He plays on easy mode

>he plays on easy mode.

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No...NO! You don't understand I have a deadline and I have to help my girlfriend (male) dilate on the hourly!

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I'm envious of people who can enjoy easymodo. I can't play games when I'm half asleep and not really concentrating, if I try to play easy mode I'm bored to tears and I need more concentration to play anything challenging.

>you play on hard mode, user? That must take a lot of time and effort. I myself play on easy mode and as I usually don’t have much time for gaming these days.

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>pulling the normie card
You are just bad at video games admit it.

Sekiro...needs easy mode

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>You care that much

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So? They're games dude

And you are bad at them, how embarrassing

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i play on normal because easy is like retard mode and "hard" mode usually just consists of doubling enemy health/weapons/production rates without actually making them hard - for 90% of games any difficulty past normal just makes the game more tedious and aggravating rather than actually making it more challenging

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In all seriousness though, I never understood Easy mode. Most normal modes are already easy.

I play whatever the fuck i want. Eat shit and die faggots PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA LMFAO!

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That completely depends on the game. L4D2, for example, actually makes the game hard by requiring you to know the maps, be economical with equipment/ammo, and prioritize teamwork. It is just 1 example, but saying 90% is definitely wrong.

>thinking retard mode doesn't cover easy AND normal

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It's not a matter of being bad or good at games. Some people are incredibly talented yet they prefer playing on easy. Personally I'm terrible but I don't enjoy easy modes.

Hard mode doesn't double enemy rates, hard mode is what the complete game is created as with all the obstacles placed and paced appropriately. Then the lesser difficulty modes are made by cutting out those challenges and leaving you with a fraction of the game. Even if it's only decreasing enemy health/weapons/etc, that can totally change how you play. E.g. if an enemy dies in 1 hit on normal you can just mow through them but if they take 2 hits on hard then you have to dodge their attacks as well.

I have a gf and a job though

My favorite hard modes are when they turn the game into a resource management fiesta.

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>play grand strategy/rts on normal/advanced difficulty
>enemies progress in a similar manner and have realistic army sizes
>play on legendary or the hardest mode
>shithole factions with 1-2 settlements pumping out armies in greater number than they'd have people living under their dominion at all

Can this be the touhou thread?

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Alice is my wife.

This. I usually play on normal to get a feel for the game and then if it's any good I'll come back around for a hard playthrough. Though most of the games' "hard mode" really are just that; enemies getting more health and damage, you take more damage and deal less, etc. Few decent games actually TRULY change in terms of AI or strategy or whatever besides straight numbers between difficulty settings.

>he plays on princess mode.

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do you have more of these?

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>has time to shitpost in Yea Forums & for a gf
>doesnt have time to play games

Normal mode is just easy mode where
>enemies getting more health and damage, you take more damage and deal less

>caring about skills in singleplayer games
never gonna make it

this is your command to post your favorite

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Have a TWEWY version

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It made more sense in previous decades when games were harder.

Yes, that's what I said. Most games follow that exact scheme from easy to normal to hard. Thanks.