Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?

have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?

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No but I love Nonko!

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I love Reisen!

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can't say i haven't!

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I love Fuuka!

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I love Licca!

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full offense OP, but chloe is fucking awful

I love Junpei

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God tier taste

i'm a fan of natsuki.

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>L*cky C*loe
Cringe and havesexpilled

I love my husbando.

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*i'm a fan of children

He looks like he's part of some J-pop boyband

Three times. First one was R.mika. Second one was Marie Rose and now Im in love with Ivy. I have great taste, I know.

Very nice.

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That is most definitly not the case, but all of the new artwork for P3/5D had that feeling.

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3 times now. Most recent is Kirigiri.

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I love Callie!

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Arc is best Nasu girl.

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fuck off faggots no one cares about your dogshit opinions

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I love Sheena!

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She's the best of all girls

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This is the place where people think they love something because they got off to it more than twice. I doubt it's love.

I love [insert cookie-cutter weeb-bait female]!

Based pink cutie

I left a 3dpd relationship for my love almost a decade ago. I've never been happier.

I love my gorgeous wife!

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All I'm saying is that most of the people who say they have a waifu, don't actually love the character.

Though your initial post stated this is the place where those people are, implying we're all like that; I don't disagree. Most are ironic waifufags.

it's actually really impressive that you can be so certain about how other people view or feel about something, and yet you're here on Yea Forums instead of doing something with your oddly specific omnipotence.

When I was in like 4th grade I had a crush on this and remember crying because she was going to move out of my town and I didn't know how to stop it

Funny cause I don't like fur shit at all

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I love Kasumi!

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You're not exactly wrong since the vast majority of waifu fags seem to be ones attached to FOTM girls, even on Yea Forums/4channel. Go to /jp/ if you want to see people that actually love their waifu.

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Love is willing the good of the other for their own sake, something that is impossible to do for a 2D character.

I love Tira!

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All about that yandere shit eh?

>Go to /jp/ if you want to see people that actually love their waifu.
Touhou meme spam and JAV doesn't look like love to me.

/jp/ doesn't want waifus. Yea Forums is the only place where real waifufags congregate but there's also an enormous amount of ironic faggotry.
It's gone down in quality but it'll always be a better board than the rest.

I would like to know how it's impossible for someone to be concerned for the well-being of an inanimate object.

Not even close to how ironic Yea Forums is.

I like tsundere more, but I'm all about the crazy girls.

That's because Yea Forums has become normalfag incarnate. Ironic, considering how viciously this board raged against casuals years ago.

The point is not being concerned over an inanimate object to satisfy your fantasies and pleasures, but in true love, actually for the other person. The inanimate object doesn't have feelings or concerns of it's own, thus the devotion is 100% solely out of the waifufag's self satisfying desire to not be alone or curb his sexual frustrations.

I Love kara

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That still doesn't explain how someone can't be concerned for an inanimate object, and it's continued healthy existence, or in the example of a fictional character representing human traits, simple respect for them and what they stand for. The simple fact that waifufags often want for for porn resembling the character, shows a basic lack of respect for the human traits the character represents. It's the giveaway that shows most of them don't really care for the character and their place in the world, including the way they may be perceived by others who are not acquainted with the character as originally designed.

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I'm not saying they can't be attached to the character, or for it to be special to them. I would be lying if I said there were no fictional characters that were special to me, or that the features, looks, story, and values that carry along with the character are worthless, or that you are a horrible person for latching on to them. I went through a phase of being incredibly attached to the same fictional character for years as well.

It may be lust, affection, appreciation, or whatever. I'm just saying it's not love in the traditional sense.

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>L*cky Chl*e
Horrible taste, subhuman, disgraceful, shameful, disgusting, hurtful, plebian, retarded, autistic, fuck you

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Best taste in the thread, Shinji is the best Persona boy.

yeah, she's the best. kinda uptight but has her shit together.

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>I'm just saying it's not love in the traditional sense.
That would be a more accurate way of putting it. They way people think of love, might not always all that love can be. In the case of a waifufag who does hold legitimate, genuine feelings and concern for the character, it can be called unrequited love. It's true that the phenomenon is traditionally associated with real people, but technically, it can be applied to this kind of situation.

Thanks, I love him more than anything but I don't think that's quite true or fair to the rest of the really good boys™ in the series.

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what's it like to have shit taste?

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I love him

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Yeah, when I was younger.

I don't want to be alone in this threatening world

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I love Monika!

A whole lot of weebs here, I hate to break this to you guys, but these girls are not real.

And even if they were they sure wouldn't date you.

Pic unrelated I hope

Wow, hard hitting truths user. Truly you're the first person in existence to ever make these revelations, let alone tell anyone.
>implying genuine waifufags give a shit

whats your rank

Shh, remember not to feed the trolls!

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I love my wife Tsumugi.

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Nyotengu is my wife and goddess and I love her more than anything.

How do you deal with all the hate for her, user?

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By not caring about what others think. She is perfect to me, and that's all that matters.

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>Plays first jrpg
>Self insert too hard on the main character
>Ends up falling in love with pic her
>Feels depressed at the end of the game because she's sad with your death

Why she don't exist bros

Pic related

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Luci’s voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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I fell in love with kurisu.

see what you started?

I didn't start it, I picked up this style of posting on /jp/!

He didn't start shit, "I love x!" isn't a unique posting style for anyone.