Here's your GOTY 2019 bro
TLOU 2 in 2019
>US Retail Insider
can this be a bannable offense already?
Shit game, shit developer, shit source.
You know, maybe if Sony weren't such cunts then maybe people would actually like & be interested in this game
Who cares? The first game was boring as fuck
How many fucking times do I have to see these supposed "confirmed release dates" coming from sketchy insiders, journos, retailers and websites?
Until Sony and/or Naughty Dog announce it then I do not fucking care. Cunt
Your Sekiro and DMC5 will get BLASTED by TLOU2
Have sex.
Ah yes, just in time for the end of the PS4 era and the release of the PS5, where a remastered edition will be a launch title
>Yea Forums gets agry about The Last of Us
Every time!
>he doesn't know
Sounds about right
No need, PS4 games will be compatible with PS5.
Ah yes, the new "u mad?" response that's being echoed by actual virgins. Please move on to the next big generic reply that your nigger friends in discord are cooking up as we speak.
Come on now. That's like saying "just settle for the Wii U version of BotW lmao" to the average Nintendo fan.
It and Tsushima are definitely 2019. Don't know about Death Stranding though, we've never really got a clear date or even goal from them.
Generally when people are btfo as thoroughly as you have been in this thread they usually count their losses and beat feet.. but you! You're doubling down on your idiocy. I am extremely impressed, anonymous! Enjoy your center spot in my latest cringe compilation.
It's going to be great. I'm ready for them to open up preorders so I can get my copy ordered and see what the bonuses are. Maybe a cool theme and avatars again!
> Cut to Black Ending
Already confirmed garbage, name one good game where this has ever happened
Never realized what people see in these linear overly scripted "video games".
>but m-muh story.
Its a video game, the best story in a video game is a mediocre novel-tier at best.
For you're own sake, don't take the backward compatibility rumor seriously. Belive it when you see it, because PS4's best selling game is the GTAV port and they know it.
>No need, PS4 games will be compatible with PS5.
People keep repeating this but they were very specific in their wording to avoid outright saying the next gen would be backwards compatible. People are just making conjecture of unclear wording i.e marketing bullshit.
It was no mgsv, but I enjoyed it's brand of stealth/combat in between the linear sedate segments that get harped on. I think the success of the multiplayer indicates that they got something right with the core gameplay.
>Game Of The Year
Sony straight up said the PS5 will be backwards compatible have you been living under a rock?
Sony says a lot of things. I remember they said every game they make on PS4 would be 1080p/60FPS and thrn didn't even try, even going as far as to fall at the first hurdle.
I hope they don't overwork their employees for this shit.
>this is acceptable gameplay for a AAA game in 2019
Seems unlikely given the lack of press we've had since last e3. Maybe March-April 2020 at the earliest.
well if they just finished shooting it, how long does post production take before it hits theaters?
What's wrong with it
looks dope as fuck tho
This is one of the best looking games ever. It looks so good that a bunch of devs were wondering if it was faked. (and it probably was)
how many buttons do you think were pressed in this entire clip?
>shot the ending
So is the "games are movies" meme a real fucking thing now?
Do you think they didn't "shot the ending" in DMC5? retard
I got the last of us remastered with my PS4 slim on New Year’s Day. I was really looking forward because of the hype.
Now, whether I have a bad disc or what ever, the game runs like shit. Objects literally appear when they’re about 5 meters in front of you, and disappear as you step back.
In the first few minutes an NPC gets stuck running into a chanmail fence and just keeps running into it.
Maybe they fucked the remaster but the amount of bugs just ruins the immersion. Also, that fucking crouch walk is retarded.
It'll never be GOTY 2019 because
a) It's a fucking movie.
b) Ace Combat 7 is the undisputed (UNDISPUTED) best game this year.
Probably 3 plus movement. Dodge, light attack, heavy attack. It's just using motion matching so the quality is way better than a normal animation state machine.
Probably just mashing X lmao
What does Devil May Cry have to do with anything? Never played it.
Bend over
Has she killed a woman yet?
why was the guy waiting while that young man stabbed that lady?
Every dev that use real life people "shot the ending". Called motion capture.
Invincible during deathblow animation.
Like Sekiro
If the control scheme is like the first one it would be
>d-pad for inventory
>X to select weapon or craft
>L2 to aim
>R2 to shoot
>Left stick to move
>L1 to sprint
>Square to melee
Not sure what Dodge is though
Ive noticed that the kills where ellie is in a scripted position (getting wrangled, hiding) the people she shoots have very realistic looking death animations. But when shes running and gunning, everyone instaflops into ragdolls.
I just don't get it. I was really taken in by Uncharted 2 when it came out, but these dull action games based on canned animations, set pieces and contextual actions are so transparent after playing one, yet Sony makes them yearly and people get taken in every single time. I think I'm just too smart for Snoy.
I won't buy it, just like I didn't buy the first. Not into this AAA low quality game-movie crap. Why even bother shilling, just like terrible captain marvel its going to make a bajillion dollars. Who cares.
It's what people want. It combines easy gameplay with movie cinematics. That's just what most people want. The formula fits perfectly.
>yeah looks like stealth is going fine
>doors right over there
>I could escape with no noise or bloodshed
>let me just craft a dynamite arrow and blow that guy into red chunks yeah
Looks great tho
get woke go broke.
YAAAASSS QUeen fuck those white boys!
>canned animations, set pieces and contextual actions
It sells to normalfags, unfortunately
She also has a jump. Don't know how they're gonna get all those buttons to work on the duelshock because Circle is crouch.
I never played a game like that until the other day.
Spider-Man on PS4 feels a lot like what I've heard about Uncharted and TLOU on Yea Forums
I'll admit that there's tons of options in combat, but the animations are canned.
At first swinging around feels much better, but then you notice the same thing there.
It's just that there's lots of animations for different kinds of terrain, but they don't always work so you start noticing them.
it will be a ps5 launch title
but its a shit movie so who cares