Also new risk of rain thread I guess
Other urls found in this thread:
was a good run too.
US West
I picked up the back-up item and it spawned all that shit instantly since I had gesture of the drowned
nice one hopoo
we had a stick bomb printer on contact light, too FUCK
It was a good day for me.
Tell me your Printer stories.
When do enemies stop spawning? I decided to use all my lunar coins and become god
US East
Chadsoon only, drizzlets get out
One time I printed a bunch of gas tanks, and it didn't eat either my energy drink or my goat's hoof.
I think it's around the 130-135 minute mark. There's some tier of enemy that doesn't exist in the game yet that's supposed to spawn around then.
Consider this:
Alternate game mode where only one item of each rarity can spawn in
i still have stuff spawning though
maybe the recent patch changed things
ill report back later
guys pls respond
if I quit a match do I still get my unlocks? in a MP match and its no fun IM too behind but unlocked some stuff
I'm always disappointed whenever a printer isn't sticky bombs.
Is the modanon pack bugged when it comes to Bandit and start spawns? I always end up spawning in the exact same area no matter what as him
>rush stage 1 and 2
>get to stage 3
>printers for syringes, glasses, and stickies
>not enough items to take full advantage
it hurt real bad
>On loop 3
>Ice level
>Wake of Vultures printer
>Say fuck it because I want to sleep soon anyway
>It's actually good
Almost a full minute of elite affixes and they all stacked. Was actually really fucking good, surprisingly.
tried to switch items but it was too late by then,
>reroll until you get something brokenly overpowered
Not very fun.
usa monsoon vanilla 1 spot
>Play Engi
>Not one bustling fungus for 15 stages.
>Get frustrated, switch over to Merc
>3 bustling fungus printers in 4 levels
I swear this game weights drops towards shit you don't need.
How does that even happen with 2 fuel cells and 1 gesture of the drowned?
Can I have fun playing this solo?
You'll need to practice in solo to get a good feel for what items are most useful for how you like to play before you go embarrassing yourself in front of your Yea Forums friends.
Ouch, I can feel that from here.
Almost there
It's more fun solo. Because you're not sharing items.
Why is the prototype such a shit drone for the money
if you don't have an item and get gestured it starts building up uses, so when you pick up an item they all go off at once
probably a bug
Still wish you could bump up the enemy and chest count to multiplayer levels on Solo.
You can play modded where the drops are just like solo but every item is shared with all players.
Ohhh yeah that's a bummer.
You can with mods. 4x is fine. 16x is almost unplayable.
sorry user i don't know
>level 2 tri-point dagger printer
>print 7 for 100% bleed chance
>everything up to Impossible is an absolute joke
Bleed is surprisingly powerful when you max it out
because hes cute.
>hit quickplay
>all anime avatars
>instantly disconnect
It drops off in effectiveness.
>go to an anime website
>complain about anime
shiggy diggy
>hit quickplay
>instantly disconnect because I meant to click on solo
I don't complain about anime, I complain about people who use anime avatars
i think i'm done with risk for a while
There's a difference between casually watching anime and being an incel with 0 self awareness using your waifu as an avatar
daggers are fine its just that because they scale purely on base damage theyre difficult to get value out of late game
Good work. Would it be possible to remove or make the waist part thinner?
You need to learn the difference between someone without self awareness and someone who doesn't give a shit about your feelings.
It'd be boring because you would just reroll over and over until you got something good
Now an artifact where each stage could only have one item of each rarity and it changed each stage could be fun
It was awful user. I tapped sprint and i was halfway across the map
Fresh OC.
Nuclear launch detected.
US Vanilla Lobby
upvoted :^)
Did that combo earlier today with a 2x Catalyst too. By the time all 4 meteors had expired, I had already earned back 3 uses.
Definitely gives you practice dodging them for when someone gets froggy in multiplayer.
Why are you advertising your imaginary girlfriend if you don't care about the reaction? (Oh right, youre an incel with no self awareness)
im at 165mins monsoon and stuff is still spawning but more rarely
Can someone post the RoR1 guide to playing?
Don't shit up this thread with your crying. Your posts absolutely reek with projecting insecurities. It's obvious that you believe the only way a man can have value is if a woman considers him valuable. Men who have sex know this is untrue. Literally who gives a shit about what people put as their Steam icon. Stop getting bent out of shape over completely meaningless nonsense.
t. anime avatar weeb
Quick question
Is the objective just to find the teleporters and move to the next round or finding items until you're at a good level then get the teleporter?
Also what's the best way to unlock items? Solo or in a party?
Thanks user
Not even close. I'm telling you to shut the fuck up because your bitching isn't welcome here. This topic has nothing to do with this game. It's just you whining about irrelevant shit that nobody else cares about.
IDEALLY you get to Rallypoint Delta in under 10 minutes; under 15 if multiplayer. After that you can shop 'till you drop.
Real commando time
>Have a really solid run going
>Throwing a couple glaives just demolishes fucking everything with the Clover aiding a gorillion procs plus two Brilliant Behemoths
>Get OHKO'd by a Greater Wisp from offscreen during a teleporter on Loop 2
if i find a shrine of order im gonna use it
at 180 minutes monsoon
Can't make the waist thinner with what I have available, but you can have a download link.
Roadmap when?
Any people in a lobby?
I meant the metal part on the waist. I'll definitely take it anyway, though.
What's your favorite shipping note from an item in ror1 or 2?
I can't even tell what's different about your huntress vs the base game desu senpai
Yeah, I can't pull off the metal parts at the waist or near the chest. Not without more clipping, at least.
>nine gestures
wow, getting carried by autocasts after cheating in extra lunar coins sure is impressive user, thanks for posting the screenshot
Is this the update version then? Does it have artificer too?
>take step forward
>shoot off a small slope and get shot out of bounds
>spend 10 minutes trying to get to the obelisk without overshooting it
it's not even hard enough to get infinite coins for it to be considered cheating
That was actually kind of what I was aiming for. Big titty excluded.
Yes and yes
>when you need to break out trigonometry to calculate how to end the level
Can't wait to see Cremators in 2. The hermit crabs are obviously their progeny.
don't even try to pretend like you haven't edited your save file to get them scrub
when did i ever pretend i didn't? it's easy as shit and lunar coins are few and far between
Awesome, looks great. Thanks user!
U.S. west Monsoon game soon
US W Monsoon vanilla
no lunar items
How long do you usually stay on a stage before activating the teleporter?
Whoever established Centurylink should fuck off and die.
why does everyone play on normal?
cheating lunar scrubs on suicide watch
melee is stupid
I'm always on the first few for 5-10 minutes a piece. Fuck speed.
you only need ~30 lunar coins to break the game and its incredibly easy to farm now thanks to obelisk. No cheats required.
Because monsoon is often inconsistent and
5 minutes is my usual max; on the second loop and later I'll stay on the 4th stage for the guaranteed wake of vultures
U.S. west Monsoon
>incredibly easy to farm
Yeah, enjoy spending two or three hours just to get a single run where they carry you.
>bottom feeding waifufags strangling the threads
>RoRchads not only survive the attempted murder but grow continuously stronger
Desu I'm really disappointed with all the Lunar coin cheating. The excuses for it are sincerely something I expected to see ridiculed, or called reddit; it's a shame that this sort of thing is prevalent in quickplay, and now it's in Yea Forums threads.
>spend hours grinding a stockpile of lunar coins from obliteration
>just edit in 9999
what coin cheating?
Scratch this, gonna join this guy: Fucking lol he shut down. I'm back up
U.S. west
spend two hours getting coins
in return, you get a free two hour+ run
complain to hopoo if you dont like lunar items. but theyre ingame, not hard to get, and there's no reason not to use them.
The point is to have fun. If you're deliberately doing something that is either spoiling the fun for yourself or preventing you from having fun then you should do the opposite of that.
art imitates life, strangely accurately in this scenario
someone joined right as I was about to join you.
It's never been hard to 'farm' coins, you just play the game. It was just tedious to get if you like to use the more than once every 10 runs. With the change to the gate of obliteration, it's less tedious but at the same time why not just type a few 9s into a text file and never worry about it again?
Opinions on this Yea Forums?
Would you like RoR2 to add bonus damage when you hit the enemy on certain body parts like the head or eyes? Or would that break the spirit of the game and make it too similar to other third person shooters? Either this, or they're planning on making this the exclusive ability for the Sniper character.
you dont 999 coins. you need 20-30 to get a game-breaking loadout. and with obelisk you can get that amount quickly. i dont edit my save but give 0 fucks if someone else does, theyre just saving time. go back to your discord, redditor
That was me. But then you shut down, so I rehosted.
How do you cheat Lunar coins?
Once enough people complain about them they will start keeping their count server side and the issue will be fixed.
3/4 get in here
I downloaded modanon and cant join vanilla games anymore, how do i turn it off?
edit the .xml file for the game
Maybe during certain animations where you're taking more risk. For example shooting the golem in the eye while he's charging his beam, or on the jellyfish right before it blows its wad.
Risk of Rain 2>Risk of Rain 2_Data>Managed>Delete the assembly-csharp.dll. Go to Steam>Right click RoR2, Verify Integrity
>grug mod game
>grug no cheat lunar coin though
>grug think risk of rain 2 is hardcore game and not RNG casual game
>grug get mad when others edit save file to save hours of time
Wew, lad.
Theres no way to turn it off wtf?
>scrub gets called out for cheating
>uhh they're just saving time cheating in overpowered shit whenever they want
fuck off, you're worse than a drizzlet
Just delete the fucking file.
>grug want fix game faster than WarmShit
>grug no want to wait 2 weeks for fix that should have been day of release
>grug want ability to edit aspects of the game to his liking
grug want stop being ridiculed for choice any other game is norm
>grugglet think he big smart
>grugglet not know the only winning move is to not play game at all for ultimate time save
>put file in folder to have mod
>take file out of folder to not have mod
Jesus christ.
>Edit coin count of thing intended to be earned over the course of playing the game
>Join game and buy up the newt shop
>He thinks this isn't asinine and gets upset when people call out his behavior
Dude just shut up. Honestly.
>grug go lunar shop every round to buy shell and blue rock with all grugs coins
>grug ruin game for everyone
which one in what folder?
what a pita
for bosses maybe
or for specific weapons/abilities
or maybe as an item
having it be universal just creates a "rich get richer" type thing, but having it specifically to incentivize burst damage sounds ok
plz halp
>first level
>a blue orb appears
The easiest way to spot these cheaters.
>besides fun lunar coins are irrelevant after unlocks
>if you only use one or two a run and play the game for 50+ hours you'll have more than you ever need
>if you obsessively use them to have more fun they're more annoying to get
wow u r so evil for HACKING ur way to victory i cannot BELIEVE what i am reading on 4channel.. kids these days...
>grug die to blue rock
>grug cry on rockchan about moon circles
>Dude just shut up. Honestly.
what's more useless than fucking wax quail? fuck quail why the fuck are you even green? jesus christ
fucking quail
>Open Windows Explorer
> Local Disk > Prog Files > Steam > userdata > 38455058 > 632360 > Remote > User Profiles > (xml document)
> Open that document with notepad, in the few top lines there is something about LunarCoin (ctrl+F to find it)
>change the number
>dude risk of rain 2 is a HARDCORE game how dare you not farm lunar coins for 3 hours!
farming lunar coins is not difficult and editing save files is just a big time saver. cry more discord redditor
>triple mountain
>all quails
you are actually fucking retarded
>needing to farm them at all
Ah, the drizzlet scrub who needs to stack overpowered lunar items in order not to die before the first loop finally reveals himself.
Artificer is fun.
Red whips are more useless. Wax Quail is actually a great item with one or two on the right character.
>press space bar
>go launching 200 mph away from danger
>mash spacebar up an incline to QPL into another dimension
I like playing her because when i shoot at things they actually die
Has ModAnon fixed the problem of different characters being unable to escape their droppods for the first level?
Also worm just doesnt want to work for me. pls help
Thanks, mates. I actually couldn't find the path to get to userprofiles so I just searched it
lmao at all the shitters who need to rely on stacking shells or transcendence each run getting triggered as fuck right now
It's time.
Does Brilliant Behemoth stack?
>the whole point is you have 2 EARN them !1!11
>no you don't, there's literally no challenge, it's just something that happens
>err... uh... u r bad at the game you don't even have to farm them!11
If you don't have to farm them, and they aren't challenging to get, then why edit a few bytes of text and never think about it again?
Explosions get larger.
fucking terrible post
Yes but it's shit
Yes, but not damage. Only the radius at which the damage is applied.
E.G. 1 behemoth is 1.5m
2 behemoth is 3m
>20 transcendence
>6 gesture
why the fuck aren't you playing drizzle at this point lmao
the issue with wax quail is because having only 1 is bad. If you only have one quail, its worse than just sprinting.
as soon as you get two or more, it becomes incredible.
well this didnt work at all
fireworks, ukulele, meat hook, brittle crown
>Solo run going well
>See a glowing blue worm
>Touch it
>Instantly die from full health
Oh, so that's why you guys don't like those things.
coins really were a terrible idea
i had ~100 lunar coins going in, i decided to blow them all finally and see spawns end on monsoon. cope
>All those teddies
Have fun being invincible Iguess
>209 bears and 25 racks
you will not be able to die if you get a single healing item
because at the rate you're getting them they aren't meant to be farmed or stacked, just used for one or two items every other run you tard
I saved up enough money to actually buy one of those TC-230s or whatever they're called and it fucking DIED. The fuck?
>they aren't meant to be farmed
according to who? they just added a method to get 5 every ~30 minutes and you only need ~20 coins to break the game. COPE
>the same tired endlessly repeated argument
>the game is REALLY hard i swear guis u would know if you didn't CHEAT
alright bro. you convinced me. Guess I'll think about how hard it is when I get yet another 4 hour run without picking up a single lunar item.
US east
they look cool but the AI for it is retarded and gets stuck in stuff and whittled down until it dies, either that or late game bosses murder it
>I actually earned them all legitimately did not cheat friends :^)
they arnt good
its still just a drone in the end, couple of hits at higher levels will probably take it down
>they aren't meant to be farmed
(despite the fact that they drop based off number of kills aka farming)
>you aren't meant to use more than one per run
(despite the fact that the only consistent way to use them is to spend 3+ coins)
>you can't pick up these items or its too easy
>you can't use this or you're a dizzlet cuck fagit
how many more fake rules do you need to make up for some validation? No one's impressed at how you play Risk of Rain, mate.
if i was going to edit my save id just give myself 999. its incredibly easy to farm coins now, you get 5 per ~30 minutes. after trying lunar stacking it works great, and makes redditors (you) mad.
3/4 get in
all drones are shit, they can barely follow you and they just die
the only reason to buy them is because it's a more consistent moneysink than blowing all your money on getting jack shit from chance shrines.
Why don't you just play drizzle instead of cheating lmao
No need to farm or edit save files, same result you fucking scrubs, take out all the challenge out of the game and break it without any effort kek
quail is the best item in the game unironically if you know how to play
>mfw die because I did shrine of the mountain
anti-lunarfags are the meleefags of risk of rain 2.
>you're just mad that I play on easymode let me play the way I like :((((
t. literal furry drizzlet from ror discord
>spending 20 lunar coins is cheating! Risk of Rain 2 is a difficult hardcore game!
its so easy to get lunar coins you braindead discordsperm.
2/4 join faggots
>it's still the same argument and insult
yawnarino broski, definitely gonna have to tap out of this (you)fest. Your reasoning is pathetic, your argument is hollow and at the end of the day, people will do what they want to do to enjoy the game. I'm going to have to slide in a bit of a newer meme here, so try to keep up. It goes something like this:
I earned my 9999 lunar coins with my amazing skill and power grinding them, and no one can prove me wrong. Just git gud bro
US east new lobby
why is head stompers a red item? Also I feel many of the red items need more oomph. Brilliant behemoth, tesla coil, and the clover feel like the only really good ones.
lunarfags are unironically ror1 infusionfags or daggerfags with glass
i play monsoon and it looks like monsoon can be broken with just a few lunar coins. hopoo is on our side, since he just made lunar coins very easy to farm.
post your damn lobby
gesture of the drowned is broken, transcendence is also pretty OP
and they give them to you literally for free since lunar coins are farmed separately from the run
>Stage 1: Activate the teleporter as soon as you find it.
>Stage 2: Activate the teleporter as soon as you find it
>Stage 3: Grab the Preon if you were fast enough to get it, grind for big drone if you find one and feel that it's cheap enough to be worth it (it will solo bosses in the first two loops and then start to fall off)
>Stage 4: Grind for golden chest if you got there EXTREMELY fast, otherwise grind a little bit if you see a green item picker with something you want, otherwise activate the teleporter as soon as you find it
>Stages 1-3 on loop: Activate the teleporter as soon as you find it, the event will give you enough gold to buy everything on the map anyway
>Stage 4 on loop: Grind for golden chest
>Single Shrine of the Mountain on the first two stages: Grind enough to grab an item or two before activating the teleporter
>Multiple Shrine of the Mountain: Buy at least half the map before activating the teleporter
Pretty lucky to get that many lunar coins in 20 hours.
>baww don't insult me on the chinese basket weaving forum it hurts my feelings
>you are pathetic and your reasoning is hollow my kind sir
lmao the drizzlet is channeling some true reddit today
I don't know how I feel about the magma worm boss fight rework. It's ok I guess.
US west
Bro you're soooo good i look forward to seeing screen shots of your epic and awesome run with 5 gestures and 10 transcendence
>why is head stompers a red item?
cuz if you go high enough you can hit for 20k or even more
head stompers does absolutely brutal damage, and it's aoe so you can succ cube a giant pile and annihilate it in one go.
>I'm a big boy playing monsoon farming for two hours just for a chance a decent run
again, why the fuck don't you play drizzle, no need to waste two hours each time or cheat kek
>tfw you never ever see more than one per area and you need 2
shrine of the mountain is not worth it on first loop
its a million times better now
fuck old worm
drizzlefags mad
last slot
Probably, but it's fun. Do you hate fun?
it completely depends on whether you have the damage for it.
I didnt unlock the crab achievement yet but I do partake in glass runs when I'm bored, I'll be sure to pm you some pictures
not him but you are autistic
>using items at all
I checked the original RoR kickstarter for a laugh and found this. Do we know what boss the backer made?
pls help
I love the concept and always try to get it, but I've never had it survive the fire level. It's AI is retarded and never even follows me. It just fucks off in the corner fighting enemies for four minutes and then it dies every time.
I want to love it, but it's retarded.
forgot pic
>make Lunar Coins to reward the player for playing the game and allow fun gimmick builds to be made with them since they have wonky effects
>discord sperms complain because you actually have to play the game to earn them
>make it possible to grind them by lol kys my man
>discord sperms still complain since you still have to play the game
>difficultyfags now complain since it's easy to snap the game in half with Lunar builds
It's all so tiresome
what the fuck
what the fuck is this
They made ifrit i think
you're not funny. i agree that guy's autistic but to be honest i don't understand grinding for coins either. They make the game a joke.
You refuse to use items the game provides for you. Youre dumber than a drizzlet.
>the mad drizzlet is also an animeposter
Oh, but of course he is kek
>name and lore
should be easy to spot, lets look through the bosses and try to find the one that doesn't belong
Says the retarded prick trying to pretend he's a random person replying to an hour old post in an argument he had nothing to do with. Keep your crying to yourself next time. Nobody gives a fuck what you feel.
>reading comprehension
You're both retarded
they think that risk of rain 2 is some hardcore game, so they get really mad that people can break it with just 20 lunar coins, which are now even easier to get.
its like how sekirofags exploded in anger when DSP easily beat sekiro, and they realized sekiro isnt comparable to actually difficult games like shmups or fighting games.
Wisps are fucking broke as shit.
Late game, that's where I take the majority of my damge, because 10+ of them spawn behind me and I don't even realize it.
Ancient Wisps TTK is WAAAAAAY to fucking long, for such a fast paced game with such a low TTK for the player, needing to tunnel vision on one enemy for 30+ seconds at a clip is fucking absurd
>furry boss
>2edgy hardcore lore
it checks out
>risk of rain is a hard game
alright gramps, take it slow. Don't forget your vitamins. Us real gamers will be back over here with yet another on kill effect build that breaks 95% of runs with a single item, not available from jewland or lunar coins
get in nerds
west america
>they think this is some hardcore game
>they don't understand that you can simply just edit your save file and have a god run everytime you play!
drizzlet mentality everyone
US West
>furry looking boss is the backer boss
>want to stack shaped glass/ kill people with effigies and meteors
>get lumped in with beetle/crab boys
maybe lunar items shouldnt be so FUN
How does 20 coins break game
there is a bug with gesture of the drown. when you pick up a use item after picking up gesture of the drowned there is a chance that it will be triggered endlessely and completely disregard the cooldown. its only a chance though.
but if you have gesture of the drowned and NO use item and then pick one up it will always happen. to avoid this pick up butterfly wings. since using it while its active only refreshes the timer and doesnt overlap animations. you can then switch to something else.
>using lunar coins
Sorry, citizen. But you've broken the sacred law of Risk of Rain. You are NOT allowed to play for fun, you must only contemplate about how difficult the game is while jerking off your ego for playing babbys first roguelite.
I mean, obviously this game is a fucking joke cakewalk but can't forget at least ten stacks of transcendence for each shaped glass can we?
>"The only explaination I have for my surviving this legendary encounter is his many years drifting in space and having been fettered in this unforgiving, frozen wasteland."
>Y-you were only able to be my OC because he weaken
fucking furries dude
first time dropping ifrit's distinction was with fucking engie tonight. barely ever play him. was fun having m1 actually be good
where the frick is the artificer mod
What is the point of Effigy of Grief
The description says it effects "characters", does it just effect players or am I too much of a brainlet to understand
god I love Eliza
>First sentence of the article mentions how easy the boss is
>g-guys I'm only p-playing for f-fun
It's quite hilarious that the drizzlet's idea of playing for fun is either stacking gesture (autocasts kill everything in sight for you) or stacking transcendence (becoming nearly unkillable so you don't have to bother dodging anything) kek
It effects EVERYTHING within the circle, including players and yourself.
>need 50 transcendence to offset 5 glass
i mean if i saw that many i'd do it too
I played this game back when it was 2d and not shit.
so does it work on enemies too?
you only need 4 gesture of the drowned to get constant fire missiles, which break the game. and you can easily get that with 20 coins.
>the game is h-hard I s-swear guys
We got it, autismo. You've replied to 80% of the people in the thread trumpeting at the top of your post about how only true hardcore gamers can play risk of rain and if you don't play it your specific way then you're a casual. I agree, you should never pick up any items or do wacky things otherwise one of the easiest roguelites may get even easier
>stop using items the game provides for you! its not fair!
complain to hopoo, drizzlet.
yes you big dumbass
>it effects everything
>so does it work on enemies
Yes, dummy-chan. It works on enemies.
It effects everything but it's still pretty weak in comparison to other equipment and some what of a liability considering when you use it you're stuck in the middle of the circle and have walk to into the circle to pick it back up
If you don't play this HARDCORE game with my arbitrary limitations, then you're not a hardcore gamer.
What? Shumps? Fighting games? No I don't play those, those are for autistic nolifers.
why are you so insecure about friendly shit talk
>grug farm obliteration solo on drizzle
>grug get big stack of lunar coin
>grug do exact same thing but (((legit)))
>mfw this thread
I think I finally understand why people hate soulsfags so much
It's pretty funny, gesture and transcendence are actually pretty much 1:1 of ceremonial dagger and infusion from the original game, first one obliterates everything for you, second gives you broken survivability. How long before they're both banned from Yea Forums lobbies?
>lmao the game is a fucking joke bro I'm just relying on broken autowin shit because I have more fun that way ok
lmao drizzlets on suicide watch
It's literally just a couple of autists screaming at the top of their impotent lungs. Everyone else is ignoring them.
>he plays RoR for "muh difficulty" and not for seeing what retarded fucking builds you can come up with each time
>i was merely pretending
alright bro, whatever you say.
US West Vanilla Lobby
>Currently 53 Lunar Coins
>Already have Artificer and have spent another 7
Lmaoing at all you lucklets who need to cheat to get where I am
i hope you ignore every sticky printer like a good monsoon player
if the game provides you broken autowin shit, its not a difficult game. and even without them, risk of rain 2 is not difficult. youre acting exactly like a soulsfag who thinks their mainstream twitch game is hardcore.
i didn't say that.
Never underestimate tryhards. They will latch on to literally anything if it provides even the tiniest iota of self worth and a feeling of superiority. Completely disregard for the fact that the game is or isn't challenging, if they can convince themselves of it, that's all that matters.
Yeah, the threads were really good for a week or so, but now it seems to be mostly the few weirdos who are willing to put hundreds of hours into a game with very little content jerking each other off about how they totally only play monsoon and it's so easy for them to never die.
>be a cheating scrub
>get mad over getting called out
how long until sticky bombs and meat hooks are banned because /vp/-tier autists decided a co-op roguelite needs its own smogon ruleset
easier is relative, you can't think.
>cheats in rare items that you aren't supposed to frequently have, much less have multiples of
>dude this game is soooooooooo easy lmao
Next you'll say your idea of fun is playing fighting games with your opponent's hp handicap turned all the down or play shumps with infinite bombs
>you must play the game without picking up any of the fun items or you're not REALLY playing it
>you must play in this specific exact way or you're not a TRUE gamer
This is starting to get as autistic as smashfags.
>found a fun game
>try to destroy it
why people have to be like this?
can't we just have fun?
>fun items
>I only have fun when I'm immortal or when autocasts kill everything in sight for me
ok drizzlet
>cheats in rare items that you aren't supposed to frequently have, much less have multiples of
ecksdee, obliterate yourself my dude
Risk of Rain is not a challenging game. Stop pretending for a second that you can't snap the game in half with a ceremonial dagger and a few wisps.
>distant roost
>wandering vagrant
it's nice to when know your run ends immediately, instead of dying to bullshit 2 hours later you die to bullshit right now
>guys you aren't supposed to have that many of those coins :((((
>hotpoo literally just added a reliable farming method for them
Easy enough to LOS in the roost if there's only one vagrant.
Next update when?
The only thing I can think of is the sweaty tryhards played the game for a few hours, died a couple of times because they haven't learned the game yet and when they finally completed their first loop they got a dopamine rush and felt like the strongest, most hardcore gamer on the planet. Anything that challenges that ideal (like the reality the game is not particularly hard) sends them into a flurry of rage and they have to fly out to defend how ruff n tuff the game really is.
People who feed every white into a sticky printer as soon as they see one every time are nearly as bad as lunarfags but at least they can't do it every single fucking time.
>no argument
They difference is dagger is actually rare and death is still very much a possibility
>hotpoo literally just added a reliable farming method for them
After shitters like you complained about them being rare also
>implying people with 999999 coins farmed them legit
Yeah, but you don't get those every single time to play tard.
Gotten to the point where I merely glance at anything and it dies instantly
My turrets kill everything too, overloading wurms are burst in a few seconds, even if they die they just respawn 2x lmao
Shall I?
Why should players be able to farm lunar coins to get an advantage in this game in the first place?
It is done.
if hotpoo didn't want people to be able to farm coins, why would he add a coin farming method instead of doubling down and trying to prevent save editing? why don't you just go play enter the gungeon if you want a game that isn't as easy to break?
post playtime and lunar coin count
873 im pretty lucky
This was the luckiest run i have ever done.Overloading worm melted in 8 seconds.
teddys, whips, tesla coils and glass
Take fall damage and record how fast the knurls regen you.
To farm coins you need to obliterate yourself, killing yourself and ending a potential good run is a fair trade as opposed to
>lmao dude just edit the XML
Hovering at ~20 coins.
>Kill boss in 10 seconds
>Blows up the level
It is what it is
>start a huntress run not expecting it to go anywhere because i always eat shit with her early
>turns into my first god run
Alright, do you want me to post more examples?
>gasoline instead of wisps
>ukulele and proc items
>stickies in general
>attack speed of any kind
>more than 10 teddies
>clover at all
>n'zumbo's gumbo and any healing items (especially engie and shroom)
>BFG/Zeus and fuel cells
>brainstalks on half the characters
>rapid fire moves and behemoth
>moving so fast no enemy can hit you, so regardless of how little damage you can do you can't die unless you stop
damn... guess it's impossible to break the game without lunar items Yea Forumsros...
damn shame
got these though, about time
wanted to go until enemies stopped spawning originally but didn't know how long that'd take
>873 im pretty lucky
lucky someone in this thread told you where to find the file to open in notepad
1. if someone wants to quickly farm coins "legit", they can just repeatedly do drizzlet obliteration runs with no intent of going for a long run
2. that doesn't answer the question of "if players aren't supposed to have high stacks of lunar coins, why is there now an official farming method?"
maybe you should stop buying all the transcendence you see and you'd have as many as me, kiddo
>drizzlet scrub who clearly hasn't ever played monsoon without stacking lunar items thinks those items singlehandedly make you immortal and let you kill everything in sight without any input whatsoever
lmao are you one of those scrubs who only show up in Yea Forums lobbies just to die a minute into each stage after the first loop
That doesn't explain why you should be able to farm coins to gain an advantage in later games to begin with. It takes practically no skill to get to stage 7, so having coins isn't the sign of a good player, so there's no prestige in having them. It's literally just a matter of who is willing to waste more of their time.
Yes it takes more effort to farm them legit. Is there value in that effort though? No, not really.
If lunar items are meant to be rarities that you don't get every game then you shouldn't be able to farm to the point where you can just get them every game.
who would be autistic enough to waste their time farming coins on drizzle if simply playing on drizzle would give them the same outcome? lmao
They are meant to be rarities because if cheating wasn't an option nobody would actually farm coins just to spend them on an increased chance to do good in a single run.
The people who are upset that they can't show off in Yea Forums games by buying lunar items since everyone will just assume that they cheated them in.
The way the lunar coins are balanced (in my opinion) is so that you generally get 1-3 lunar items per run. If you get 5 coins from obliteration, and 2-3 from regular enemies, thats 3-4 lunar items from the bazzaar. More if you get the lunar chest things.
He literally just added a reliable farming option for the people who wanted to do just that.
So why not just have them drop that much in a run and not have them save up if you aren't intended to save them up?
Good question. I'd personally like to see that system instead.
you can get that with like 10 coins too
>gasoline instead of wisps
Weak unless enemies are clustered
>ukulele and proc items
>stickies in general
Useless without large stacks
>attack speed of any kind
Useless without proc items
>more than 10 teddies
60% is still a large chance to to damage and the returns greatly diminish from there
>clover at all
Rare item you won't often see
>>n'zumbo's gumbo and any healing items (especially engie and shroom)
Effective on literally one character and needs multiple stacks
>BFG/Zeus and fuel cells
Relies on having both a good equipment item and multiple stacks of fuels cells, elite bosses on monsoon can facetank multiple BFG shots
>rapid fire moves and behemoth
does decent damage but needs multiple stacks to be note worthy
>moving so fast no enemy can hit you, so regardless of how little damage you can do you can't die unless you stop
Need multiple stacks of speed items and titan's laser can still fuck you with it's near perfect tracking
I can't wait till you secondaries fuck off when the hype dies down desu, you made a whole tier list to just to expose you have no fucking clue what you're talking about
>b-but it's possible to farm them therefore it's okay if I just edit my save file and give myself as many as I want guys
lmao the drizzlet is grasping at straws now
>play for a challenge
>some faggot who cheated 10000 coins joins and ruins your game by spamming royal capacitor 10 times a second
to each his own
The golden chest is always worth it unless you get Wake of Vultures. Or Afterburner on anyone who's not Merc or Engie
Tesla Coil, Clover, or Dagger can immensely speed things up
>they think that risk of rain 2 is some hardcore game
Why do you keep running with this? You don't think it's possible to simply be disappointed that someone bothered to edit in a bunch of coins you grinded yourself?
I didn't edit my save file. I take issue with the fact that it's possible to edit your save file and have an advantage in the first place. I take equal issue with people being able to farm drizzle to succeed on harder difficulties. I want the system fixed, not the symptoms.
the golden chest takes a good 10 minutes of farming on first loop
has this been fixed
>Proc items useless without large stacks
>Enemies ever not in hordes in Risk of Rain
>Attack speed useless without proc items
Why is modern Yea Forums so bad at video games?
>the game isn't hard at all I just cheat for fun :-DDD
US West Vanilla lobby
2 players
I think you misread my post.
>this game is hard i cheat for unfun
>Why is modern Yea Forums so bad at video game
Are you talking to a mirror?
open again
>actually those either actually weak or mediocre, rare or highly circumstance reliant items are absolutely as broken as being able to stack autocasts that delete everything by simply looking at it from the other end of the map every single run while simultaneously having so much hp you're pretty much immortal
ok bud I will just git gud and open my save files in notepad now
Just started playing today. What's the lunar coin grinding method? Also, best huntress setup?
>what's the lunar coin grinding method?
have you done the achievement to get Mercenary yet? Doing it subsequent times gives you lunar coins.
Got it. Thanks, dude.
user..what the fuck is that image?
She's fun for the first loop...
But yeah, not so much after that
>user..what the fuck is that image?
She told you already
It's her daughter
Does her M2 arcs proc items?
Also, I feel her M1 should either have a bigger radius or more charges. Her ice-wall should block line of sight and be an actual wall, instead of breaking if enemies get to it. Imagine a solid ice wall that freezes enemies who touch it until the end of the ability.
the wax quail allows us to "boing" around. The "boing" is what separates man from beast. A filthy ground peasant such as you could never understand the glory of "boing" master race.
Brethren, do not head this man's words, for he "boing"-eth not!
Yes it does. And yeah, she needs some improvements in order to keep up past 40 minutes.
The worst shit is that brainstalk doesn't even allow her to spam m1 for the duration at full speed.
Most moon runes are trash, though.
>20 transcendence
Yeah, editing lunar coins is definitely not cheating, sure.
Vanilla host pls
user what the FUCK HAPPENED
Enforcers coming back right bros?
I've bought wizard-chan and a few newt altars to try to unlock the thing, and I'm only sitting at 20-something with 69 hours of playtime.
The hell is this? A timesheet for a caregiver?
>People grind for hours to get Lunar coins
>Not just edit the XML for 99 lunar coins
It's like you guys enjoy wasting your precious time of life. This is something that should've been fixed but it's not, so why not just get your free coins instead of wasting those hours like some jackass.
Oh, did you know that there's a way to unlock all the items too? Just edit the XML...
But wait there's more! You know those locked characters? JUST EDIT THE DAMN XML!
She'd be better if using her R later on wasn't suicide
Its a stillborn fetus that she keeps and dresses up like a disney princesses, she's proabbly experiencing post traumatic stress and still keep her daughter fetus to cope with pain of losing a child
why are you wasting your time playing videogames when you can just edit the xml
>Only comandochads
>buy game
>instead of playing it, just cheat your way through by editing values in the XML
Will something be done about Stone Titan's/Aurelionite's 100% accurate laser beam?
It's impossible to outrun and, at late-game, just outright insta-kills you
Him too.
Chill Vanilla Lobby
read in his voice
One more
Whoa whoa whoa, you're saying I just put down 20 bucks on crap that I can just edit in? Why has this not be fixed?! It feels worthless to play now if I can just edit the friggin xml
You're supposed to take cover. So hopefully no, nothing will be done or they'll have absolutely nothing threatening. On top of that due to being split into multiple hits its the only attack that tougher times can reliably lower the damage of. And since it doesn't instantly nuke you you can also use healing to combat its damage whether it be through scythes, fruits, or fungus. Also you were playing MUL-T who can literally just press a button and reduce its damage by 2/3.
Its weird they let Quickplay put you into lobbies of people with mods. Reminds me of Borderlands 2 or even GTA5 Online where you just queue in a lobby and get tens of thousands of Lunar Coins and every item box drops tons of items
>four mountain shrines later
Aurelionite's laser ticks a lot faster than Stone Titan's
There is very little cover compared to most stages
Taking cover where there is some would result in other Stone Titans ground fist and launch you into the air into the laser
I also had 2 shaped glass and transcendence so my health was 1.1k shield
using MUL-T's shift to reduce damage did nothing at all since again, it ticks stupid fast, each tick does massive amounts of damage, and it doesn't miss no matter what
They ain't what they used to be. I'd rather they got rid of them. Gravity is too low for them to work as an evasive move, and late game runs will have you banking off angles like Tribes: Ascend to gain height anyway.
That my friend is the price of getting early access games.
You can even quickplay with people that have mods on, it's a total mess.
And it's going to take YEARS before this game is actually finished. But life itself is already uncertain, so what if you die before an update that's actually important?
All those great moments wasted on playing a game that wasn't even finished, this is sick. Just sick
What's on that spot?
But what about the titty mod?
Sniper waiting room.
i’m working on a male huntress because i got bored also it’s the same guy who made the school girl arti (i’ll figure out how to port it as soon as we know how, i promise)
Wtf but i got his logbook a while ago....
What, feathers? They're fantastic as a defensive item since the keep you clear of all melee attacks, and cause ranged attacks to either land below you or go sailing off above your head. As long as you're not right next to an Elder Lemurian or underneath/strafing towards a Greater Wisp/Bronzong you can do fine with just feathers and no movement speed for a large chunk of the game.
Titty mod? Explain
Did they fix the dash so that it doesn't break sprint any more?
>male huntress
who the fuck wants that?
so much power wasted....
This one.
The ground fist tries to track your movement, so if you move around while in cover it'll land at least slightly off center allowing you to move out of the circle without leaving cover; at the most you'll only take a few ticks of damage if you step back in after the fist punches. Alternatively you can just walk in a parallel line to the laser and that'll usually still have it hitting the rock. Or you can just retreat into the underwater cave vs Aurellionite so if you get hit by the fist it just makes you hit the ceiling.
If it makes you feel better I’m doing a female merc next
have you done something else from your previous mod?
have your previous one with size of 39.7mb
>All these mods make me want to make a huntress loli mod
Are you guys cool with loli stuff? I thought about just having her have the helmet and wear the skin tight suit, which shows her visible chest and uh other areas.
Any other suggestions? I like feedback and advice
Pretty cool. I like the hood.
But why? I'd rather someone turn the male characters into girls.
Yes, make loli mods. You'll be the most based modder of them all.
for fun lol
i’m gonna probably be doing what you said anyway. plan on doing it with merc
Make her all loli but make her butt a bit big
I would very much appreciate if I wasn't the only one trying to figure out how to make cosmetic mods.
You have my interest, user.
hi im billy and heer is money for mom thanks
This. Lolis with wide hips are the best.
What the fuck was with that skeleton thing hidden underground
imagine being on Yea Forums and not liking lolis
Workshop support for maps would be nice right now, just plop them in and just keep the Magma/Lava map the final map of a loop and the other three are randomized
Since we're all thinking about loli mods, how do you actually make mods, is it easy? I just want to make an artificer loli mod
I think you should take your degenerate shit to /vg/
get in nigs
in where?
>that one shitposter staying up 24/7 to drive modders and artists away
What is his endgoal? Is his agenda merely or is there more?
well what's the code?
good post
I have autism
I'm in.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong. If I get to loop 3, I have like only 800 health and a blazing boss will kill me seemingly on accident with a small attack. My DPS seems good, but I feel super fragile compared to the stuff I see in these threads. Is it really just luck with Knurls and infusions?
Please respond I genuinely have no idea what the fuck was up with that. It unlocked an item when I shot it.
Read the item's description.
Modded Vanilla US West Lobby
It'll make sense when you play the game.
pls dont leave
It took like an hour to find one but here it is, let's see what I end my final rainstorm run on
I'll spoonfed you lore, read in order
People can't join if you're modded, unless it's the boss rush mod.
Oh lawd, this gon be gud
I ain't playing around
>Is the modanon pack bugged when it comes to Bandit and start spawns? I always end up spawning in the exact same area no matter what as him
haven't heard that before, I think it's just a coincidence
>Has ModAnon fixed the problem of different characters being unable to escape their droppods for the first level?
>Also worm just doesnt want to work for me. pls help
worm is way up in the sky, gotta wait like 5 minutes & it should hit the floor, at least it did for me
>210 stickies
holy fuck
>6 gestures with rainmaker
welp you'll never have money again
they can if they have the same mod
vanilla lobby 2/4
Jesus that's spooky. So the skeleton was the corpse of the guy that the dude from the dagger's description stabbed to death and left at the altar?
And cosmetic mods are fine too
>sticky nukes
>invincible while dashing
Sticky bombs didn't explode fast enough to kill all those titans that awaited me at spawn
Killing a few monsters gives me enough money to shoot forever
>level 44
I was looking for a RoR2 wallpaper and came across this old screenshot of a yet released map.
Alright gents, think I'm ready?
Is that good or bad, it's not like much was spawning for the last hour
Lategame Aurelion is a test of patience more than anything, have fun grinding money for 45 minutes
I got time to spare.
>no brittle
Basically yeah
>Group get ambushed by golems
>Looks grim till Marion pull out the ceremonial dagger and tells writer to stab her with it
>Pugh sees this and freaks out
>Writer also stabs Pugh with dagger
>Golems all dead
>Writer falls under the possession of N'kuhana
>Carney finds book describing call the crazy bullshit that assorted with the dagger
>The book is called "The N'tormat"
>Writer fears Carney know too much and kill hims
>Writer leaves Carney's body at the alter of N'kuhana
That skeleton we saw are Carney's remains, we have not clue what happened to the writer though
Yeah, there's a bunch of unreleased stuff if you check hopoo's dev blog
Blessed run.
sadly there's no additional scenes in the project, so you can't force it to load
So what now? Is the only way to actually end a run is to die?
Obliterate yourself my dude
Only for you, user-Chan
US east, monsoon
>Have black hole thing on merc
>Eviscerate the clump of 20 something dudes caught in
>All those procs
>All those numbers
damn, I know it's almost 5am, but is there really no one on tonight?
we need fresh blood
>on a ridiculously amazing run early game
>get to the guaranteed red on the 4th map
>oh boy what's it gonna be
>stand on the chest
>lol enjoy being floaty faggot
god damnit I wish you could drop items
I hate this thing
Headstomper should be a lunar item. I guarantee nobody is happy to get it in Abyssal Depths.
Chill vanilla NA lobby
vanilla us west lobby
back open, 1 slot left.
>we have not clue what happened to the writer though
Cultist survivor to unlock later.
It's pointlesss to grind for them, it's not fun, you could instead be playing the game and giving your team mates all the coins.
The end result is always the same anyway, so why bother.
Is there any way to exit A moment: fractured after entering or are you just fucked
I thought it was a blue portal because I'm retarded
activate suicide portal once, then grab second portal on the right instead of activating again.
touch the monolith then exit trhu the portal
Lunar coins and items should be re-thought entirely.
A persisting currency should be for permanent unlocks only, not items for single runs.
please don't make them add permanent unlocks, user
it's already bad enough as it is
Lunar coins need five changes
Higher drop rates in multiplayer games
Less of a drop off in coin drops from getting coins (or even remove it entirely)
Newt altars no longer make you visit the shop but do some other thing
After every loop you visit the bazaar. This is the only time you can visit it
Lunar coins don't carry over
vanilla us west lobby
back open, 1 slot left.
How about every time you open a chest you get sequenced?
both of these should be really easy
Is Engineer kinda shitty end game? Because the second I put down my turrets even with 20+ stacks of shrooms, they get one shot.
>pick up transcendence
>my shields do not regenerate at all
its bugged
shields dont regen currently, they just instantly refill after like 5 seconds of no damage
Late game its less about turrets wiping out everything, and more about trying to find good spots to unload your M1 while laying down turrets as distraction and extra dps. Those balls are pretty good at dealing damage, you'd be surprised
>Those balls are pretty good at dealing damage, you'd be surprised
I've been telling people this, engi + like 15 or 20 SS is death on wheels, guy shits damage and it doesn't fall off at all even without glasses.
Goomba stomping elder Lemurians is cathartic AF
don't trust he wants you to get shotgunned & die
it's an awkward as fuck item that's inconsistent to use. That, meathook, and belt of the vultures are my least favorite to get
vanilla us west lobby
back open, 1 slot left.
i like it
i just dont think its red worthy since the stomp effect is both wonky and on an internal recharge and the jump boost only happens on your first jump
also rusty jetpack was a green and stompers were a white so
>actually like headstompers
>mfw it doesn't even fucking work half the time
the activation is inconsistent as fuck, doesn't help that it gets even wonkier when you have hoppo feathers
So i got literally immortal and enemies stop spawning
get the mod so you can keep going
>be a god who can kill everything on screen in seconds
>i just instantly die out of nowhere, no idea what hit me
fun game
>It's a laser snipers you without being telegraphed episode
Updated the huntress model a bit so there's less missing vertexes, no broken faces, and also exposed back
I can't wait for yellow elites
>Get yellow titan boss
>you go for cover cuz he's gunna laser you
>titan teleports behind you and laaers your ass
>also his laser and fist come out twice as fast
>golem aims at target that isn't you, charges laser
>the nanosecond before discharge it insta-snaps to you
Yeah, that does in fact feel like it might be just a tiny bit cheap.
do you use the mod or play vanilla?
is engineer the only class you shouldn't take transcendence on?
mult & commando too, since they rely heavily on scythe & seed
I only play with friends so its ok.
how are people amassing over a million points? me and my friends reached the obelisk for the first time today and obliterated ourselves at the obelisk thing and two of us only got as high as 98k. is there more to the game after the obelisk?
You can just keep looping.
So I had some ideas for an aero buff/rework, why not male attack speed scale with her M1 recharge rate and her M2’s charge up rate, additionally instead of an ice wall she has a pillar in a circular area that keeps enemies frozen for its entire duration, remove the execute from the kit and make it so you can attack the pillar with single target damage to damage all of the monsters frozen inside of the pillar, or near it even. Finally instead of a fire spray with little dick range make it so the spray is a ray like a stone titans so it’s single target and gives her a more viable range option. The ray would deal 2100% damage to compensate for the lack of aoe inherent to the ability.
You're not forced to go into the blue portal and even once you're in the hidden realm you can opt out after you press the obelish once
>Cheat in enough lunar coins to get 5 lunar items
>Reset it back to 0 afterwards
>syringe printer in 1st area
>glasses printer in 2nd area
>bear printer in 4th area
This would've been fucking great if they didn't keep TAKING THE ITEMS I PRINTED FROM THE ONES BEFORE
New artifact, artifact of order
pleb here, just beat the 4th boss for the first time and then got killed clearing out the chests in the level. Beyond seething.