When it comes to the 5th generation of consoles, which are your favorites? Are you a normalfag who only cares about Zelda, Final Fantasy and Mario? Or are you more interested in the experimental games that may have only gotten a game or two before being quietly left with games like Tomba and Panzer Dragoon? Have you given all main consoles a good chance and explored their libraries well?
When it comes to the 5th generation of consoles, which are your favorites...
PS1 games had better textures, music, and cutscenes the N64 ones. But worse everything else.
My favorite is the Sega Saturn because it has the most arcade style games with very high replayability, which I've found to be the most important trait a game can have. I like N64 and PSX about the same, so both are 6/10s.
PS1 games usually ran a lot better too. Give me something like the adventures of little ralph or gunner's heaven over kirby 64 or chameleon twist.
>ran better
No way
>Tomba and Panzer Dragoon
In what way? OG Star Fox was actually experimental considering what they pulled off on the SNES and Tomba is just a sidescroller which actually looks worse than a lot of SNES games.
You also seem to imply that Mario and Zelda wern't experimental when they were really experimental for the time and quite a few mainstream games were back then.
Absolutely. N64 games frequently ran at 20-30FPS. The number of 60FPS games is in the single digits. That's the biggest upgrade to the 3DS ports of zelda for example, 30fps instead of 20. PS1 games has framerate issues once in a while, often resulting in slow down, but 30fps was common and there's a ton of 60fps games, even fighters. The N64 gets crippled when you go split screen. That's when it gets into the single digits.
the nintendo games were experimental, defining even. Defining to the point that there's now hundreds of games that play a lot like them and the novelty of uniqueness has faded.
Many of the well known PS1 games ran at a stable 25/30 FPS with the rare slowdown here or there. A lot of the well known N64 games suffered from very ugly frame-drops or locked to 20fps.
>inb4 some chucklefuck post that webm of mdk for ps1 chugging along at 9fps
>PS1 games usually ran a lot better too
Yeah, when you compare N64 actually running real 3D games to PS1 doing a few models on a prerendered background or a sidescroller.
Even the 3D games ran better. Terracon blows away something like body harvest.
Show me a N64 game pulling off Crash/Spyro tier visuals while maintaining a stable 30fps.
I mean there's F-Zero X which looks like alpha waves for DOS but runs at 60fps.
Show me Crash and Spyro not hitting loading every five minutes.
load times have nothing to do with framerate. It's also why N64 games are often fogged out past 10 feet, it cripples the framerate. N64 was a bottleneck machine.
Terracon is empty.
N64 is rendering games as you're playing them, PS1 was doing it screen by screen, of course it was effecting framerate.
Looks more detailed, and runs better.
Imagine being this retarded
The textures are better, but those ants have more polygons than the entire Terracon screen.
No, geometry on Terracon is definitely more detailed. It had to be in order to avoid extreme texture swimming.
Woah, compelling argument!
You're a fucking idiot if you think pre-loading one screen isn't a shortcut.
>emulated screenshots
>more polygons than the entire Terracon screen.
No wonder Body Harvest runs like ass.
>switching tenses mid sentence twice
learn english
You can literally see the polygons on both screens.
No argument once again.
There's no argument to be made, you don't even know the absolute basics of 3D. N64's problem is over-synchronization results in everything bottlenecking everything else, so despite being several times faster on paper every part of the system slows down everything else. It's a latency disaster. So bad in fact that it still had load times in games like Quake, significant ones.
5th gen games were a mess all around. Similar to 3rd gen games, they were trying to figure out how to get a new medium to work. As a result, they are unpolished, generally not very fun to play, and are uglier than SNES and Genesis games. Overall, video games peaked in gen 4
>There's no argument to be made
>Goes ahead and makes one
Damn, you're stupid.
The PS would have set on fire if you tried to walk through one end of Hyrule to the other with it's 32bit ass.
They aren't.
When is the last time you played Spyro? I love those games and they have a great art style but there is NOTHING graphically impressive about them. Objects are ambiguous polygon amalgams, draw distances are terrible, textures jitter, etc and I was playing it on areal hardware on a CRT just the other day. Even Mario 64 looks better let alone something later like Banjo Kazooie. Crash on the other hand was achieved by tricking you into thinking a 2D platformer is 3D
The Saturn did not handle 3D games very well. It failed because it was the greatest 2D console ever made at the beginning of the 3D era.
are you kidding? Spyro is one of the best looking platformers on the system, especially when you remember its levels are open ended rather than being linear corridors like Crash. The draw distance is amazing precisely because of the level of detail technology, other games with level design like this would just fade to fog after a few metres.
>it was the greatest 2D console ever made
Saturn can't into transparency
enjoy your dithering segafag
Nah, it would handle it just fine at 30FPS and also while looking better and with CD quality audio.
The N64 struggles to run its own software.
>The draw distance is amazing precisely because of the level of detail technology
I'm pretty sure the game just displays flat maps that approximate what you should be seeing at a distance, with a glimmer here or there to direct you to a location where you're missing an item. It's not true draw distance because objects visibly appear/disappear depending on how far you are from them. That said it's been a while since I've played Spyro 2 or 3, I'm replying the first game right now. It could be different for those but they were also very late-cycle Ps1 games iirc
Even then, the Saturn also struggled with 2D and often had trouble pulling off effects the PS1 could do with ease. The only thing the Saturn had going for it was it's situational-at-best background generator and slightly more VRAM.
Saturn being unable to handle transparency easily made it the system with the best looking transparencies. Developers always saw it as a challenge, the equivalent of a demo scene quality effect. They would use this challenge to combine transparencies, reflections, dynamic lighting, colored lighting, per scanline distortion all at once. Ended up being some of the coolest effects of the generation, nothing else looks quite like it. Burning Rangers is gorgeous, as is Powerslave.
Currently emulating Sega Saturn games, played through Fighters Megamix, Sonic Jam, and Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2. Sonic Jam has a nice asthetic, Fighters Megamix is really fun, and the graphics on Panzer Dragoon 2 are very impressive given the platform it released on.
>screenshot is of a game with some of the smallest levels in 3D gaming history
Really makes one think.
burning rangers runs like absolute garbage precisely because of the crazy hoops they had to jump through to get transparency working.
the vram can be a hindrance when it's split into separate pools rather than being unified like PS1. See, the port of SotN.
Yeah, if only they were smeared in vaseline, then it would be as good as an N64 game.
The transparency had very little impact on the framerate. It doesn't even run that bad, runs like a first party N64 game.
The PSX simply couldn't handle large environments.
This gsme is great. To bad psx 3d looks like my tv has parkinson.
Sure, and it looks a hell of a lot worse than one. All transparent assets are low res and scaled up, and it makes use of lots of dithered pseudotransparency any way.
Sega arcade games from the time play wonderfully and many are still the undisputed kings of their respective genres.
Lol I love the Saturn but no it fucking didn't.
True, but their console ports were extremely underwhelming.
graphically anyway. most saturn model 2 ports still play excellently.
>When it comes to the 5th generation of consoles, which are your favorites?
Tons of shovelware and "AAA" style over substance shit games (MGS, FFVII) with the occasional decent to good game
Style over substance shit games made worse by one of the worst controllers ever invented
A solid core library of decent to good games with some shitware scattered around it
Basically the generation that truly began the downward spiral of gaming to the shitshow it is today.
It handled them very well, with less fog too. How many N64 games even ran at 30fps?
The framerate and draw distance in daytona were absolute garbage. Both of those are a hindrance to gameplay.
yikes imagine owning a saturn back then and seeing that performance. if Yea Forums existed at the time you just know that webm would be massive console war fodder.
And it's still a ton of fun.
Literally the only game on PSX that has levels that aren't tiny.
The draw distance is perfectly adequate for seeing cars up ahead. The FPS is shit, but the game still controls so tightly and perfectly that I think it's still the second best version available besides the original arcade.
Sure, but it's much more heavily compromised than e.g. ridge racer was. To the point where I'd rather play that game at home even though daytona was better at the arcade.
Spyro's got bigger levels than Banjo Kazooie and Tooie. Runs better too. Are there any N64 games that even run at 30FPS?
>The draw distance is perfectly adequate for seeing cars up ahead
and none of the actual course
> I think it's still the second best version available besides the original arcade.
the psn/xbla port is excellent you know
>Spyro's got bigger levels than Banjo Kazooie and Tooie
That's just objectively wrong.
I don't know anyone who would want to touch a ridge racer game except for R4. Daytona USA even at 20FPS and with chunks of the level popping in front of you is still more charming, fun, and engaging.
From before I had an RGB capable monitor, but s-video still illustrates the difference.
>t-that's obj-jectively w-wrong!
No, it's not. Cope at 20fps.
Banjo Tooie's levels in particular are often considered too big, nobody thinks that about Spyro's tiny ass levels connected by loading tunnels.
Enjoy your one track I guess.
>the psn/xbla port is excellent you know
I honestly count that as the arcade version.
Please learn how to record CRTs before posting these shitty webms.
That's just because they're well designed. Spyro levels are dense in content, expansive in scope, but not too big for the sake of spacing things out, much like in Banjo Tooie, but rather to provide well adjusted pacing to keep the game going along at a speedy and exciting pace.
They're meant to show off the flickering dithered meshes produces on CRTs, not to look good. If all you had to go on for the case of using composite to blur dithering was captured footage, you could be tricked into thinking it worked better than it actually did.
>That's just because they're well designed
No its because they're smaller.
better designed, better framerate, better visuals. How can Banjo 20fpsie keep up?
Spyro's levels are often really flat and the movement is stiff because the protagonist is on four legs and the game uses digital input.
consider buying a dual shock.
Consider that the game still uses digital movement just mapped to an analog input which makes things worse.
as a zoomer who got into retro video games after the fact I wonder what it's like having these games tied to your earliest memories and feeling genuine nostalgia for them. at least it keeps me objective.
Prove it.
Try tilting the stick forward to walk.
Post some proof.
Why don't you post proof of the game actually having analog movement? This was extremely common back then, every Resident Evil on the PSX had dualshock "support" in the same way.
Says it on the back of the jewel case. If it doesn't have it, it shouldn't be hard to prove it.
I can't play this shit well at all. I feel like I lose control very easily. Is it just rote memorization?
Man the fifth gen has aged like bread in an unsealed bag stored behind a leaky water heater.
Mostly played couch multiplayer on 64. Golden age of multiplayer gaming
Partially, you also need to really learn the controls well. If you're playing via emulation or the steam version just give up, the former's input lag significantly impacts the game and the latter is based on the PS2 port which botched the controls and as a result plays and feels far differently than the original. As a matter of fact the PC version was originally released without support for true analog control of any kind until outraged fans demanded it, and they were hastily coded in.
TL;DR Saturn version or bust
Well I guess I'm fucked because I have the Steam version, and Saturn anything costs an arm and a leg. I also can't bother with emulation because it seems even harder than most 3D console systems.
It was really the worst fucking gen for devs because you had 3 systems that were super fucking different.
It'd be like if the PS3, GC, and Xbox One were all released in the same gen and the devs had to try and support them all.
no way. I guarantee you that. Also PSX has no perspective correction.
But it had better music and fmvs.
Well they're still good so there's no issue.
Fuck off you faggot, Spyro looked better than any other console game of the era.
>3D gradient mesh skybox
>large scale, long distance
>beautiful texture mapping
>dynamic LOD, no distance fog or pop-up geometry
>fucking portals
>3D HUD (in the first one, at least)
>3D lettering all over
>well rendered NPCs
>items and enemies are 3D models, not sprites
Terracon runs like absolute dogshit.
>Spyro's got bigger levels than Banjo Kazooie and Tooie.
Spyros levels are a bunch of small very flat rooms connected by tunnels because they couldn't have them be open like Kazooie or Tooie, and out of those two games Tooie is the one that runs badly because Rare pushed more effects over a solid framerate. Spyro runs well, but because of said smaller environments and a metric fuckload of LODs and good programming to enable it.
N64. It didn't have this super annoying graphical glitch where the lines would warp upwards and downwards all the time. Sure, there was a limited amount of good games, but the good games that there are are phenomenal.
I owned an N64 and later a PSX. My favorite N64 games as a kid was Mischief Makers & Blast Corps. The two games I spent most of my time playing on PSX was MGS1 and RE1/2. R8 my childhood