Other urls found in this thread:
>I should be able to instantly win all instances of confrontation in a video game ever
vidya was a mistake, in real life games like chess you don't assume you will always win and watch a short movie. and the sad part is that souls isn't even that much of a divergence, it's just barely a notch above movie game dopamine abuse but you're so fucking retarded even that requires too much focus
>t. virgin nerds
Not everyone has time to grind the same shit for hours, if there's no fun then there's no point in playing
shit argument kiddo, nobody is forcing you to play it all day, just play it the same amount of time you would any other game. if you don't instantly beat it, so what? playing the game like this could last you weeks of entertainment. that's the problem, what you are really saying is
>durr I should just be able to mindlessly mash my way through this like an unengaging mainstream movie game, why grug not win fast?!
you just have shit expectations, try not being a pleb and approaching the game as an actual challenge. again, this doesn't mean you have to play it all day, but rather that you should approach the limited time you play it differently. or just keep calling people virgins because you're shit and must cope to salvage your ego lmao
So don't play it. Not everything is made just for you, faggot.
Sure the games are hard but far from unfair (except ds2, fuck you ds2(but i still love ds2))
Here is a friendly tip
Name an instance of unfair
>time to grind the same shit for hours
imagine having to grind in souls in this day and age when there are guides for everything
grinding would be mindlessly killing shit to arbitrarily improve stats to make the game easier
the phrase youre looking for is improving mechanically
>i want everything handed to me without putting any effort
What a shitter.
I beat bloodborne in like 20-25 hours on my first playthrough. I didn't spend any time on grinding, I just searched every nook and cranny.
Nigga prolly stuck on the first rooster in Ashina Outskirts
>needing hours to overcome a boss
You don't need them, unless you are fucking shit. Have sex.
you don't really have to grind in souls, it's more like you either get it or you don't. once it "clicks" you won't have such a hard time, but if it never does then you will just keep dying and being frustrated and feeling like it's a waste of time. so it's up to you to decide if you want to keep trying to make it click or not, just b urself, as they say.
I am kind of a goof and will admit that I dropped both ds1 and bloodborne multiple times, but kept seeing people having fun and being jealous because I want to have fun too, so I kept going back and it finally clicked, now they are some of my favorite games of all time
>combat arts and prostetic tool
more like player is unfair in sekiro...
there are countless but to name a few
>enemies have infinite stamina
>your attack gets interrupted if they hit you first but if you hit first they still hit you
>boss fights where you fight two at once with barely any time to counter
>awfully slow character animations
>unblockable attacks
Here homie. I got your easy mode right here.
then dont play it retard
this "i dont have time to waste" argument is the most retarded one you could use
if you dont have time to waste then dont fucking play video games
there's an interview where they say that one of the requirements for all their games is that Miyazaki can beat the game on his own
you realise they give enemies an advantage so you don't steamroll anything right?
In some games you're expected to defeat an enemy with massive guns, with infinite ammo, who can manoeveur better than you as well and we enjoy it
since every game is different it really helps to know which one you are talking about
if your complaints about about dark souls 3 for example, that game is just fucking dogshit and gay and I don't blame anyone for hating it, even though Yea Forums will disagree with me on this. it sucks, like bloodborne's retarded cousin where your character has a club foot. play 1 instead.
Play however you like, but the devs don't need to make their games appeal to every single person.
just use cheats lmao
Maybe this is more your speed? They just re-released it too!
Yes I am talking about ds3, I actually beat sekiro only because it has the parry mechanic and way more responsive controls, stamina bar is just cancer
yeah, I thought it was 3. ds1 and bloodborne are much better (people seem to like those the best, not just me), 2 is a love-it-or-hate-it game with a bunch of flaws and widely considered The Room of the series, but it's still less shitty than 3 imo.
Sword saint's 2nd and 3rd phase make my vanilla ps4 lag. Is it dying or is this just how it is, Yea Forums?
Search this exact post in the archive
>enemies have infinite stamina
so do you
>your attack gets interrupted if they hit you first but if you hit first they still hit you
so do they, time your shit better
>boss fights where you fight two at once with barely any time to counter
then don't ever let yourself be stuck in a two on one.
>awfully slow character animations
see webm
>unblockable attacks
see webm, unblockable attacks can all be countered and ends up hurting your opponents posture greatly
in short, get gud
i hope it's just how it is on all consoles, pc fag here
Who the fuck grinds in From games?
Just how much of a shitter are you?
i envy you. i never imagined there'd be such a drastic difference between the pc and console ports.
the alternative means his console is dying
play dark souls you absolute retard, sekiro is way easier
>awfully slow character animations
This is the only correct point. It's somehow retarded that wolf is so fucking slow and literally any drunken raider can handle their swords faster.
Sekiro is the fairest, whereas DS2 is the least fair.
The former doesn't really have any traps to speak of, and you can't really get outnunbered by enemies since you can pick them off one by one more effectively than in DS. Only the camera feels like a big culprit. And maybe those initial Headless encounters are likely to frustrate some players in a different way than the bosses.
DS2 just fails to communicate important shit about its environmental hazards due to lack of internal consistency. And there is one big guy enemy with infinte stamina and constant tracking too many.
everyone says that you shouldn't use a guide with these games, you're supposed to just die over and over until you figure it out
>he couldn't tell I was talking about soulsborne
Why are you lying on the internet?
not him but i didn't grind at all first playthrough
Bloodborne is just fucking short
It takes around 35h only if you rush and avoid exploration, he's a lying cunt
>statue in front of every boss
>infinite tries
>massive arsenal of different shinobi tools at your disposal
>free to use training dummy at dilapidated temple
this is unfair
how do people like OP cope with speedrunners beating bosses in a minute?
if it was truly unfair it would take a long time even if you're skilled, if you can get through a game through pure skill then it's more fair than anything
wut, my first playthrough of bloodborne was around 35 hours, and I explored plenty. I didn't play the DLC though, maybe that's what you are including.
Dogshit argument, they spend thousands of hours playing the same game, unfairness becomes irrelevant after you learn how to overcome it
Games are art
Art doesn't have to appeal to everyone
>unfairness becomes irrelevant after you learn how to overcome it
what the shit are you even saying, unfairness is something you can't overcome, you can overcome anything in fromsoft games so they're absolutely fair
unfair is when there's literally nothing you can do like RNG or pay to win
Why do you all fall for such single-braincell activity tier bait?
For all the talk of sekiro/from games being difficult, it's not like theyre unbeatable. Bosses take a few tries and most can be cheesed if you're really a bitch.
unfair would mean this isn't possible, just because it's hard and autistic doesn't mean it's unfair. unfair would be, you have to wait to get some RNG thing that may or may not happen and kills you, etc.
>thousands of hours
bloodborne is trivial to speedrun, I have only about 100 hours and my last run where I goofed around a bit was still only 5 hours, the world record is like 24 minutes. you can learn it quite fast. literally just watch a single speedrun and most of the bosses can be blown out in like 20 hits using a gimmick like serration + fire paper etc. it's not unfair.
>I don't like smash bros
>baste n redpeeled XD
>I don't like undertale
>baste n redpeeled XD
>I don't like pokemon
>baste n redpeeled XD
>I don't like overwatch
>baste n redpeeled XD
>I don't like fro-
why do you embarrass yourself like this
>you can't overcome unfairness
Lmao, do you even understand what you're saying? Unfair means you are in a clear disadvantage, a dude could still beat up a taller and heavier opponent if he had enough practice and skill
baste n redpeeled XD
You mean by stating facts? Stay seething, fromnigger
Lmfao, DaS1 speedruns or SL1 runs (for example) are piss fucking easy after under 90 hours of playtime. It's all memorization, the most basal of learning abilities.
This but unironically. FROM makes great games.
no it doesn't
> Not following the rules of a game or sport.
the rule in sports and games is that it's up to your individual skill how far you get, fromsoft absolutely follows that, unfair would be an external factor deciding the result that you can't control
such as RNG, cheating, timegating and such
From hasn't made a single good game, you contrarian faggot
Dumb frogposter
You know what's the funniest part this? Journalists obviously hate these games yet they're still forced to give them high critical acclaim because the following has reached a point where they'll be ripped apart and lose credibility for badly scoring them. Just by releasing games that stand on the merit of the gameplay, FromSoft has reached untouchable status.
>asylum demon filtered
Sounds pretty based.
This, but the opposite.
Based FROM, raping journos into submission.
>unfair hard
>that reticle in his eye
double seething
recommend a cope maneuver
>enemies have infinite stamina
they make up for this by having big windows of opportunities between attacks
>your attack gets interrupted if they hit you first but if you hit first they still hit you
that's poise you're looking for, and unless you're playing DS2, it works perfectly fine if you build around it
>boss fights where you fight two at once with barely any time to counter
don't fight them one-on-two, separate them to the best of your abilities by taking advantage of their attack patterns
>awfully slow character animations
"oh no I can't attack instantly and back off immediately why am I so slow in this game that forces the user to think during combat"
>unblockable attacks
hasn't been in a single game except for grabs, which are always highly telegraphed
>no argument
>l-ll-l-l-l-l-l-le s-s-s-s-s-s-s-seeething l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-le cope
Thanks for proving me right
>Unfair Hard
The term 'unfair hard' is only used when people pretend they like difficulty, but actually hate being challenged in a video game.
"Haha yeah I like difficult games but isn't it just so unfair when the game stops me from having fun because it won't let me win? It's just bad game design when a game forces me to change or improve my gameplay in order to overcome a challenge!"
i beat isshin Yea Forums
am i good at vidya?
>not fair; not conforming to approved standards, as of justice, honesty, or ethics:
an unfair law; an unfair wage policy.
disproportionate; undue; beyond what is proper or fitting:
an unfair share.
So retarded he started making his definitions, there is no indication whatsoever that unfair means impossible
Yea Forums is casual why are you asking them
Enter the Gungeon is an "unfair hard" game, as with 99% of bullet hells.
From games aren't.
>N-No your wrong cuz i said so!
my base ps4 was fine.
no, but you got
guess mine's dying. rip.