Well, Yea Forums? You aren't part of the vocal minority that HATES the redesigns, right?
Well, Yea Forums? You aren't part of the vocal minority that HATES the redesigns, right?
hace sev
>being a pussy pedestaler beta male
When where MK girls ever sexy tho?
They've always been kinda ugly and off-putting.
Lol, roasted.
Let's post more roasts of MK haters.
Billy is on suicide watch.
How will he try to spin it when it breaks 10mil?
Get woke Go bro...
Not even enough of these snowflakes to fill Billy's incel petition
Do normalfags actually do this?
Only in 2019 do men applaud when the female body is covered up in a videogame. Bunch of fags and white knight betas lmao
Mortal Kombat has always been shit.
I think it's funny how they are trying to make the poster child for the edgy fuck you dad video game into something "mature".
ITT: zoomers who think masturbation and ogling hot characters ceases full stop once you get a girlfriend/get married/have sex on the regular
Wow, can't even get a solid dislike mob.
Saying "lmao" does not hide the hurt.
If you just had sex you wouldn't care about this.
I don't hate them but I wish there was the option for klassic outfits. What's wrong with that?
I'm convinced Billy is gay and he hates it.
Look how he obsesses over male nipples and chests, he's definitely gay and can't admit it.
Facebook normalfags are even worse than the typical normalfag
Shut up you sexist! Gamers like you are dead and are not the audience for MK11
>I think it's funny how they are trying to make the poster child for the edgy fuck you dad video game into something "mature".
Honestly. Part of this series' charm is the feeling that it never grew out of the 90s, because it sure as hell isn't a mechanically great fighting game series. Remember when the devs said that topless Mileena render was a favorite wallpaper around the office? Remember Jade's stripper pole moves? Or forget that, remember when this series lead to the creation of the ESRB and the devs thrived off the controversy instead of deciding to play it safe? They even added finishers mocking political correctness. The fuck happened
Is that all I have to do senpai? I have 300$ in my pocket with a hooker nearby that’s willing to do it. Will all my games become uncensored once I do it?
>Will all my games become uncensored once I do it?
No, but you might finally stop obsessing ovee which set of 1's and 0's are showing enough digital skin.
> It's an "we're appealing to a wider audience by fucking our core fanbase out of the things they like about the franchise" episode.
The internet has made these reruns beyond irrelevant.
MK has been due for retiring for about a decade now anyway. It's stale.
Because you creeps aren't expressing it that way. You come off like chronic masturbating spergs the way you respond. You are the first person to voice it reasonably. Just lurk a bit and watch the bikini posters. Read their comments out loud in public and watch the reaction.
>all the core fans care about in MK are how the girls look
Adding "minority" to the filter so I won't have to see garbage threads like this as well
>liking boobs means you're a virgin
Never understood this, I'm not the only one who's ravenous lust for tits and booty only increased after having sex for the first time, right?
No, I’m part of the non-retarded minority that understands that Mortal Kombat has always been tasteless, hideous monstrosity with some of the worst art in this entire genre.
Also part of a majority that doesn’t give the slightest of shits about NRS’s clunky, shallow, embarrassingly animated shitshow of a fighting game.
You know what the fucked up thing about this is. You just have to accept it. Crying about it won't do nothing. And Buying the game just reinforces that these designs are okay. Normies will call you a loser, incel/virgin/whatever .... You will literally lose every battle if you speak up. Devs won't do shit and everyone makes it seem like you are the weirdo for just wanting old designs. You are the freak in this circle getting laughed at. All this does is makes you more cynical about games making the hobby less enjoyable and eventually you stop giving a fucking and just play old games like I do. Just another thing is this world ruined and you have to get used to it.
>remember when this series lead to the creation of the ESRB
Yeah I do. They pissed off conservatives. Guess who's pissed at MK in 2019? Somethings NEVER change. NRS has always pissed of right wing snowflakes.
This isn't a falseflag. This is the true form of an average Yea Forums poster
You sound like a rapist.
>He literally had a list of triggers
So easy to aggravate. Like glass you are.
>asking an echo chamber if they agree on something
> All the core fanbase doesn't care about how things look and would be perfectly happy with stick figures and black ink for blood.
> And other shit no one actually said but I'm just going to post in greentext because I'm some sperglord who thinks he possesses some deep insight into the human mind and can read between the lines of what people are saying thus don't have to address things at face value.
it's obv bait you giga virgins
>Just another thing is this world ruined and you have to get used to it.
Grow the fuck up
So liberals are now pro-censorship and anti-sex appeal, and conservatives are the inverse? How is that a good thing?
You sound like a faggot.
kys retardera
Imagine thinking this is an okay thing to say
>moving goalposts
no faggot, sorry.
I hate the characters but I don't give a shit about sex appeal. I just think the character models look terrible. I know NRS can't do faces, but MKX looked way better than this.
Why wouldn't it be?
School shooter tier post. Remember to text "the good ones" a warning when you finally decide to light the place up.
Only the ones with the masks were sexy
They've always been designed like a 12 year old's wet dream. When I was 12 it was awesome, but then we didn't have pornhub back then.
Now I'd much rather see women designed to be actually badass instead of fedora fuel.
I did and I don't give a fuck about western games anymore. The cancer has taken over.
why do incels hate the idea of sexy mortal combat characters so much?
retardera tier post. Remember to livestream your suicide, tranny
Holy fucking autism batman who the fuck would actually sign that shit? Nevermind the fact that the old outfits looked balls-to-the-wall retarded.
>Now I'd much rather see women designed to be actually badass instead of fedora fuel.
>i'd much rather them look like men because I like men
Gentlemen, I propose that this man should engage in the act coitus.
Incorrect. The incels need the 90's baywatch retard outfits. Actual fucking humans have taste.
and the new ones look like power ranger rejects with high heels
it's good because it makes my political opponents mad
Delusional retard. Once you lose you lose the culture war I'll laugh when you finally put the noose around your neck and snap your spine.
>not dressed like a retard = male
Just hire a hooker. No need to become a wizard.
how do you respond to this without sounding more like an incel?
have sex
>liking mortal combat in 2019
back to incelera
>Once you lose you lose the culture war I'll
Whoa, have a stroke there, pally?
>People actually getting upset about this when the MK girls have always been ugly.
No amount of skin or tiddies can save a girl if she's still a butterface.
Imagine being so low IQ that you think sexualization is for masturbation.
All of MK is over-the-top, that's the point.
It's not supposed to pull punches.
It was more badass than Street Fighter and had such an impact even SF tried doing digitized characters.
Now this over the top franchise has its designs toned down so all the women look like boring regular women and it flies in the face of the "don't give a fuck" attitude that put the series on the map.
I don't think every female character needs to be sexualized but by specifically trying this hard to cover them up and scale them down seems like a willing compromise on MKs world and it's really grating.
they look like men most of them have the body of a 13 year old male on HRT
You can't, you are an incel.
just point out hes an incel. look at the beard on him. you can tell he dosent fuck
Damn near anything is better than the 12 year old's wet dream down syndrome designs from my childhood.
Just say you're gay but you respect the female form.
tell him to have sex.
literally nothing he can say or do to recover from that.
t.sean (incel) ryder
seeth for me more cucky
>This butthurt people are filtering his shitposts
>"n-no... you're thin skinned!!"
top kek
kill yourself tranny
Does it really matter? Anyone who played the female characters in MK were faggots anyway. Whether or not their tits are about to bust out of their outfits I don't want whores on my screen screaming and acting tough in an absurd gory fighting game about cyber-ninjas and dudes with swords coming out of their arms.
You got rekt Sargon. Fuck off.
Let’s just establish that everyone’s an enormous faggot. And video games are a dead media. MK11 will have dead lobbies within 2 months and we’ll move onto the next “controversy”. Rinse and repeat. Fuck video games.
Japanese games are mostly okay, but Sony is trying their best to put an end to that too. If the other platforms follow their lead then I guess it's time to find a new hobby until these types follow me to that one too. You can't even ask to be left alone with your hobby anymore, there's always an expiration date. I'm trying to think of something that can't possibly be politicized for woke points in the future. Birdwatching, maybe? I wouldn't even be surprised if they found a way at this point.
I never understood why people were attracted to cartoons or why it mattered for video games. This is one of those things I can't relate to
now they just look like a edgy 12 year old made for their deviant art page they don't look nature just another type of childish
>liking mortal combat
>any year
MK has never had good character designs so I didn't even notice that they made the girls less sexy.
He is forced to explain his position or shut the fuck up which puts him on the back foot and you on the advance.
Facebook is legitmately full of the worst people in the workd
>titty NOOO NOOO NOOOOO!!!! NOT A TITTY!!! In a game???? What year is it?!? Please take it away!!
stfu incel
Have sex
eternal reminder that money is everything. if it flops, they'll have to backpedal and add them back in or else they just risk losing the core fanbase, and future games no longer become a safe investment for the board. don't like it, don't buy it. don't worry, they'll change their tune by the time MK12 comes around.
Jesus not even a million views yet.
These guys arent broke they're in debt!
Incels are the only ones playing Edgy Neckbeard Violence Simulators past age 14 tho
Too late for backpedaling. Just look at DOA.
>"I wouldn't even rape you."
Yeah, he was being a dick on the internet. Get over it, faggot.
> Sargon career continuing to expand
> Brand continuing to grow
> Meanwhile Kr*sti W*nters can't even get noel to respond to her, she's so fucking irrelevant.
Sargon isn't going anywhere commie. The more you try to shut him up the louder he's gonna yell.
It's the left leaning version of stigginit. Doesn't matter that artistic expression is getting diluted and drowned out by corporate marketing groups: it's upsetting a hypothetical group that I've attached all my anger and ill will towards!
When I was a preteen I liked sexy characters because I could masturbate to them
When I was in college I hated them, because I had porn and felt mature in dismissing low-brow sex appeal. I was also self-conscious about normal people saw my hobby, I wanted games to be seen as ART and Soul Calibur made it harder
Now that I'm 32 I no longer care what people think about my hobby, its art whether or not my relatives think so, and if the women are fappable then it's a bonus.
How are election tourist fags going to cope with the game selling well?
*tips fedora*
I stopped reading there
nobody thinks the game wont sell well you reddit retard. mortal kombat always does numbers regardless of its quality. be newer
What is with this myth that MK dies within a month? I've been playing X for 4 years. Never had lobby issues.
I will continue to say what I've been saying
It's cringe.
>nobody thinks the game wont sell well
You niggers are already shifting the narrative, fucking hilarious
that deep dark obsession
> Tourist
Like 3 Fucking years hence and you're STILL butthurt.
Lol. Just lol.
What narrative? We each have our own point of view here, maybe you're not used to that
>Nevermind the fact that the old outfits looked balls-to-the-wall retarded.
You are aware that this is the series that got popularized for having tons of blood and gore for the time on console involving interdimensional battle between ancient gods, ninjas, movie stars, and the US military right who all fight by punching the crap out of each other? This isn't even getting into the actual plot of the setting, which is 10x more balls to the wall retarded with constant retcons, time travel bs, resurrecting dead characters, etc. just the premise. Why do people think MK needs to be sensible and "realistic"?
Yeah you're really proving me wrong newfag. How many MAGA images are you going to spam in this Mortal Kombat thread, you idpol fag?
he's killing UKIP and he's a center left faggot with a giant ego. He's become a lolcow
Of course you stopped reading there dumbshit, it was the end of the post
Yeah, I find it funny how every "fan" of MK is so quick to shit on the old designs to fall in line and lick corporate boots
gets told
>s-sh shifting the narrative!
>aways online
>DLC out the ass
>preoder only characters
why the hell would you want this to sell well?
You don't need a high player base to find lobbies with fighting games, but compared to other games it usually doesn't retain a very high player count.
As as I saw MK9 was a success I knew I'd be able to look forward to watching NRS fuck up the series a second time.
haha you mad?
Which undercuts your point originally, which was that "nobody thinks the game won't sell well."
You don't speak for all the retards here, retard.
>gets told
You're a fucking retard, that's what you're telling me. You're pretending everyone here knew the game was going to be a smash hit? You're a liar or a moron, which is it?
>Casuals I tell ya
this nigga out here acting MK isn't the fucking Mario Party of the FGC get this shit on outta my face bruh
b-but my fellow trannies told me this product selling well would destroy drump!
>realized that he grew up in a golden age of video games, but it's over now and he accepts it
Sounds grown up to me. Remember to tip your fortnite streamer, kid.
>giving a shit about normies
The name of the site campaigning against Mortal Kombat is One ANGRY Gamer. You fags are the ones upset.
I'm not even buying MK11 at launch lol
> idpol
Lol keep telling yourself that ya fucking fruitbasket.
No collusion, no obstruction, 2 scoops, 2 genders, 2 terms.
It's culture war fags rising up against the evil gamers by siding with corporations
mortal combat always sells well you retard. the only one who dosent know that is you. just quit before you expose yourself as an even bigger newfag
post on facebook? yeah, they're retarded
>mortal combat always sells well you retard.
You guys are such fucking posers. You guys are the fakest fucking niggers; you're not MK fans.
>your original point
Not me. I just said we had unique point of views, so your post makes no sense
>make fun of some dumb shit in a videogaem
"u-ur mad!"
oh sweetie
That's not what you were saying before the trailer shut you up.
Nah its really obvious u mad
I don't care, I haven't played MK since the 90s and wouldn't have bought the game either way.
I'll stay sane by thinking that most of them only got into the series with the past few games. People taking MK this seriously and the fact that people making MK are now trying to lecture the rest of the industry on what standards are is hilarious. But this is coming from someone who started with 2 on the Genesis.
I don't care about websites like that or use them. With your logic I can compare you to the weird trannies on your side, cut your dick off
what the fuck makes you think i care about that shit awful fighting game. im just telling you it always sells and anyone fresh of the boat knows that. the fact you don't really tells me you should probably head on back to r/gaming
>what the fuck makes you think i care about that shit awful fighting game.
You're in a Mortal Kombat thread you dumb nigger, get a fucking life.
I'm not a member of the Mortal Kombat fanbase, but I can understand the frustration someone may have after seeing one of the key parts of the female character design changed after it being a certain way for so long. Not to mention that those changes were inspired by the modern feminist movement, and so those who do not subscribe to that way of thought see these changes as pandering. It'd be like if the devs toned down the extreme gore because some Puritan conservatives made a big fuss about it. That'd be considered pandering as well.
Also that tweet or whatever by that Dev saying that you wouldn't go to fight in a bikini, while quite a few of the male fighters look like they work at a gay strip club. Makes you think.
>shit posting about some game devs bad choices means im heavily invested in it
you really are a newfag. where the fuck do you think you are? seriously you'll feel a lot more at home with the windowlickers on r/gaming
I really don't care. They weren't great at 3D modeling boobs to begin with.
This guy is the face of the average underage shitposter
remember, the human body is GROSS and SINFUL and should be covered at all times
But ripping peoples spines out is natural and should be broadcast to millions of people on twitch and youtube.
Just as Allah wills
Sluts are just as bad as purists.
Its funny how there was no shitstorm over X nerfing the boobs. But thats just a sign of the anti-SJWs coming into prevalence now, I suppose
this game has reach EA levels of anti-consumer and people are still defending it
It's not even the female redesigns I hate. Sub-Zero looks like complete shit
If your sex drive crashed like that, it's not healthy. Do you consume soi products on the regular? Women don't wear bikinis at the beach to appeal to 12 year olds.
>Lose virginity
>Disregard thots for ultimate knowledge
Holy shit imaging getting owned by people who do have sex.
>Now I'd much rather see women designed to be actually badass
>women designed to be actually badass
> instead of fedora fuel
user i...
back off
Actually that would be 5mash
>gain ultimate knowledge
>spend all of your time on Yea Forums complaining about thots and SJWs
>balls to the wall
Wasn't MK always edgy of purpose? I thought that was its selling point.
A collective of wizards crashed a plane with no survivors in the name of magic. What have you done with your life?
>vocal minority
>has more likes than the opposing posts+likes
I had sex with women and didn't cry about Mortal Kombat outfits
It really isn't about sex appeal, every character looks like a fucking abomination except MAYBE Cassie
Good for you sport. Did you tell your dad or your mom first?
I told your mom, after I finished inside of her.
I just had sex after I read this comment, still think censorship is dumb. What do
Well if this isnt the greatest case of cutting off ones nose to spite their face I don't know what is.
>vocal minority
how much does mk even sell? that vocal minority on social media is probably the entire fanbase
When did you go blind?
I mean look at Sheeva
Finished what?
>conservatives in the 90s assblasted about gore
>conservatives in the 10's assblasted about not enough tits
Its fucking hilarious seeing people call Ed Boon a SJW.
If you honestly think that looks good you're fucking insane.
>conservatives in the 10's assblasted about not enough tits
do you read what you write?
You're going to be very unhappy come launch, incel
>shilling your fucking Twitter on Yea Forums
why do people do this?
>Actual fucking humans have taste.
What the fuck are you talking about? Out of all the character outfits shown so far only Sonya Blade's look good. The rest are insanely overdesigned, nonsensical garbage.
Dishonesty and delusion are character traits of the left. They don't see them as weaknesses or negatives.
>americans reply
>all of them corporatist
>not a single one is white
I'm sorry, am I expected to believe the people whining about muslim kombat are liberals? Are you retarded?
>MK has never had good character designs so I didn't even notice that they made the girls less sexy.
The character designs in general were the best in Mortal Kombat and then declined steadily with each release in the series from then on.
>So liberals are now pro-censorship and anti-sex appeal
Al Gore's wife is why we have Parental Advisory for music...
Mortal Cuckbat shills can't refute these arguments and will STILL defend this game and eat whatever Ed Boon shits on them
Isnt the sex appeal in mortal kombat just a side dish for the brutal violence that people actually play Mortal Kombat for? Or is that just me
>I'm sorry, am I expected to believe the people whining about muslim kombat are liberals? Are you retarded?
they sure aren't conservatives if they are what does that make liberals?
> what is a false binary?
yeah it's because you already pre ordered it, shill
Christ that makes me sound like a psychopath
Sorry but you fags are going to have to deal with this - the people whining about muslim kombat are conservatives, not liberals. And you guys lost, since the game is going to sell well. Deal with it.
are you stupid?
Wait, THAT's Sub-Zero? I thought only the female character designs were bad...
>take franchise that already sells well
>inject your politics into it after the fact
>brag as if you did anything to help
>the people whining about muslim kombat are conservatives
Sad that it's come to this. The far left is regressing progress.
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Find me a single liberal talking about how Muslim Kombat is SJW propaganda.
Do you think Jack Thompson was a liberal?
I'm more in the mortal kombat has always been shit and still is camp.
You need to wake up.
Truth is not relative.
Of course not, they're an improvement across the board with the exception of Kitana, who's a bit short of her MKX costume but still looks good. Skarlet is the biggest improvement since the arabian desert ninja look actually gives her some flavor.
>Facebook Game Groups
No, he stopped before the period at the end.
>conservatives want boobies in their games, liberals want censorship
Whoa, it really is Clown World. Btw you realize it's going to sell well because it's Mortal Kombat, not because it's been sanitized, right?
So the right have become liberal and the left have become the conservatives that scream every time breast are shown but are fine with brutal violence what a odd time to live in
That does not look good. It is over designed. Look at the shirt you are wearing right now. Is it made up of 40 different strips of fabric stitched together? No. There is way too much detail in the clothing. Instead of making it look like fabric they just add all kinds of little pieces of material shapes sewed on. The best character designs are from the first game where they were restrained by having to use models in costumes on green screens to make the sprites.
I voted for Obama.
You can call me conservative all you like but you mislabelling grapes as oranges won't give them a rind.
Propaganda? No. Appealing to SJW ideals? Absolutely. You're probably too young to remember when liberals protested for sexual liberation in the media in the first place.
why the fuck are gays allowed to look at topless MK men?
why can't I also have my previous MK costumes for females?
You don't even know what that means any more, do you?
You're probably too young to remember when conservatives had autism attacks about games like Mortal Kombat back in the 90s.
He looks like a blue power ranger or some weeaboo trying to make a cool anime character
Nope. You should have used right-wing instead of conservative.
>So liberals are now pro-censorship and anti-sex appeal, and conservatives are the inverse?
>Al Gore's wife is why we have Parental Advisory for music...
>In the United States Senate, Democratic Senators Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin led hearings on video game violence and the corruption of society which began in 1992
Both Dems and under Bill Clinton the ESRB is established.
>ITT: zoomers thinking having a girlfriend/losing your virginity will lessen/reduce your sexual desires
Mortal Combat has always been a shit series, only reason why it's selling well is because of the gore and ninja fighters and shit
I've literally never gotten the point of wanting everything to be so oversexed in games, and getting asshurt when it's not. Porn is free on the internet if I want to jack off, and almost all the girls in games that people find waifu-tier are never the ones wearing stupidly skimpy outfits.
Censorship is one thing, as its changing the original vision of the game, but wanting everything to be a stupid titty game is retarded. I still don't understand the appeal of shit like senran kagura because porn is FREE ON THE INTERNET
Nah, because its literally people whining about muslim kombat. You niggers are conservative, sorry you don't care for the label.
Conservatives also hate women in skimpy clothing you tard. It's like claiming all leftists are social justice warriors.
Senran Kagura has the same appeal as something like Baywatch.
Pro tip: those are thirsty beta orbiters and irl cucks
this but unironically
>I've literally never gotten the point of wanting everything to be so oversexed in games
look at what game you talking about whats the point of all the over the top violence which in itself is pornography if you are going to make scene about ripping a girls heart out why bother covering her chest so much it just makes you look like a hypocrite
>Conservatives also hate women in skimpy clothing you tard
That's because conservatives hate women in general, you tard
What the fuck are you even trying to say here? What does that have to do with what he said?
Personally my issue is less the desexualization and more whom said desexualiation is meant to appeal too.
The females in MK don't need to be sexy as far as I'm concerned. I don't care one way or the other but the idea that Customers get shit on while some whiny blue haired activist who doesn't play video games gets their complaints registered and adressed pisses me off. So I shitstir because I'm a malcontent.
>lol all u horney kids!!!
>Just go watch porn!
Thanks, dumbass. Next, tell us it's easy to stop smoking when you're hooked on meth and heroin.
YOU are the horney asshole that has to whip his dick out whenever he thinks of a girl. Some of us can enjoy a beautiful figure without slamming the door shut, locking it, and cranking the dick.
Keep yourself in line, chap.
Have sex
How are customers getting shit on? None of you niggers whining about the burkhas were planning on buying the game anyways, right?
>its art
have sex
>conthervatiffs hate wumins
Dumb or brainwashed? If I were to guess, between a liberal and a conservative, which would spend 40+ years of his life married to the same woman, I would pick the conservative 10 out of 10 times.
Actually, I wanted to, but I'm sick of seeing developers bending the knee to feminists and political correctness, so I think I'll sit this one out.
That's a fair bet, since that would increase the likelyhood of the husband beating his wife into subservience.
>libruhl gud
>conthervativ bad
>Haha lmao have sex
I got fucked in the ass by a Belgian twink that I'm marrying and it didn't solve anything.
Not after the purchasable fatalities fiasco, no, I wasn't.
Which is precisely my point.
Why the fuck some twitter bitch get the capitalist version of an apology fuck while me, a burned costumer still asspained about shitty business practices, gets shit on?
So I'll cause trouble for them, assuming I'm able, because at least then I get to have some fucking fun.
>muslim kombat shills are already going WE KNEW THE GAME WAS GOING TO BE A SUCCESS ALL ALONG after this completely limpdick shitposting campaign
So what game are you fags going to whine about next? Bloodlines 2?
Cool projection, bro. Not everyone beats their wives, but I guess you wouldn't know that, growing up surrounded by liberals. Can you pull up those domestic abuse rates?
They all look the fucking same
I don't know the details about Mortal Kombat and all the changes, I've only really seen stuff about it because of my browsing Yea Forums, so my opinions on the subject are quite limited. Though I do feel that an anti-sjw mentality has been more or less growing in the gaming community, but that's mostly due to their "invasion" of gaming culture. They're quite pushy with their worldview, and with the social backing of the MSM, game studios shifted game design choices so as to make more money. Naturally those who disagree with SJWs, typically right-wingers, see that as pandering. While those who agree with the SJWs, left-wingers, game devs, and the MSM see that as social progress.
>Why the fuck some twitter bitch get the capitalist version of an apology fuck while me, a burned costumer still asspained about shitty business practices, gets shit on?
Are you just making up imagined scenarios in your head or do you have actual tangible examples of these two situations occurring?
>So I'll cause trouble for them, assuming I'm able, because at least then I get to have some fucking fun.
That sounds incredibly pathetic. Imagine spending your time shitposting MK threads because you're mad about SJWs.
>express sexual desires
>"pathetic loser"
>express sexual desires while being LGBT
X was the middle ground. They weren't too naked, but they also didn't make it too obvious that they were trying hard to appeal to SJW norms. Mileena's the one who got the worst of it though.
straight white gamers are the most oppressed people...
> Wah wah dat padedic
Shut up faggot you spend your time playing fucking video games and posting on Yea Forums you're not in a fucking position to be criticisizing other people's hobbies you dumb fucking sperg.
we don't even know if this game will sell as well as MKX but see why would you want it to?
Oppression Olympics is a liberal sport, tranny asshole.
>it's literally three men virtue signalling due to one retard retarded enough to post his opinions on facebook
Actually I am, I don't spend my time shitposting MK threads because of SJWs. You're a fucking loser. Better start the coping mechanisms for when MK11 sells like hotcakes, I'll be too busy playing video games.
faggot not until MK 11 MK female fighters were always portrayed to have fit perfect fit bodies and them wearing revealing outfits was one of the selling points of the game. I want consistency. Why fix something that isn't broken? Why remove something that didn't affect gameplay? No one was complaining about sexy outfit except the transniggers and the SJWs. during pre MK 11 days,
if you go to any MK video/group/page/ whatever discussion or forum there was little to no complaints about women being too sexy and that it affects their gameplay
Because the people whining about muslim kombat are absolutely insufferable and its funny to see you fags upset about losing.
Also because I like Mortal Kombat and this looks way better than X.
> Uh ackshuhlee I am
Lmao get a fucking job fag.
>I don't spend my time shitposting MK threads because of SJWs.
you're the op of this thread you made this thread just to get attention you're far worse than any other shitposter
>you fags upset about losing
Nah, everyone loses.
Yea Forums is 18+ kiddo
>i jack off 21 times a day (for prostate health)!
>i can't get aroused by real women any more i need them to have pee-pees!
>now i need to dress up like the bimbo slut characters i whined about and get fucked in the ass by Tyrone
the sjw cycle
oh lawd he projecting now
>1925: "No Colored Allowed"
>2019: "No Straight White Males Allowed"
The left become the new modern day bigots.
swing and a miss, faggotron
They didn't remove shit you dumb fucks:
>Kitana has a great tight ass, and sexy thighs, pretty asian face
>Jade looks southeast asian and pretty, shows thighs, has bigass tits
>Skarlet looks like a hot russian woman now and that bodysuit is sexy as hell, has dsls now
>Frost has sexy serial killer eyes and nice steel colored hair and a thicc body
>Cassie looks like a hot white girl you'd find at the mall, she's ok
>Kronika is the hottest woman in the game, sexy face, piercing blue eyes, and a fucking bangin body, especially those killer legs
Those women are fucking hot dude.
This is how I actually feel
As a gay Mexican-American, I unironically agree.
>them wearing revealing outfits was one of the selling points of the game.
No the fuck it wasn't. It wasn't that way in MK 1-4, why are you lying you fucking faggot?
>I don't spend my time shitposting MK threads
You've spent several hours of a weekday night shilling for a massive corporation to troll the conservilards epic style.
you have the same posting style stop it samefag
Its the mark of an election tourist newfag that you think only shills talk about video games on Yea Forums. Stick to twitter screencap threads, that seems more your style.
>cancer patient time traveller
everyone has their own weird fetish user and i respect that but you can't be serious
Oh no, not a minority?! What am i to do if i'm a minority, what terrible fate, to be against the taste of most people, truly worse than death, how can i go on by having a minority opinion? I guess its time for sudoku, i have brought shame to my family by not just agreeing with what other think and having my own opinion on the matter.
call me when mk12 happens, maybe that will be a good one
I said one of the selling points
of course the gore, ninjas having powers, and gameplay was THE major selling point
>Kitana has a great tight ass, and sexy thighs, pretty asian face
you mean no ass
>Skarlet looks like a hot russian woman now and that bodysuit is sexy as hell, has dsls now
she looks like a pepe raped her mother
>Frost has sexy serial killer eyes and nice steel colored hair and a thicc body
>thicc body
how can you tell she has on too many to see anything
She looks like bleached, bald Peebee, m8.
Strike two, dumb fuck.
I'm sure he's either blind or from another universe. His descriptions don't match up with our reality.
user I am sorry
>these women are unattractive, look at this screencap from a cutscene!
This is RE2/DMC5 all over again
Actually imagine being this pathetic guy lmao
I think the new mortal kombat game is regressive. Forcing female characters to cover up to decrease sex appeal supports rape culture. Women should be allowed to wear whatever that want in real life and in game just like their male counterparts.
peak MK kino
too bad it all went downhill
it's funny because every one of them calling him a loser is a stereotypical incel
I am not 12 anymore to give a fuck about this edgy game...
I have bought every game in the series besides the shitty sub zero spinoff and it's never been because of the fucking sex appeal you ape
Did he shove those icicles straight up his ass?
you can go watch a video they don't look any better no tits no ass and most of them don't even have any muscle mass they look like they have been starved for years
>can't read
Skarlet has some good looking customs so I really couldn't care less.
Are you? 58 comments that are a mix of agree, disagree and fence sitting opinions. If the first comments in the chain that bash the OP cant even get 5 likes, then that's saying something.
On ine hand it's nice that they're more distinct from one another now but they also feel like entirely new designs rather then old characters redesigned.
As shit as SFV was the new designs for the old cast were pretty good. You have some duds like Ken (who only really looks awful because of the hair) but some of the redesigns like Karin, Dhalsim, Balrog, and Sagat are great as they add to their characters and the old designs. It's one aspect I think Capcom actually handled well with the game.
just stop buying western games
western companies are already going bankrupt because of their politics
it wont be long until they're all gone or changed
Too bad the game will still sell millions
My main problem with the female designs is their outfits look bland as fuck.
Wow I'm sorry that I still get excited by seeing women in sexy outfits and my brain hasnt been destroyed by hardcore porn. I'm sorry you can't get an erection anymore but I can. Im sorry I don't want to watch hardcore anal sex gang bang videos every time I'm feeling frisky. Sometimes I just want to see tiddies bounce in a video game, is that too much to ask?
DMC5 women are legit fucking terrible. Unlike RE2
Better pic.
This is the fucking jackpot right here.
Lady loos gorgeous so nope
You perma virgins ACTUALLY need to go out, fap, get laid or whatever
I know it's v, but you're beyond pathetic at this point
Maybe it's just me but I feel like they seem influenced by stuff like overwatch and apex designs. More light sci fi armor like with a bunch of glowey bits and bright colors.
the redesigns aren't bad, it's the fucking games artstyle that is ugly with some poor execution on some characters. i don't know why they went with this clay looking aesthetic.
Let me get this straight
>Liking hyper violent fatalities
>Normal person
>Liking sexy looking women
>Mysoginist loser
The ultra-violence kinda grosses me out, but I like tiddies, and that makes ME the maladjusted freak? At least I'm not asking for the things YOU like to be censored, just because I don't like them.
>No tits,built like brick,cant take a hint
Imagine being so pathetic that you think that sexual attraction toward women should be confined to dirty masturbation to free internet porn.
If you're whining about muslim kombat, yeah you're probably a maladjusted freak.
What did NRS mean by this?
Well, I got laid yesterday, let me check if I still like titties and ass...
Yup, get rekt perma virgin.
except that DMC 5/RE 2 Remake has actual fan service compared to this shithole
>adding Jacqui "Kofi Kingston" Briggs, a character most of the fans didn't like
>Ermac, Smoke, Rain, Reptile, Mileena are nowhere to be found and they are some of the fans' most requested fighters, in the end gets denied because Ed needs to further shill his zoomer Kombat Kids
>adding literal who characters (Cetrion, Sand Nigger Jax, and Kollector, the official Jew Mascot of MK )
This pic makes no sense lol
Half of them are just savages (Baraka, Kahn, Hammer dude) or jokes (Johnny, Mercenary)
Stay mad perma virgin
Typical example of group mentality. These people don't even want to listen to arguments, they just repeat the narrative they heard and enforce each other's opinions.
Literal NPCs
>you mean no ass
How the fuck is that no ass? You been watching too many nicki minaj videos.
they can't model, animate or design worth shit
it has always been like that though
I hope they add an actual burqa just to spite you.
Yeah, especially when you complain about it on Yea Forums while enraged
Lmao get a grip
Maybe they just like eye candy? Really don't know why you care so much what people think, if you like it why are you so mad?
It seems like they've got better over time, though some like Sakura are still wonky looking.
MK Trilogy was the last good MK. I don't care if those niggers are eager to play with trannies.
But you're the delusional virgin, throwing a tantrum on 4chin of all places pfff
>shitting on kollector
Get out, cuckold faggot.
Why did this make me laugh so hard?
She looks nothing like Peebee. Look at those eyes, they're gorgeous, the golden eyeshadow that compliments them well. The alabaster skin, soft smooth head. Also you didn't post her body or legs. Her body is fucking bangin, and her legs are amazing. She's hands down the sexiest design NRS ever did.
Probably because they've been shitting up every MK thread since the Skarlet reveal. MK threads used to be pretty good, newfag.
Also the people mad are the ones whining about SJWs. I thin MK11 looks fun, why would I bet mad?
now show her standing straight
>Sometimes I just want to see tiddies bounce in a video game, is that too much to ask
You can see that on pornhub too though.
the real problem with the redesigns isn't that they show less skin, it's that they're bland and boring designs
they could have done all kinds of interesting things to cover them up, but they just did boring ass lycra costumes straight out of capeshit
I've probably had more sex in the past month than you had in your entire life though. Not even that much, but still.
I still think it's a retarded and hypocritical narrative. Men can be half naked, but "women don't dress in bikinis and show a lot of skin when fighting to the death". Nigger please, anyone falling for that weak ass argument is stupid. They're pandering.
I hope they do add a burqa. It'd be a nice self-own
Imagine being this delusional
Didn't you start this? Being butt mad people don't like your game? So you huffed and you puffed and went to Yea Forums to call people virgins? I just think you're projecting, and that your line of thinking is dumb.
What's wrong with hyper violence? You some kind of sissy? Only thing I will concede on is I like both hyper ultra violence and sexy women. Where I disagree is the idea women need to be near naked with nicki minaj bodies to be sexy.
You can also watch WWE instead of playing any fighter. Or anime. You could also just not play video games.
It's a retarded argument user. Stop it.
yas kween Islam (religion of peace, by the way) rules!
Bad animation is funny.
>not understanding that Doomsday is a godlike being and thus would jump that way since he doesn't care enough to see you as a threat.
I think it's clear now, instead of giving us tits and ass they're giving us pecs and abs to make us all gay.
>half of them are just designed to show skin
We live in a society where accessing hardcore porn is easier than making a sandwich and these people talk about censoring outfits in MATURE vidya and people are genuinely taking them seriously... This is the kind of shit that creates homicidal maniacs.
WWE doesn't have hyper violence though, it does have titties, least it used to anyway
>why don't we fuse Quan Chi and Ermac into one character? yeah that seems like a good idea
How does he jump without bending his knees?
keep posting
this shit is hilarious
Most people seem to like MK11. Do you have any evidence that most people dislike it?
totally cool, my right-on white friends! black people rock!
>wanting the women in a fighting game to be eye candy means you're a perma virgin
what causes this leap in logic? its a fucking fighting game, the character designs are everything.
I'm just gonna start referring to NetherRealm apologists as kuckolds.
I know this is a crazy concept for you but I don't like porn and don't want to go to pornhub hub every time I want to look at clevage.
>pecs and abs
I know you're talking about the men, but still, the most frustrating thing is that the female characters aren't even fit in the slightest.
If that's your thing man, go ahead. I don't care, it's not real. It's just strange to see one thing get taken to it's most extreme and that's fine, but the other can't be, and if you have a problem with it people freak out.
MK girls were never sexy
its looks like her dislocating his keen every time he does the stomp
Why are the lefties so angry today?
Oh yeah.
I don't like how all the costumes look like they were recycled from injustice, and many of the characters look totally different. Kitana in particular is the worst offender to me.
months of HRT treatment
How is it hilarious? Kronika is the best looking female design in the entire game. Skarlet is second, Frost is third. Only legit ugly one is Jacqui, and you know why that is. Oh, and new Sheeva.
now they all underfed 13 year old girls who couldn't lift a wet paper bag
Nice attempt on derailment
>most people dislike it
But I didn't say that?
>if the characters dont look like whores, they dont fit in a fighting game
I agree, this character design here is SHIT. I can't even see her goddamned thighs, wtf?
thread already got derailed
So long as it doesn't turn into hentai, or hentaish shit. or this:
Joe Lieberman, Tipper Gore and Hillary Clinton were conservatives? Who'd have thunk it?
Trust me, Ive seen the trials and hitpieces against video games back in the day and I don't remember seeing a ton of "R"s next to those senators names.
Have sex
Can anyone explain why every Yea Forumsborn opinion gets mogged by normalfag beaners? The most potent wojak, gigachad, or smug pepe gets eternally dabbed on by thr bruh bruh beanbros. All they need to do is tag their homie and go "lmfao look at this shit bro..." And youre fucking done. Thats it. There's no getting up from that.
Are they right? Are we all just losers? Someone please explain why Yea Forums loses all their away games.
'they'll fix the faces' they said.
'they did the same thing with inj2' they said
>not wanting to kiss those lips or have them wrapped around your dick
Derail what? Some baiting lefty created a bait post.
Have sex
Except she'd look like this if she were designed by NetherReal, kuck.
Whoa hey, that avatar is not appropriate for our new Muslim Kombat direction
why are mature's tits jiggling even as she walks? women's tits dont work that way.
Because the people who like mortal kombat for the sex appeal are mouthbreathing NEETs who probably never played the games and just fapped to the rule 34.
Have sex
Mortal Kombat was never good.
Yea Forums, and Yea Forums in particular, melts your fucking brain
it's not that latinos are super chad or w/e
folks have just become retarded after being stuck among retards for too long
go outside, hit the gym, have sex, and get a clue
Except it was you're just a retard
Same, I played these games in the corner store down the road, our parents were terrified of this game, they thought it'd turn us into sex crazed violent thugs. Hilarious that now MK's developers are lecturing the rest of the industry on how to treat sex.
did you consider the horny people here who want sex in vidya are losers?
It appears youre not aware of just how sad the average Yea Forums user is.
Think of that guy in the back of your class. Unwashed long hair. Glasses. Baggy clothes. Fat or malnourished, no in between. Has no idea how to make small talk other than rant about topics hes autistically knowledgeable about. Again, no inbetween. No ability to warm your heart in any interaction. A confusing, disconcerting existence. That is your average Yea Forums poster.
>being so insecure that you can't appreciate a beautiful woman and say so
How is it that Yea Forums continues to get worse over time? It hit rock bottom nearly a fucking decade ago yet still manages to reach new depths.
because they lost to stormfront and are eternally bitch boys
that includes you user
Because most people on Yea Forums are overly sensitive. They care so much about other people's support that they fall to pieces when people ridicule them.
At the end of the day no amount of smug Pepes and fuck nigger tranny jannies will change your inceloid loser status.
Im not gonna lie, ive been spendibg more time reading instagram comments. Those kids are fucking funny.
>She'd look like a real woman instead of an ayy lmao
>she'd look like a sexy hollywood actress if designed by NRS
And that's bad, why?
>please explain why Yea Forums loses all their away games.
It's almost like, despite protests to the conplete opposite, that Yea Forums is a fucking hug box safespace full of a small niche audience that are used to ssying things that dont require you put a name or face to your words.
That outfit panders to a different kind if fetish.
>thinking NRS can design beautiful white female faces
>>you can't appreciate a beautiful woman and say so
you forgot to tip your fedora
when you gonna post a beautiful woman then?
looks tyftt
This is truth
Irony is an escape from your unchanging social worth
Dont waste too much time like i did, folks. At the end of the day, the end of the day still comes.
>Yea Forums is a fucking hug box safespace
You're retarded if you genuinely believe this to be the case.
Vice doesn't look like moe waifu shit though
>He actually thought that post was funny
>all these niche loving Spics ITT:
Hows it feel your games will always undersell for muh boobiez
Men hate pantsuits on women, and associate them with hillary clinton or their bitchy boss at work.
Have sex
Why is this dude so relevant on Yea Forums?
Before all this drama i had never heard of this oneangrygamer.
>if your wife respects and listens to you it's of course because you beat the shit out of her.
I can't imagine having a view of women as lowly as the average liberal.
KoF doesn't sell at all though
Its an antihugbox, but still a hugbox. You get used to defending your point here, but actually all the arguments here chase each others tails. So what, you know all the points to debating dark souls 2. Look closely and half of that is just muscle memory you developed to responding to baiters. Completely unusable. And becoming aware of it doesnt help you either, because outside of Yea Forums not many people actually waste their time fabricating false opinions to waste YOUR time. They all more or less genuinely believe in what they say. So what is interacting with baiters an exercise in anything but futility.
>bunch of sexually frustrated cuckolds parading censorship by making thread into insecurity fetish fantasy and keeping projecting their own lack of sexual fulfillment on people with standards
This thread itself is facebook.
he's an 8gagger
8gaggers shill him
To my understanding, its only redeeming quality is excessively violent special attacks at the end of a round for the sole purpose of lolgore. It plays like shite, it was an ugly mess until like MKX and it plays like dragging a dead body through a bog on a moonless night. Please, do enlighten me user, what makes it great ?
>modest woman BAD
>cuckold sex GOOD
This. You see this in arguments where anons vocalise their inability to consider the arguments of others
>makes argument based on nothing
>gets called out
>finds some absolute dog shit first hand account as "proof" or simply uses own anecdote while others are posting links and sources
>sees the argument is continuing later in the thread
>resorts to "i already prooved/shut up tranny/i already "btfo" you in the other thread"
despite doing none of those things. They make their argument satisfied that destroyed you no matter what and that was clearly an end to it and everyone else ought to recognise this
>always online
fucking what now im just gonna drop it
whatever you say, snowflake
Have sex
Not a big fan of the high def KoF sprites. I really tried but it's just weirdly proportionned.
Great choice of character though user.
Sexy outfits > Porn = Nude mods.
>hypocrisy GOOD
>believing all women are snowflakes who can't handle the sight of sexy women GOOD
Silence kuckold.
so then debating would just be a hugbox in general by that logic
kof 14 should have stuck to sprites and did like an upscaled version of old kof sprites, they looked more realistic
Will "Have sex" get filtered?
have sex
This guy gets it.
>faggots suddenly acting like classic designs are pornographic and you are an incel if you dont want burqas
this board is pathetic
sjw chan
thanks, Vice is best girl
also lol at western developers, Japanese made a badass female character that's stronger than most men, covered up, and curses a ton, and still is sexy
Kitana is literally wearing a form fitting catsuit with a boob window.
Now I'm not saying you have to be turned on by that, but in what world is that prudish or not sexualized?
At a certain point we have to realize that we've been conditioned by the blatantness of "Character is dressed in a bikini with thighhighs and in heels with her ass glowing red from constant smacks" that some of us forget that that is most extreme case and that there are degrees below that.
Leftist women pandering was a mistake
>So what, you know all the points to debating dark souls 2
whoa I feel called out
I like how they look in this 11 and the old ones, fight me. Besides, they've been toning things down since X so the girls having designs trying to be cool rather than sexy isn't new. Did everyone also forget how the girls in 9 were mocked for being severe butterfaces more than applauded for sexy outfits?
Besides Mileena, she's never looked bad
>Islam is ok when Japan does it
Funny no one bitched about this character, who is literally a Muslim and literally wears a Burqa
Mortal Kombat 11 will be the best selling fighting game of all time
Anime loving pedos can seethe to death in the gulags
>a few trannies from resetera = Yea Forums
>calling others casuals
What is with this election attracting newfags meme? What is the relevance and how is it correlated?
Every single person who posted in this thread should be banned
>literally a Muslim
Well, there you go. Are the Mortal Kombat females Muslim?
Honestly, I really like her new face. I just liked her old outfit better. If they have alternate classic costumes I'd be fine with it.
Could still use bigger ass and tits though. Hoping the modding community saves us.
It's actually really easy to upset them
it ABSOLUTELY is. You aren't allowed to wrong think on Yea Forums without being told to leave, being called reddit or such. Its impossible to the average Yea Forums user, that you might use or recommend other websites for thoughts on matters without being told to "fuck off back there." Rather than use an outside comment to back up a point or discussion. You think /pol/ is for actually discussing politics? Or just hammering home and repeating one particular spectrums point of view over and over again?
they may be few but they are are extremely vocal
Would be funny, but what should it get filtered to?
Easy to tell how new you are. Go to any political/fanbase Subplebbit if you want to see an actual safespace.
I think it's weird. Mortal Kombat started as the one pushing the boundaries but now they're the ones conforming.
get waifu
And yet there's 150 posters ITT shit flinging. Some "safe space". Cry more that /pol/ bullied you and said some mean words.
because reddit and most sites like it are literal safespaces where you get banned for the wrong opinion.
>Its an antihugbox, but still a hugbox
How does that even make sense? Specially these days that people here LOVE to be contrarians for the sake of it? All of your opinions are not safe here, whatever you say thee is at least one faggot here that will call your opinions shit and give a reasoning behind it, even if only for the sake of disagreeing with you. How is that in any way a hugbox? literally nothing you say here is safe of scrutiny.
No, so how is an actual muslim female in a fighting game ok, that would promote liberal agenda more than anything.
So mortal kombat has now sacrificed its sex appeal to political correctness
Maybe they should of sacrificed it for good gameplay, because its fucking shit.
>Easy to tell how new you are
Except it isn't and i have posted on Yea Forums since at least 2007. I made my point, and you INSTANTLY reached for "leave, and also let me call you the enemy real quick to top it off." You have literally made my point for me with a text book reply about what i was on about. "Leave because your wrong think offends me and i thought i left all the haters behind once i found Yea Forums."
Most liberals just say they're muslim. They aren't
Japan needs to one up MK. Since Mk 12 won't be coming fro a LONG time now(Boon is sick of MK apparently and wants to do non fighting games after Injustice 3), Japan can take this chance to make a gorefest fighter and take the reigns from NRS studios and fill a niche. Make a gory nasty fighter with some sexy female characters in it too, with a more semi realistic artstyle. Like Eternal Champions.
>people are challenging my leftist faggotry for once in my life
>if you express any rightwing viewpoint you will be banished from 99% of social media platforms entirely
Dumbass, if this were a safespace, you wouldn't be here the moment after posting in the first place; you'd either be banned or have your post downvoted so it's hidden.
he didn't tell you to leave he told you to visit one of those sites and see how filtered they are tard.
If you are a faggot you need to go, and you sound like an omega fag
>so how is an actual muslim female in a fighting game ok
It's her character.
I thought the women were ugly as fuck in 10. Big tits don't save weird ass faces.
I do think toning down sexualization in MK is bizarre though. Are they trying to make their excessively gory fighting game more appealing to women?
Do you think women were offended by sheeva's tits in 10 as smoke ripped her in half?
What an Applebee waiter is doing on stage ?
You're a phony discord tranny and nothing you do will ever make you a real woman lol
MK 11 has better gameplay than any japanese fighter out now. Better than under night inbirth.
thats why irony was our demise
back then we just accepted being wierdos. There was no need to appear "Chad" or "based" for your post to have some validity
shaming people based on status on an anonymous forum is beyond retarded but redditors still do it
They are marketing it to latent homosexual niggers now
Look at the fanbase for the game on social media, it's all brown people who worship shirtless goku
>tfw got raped to hell and back as a kid so no interest in sex at all
>tfw told interested girls to just go home and use their dildo, get over it
Step aside chumps, and make room for the Alpha-Incel. Chads and wizards, leave the hall.
>Yea Forums wassn't always extremely judgemental and low brow
Retarded tranny nigger
So that's why MK11 is headlining Evo right? oh wait
>Yea Forums
>not exactly for the faggots
how nu?
You would have an argument if at least one of the male characters was a twink boy with more conservative (hah, more like liberal) clothing, but no, they are all shirtless beefcakes made of 40 pounds of muscles.
A form fitting catsuit is not sexy when there is literally no form to fit and a boob window isnt sexualized when there is no boobs to be there a window for. The sexualization is so blatantly one sided in this game that it is ridiculous when you pay attention to it, and for a game series that was always over the top suddenly just one little aspect of it is "mature" while the rest is just as childish as ever doesnt raise a metaphorical eyebrow within you i dont know what will.
You faggots have to go, this has always been a weebshit site for lolicons
The fights look like fight scenes from that movie, The Raid. Inbirth looks like weeaboo anime shit.
missing the point retard
we were always judgemental and quick to point fingers at retards
you didnt come to a thread calling everyone a permavirgin losers while boasting about your success. Youd just get laughed at
Have sex.
Learn social skills.
Eat less and go to the gym.
Play less video games.
>video game looks like movie
>why is actual video games higher up on the importance list of a video game fighting tournament than my ugly movie game with face scanned characters
i dunno user, i really dont
Start transitioning.
I'm not the one who's in denial of liking sexy things in a desperate bit to look more mature or something.
I never found them sexy in official art or models. It's too aggressive and not sensual. Like the tits were holding knives or something.
just remember user, brenton tarrant and elliot rodgers became heroes
Reminder that MK fangames made in mugen by MK fans look better than the shit NRS currently makes:
Look, a female character that actually is sexy!
I don't care about tits, but the devs of Mortal Kombat pretending it's some high-brow art project is ridiculous
MK was always a game about appealing to edgy teenage boys
Huge tits, violence, it was supposed to be over the top
They literally have no argument, for or against
>Bruh. Bruhh.....lookit this dood, playin games...breh...hehe, have...hehehe sex hahahahah dude
in all seriousness why not just beat your meat to the infinite amount of porn available elsewhere. do they not have a point?
>user shoots up microsoft headquarters
please let this happen
People who actually did martial arts irl and appreciate real life fighting greatly prefer MK over anime weeb shit.
That looks way better than this shit here
Wtf is even going on in that game, no one can fucking tell cuz it looks retarded.
if all video games get non sexualised woman then you'll have way less material to beat your meat too
And that's all it takes, yeah. By actually caring about arguments revolving around video game tits you're already shooting yourself in the knee.
You dont even understand the meaning of a safespace/hugbox you stupid idiot.
See your post, see how is it still here? Thats because you can actually post your retarded diverging opinion, go to your typical forum and they will BAN you for a post that diagrees with the mods of their opinions, there are subreddits that get LOCKED because of wrongthink, and what is left is bunch or retards who think the same thing.
This argument we are having right now, along with all of the "shit flinging" Yea Forums has, is a rarity on the internet these days, the complete opposite of a hugbox, everyone can post what they think (or what they dont think since lol i troll u). If you receiving many similar posts, thats not us having a safespace threatened because we all think the same and you dont, its a large group of people that happen to agree on this one topic, you are being retarded.
>People who actually did martial arts irl and appreciate real life fighting greatly prefer MK over anime weeb shit.
But WWE guys play Street Fighter V more
>if I wanted to look at ugly people I'd visit your mom
This is why MK will always sell more than asian fighters. Westerners understand that people want to see characters FIGHTING. Not throwing tons of glowy shit everywhere and flailing their arms around like retards as some asian woman screams "kawaii dono konno desu ne 5 hittu comboruuuuuu!"
japanese fighting games have caused me to hate japanese women
>real life kung fu guys like mk so mk better than other fighting games
yeah cus realism equates to fun
Tell him his name sounds like a gay porn actor
MK games have been looking like shit since 6th gen so i simply don't give a fuck because nothing of value was lost. Some of the redesigns work, some not as much
SFV is trash, but compared to other japanese fighters at least it sorta looks like the characters are fighting, since they don't do 500 hit combos that consist of slapping someone 50 times again and again while spinning.
Precisely because of what you just described. Lets be honest, do you actually take offense to anytime your opinion was contrarian'd upon? Or did that never happen because youee only honest in threads without baiters, stuff like nostalgia threads? And even if you just deal with contrarians all the time, that gets mechanically repetitive. You more or less expect what sort of response youll get, as every bait response has been done before. Contrarians arent exactly very bright nor creative.
If you like to argue with idiots, then yes. This board is a hugbox. But a hugbox is where everyone showers you eith expected positivty. Expected negativity would be an antihugbox. Still the same. Just as shallow.
Satisfied? This is such a stupid talking point.
SonicFox is a dweeb, but the anime community makes SF looks like a chad in comparison
kinda racist
>four crying emojis
These people stretch too hard.
look user the redesigns suck dick
I don't care because I never gave a shit about mortal kombat, and I never liked mk girls to begin with, but the redesigns are just bad and motivated by feminism rather than actual artistic desire
if the new designs were something like lady from DMC3 or bayonetta (both are far more competent and well-written characters than anything in mk or any "stronk womyn" shit) it would be top tier for them to rethink their stale ass series and I would have really appreciated that they did but that's not what they're doing
Realism is more fun in fighting games, who would you rather play as, some ripped badass ninja dude stabbing people with katana and yelling "Bonzaiiii!" or some faggy anime boy that looks like a girl and fights by slapping people a lot and going yasssss kweeeeen like the shit in under night inbirth?
God damn do I hate me some goobers.
well there exists a shitload of artists who will draw lewds of whatever franchise you can think of. franchises that are explicitly nonsexual have loads and loads of art for you to ogle.
except mortal kombat isn't well animated enough to be considered a good mimicry for reality either, not to mention the horrid gameplay
Lmaoing @ yourlife
>I don't care because I never gave a shit about mortal kombat
Could've stopped here, microdick weebcuck
>Tell him his name sounds like a gay porn actor
But then he'd respond with "how do you know what a gay porn actor's name sounds like nigga? lmfao dis nigga be watchin gay porn n shit"
>posts competitive mk11
>gay furry nigger
lol, this is why mk is a joke, no matter how much you want to protest, mk11 is a casual game for homosexual niggers and is not respected by anyone in the real fighting game community
Welcome to Yea Forums don't enjoy your stay
I might be able to warm someone's heart, y-you can be sure!
It's better animated than your anime shit, how many frames per attack does under night inbirth even have, like 3? lmfao at enjoying that choppy ass shit
I feel BTFO already
Game looks like injustice 3, fuck it. MK fans became the most massive cuckolds in fighting games after X
the developers can do what they want. if you don''t like what they are doing, don't buy the product.
500+ replies of /pol/ and /inceltears/ autism retards who need to go outside.
mk is a casual game for casuals, marketed to gay niggers and is a complete competitive joke
the people that buy it, buy it inbetween their madden and 2k20 purchase
Tell him I can smell cock on his breath, obviously.
And I would recognize my own cock's smell anywhere.
Can't wait to see MK headlining EVO this year!
And people here can say that their shit looks fucking horrible.
why is asuka's neck so long? I cant decide if I want to lick and kiss it or choke it
We are laughing at you buying this ugly mess of a $60 dlc travesty
UNIST isn't headlining
Smash is
as opposed to SFV and Tekken which are marketed to hetero niggers?
this is some sort is signalling like virtue signalling
why are most people so low iq
Hey, is it just me or is there a "white girl + black guy" trend going on ... I've seen this frequently. Bah, m-maybe I've just been hanging around this place too much.
>sex shaming
only in religious america!
I unironically think like this... it's sad. just sad...
I'm here to shitpost and its pretty entertaining so far
>ripped badass ninja dude stabbing people kith katana and yelling "Bonzaiiii!
user you've already accepted that over the top shit works well in fighting games
Yeah, exactly. The thing is, you normalfag, those people need their place too. Stop invading, I thought you are too busy having a life, so go have life.
they usually have something that's sexually appealing tho in their personality even if they're character designs aren't sexual
Kronika's eyes are so beautiful.
Can I waifu her or is she taken?
>a literal furry niggerfaggot
you don't. general rule of the internet dictates that the last reply wins but common sense dictates that constantly fighting in the comment section is worse.
Now now user, those outfits are too skimpy, people might think you have something more than nostalgia growing when you ask for them.
yeah but MK is cool over the top shit, like a martial arts movie. Inbirth is gay over the top shit, like those new gay anime starring little girls being cute that fight by tripping and falling into people as their boyfriends get ntred by some fat old man
People that buy those are actual fighting game fans, gay niggers that buy mk11 would rather play another EA Fight Night so they can look at sweaty niggers jiggling in slo mo
>implying SFV isn't played by two literal shemales
ricki and that other bitch say hi, the one that lifted ltg up and cucked him on stage
Fighting games are so shit right now, fucking DBZF was the biggest game last year. This year is a part game, fucking Smash. People care so little about MK it cant even headline a roster that pathetic, yet MKfags will still delude themselves that its an important fighting game
Misogynist by-gone era, they want to put that behind them now
>do you actually take offense to anytime your opinion was contrarian'd upon?
What the fuck does that even mean? You think people need to be offended for a place to not be a hugbox? People, with honest opinons, have disagreed with me, and i didnt get "offended" but at least nervous enough that in a safebox it would be the equivalent of "triggered", so no i dont cinsider this place a hugbox, people here are opinionated enough that heated up discussions happen without the need for bait.
>Contrarians arent exactly very bright nor creative.
You underestimate people's tenacity on disagreeing with others.
Its rare but i've had good discussions here, honest ones, of different views, and this is why i keep visiting but if you feel that this place really is a hugbox that has no value whatsoever then just fucking leave, and i dont mean that "get out REEEEEEE" way, just that if it has nothing good, the why the fuck are still here? Just leave.
Yeah, but those homos play fighting games for being fighting games, unlike MKnogs
Buddy that's an intimidation tactic. Nothing gay about it. How would you feel if a 6 foot tall muscle man with raging erection was shoulder ramming you.
You could have avoided this timeline if you supported Death Cargo. Too late now.