What video game character will YOU name your kid after Yea Forums?
What video game character will YOU name your kid after Yea Forums?
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im gonna name mine sekiro because sekrio is a cool guy who doesnt afraid of anything
Unironically probably going to name a kid Arthur after Arthur Morgan. I'll tell the wife it's off of King Arthur
Ellie is a real name though, it's not something retarded like Reimu or Dohvakiin
Obviously Dante so he can reap the benefits of pretending to be a nigger
Only black people are named Dante IRL
Is this the Twitter screencap thread?
If it's a boy, Travis. If it's a girl, Felicia.
If I ever have twins, they're gonna be Dante and Vergil, though.
Exactly. Unless you're saying it'll curse my son to be a nigger?
I won't ever have a kid
Altair. he'll be good at skateboard tricks
Don't name your girl Felicia, it's a stripper name and makes her sound like a stuck up cunt otherwise.
Travis is a 10/10 name though.
Athena and Pacman
Gabe, short for Gay Bowser
>tfw we'll never get Donté: Exterminador de Demonios
>game takes El Donté meme seriously and comprises of a full Spanish soap opera aesthetic and even more ridiculous gameplay
why live bros
I'm naming my son Beat and thats also what i plan to do to him if he ever starts liking anime
Uninstall wizard
I like how OP made this thread to mock redditshit gamerfags, but instead got sincere comments from a bunch of people who would actually do this
Also I'm not being ironic, I actually do like this because I've been browsing Reddit more lately and I've found that they're just a happier people. Later virgins.
Nice bro. Mines gonna be "dietwice" but my wife isn't too happy about it, especially since she's had 1 miscarriage already
Cool, I'm naming my son Sneed, formally Chuck
fuck bros he got us
Pretty long for a first name, also containing a comma.
it's "formerly", you absolute brain dead spastic ESL retarded brain dead nigger faggot fuck you and die in a ditch in your 3rd world country
have sneed
You think so? How about Rebecca, then?
was it ever confirmed Zelda named because of the games or because it is an actual woman's name?
Formelly formally
Have cuck
Formerly chuck
>ctrl + f sonic
>0 results
Imagine not giving your son such a kino vidya name.
Wait a minute, that face
Robin Williams loved Zelda and Evangelion
My first son will be named mii swordfighter
and my second Olimar
Claire Red field.
I think Claire is a really nice name.
Formally whitey
Gonna name my kid Nero
my manager's fat as fuck and her husband is a spic with 2 daughters from another woman. They had a daughter together and announced the gender with a picture of their custom Xbox controllers with a pink one in the middle. They named her Liara after the blue big tiddied bisexual waifu you fuck in Mass Effect. She's currently pregnant with a boy and is debating naming him Kaiden, after the bisexual migraine man you fuck in Mass Effect.
I have never let on that I have played all 3 Mass Effects multiple times because the pure autism radiating is too disgusting for me to face head on.
Goku Yandel
>Parents named me Goku
Gonna name my kids Gohan and Goten, because why not?
I wrote formerly instead of formally in the first sentance of a job application I spent 3 hours on and somehow didnt catch it.
Ellie is a nickname. If you name your kid a nickname (Tony, Steve, Johnny) then you should unironically be chemically castrated.
Why did they tie a shoelace around that babies head?
If i have twins, gonna name it Dante and Vergil.
At least spell it right
>Ellie is a nickname.
For what?
my beautiful twin babes
It is right
I hope you're an ESL
the face says it all
Thanks for that
I would name my child Ellie before I gave her some grandma name like that
>hat with a bright logo
>public faggotry
Looks like we got our man.
Oof. Well, this is embarrassing... Good thing we're not on a board dedicated to video games, right? Who am I kidding. This dude left a while ago.
You can name your pets whatever you want. Nick names are acceptable, and preferred, actually. You wouldn't name your dog William, would you? Willy? Sounds better.
The great thing about nicknames is that they're meant to be informal. You can name your kid Eleanor and still refer to her/xer/xim as Ellie.
Even thought I don't care much about the character I always loved the name Ciaran.
Still wouldn't call my daughter that, i wouldn't want her to be bullied, but I wish I could.
>has had sex
I know which video game imageboard he dont browse
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
Arthur's a very traditional Anglo-Saxon name it really doesn't need to be referencing anything
I'm going to name my hypothetical daughter after this loser.
sephiroth obviously
Your daughter's gonna be a grandma someday though
She can go through life being called Ellie by friends and family then keep a cool dignified name like Eleanor for her tombstone
>I know which video game board he do not browse
If there's one dedicated to grammar, you certainly don't browse there.
Go with Ellen then.
I respect all of your vidya names but I'm gonna have to go with Frylock for my firstborn son
I'd name my child Balthios with the middle name James
Not Meat Wad?
That's our planned name for the gravestone in case of a miscarriage
Not if you're planting gummi bears!
Smart. Always have a plan.
>not a full game of Donte's Infornication
Incredible joke if OC
>Naming a child that is not his own
>Implying that is his real daughter
Appropriate but still onions
This is some good bait.
I will name my transgender son Kojima.
How can TLoU be anybody's favorite game? How could it even make it into a fucking top 10 list?
I wish it was bait user.
I'm gonna name my first daughter Persephone, but it'll be pronounced like "Purse-ah-phone". I think she'll really like that.
>not naming your children after anime characters.
I'm amazed by the fact that he could name his wife's daughter
Cyberdemon if it's a girl, Pinkie if it's a boy.
Dont sounds a lot better than do not though. You have true autism
>refreshing as a spring breeze
I don't know about a good guy's name though
Meatwad is one word don't write one word.
Wanna know what true autism is? You replying to my comment, not realizing it should be "doesn't", and not "don't" or "do not". Congratulations, you played yourself.
It’s “doesn’t”, you fucking ESL.
You're telling me you didn't misspell "sentence" on purpose?
toobie not seriously, or jenna.
t. Tim Buckley
Spell check tried to correct me too. I just ignored it, because I'm pretty baller that way.
An anime-watching beta male has a daughter. What a surprise. He is probably molesting her as well.
Did he kill himself because he wanted to suck those tiddies and she kept teasing him like that?
Morgan but I'm an incel who'll never have kids so who cares
What do you think he was fapping to when he died?
I realize it but you make it sound likewirse than it is, probably because you're a triggered incel
Are you done spamming ESL every five seconds you 13 year old faggot?
Feel free to point out any other errors. I'm getting my cock sucked right now as I yype this just like I was in 6th grade. Stay salty trap aficionados.
none because I want my kid to succeed and will name them accordingly, rather than being a nigger
Name him Chuck, than a year or two later legally change it to Sneed.
>mfw I know someone who actually named their kid Alucard
You know Count Dracula?
I'm sick of you fucking ESLs, too.
>Tfw am a twin
So glad my mom and dad didnt give us fucking matching names like Jimmy amd Timmy or some shit
Sora from kingdom hearts. It works for both boy and girl which is very versatile.
I'd name a kid Julia.
If a girl, i'd probably name her Colette (from Tales of Symphonia)
If a boy, probably Richter maybe because my last name is german as all fuck
Would you like If your name were Dante or Vergil?
I unironically think that Phoenix (Nick for short) would be a good name.
I absolutely would not mind having either of those names (though if i had to choose i would pick Dante because i wouldnt want to fall to the easiest joke of being called Vergin at some point)
I'd unironically call my kid Roxas.
good choice
The greatest choice.
Have you played Nelke yet? Is it any good?
I haven't played it, honestly I'm not that interested in it. I'm waiting for the new trilogy.
because he got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and depressed
Has there been any comment on if Lulua is part of a new arland trilogy or if it's just a one-off thing? I'm definitely getting that one at least.
Only a retard would name his little princess after someone he wants to fuck.
I haven't heard anything, I hope not. Arland is fun and all but I don't want 3 more games of it.
>Fiancee had the name Marisa decided for our firstborn daughter because she saw me play Touhou one night
I'm going to have to purge my entire collection of art I have of her aren't I
I think it'd be weird as well, I want to see a new region too.
>not wanting to fuck your daughter
what are you, fucking gay?
that's keemstar
It would be nice if they made an asian themed game already but then they couldn't reuse their assets so it probably won't happen.