I have never seen anyone mention before I found it.
I'm actually wondering if any of the prototype maps found in Remastered's files might possibly cast light on where this linked to but I doubt it. This was probably meant to go with whatever was cut that might have once linked to the older Firelink with bridge.
i don't get this
like ds1 is seriously the clunkiest shit ever, mario 64 played smoother than ds1
Alright now imagine playing that clunky slow garbage for the duration of FROM's longest souls game.
Now realize that there are people on this very board that actually, literally, non-ironically prefer it to the rest of the series.
>SM is a total fucking drag.
That feeling when I couldn't even collect all weapons and armour pieces for fun, because collecting and spending souls on non-essential shit would fuck up the soul memory.
Holy fucking shit what an awful idea soul memory was.
I played the remaster
I just figured it was because the curse was different since you lose HP over time now.
The gradual degradation of your character loosing hair and shit was a neat concept
the first three games they did in the style will always be better than the later ones to me personally.
Back when they were video games instead of "art"
This and the need for souls to prevent “amnesia” kind of feels like they glanced over what “hollowing” was about and what made it interesting. There’s a big disconnect between how interesting the DLC characters are and how bland and boring everything feels in basegame; they were able to catch up on their homework.
>This and the need for souls to prevent “amnesia” kind of feels like they glanced over what “hollowing” was about and what made it interesting.
They've never said what hollowing is so I never found it interesting anyway. It's just this vague bad thing. DaS2 probably comes closest to answering but the answer is basically "It's just the same shit we did in DeS."
I always wonder what it would have been like without being gut hafway through.
Can we get a single properly finished game by From please?
Only BB comes close and that desperately needed DLC to round it out
>like the different Firelink Shrine you see from Undead Burg
I only got stuff from when I was messing with the das2 map viewer
dark souls 1 was never particularly good or original to begin with and all its elements were derivative
And thats a good thing
That one has a bridge leading into where the Depths area would be instead of an aqueduct to Undead Burg.
It's actually seen from Blighttown, but the lod model of Firelink you can see from there if you look really close has this bridge that connects the main bonfire area to the nearby city walls.. There an even more decimated version of this mesh in another level where the doorway in the city wall that you would have gone through is still intact.
It was most likely the original way to get into burg and you started in lower burg and worked up through upper burg instead of backtracking to lower burg later.
There's also other strange remnants of other paths into Undead burgs walls (like one that is blocked off by the stairs going down to the Depths after Capra)
I feel like it was for thematic reasons.
They are really particular about going up vs down in that game specifically
name a Souls game (Demon's included) that wasn't derivative
Well it would have made sense to keep it the same then, since you would be ascending from lower burg to upper burg instead of going through upper burg, then backtracking down to lower burg
That would have ruined it more though.
>start is just a few paths from firelink
>one going up into daylight and the upper burg
>the others going to skeletons that destroy you (classic from) or way down to ghosts
Turing the only path that leads to areas with sunlight into a dark starting zone would not be thematically appropriate from where I'm standing.
It makes more sense starting down there the way shortcuts go but thats it
In Japanese they're just called corpses. Hollow is entirely English translation thing. Same as how Soul of Cinder is Lord's Soul in Japanese.
>Kill stonedude
>Find the blacksmith
>And that leads back to roughly where you start in the demo
Oh shit, that's cool
Says the guy whose brain is smooth and polished like the surface of that floor.
I killed some statue boss in the Undead Parish and it opened the door to the blacksmith. I explored from there and wound up in the location that the DS1R demo is set in. I've never played this before so that's pretty cool to me to find that.
Worst area in the series. Hidden Forest in Sekiro is the same thing done correctly.
>Hidden Forest in Sekiro is the same thing done correctly.
Sekiro in general is just Fromsoft done correctly
Really hope their next games are as good
Didnt realize there was a demo thing.
Cool shit user, have fun.
Its a gr8 game and the others are fun but no where near the same
DS2 is clunkier than DS1 without a doubt.
Its really not in any way though.
>quicker attacks
>not limited in rolling directions
People just dont like that its different and that you cant rolly polly every encounter at lvl1 with no armor.
Only the deadzone is iffy honestly
People who are too stupid to learn how to run away without getting the about face animation deserve to get ass smacked
>in any way
>deadzone is iffy honestly
Make up your mind, delusional fanboy.
You mean fact checker you From apologist.
sekiro gameplay combat its not adapted for pvp wouldnt work
It almost completely lacks windup frames where you can still aim your attack which is why back when the game came out many people complained that after a roll their attacks would hit in the wrong direction despite having pushed the stick towards the enemy or how you can't attack behind you right after attacking in front of you like you can in DS1&3.
Only thing bad about DS2 was needing points in ADP to increase i-frame to a nice level, other than that it was flawless and had the most content and builds
But you can literally do a 180 mid punch?
They tied character rotation to the animations for some reason so it DOES still work for some weapons like great hammers because of the ridiculous swing arches but then you have stuff like rapiers where you can attack, pull the stick back, attack again and instead of hitting behind you your character thrusts only a few degrees to the side.
The elevator didnt bother me near as much as the "pile of rubble" preventing you from getting to the main plot point, draingleic castle, so lets just do what this shrine says that is not connected to the story whatsoever
You can check it out yourself here:
I did a solid 3 playthroughs using lots of weapons and never noticed it.
Locked on yeah you cant rotate but I was always able to redirect attacks mid combo from what I remember
>tfw all my saves are gone so I cant even test it
I believe you because I usually use slow weapons anyways. Usually only 1 dex run per game for me
b a n a n a l a n d
I play these games for the world and lore first. ds2 and 3 are fanfic level of shit
I want a remake with good lightning, fixed 360 spinning enemies, fixed magic and faith damage and fixed red phantoms. Make pve easier. I hate that sign symbol stuff, just let me join parties randomly and scale up/down properly so i can play with people way above or below my level at any time. Dodge that weapon durability nonsense otherwise the game is my personal 10/10
Nearly every bit of lore, especially the overarching themes present, were copy pasted from other shit user.
Its not even that good either so why bother defending it so much?
The level design is a homage to their past games as well.
name a (3/three) game(s) that is(are)n't made from derivative elements
seriously, do it
Theres a difference between using elements from other works and incorporating it in a new method of usage versus copying shit wholesale and pretending its new just because publishing rights
I'm not defending anything user
Well you pretend that its somehow better than 2 or 3 when its really not compared to all their other works.
Not him but yes everything is derivative, but there's a point where something can be too derivative to the point it's nauseous
a good fictional work takes multiple inspirations, works them into something new and unique as the sum of its parts, but has a consistent theme
the bad ends of the scale are if you rely too much on one inspiration to the point it just ends up looking like a reskin (as DaS2/3 does), or use too many inspirations creating a mishmash with no consistent theme that just feels like a Halloween costume shop (eg: Overwatch, League of Legends)
what about when andre says "I wouldn't want to see you go hollow" what does he say in japanese
>as das2/3 does
1 does as well though.
Why do people keep pretending its somehow not suffering from the same problems of the others in that aspect especially.
Is it just because it was most people first?
No need for any saves.
Just start a new game, pick a class like the swordsman and attack in front of you and then immediately behind you.
Your guy will attack to the side first and it gets even worse with the starting scimitar's R2 that includes an air-flip where this results in your character attacking some completely random direction.
demon's/dark souls doesn't "copy shit wholesale and pretend it's new just because publishing rights".
it takes a variety of inspirations (tolkien, zelda, european architecture and history, the classical greek pantheon and myth, berserk, ico, east asian myth, the king in yellow) and blends them together into something new but with a consistent theme throughout
No, that's still bloodborne
>never played past from games
Its literally the same shit they've had since ps1/2
You probably also thought combat arts were new didnt you
>1 does as well though.
1 takes demon's souls and mixes in a variety of other sources, but 2 and 3 are just 1 reskins
english VA is the canon one though
You mean it mixes in KF stuff because its hackazakis favorite RPG and he literally cant htink of anything else even in sekiro
>Its literally the same shit they've had since ps1/2
I'm not just talking about gameplay fuckhead, where's the milan cathedral in king's field
That's not entirely correct. 亡者 has a different connotation to it than "corpse", they use 死体 and 遺体 in other points in the games to mean "corpse", 盲者 means something more like "the dead" or even a "ghost", although the specific word for ghost is 幽霊.
>muh kf
Cope harder, I said ps1/2 as in everything from that to AC/Enchanted Arms and evergrace
The gameplay is actually the only thing they did innovate on and even then its a mashup of previous mechanics
whoops, that 盲者 was meant to be 亡者 as well, mistyped. Anyway, when they english says "dont go hollow" they're usually saying "dont become one of the dead" more than they're saying "dont become a corpse" in the japanese.
Who gives a shit if the innovations came from other games they've made in the past, if they were held hostage by shit games overall? And yes, KF was a shitty series.
I'm not denying the game takes inspiration from those you fucking subhuman, I'm saying it adds to the inspiration it takes from those.
You will see many new non-gameplay thematic and stylistic elements in older Fromsoft games that weren't in the earlier ones. like Dravidian architecture for example, can you point me to that being used in earlier From titles
>I'm saying it adds to the inspiration it takes from those
I guess for you it does.
To me it was just lazy exactly how DaS2 felt to many many people
Adding little to nothing to your early games is lazy, borrowing from them while adding plenty isn't
I never mentioned any game, I like the lore and world of demon's souls, dark souls and bloodborne. ds 2 and 3 tried to hard to be 1 and I will play sekiro after the dlcs
>while adding plenty isn't
Except they didnt?
Unless you really think that a 360 game having more to it than a first person ps1 game is a strong argument
I already went over this and gave examples, das adds a greek pantheon of gods, the entire souls and hollows theme and linking the fire, primordial serpents, the world tree, chaos and the abyss/humanity (and yes this is distinct from kf4), dravidian architecture, rayonnant gothic architecture, and an expanded mythology
you look at a full playthrough of DaS vs. a full playthrough of KF or evergrace and tell me they're not significantly different in more ways than just hardware level
king's field had hollows
>das adds a greek pantheon of gods
And? There were well established gods and powerful humans in their other games
>the entire souls and hollows theme and linking the fire
You would think so but the fire goes deeper than that as its the only thing preventing the return to nothing. Entropy has been a key theme since the beginning.
>primordial serpents, the world tree
Literally ripped from kf in the worst way
>chaos and the abyss/humanity (and yes this is distinct from kf4)
Yes they are different.
>dravidian architecture, rayonnant gothic architecture,
Past games have architecuter not present on souls games so I dont see the point when its fine in both
>and an expanded mythology
Because its still the same mythology
You seem to think I dont understand whats new, I get that but you keep denying that it lacks creativity when myazaki has shown that at every turn he can only copy past from concepts and slap on some cool ideas like lovecraft stuff for BB or several different medieval or european themes in souls
Souls character building is kinda like a simplified fantasy RPG version of AC anyway
How the hell would you adapt lovecraft's concepts into a lovecraftian setting without incorporating key concepts? Also, you are absolutely wrong about BB ripping off of lovecraft. Miyazaki's premise for BB isn't something ever explored in lovecraft's fiction.
The entire premise of BB is this: the eldritch beings cannot conceive children themselves. So, they scour for a suitable surrogate and impregnate them, and it is implied, unwillingly. Those who do, end up birthing celestial larvae. One of them (pic related) however chooses to hold its surrogate hostage in a Dreamland. It definitely seems to borrow the r/K selection theory, where the more complex the organism, the less offspring they produce, and Miyazaki conveyed this in an interview some years ago.
wrong pic related
Thats not even the point of the arguement to begin with and its clearly heavily inspired the creation of BB.
I could go on about how even with BB its still tying back to their past titles lore but theres not much a point when you will keep saying "but this one thing is different so its all new"
Coll celestial being.
Too bad you dont know much about it
>There were well established gods and powerful humans in their other games
So what? It's a new addition in the pantheonic implementation and influences
>Entropy has been a key theme since the beginning
I don't agree, it was just generic "curses" and "impurities"
>Past games have architecuter not present on souls games so I dont see the point when its fine in both
the point is it's different, it's new blood, innovation, the whole point of the discussion
>Because its still the same mythology
das's mythology is not the same as KF's at all
>I get that but you keep denying that it lacks creativity when myazaki has shown that at every turn he can only copy past from concepts and slap on some cool ideas like lovecraft stuff for BB or several different medieval or european themes in souls
like we already established pretty much every single work is derivative in many ways, either from nature (the original artists) or from other artists. Tolkien put his works together from a conglomeration of Old English/Celtic/German/Norse legends and words for example.
Everything is derivative to some extent, it becomes okay if you are derivative from a variety of sources to create something new, and DaS falls under that banner.
KF had hollows that go hollow once they lose sense of purpose in the world?
Who the taff is William?
Nioh's protag.
That reminds me of the so many things they fucked up translating in the right context and words in Bloodborne.
>That reminds me of the so many things they fucked up translating in the right context and words in Bloodborne.
All of the Souls games have this, with Royal Rat Authority, Flexile Sentry and Harvest Valley being the worst ones.
>Harvest Valley
That's a new one to me. What was it supposed to be called?
>you now remember "Sen's Fortress" is a translation error
>I don't agree
Just because you didnt get into the deeper parts of the lore doesnt mean you are right user.
>the point is it's different
Good to know all it takes is some new buildings and its all good for you. I need a bit more substantially different concepts. At least sekiro kind of delivered there.
>is not the same at all
Two serpents fighting over control of the strongest force on the planet (mankind) is quite literally the same story user. Sorry
I would be fine with it if half of it wasnt just copied from thrie own past works, taking from culture is what makes these games great.
Taking new londos entire concept of being a city lost to darkness sealed by a bulwark of water, spider bitches, the main plot of das1, the gameplay systems and more isnt copying shit from culture its just stapling all your past work together in a half assed attempt to make something new and then applying a liberal coat of history.
I actually love the cultural influences across each game and if they werent so blatant with it I probably wouldnt mind
>I need a bit more substantially different concepts
>At least sekiro kind of delivered there
I said kind of user.
I already knew about that part I was just talking about the setting similar to how BB delivered on a new take.
They will always be better off making new games rather than sequels but the problem is that their "new" games still feel like sequels
I think BB grasped the concept of kagre first, right?
Pooling Valley, as in where all the gas, fumes and poison would end up pooling up.
>Good to know all it takes is some new buildings and its all good for you
So now you're cherrypicking parts of the things I said are different AND strawmanning, you're a real joy to talk to
>Two serpents fighting over control of the strongest force on the planet (mankind) is quite literally the same story user
except again that's ONE element of the story, it's not the WHOLE story
like I keep saying, copying one element=/=copying the whole thing, it's fine if you copy some elements so long as you add more elements to it
there's zero point in arguing with you if you're going to be intellectually dishonest like that and just ignore that you know there's more to the story than just serpents.
Know if it was still Pooling Valley when it showed up in DS3?
In Chinese 亡者 means the deceased.
>except again that's ONE element of the story
Are you talking about the lore?
I was talking about the players story
The Harvest/Pooling Valley never gets mentioned in that game, only Earthen Peak which is called "Tower of Soil/Earth/Dirt Ruins"
>Tower of Soil/Earth/Dirt Ruins
Shit that sounds like a classic From dungeon/area and makes me want it in a better or worse game
Don't people understand it's a representation of how far you travel and not a literal representation?
Like majula to hiedes tower, the windmill to the volcano, etc. It isn't literally directly next to each other or literally a volcano on top of the windmill. It's showing you how far you traveled across a vast distance in a short time. Which is confirmed by the map in the house under majula.
How hard is that to figure out? I mean shit, I figured it out within the first hour or two of playing. Why do so many people still bitch about it? Especially since dark souls 1 does it as well.
Fuck PvP faggots
Fuck summon faggots
Sekiro is a peak From game.
DaS1,DaS2, and Sekiro do it.
DeS cheats with a level select and BB has more areas separated by loading screens.
People are just stupid and will cling to any excuse they can for the sake of fitting in.
Now tell me why I'm in what seems like a completely different country and universe once I reach Drangleic Castle and can't see any of the areas and landmarks from atop of it despite being able to see the castle from them.
Instead I can see some random mountain range across the ocean that couldn't be seen from the coastline.
Because KF3
If Dark Souls 2 wasn't downgraded with the lighting system it would've been GOAT of the series. Arguably it still is but I played the TGS build and holy shit, it was a different fucking game with the lighting with real gameplay implications.
Im okay since thing happen but an still pissed that darkness as a mechanic hasnt really had a fair shot since.
I liked worrying about my torch going out in spoopy areas
based retard
>it was a different fucking game
Because it was.
Almost all of the maps have been rolled back to their unfinished alpha versions for release.
Too many polygons for the ps3/360 on their awful engines
It's depressing because I played multiple builds including Drangleic Castle with Looking Glass Knight boss and it was actually necessary to use torches and I believe if people were forced to use torches in Dark Souls 2 they wouldn't have sucked shit at Bloodborne/Sekiro
They had a second chance with Scholar of the First Sin and still they fucked it up.
>They had a second chance with Scholar of the First Sin and still they fucked it up.
Well to be fair making an entirely new game isnt really a remaster anymore
Protip: you can get back to any boss very fast just by running/dodge rolling past every single enemy on the way to them
Is there some article or site I could read about this?
Much appreciated
I don't get it, what's the point? I know thats the bridge bit in Lost Bastille. How's it relate to the sky lava castle?
Both, the docks and Sinner's Rise occupy the same space in the Bastille map for no apparent reason and the elevator is pure nonsense.
You walk a few feet into the cliffside, go up the elevator, leave in the same direction you came from and are in a completely different section of the island.
The Bastille is on a tiny remote island so there's no reason for that shitty "YOUR CHARACTER TRAVELLED HUNDREDS OF MILES!" excuse.
It's simply shit level design and apparently a bug in the vanilla version also makes the corridor floating in the air visible.
ADP is a thing in DaS2, so it's not the best
Not that it matters
>50% good
>50% atrocious
>30% mediocre
>30% bad
>30% really fucking bad
>10% good
>40% good
>40% mediocre
>20% bad
Too bad 3 bores me the most on subsequent runs
I just dont get why they didnt have some key shorcuts for doing shit in other orders like their other games
>see archives building from Anor Londo
>looks like it's at least a mile away
>walk 20 meters through a corridor and ride an elevator for 10 seconds
>now you're in archives
Yes it is.
Just like the messed up distant views you get in a few places.
Its okay because it tried to heide it I suppose.
I think I get what you're saying but that webm is too dark to see. Is this like when people were drawing pics of the Viking cove area that placed it lower than Lost Bastille because the actual geometry made it impossible for the plane of water the boat starts in at the cove and ends in Lost Bastille to be the same?
Sorry I have brain problems in writing. Also DaSII is my least played souls, I forget generally how levels were layed out.
Although I do remember the flow of any given area being kinda choppy and full of dead ends.
DaSII is memory-wemory. Bam, solved it, next issue.
% atrocious
I fucking hate this Chinese Whispers shit which has progressively driven from "part of Lost Izalith was bad!" to "all of Lost Izalith was bad!" to "EVERYTHING after Anor Londo was bad!!"
Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave was fucking fine, Tomb of the Giants was fine, New Londo was fine, Ariamis was great, Kiln of the First Flame wasn't exactly outstanding but wasn't bad either, and even a good half of Lost Izalith was passable.
So where do you get the basis for calling 50% of the game "atrocious" because one level has too many dragon asses and lava in part of it you dumb fucking memer?
More like DaS2 world exists on the periphery of reality.
Thats why you have seen it in dream before.
Its exists on the edge of the conscious world.
Lost izalith is not okay.
None of it is okay from the copy pasted enemies on masse to the lack of level design.
The archives are hit or miss. Some people hate that kind of level and the spells from upper ledges dont help when anor londo was lambasted for the same cheap shit. Crystal cave is literally shit with a lame gimmick thats only a noob trap in the end.
TotG is only half an area compared to the rest.
New londo and the painted world arent even the second half of the game so now sure why you assume that. People talk about post lordvessel content when they say that.
well, at least dark souls 2 was origina-
>implying anything with souls in the name is original at all
>always felt like 2 was just a combo of 1 and des when I played it
Didnt realize how right I was.
The healing and spoke like design gave it away though
3 does this too. Which is why the best souls games are the ones that ironically don't have souls in the name and are original like Bloodborne and Sekiro.
>None of it is okay from the copy pasted enemies on masse to the lack of level design.
But there IS level design in the temple section. Yes the entire lava area is just a big circle of boring running, but in the temple you have overlapping paths, dropdowns, shortcuts, side routes, and the chaos eaters/statues/titanite demon on the bridge. That entire second part of the level is totally fine (and looks great), the only thing bringing down the area as a whole is the demon ass lava run and Bed of Chaos.
>The archives are hit or miss. Some people hate that kind of level and the spells from upper ledges dont help when anor londo was lambasted for the same cheap shit. Crystal cave is literally shit with a lame gimmick thats only a noob trap in the end
Apart from easily dodged spells that aren't cheap at all and gave me no trouble, what other "misses" are there with archives? Cave's gimmick being easy to figure out isn't grounds to call it atrocious AKA ruin your enjoyment.
>People talk about post lordvessel content when they say that.
>New londo and the painted world arent even the second half of the game so now sure why you assume that.
Because you said "50% of the GAME".
It's only fair to count all optional areas as post-lordvessel as well, since if you insist on calling post-lordvessel only areas "50%", strictly speaking that would only make up 6 out of the 22 areas in the game. Six.
People should really watch the first cutscene in the game
someone had to say it
find me a game that's highly similar to des
Half a level doesnt make up for the worst level in the game sorry user. The fact it has the least enemy variety and is pretty much a hallway doesnt help. Its fucking das2 tier design user.
Some people dont like all tehg levels in dukes, thats it. They are here for an action game and dukes is the opposite. I'm on the other side and want more areas like dukes and sens fort. Souls needs more "puzzles" to me personally.
Crystal caves is even worse than das2 tier level design so cant see how you would ever defend it.
The second half of the game gets lambasted because how well the first half was in comparision. Zero inter connectivity, just warp lol.
You must count the forest as post lordvessel then as well
Systems from past from games make up the majority of gameplay.
Level design is reminiscent of their older games as well, a mixture of ST and KF.
Its a simple action oriented RPG so not sure what would be novel about it aside from the online or story
>tehg levels in dukes
Jesus. It should read all the levers in dukes
Is this Yojimbo?
Eternal Ring is fun but I took a break but keep getting lost in the poison area right after the village.
Nah, intermediate areas just got cut, literally everywhere. it was a quarry by the way, almost all of the Iron Keep that exists in the final game was shit out in about 2 weeks I shit you not and absolutely none of the original level that linked up with the quarry exists except for a smattering of hidden geometry in its level data.
7 samurai
>Half a level doesnt make up for the worst level in the game sorry user
By that logic we might as well call the entire game shit because Bed of Chaos is in it.
Fighting in and exploring the temple ruins of Izalith and finishing Solaire's and Siegmeyer's quests are good experiences. The few minutes of running through lava and one shit boss does not make it as if they never occurred.
>The fact it has the least enemy variety and is pretty much a hallway
The only hallway-like part of it is the bridge. Pic.
>Some people dont like all tehg levels in dukes, thats it. They are here for an action game and dukes is the opposite. I'm on the other side and want more areas like dukes and sens fort.
Did you forget you were arguing that Duke's Archives is supposed to be atrocious? Saying it doesn't match everyone's preferences and that you actually want more areas like it isn't helping your cause.
>Crystal caves is even worse than das2 tier level design so cant see how you would ever defend it
Why? What makes it "atrocious"? Use your words.
>You must count the forest as post lordvessel then as well
You'd need to if you want to call post-lordvessel "50% of the game" and have it make sense. Because otherwise you're saying that 6 levels out of 22 is half of the game.
Actually even the ps3 had trouble running KF4 properly. Its apparently hell to emulate that damn thing.
>getting lost in the poison area right after the village
That poison valley technically isnt even required. But yeah it sucks to get past until you learn how to forge rings.
forgot pic
also I meant to say *progressing Siegmeyer's quest
Try actually playing the games fags, ds2 takes place in a world where the fabric of time and reality itself is rending, that's the whole fucking plot, it is intentionally architecturally impossible
I didnt make the original post with all the percentages user.
If you dont want others point of view thats fine but thats why some people dont like certain areas.
>Why? What makes it "atrocious"?
Its literally a single pathway to the other side with 2 or the side loops for treasure.
Thats literally harvest valley tier and Lost izalith is pretty much the same only marginally better thanks to the chaos eaters.
If fucking harvest valley is less linear in a souls game then the area has major problems.
>calls the only part that makes it non-linear linear
Fucking hell m8, the bridge shortcut is literally the only other way through the level other than the basic path to the boss.
Like the undead burg is a tutorial level and has more nuance despite being just as simple in progression
SM was never that bog of a deal imo. It did prevent SL10 fags with endgame stuff invading without going full retard in favor of the host like 3 did.
And past a certain point, differences in levels doesn't really change much so there's no reason not to pick up that fancy 2000 souls armor if you want to.
>b-but muh imaginary friends I can't play with!
Have sex.
>I didnt make the original post with all the percentages user.
So how am I meant to know that? The whole reason I'm replying is because he called 50% of the game shit, do you agree with that statement or not?
>If you dont want others point of view thats fine but thats why some people dont like certain areas
They're allowed to not like it but that's a completely different thing from saying it's atrocious.
If you say you don't enjoy a game, you're allowed to say "but that's just my opinion." But if you're calling a game bad, you can't use that as an excuse.
>Its literally a single pathway to the other side with 2 or the side loops for treasure
Although being named as a whole area, Crystal Cave's walkable space, and time to beat it, is only the size of a chunk of a whole area. If it took the same amount of time to get through as an entire area, you would have a point. But as it stands, it's no worse than the amount of complexity there is in walking from the Undead Burg bonfire to the Taurus Demon fight. Because they cover pretty much the same area with the same amount of branching.
Only so yc uck redditors hate dark souls 2. But it's not the best in the series, just unfairly shat on.
>the bridge shortcut is literally the only other way through the level other than the basic path to the boss
Did you even look at the map or do you just not remember how it played out in the game? there's at least 2-3 paths here that aren't the straight one to the boss: you can head for the bridge, the loot on either tower of the temple, or the chaos eaters room (which is a complete detour) other than the boss room, as well as fuck around in the lava area. you can't call this a hallway
You seem to be mistaking linearity of rooms and progression as a whole for linearity in movement.
When I go to sens fortress there are multiple paths to the top. The same can be said for several areas. The forest is another example of having several routes to the end goal, one through the door and the other past the hydra.
In lost izalith there is no way to progress without going through those rooms in that order other than the bridge.
Its the same issue many people have with das3 beginning.
Yes you can meander all you want within the room but that doesnt mean jack shit when I have to go through the same room every single playthrough. Which is why the bridge is the least linear part of the experience as its a secret shortcut you need a covenant to even access.
When people talk about linearity in souls they dont mean how big a room is. They mean how many different routes you cant take to the goal. Like how with the master key you have an extreme number of routes to many many bosses thanks to the interwoven nature of the first half.
The second half is just as bad as das2/3 in linearity which people have complained about a lot on this site.
>he called 50% of the game shit, do you agree with that statement or not?
Probably closer to 30% but theres still plenty wrong with a lot of areas.
>But if you're calling a game bad
I'm calling it bad compared to its own previous areas. The final area of an end game path to one of the lord souls should not be so awful
>But as it stands, it's no worse than the amount of complexity there is in walking from the Undead Burg bonfire to the Taurus Demon fight.
This just cements my point further. A super late game area should not have the same complexity of the first area in the game.
If DaS2 is so great how come the online is fucking dead? I tried getting summons on three different characters yesterday, with nothing outside of Heide's and FotFG.
Because no one posted this god tier track
I don't get why the disconnected world was a constant negative for DS2, hell even DS3 had a discounted one. honestly a lot of the things people shit on DS2 for are in DS3
Not as dead as 1
The original maybe, I can still get easy summons for boss fights, at the start of the game and in AL for DaS1R. For SotFS, not so much. I just want to coop with people, man.
Its literally more dead than 1 user.
DaS2 is just way too big so the players end up all over and SM doesnt help.
>When people talk about linearity in souls they dont mean how big a room is
Who are these people you're citing?
If you're in a massive room like the lava room, with enough space to move through it in different ways in each playthrough that you never see parts of it you don't want to, then it's non-linear despite technically being the same room.
For example every playthrough of Deus Ex needs you to go through the big circular park on Liberty Island, but does that make that particular section linear? Or is Hyrule Field in OoT linear because you always have to go through it?
Plus I made that image to reply to you calling Lost Izalith a "hallway" .
If you have multiple optional branching paths you can take (regardless of whether they are dead ends), it's literally not a hallway.
I'd love to see your PS4 numbers showing that. I don't play on the cheater system.
I dont play on systems that are too scared to show players numbers.
Consider this.
Despite all the things wrong with das2 its more played than 1 on every other platform. Why are you so scared of 1 being a dead game on your platform?
>has pic of game that DaS2 is ripping off above a pic from DaS2
>except if gets flipped with the last few images
I hate you so fucking much. If you're going to shitpost at least be consistent.
If you truely never played or read anything about the game before then I envy you.
Top tier game going in blind. It feels like an old school Japanese game.
>Mfw I wanderd down the elevator the first time I made it and went to valley of deakes
>Probably closer to 30%
So out of the 22 levels in the game, which 7 do you think are shit?
Not just average, but actually shit, actively bad, would not play?
>I'm calling it bad compared to its own previous areas
I was saying that in reply to you saying some people don't like Archives. You said that you actually liked it but because some people thought it was bad, it should be called atrocious too.
>A super late game area should not have the same complexity of the first area in the game
Burg is the second or third area, not the first.
And why not? Burg is held up as an example of good level design as it is.
Congrats. It's the shiniest turd in the litter box.
>I dont play on systems that are too scared to show players numbers.
That's a bizarre thing to say since there are absolutely games that keep track of player numbers.
And I really doubt DaS2 is the most played game on the bone. You're saying more people play 2 than 3? Fucking yeah right.
Also like I said I can still get reliable coop in DaS1. Can't get that in 2 outside of twinks.
The only thing in DaS2 they bothered to polish
>So out of the 22 levels in the game, which 7 do you think are shit?
Lost Izalith
Demon Ruins
Great Hollow
Ash Lake
Tomb of the Giants
Valley of Drakes
Kiln of the First Flame
Not the same guy. I don't like these areas because their gimmick is either shit, they're boring and/or annoying to navigate.
What if I think Dark Souls 2 is just alright?
>You're saying more people play 2 than 3?
lmao nice
No one ever said that but you retard.
>I can still get reliable coop in DaS1. Can't get that in 2 outside of twinks.
And I can get summons and be summoned even easier on all 3, seems like a personal issue
Just run to the Taurus demon. It's a pretty easy run. And if you've already been exploring other areas you're probably levelled enough to kill him easily anyway so it's not like you're going to have to make the run a lot.
>gimmick is shit
so what's a good gimmick
>Not just average, but actually shit, actively bad, would not play?
Other user already covered it pretty well here.
I could go on about how half the forest is just 3 open spaces with zero thought as well but well call that one just okay
>And I can get summons and be summoned even easier on all 3
You're not getting more coop on DaS2 than on DaS1, not with SM. You just sound like a fucktard fanboy. I've 100%'d every Souls game and enjoy them all, you're just a weirdo.
Why is there such intense DaS2 posting recently?
>lava is underground
Why are soulsfags so fucking stupid?
i think it looks nice
>you is bad
All I did is check steamcharts user
No need to get hostile over the weakest of the 3 and put words in my mouth just because you cant handle a dead game being dead
How can the lava be underground when it is exposed to the elements at surface level atop a lift connecting straight down to a castle and open mining field?
>No need to get hostile over the weakest of the 3
I'm not getting hostile over 3, I'm getting hostile over weirdos like you. People like you who just exist to argue and shitpost are such a fucking cancer on this community. Boy the days of DeS were sweet.
Sotfs has more players than the remaster. Neat website
One that doesn't make the game annoying to play.The only one I put on that list because I didn't like the gimmick was Tomb of the Giants. I don't like the darkness combined with stuff like the giant skeletons that can jump at you and shoot arrows on you from a distance. I think the Gutter in DaS2 did the gimmick way better because a) the darkness isn't just an equipment check b) the enemies aren't as aggressive and c) the level design is a lot better.
Yeah just dont tell
He keeps freaking out that old games are old or maybe he just has literacy issues.
>One that doesn't make the game annoying to play.
So can you give me an example?
>The only one I put on that list because I didn't like the gimmick was Tomb of the Giants.
ToTG darkness makes it so that you have to remember the level layout in the dark (if you're playing blind, not working from a fucking map) and enemies can spoop you. It makes the level a great experience on the first playthrough.
I don't know what the argument is about but I wanna chip in on this TotG vs Gutter thing; the Gutter also has way more useful equipment to find and pick up in it compared to TotG and in SotFS you even get a secret little secret from lighting the whole place up, which looks really great.
Game for loregays and atmospherelets
Arcadey action RPG for real video game connoisseurs
button masher rehash of DS1
Just like with WoW, balancing the building around PvP is what ruined the Dark Souls series
>DS2 started really putting wibbly-wobbly convolutedness first front and center for its setting
>DS3 follows suit
They just couldn’t think of anything interesting for the setting, or was their creativity reserved for BB and later games?
>So can you give me an example?
Dodging and redirecting the boulders in Sen's Fortress
Activating the levers in Heide to make Dragonrider's arena larger
Blowing up the wall to open a shortcut back to the bonfire in the Forest of Fallen Giants
Dodging the dragon in 1-2 of Demon's Souls
Avoiding the Mindflayers in 3-1 of Demon's Souls
Bringing down the reapers in 4-1 of Demon's Souls to stop them from spawning enemies
>Arcadey action RPG
>not the slowest, epitome of ‘dodge dodge roll’
I had a fucking blast in Wrath PvP, Arguably best online experience
But it was beyond fucked up in long term
But it barely has any? I mean, all you get is some laconic as fuck bits of flavour text and a handful of monologues. Where the fuck is the lore?
>not bro-oping with power stance greatswords or silly magics
NG+ is fun with friends.
I dont get why summoning is allowed in NG
>tfw coming from DS2 and starting DS3 and suddenly all your rolls are super early
I'm still not sure whether I prefer 2's late iframes or 3's instant iframes
>NG+ is fun with friends.
None of them gave enough shit about DS2, too stiff and ugly, instead we cooped the fuck out of BB and Left 4 DS3.
You could ask that about the whole series since most of the meat of the information you're given comes from the actual setpieces and locations, and maybe boss-weapon descriptions
I meant in general.
BBs online is fucked though. Bells not taking you to the host is retarded
Too bad sekiro isnt a souls game
Only issue we ran into was sometimes getting summoned into the chalice dungeons.
That’s it. Otherwise password and level matching were a god send, being able to easily connect to my friends in these games has been the most important.
>too stiff
>we cooped the fuck out of BB
"We" as the 10 people that played BB online? Who are you kidding here?
people still play BB online today. the PvP is dead but the PvE coop chalice dungeon spelunking is alive and kicking. go check the general.
>4day old thread
>only 600 posts
>not even 80 IPs
Fuck off vg tranny
I like every souls game but the constant DaS2 hate made it into my favorite. Yeah, it's the jankiest one but if you're not a AAA-adled dimwit it should still be a fun game.
It's the weakest souls but still enjoyable as a game.
oh ok if it’s ok when dark souls 1 does it then don’t give shit when dark souls 2 does it as well
>game literally gives you a map with the locations
>anyone with 2+ brain cells to rub together understands that going from one place to the other isn't real distance
IIRC if you match up the LOD model for Duke's Archives in Anor Londo to where it actually is it's basically 1:1
>Gwyn, Lord of Themepark
shit bait