Any tips for this game?
I'm up to Umbra (holy fuck this place feels bigger than all previous areas combined) and still trying to figure out the game. What pacts/formations should I use? Is just making a bunch of marginal mazes to put in support for donum power + really all it takes?
Any tips for this game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Better off looking up some guides or youtube videos explaining things. The days of this game's launch are over and there's A LOT to cover, so you're not going to get a lot of satisfactory answers from just a handful of people who haven't played the game in months.
Where are the memes? I didn't see this on R*ddit. Quit trying to have meaningful discussion, that is not memes that I can repost later.
Play a better game
No game can justify having 15 party members at once
On no, not a whole 15.
lol more like 40
>those names
>tfw I went all Greek heroes for my puppets
Dont worry too much about pacts and shit, just play around with anything that seems interesting to you, even the crazier ones lower in cost when you level them so just using one for a while will make it cheaper and let they are fairly straightforward when you real the spells and their requirements. The real late/post game shit comes from soul transferring to load up on the best skills and maximize soul clarity but you dont have to worry about that for a good bit, just make new puppets when you get decent souls and play around with the facets. Just make sure you have a decent peer fortress or 2 for bosses.
For formations I like donum defense for the boost to dp and free heals but again just play around with them till you find one that suits your play style
That's an official screenshot, dingus.
>those giant succubus enemies in umbra
>mfw bare blue boobies on Berserkers
reminder that user ripped the assets for us
>helped domina to cross river
>lol you missed out on fighting her dad
Is there a proper way to do Synthesis? I've just thrown random shit together so far
Pretty sure you get a bonus for using the same type of equipment to merge in (like combining swords to enhance a sword) and based on the level of the gear you put in
I switched to easy difficulty to get the black page from the big-assed-titted Maou and I'm feeling OK with it.
Tanks with dual-equipped Qatars have 40% chance to protect other team members (and stop once they've protected a certain number of times each round) so I've used five of them because I don't like letting things to chance (and even with this setup my squishies are sometimes getting fucked).
I did not touch weapon synthesis because I'm not made of money and that shit costs an arm and a leg (and not puppet ones).
Is this the SK artist? Can’t really tell from those portraits but they look similar
Damn its been a long time since I've seen one of these threads. Remember when user made a mod program to install custom character portraits.
>game has shitloads of characters.
>no XP share
>game is grindy.
I fucking hate this because it pretty much makes most of the cast benched for the whole game.
You create the characters, like Etrian Odyssey. Also, there are formations made for leveling characters up.
Postgame is a grind though, if you don't want to kill the true final boss on easy (and arguably even so).
does that main bitch get's what's deserved in the end? i can't fucking forgive her for what she's done to that sheep at the beginning.
It's just a stupid sheep.
And some horrible stuff does/did happen to her.
post fave song
yeah when you fortify with a coven that has them in it each unit can intercept up to 3 times each iirc
since AOE attacks always sweep from left to right, you want to position your tanks in the rightmost slot so they don't waste those intercepts on themselves
an actual tip to maximize the intecepts is to not use covens that have a full 3 man frontline, it's not really needed unless you're building an auto attacking coven anyways