Playstation All-Stars 2 is looking good

Playstation All-Stars 2 is looking good

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>Sony All-Stars 2 would be a bunch of ugly lesbians and an old man

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>Crash Bandicoot never ever because Activision would be as stingy as Square with their rights

Fuck me

>nintendo advertising for sony
what a time

The vast majority of people (i.e. screaming youtubers) who were hyped for Joker openly admitted they never played Persona 5 and were waiting for a Switch port. There is no “advertising for Sony” when the audience for this character either doesn’t have a Playstation or is actively holding out for a port. It’s like saying putting Simon in the game is “advertisement for Netflix”.

They're third party characters, and all three studios have made games in those franchises or spin-offs on Nintendo consoles, so it's really not that surprising.

This. I really want to play Persona 5 but I don't consider it a system seller for me. I'll wait for the inevitable Switch port.

How can you type so much yet have none of it make any sense.
I literally cannot even decipher what this post is trying to say through your crypric hieroglyphics of reasoning.

Attached: DnWNYa6VsAA5mio.jpg (800x450, 96K)

Sony has no use for these characters anymore.

i was hype shit and i played every persona game

That's because you're a weeaboo faggot.

>this post

I doubt people who haven't played games with those characters already would go on to buy a PS4 to do it now.

The audience that plays Smash doesn't care for Snoy. "Fans" of Joker would rather wait for a Switch port than buy a PS4 to play P5.

no i enjoy video games and turn based rpgs because i grew up with those

wasn't particularly interested in Joker but I was hoping I could listen to NEVER FELT LIKE in Smash bros, and it didn't make it into the playlist.

Do nintendron3s not have a fucking PC? Just emulate it if you’re that fucking poor


desu P5 will be on PC this year or next as latest. They're not tapping into a goldmine they should have been since P3/P4's popularity, mostly P4.

grog make cave painting same as bigger painting in different cave
grug like painting, but dont like painting enough to move to other cave to see bigger painting
grug rather wait for bigger painting to be made in own cave

>FF7: on switch
>persona 5: will be announced for switch within a week (
>MGS HD trilogy: coming to switch possibly in by end of 2020

> Metal Gear (MSX/NES)
> Street Fighter (Arcade/NES)
> Megami Tensei (NES)
> Final Fantasy (NES)
> Bayonetta (Co-Owned)
> Dragon Quest (NES)
> Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
> Dead or Alive (Arcade)
> Pac-Man (Arcade)
> Mega Man (NES)
> Sonic The Hedgehog (Genesis)
> Castlevania (NES)
> Resident Evil (Playstation)
Every 3rd Party except Resident Evill & Kingdom Hearts will have originated from the NES or Arcades, they are all Nintendo all stars whether you like it or not

>The vast majority of people (i.e. screaming youtubers) who were hyped for Joker openly admitted they never played Persona 5
This is nothing new though, not even console wars related.

That's an Activision game.