The sun has fallen out of orbit and will collide into the earth in 5 minutes but if you go into a shelter you're safe. Do you go into a shelter full of
A. Cawwadooty faggots
B. Halo kiddies
Choose your fate Yea Forums
The sun has fallen out of orbit and will collide into the earth in 5 minutes but if you go into a shelter you're safe. Do you go into a shelter full of
A. Cawwadooty faggots
B. Halo kiddies
Choose your fate Yea Forums
>fallen out of orbit
I kill myself
What a shitty thread. Is there an option that leads to you killing yourself?
I was hoping this thread would happen again some day.
If that's the only choices bring on the sun
Whichever one OP won't be in.
I go into the Halo one and keep the door open.
Are you merely pretending?
By that wording I'm led to believe that the cawadoody faggots at least are not a bunch of 12 year olds, therefore I pick that.
>the sun has fallen out of orbit
How the fuck would a shelter protect you from the sun smashing into the Earth?
Is the bunker made out of the hardest metal (Dragonforce)?
Halo is a lot of fun
the sun doesn't orbit anything tard we orbit it
10/10 made me laugh
thick layers of concrete and steel dumbass
the sun orbits the SMBH in the center of the galaxy
>the sun doesn't orbit anything
>Fallen out of orbit
>Fallout of orbit
and so history repeats itself
nevermind I was being retarded
Which one do girls play?
If the world is ending fuck bunkers I'ld rather find a good seat to watch.
Faggy start, OP. Let's get down to business.
While you thought the sun was gone, it was just temporarily obscured by the massive mushroom cloud that's rising in the distance.
You have the choice of running into a shelter occupied by:
A), Bethesda fans
Inside, the occupants shit in their hands and smear it on the walls, claiming that the blurred textures create a "soulfull, comfy feel".
B), Piranha Games fans
Even from outside the bunker, you can hear the occupants shouting over each other (most of the dialogue consisting of shitty fetch-quest prompts), and awkwardly fighting each other (they mostly miss, instead looking like their failing at some hip new dance).
Choose wisely, Yea Forums.
If we take the science into account you'd already be dead if it was going to collide with earth in 5 minutes. Inf act even if you were to live it would insta gib you when it hit the earth which is like a grain of sand in the dimple of the ass of the sun. We just would be fucking zero summed out of existance.
Halo it is then
if you dig a base 2 miles or so below earth crust you will then be able to be safe from the sun for up to 2 years.
T. Retard
>The sun has fallen out of orbit and will collide into the earth
everything aboot that statement is wrong
I will choke to death either way on all the Axe bodyspray in an enclosed space so I'll choose Halo and hope they have some gamefuel
That doesn't mean that if it falls out of orbit it will collide with the earth you fookin mong. Gravity will tractor the whole solar system with the sun.
These threads see consistently the biggest newfag magnets, it's fascinating.
But is it a sun made of lava or ice?
C. A trillion lions
fucking loving these threads with all the physics retardation and buttblastery
Yea Forums still hasn't answered this one.
because it's a hypotetical physics question, you can spin it any way you can.
A would happen; just because the portal is moving towards the cube at a breakneck speed doesn't mean that the cube will go through it at such a speed. The cube's speed is constant, in that it is not moving. The portal slamming down on it would not cause it to suddenly launch. It makes more sense that it would just react to the change in gravity, and slide down.
Checkmate, atheists.
it will collide with the ice sun and get negated retard
Anything's better than you guys
>This many newfags
Welcome to "Le 4channel" /pol/ is 3 doors down, go there.
Implying this kind of thread wasn't already garbage when it was spammed back then
Check my 6
Ignoring the stupidity of this statement, I'd instantly chose the halo kiddies. They are FAR more tolerable than cawwadooty faggots.
And the kiddies word implies they are very young so if they are being little shits I can knock them around.
Fuck shelter. Just let me die already.
wait, how big do you think the sun is?
It seems to be upside down, let me fix that for you.
who cares? the sun is tiny, you can cover it with your hand, it would at least burn down a house or something
>sun has fallen out of orbit
>sun orbits the earth
>you're safe in a shelter
>the earth is about to get literally obliterated in a ball of plasma but don't worry a fucking shelter will save you
get off this website underage, by the way fortnite faggots are worse than both of these
if the earth explode, a shelter would still fly through space, retard
>there are people on Yea Forums who still believe the heliocentric myth
>earth would explode
>not just completely burn up worse than Merkur and end up being swallowed by the sun
ah yes I was le ebin baited
the earth and the sun have opposite magnetic poles, they would just repel each other anyway numbnuts
What will happen if the sun made of ice collided with a sun made of fire?
yeah just like you repel women you fat autistic neckbeard
sun of water will be birth
a sun made of blue flame is born
both of them together still wouldn't outweigh your fat neckbeard ass
I know this entire thread is bait to be retarded about science, but lets cut strait to your premise.
Every Call of Duty guy I know is a herp derp who works at a shit job because they choose to and if they weren't living in a city would be text book white trash in a trailer. They're gonna talk about football and love transformers and say it's amazing.
Halo are at least, for lack of a better term, "fellow nerds". They have some semblance of nuance to what they like, they could tell you what Halo game is best and why outside of "It's the first one I played!", they often play games outside of the absolute most best selling thing at the time.
This is the wrong image.
If you can't tell, does it matter?
why not both?
depends if the lions attack at night.
how does the sun burn if theres no oxygen in space?
What if a sun made of time collided with a sun made of space at night?
it would solve the oracle problem
Honestly? Halo
All of the religious subtext in the Halo series would make good conversation basis in a post-apocalyptic scenario
COD fags.
Once the sun has bounced off back into space, well emerge and I'll end up ruling those normies with my deep knowledge of gardening and camping, thus being able to provide food and shelter, and we'll enslave the Halo kids to carry shit for us.
There's an impressive rise in people that believe everything accomplished by scientists such as astronomers are blatant lies for the sole purpose of making the people more servile for some reason. I don't get it and find it quite scary. It looks like Dark Ages is back on the menu and it's not even due to religion this time.
>go with CoD faggots
>get called a nigger and my ass raped because they're thirsty faggots
>go with Gaylo Kiddies
>it's actually a sting operation headed by Chris Hansen
I'll take my chances with fighting the sun
>all f these newfags
>get off this website underage
Ironic considering you're being rused by a post that has been around for years. Get off this website underage
This, this pasta is almost half a decade old if not already. And everyone in this thread fell for it.
>The sun has fallen out of orbit
This is such an old thread
1: Hier kommt die Sonne!
Go to be Squirrely Dan
>fallen out of orbit and will collide into the earth in 5 minutes
Have you ever played Earth 2150? Because thats how it would happen and not in "5 minutes" kek
Halo. I like Halo.
Anyway, if the Sun is engulfing the Earth, there would be no shelter to save us. Make a more feasible scenario, OP.