You barely see complaints from e-celebs and normalfags yet they screech about Epic games all day though......
Why doesn't anyone care about Sony censoring vidya?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sonygaf exists.
A majority of games are marketed to the lowest common denominator. They honestly don't care or are embracing the American system of Sex bad, Violence good.
Wow weeb incels are a loud minority and a non relevant market.
Who would've thunk.......
literally all you fags whine about all day
This is a Sony imageboard
Because the only game people have actually heard of that got censored was DMC5 and it was patched out immediately.
Because outside of Yea Forums people don't really play games for the fanservice, at least in the west.
They DO in the east, but the games aren't getting censored in japan so they don't care.
Additionally, those among us that are smart and not dumb like you two, already jumped ship to the Switch.
When we keep telling you that the Switch is becoming the new Vita, there's a reason for that.
All the woke weebs are moving to the Switch.
I'm aware. I've had both but I'm strongly considering selling my PS4. RDR2 and Sekiro are the last things I wanted to do there anyways.
Those shitty fanservice games barely even break 10k nowadays.
Otaku have moved to gacha now.
First name those games and what were censored. Next look up the metascore. I'll wait.
What is wrong with just wanting to stay perfectly niche regardless of sales?
Because these are the games that have been censored
Arch of the Alchemist – Censored
Brave Neptunia – Censored
Conception Plus – Censored
Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation – Censored
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet – Censored
Dragon Star Varnir – Censored
Game Tengoku CrusinMix – Censored
Haruoto Alice Gram – Censored
Mary Skelter 2 – Censored
Nekopara Vol. 1 – Censored
Nora to Ouju to Noraneko Heart – Censored
Omega Labyrinth Z – Banned in U.S., Europe
PlayStation Static and Dynamic Themes – Censored
Saku Saku Love Blooms With The Cherry Blossoms – Censored
Silverio Trinity – Censored
Sengoku Hime 7: Sen’un Tsuranuku Guren no Ishi – Nipple Pokies Censored (PS Vita version for ref)
Senran Kagura: 7EVEN – Censored
Senran Kagura Burst Re:newal – Censored
Super Seducer – Banned
Williams Pinball Vol. 2 – Censored
Yuragi-Sou No Yuuna-San – Censored
Because normalfags don't care about titties on the next Battle Royale game.
3-2 years ago it was. 2016 and 2017 Yea Forums was overwhelming pro-Sony. I am sure that at least 75% of those board culture parroting faggots are the same ones that cry Snoy and pretend anyone seriously cares about titty games.
Sonyfags are actively trying to suppress any criticism targeted towards them.
Remember when censorship used to be the end of the world when it happened to Nintendo?
I can see why nobody cares.
I'm just pointing out a major shift from Japan.
They still buy it because of the smart move of making it portable.
Normalfags willingly flog themselves for their corporate overlords. What makes you think this would cause them to turn?
because none of these people actually care about ethics of censorship or anything they pretended to for the past few decades.
They all prattle on about how horrible the 90s censorship was, but now that there's different censorship they are silent (since its icky and they don't want to be seen as perverts or sexists).
Sony knows this, so they doubled down, using #MeToo as an additional shield, and nobody respectable will go against it, because they don't want to be seen as a sexist or support sexists. Very simple
Sony can say whatever they want about metoo and streamers but the real reason is because the Olympics are in Japan in 2020 and a lot of nip companies are trying to clean up their image.
And once they start censoring games you like, it will be too late.
It's unfortune that fans of these games have to suffer the censor but, I mean...c'mon.
This shit is incredibly niche.
Because Sony's done everything they can to keep it hidden from the public eye. Devs are forced to stay quiet through contracts, journalists who report it are instantly blacklisted. Games that are too big (sold more than 1 million sales) gets their censorship removed entirely out of fear that a big enough audience would notice, like with DMCV. Any time something leaks out, they try and distract people with unrelated news, like teasing the PS5.
They're doing everything in their power to make sure that it doesn't hit mainstream attention, because they know they're fucked once it does.
>censoring some weebshit
who cares
They did censor a game I like and then Capcom said no way fag because they're a big dick publisher and can do what they want.
They already tried with DMC5 and community outrage had them change it with a new patch. If it ever happens with a game we like we just REEEE at Sony and it gets uncensored.
Don't like the censor in your game? Ree.
they think it's limitied to japanese games
soon, there will be niggers and women in all games
That's what the Senran Kagura fans said
because the only thing sony is mainly sensoring are japanese games that nobody but a very small percentage of people play.
its only the mad pedophiles that are triggered by the censorship.
Sony's main audience are a bunch of literal gay faggots. So they don't care about censoreship if anime girl titties.
It's pretty they pick and choose to just censor small time Jap shit.
Do you really think they'll censor GTA 6 or any major AAA game with sexual shit?
>Those shitty fanservice games barely even break 10k nowadays.
I bet it has to do with size and perceived respectability of the 3rd party publisher
Do what you like
>Idea Factory
woah now you need to cover up those panties and young looking girl cleavage shots.
>Sony's main audience are a bunch of literal gay faggots
*People who have sex
I don't instend to seem mean but literally WHAT game is that?
As far as I know Senran games have always been niche.
Absolutely not because Rockstar will tell them to fuck off.
Capcom is based, but the more titles Sony censors, the harder its gonna be to get them to pull it back.
Right now it's niche, but who knows what will happen.
Obviously big dick companies like Capcom, will do what they want, but it's not really looking too good for the future with how much normies don't mind censorship anymore.
I don't even play perv games, they creep me out but to each their own, but everything about this seems fishy
>Devil May Cry 5: Censored
>You barely see complaints from e-celebs
I hate you people
>Sony's main audience are a bunch of literal gay faggots.
So basically anyone who didn't wait at least 4 years after console launch to buy a console or until it's super cheap
Consoletards accept any injustice because they're sheep.
I can buy most of this, except the faggots on Yea Forums that think that shtting on Snoy, like all the cool kids on Yea Forums do nowadays, is morally or ethically justified because they believe they have an argument to make against censorship.
SK is still tame compared to VNs that get released for PC. I've always thought that THE system to play hentai shit is on PC.
>he doesn't want women in his games
Jesus, I know you're a a faggot, but some of us don't like dick dude.
you brought this on yourselves
Stop lying, literally 3 days ago we have dozens of threads made about this.
>because the only thing sony is mainly sensoring are japanese games that nobody but a very small percentage of people play.
Yeah, because DMCV is niche.
Forgetting DMC5. And that alone is what blind Snoys fail to realize.
I honestly hate how everyone talks about the censorship done by sony or nintendo but ignores all other videogame censorship
hot anime women won't be allowed, only ugly man faced western women
Read the entire OP.
Obviously Yea Forums talks about this everyday.
Where were you guys when japanese games had blood censored and banned games with guns and shit?
You act as if a company censoring an aspect of a game is new or something.
I hate to break it to you but older games straight up shit on any current game in terms of violence and sexual implication.
Over the year games have become way less violent and way less sexual yet you barely come out of the woodworks now when only a specific company takes it a step further?
Just admit you hate sony and that you're a console warrior. Quit being a passive pussy about everything.
>Where were you guys when japanese games had blood censored
Watching the Joker smash reveal.
Basically, this: It's all being actively suppressed. It's a taboo topic for journalists. If someone tries to talk about it, they get spammed by hoards of Sonyroaches trying to derail it by censorship that Nintendo did ages ago: It's all getting scummier and scummier with every year, because nobody ever calls them out.
>Right now it's niche, but who knows what will happen.
They've already confirmed that Catherine: FB is going to get butchered once it reaches the west.
>Just admit you hate sony and that you're a console warrior. Quit being a passive pussy about everything.
*goes and makes the next goldface anal vore thread behind you*
Heh, nothing personnel, kid.
What like Spike Chunsoft's California localization team being fags and censoring large portions of their games?
They are getting censored in Japan too
Because Sony censorship is on top of CERO censorship. Why are you supporting adding another layer of censorship?
You forgot Zanki Zero.
Because the average consumer doesn't give a shit. Neither do I.
If i want to jack off ill watch porn.
just buy your pedoweeb shit on steam or switch lmao
they will ban porn next
Good goy.
porn will never be banned because it's a jewish psyop.
>just buy your pedoweeb shit on steam
>he doesn't know
Whenever you bring this up, you conveniently forget this little detail.
It's obvious that they weren't planning to censor it. """Someone""" told them that they must censor everything ASAP just a month before the planned release
You don't play neptunia to jerk off. You play Neptunia because you're a pervert and enjoy perverted games. Fuck off with the porn meme.
>why doesn't anyone care about white genocide!!!
have sex, get a clue
Because it's only been weebshit thus far. Wait until CP2077 comes out and then we'll talk.
the feminists are already attacking isreal. they don't give a fuck
Sony doesn't have the balls to censor a big western publisher. Look how fast they backtracked on Capcom.
>just bought a ps3 because cheap
>finally get to play Drakengard 3
>English VA only. shit awful as any English dub anime
>$5 dlc for the original JP VA that should have been included with the game anyway.
fukken mad. this counts as censorship, right?
Because it's for Japanese games that we dont even have access to anyway.
The only people making these threads are annoying PCfags with buyers remorse. No one else cares.
They censored conan exiles on both consoles
Yo should I get a switch
>not getting censored in japan
I already knew your had no idea what you were talking about, and then I knew you were also a huge faggot
Because no one actually cares about your loli trash getting cracked down on.
if you want weeb games, yes
And here I fucking thought the brits were less prudish than Americans because of their shows and nonchalant cursing.
Because you can't do anything about it.
What am I supposed to do about it? Stop playing video games and vote with my wallet?
Fuck that, I honestly don't give a fuck about a blur in some game I won't play.
I'm not going to migrate to Nintendo when It's become the sarhara desert of IP's in the past 3 gens of consoles, and Xbox committed suicide this gen and shit it's own pants like an idiot.
Playstation, Sony, Snoy, whatever YOU want to call it has had some of the better AA and some AAA support this gen in terms of what appeals to me.
I'm not going to drop my shit and fight for you; welcome to reality.
Heres a FWEEEE pic
>UK teenage bois
How do I know that a white upper class faggot made this meme?
>What am I supposed to do about it?
pirate everything, of course. then buy figs
That depends do you like nintendo games if not just go with pc it's the superior weeb machine.
Well the UK is a muslim country.
Hope those bois have a good imagination. Or a VPN at least.
>Quit being a passive pussy about everything.
>you can't do anything about it
This is it. This is the absolute state of Snoy.
>The Sony official in the U.S.said he is aware of what outside developers have been saying, but that he hopes they would accept how the world has changed.
Why do Amerimutts expect the whole world conform to their bullshit? They are truly fucking evil.
Having a defeatist attitude keeps you in place. You can easily change them by actually getting off your ass and leaving feedback en masse to their call line. Getting a surge of complaints in some focused area usually gives good results.
Do you want to know why Yea Forums? It's because when I see an image like this my first thought isn't oh my god what an injustice SNOY MUST PAY! it's I don't care.
Only immature manchilds would play those games.
Literally the only game that Snoy has worth caring about is Bloodborne. Everything else is actual shit.
they care. but no one wants to admit it outside this anonymous image board
hopefully it'll show when PS5 sells like shit
>Sony's main audience are a bunch of literal gay faggots
maybe in the west, but in Japan, they are the main ecchi platform
They'll just watch the porn on youtube that never gets taken down
Good for you for not caring. But for those of us who do care you should stop being such a faggot and just let us complain so we can get what we want.
Nobody cares about it. Only Nintenautists care to shitpost.
They rely on social media data too much and the issue with Social media is the most active places with Twitter are in CA. There are a ton of activists that use twitter hashtags and a bunch of yikes parroting freaks join in. Sony and others see that and think the whole world is like that now.
>the games aren't getting censored in japan
That image makes no sense, the niche devs are the ones sitting in the fire saying that this is fine, they are the ones who are willing to compromise their vision to release their games on PS4, because it's the only platform where these games sell.
they have no choice, retard. most of them are sequels to franchises that sold big on playstation
Takaki from Senran Kagura just quit Marvelous because of Sony. Gun gun pixies skipped over making a ps4 version despite the jap release being on vita. The recent releases were due to already spending resources on making a ps4 version and being told at the last second to edit it. Come next releases they'll most likely skip Sony and do Switch and PC.
im not a weeb so no i don't care
i don't own a playstation either
Most people don't have the brain power to think that critically. I'm hoping that Sony fucks up and lets MS steal the show again with the next gen, once they get knocked down a few pegs they'll go back to pandering to their actual consumers.
>they are the ones who are willing to compromise their vision to release their games on PS4, because it's the only platform where these games sell.
No, it's because this shit literally sprang up overnight and a lot of projects in development got fucked over by this. And it's not like niche Japanese titles can risk cancelling an entire game for this shit, that would be years of work down the drain. The only thing they can do is finish what's in development and fuck off the platform, which is what Sony wants them to do anyway.
Gee I wonder why people aren't rushing out to defend these games.
Kek'd hard at the seethe replies lmao
Because it doesn't affect them. People in the west don't think about the society, just the individual.
>The only people making these threads are annoying PCfags with buyers remorse. No one else cares.
Buyers remorse over what? PC usually gets uncut versions of games more than any other platform. Your logic makes no sense.
This wasn't in the NA intro for the 0.05 seconds it shows up during the transformation sequence in Crystar's opening. Needless to say I will not be purchasing this game.
Kek. Not even death end request got censored. How odd.
These edits make no fucking sense. They are scared of social media outrage yet the dude is still grabbing her tits. The lady still has her tits pronounced out. And the loli still has her thighs exposed. What the fuck is the point of these edits?
Because they're the people advocating for it.
Vote with your wallet, get out of the Sony ecosystem. Go to PC, Switch or Xbox.
>I'm not going to drop my shit and fight for you; welcome to reality.
"They came for the [x], but I was not an [x]" etc. It's a shame more people don't realize this. I hate fanservice bullshit in games and I can read Japanese, so in many cases (not all since even Japanese PS4 games are getting censored too), I'm unaffected. But I still absolutely support the people who complain and write to companies doing stupid bullshit like Sony.
"vote with your wallet" has meant absolutely nothing ever since companies adopted whale-friendly monetisation schemes, even a huge audience is a mere blip in the face of a single rich schmo
I have my switch and my pc so sony can do what they want. I only need to buy those games on other platforms.
Sony's competition is bing bing toddler shit and Xbone.
Why are people surprised they're winning?
Be honest man were you actually going to buy any of the games on this list aside from maybe Senran Kagura.
Unironically have sex
So why aren't you advocating or something? My guess is that those of you that "care" are in the minority, and the majority of people just piss in the piss ocean that is Yea Forums, throw some shit around yelling SNOY, and call it a day. Why not make threads to fucking mobilize this shit and get people to hear you guys? The Snoy faggots you decried so fucking much rallied when GR2's online functionality was being removed, and while it wasn't entirely retained, it was pushed back a little at least. Besides, no one is making you buy a Playstation. You can just play that stuff elsewhere. If big games don't get that treatment, but smaller games do (which is literally what will happen knowing how fucking niche titty games are) then at some point Sony will have to address beyond "These are the new policies." They'll either put their fucking money where their mouth is, and not publish games with content they find problematic or whatever, or they'll pussy out and allow it because a bit of money is better than no money.
So not only are you wrong, you also assume that the PS4 can't fucking play the majority of games getting released nowadays.
It's not even censored anymore who gives a shit. Clearly Capcom has the stroke to tell Sony to go fuck themselves.
>le Bloodborne is the only game meme
That's how you know this board is Nintendo central. Start an anti-Sony and an anti-Nintendo shitpost and see which one gets deleted.
They do have a choice though, they chose not to diversify their platforms at all, and they still choose not to move over now that censorship is the standard, and even with it being enforced for a few years now.
That ignores games that are being released after an earlier game was censored.
They knew that Senran Kagura 7 would be censored years ago, after their last title was censored.
>Come next releases they'll most likely skip Sony and do Switch and PC.
We are looking at the next release for some of these games, Playstation is still the standard, as is censorship.
The irony is that they are still rushing out to buy them on ps4, even when that version is heavily censored.
I actually don't own a PS4. I'm just here to say I knew this was gonna happen and shitpost about PC being better.
This, I'm getting an Xbox Scarlett Anaconda and Switch Mini next gen.
Because I don't care about hentai you weird fucking teenager
Don't worry, at some point Sony will start censorship other games besides niche Japanese games and then normalfags will take notice. Censorship is nothing but a slipper slope, its only going to get worse.
What gives
Only incels are the ones who seethe about this
You can tell that the tendies on the board will give Sony shit for this for years after they inevitably stop doing it, yet they were so easy to forgive and forget with Nintendo for shit that they still do.
>Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation – Censored
lol wat, why?
Sony has already shown they don't have the balls to go after a big developer when they backed down from Capcom.
Imagine being hyped up only to:
>lose crash
>lose spyro
>paid servers after clamoring about your free servers in ps3 era
>wireless controller
>credit info stolen while news of it was intentionally withheld about a month after it happened
>bricking systems with an update
>no exclusives save for bloodborne and the "cinematic experience".
Honestly tell me what the ps has it going for? Why should I purchase this system where as I can get the same experience on the other platforms? This is coming from the guy who has 1,2 and 3 and almost fell for the vita.
shhhh don't bring up the fact that Joker's all out attack was censored.
>the games aren't getting censored in Japan
>the Switch is becoming the new Vita
True, no interesting games on either.
>Omega Labyrinth Z – Banned in U.S., Europe
I'm still mad.
I will never not be mad. I just wanted to play a cute mystery dungeon game.
Oh no they won't let you molest girls until they kiss you. This is an outrage.
>Sony hand picks what gets censored and what doesn't
Based. Thank you for looking out for my best interests big corporation!
It is but we're talking about video games here.
a used one.
Well I'm taking my business to OTHER CORPORATION. They will surely treat me better.
Rabi-Ribi on the PS4
I literally jumped ship from 360 to PS4 this gen to play niche japanese games. I got tired of everything getting watered down on 360 and American teams being very shallow. I bought almost every niche game on PS4 until late last year when the censorship started shitting through. It doesn't bother me if the dev wants to change something, but being forced and making the dev dice roll a submission that delays the games and costs thousands is fucking evil. Even if you don't play these games, losing more japanese devs leads to western sterilization after it's over. I'm glad SNK was still able to release SNK heroines regardless of Sony's fuckery. Maybe the other devs need to grow a spine.
At some point soon Nintendo will make a dumb ass move in the same vain and you best believe there will be no stopping how RELENTLESS Ill be with the shitposting because of you whiny fucks
Honestly, if you like a lot of Japanese games, you should have learned Japanese a long time ago. I did and it was worth it. The job in translation isn't, but knowing the language is.
Nani? That game was released before the New policy shit no? What changed?
You're already spamming anal vore wojaks to prevent people from seeing the truth about Snoy.
The bad thing about this is that Sony censors shit in Japan too.
That's not entirely the idea. If you can find a corporation that doesn't decide what an adult should be able to see, great. But the core of the idea is to deprive the one corporation of enough money that they stop being so stupid.
>The bad thing about this is that Sony censors shit in Japan too.
Yeah, with Sony, even know Japanese won't completely save you now that they've started attacking Japanese games, but it's great for games on other consoles and from past years, and even modern games that aren't censored, but aren't localized in English, like Omega Labyrinth Z.
I still hate nintendo for butchering fire emblem but at least that was their own first party title. sony is far worse and the censorship is far more arbitrary
Imagine defending a multi billion dollar corporation's completely stupid, archaic business decisions.
>He thinks vorjacks are new
Now I know who I'm talking to what's up r/Nintendo
>lose crash
>lose spyro
They never officially owned them
>paid servers after clamoring about your free servers in ps3 era
Yeah this is shit Sony are massive Jews, not to mention the PS+ offerings are worse and there's only two of them now
>wireless controller
What's wrong with this aside from having to charge it every now and then?
>credit info stolen while news of it was intentionally withheld about a month after it
Look at the Sony emails just to see what retards are running the company
>bricking systems with an update
>no exclusives save for bloodborne and the "cinematic experience".
Bullshit but I do hate those "muh cinematic experiences" they seem hellbent on advertising
I think Nintendo made a statement recently that they won't censor shit outside of CERO stuff, I hope they won't pussy out on that.
Because I sold my PS4 and got a switch instead.
Life is too short to care about corporations that don't cater to me any more
What about Fatal Frame, Bravely Default, Tokyo Mirage Sessions and the like?
Added extra covering. Ribbon for example now has a dumb top.
Don't worry they will once they get back on top.
Wii U and the eras before it. As much as I hate Nintendo's censorship, they haven't been as bad as Sony for at least a year or two.
Because the normalfags don't care about it. Just drop sony like the people that do.
you're right bravely default did piss me off. mirage sessions i chalked up to them "protecting" the fire emblem brand
The average gamer doesn't know about it, they don't check any websites and just watch trailers
I follow you and get you up to
>osing more japanese devs leads to western sterilization after it's over
This will just happen on Sony's platform, if it even happens at all. There are still other options. I know how big Sony is in Japan, but to think their "moral" stance on games will actually impact the production of ALL Japanese games is a bit much.
Look man, some people that way into this ecchi weebshit put their eggs into one basket and are getting fucked in the ass, and they have no one but themselves to blame. Why? Because doing that is injudicious. YOU have the choice of trying out something else, of finding reasons to live beyond anime tits, of seeking meaning and purpose. If you don't want to, well then you've made your bed and you have to deal with that. You have to deal with the fact that you are choosing to be miserable.
>would be years of wor
there are in the process of porting over to the switch now
because most people have sex and dont care.
I'll say it again. If any of you actually cared, you'd be spamming Shuhei Yoshida and Shawn Layden on twitter about it. This is all console war shit.
sony has adopted one standard for all countries. that means japan only games are also getting censored
Because console warriors exist. They are blinded by their purchase, so they believe their side can do no wrong. The PS4 install base is 80 million, which means, even if only 1/4 of that were mindless Sony shills, that's still 20 million. That's still a lot of influence.
>Why not make threads to fucking mobilize this shit
cringe as fuck my dude. Not anybodys army.
Because I bought the ps4 because people kept raving about how many JRPGs and anime tiddies it had.
The games they're censoring are seriously bottom of the barrel, low effort trash. Notice how DMC5's censoring got removed cause it's an actual good game
This is one of the many things I can't stand about modern Yea Forums. Everyone's absolutely fucking terrified to do anything as a group anymore, be it for fun or a good purpose that may benefit them in the future.
Well that's a pretty pointless change. In the PS4 digital store previews, ribbon can still be seen in her original outfit in game. I don't get it.
majority of millennial aren't having sex
I didn't know it was decensored. I'm not sure what to think.
Tired of this shitty argument. How the fuck would you know what things they are altering behind the scenes? Most of this is kept quiet.
>DMC5's censoring got removed
it didnt
>it's an actual good game
it's not
and other actually good games have been censored
they are censoring ALL "sexual content" in japanese games, not just trash like senran kagura
It's a sportsfag machine. I doubt your average divegrassfag and handeggfag buyer will give a fuck.
/pol/ does things as a group. I heard they shot up a mosque together.
Have sex
This is a videogames board not a life advice one kindly fuck off you aids infested tranny.
Honestly, yeah. I think people made it a meme so that no one actually would want to.
>do I fit in yet guys
Incel trash
Cum smelling landwhale.
Stop it or I'll give you both wet nightmares.
no wonder virgins are angry
>it's another Yea Forums pretends to care about censorship thread
>porn still isn't allowed on this board
good job fighting censorship lads
>Sides destroyed. Repeat, sides destroyed.
Fuck off I just want good content not some lecture on life.
Because all the handwringing about censorship was fake, and the alleged outrage was console war shit. The same people claiming it was "the principle of it" now conveniently toss their so-called principles in the garbage.
Normal people don't care about visual novels, only a couple of hard weebs. Have sex OP.
>Xniggies talking up their censorship FUD because that's all they have
Don't you have some no-name Youtuber to jerk off over because of his "insiders"?
It's practically a spiritual successor to the Vita at this point so yeah.
WHy bother censoring the niche? JUST LET THEM PLAY WHAT THEY LIKE FOR FCUKS SAKE. I think Mortal Kombat fans are bunch of crazy sadist lunatic who glorify extreme cruelty and violence, but I don't want to ban them because why would I?
because it only affects weebs
>You barely see complaints from e-celebs and normalfags
Because it only affects a certain audience and nobody with a sane mind would want to associate and tarnish their own image with that.
ITT: censoring and banning games I don't like is perfectly fine, don't you agree?