I mean...he could've been less rude to the blizzard guy
I mean...he could've been less rude to the blizzard guy
Other urls found in this thread:
guy deserved it, what kind of retard of a PR guy argues with the audience when they don't like what you're showing off?
pure kino
literally who
All that effort of going to BlizzCon, you get there only to find that your reward is a preview of a mobile game. Something Blizzard knew in their hearts that you'd hate. Now that's bloody rude.
that scene is like it’s straight out of a game.
No. These companies want everyone to be that fat fuck that apologized.
This guy helped show that if companies won't listen to consumers, we'll make them listen, and embarass the fuck out of them.
Dude was pretty moderate
>$199 a ticket
>rude to call them out on wasting your time and money
I mean...blizzard could have been less of a cancer to the videogame industry
>Wyatt's intro speed
I knew right there it was over, Blizzard's head was so far up their asses they didn't see fans at a their con, they just saw customers and shareholder targets.
Wait a minute. Why should a potential customer be nice to a company? Its an interaction of money not an interaction of companionship.
Would you let your real estate agent take you to a fucking mobile home after you told the idiot multiple times you want a brick house with a 3 car garage?
>Wanna go Moby
I am thankful this happened
He stood and questioned... when no one else would...
just shut your fucking mouth you dumb fag
Redditors are the most emotionally weak stunted children who cannot handle any negativity in their lives to the point they will bendover and allow themselves to be taken advantage of it meant they didn't have to think of the word "no" or "this is bad"
Is this a late april fools post?
The do you not have phones scandal has to be the biggest video game related fuck up in the past twenty years
does the guy still have his job? I'd be mortified if I was his boss when he pulled that bullshit
bald dude should have asked for info on if other diablo projects were coming instead
pr dude shouldnt have been a twat
holy kek
Blizzard couldve had some sense
This is 100 times funnier knowing this a black dude.
I can hear the niggerish ebonics from here
>demonic presence at unsafe levels, lock down in effect
is it true people lost their jobs because of this man?
My favorite part is when it showed the cosplayers playing the game and they were all bored as fuck.
Should have lost their lives
How dare the evil bastard that payed to fly out to a corporations shill event question the poor corporate fuckwits that spat in his face for chink money.
was that spokesperson a regular spokesperson or did blizzard just use a chink one because they're after the china audience
lmao Im not even black
Won't somebody please think of the spoiled, arrogant megacorporations!
what do you think??
I've been reading that Warcraft Diary book, and it's heartbreaking to know what a soulless corporation Blizzard became.
>Guy represents company who sold out their fans for monetary gain
>Worked on a game he knew was shit
>Goes out infront of thousands of fans trying to act like the new game is amazing
>Voice of the voiceless grabs the mic and lectures the corporate stooge
Baldy did nothing wrong. Corporatedogs get the bullet first.
You can see the seething hatred in him as he asks the question. He's livid that he spent all that money as a longtime fan to go to that convention, sit there and be fed completely insulting bullshit
He worked on D3 and Legion, so both.
Sometimes ya gotta be rude to get it across.
>The day one man completely destroyed a company
Truly a pc in a sea of npcs
He's so hot, I don't know why but my biggest kink is guys who lose their hair in their 20s and decide to shave it all of...
Have phone
1 candle is enough to provide light for a dark room.
northernlion's got some real balls pulling that shit
He's a real hero. A real human bean.
don yu haf a fon
>No. Not without consequence.
If I was him I would have stuttered or mumbled. And then everyone would be laughing at me. How do I get better?
be high test
Can I get the backstory on this? I'm in med school and have been sort of locked in a cave for the past 6 months.
just imagine they ruined your favourite game
>*breathes in*
>Look you stupid gook nigger. No one wants to fucking play your kiked up mobile game so you can sell it to bugmen. Go hang yourself from a tree before me and the boys drag you to one from behind our truck.
>and while Im here
>9/11 was an inside job
How did he get away with this?
Me here
Thanks for explaining. Thats pretty sad he said all that. Trumps America I guess.
Have your hopes for a new game crushed to the point of not giving a fuck anymore.
I wish I could have done this when M$ announced Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts.
Nah what Blizzard did was a giant FUCK YOU
They deserved far worse
If you agree with Blizzard you're no better than all the """"journalists""" who came out in defense of a monolithic company
This is art.
Probably shouldn't have had an asian looking motherfucker trying to convince people to buy a reskin of a fucking chinese phone game.
okay tyrone
kek underrated
the right can't meme
>Blizzard still exists
>EA still exists
just kill me
>No hero will ever rip the FIFA and Madden licenses out of EA's cold grip.
Actually, given the circumstances, he really couldn't have been any LESS rude.
Its truly sad when you realize he was a genuine, massive fan of Blizzard once, the Diablo Shirt suggests it was his favourite series, and the news of a new game was enough to get him to go.
What he witnessed on stage, left him broken. Look at his face while he asks that burning question; there’s anger in them, but also immense pain.
It's chad af to own up to your baldness instead of trying to cling on to what little you have left
have sex
The live threads were great. We saw a man get visibly broken and stand back up to throw a rock at the mega corp that we're expected to suck off. Witnessing pure crystallized kino live is a rare chance.
hold hands
>pay good money for a ticket and most likely pay to fly/drive to Blizzcon
>excited for new announcements from one of if not your favorite vidya company
>cant wait for the special reveal they have planned for your favorite series
>after hours of waiting you find a place to sit in the giant crowd of other fans
>reveal starts
>turns out its a casualized mobile game
>entire crowd boos
>get in line for questions
>ask if its a joke
>get in a short argument with one of the devs about it
>contrarians and hardcore shills call you rude
Maybe to navigate though it, but not to DO much of anything.
reading, carpentry, poker... all terrible options for a single candle lit room
if i ever get around to making a game i'm immortalizing him as a statue
anyone got a video of that fat fuck that apologized to blizzard? the only one I knew of got taken down recently
But 9/11 was an inside job
And that night he drow in pussy
"People will buy our shit no matter what we do" - Blizzard
Is there a video of that? Please tell me there is.
guys please post some videos I'd like to see this kino with my own eyes :(
They were both pretty terrible. I have no sympathy for don't you have phones guy. At the same time I heard that red shirt guy was trying to launch a career off it and it's like, what the fuck did you do? You're just some asshole.
I used to hate the pepsi machine in the background because it ruins the renaissance feeling of the picture, but I evolved my thought process to the galaxy brain level and I think it's actually perfect how it highlights the fact that everything blue in this picture represents the cold, corporate spirit that has taken over the western videogames industry.
No. Fuck nu-Blizzard. All they think about is money.
Of course he could have been, but Blizzard could also have been less rude in ripping off their diehard fans. A corporation deserves no sympathy and when you've been hired to deal with the public you are the corporation in that instance.
it's clearly an autistic ESL you sdrater, syk immediately
Modern impressionism
Blizzard was more rude doing what they did to a core pc audience that flew to the US and booked hotels to be there.
All that after misleading teases
Notice how he never insulted them or used swearwords
It's chad af to immediately crackdown on your balding instead of letting the rest of it continue to fall out
Someone will need to canvas this moment otherwise I'll have to learn drawing and do it myslef
So what do you think the damage control attempt next year will be?
we created this rare pepe to memorialize (or immortalize, if you will) his hate
he will, however, not divide us
Redditors threw a fucking riot you idiot
This guy was a Redditor himself
Can't wait for Diablo 4 with even more cartoonish wow graphics and those fuckers still haven't learned what made Diablo great
I love that the red stands out in a sea of blood.
Cringe, fucking zoomer
What did he apologise for?
can someone post some bbc
He also could have shot that chinese fuck dead on the stage, because that's what he actually deserved.
This idea that we should be "nice" to huge corporations is fucking insane. They people view you as a money dispenser, nothing more.
for being white and male
Why does this embarrassing shit keep being reposted?
>highlights the fact that everything blue in this picture represents the cold, corporate spirit that has taken over the western videogames industry.
Honestly if they just teased D4, don't even have to actually make it, the whole debacle could have been averted.
People only hate mobile games when it's seems it's the only direction/content a franchise is going to be getting. If you announce a "serious" game alongside with it, no one will mind the mobile game and just view it as a time killer while waiting for the real game.
what did he really say?
"Is this an out of season april fool's joke?"
for saying he'd do anything for love, but he won't do that
>that kino wideshot with the spotlight on him before the destruction
Thats us though. We dont even back up our edgy opinions with names or faces
Why is there threads every day discussing how "rude" this guy was? Is it just shitposting?
Yes, somehow acting contrarian as fuck on this board nets a free 500+ bump limit on the spot because the underage on this board are too easily triggered by pathetic bait. Almost, almost makes me wish it was a requirement to enter passport information for age checking, but that goes against everything this site is for in the first place.
The fuck is this, dog language?
Dog eater language
That fucking stare after he says it.
He's fucking livid, I love the almost disbelief he's in.
I've never even seen the clip. Somebody link it.
Butt is Sasha Grey.
nah, they took his money only to shove some shit ware in their face. No one wanted a phone game.
>mfw I recognize the video
I need to cut out the fapping
Man, I remember when Sam Raimi announced he was making a movie on this. I couldn't believe, at the time, that he was gonna do it, and to this day I still can't believe what he got away with.
Read the thread or google it you lazy shit.
Why is this guy being put on a pedestal for doing something anyone with a normal functioning brain would have done?
How come Americans are such corporate cucks? BTW that guy still paid a couple hundred bucks to go to that shitty event so he's a cuck just the same.
A n*gger, so yeah, same thing really.
>for doing something anyone with a normal functioning brain would have done?
that's just it, most people wouldn't have done that.
>spot the Main Character
Yea Forums confirmed for retard/npc/reddit central
Fuck this place
on behalf of you
>paying that much for a publicity event
You derserve that and more if you are to stupid to pay for that
>>first Yea Forums worshiped halo
>a lot of old Yea Forums left
>>then Yea Forums worshipped e-celebs
>a lot of old Yea Forums left
>>now Yea Forums worships redit
Long live zoomer/v/ille
He sounds Slavic
Blizzcon isn't public in the that that's it's free to get in nigger
>Bald because Saitama syndrome, very powerful, extreme training resulted in hair loss
>is a Chad that has 3 ways
The MC we deserve
you can always leave, tourist
I have nowhere else to go you sheep.
Between this, threads titled "OH NO NO NO NO", "NINTENDO" and consolewarring there's never any shit worth looking at at the moment