What do you guys think of the Castlevania Anniversary Collection lineup? Personally I think it's pretty good...

What do you guys think of the Castlevania Anniversary Collection lineup? Personally I think it's pretty good, I'm glad to see Bloodlines in there.

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Why aren't Castlevania Lords of the Shadow 1 and 2 aren't there? They were the best titles compared to that old crap.

>no castlekino

There's gonna be another collection, expect Rondo and the metroidvanias there.

>we're never getting a Collection 2 with SotN, 3x GBA games, 3x DS games
why even live desu

>no rondo of blood
>no symphony of the night
>not a single DS game

That has to be the saddest bait I've seen in a long time.

no SOTN no buy

They just brought out Requiem. How many bastardised rereleases of Rondo and Symphony do you want?
And what's so hard about playing the DS games...on the DS?

>paying for games more than once
Not my thing man.

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>no X68000
>Bloodlines comes out after Rondo but the latter isn't included
230% huh?
>b-bu the snoy collection ha ronduh

>>paying for games

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>The original Adventure instead of Rebirth
>No Chronicles

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Rondo's already bundled with SotN so I'm not really expecting either of them in another collection anytime soon.

>Simon's Quest is shit without romhacks
>Dracula's Curse won't be the superior Famicom version
>The Adventure is terrible and superseded by its remake
>a remake that is currently impossible to obtain legally and would have been a perfect opportunity to rerelease it
I sleep.

Getting it only for Bloodlines.

Adventure rebirth isn't exactly a remake.

It's close enough where you can play that and pretend the original doesn't exist.

Wow i was excited and really couldn't bear the anticipation to know what the other tittles would be and this is underwhelming. I won't buy this. Most if not all of these games qre games that have been made so obtainable why would I pay for this?

I'm buying it solely because they put Bloodlines in.

>Simon's Quest is shit without romhacks
are you a literal baby?

Do you like butchered localizations?

If they don't include the Japanese roms like Capcom does, it's a dealbreaker.

I'd buy it if it had Adventure Rebirth.
Seriously, it's like if the Mega Man Legacy Collections had the first 2 GB games instead of 9 and 10. What was Konami thinking?

>Most if not all of these games qre games that have been made so obtainable why would I pay for this?
The same could be said of the entire franchise, why did you get hyped in the first place?

This is a collection of every important early Belmont game spanning 4 consoles, way more than I think anyone would honestly expect than Konami. These games all deserve to be accessible regardless of if you like them or not.

The website says it's only the first collection, with how thorough they're being here I think Rondo and the Igavanias are shoo-ins for collection 2.

requiem is made partially by sony so it doesn't count.
the other collection make more time to develop because they have to change the DS titles.

I hope it includes Aria of Sorrow

dUdE pAyInG fOr ROmS lOL

>people actually want Rebirth, which didn't have Battle of The Holy in it even though they made a version for it
Fucking plebs all of you.