What makes the Western female design that bad?

What makes the Western female design that bad?

Social justice stuff?
But even the Jap devs aren't free from being criticized, I guess.

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I like both.

Grow up sweetheart. You literally are the worst demographic. You don't even play games, you just jack off to them, fucking incel.

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>Exact same thread with the exact same 1st post as last night

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There is not a single reason to play modern western AAA soulless "games as a services"

Because both are good.

For once I agree with an anime poster. incels so cringy that they're bringing us all together. Based incels.

that's not even the argument you scarecrow building as bitch
go back

I like Josie, but I wish Tekken girls looked a little less generic
Though in their defence, a lot of the guys do too

Left would be 100 times better if she wasn't a colored woman.

Because Japs make games for people who play videogames and they love what they do.
Westcucks make games to earn cash and get checkmark from gaming "journalists" and twitter mob. That's why you see a ton of spineless soulless sequels and barely any new titles from west.

XCOM3 on the right

Have sex.

The majority of games are made for MEN.

Sexually attractive female characters are to please their audience, MEN.

I desire erections when I play games with women in it because I'm MALE.


Japanese fighting games have such bad graphics.

The only games that keep getting better are Mortal Kombat graphics.

Frost looks good though. Literally the only decent female character design in MK11.

How bad is western character design when people think the darkie looks better than the white chick?

now user im sure there are plenty of women who like hips thighs ass and titties

My problem is they basically turn the women into men. There is no femininity to any of these characters except for that new one, the earth chick. Why would I play as a less cool male character?

If you disregard lebbit spacing comments this thread doesn't look too bad

Frost looks alright. The bitch that looks like fucking Frieza doesnt tho

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Including women in games is what caused this sexyness apocalypse in the god damn first place, whether they are lesbians or not. So tired of these low testosterone beta males actually saying less attractive females is for the betterment of the entire industry. I wish death upon each and every one of them.

Putting aside debate on showing skin, NRS makes the busiest faux-tacticool fucking costumes there are and they're fucking hideous.


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It's funny how they managed to ruin such a simple character by removing her cool-looking icy hair and giving her injustass 2 whateverthefuck power ranger suit

>Because both are good.

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Injustice is where NRS artstyle went to total shit, though there were early warning signs in MK9 like Smoke's anime-ass hair.

left one is filipino.

Even as fapbait Japanese characters are still 10x better than ugly western shit which says a lot about the state of the industry now.

Suck dick

Because the character on the right is male.

Western is a bit busy, but I like both of them.

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>Making female characters attractive is a crime against humanity and incel pandering
>Making half of your male cast fapbait is ok though

Really makes me think.

Smoke's anime hair was great and made sense

It looked like shit in-game, but in official artwork, it looks great.

is she playable?

How can anyone like that Frost outfit looks like edgy 13 year old from tumblr made it and whats the fucking point of high heels

probably because all the visible western "gamers" are trannies and faggots

I don't think she has high heels in that image.

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Oh shit, she might be. The black portions of her feet look like black padding or heels.

Frost would look much better without the awful warframe body suit. But leftt isnt very good either

Holy fucking mother of baste.