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Other urls found in this thread:

Really into NetHack atm, about to start my first ever ascension run as a Samurai
Watching old (and I mean old) STAR_ vids
Random Smooth Jazz/Bossa Nova
lol reading
Honeycrisp apples are legalized crack
Water, sometimes w/ splenda
Nursing Handjobs

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still thursday for 2 more hours

but ill be..
ds3, my first playthrough...after playing Nioh this game is a fucking breeze, but boring as fuck. played the shit out of ds1. i think that was enough of this franchise until they update the combat system.
basketball, dubs taking a shit in los angeles tonight
game in the background
bbq chicken
evan williams on deck
nothing but sadness, lel but fuck it

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>Random Smooth Jazz/Bossa Nova
>nursing handjobs
i feel you on DS3. easily the weakest of the three for me and i never thought i'd say that before it released.

nice taste user. although you really are missing out if you don't read.

The Legend of Zelda (on my way to the final dungeon now), Journey to Silius. been on a bit of an NES binge lately. Smash to git gud with Joker, and i may start Blaster Master Zero 2
Star Trek: TOS, Evangelion
Crumb and assorted Japanese jazz when in a musical mood, Alan Watts lectures otherwise.
Fahrenheit 451, a few collected Watts essays.
spicy thai chicken soup
Dr. Pepper and water
nah, already done that. i'm good for several days.
fantastic. hope all of you lovely anons have a wonderful weekend.

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Smash bros. Joker is fun
The Adventures of TinTin series
Everybody wants to rule the world
Garlic Chicken
Canada Dry
Tired, fuck the heat

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>nursing handjobs
So handjobs from nurses or really comforting/caring handjobs?
>Evan Williams
underrated discount whiskey
be happy user, it's Friday.
>spicy thai chicken soup
sounds tasty
same with

GS vs LAC before I start playing
The Living God: A Catechism
I had tacos

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Doom Builder 2, Smash Ultimate. Joker is pretty fun to play and not busted like I initially thought he might be.
I did this cover of The Antichrist by Slayer for my Doom wad I'm working on
Yea Forums, you guys
Pepsi, diet Arizona (blueberry)
vanilla gay thoughts. fuck, I just want a boyfriend give all my love to
Pretty good, but lonely. May have a job at a dog sitting place, playing with the dogs and cleaning their kennels, we'll just have to see.

Why are you sad user?

Yeah, Ds3 feels really bland, too safe almost. I do love the whip's moveset but that alone doesn't save it, especially since the start up is so slow.

If you're on an NES/Famicom kick, play Little Samson, Gimmick!, Holy Diver, and Metal Storm. All 4 are fantastic games.

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Path of Exile, might get 36 this league
The Dick Show
nothing atm
Western burger at Carls Jr
lots of coke
Jesus is getting fucked over, my dudes want to go full fedora and do a bbq

Kurisu always related.

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Nuclear throne
Forensic files
Chicken wrap
Iced tea with lemon
Chillin but really want my fiance to get back to work :)

I'm sad because I'm about to turn 22 and I have no idea what to do with my life.

I work a minimum wage job, I'm too retarded for college, I have absolutely no idea how to basic tasks like getting a car repaired or paying bills, all my friends have moved on to school and relationships while I'm sitting in my bedroom shitposting about Video Games because I have nothing else to do with my mountain of free time, and I'm still a virgin who never even gotten a kiss from anyone besides my grandma.

I'm so reliant on my mom it's not even funny. If something happens to her I'll probably give up on life and die in a gutter somewhere.

Yea Forums is the closest I've had for "friends" for the past 4 and a half years.

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Nothing really
Jojo part 4
New jojolion chapter
Some rice and eggrolls
Maybe I dunno I’m starting to get bored of it

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have sex

Sometimes I wish I were Aussie.

Thank you for making a late night Friday thread for us wagecucks that have to work tomorrow.

Risk of Rain 2. You ever have the itch to play a game, but you don't know what it is you want to play? I've felt this way all day.
Attack on Titan - was lukewarm on this anime before, but trying to get into it again and I really enjoy it.
Podcast backlog
Steins;Gate and other manga
buffalo chicken mac and cheese
fizzy cranberry juice
not sure yet
better now that I'm not sick they found worms in my lungs but hopefully theyre gone now after taking medicine and now It feels like I can breathe again

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SSBU. Joker is really fun but I’m pretty ass at him… Any tips?
Shield Hero and Demon Slayer
Nothing right now
Manga like the insufferable weeb I am
Philly cheesesteak
Did when I woke up, but good ass hentai
Pretty good, my head hurts and I’m tired but I’ve been having heavy insomnia symptoms lately, but oh well. I’ll get through it. Hope you other anons are doing alright.

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You and I are similar user. Although, if your mom helps you reach goals to better yourself, then she's a good mom. I went to college, but ever since I graduated in June I haven't had much to do. She's been helping me look for work and stuff. I hope I can work soon so I can get out of the house some.
Don't worry about being a virgin user. I've fucked, it's really not all that great on its own. You'll just want love even more
Do you want friends online at all? What kind of games do you play? Any hobbies outside of vidya, even if it's indoor stuff?

Bought a used copy of Ninja Gaiden 2 to play on my bone earlier, but it literally has a coffee stain on the disc. Might continue outcast second contact
Mk11 launch trailer on repeat, koth
Yea Forums
"Too big" videos

FFXIV. I kinda want to play something else too but I don't really know what. I should finish Dragon Age Inquisition once and for all but I can't get myself to play it. It's so goddamn boring.
What We Do In The Shadows (which may I say, it's being fucking kino so far) and The Magicians S04 finale (I didn't come here to feel this much).
Maaaaaaaaybe the Dresden Files later. Just maybe.
KFC strips.
Good night, Q. You will be missed, you autistic bastard. Goddamnit.

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I love Kurisu

Cuphead, just released for Nintendo and I've been having a blast. Blew through Inkwell Isle 1 and I was wondering why people were calling this game hard but hot damn Inkwell Isle 2 does not fuck around. I need to save up my coins for the chaser bullets.
Bob Ross
Ovid, The Amores
Milk and water
female chastity
Despondent. I've been reading about Christopher Knight recently, he's a folk legend in Maine who lived in the woods in a tent by himself undetected for 29 years. That life sounds wonderful to me, at least compared to what I currently have. I'm not a complete shutout like him who would rather not talk to anyone ever again but not talking to anyone feels better than talking to people insincerely or just going through the motions.

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Q? You mean that LARPer on /pol/ who boomers idolize? What happened to him?

My mom encourages me a lot, I just don't want inevitably disappoint her and make her feel like her efforts are ultimately wasted. I barely passed Highschool because I'm easily stressed out by large amounts of paperwork and social environments.

It's made even worse when you consider that my family is comprised of doctors and nurses, and most of them don't have any children so they are more than willing to pay for my higher education.

I don't use social media, so my online friends are non-existent. I'm particularly a huge fan of TF2 (Been playing since 2008), and I'm a massive fan of the Ace Attorney series if it paints a better picture of me. I've been trying to teach myself how to draw for shitposting purposes.

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Who's Q?

Just reinstalled New Vegas - been playing for an hour or two now. It's been so long since I last played it that I've forgotten nearly everything, which makes rediscovering stuff immensely satisfying.
My friend play Pokemon in the background. He's an endearing autist, and has been shiny hunting for the past 4 hours. Still hasn't caught his zapdos.
Some Flying Lotus records on repeat.
Started Underworld by DeLillo last night. Seems bretty gud so far.
Chicken Parmesan, with a Waldorf salad.
Probably feedee erotica.
Pretty cozy right now, desu. Can't really complain about anything.

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You don't even add people on Steam or Discord? I've met some pretty cool people from here that I talk to on those places. Ultimately, you shouldn't worry about being a disappointment, you should just worry about what you can do to improve yourself, take baby steps to get there. Slow and steady wins the race!

Thinking of doing some Risk of Rain 2 before bed.
Just started watching the new Dororo. It's good.
Nothing at the moment
Made some chili earlier. It was pretty good.
Idk, I'll find something.
Kinda shitty, been sick for like the past month with a bunch of different shit.

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>sounds tasty
spicy thai is tasty indeed
>If you're on an NES/Famicom kick, play Little Samson, Gimmick!, Holy Diver, and Metal Storm. All 4 are fantastic games.
thanks user! Gimmick! has actually been on my to-play list, and though i've heard of the others (aside from Metal Storm), i've not looked into them yet. i'll be sure to check 'em out.
>buffalo chicken mac and cheese
holy shit that sounds incredible.
good taste user, can't wait for the new FlyLo record. i nearly shat myself when i saw he collabed with David Lynch

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Metal Storm has some cool background scrolling and a gravity change mechanic, very fun and unique NES game. It's also made by Irem, who made Holy Diver

>that spoiler
user how the fuck did that happen?

it's Thursday night on the west coast but

Max Payne 2
The Sopranos S3
Chief Keef and Frank Ocean
this thread
Ate a chicken sandwich earlier
Canned coke
not tonight but maybe the lewd video the bf sent
I wrote some small poetry about the bf and he loved it

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if you're the user I think you are, i sent you a message on steam senpai

Team Fortress 2
The Flaming Lips
Had a chicken salad
Better than usual
Never posted in one of these threads, hope I did okay.

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I got it baby can't wait to give that hole a proper dicking

Baba is kicking my ass. Will get the fighter pass and play Joker tomorrow
Muse, as always
Ate a fucking lot at lunch so nothing
Had a couple of beers
Vanilla, but quality /gif/
Solid but could be better

WoW on one screen and Runescape on the other
Random movie off Criterion Channel
Buffalo chicken sub
Have to go to a social event tonight I really didn't want to go to but kinda got suckered in.

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Hang in there, man. You ought to find something that will rock your world, no matter what. It's not something you discover in a fucking day like high-school wants you to believe. I spent 4 years drifting, being shit'd on by life and family alike until I found something worth, at least, dreaming about: becoming an airplane pilot. I made it my goal, got a job to support that dream and I'm now on my way to become a private pilot.
Also, please for the love of God, being a virgin isn't something worth depressing about. Get a hooker if you need to, just to see what casual sex feels like. It's overrated in my opinion, something I don't really miss or need.

As long as I have my dream of becoming a pilot one day, I'm a happy man. Don't crack under the pressure of feeling lost, there is something out there for you too, user.

Also Gumshoe best boi.

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Tfw 28, a virgin and barely ever even remember I am a virgin.

It's nice to not care, but man I know I will probably end up really lonely in my later years if I dont start putting in effort.

Anyone got good suggestions for coop PC games? Last one's we've played were Don't Starve and Divinity Original Sin 2. Looking for something thats not a shooter, ideally with a bit of a story focus.

I'm no virgin, though does your not-virgin status expire after not having sex for 4 years? That's how much time has passed since I've got laid. A friend of mine never misses a chance to tease me about it, and doesn't believe me one bit when I tell him that I simply and truly don't care.
People love making a huge deal about getting laid regularly as if it was just a another basic need such as food or water, when in reality it isn't. Like I said, don't let the (lack of) sex define you unless you want it to. You are what you choose to be, not what other people think of you.

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Smash, labbing Jokah.
Umineko OST
Yea Forums
Maybe /ss/ if I feel like it.
Pretty good! Hope everyone has a sweet weekend.

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Maybe will emulate some Secret of Evermore. I am not really in the Mood for any gaming lately.
Warcraft 3 Games
some Movie Soundtracks
Yea Forums
dont know right now, it is still in the morning where I live and I dont eat breakfast
coffee right now, water the whole day. maybe a beer or two later on with a friend
nah, I am meeting with a really nice girl the next few days.
pretty fucken good My birthday is in a few days and I will have two great fucking partys. Excited about that.

I have a question for you fuckers. Does anybody know where I can get a Bios for PS1? I am too lazy to search.
>nothing but sadness
whats wrong dude?
why mate?
>Journey to Silius
my absolute nigger
>fantastic. hope all of you lovely anons have a wonderful weekend
you too friend!
>my dudes want to go full fedora and do a bbq
thats a great idea. eating and drinking. you can only top that shit with a good blowjob
>You ever have the itch to play a game, but you don't know what it is you want to play?
the last year user. I would really love to find a game I can have passion for.

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Why is hardly anyone getting drunk on a Friday

I used to smoke a lot of weed every _day_, but I greened out the worst I ever had a week ago, and thought I was gonna die.
I haven't touched it since, and I started eating salad.

I'm not sure yet, still waiting for lab results back, it could be from something I ate or picked it up from where I work. We're also worried I could have got it from my old family cat in which case we'd have to put him down just to add on to how shitty the situation is.

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Probably work on finishing Pathfinder Kingmaker. Gonna play a lot of Splatoon 2 tonight since Splatfest is starting.
Watching all of Lupin The Third with a friend of mine. I only ever watched like a few episodes as a kid and never went out of my way to get the whole experience.
2hu music
monster girl stories
rice with beef stir fry on top
water mainly, quit soda for 6 months now and lost a decent bit of weight. Pretty happy. I do occasionally drink energy drinks though.
monster girls
wishing day would take longer to come, it's getting warmer and I hate the heat

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I just got my record of 11 stages with a buddy just now. Hope your run goes well user!

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>Watching all of Lupin The Third with a friend of mine

holy fuck that's an undertaking. If you start to get burnt out makes sure you watch the fujiko series and some of the movies

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Quit it for good man, if you go back after a bad panic attack you might screw your head up for a while.

Yakuza 6
nothing, really burned out with music.
The Awakening for my ENG class
water and coffee
pretty excited because summer break is near

Beat sekiro recently. Might steal my little sisters ps4 in a bit so I can finally play bloodborne
Lying in bed watching Jojo part 4
Diet coke
Too sad to fap
Depressed as hell because my portfolio submission wasnt finished in time and I missed the application deadline for an internship I wanted. I'm a dumbass failure and I want to die.
I dont want to die a NEET but I think it's my destiny

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I'm playing through Danganronpa for the first time on the Vita and I'm enjoying it. I'll probably jump back and forth between that and Risk of Rain 2.
NHL playoffs.
That new After The Burial album is out today.
Engineering notes for my last final.
Really in the mood for some nachos.
Alright. I could use some exercise.

How active is the Splatoon mp? I bought that game when it came out but I barely played it.

Metro Last Light Redux
Event Horizon
The Daily Shoah
Yea Forums, /x/, & /fit/
Taco salad
Store brand coke
This so how I mountain dew it video (srs)
Optimistic but tired

Yeah, that's why I'm doing with a friend because I know some of the earlier episodes are a bit weak and I know part 3 is kinda shit, but things are more enjoyable with friends so I can probably tolerate more and not be tempted to skip. We do like 6-8 episodes a day though so it's gonna be a while though we might binge over the weekend.

I'd say it's pretty active, I usually find games within a minute or two. I imagine once the event starts people that haven't played in a while will come back for it.

A nursing handjob is when a man suckles from his woman at the same time she gives him a handjob, so the latter. Also I just won the ascension run, so I'm in very high spirits rn; thinking of doing a human priest next

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You are a complete idiot.

TF2, Ratchet and Clank 3, and SMT Nocturne
Dungeon Meshi and some school textbooks
Chicken Wings and a Roast
Dr Pepper and Snapple Half and Half
Alright. My FWB isn't on right now so I'm kind of lonely. Planning some stuff to program for tomorrow.

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morrowind for the first time
hybrid theory and lil peep
Yea Forums
eggs and potatoes
a girls from my class instagram

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is she cute?

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yes user very cute

Maybe Front Mission SNES later
Trailer Park Boys
Old Burnout music
Dune 1 Book
Maybe some whiskey later
it's my birthday today, so it's ok

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Smash Bros. Ultimate and Cuphead

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Gonna get a fat burrito after work today


Lupin part 2 in memoriam
Finance final paper I'm writing
Microwave popcorn
Too busy writing atm
The next 5 days are going to be awful since I have a final more or less every day culminating in a huge research paper, but I finish nearly a week before everyone else so I'll at least be able to head home early.

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Ace Attorney Trilogy, Horizon Zero Dawn, messing around in Smash since the new update hit
The new eps of Sarazanmai and C&T later
Nothing rn
Lolis/shortstacks, the usual degeneracy
Pretty comfy, getting a job in the Summer break that'll earn me €500 a week, so I'm just holing up in my NEETdom until then

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Dead Cells

a fucking udemy course

Take Me Home, Country Roads
nonstop, unfortunately.

Yea Forums


ice tea

some low quality sfm

quite optimistic
development of my game is going okay

Gonna start underrail
Periphery IV hail stan
American psycho
Nothing atm
Coffee and sparkling water
Bretty gud, start of the 4 day weekend here in bongland

happy birthday
>development of my game is going okay
what's it about

about to finish wuppo
i'm considering getting into anime since i don't really find tv shows these days interesting anymore for some reason
this post
just woke up so i'm not sure yet
water probably

>happy birthday
thanks user

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grim dawn
lupin the third
conspiracy shit
caffeine strips
black coffee
nothing makes me horny anymore
if some perverted user recc'd me some crazy shit i'd be more than thankful
excited about the full moon tonight

that's fucking gnarly

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>what's it about
it's mostly for study and testing my game design and pixel art knowledge, silly stuff
but it's a rogue-like where you play as a self-aware mimic

>i'm considering getting into anime
watch boku dake ga inai machi

Tekken 7
Electric Wizard
Yea Forums
Water, but plannan to go have a beer or two at a pub terrace. Spring and sunshine are finally here and I'm making the most of it.
Well shit. I've finally caught feelings for my FWB. She's already pretty much my best friend and she's been prodding me about how I feel about her, while I've danced around the subject since I don't wanna risk what we got, but I might have to fess up today since she keeps bringing it up and it's clearly on her mind too.

>watch boku dake ga inai machi
sounds interesting i guess, maybe i'll check it out
go for it man, if she's that interested to know she might share the same feelings

Just got myself a new pc
Bought Katana Zero
Pirated Sekiro
Downloaded Killer7 and Ruiner

Alao borrowed a friend's ps2 mostly for Ace Combat, playing Soul Nomad and Digital Devil Saga on it.
Konosuba S1, Mob Psycho 2 ep9-13, Nisemonogatari
Detective Conan
Kaiji Part 6
Kurayami Dance
Spaghetti and Fish
Whatever I find
Pretty comfy

>lupin the third
The OG? How're you liking it?
I really need to watch more Lupin.
>AA Trilogy
For the first time? How're you liking it?
That's a fine taste. Any doujins/artists you like in particular?
Happy birthday!
>Dungeon Meshi
Would have a nice chat with
>all of Lupin the Third with a friend
Sounds fun, I gotta do that with my friend too.
Max comfy
Man I really enjoyed Jojolion from what I read but I got tired of the lack of a clear direction and put it on hold for the time being.

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>Happy birthday!
thanks user

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I have both Etrian Odyssey V and Nexus. Never played an EO game. With which one should I start? Also should I do the story mode they suggest? I don't really want to use their premade characters

Maplestory 2
Tuna and rice
Not today

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>Maplestory 2

No other MMO I want to play right now.
Maybe FFXIV when the expansion launches but until then it's MS2.

Honeycrisp apples my fucking nigga

Resident Evil 2 and its extraordinary mediocre, no idea if i even going to finish it. Dead Frontier 2 was more fun
Something romantic akin your name and patema inversed
Kings Field ost
memories of a sorcerer notes on Gilles deleuze felix guattari, austin osmann anomalous sorceries
Ginger ale
Kinda weird, not bad but not particularly good

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have a nice birthday user

You did great user, glad to hear you feel better than normal.

Happy birthday user

thanks anons

Some FFXIV, then Skyward Sword, then whatever I feel like playing.
New season of Gamecenter CX
Textbooks, then maybe some manga
Curry rice
Orange juice, might make myself a White Russian later
tired af. Took my yearly medical exam today, apparently I have hypertension, even though I barely drink, don't smoke, exercise every day and don't eat that much salt i think. I really don't want any heart problems, I'm only 25 for fuck's sake.

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Just woke up but
Yakuza Kiwami Arkham City and YGOPRO
JoJo friday and maybe some horror movies on shudder and YouTube recommendations
Harley Poe
Leftover burgers for lunch and probably grilled porkchops for dinner
Pineapple juice and a Lime Rickey later
>TFW no bf to play vidya with and cook for

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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Spirit of Justice
Watched Mr. Robot last weekend, so that or most likely nothing at all.
Since I'm on Holy Week vacations I'm not listing to poscast while driving to work, so nothing.
I have been readind the Haruri Suzumiya light novels, they're way better than the anime. Kind of expected.
I have been eating bland food all week and I don't expect any improvement.
Coffee/Diet Coke, have to get my caffeine.
Social media sluts

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Stardew Valley on the switch
Countryside silence
Blood of Elves, bretty gud, early chapters with Ciri in Kaer Morhen are kinda wholesome somehow
Going out to eat with family later
My body needs beer, will probably get one for the meal
Pretty comfy, easter holidays be treating me well. Camping out on the couch at my mom's with blanket, doggo in lap, switch and book

Yea Forums I guess
Content, I'm about to clear Way of the Nioh and then probably never play this ever again

I'm tired and feeling sick so I'm just playing leaning back and playing stuff on the Switch.
Just did a run of Gungeon, which I'm terrible at.
And I'm doing some Revelations 2 Mercs.
When I wake up later I'm gonna continue my Trails of Cold Steel playthrough
Vinny playing Sekiro as background noise to calm my fucked brain
I'd like to attempt to produce music again later
Nothing until later
Blueberry pomegranate sparkling water
Not very good. But the gf might be getting me a couple games so I'm looking forward to that.
Not liking Nioh? I loved it, but I haven't played it since it first came out so I never got to play the dlc.
I never really got into Stardew but the Switch version seems very comfy. Might give it a shot again one day

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I like Nioh, I just don't feel like I'll come back to it. Its a long game and I think I've had my fill. You using a katana set up for Raid Mode?

I didn't even know that there was a katana in raid mode. I've been playing it a little at a time since it came out on the Switch.

Much like Nioh, I played raid mode to death, You can make a build that can evade cancel your knife, increase your evade distance, swap your knife for a katana, and turn invisible. Raid mode feels super fucking clunky but I had so so so much fun playing through it.

Just finished the Silver Face DLC for Travis Strikes Again. 10/10 shit. Gonna spend tomorrow playing RoR2.
Baby Driver later.
Kaiji and Kengan Omega when they're updated.
Really want to write some smut ERP, but I doubt I'll have the time for it tomorrow. Bad ends, bimbofication, mindbreak.
Time to sleep.

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That sounds like a lot of fun. I have the evade distance skill but that's it. And yeah it's pretty damn clunky but it's a good time.

its friday already? fuck my circadian rhythm.
tale of two wastelands, surprisingly makes fallout 3 much more enjoyable.
jojo part 5, one of the best fights is coming up.

Might hit up Sekiro later and then some Switch
Probably Guardians of the Galaxy 2 later
Mads asmr
Not yet
I tried to off myself in the week due to not have any hope for the future, I pussied out though, trying to find a reason to carry on

zanki zeri and atelier nelke
crime shows
Bova sci fi
cheese toastie
gin & tonic
crying anal
pretty good

I've heard a lot of mixed things about Zenki Zero, how are you liking it?

Destiny 2
Attack on Titan s3
Suffer On by Wicca Phase Springs Eternal
Cheeto hot fries, thin mints
Gatorade, orange flavored water
Idk, haven't whacked in 2 days so I may not get hornt, but if I do it'll probably be big asses with futa or naga
Not great, my head's so fucked that I just go through the days without a second though until it's over, I think it's called dissociation, kinda just like walking through a dream for weeks on end. But I also have this feeling of distrust and resentment towards my friends. I've just felt nothing but disappointment and anger for the past few weeks. I just want it over. I feel like I can't go any lower.

Sorry for the wall, I just needed to get that out.

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>spicy and minty
if you hadn't already posted your dissociation I would assume you're planning on suicide tonight

I really like it, the actual gameplay is servicable but the weakest element - think ultra simple real time grid based dungeon crawler (legend of grimrock). The survival/rpg stuff is nice, excellent story. I would look at some in depth reviews to answer if it is right for you

Currently playing phantasy star 4 in bed with the fan on

Also craving some food

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Playing through the Max Payne games again, wanna first time playthrough Fallout 3/NV when I'm finished.
Battle Royale
Chicken & Mushroom Pot Noodle
Not anymore
Trying to dig out of a emotional rut at the moment and find purpose.

It's friday night in Tokyo.
Valkyria Chronicles 4
An Empty City
The Castle of Otranto. I was reading Invaders #3 and #4 on the train.
My wife is cooking, she's making something with udon, vegetables and pork.
I drank mate cocido.
It's getting hot, I don't like it.

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Xenoblade Chronicles X. Last game to finish before I put away my switch.
Better Call Saul season 4.
Amber by Autechre now. Probably the new Chemical Brothers album later.
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by David Eggers.
Toast and cream cheese.
Water. Whiskey later.
Not bad right now. My relationship is crumbling and work sucked this week but both will bounce back hopefully.

Can anyone recommend any comfy YouTube channels for vinyl records?

Meant to say Wii U

No suicide for me, death is the only thing I'm truly scared of. (Really hope I'm not coming off as some rp edgelord)

Whatever comes up on YouTube, I've watched almost an hour of zero punctuation and haven't laughed once
Earl Sweatshirt
Yea Forums
KFC soon
Later. I'm anticipating it.
Hungover as all fucking hell. The emotional flatness is worse than the headache or upset stomach.

Just 3 more hours before I'm free from my cage for 3 days. Second Easter day is awesome.
Dragon's Crown with 3 other guys. I'm big tiddy healslut.
Justice League Action. It's surprisingly good.
I found some old Genesis records in my grandfather's stack.
Dr. Stone is some good shit man.
cauliflower, potatoes and ground beef all mashed together and with some cheese sauce on top
Water mostly, It's amazing how much you spend on soda and shit.
Really tired for a few weeks now. I wake up two to three hours before the alarm goes off and it's starting to affect my work. I have no idea what the fuck is going on, and my doctor just went "lol you should meditate".

Happy birthday! How old?

thanks user, 24

Depression and a bit of Pathfinder
My life spiral out of control
to the voices of people telling me I lack practical job experience
Yea Forums garbage
copious amounts of coffee
no drive
i miss being happy

not the same user, but I know that feel. I feel the same way just now, drifting without any real connection to what's going on around me. At least you're not gonna kill yourself. We're gonna make it friendo.

happy bday user! I just turned 25

>Attack on Titan s3
I didn't even know that was out, nice. I guess I have something to do tonight.

I don't know how to help with your dissociation user, sorry. Try talking to someone more qualified. Are you on any drugs? I had a friend who decided he'd prefer his depression over the dissociative qualities of the antidepressants doctors put him on.

Monhunter and naruto games
Animu: mostly shonen
Migos and other misc hip hop/rap tracks.
Ms. Kobayashi's dragon maid
everything in the fridge
Orange jewz
sasunaru doujins
Lovely, as i just woke up.

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Not on drugs, don't have insurance for therapy, or medication for that matter.

Chain of memories
Classic Simpsons
Not sure
I have no sexual desire
Super odd. I just got my first paycheck from my new job and it’s so much money it feel like I did something wrong. I’m so use to living off ramen because my rent use to take my whole 2nd check for the month but this month I’m still going to have $1200 left.

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KOTOR 1 for the first time
Brood War
Death Grips
Malazan Book of the Fallen (Reaper's Gale)
Will get McDonald's before my trip today
some hypnosis doujin
- bad, I promised my family to visit this weekend and I won't be back till Monday which gives me half a day to chill before work.

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Joker DLC in Smash Ultimate
Animegate bullshit
See listenan
Bagel Bites Cheese Pizza
Strawberry Fanta
Gay chubs
Absolutely tired as fuck

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It's 7 in the morning asshole

nothing right now
nothing :/
uhhh nooo
like death

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Grim Dawn
North Korean live stream
Spotify Playlist
Salmon, eggs, and spinach
Water with apple cider vinegar
Pawg bitches and goth bitches
Pretty fucking good.

Oathkeeper is pretty comfy to play once you get your flame dash and pets.

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who pays for crunchyroll
aare u to retarded to make a empty paypal account every 14 days?

samefag, I sincerely hope things go well for you, and you don't feel this way

Touhou games, I'm getting closer to being able to 1cc EoSD and have never done a 1cc before so I feel pretty good. I also just got back into space station 13 after leaving for a couple of months.
I just got to the end of Friends. The ending really pissed me off, I kept expecting Ross to realise that he could just go to Paris with Rachel and they could be together there, but no, he brought her back to New York and made her abandon her dreams to be with him. What the fuck were they thinking?
an Italian textbook. I haven't been reading it as much as I should, I always feel too tired.

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Unless you're 35 you're okay man. Its easier said than done, but take a deep breath and try and think things out, call a friend or loved one and talk about something.

seek help if you feel too low

>I'm too retarded for college
no such thing really, enrollment is down so bad in colleges right now they'll take anyone who can get a loan

how to fuck can u
>eat & drink
>listen to music
>watch something
>play game at same time
i dont understand these threads

Okami soundtrack
Not much today
Indian food and chocolate
Water and sips
Not yet
Great, 4 days off work

its also 8am and i just got up :3
but yah
>paying money to someone who only cares about if u throw money at them the moment u stop they dont care if u sudoku the next day
no thanks

I'm afraid you're retarded, that's why you don't understand

its not literally at the same time dummy. not everyone listens and plays, or watches and listens etc.

Rachel a shit. She's an awful person and they were on a break.

you don't have to seek professional help, a loved one, a friend, the biggest thing is taking a step to try and leave the state youre in. its your life i aint gonna make you do shit, but I hope things go good for you

>implying i have anyone to talk to
pfffttttttt were do u think u are

Why is an eceleb running for parliament?

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well it makes it sound like its all happening at same time

I'm not sure how hard you're expecting me to explain that you very likely have SOMEONE, if you somehow really have absolutely any trusted contacts in your life you at least have some user before the thread is archived

Euro Truck 2 probably, cruising through Europe in Toyota Sprinter Tureno listening to eurobeat and various radio stations is amazing. I'm also hoping to find an atmospheric rpg game to play, with beautiful environments to wander through.
I don't know, probably some show while eating.
I should buy Malazan Book of the Fallen and read it again. I had a borrowed copy from a friend, and it saved me from going insane on crappy flight in the US.
Don't know yet, had a burger yesterday and felt a little heavy on the stomach. I'll probably eat dinner and that'll be it, cutlet with potatoes.
Some milf sucking cock in the kitchen, just to be done with it.
Okay, I dreamed of a beautiful place tonight and it's a shame that I can't draw, so I could preserve the view. Also my foot finally healed up from recent 3h+ hours walk, so I'll probably do it again soon, and I can't wait.
Happy friday, anons!
>Playing NV with friend playing Pokemon in the background
That sounds really comfy, user
>morrowind for the first time
Enjoy it, it's a great game
Stardew Valley is fucking made for Switch. Nothing comfier than playing it in the bed
Is she cute ?

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I'm sure at least someone does

except there isnt anyone i trust

at what age were you diagnosed with autism

Hollow Knight, I never thought this game would be that frustratinglly good, it's super fucling comfy too

>I'm also hoping to find an atmospheric rpg game to play, with beautiful environments to wander through
Shame you've already played morrowind

>wife is going to her home country for 2 weeks
>have the whole week off work

Sekiro, DMCV, Civ VI, maybe some MHW/Starcraft 2
Catching up on the Marvel movies I missed
City pop
Dune: Messiah
pizza and ice cream
really gross stuff

:( dont be mean it was a serious question
i was just wundering okay

I'm sorry to hear that user.
I hope you meet a nice person who becomes a good friend.
You likely still have someone you can go to though.

What kind of gross stuff?

Mythbusters earlier
Some jazz while playing Terraria
Scrambled eggs
Bored as fuck

consensual sex in the missionary position

You're a villain

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Probably just Division 2, want to try making builds.
Bocchi, Sarazanmai, maybe some TNG
History of Rome
Got a ribeye in the fridge, will have with some greens (asparagus, tenderstem) and mushrooms later.
Coke or store brand IPA
Probably nothing, unless imbapovi delivers something today
Good, four day weekend, thanks Jesus

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Breath of Fire 4. I Just bought 100% OJ in a sale, so I might play that later.
I decided to finally watch Lupin part 3 after Monkey Punch died. Only seen a couple but it's good do far
Catching up on Sangatsu no Lion
I learned a good recipe for chow mein that I've made 3 or 4 times this week.
Brandy sours and beer
I don't know yet
Not too bad

>Okay, I dreamed of a beautiful place tonight and it's a shame that I can't draw, so I could preserve the view.
That happened to me as a kid. I dreamed about this cool city with a giant clock in the middle and drew it. I wish I hadn't lost the picture

>>some hypnosis doujin
Good taste

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance, first playthrough.
Might rewatch a Makoto Shinkai movie, or look up some old war movie.
AD:HOUSE albums.
The Warlord by Malcolm Bosse.
Mämmi with vanilla sauce, hell yeah.
Jap whisky, might whip me up a Collins too if I feel like it.
On nofap.
Relaxed, it's a long weekend here thanks to Easter holidays and by God I deserved it.

what the hell is wrong with you?!

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Rachel and Ross deserve each other in the lowest circle of hell

Installing AC Odyssey right now, probably won't play til tomorrow
Some shitty creepypasta story jewtube recommended
A Fire Upon the Deep
senpai came for lunch today and I ate so fucking much
white tea
muh dik
not terrible, I can get over it.

>city pop
Good taste user. I've been binge downloading a whole bunch of albums, there's a whole world of great city pop artists if you look beyond plastic love.

Ghost Trick, and if i finish it today, i might start replaying Nier Automata
Fate/Stay Night
Rythm Game OST and other vidya OSTs
A lot of junk food
Cocacola and all of that shitty drinks
Good, but there is this one friend who refuses to talk to me or any of my other friends for some fucking reason

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>AC Odyssey
Enjoy it user. I found the combat to be fairly fun and the setting is gorgeous.

Sekiro, Joker in Smash and Terranigma

Catching up on MLW
Maybe old Twilight Zone episodes

Year of the Snitch (for the 50th fuckin time or so)

Nah man

Cheap ass budget noodles until tonight when I get some real shit

Water and then probably Sprite

Kanna's big plant tits

Fuck work and fuck the holidays. I'm alright though besides that shit.

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You probably have these already, but they are some of my favourites

dammit you got me user

The itinerary for the day (and evening) includes Morrowind, Dark Souls, Soulcalibur VI, and Killing Floor 2
Jurassic Park
This thread
PB&J sandwich
10/10 Friday so far.

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>Shame you've already played morrowind
That's my problem, I feel like I've played through most of games that are "for me", definitely most that I'd consider masterpieces or even great games. Don't get me wrong, my backlog is still big, and it contains some games that I'll probably enjoy like Dragons Dogma or Divinity OS 1 and 2. But I can't quite get into them yet. Sometimes I wish I was zoomer and had hundreds of games to play again.
>cool city with a giant clock in the middle
Mine was some kind of an ancient mine in the middle of the woods. To the left of a path there was a giant hole with a lake in it, there was a
dam that slowed a river before falling down that lake. All that was surrounded with big mountain that had some kind of 3 storey buildings, that I assumed was an entrance to the mine. It looks "somewhat" like pic related (I can't draw for shit)

Attached: mine.png (1023x564, 24K)

but i dont knpow how to meet epople or maek frinend

>A Fire Upon the Deep
Mah nigga.

dota 2, mlb the show 17, nba 2k19, might play some elder scrolls online
twitch, nba playoffs, mlb baseball GO TWINS
abandoned pools armed to the teeth
malazan book 9 dust of dreams
nothin yet
prolly not

I have the Love Trip album downloaded actually. I don't think there's a single track in there that isn't great.
>Taeko Ohnuki
Oh shit, she's the best. I really need to get all of her stuff.

These are my faves in no particular order:

Pic related? God tier choice.

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Smash Ultimate, Doom 2, might check out the new Cuphead update and the Dreams early access.
Jojo, gonna start an MCU marathon for Endgame soon.
Tame Impala
This thread
Mac and cheese
BBWs or something
Big band of storms rolling in today, so I'm feeling pretty comfy as long as they don't get too bad.

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>gay chubs

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DMC5 Bloody Palace with Dante
Thinking about watching a DBZ movie tonight
anime music
Catching up on the Dragon ball super manga
Not sure
pretty good, it's easter so I have today and Monday off

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World War Z
Eastbound and Down and Godzilla movies
Godzilla goes to hell
little ceasers pizza
orange fanta or cherry dr pepper
nothin gonna cum in my gf later

I recommend Enderal if you haven't already. Complete conversion mod for Skyrim, basically its own game made using Skyrim as a platform. It's even on steam. There's one for Oblivion, Nehrim, as well but i haven't tried it myself yet

Smash and Cuphead
Youtube, found a documentary on some blues musicians that looks interesting. I should watch some Lupin. RIP
Been on an old country and blues kick
Nothing atm
Had some cereal
Alright, having some friends over later

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Yeah, I wanted to check that out, and I think I will now. Thanks, user

>I should watch some Lupin. RIP
same, still need to watch the goemon movie

Is world war z any good?

Yeah it's basically a third person left 4 dead. Only forty bucks too.

fallout new vegas, shooting everything while sniping its so great
eating some almond butter I cooked with an egg and some condensed milk, trying to turn it into a peanut brittle type snack, still no progress after a month of mixing and matching
listening to Ty Beard and Nick Rekeita of Reiketa law a small steel sheet lawfirm in central minnesouta
I should buy some fancy alcohol

I’m going through all of the Pokemon episodes and recording each win and loss of Ash’s Pokemon
I once saw an image with the win percentage of all of his Pokemon but the list was incomplete

I must be super autistic

just got through the sewers in vtmb. I understand better why people hate it now, if you melee and have no useful disciplines it is torture. pirated CoD1 out of nostalgia but single player ww2 FPSs don't hold up very well desu. it's a few kino moments with a fuckload of crappy filler in between. Might try Brothers in Arms soon, I remember the squad mechanics being fun. Maybe the star wars game with squad mechanics?
30 rock
30 rock
stuff for class. good shit, it's some articles on how we're supposed to try to save the planet and how problematic it is. very relevant, very rewarding.
saving myself for easter dinner tonight
not enough water
a little nervous about dinner cus it's gonna be with my mums new mans' family and I don't know them that well. They're usually pretty fun though

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sup jammku hows your teeth doing?

post recipe plox