No mileena

>no mileena
>no rain
>no reptile
>no cyrax
>no sektor
>no smoke

>but here's jacqui and frost instead

Fuck this game and its shit roster.

Attached: 1555346802373.jpg (640x480, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:,dur,ei,expire,gir,id,ip,ipbits,ipbypass,itag,lmt,mime,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,ratebypass,requiressl,source&ei=0bK5XLrmOMip1Abm14egBw&ip= Kombat 11 PS4 Story Mode complete&mip=2601:4a:c880:472c:71ad:7c5e:b125:fe59&rm=sn-vgqees76,sn-bvvbax-2iaeel&req_id=b660db888bb2a3ee&ipbypass=yes&redirect_counter=2&cms_redirect=yes&mm=29&mn=sn-ab5l6ndr&ms=rdu&mt=1555690979&mv=m


>no mileena
>no rain
>no reptile
>no cyrax
>no sektor
>no smoke

Was stated that all Story characters would eventually be playable.

i just wanted havik. dont you remember him boon?

Attached: Havik2dq.png (827x1024, 628K)

fuck you

Attached: d58dzrgpW0km_uLG_1.webm (1280x720, 1.57M)

They should do like Injustice and add a DC character or 2

all those characters suck except Rain

no reptile

wow cool i cant wait to pay extra for characters that are already in the game

Good for you?
You were gonna pay for new fighters anyway.

Not to mention that Boon already confirmed there would be hidden characters unlocked by playing the story, and there's also DLC.

And also that wanting the same roster over and over again is autistic and a great way to tank a series.

I hate Jacqui as much as everyone else, but trying out new things is how a series grows. Erron and Kotal are great additions and I'm glad they're being incorporated into the series. Cassie was absolute shit in X, but she looks kind of fun now. Willing to give her a try again. Jacqui still looks like a waste of a slot. No way they aren't going to drop her after this

>there would be hidden characters unlocked by playing the story
There is Frost and that's it.

well im not even gonna play this game so probably not?

Cyber Frost is unironically cool as fuck and a great way to differentiate her even further from the perception she's just "Sub Zero with tits". It's also a cool throwback to MK9 having Cyber Sub Zero as a totally unannounced character.

That said the story mode is kind of liquid ass from everything I've seen.

I agree with you about Frost, but I gotta hit you with a nah nigga on the end there.

MK story has always been shit, but it coming full circle and having characters interact with their past/evil selves looks like pure retarded campy fun. The same spirit the series was made on.

Honestly at this point. Why would you want any of your favorite characters that aren't the staples? The designs are going to get worse and the games are going to be more terrible than before, but all the god damn casuals still eat up this series up for some reason.

just died
meme character
meme character
fuck off, you had triborg stop wasting slots for all three

Then why are you complaining? Fucking retard.

They improved Jacqui a lot, except for her design which somehow got worse than simple fatigues,

>trannies complain about shit they don't care about because it doesn't align with their wildly outrageous insecurity driven politics
>incels complain about shit they don't care about because it doesn't align with their wildly outrageous insecurity driven politics
Welcome to the modern era of entertainment media, user.

No. Pretty sure you are gonna buy the fighters since you seem so adamant about coming into these threads to complain.

i didnt complain i said it was a good thing that theyre planning to jew the shit out of you

this is maybe the second time ive posted about mk11 at all lol

Attached: w210bhcviyo21.png (972x710, 878K)

fuck off billy

>No Ermac
Hard out.

Attached: KIDS.jpg (900x577, 104K)

>shit characters aren't included in a shit fighting game
How will fighting game fans ever recover?
Oh wait, by playing better fighting games both old and new.

Attached: yamazaki.png (90x80, 2K)

t. john goldberg

>thinking every klassic fighter should be in every game

Jesus, you guys are fucking babies. Even SF fags don't this much of a shitfit when their favorite characters miss a main entry. Hell, Dudley is my main and I didn't even mind that he didn't make it for SFV.

Attached: 85a.png (990x1146, 963K)

We're not getting another MK game for like 6 years. They should've given the fans what they want.

>mfw Reptile was my favorite ninja before he became a jobber reptile.
Why the fuck would they ruin him SO much

>the same autistic King of Fighters fan shitposting in every MK thread trying to cope with the fact that his series hasn't been relevant or played since the 90's
Whew lad.


I think the new Kitana is very cute.

Attached: 1555304093933.webm (850x500, 817K)

Then go play MKX or MK9, you fucking retard. I'd rather have them take a chance with new characters then get the same shit over and over. Hell, I'm upset we still keep getting fighters like Sonya, Kano, and Jax.

they have a game for you idiots its mk armageddon

I dont get why kano is so popular. Jax is a token so its understandable

do they want the fujo audience?

based havikbro

>Launch character has to be bought to play
Why are companies so jewish?

Attached: Thinking.gif (382x450, 745K)

fujos want skinny bois

these are for gay men who want muscle

They don't understand what you mean by that, user. These people don't actually play MK.



when did you first find out about your psychic powers?

She's unlocked by playing the story.

You can just buy her instead because people are lazy, but mainly for tournament consoles where they're provided download codes. This has been explained 1000 times, user.

This is the first time I've posted a KOF-related image in these threads. I think you're just looking for targets who dare attack the idea that MK11 will be fightan kino GOTYAY

Nah, Tekken is still going to be better. That doesn't mean that MK is going to be bad, though. Especially considering SFV is already dead, DOA6 is a shit game that has always rightfully been laughed at for just being fan service for weebs, and DBFZ is hemorrhaging players.

Also the fact that every thread there's somebody shilling King of Fighters, a game that everybody forgot about 20 years ago makes your post suspect.

Sektor, Cyrax, Sheeva, Mavado, and Hotaru are pretty much guaranteed as DLC.
I would also say Sareena and Fujin are 90% certain as DLC. The rest of the DLC will be third party characters.

Your pic, faget

Shit meant to include Rain in the Sareena and Fujin line.

>confirmed DLC
user, not even NRS remembers Hotaru.

Hotaru is in the campaign.

The Order Realm subtlety appears in the MK11 campaign and I am almost sure Hotaru has a cameo with a full fledged model.

Lmao really? Give me a link and a timestamp. I have a hard time believing they'd dredge anybody back from the 3D era but Kenshi.

I mean, even Fujin has been totally forgotten, and people actually liked him.

>remove jacqui
>remove geras
>remove ceitron

>add reptile
>add triborg
>add takeda
>have Mileena as DLC

I fixed the roster


First of all, Fujin was prominently featured in MKX's campaign.
Also, apparently the Order Realm plays a background role in the entire story of MK11, and Hotaru leads it. He may be allied with Kronika. the details are scarce

>First of all, Fujin was prominently featured in MKX's campaign
Fucking where?

And I'd like if Hotaru returned. I liked him and a few other 3D era characters a lot, like Shujinko and Havik, but I gave up hope a long time ago.

Can't decide between picking it up on PC or PS4. What's everyone else going with?

>First of all, Fujin was prominently featured in MKX's campaign
>Fucking where?
Nigga, did you even play MKX?

MK11 looks like total ass. Shit character designs (apparently colour theory isn't a thing at NRS), slow gameplay with shoehorned-in-cinematics for no reason and scummy DLC practices have sealed this game's fate, not to mention that literally all Mortal Kombat games up until this point have been kusoge only redeemed by the trademark violence. This isn't going to be lightning in a bottle, it's just going to be more shit. As far as I see it, aside from the fatalities (read: cinematics that you can play over and over until you get tired of), there's no reason to pick up this game when games like Samurai Shodown are just around the corner.
Also, just because people don't regularly play KOF it doesn't necessarily mean they don't like it. People like SNK's characters, of course they're going to post them.

>press x to purchase Frost
Who thought that locking fighting game characters behind DLC was a good idea? Can't believe it's standard now.

How can they explain the absence of Kenshi, Takeda and Kung Jin?

But Cyrax and Sektor are enemies in the story mode.

Is the entire story mode uploaded somewhere? I only found the first 4 chapters on YouTube and I NEED to continue.

I replayed X like 3 months ago and remember none of these scenes.

I guess the Alzheimer's has finally set in. Enjoy the game for me, zoomers.

Cassie is fucking adorable but fuck this game lmao

Yeah. Pity about the ass. But at least she's Asian so the lack of it makes sense.

Next time write Mortal Kombat in the OP so it's easy to find.

Cassie is CUTE.

Attached: 1555626195272.webm (1600x900, 2.64M)

oh wow an actual shill

A reminder

>aways online
>DLC out the ass
>preoder only characters

anyone who buys this game is a idiot

>Is the entire story mode uploaded somewhere?
Ask around on MK general >Cassie is CUTE
I was just about to post that webm. Also, it's spelled 'kute'.

Attached: elder dumbass.webm (1920x1080, 2.05M)

yeah we really need more literally who fighters

kano isn't popular at all except with the fanfic writers and they're subhuman. he's been one of the least used characters since MK1 (per Boon's own words + online stats) and he barely shows up in spinoffs and merch.

cant wait to fap to the ryona

Christ she looks ugly

Adorable desu.

Based. This is the main reason why people should demand more cute characters in MK.

Bruh, look at this doood

Attached: noob face.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

why the fuck does Jacqui look like Kofi Kingston?

She could plow snow with that jaw

>Good (((Hands)))

I would like to change her hair back. At this point she's just Johnya Blage, but her face is a huge step up.

I hope Mileena doesn't return, she deserves better than MK11

Attached: 1555269280250.png (600x924, 287K)

>already available on Switch
Based Nintendo.

Also, nice 16GB day one patch.

Attached: Capture.png (965x170, 27K)


Attached: XXX.png (1277x543, 1.13M)

*datamines in your direction*

Now what do you think faggot OP?

Attached: s7l41l6of5t21.png (214x464, 63K)

when's the complete version?
fuck buying in increments


absolutely based roster.

You two will love the Arcade ending then. Actual ending is pretty shit unless you like Liu Kang, Kitana and Raiden

Her mom is kuter.

Attached: ouch.webm (500x500, 2.62M)

Good Lord that's brutal

Have sex

Is that supposed to be female? Looks like an Indian guy I know IRL

Fightung game fans are the most retarded paypigs ever. They'll pay extra for all these characters that are already in the game like good little goys

>one guest character in the whole season pass
this is fake

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Attached: 1555312557738.jpg (257x529, 25K)

Hey man I'm only a Tekken/SC whore. I only buy my Moron Kombats, Clay Fighters and ArcSys kusoge when they get their komplete arcade editions.

Here come the “wasted slot” clucks

Ey puto, you’re making us look bad. Especially since you posted a meme character have a ( Tu )

I don't see a single guest character in that leak.

bend over

It's assuming for the rest of the season pass. Shang Tsung is already confirmed, and there's 6 characters total. Combined with that "datamaine" there's only one possible character left. I'd be surprised if there are less than 3 guests in the season pass

Who would even be a guest character? They pretty much exhausted everything. Alien, Predator, Kruger, Jason etc. Only Ash from Evil Dead remains I guess.

Attached: The Shape.jpg (800x454, 42K)


Pennywise, Michael Meyers, whatever else WB has a semblance of license to

He'd fit more in Injustass 3 desu

>don't want to support censorship
>don't want to support 3rd wave feminism propaganda
>don't want to support casualization of core fighting game mechanics
>don't want to support Denuvo
>don't want to support loot crates
>don't want to support micro transactions
>don't want to support preorder locked characters
>dont want to support homogenized cast
>don't want to support Injustice stylized equipment system

>heard OG MK song
>get hyped
>want to buy it
I'm conflicted

Pirate if you can, buy 2nd hand if you must. Don't give them your money.

>has the most viewers and makes the most money

Get the Komplete edition on summer sale like a normal person.

Fuck off he's a fucking icon

I can't believe this dude got Top 8 at a MK9 major, but then I remember he used to actually play fighters daily and grind a lot.

Can't wait to see the salt and pepper when people find out the Krypt is locked online. I can't support this drm shit lol. Where's that fat fuck Jim Sterling when you actually want him.

He got top 8 with the most gimmicky HTB abusing 50/50 bullshit Smoke.

>most gimmicky in mk9
>not Cyrax

Top 8 is a top 8, but early Smoke was bullshit as fuck. Glad Rain is unlockable in 11 and Smoke is regulated to DLC.

After the shit show that was the MKX port, if they remove my favorite character too then I'm pretty much done with this series, and I've been in it since the genesis

If you weren't playing Kabal back in the day you were okay in my book.

Cyrax had shit neutral, damage, wake up and combos. All he had were HTBs when he landed a net that did 30% health.
Kung Lao did that off a successful hit confirm

>I can't believe this dude got Top 8 at a MK9 major
If the EVO-ready, tutorials everywhere, MK fanbase is full of scrubs now, imagine what it was like in the MK9 era when the last game was MK vs DC. There's your answer. Aris is a scrub now. Does nothing of note in Namco games. Just sits on his fat Greek Yoghurt ass all day. Only thing keeping him from depression are his pathetic twitch followers.

I haven't touched MK since Shaolin Monks. What happened to my nigga Motaro, did they just forget about him or did he end up dying somewhere in the series? He's still the coolest character and the biggest casual filter in MKIII.

Attached: Motaro-Centaur-86438.gif (222x177, 83K)

You really did.

Died in MK9 background cutscene lmao

>MK fanbase is full of scrubs now
MK probably has the toughest competition in NA tournament wise. You don't see SonicFox winning constant XL and IJ2 touraments, but when DBFZ has zero Japs he can run train 99% of the time despite the anime community constantly talking shit before and during launch. These fucking retards really thought their community was filled with high IQ players that were superior to every other community.

Well that's gross.

The fact that the creators of this game are acting like they're all morally superior for making female characters unsexy and covered up will never cease to amaze me.

Fucking clown world man.

All modern fighters are lacking what made them classics. Every single one, except Mortal Kombat have stagnated. But even that is beginning to crumble again slowly. Tekken is king again now, you're right... Though it's not much to be king of a bunch of lames.

>SFV: everyone knows the long list of shit.
>DOA6: tecmo got too greedy, tried to bait/switch the politically correct crew. Fans were too dumb to see that and sabotage the game.
>KoF XIV: ugly bitches with good personalities are always ignored. XV might be good.
>Tekken: same problem as VF after 3. They stopped innovating. Boring backgrounds, boring graphics, boring soundtrack, boring content.
>DBFZ: see KoF XIV, then reverse it.

I won't go into the proper anime games.

You forgot the fact the game is always online. You cant play it if your internet connection goes down.

She looks too much like Sonya. She's boring.


Everyone's still butthurt about MK3 to care about bringing him back and NRS are too incompetant to animate a 3D centaur, god knows how hellish it'd be to setup his x-rays and fatalities. Of course there are *ahem* OTHER ways of bringing him back....

Attached: motaro-2legs.jpg (205x286, 38K)

So what's the point of killing people off if the timeline gets restarted?

You don't know it happens until the end, so you get free shock value during the story.
Actually, another reset could fix shit, so I'm okay with it

>MK probably has the toughest competition in NA tournament wise.

>You don't see SonicFox winning constant XL and IJ2 touraments.
Because he's playing other games. He's done all he needed to do in the NRS community. No one could touch him. He got bored of them and started playing other games much more. Put 2 + 2 together.

>These fucking retards really thought their community was filled with high IQ players that were superior to every other community.
You do know dfbz is a shallow, scrubby game as well, right. Everybody knows this now. That, and no Capcom-level money, is why it's dying fast.

SF is above average. That's why is a pool of NRS noobs he was the undisputed champ. Every other game that requires skill, he fails. Not saying he's shit! It's just the scrubby NRS community made him look better than he was. Look at who people thought were their representatives. Tom Brady? LOL. He got exposed again in MKX... for the 500th time to people familiar with the nrs communes in the MKDA/MKvsDC era.

That's why people were laughing their asses off in the MK9 era when people from other fg communities, who didn't know about him, were taking him and others seriously. The videos are still up. Him on CrossCounter, various panels, people calling him the Best Sub Zero etc lol shit was hilarious. AND HE WAS AN ACCEPTED NRS FG REPRESENTATIVE AT THE TIME. People held him up as one of their best players.

You don't even know, man lol.

Nice reditspacing you nigger and ofcourse shit irrelevant opinion on top of that.

>No one could touch him
This is objectively wrong though.

>You do know dfbz is a shallow, scrubby game as well, right. Everybody knows this now.
So is every other ArcSys game. Weebs just admit DBFZ is scrubby because everyone has played it and dominated them at it.

Because they lack the creativity write anything beyond MKIII. Look at what happens any time they try to write passed that timeline; they end up doing what you just described.

Really hope that guy uploads part 4 of his play mthrough before WB takes it down....

Yeah, no it isn't. By the time people like Scar started to catch up to him, he was already playing SFV more. Guy took all the MKX prize money, essentially. Over one hundred thousand dollars in a few months, just off ESL alone - not even counting other majors. You don't want to try and retcon this.

>So is every other ArcSys game
Yes. That's all you have to say? SonicFox did ok in one scrubby set of games (MK9, MKX, INJ, INJ2), then another (DBFZ), as I said. Gonna drop so more pointless tidbits? DBFZ also uses cell-shading! WOOOOOW.

>SonicFox did ok in one scrubby set of games (MK9, MKX, INJ, INJ2), then another (DBFZ)
You missed he has won in:
MvCI (at an anime tournament when all the Marvel players were at a real tournament, but he still mopped every animefag free)

since when was frost ever a robot and why doesn't her hair look frosty

>n-ni- *sobbing* niggerz!
^lol faggot can't take facts. Bet you were probably 4 when MK9 came out.

>brings back Jacqui who nobody liked
>don't bring back Takeda who was universally agreed upon as being the best kombat kid and was also one of the most used characters online

Reptile is an og though, been there since the first game

Honestly one of her most boring outfits, preferred her MKX one

>WB is taking down story mode videos so people don't leak spoilers

Anybody got a download/stream of the entire campaign?

>MK probably has the toughest competition in NA tournament wise.
lmao no, if this were true they'd step up and win the bigger SFV prizepools

SonicFox has fallen off hard in DBFZ as well. Japans dominate again, funny how NRS players can't be dominant in any game with actual competition.

>UNIEL: small player pool.
>DOA5: scrubs
>VF5: who'd he beat in a big grand final? lol. Gamerbee washed him.
>MvCi: scrubs

>lmao no, if this were true they'd step up and win the bigger SFV prizepools
This makes no sense. Tekken 7 had fierce international competition and they had a $7k prize pool. Size of prize pools or numbers doesn't mean the players aren't skilled.
>SonicFox has fallen off hard in DBFZ as well. Japans dominate again
NA touranments, not international. SF still won EVO against Japs
>funny how NRS players can't be dominant in any game with actual competition.
So we agree NA anime players suck dick?

>MK probably has the toughest competition in NA tournament wise.
This is like saying they are in the deepest section of the baby pool. Only NA plays MK, and a lot of the best NA players don't even bother with the series.

What did NRS and WB mean by this?

>ize of prize pools or numbers doesn't mean the players aren't skilled.
You missed the point. If they are so talented, why not win more money? Cause they never make it in games with bigger competition.

>NA touranments
Most games don't have NA only tournaments, there is always international talent. And you don't seem to understand the term fallen off

>So we agree NA anime players suck dick?
Yeah they are an incredibly small and niche community. Doesn't stop NRS players sucking as well, they can't even stop their games dying after a year despite selling 10 gorilion copies.

Kill La Kill IF is the better fighting game, sorry NRS fans:

The best NA players like Punk have trained in NRS. Some of the worst frauds like the entire NA anime community doesn't play it though. LK got so bodied in DBFZ he had to try IJ2.

holy shit that looks so much better than MK 11 wtf?

>If they are so talented, why not win more money? Cause they never make it in games with bigger competition.
Except when they do?
>Most games don't have NA only tournaments, there is always international talent.
Yes they do you utter streamboar. Every game has national tournaments. Even at majors there are tournaments with no international competition.

>Except when they do?
Except they don't? Why aren't all NRS player dominating a shitty easy game like SFV? So much money up for grabs, but for some reason they can't grasp it....

>Every game has national tournaments
Maybe for an invite only type of deal? But even then you usually see a couple for most games. Any normal tournament doesn't bar international players.

>Even at majors there are tournaments with no international competition.
This just isn't true, even a shitty tiny event will usually attract a couple. Only applies to NRS games cause no one else gives a shit about them.

Not him, but it still doesn't negate that MK does not have the toughest comp in NA. MK players are not skilled.
The game proves it,
them being destroyed when branching out (very rare!) proves it,
their begging nrs for nerfs proves it,
them whining about zoning proves it,
them not trying to adapt proves it.
The state of their main forum TYM proves it.

There are a few exceptions like SonicFox, but that's it. Everyone specfic to that community, as in, started out in, is trash. Every single one. No exceptions. None of them could cut it in either a popular skilled game (Tekken) or a poverty skilled game (KoF). It's a shame SFV is so shallow, 'cause if it was like SFIV, Sonic would've got destroyed in that as well.

This isn't trolling. It's just facts. I've played every fighter for years.

go back

>Punk have trained in NRS.
Punk was never notable for playing NRS games. He started with SF4 not really getting anywhere, then blew up with SFV. He's played lots of shit on the side but never as seriously

you sound like a retard that just wants to hate mk

>Chris G was a UMK3 and MK9 NRS head
>SonicFox is a NRS head
>LIJoe is a UMK3 NRS head
>Tekken Master is a NRS head

> shitty easy game like SFV
SFV is actually pretty difficult and have Capcom vets who actually play games. Anime games are for retards who like being buttfucked by Japs and having a fake superiority complex. No one plays them because there is no money and the community will attack you like they did SonicFox, Supernoon, and Theo.

>the MK community is not skilled because they do what every community does
melty blood confirmed for best community due to lack of limelight

Attached: 1519104726282.jpg (225x225, 8K)

They don't. They're just not there.


>This just isn't true, even a shitty tiny event will usually attract a couple.

just wait until it goes on sale with all DLC included, or pirate

>b-b-but these guys touched MK at one time
lmao, yeah Chris G the NRS player. Such a big NRS player that they pushed him out of summit cause he wasn't deep enough in the community. I especially like having to pull in UMK3 as an NRS game

> and have Capcom vets who actually play games
Yeah, they can't compete vs real competition

You realize Chris G and LIJoe started with NRS, right?

>The state of their main forum TYM proves it.
TYM is miles better than dustloop or mizuumi. This is a cold-hard fact
>Punk was never notable for playing NRS games.
Yeah because he sucks at them. Doesn't mean he hasn't tried.

>I especially like having to pull in UMK3 as an NRS game
Because they're made by the same people, dumbass. WB bought midway

>Such a big NRS player that they pushed him out of summit cause he wasn't deep enough in the community
no he could have still went there he started crying because a fat boy made fun of him

>same fucking devs
>WB acquisition suddenly changes this despite NRS porting UMK3 in like 2012.

This roster is vanilla MK3 bad

B-But user just wait for the season pass that you can waste your money on. It will bring back those characters we already played for a totally not ridiculous price.

What do you say? A season pass should have new characters and not old ones? Oh user, you goofball. That is bullshit and you know it.

Daddy's af

Attached: d6127fe~2.jpg (989x482, 95K)

>Such a big NRS player that they pushed him out of summit cause he wasn't deep enough in the community
You know nothing. All the NRS heads besides Tweedy who is a dramaqueen knows and respects Chris G.
Also Tokido tried MK9 and lost despite using Noob in his most buffed update.
GO1 is going to get bodied too because NRS players aren't a bunch of weebcucks who suck dick at their main game and can't handle outsiders.

>fat boy made fun of him
Tweedy was crying on twitter cause they dared select someone over him. The whole reason the leak happened cause they wanted to push him out. Even dug up dirt about him talking shit about black women

>Same guys
Only some, and the NRS community usually disregard people who played those or even MK9 cause the competition wasn't real yet!

>make scoprion look japanese
>model sub-zero after steve blum because he voices him

Attached: 1540682668228.jpg (460x460, 46K)

I'm going to get shit for this, but I'm just going to flat out say it. Deadly Alliance Reptile = Best Reptile Design.

Attached: file.png (555x1150, 733K)

Shaolin Monks is supposed to be Takeda and Kung Jin.
I want a Shaolin Monks with Sub and Hanzo

Gex looking ass bitch

I don't follow NRS/MK community much but from a little of what I've heard, they would still mention the 3D era tournaments even if those games were laughable in terms of balance. I doubt most of the older ones would disregard UMK3

>Only some, and the NRS community usually disregard people who played those or even MK9 cause the competition wasn't real yet!
Is that why they still host UMK3 tournaments on the east coast?

They'll bring it up when they want to big themselves up, but we even saw in this thread people saying MK9 wins don't count.

>be rich
>can spend money however I want
not everyone is a neet like you

>Frost intro where her head descends and clips into her body and she switches on

absolutely, 200% diamonds

Tom Brady will win EVO, cap this post

Attached: 1445399137550.jpg (604x438, 61K)

why doesn’t sonicfox bring his talents to tekken?

See something Comfy and traditional like MK threads when a game is announced be destroyed by political crap really shows How this place fall for another kind of worse since 2016

Attached: images (28).jpg (739x415, 16K)

Alright anons, you can pick 5, AND ONLY54 characters from the reboot timeline to bring into MK12
Who do you pick?

Hard mode: No Kotal or Erron

For me:


Where the fuck is Takeda and Kenshi? They were my Favorite characters in the last game.

> SFV is actually pretty difficult
> Anime games are for retards who like being buttfucked by Japs and having a fake superiority complex.

>ONLY54 characters from the reboot timeline
okay, I choose background old lady

Fuck that costume.

>no Kotal or Erron
>picks Kotal and Erron

I'd choose Kotal, Dvorrah, Cassie, Takeda, and Scarlet.

Don't worry, you cuck. We all know you'll be happy paying more money for characters who should have been in the base roster.

Rep's best look is his alt in Shaolin Monks cunt

SFV is difficult for the wrong reasons. SFV hitboxes and input lag make it much harder to successfully defend shitty unga offense. Basic things like AA are much harder and less rewarding in SFV than any other SF. The entire risk reward of SFV is fucked.

>and input lag
It hasn't had high input lag for ages now. Stop pretending you know anything about the game

6.3 is still pretty high. It's definitely not 4.5

Don't know about that other guy, but yeah, you can only play the basic tower mode offline. Everything else requires a connection. Living towers, obviously. But the Krypt as well. You can't unlock any chars if you play offline. And you any gear you do unlock is locked to your profile. So you can't play 2-player with all the gear.

People doubted it when a few us said NRS got greedy as fuck after MKX. Now you're seeing it get worse. MK12 is gonna flop is they keep this up.

>hard mode ON

Jacqui (I love the shit out of her shotgun variation)

It is at 4.4 and they fixed the fluctuating. 6 isn't even bad. The input lag stuff stopped being a real concern in S1 cause the got so much heat for it. Again, stop pretending you know shit about the game.

I said "hard mode", I didn't say I was following hard mode personally

>Caseie and Takeda

I'm fine with both coming back, it's just an issue of how that'd work timeline wise, and that there's no real point in having both cassie and her parents in the same game.

Tremor technically pre-dates mk9, doiesn't he?

kitana has a mileena variation
rain and smoke are ninja recolor jobbers
sektor and cyrax are robot recolor jobbers
i'll give you reptile thats the best i can do for you

What was the beta like? Was it actually small combos and spacing, or was it boring zoning like IJ2 and rushdown 50/50s like MKX?

Attached: 1489717932497.jpg (587x627, 69K)

>Tremor technically pre-dates mk9, doiesn't he?

True, but he plays like a totally new character. It's almost as if NRS just took the name and that's it.

Most of the cast has insanely good anti airs that are brainless and rewards you with either a combo or a true 50/50. Some characters have bad anti airs because they have insanely good ground game like bison and vega (vega is shit in general but that's an other story)

Attached: tenor.gif (256x192, 471K)


>It is at 4.4
source me

Reading the mouthbreathing children on this board "talk" about any fighting game is one of the most vomit inducing things ive ever experienced

Hilarious how this board of actually retarded children that honestly thinks they are epic hardcore gaymers for cheesing their way through NG on Sekiro turn into the equivalents of clash of clans playing 15 year old girls on the topic of something that actually requires knowledge and skill and every single one of them is too oblivious to their own laughable retardation to stop talking

Unironically go fucking kill yourselves

>The input lag stuff stopped being a real concern in S1 cause the got so much heat for it
They didn't even try to fix it until the end of S2 you fucking ignorant retard

All big threads have the same archetypes. Congrats on being the "You're all wrong!" guy.

Lol acid lizard such a good character oh wait no only 12 year olds like him, and you already have baraka for you children
Lol a robot, wow, oh yeah frost is already a robot so who cares
oh no no robot #2 boohoo
Boohoo i dont want noob i want smoke mommyyy plz feed me

>jacqui is in
1 garbage character
>frost is in

SO finally we can conclude that 1 shit character in the roster, and 2 characters who are actually cool who are not in. So pretty good base roster, 9/10.

where the fuck are my boobs'n ass

Attached: 1540329946714.gif (200x355, 3M)

Still doesn't have proximity normals. And has a ton of other scrubnamics.

Gotta say that dat dude is the coolest newcomer MK has gotten after MK9

It is funny people are hyping up the competitive side, when so far MK11 has been IJ2 level of snooze

There is a reason matches never get posted by shills

That's really recent. The end of S3.

No one posts tournaments on Yea Forums, especially launch events since the Lupe blow up.

>shit roster
>mid-match moves that slow the gameplay to a halt for LE EPIC CINEMATIC GORE
>all the females look like they were beat with a cast iron skillet as children
>typical trash NRS animations that they refuse to improve after 25 years
This series is dead to me.

>"You're all wrong!" guy.

because they literally all are retarded children who dont even know the basics of the topic, aka on the level of some mobile game playing whore trying to "talk" about ninja gaiden. They ARE the retarded kids on the playground and they dont even realize it. None of them have ever been good at ANY fighting game that ever existed, none of them have EVER put any serious time into any fighting game that ever existed, none of them have EVER followed the competitive scene and meta of any game with a magnifying glass and literally not a single one of them has any clue on what constitutes a good fighting game or even the basics of what the medium is. These fucking idiots are literally crying about actually, genuinely cerebral palsy tier shit like

I mean what the FUCK am I even reading? Are you actually fucking 14? Literally where the fuck was a season pass for new characters touted as some "wooah newcomers galore" by literally anyone when EVERYONE does nothing but want old fucking characters back regardless of the game? Or are these children so fucking tech and game design illiterate that they genuinely think the game should have every single "classic" character on the roster on release and it will have zero downsides to the game let alone any attempt at balance?

EVERY fucking half decent fighting game in history has gotten upgraded versions with the only difference being that those games forced you to buy all 5 versions separately for full price. No, youre not some epic enlightened master racer for "waiting" for the complete edition that has the DLC characters, youre a retarded kid who actually plays arcade mode all day long and thinks youre some relevant factor in how the game and its DLC plan should work. I wish these retarded children stopped pretending to know what they are talking about and go back to For Honor/ Smash

m8 ppl post guro and rape shit on this website and you are most upset about button masher games on Yea Forums clearly your the one that needs removing from society ya fookin nutjob wanker.

imagine being an adult and seething like an utter loser over a dumb game kek

Generally speaking, how good a fighting game is to play is directly inversely proportional to how hype it is to watch

You want to play fighting games that have an emphasis on neutral and fundamentals, but that's way less hype to watch then heavily pressure and combo orientated fighting games

So what level of cope will occur when MK11 sells well?

I can't believe they've made an MK so bad that the PS2 games look like 10/10's in comparison. In fact why the hell would you play this shit when you could play Deception or Shaolin Monks instead?

Because it takes at least a decade of nonstop grinding to even become AVERAGE at Tekken. Think about that. That's how hard, deep, and complex Tekken is. It's like learning a real life martial art. Why do all that work to learn Tekken when you can learn a real martial art, enter the UFC, and make real money in less time?

I'd rather not have a murder boner with how much gore intensive the games have become filled with cheesecake. Even so Kitana and Cassie look nice.

>how good a fighting game is to play is directly inversely proportional to how hype it is to watch
That isn't true. But let me guess, T7, ST and SF4 are bad games

Skarlet had a pancake ass in 9. No one said anything. It really doesn't matter anymore.

>Game is poised to break records

Can't wait for the cope. "M-MUH MUSLIMS"

>No one posts tournaments on Yea Forums
Most fighters have plenty of footage posted, even have threads for the bigger tournaments while we watch

Because if you become a pro at Tekken you can make major bank, devs bend over backwards for you by giving you stuff, inviting you to shit, and you don't have to suffer concussions, tears, breaks, and other shit that will make you a cripple in old age to do it.

>b-but it didn't sell as well as MKX

Nah this will bite them in the ass.

Attached: 1555661105612.png (599x541, 310K)

I think with the shills now saying nothing outside of money related shit that you guys are coping far harder than anyone else. You can't even say anything good about the game at this point kek.

No one is claiming it will sell poorly. Bad games can sell extremely well

>Most fighters have plenty of footage posted, even have threads for the bigger tournaments while we watch
fireden a recent tournament that wasn't smash

Isnt that what the day 1 patch is for? Or is it for something else?

>Isnt that what the day 1 patch is for?

I would hope so but I doubt it

EVO Japan and TWT

It's gonna get some backlash, but I doubt it'll be big. Gamers are selective about their rage, because they are weak. Look at Spyro. 2/3s of the game isn't even on the disc. Rave reviews by the same people who complain when it happens elsewhere. Now, the next nrs fighter? That's where you'll see them start to fail. In the 2020's. They had a good run lol.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Day 1 patch is already out and it doesn't fix it lmao. Search around. I'm not lying.

>EVO Japan
Holy fuck

Injustice tends to sell less in general as well. The last numbers they gave were 3 million vs MKX's 11 million (previously 5 million). But NRS also want to take a break from fighters, they probably see fatigue on the horizon

Maybe if he didn't get an early copy he wouldn't have gotten screwed. Likely something to counter such a thing after all the leaks.

Why don't you post good footage to prove this wrong? There must be some good high level matches. Even a new game has some good showings.

11th at Evo. They sold out for esports and they couldn't even make the top 10. That's all that needs to be said.

Apaprently IJ2 had better player retention than their previous games, which I found surprising. It will be nice to see them do something that isn't fighters soon. Kind of don't want IJ3 but I know WB will push it on them

The roster is decent overall, Rain got fucked, don't know why he keeps getting the shaft; highly suspecting a Chameleon Triborg-esque DLC with Rain and Reptile being variations

Mileena isn't even a big deal Jade AND Kitana are in, Mileena can afford to miss an entry.

Reptile is surprising, I think since his conception (including secret boss) he's only missed one previous game due to the Onaga story.

The "insulting" ones are Smoke, Cyrax and Sektor. The revenants are mostly all in, Smoke has no reason to miss, and Triborg being in X might mean Smoke fits into the "never repeated DLC" thing, could also be a Chameleon variation. Cyrax and Sektor look to be the Rain of this game; in the campaign, fightable, but not playable.

Frost is an OK character, but it looks like they've fucked her up, Jacqui is just in for stronk black womyn points.

Some serious missteps, but acceptable 7.5/10 roster.

>Apaprently IJ2 had better player retention than their previous games
Haven't seen any evidence of that, all I saw was that massive drop off at EVO


>Why don't you post good footage to prove this wrong? There must be some good high level matches. Even a new game has some good showings.

No it doesn't. Lupe Fiasco bodied Diago. The only games with good footage are ones that have been in arcades

I really enjoyed the game, and all I could muster was about 4 months, three at the start, one more after all the DLC.

based havikbro x2


Attached: SheevaMK11.png (1440x484, 609K)

>gets hyped because of muh nostalgia song
Is this what it's like being a brainless normalfag?

>always ugly but was nearly naked so you didn't give a fuck
>now more ugly but no skin and has a 'tache
Posterchild for MK11 right there.

she's always been ugly, she's a literal monster
wtf is your point?

Whos the tumblr power ranger?

>No it doesn't
Happened with DBFZ, SC6 and I've even seen people post and talk about the very limited samsho footage we have. Even Granblue which has next to no footage I've seen people breakdown how stuff looks to work and what they think of the no inputs control scheme. Post good footage already

>Lupe Fiasco bodied Diago
Do you think this is the only footage we had/talked about?

NetherRealm isn't on the boards this late, they can't deposit money in your account.

You are free to not mind the visual changes, but don't play stupid, the difference is clear as day in user's post.

Why can't fighting games launch without character dlc

>talk about the very limited samsho footage we have
This is a lie. Go ahead and fireden. MK11 has had way more discussion on the Krush and meter mechanics

Because consumers pay more money to play a character that could be shipped on disc.

Just look at this fucking trailer.

Attached: ammicoos.jpg (1003x1313, 221K)

I honestly think the issue is she looks too human.

>Go ahead and fireden

Here they Discuss Darli trailer along with some other characters
Watching a reveal stream that featured some gameplay

In most threads you'll generally find the Li Joe footage posted. Along with webms like this.

Now that I've met you incredibly autistic request POST GOOD MATCHES

Attached: jump.webm (1080x720, 2.94M)

Why are you so resistant to posting any footage? Is the game really that bad?

From what I've seen, and I've seen a lot, most people on nrs sites are still reeling from ONLY 2 VARIATIONS PER CHARACTER in MK11, let alone all the other bullshit in the game. On TYM they had to make and STICKY a Complaints Thread they were so many threads lmao.

I can agree with that, just compare her to Goro and they don't look like they're a part of the same species.

>all of it is waifushit
next doesn't even load
> the Li Joe footage posted
The LIJoe footage was notoriously bad even for SamSho because he only played an hour. If idiots on Yea Forums think that was good then they don't understand basic neutral. Joe let so much shit slide like random jumps and whiffs because he had no idea what he was doing.

user you are completely wrong even if it's completely subjective.

>Frosts 2nd Fatality has her turning the other character into a cyborg


Attached: 1555625309057.jpg (500x464, 141K)

>If I ignore the right posts it doesn't count!
What is actually your issue? If you'd just post footage straight away people might actually talk about it. This just makes me think that NRS fans are complete assholes who don't even like their game.

>next doesn't even load
It does, click it again.

>The LIJoe footage was notoriously bad
No it isn't, even the devs said it was the best matches they had at the mini event they held. No where was claiming it is notoriously bad.

Now I'm going to watch the footage and see what interests me. Cause I'm not a cunty fanboy.

All footage before launch is people discovering the game. Are you really this retarded? You can't find a single game pre-launch with great fights unless it's an expansion (SSFIV) or had a year plus of arcade time (Tekken 7).

>even the devs said it was the best matches they had
And that doesn't change the fact it was fucking horrible. I get it, you suck at fighters and don't understand them, still doesn't change the fact that Joe couldn't whiff punish or AA properly.

>All footage before launch is people discovering the game
That doesn't mean it is all bad. Footage doesn't have to be at the highest level for it to show off the things people have figured out, possible things to work on and to just be entertaining. You NRS fanboys make me not even want to look into the game though, interacting with you guys is always like a brick wall.

They look fucking great

>That doesn't mean it is all bad.
Yeah it's all really bad and generally looked down upon
> You NRS fanboys make me not even want to look into the game though
I'm not one. I hated NRS before IJ2 and MK11 polished basic things Japanese fighters struggle to do like netcode and bugs.
>interacting with you guys is always like a brick wall
As opposed to you who is a passive-aggressive liar and keeps calling general populations "assholes" and "shills"? Let me guess, you jerk off to hentai?

>Yeah it's all really bad
No it isn't. That footage just posted shows how jade can mix up her offence. Unlike a lot who stayed out and tried to zone he only really used his projectile to punish Scorpions. Some made the mistake of only staying out when she still has the tools to do a lot up close. Carefully pushing him to the corner where Jade has more combo opportunity seems pretty strong. But she can also turn into a strong zoner with the right customs. Oh wow look at that talking about the gameplay, despite it not being the perfected top level play. Yet you don't want to do that, just shit on everything.

>I'm not one. I hated NRS before IJ2 and MK11 polished basic things Japanese fighters
I don't buy that for a second, you aren't just pushing it this hard cause of the netcode.

>As opposed to you who is a passive-aggressive liar and keeps calling general populations "assholes" and "shills
Hey at least i talk about gameplay instead of throwing a fit at the mere request.

> Let me guess, you jerk off to hentai?
Damn right I do

Gotta agree here. I've seen guys like ET and others play after the event and it was better than LI Joe's footage. Felt like old school SamSho I used to see in arcades. Fast, fast, slooooow. Then fast, fast, dead. Awesome.

That Joe footage looked amateurish imo. The Sakonoko v Momochi footage is better.

but user, didnt you know Jacqui is fan favorite? like Cassi and Frost. unlike Reptile and Rain

>Jaqui and Cassie fan favorite.
Bullshit liar.

>Unlike a lot who stayed out and tried to zone he only really used his projectile to punish Scorpions. Some made the mistake of only staying out when she still has the tools to do a lot up close. Carefully pushing him to the corner where Jade has more combo opportunity seems pretty strong. But she can also turn into a strong zoner with the right customs. Oh wow look at that talking about the gameplay, despite it not being the perfected top level play. Yet you don't want to do that, just shit on everything.
Anyone who played the beta knew this after one match. Holy fuck the woman has an anti-zoning buff and all of her combo finishers aggressively carry the opponent in one direction. Nearly all of the cast has their big combos in the corner without Fatal Blow. Jade's finishers set up her f2 and b2 combo starters which can go high low. This isn't real tech or important.
However people have posted tech for shit like unbreakable combos in MK11, but faggots like you ignore it.

Fuck your Icewoman capeshit. Frost is a Lin Kuei ninja.

Attached: Frost.png (811x1169, 942K)

Why is everyone in Mortal Kombat 11 dress up like their from Injustice?

Attached: military_hat_confused_meme1.jpg (500x409, 45K)

not my words
are you implying you have more accurate data than Boon

What a dork

>This isn't real tech or important.
Never said it was tech, but it is certainly important stuff. Discussing the basics can be interesting, especially when a lot of people here haven't played the game yet and want to know more about it. That can all be helpful for talking about how you think the game will develop. Why be so aggressive about this? I'm actually trying to talk about the game and you see so angry. Do you want just constant reee sjw posting instead?

>Nearly all of the cast has their big combos in the corner without Fatal Blow.
Yeah but jade gets less than average without it. She seems a bit more dependant on the corner. I wish they had got rid of the flip out the corner intractable, doesn't seem necessary here compared to their past games where the pressure did become a real pain.

>However people have posted tech for shit like unbreakable combos in MK11
Well you clearly haven't cause it took 5 post and me digging through the archive to get you to post 1 match. I present you a chance to actually talking about it and you just get pissy. Do you want people to skip the game or something? That's no hardship

YOU actually believe Boons bullshit? Sad....

>I hate Jacqui as much as everyone else, but trying out new things is how a series grows
It might be autistic to do the same thing over and over again, but it's not normal to not be able to stick with something after SO many years.
Look at Boon's quote here for example:

>"So there's no factions or clans returning in Mortal Kombat 11?"
>"We tried to add new features mix things up as much as possible with every Mortal Kombat game so we don't want to repeat ourselves too much."

Then why do you even insist so much on such a dedicated story mode in the last games Boon? To add even more inconsistency to the lore and characters in each game? Your game is clearly a fighting game cashing in on the gore and fatalities, it's are not a story mode game. Can't you stick with something, be it a game feature, an outfit or a character look for very long?

Attached: ca4a2c884c986f95869a9b4e87d631cf.jpg (465x580, 36K)

>no reptile
>all characters look like discord trannies


Attached: 1550946476169.gif (480x480, 2.56M)

Where is John Tobias when you need him to replace this idiot. John Tobias would never let this shit slide.

Attached: Tobias-portrait.jpg (160x225, 14K)

>b-but she w-was always ugly!
Shit design is shit design kiddo, face it

Attached: 1525388794348.png (380x349, 77K)

That's actually a good question. It is obvious by now that he must have been the soul of the MK games. Why haven't he made a comment yet all these years? Does he not care?

sjw game for sjw defenders lol

Having the same roster and adding more characters worked great for

Street fighter
Marvel vs capcom

But go ahead and spout bullshit look at the fighting games that flopped

Mvci has cut characters
Sfiii was hated because of the cut sf2 cast it got popular after people got over it
Soul caliber v

wtf happened to frosts characters design?

listen boon
why can't we get the ninjas in the ninja game?

no one wants to wait or pay extra for these staple characters.

fuck your stupid game. order

I have been a fan of nightwolf back in the days. Is there any hope for him?

Attached: nightwolf.png (225x315, 153K)

Don't know but the moment he left Midway after MK Gold that when it started to detiorate. Tobias was the main source of it. He knew that MK was martial arts kung fu parody (with a decent plot). He also the one that ke3p Boons from doing stupid shit. He mist of got fed up with Boons and left.


Attached: 53124223.png (295x222, 113K)

Boons is to Stan Lee as John Tobias is to Jack Kirby. Tobias pratically created the Franchise. And even brought the models for choreography for the game (Sonya Blade).

Holy shit NRS what have you done to your franchise.

what do you mean press x to purchase

Attached: 1554925885012.gif (220x212, 2.57M)


It's funny to see this attitude contrasted with her tiger mom bitchface. Oh no grandma's in a bad mood! Imagine how epic this would be if she was a tall, lithe, hot bitch with an hourglass figure.

Okay lets discuss the game.
MK11, unlike anime games, has a design that focuses on a predominately high/low neutral. There aren't any overtly strong moves like lets say Sin's 236H or any S or Bison's f.HP or that you can unga and hit an opponent ducking, standing, or trying to jump. The few mids that are in the game have massive startup and are easier to react to. It forces a dynamic like some of the more traditional SFIV matches where someone like Gief may stick out a far or HK and get stuffed by a or hk despite having enough range. There are some some funny examples of how the high/low game works (webm). Also, there are some actual counterpoke properties like Scorpion's 2 being able to knock a Jade out of f4. I don't know what else works or if it will work at launch because it was just a beta with no training mode, but I'm glad there aren't moves that just perfectly work at close, medium, and far range like a lot of modern fighters.
Jade is someone I know since I primarily played her in the beta. She is one of the easiest characters to get through zoning and will probably always be so since Dodging Shadows is base move that avoids most projectiles. Blood Tentacle is one of the few "projectiles" to not be negated, but it is easily avoided by dash, one of the few true uses for dash. Dash is slower than walking, but dash also covers space faster after startup. The startup makes the blood tentacle track when you are stationary and then your movement is fast enough to avoid it before the active frames. I'm sure dash will be used in the same way for other tracking moves in the launch version. It's kind of the reason why a lot of people disagree with Sonic's demand to buff dash, it still has a use beside aggressively pushing forward. Insanely good dashing is probably why NRS felt it was necessary to make zoning so good in previous games and why zoning was so annoying to anyone who wasn't an offense god.

Attached: MK11J S.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

It's for the people who can't be bothered to unlock her by playing the first four chapters of story mode.

I like the giant USE THE XRAY, honestly seeing that is something else.

Attached: 1554934895648.png (501x504, 421K)

She looks like a dude in drag here

Quality post

Even my friend who loathed Injustice 2 actually liked playing the beta with CR scorpion because it wasnt constant unga eat shit character specific gimmick offense

You mean like Ultra meter

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

You really love insults dont you?

Nah his MK9 alt is his best outfit, looks traditional while also giving Reptile a lot of personality

Attached: Image29Reptile.jpg (264x564, 54K)

Is the kollector like ermac with that lamp he has?

I like how it often emphasises different uses of strings. A lot of people still always complete them but you're obviously meant to mix up your use here a lot more than before. Reminds me of Tekken, MK has had that element before but the aggressive style meant you just went for stuff more often. Was less dynamic. Same with the dash, you're obviously discouraged from it and are meant to cover and control space in a larger range of ways. Teleports are being over hyped as well, they are very easy to bait and punish.

The gane will probably go through a few phases of slowing down and speeding up till we reach a sf4 like pacing.

I found the complaints about so much being unsafe weird. Like yeah, you aren't meant to just do it whenever you feel like. Can't just armour through like a gorilla.

What these kids dont understand is that they unironically cry about how NRS games die fast but the second an NRS game comes out where you cant reach peak performance in a day they cry its not easy and shallow enough

The REAL reason that MKX and I2 died so quickly isnt even that there is inherently anything wrong with either (especially I2) but that the way the game was played was practically maxed out at the first combo breaker it debuted at, the only thing that ever changed was new characters and some more optimal combos after a few months. Very few players (like Hayatei) even stuck with a specific character long enough for any type of evolution to be apparent at all. There was no serious learning curve to the game and it was so simple that every single match became an extremely formulaic thing with the characters being more relevant than the players themselves

Idiots want to see epic rushdown and muh endless combos for "hype" on day one...and day two...and three...and in three weeks, that retarded loop of rushdown and epic combos got old because every character goes for their optimal combo and thats all there is to the game. The fact that MK11 isnt retardedly flashy at release is telling about the actual quality of the learning curve and the game underneath

People aren't talking enough about how good Geras might be. His sand projectile thing in the corner looks like it cab lead to crazy set ups. That turn back time teleport thing is great as well, you can't whiff against him.

Attached: Ultimate Giga Nigga.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

Mileena is better off not being in the game after what they did to the other ninja girls. Especially after the racelift they gave to Kitana.

Yup, later Injustice tournaments had a ton of whiff punishing and baiting outside of a few characters like Starfire.

why they remove his blue blood?

Not sure. Was pretty disappointed about that. Apparently they gave it to D'Vorah.


Holy shit, an actual '19er

injustice/injustice2/mkx/mk11 is the exact same game with characters scrambled around to pretend it's not

Attached: 1555315601315.png (612x526, 326K)

his rewind costs all three slots of custom moves. Someone will find a gimmick setup for it, but I doubt it will see much play.

They're about as similar as Darkstalkers is to SF

they face scanned an actual black transsexual for this

I need to see this

Frost is actually cute CUTE!

Is this bait? I hope it is

Attached: 18-25-15-D3SG_90XkAYh1oc.jpg (1600x1589, 147K)

She's a cyborg now.

super cute but her base costume is the only good one
>base costume but slightly different
>shit hair
>some robot hat
>gear is Geras-tier bad with only her mask standing out

Literally Injustice

Kotal exists only to job and Erron never does anything cool stoeywise and his animations are shit

Smoke and Reptile are in the games story mode?

>Press the X button to purchase Frost.

Boon is stepping down from Muslim cuckbat and leaving it to soulless WB drones

Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke and all the cyborgs are for tryhard, casual faggots. God, in MKX they are exclusively mained by degenerates. Think is that their skill floor in very high but the ceiling isn't much higher. They kicked by ass until I realized how predictable their combos and patterns are, then they just became a boring chore to fight against. Was hilarious kicking Triborg's ass with Cassie. I know the obese tryhard neckbeards were SEETHING that their BIG COOL METAL ROBOT was getting his ass kicked by a petite blonde chick. I'm glad the cyborg faggots aren't in 11, but I guarantee this means all those players will just flock to Scorpion, another character that's easy to be good at but very hard to be great at. And since everybody who plays him is a casual they will never be great and are destined to a small window of victories before they hit their ceiling and then perpetually get their asses handed to them.

Attached: sfadsfasfdad.jpg (278x181, 9K)

Cassie wasn't shit. She was fun as fuck. Do you know how many people I made ragequit by mashing the same combo while they were trapped in a corner? And even playing her probably she's a great characters. Lots of fun and effective combo chains, a good mixture of short and mid range attacks, quick and agile, and can explode dude's ballsacks with her grab.

Attached: 1541069448635.png (1273x870, 512K)

>Spawn for Injustice!
>nah, he would be better in MK11
>Spawn for Mortal Kombat!
>nah, he would be better in Injustice 3

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They can't be serious.

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Capeshit tier joke

Didn't even bother to read this be here's a (You) cause I felt like being nice.


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They turned her into a cyborg now

>you can unlock her by just playing the story

Why are people so lazy now?
Switch version got a "early release"

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oh eyeah boon cum DLC all over my face


Actually, you did.

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I like Frost, but keeping Jacqui, not bringing back a Mileena and Skarlet's redesign are dumb as hell.

Sub and Hanzo would sell like crazy.

Takeda and Kung Jin would not.

Konsidering that the game is going to get a lot more support than usual NRS titles I'd say the chances of getting more fan favorites in the game is pretty good.

>>you can unlock her by just playing the story

if you have a stable internet connection

is this overwatch ?

actually is kute

What the fuck? She's a full on chink now?


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Jeez user choose one.

>instantly copyrighted
oh no no no no no

This MASSIVE forward momentum that most moves seem to have in MK is what I hate the most about the series.
It is clearly build for scrubs that can't even be bothered to walk towards their opponents before they start mashing buttons like madmen.

The block button is also another aberration that shouldn't be in a 2d fighting game and yet the refuse to let it go.


No lewding the coolbot

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sorry but I just can't let it go

You unlock her in chapter 4. That’s just if you want to play her earlier.

I almost want to draw Frost now. Shame about the overdone design.

They retconned his death into being the cause of MK3 somehow. Even though he did absolutely nothing before he died.

I get that meme!!!!

jacqui looks way better, whats your problem? As a huge MK fan I really like the release roster. plus some of the characters you mentioned appear in game so kombat pack 1-3 here we come

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>Sfiii was hated because of the cut sf2 cast it got popular after people got over it
It got popular after they turned it into LMAO GIT GUD: the game

>jacqui looks way better
God no lol

Yes....that was the point of the art request

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Where the FUCK is Stryker

>staples of the series can fuck off
No fuck you

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The mad man, well done

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I just can't believe they killed both Kenshi AND Takeda. What the literal fuck.

FUCK Takeda

Kenshi was a big player in MKX story as well, what the fuck

Gotta get those brownie points, user. Takeda made the mistake of being a man.

>finally reconcile after years of being estranged due to Kenshi's troubled past
>swear to hunt down every member of the Red Dragon
well that's kinda lame

>overwatch potg

everyone has them, they part of the kustomization system
Noob's in his trailer was kino

Oh fuck off. The point that the other guy was making was that you're just a paypig. I'd rather NOT have a season pass, it's more money wasted and the characters introduced drastically change the metagame.

>Trusting Boon
I’ll believe it when I see it.

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>He didn't want to be hugged by all 4 of Sheeva's arms
Fuck outta here

Imagine saying "Hey guys, there's gonna be DLC!!" and genuinely being excited about that. How about these greedy fucks just release a complete game, instead of purposefully holding back fan favorite characters to mooch even more money out of its fan base.

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>Stealing the Switch version

Attached: MK11 female character design.png (691x598, 590K)

If by "big player" you mean "complete jobber"

Thats a joke, right?


Attached: 589F68D7-EC5A-47DF-9851-41A73BC7A0A7.jpg (640x300, 77K),dur,ei,expire,gir,id,ip,ipbits,ipbypass,itag,lmt,mime,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,ratebypass,requiressl,source&ei=0bK5XLrmOMip1Abm14egBw&ip= Kombat 11 PS4 Story Mode complete&mip=2601:4a:c880:472c:71ad:7c5e:b125:fe59&rm=sn-vgqees76,sn-bvvbax-2iaeel&req_id=b660db888bb2a3ee&ipbypass=yes&redirect_counter=2&cms_redirect=yes&mm=29&mn=sn-ab5l6ndr&ms=rdu&mt=1555690979&mv=m heres your story mode

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Don't fucking remind me. Him and Kenshi were some of the best characters in MKX overall and they both got the short end with MK11


>Hsu Hao premier skin for Kano
Yep. This sounds about right.

You forgot to remove cowboy

Kotal, Erron and Dvorah are the only good newcomers



Weebfaggot who mainly played shit Arcsys, still and some 3D fighters. Would this game be worth picking up if the MK game I played was deadly alliance? I always wanted to get into MK but didn't since my old circle of buddies didn't like touching them. Kollector and the elemental goddess chick looks good


Nitara when

How about an actual link and not a screenshot

>Frost literally looks like a problematic haired SJW

Jesus Christ everyone should buy Soul Calibur 6 just to protest their faggotry

SCVI is shit user.

No NRS game is worth picking up at launch

>unironically clapping for non game based nostalgia pandering

Someone just unlocked Sektor in the Krypt


>SF4 style revenge meter (aka reward for getting your ass kicked)
>it comes back if whiffed
>two meters that recharge over time
>invincible wakeups

This this a joke?

rent free

You don't like Diablo amigo?

I mean. He did the same thing for the last game. And followed through. So you've already seen it.

Damn, how strong is Jade's vagina?


>And also that wanting the same roster over and over again is autistic and a great way to tank a series.
Says the faggot that kept Cassie/Sonya/Johnny and Jax/Jaqui
No one wanted Mileena and Reptile away



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When is Onaga gonna come and return this series to its proper timeline?

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how to spot someone that have no fucking idea what the fuck his talking about, theres a lot of shit to talk about sfv, none of the shit you post is even real

>link no longer working

Sad times.

>Reason why Kotal exists in X is because Shao died and could continue ruling and conquering
>Never showed up in the Armaggeddon timeline
>Shao Khan shows up, with Kronika's aid and completely fucks up Kotal
What a fucking surprise, user.

They blatantly wanted an overwatch style costume for her.

Just wait 3 days for the whole story on YouTube, retardo.

I've seen some intro dialogue between Jade and Scorpion mentioning "Kotal's wounds".
Didn't expect him getting Knightfall'd.

Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and no, there are no black women in the story. Sheeva for example is not some ugly ass nigger

Attached: 9rl2.jpg (465x391, 28K)

Mileenafags, you dropped this

Attached: 1555695841996.png (2880x1527, 2.19M)

>Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero
>Tags: Rape, Non-con, Futa, Futa-on-male

Yeah, why does this not surprise me that you like it.

>25 fighters in a 2019 fighting game.

How the fuck can you be OK with this??? Fighting games get a smaller roster every year

>deleting "tumblr" from the filename

Because Kustom Variations.

welp, I guess this dekonfirms a bunch of characters

Went back and beat the story of 9 again. Who the fuck thought that difficulty jump for the final boss was acceptable?

Considering her improvements, I wonder if the girls in Injustice 3 will turn out alright.

>short hair tomboy

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Bigger roster doesnt equal better, othwerwise Armageddon would be the best MK and not guttertrash of the highest caliber


Liking attractive women and big tiddies? Yeah that's me


I only gave a fuck about Kenshi and those niggas fucking killed him

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Boy, I wonder how many people will get triggered and get PTSD flashbacks when fighting against him in 11.

I love it!

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Haven't played an MK game in years and years. The last NRS game I played was the last free weekend of Injustice 2, and I liked Cyborg a lot.
Who's looking to come out on release as very good, also is Shao Kahn worth a pre-order? I want to wait and see the reception of the game, but I'm willing to go in blind if he's good.
I am playing on PC though, and I won't have access to my Xbone for at least another month, which will have a better community.

Attached: retardanime.jpg (782x960, 47K)

oh shit, i should also add that I fucking love Rashid in SFV

Yes, 'women'.

Fuck off

>2MB for a black(blue) and white drawing

NRS is fucking retarded It's like they want people to play with the shitiest characters only

>No takeda the best character from the kombat kids he would please those who wanted Kenshi and he has the best backstory
>jacquisha the most uninteresting kombat kid with no backstory AND Jax which are the same character so its 1 slot wasted
>Skarlet is back YAY but now she is the opposite from MK9 no sex appeal which was tied to her story in 9 now she looks like a feminist dyke in a burqa so another slot wasted to make a point of how NRS is progressive now
>All the elder gods look like 1-1 Injustice superheroes design wise poison ivy and bald black mirror bitch
>Geras looks like a nothing character so far he looks like a reskin of Tremor which is a more interesting character and has more personality than ascended nigga

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The only reason people like MK9 Millena is because her Tarkatan jaw deforms the face into a femenine shape
Otherwise it would be a manjaw like everyone else (see: MKX Mileena)

>and he has the best backstory
But not really. Not at all actually.

Yeah he does in the comics he has a cool backstory how he lived with the shiray ryu and shit

niggers aren't human

>Best backstory
The only one, actually.
Kung Jin is some gay shaolin
Jaqui is Jax's daughter and that's it
Cassie is Sonya and Johnny's daughter and that's it
Kung Jin doesn't do shit in the comics, Cassie and Jaqui tag along on Reiko's bullshit in the comics
Takeda is Kenshi's son and that's it. BUT he also survived Shirai Ryu's massacre.
He wins by default.