Post soul.
Bonus if it's animated and comfy
Other urls found in this thread:
mushroom hill is comfiest starting zone
What fangame is this? It looks nice
>not the Sonic 3 Complete SUPER SOUL version that fixes it and puts him in Angel Island Zone
take me back
great taste, user-kun
Saturn was a soul gold mine
I love these 90s - 00s ass renders
got any more?
the Comfiest
Game? Whenever I see something cool/new it always ends up being jap only or indie trash.
but how..
Damn, the music started playing in my head instantly.
Need to play this ASAP. Looks hella comfy
I miss friend areas so much
Composite = SOUL
I wouldn't exactly say it looks all that new
more like shit hardware
Kill yourself.
Why not just make this easier and call everything soulless at this rate, even the older things. nobody can agree on it anyway
>soul: being able to do transparency
>soulless: having to hide it behind dithering effects that work only with poor video quality
Is the a filename thread?..I don't get it.
>sega does what nintendon't
>except transparency for two console generations
Oh well, at least the games were far better.
Mid-to-late 90s CG renders were magical. The artists clearly wanted to make it look like real life but the technology wasn't there at the time so it retained a lot of cartoon characteristics. The only word that I can think of that describes the end result is 'whimsical.' It's sad that it only lasted a few years before the tech advanced enough for this art style to disappear. And unlike 8-bit sprites, nobody seems interested in creating homages to this brief but still incredibly nostalgic time period.
I never liked the games so much when I was younger. (Too much endless dungeon crawls)
But the friend areas were kino.
We're just now getting n64 and ps1 looking games, so it might take a couple years.
I wish Square Enix would chill with the hyper realism and make the FFVII remake retain the original's art style.
Consoles can't do Ray tracing like that yet
How do you even make something look like this?
>And unlike 8-bit sprites, nobody seems interested in creating homages to this brief but still incredibly nostalgic time period.
The thing is that achieving it involves deliberately using incredibly primitive and wasteful methods while deliberately ignoring modern 3D tools and techniques in order to create an effect that panders to an absurdly tiny market who will nitpick it to death if it doesn't hit the nostalgia they want.
It's easier to do pre-rendered because you can just do shit like ignore normal maps and try to make everything out of smooth shapes and use simpler lighting, you'd probably have to actively fight a modern game engine to get that particular look. The only thing that pre-rendered graphics of the time can arguably do over modern graphics is have more polygons because they were pre-rendered, and make everything have a plastic sheen.
Such a shame whatever game it was supposed to be got scrapped and re purposed into a Museum/ port game.
Aw shit.
Basic models, basic textures (no bump mapping etc) and basic global lighting, with a high resolution.
Now bare my arctic blast
What's this from?
Very high poly /nurbs. Ray tracing, high quality lighting and shadows
The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road. It's a DS game.
Came to post Lunar.
didnt meant to quote
Some wizard of Oz Nintendo DS game. Looks good tbqh.
I'm talking pre-rendered stuff. The exact style and look of 90s CG renders, either promotional art or in-game pre-rendered environments, have their own special feeling that hasn't been reproduced the way a lot of other retro things have been.
That said, if the PS5 can handle doing 90s pre-rendered shit in real-time, I'd rather play games that look like that then whatever hyper realism we'd get from Ubisoft or Naughty Dog.
JonGrumps was great, I miss it.
>the sounds
just take me back
>you'd probably have to actively fight a modern game engine to get that particular look.
Yeah, it does seem like the big thing is that while 8 and 16-bit sprites are "retro", 32-bit CGI is just "old." I still love it anyway though.
Why are blue hedgehogs so good at this?
He's right though, what the fuck. Is this the only argument you have?
Tomba was so fucking good.
All right Yea Forums what is the rarest game you own that has soul?
This is still impressive looking even by modern gaming standards.
Smoke taunting you on the character select screen was kino.
this thread is nice
>tfw thought both characters were female when I was a kid
Or pretty much the entire series back in the playstation days.
This thread makes me feel like a kid again.
I wanna fucking go back.
I'm hoping for another Tail Concerto/Solatorobo game but with more control in 3D.
Magic Knight Rayearth
1991 was 28 years ago
Soulful: going to a rental store in the 90s and picking out a game based solely on the box art
Soulless: downloading a new game thru the internet after already watching gameplay
Panzer Dragoon Saga
I can't find any Jet Moto 3 stunt mode gifs but I'd sure as hell post one if I could.
all your friends moved out of town and are living their lives
>crossover game
You were saying?
uh, yeah, well, um, you see, uh
posting SF kino
I said they had no soul. If you think Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter vs X-men or any game that is a crossover has soul then you're retarded. It was just ip shilling
It was just ip shilling
So was Donkey Kong Country and that game has soul like Aretha Franklin.
The PS1 was a freaking soul factory.
what game.
desolate hope nailed the 90s cg aesthetic and scott cawthon made that shit by himself and released it in 2014
NOX is so extremely good
>Such a shame whatever game it was supposed to be got scrapped
No it didn't it was the Sa1 prototype, alot of the animations from that game are still in Sa1.
Street Fighter Alpha 2
This is like an old version of the "cum meter" shitpost image.
This is because anime used to have soul back in the 90s. Video games were like little brothers, always imitating the older sibling. They reflected whatever was happening in other mediums. If those other mediums had soul then so did video games.
Please try to jerk off to your nostalgia a little less, you're making a mess all over the floor.
whats this?
Legend of Mana. Puts all of its effort into visuals and writing, has extremely mediocre actual gameplay.
I don't think it's due to high quality shading, I think the shading is just darker. Look at the shading for modern CGI and it's just a little darker. Look at shading for 90's CGI and it's like the model is in a dark room with a flashlight pointed at it no matter what the lighting in the actual area the scene is taking place in is.
OH I get it Soul just means nostalgia. Gotcha. Or Does soul mean graphical limitations? A bit of both mayhaps? It clearly doesn't mean what people think it means, that's for god damn sure LOLOL.
Kino af
Will modern tech ever advance to the point of being soulful like from before? I feel like back then the limitations actually helped in making something creative, making the best with what you had. If they ever crack stuff like ray tracing or whatnot wouldn't they focus back on making something soulful instead of struggling to push for diminishing returns?
It's something to do with having to something along the lines of "shading from black" or whatever the correct term for it is. Basically you had to light in reverse from how it works in modern systems and apparently it was a massive pain in the ass to light scenes as a result. You add in that and saturation and you have a formula for people associating their fuzzy childhood nostalgia with darker, more saturated and/or cartoony colours.
That sounds more like a problem with you and less with people making stuff. People are making shit in all colors of the rainbow these days but you reject it because it isn't exactly how it was back in the day, or you only focus on stuff that furthers your narrative that people don't make anything good anymore.
90s computer graphics and ui design. I wanna wipe my memory and go back.
Soul is surpassing limitations with creativity and passion instead of piles of money and development teams of hundreds.
>these big studio games are soulless, we need to go back to small studios with independent, creative visions unfettered by corporate interests and made by people doing it because it's their passion
>"what about indie games"
>lol all indie games suck
Where's grandpa?
Maybe my problem is that everything is made to appeal to a transient audience. Everything is made to get a purchase out of people developers know damn well won't play a game long and core customers are taken for granted. I'm way done with being a 'core customer'.
Anyone have that gif that was posted a few weeks ago (I think the thread was deleted not archived so I can't go back to it), it looked like a 16 bit game, isometric. Group of people in some kind of space ship cockpit talking Japanese (I think they had crashed or something), the gif has two or three characters talking and then I think the girl walks out the room. Been trying to find what it was but as I didn't save the image I'm screwed now.
Imagine being a 3D artist in current year and putting all of your passion and heart and effort into something and then being told that it's soulless because you did it with modern tools instead of more primitive ones.
Tbh, I just don't like games now because they're not luxury goods. They aren't special anymore. I play the same games as poor slobs and third world garbage. It wasn't that way before. The prestige has worn off.
I heard it
Wait a minute...
This is just a thinly veiled nostalgia thread!
soul threads are basically nostalgia threads, yes. Hence all the PS1, N64 and Saturn images. 5th gen is called "soul" because the current age group that was 4 to 6 years in 1998 is now old enough to post.
Does this count as soul if this is a newer game?
I played and loved 1 and Zwei, should I emulate Saga?
Get in line for one of those brain chips from Valve. Or a VR headset.
>Implying modern games don't have soul
90% of indies are pretentious drivel or deriative copycat shit.
Modern 3D artists are mostly replicating real life with such perfection that it's practically an entirely different artform from what's being discussed here. Ubisoft is actually helping rebuild Notre Dame because Assassin's Creed is just that spot on. There's certainly value in reproducing reality to a tee. But it's not a replacement for nor improvement on the less realistic but uniquely interesting art that came prior.
I can't find anything that feels like okami. I don't even care about it's sumi whatever artstyle or the flimsy gameplay. I just liked the feeling of being on an huge island and looking out to sea on a cloudless day.
I actually went to school with the kid whose father made doug. Came to class one day and drew a bunch of stuff for us.
Is this supposed to be road trip?
Linn Kurosawa from Alien vs Predators Arcade on the pool ladder
The precursor to it, but yeah.
They were pretty much the same concept, just divided by a console generation.
>tfw we will never get a 3D platformer with this type of look
Why do old games have more soul than new ones?
Thats also morrigan, captain commando, felicia and almost certainly more.
Wind Waker
Wow, never thought id see somebody mention road trip. That game was so magical back then prob because the world felt huge and the possibilities seemed endless.
Choro Q in general just oozed soul back then. But yes, I remember logging many hours into Road Trip from how much there was to see and do.
Limited hardware forced designers to focus limited graphics resources on the subject. This resulted in clarity. Video game artists add too much shit. Compare this to great film.
Reminder that there's still 4 days left to grab the entire Humongous Collection for 14 bucks on Humble Bundle for maximum soul.
This is peak 2D Sonic.
Consider this illusion. Our brain likes to see things it understands. It likes to see what it's interested in. It filters out the junk. When you focus on this black dot, your brain filters out the color. Older video games were forced to represent only what was essential. This happened to work with your brain and not against it. It provided your brain with details it was interested in. These days, video games are filled with junk that has little to do with the main points of the game. Our brains recoil at this sensory overload and filter out the crap. When most of the graphics are extraneous crap, we rightly call the graphics crap. Not because objects aren't individually well made, but because the composition isn't serving our needs.
You've grown so much, Tails. I'm proud of ya.
>super high speed
>character-specific movesets
>tag-team in advance 3 with variable movesets per pair
>adventure gameplay translated beautifully into the 2D plane while simultaneously evoking classic trilogy mechanics
posting shooters now
SOUL threads seems combine genuinely great aesthetics with pure nostalgia.
There's a lot of gorgeous stuff in here that's easily prettier than newer games that have just churned out some high-poly models and left it at that, but just because your game's 3D is poorly rendered and was made in the 90s, that doesn't automatically make it good.
Time for some bullshit pulled straight from the ass.
1. The cost of the project - As the cost goes up so does the risk and the odds of people interfering with the project for reasons other than making the best possible game.
2. The amount of people on a project - For most people their job is just a job to them and as the team size increases the proportion of staff that are in the "just a job" mindset increases. Plus even if you are geared towards making something to the best of your abilities its less likely to matter if you are on a 500 person project and all you are doing is making the trees. Lastly on this point in a small project the leading staff members that have a guiding vision are able to oversee and influence every aspect of a game when compared to the modern megaproject.
3. Technology - Everyone uses the same engine and aims for the same max realism.
4. The audience - Chasing the mass market is always the safe sane option on paper.
5. Well defined "settled" genres - All types of games are expected to be like X and deviating from that pisses off the existing fans and will not necessarily bring out new fans in their place. This also ties back into the risk from the first part. Corporate man says "just make it like x" and marketing man says "I cant sell this without pre-established points of comparison" So things trend towards proven concepts. Just slap in some RPG stat progression and make all the weapons into pistol/shotgun/machinegun but with a thin coat of themed to our game paint.
SNES and PS1 are my favorite consoles.
Magical Pop'n: aka SOUL the game.
Super Mario Bros X
animated. there's not many videos left of the old days.
Interesting thing is that my ideal pop culture world is full blown 80's. 80s had the best pop culture overall. 90's had a lot of dreadful shit, and gaming was good until 2008.
Overall, I consider pop culture a near wasteland starting in the 90's, when I was 12, and didn't get better until the 2010's.
This is right. People in the 90s spent most of their time hating the 90s unless they were black because black culture was doing ok. The early 90s were characterized by counter-culture that despised the 90s and the late 90s were characterized by a conformist culture that was almost self-aware of its awfulness.
so i won this thread now rite?
80's was consumerist culture, but they at least had some damn style and fun with it. 90's is when they realized it was awful and became "ironic". This irony trend continued, and you got guys molded from the 90's making ironic trash media today. Everything has to be quips and jokes, and nothing's serious anymore.
this looks beautiful!
what game?
the good old days
Is there any game with more soul than Terranigma?
>Everything has to be quips and jokes, and nothing's serious anymore.
What nostalgia pipe are you smoking? The Simpsoms almost got banned because Bart called Homer by his name. Things are much more relaxed than they use to be. Say anything against the church and that was your ass
It's all ultimately driven by baby boomers. It was in the 80s when they decided to settle down and embrace and enjoy their newfound income and greed. It was in the 90s when they started to feel bad about their consumerism. It was in the 00s when the internet amplified our attentiveness to everything. It was in the 10s when they were in their 70s and refused to retire. I expect this trend to continue until they finally succumb to their mortality.
Simpsons started or at least popularized the irony and parody style. It became very popular in culture, and now everything is somehow self-aware winking at the camera and filled with quips.
None of the major blockbusters are sincere anymore.
Any MediEvil anons around?
I don't get it, he became a bird or something and then knocked on some slut's door?
SaGa Frontier 2 on the ps1
the pyramid was my absolute favorite.
just throw the crystals at the top and have unlimited fun with the NPCs, who desperately try to destroy their objective
let me tell you about soul
Aren't everything. In fact, it's not even most things.
Whoops posted a png
Game is fuckin mysterious man. I need to replay it. I think the gist is he reincarnates. Or perhaps pays a final visit.
>and now everything is somehow self-aware winking at the camera and filled with quips.
What the fuck are you talking about? Aside Glance has been a thing for ages. If anything, its toned down since the 90s. You sound like an overly nostalgic 19 year old.
You posted it
the fuck kind of ending is that?
the only Dev that has that style that i can think of is scott Cawthon, all the stuff is prerendered, but it's a start.
We need more RPG that look like this. I like this game but its not perfect. However loved the look of it a lot. Music was fun to.
fucking hell yeah boi!
I am currently replaying it with some good Mods.
>The only word that I can think of that describes the end result is 'whimsical.'
You wouldn't happened to have watched this guys video have you?
holy shit
there was another set of games developed by humongous, i think, that i can't remember
it had two raccoon kids who were travelling the world in some kind of transforming spaceship with a massive windshield
i really wanted those games as a toddler but now i can't even remember the name
Analog can be cool, but stop fucking suck analog when digital is objectively better
This looks like a mobile game and is therefore soulless.
What kind of ending do you think would be more appropriate?
the guy who did Lezard's voice in VP2 is soul incarnate:
shame that the game didn't quite have whatever it was that made VP1 so great
I can hear U got that for some reasons
More soul in one object within this pic than in the entirety of this thread.
what an original and good post
post some new soul if you like
Glad to hear that!
What kind of mods? Graphics or gameplay?
Saga Frontier 2. Gorgeous game, shit RPG
Are you retarded
me too user
Back when bullshots were okay because the games were stellar.
>jumping flash
Why is he stroking his red cock?
Incredible Crisis
Looks like Cave Story/Kero Blaster. Same developer?
What is this? I don' t remember this scene being in the game.
Thanks. Is it worth playing for the first time in 2019?
only graphic mods, the gameplay is right where it should be
man of culture I see
Would you recommend any?
Nope it's fun for like 5 mins then your thumbs start to hurt.
hot soul injection
what game is this from?
last one from me, it's been fun
can the user who makes those nice ps1-looking model animations please stand up?
If you do play it,be warned: you can miss the Light Arrows permanently in your game. Should be easy to find a simple guide on how not to miss them.
This was never supposed to happen. But it did.
b a s e d
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
ITT: Post soul - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
>emulator colors
Don't forget music user.
The gameplay is admittedly pretty poor but everything else makes up for it imo. Still such a unique game even today.
Do you prefer the original black and white version?
I hear it, like not just the clock, it triggers the whole theme
This on GameCube or Paper Marion TTYD, don’t know if either are rare
I can’t play this, I’m not 30 years old yet
I don't think this is from a game, but I'm posting it anyway.
I really wish the prerendered 3D was as easy to do as tiles. You see all sorts of original mods for Final Fantasy 1-6 with new areas, but it's too hard to create new stuff for 7-9.
Wait Jim Jenkins had a kid? I thought he was a massive cuck
Just call it nostalgia wank thread, this whole soul meme is fucking cancer
have sex Nintendicklet permavirgin in your 30s
new teev. cathode ray tube televisions are great for beaming soul directly into your atoms.
jazz jackrabbit has a buttugly art style
take your meds, bub
what gaem
didnt expect to hear this but im glad
>tfw seeing my webm being posted
i should do a retardy again
>faggots conflating soul with nostalgia
behold modern soul
Would get censored if it was made today
What game is this?
I miss this style of Bomberman. No clue why they didn't bring it back since N64
the state of blue bomber
This, thank you
you take that fact back damnit! They just went to get pizza... they'll be back, it'll all be like it was when it was good, you'll see
Best zone.
>be in school when facebook starts being a thing
>people adding each other for the hell of it
>i never talk to people
>years go by
>everyone forgets im on their friends
>EZ stalking
>Game is literally years of passion spilled onto the screen
>also the best sonic game in years
Get fucked
Modern SOUL
new game bad
>C rank
Yuck! Very not comfy.
is that fucking Ehrgeiz?
Soul: The Game
Post tfw you will never get to experience any of these games for the first time.
That hallway was my favorite part of the game. The lighting on coffee as he walks is beautiful.
Desolate Abandon fucking when scott
What sound do the mushrooms make?
>that chad in the background
I always play Sonic 2 around Christmas because of this zone. Something about all the bright lights and the carefree music just puts me in the holiday mood.
Probably the most friendly thread I’ve read on here.
Turtle is best racer.
but retards will glorify the crappy falling apart scart they purchased
This. I'd argue the original has more soul though. Both are great
Thanks for reminding me to filter this word. Just updated chx and forgot to save them. Whoops! Ciao, losers.
Oh how times change. I miss those old times playing vidya and D&D with my bros.
Good times.
Looks like an old roblox game.
Old Roblox had some semblance of innocent fun before it became overly commercialized and memed.
Would be better with Solo Wing, but still saved
Probably one of the best boss entrances ever created.
I'm starting to think that a big part of soul is the use of secondary colors like the purple lighting here.
came here to post this.
I'm disappointed that the Saturn, still to this day, doesn't get the respect it deserves. Everyone just looks at sales numbers and says it was a piece of shit. Meanwhile, it has probably the most underrated library in history. The only bad thing about it's library is that like 70% of it is Japan exclusive.
maximum comf
pumped comf
I want to pick that up
>Cucked by a black hedgehog
The death animation and sound was the best
N64's low poly reflective aesthetic is great
This is making me feel sad and I don't know why
is that cody?
What Game Am Are This
What is thr comfiest zelda available on 3ds virtual console?
Ive never really been into the 2d ones wanna try one tonight
Modern games universally lack soul.
Except for Breath of the wild.
Why is that?
Botw is the definition of soulless trash tho
Does this contain a Soap
Do you guys prefer 16-bit or 32-bit art?
I didn't care that much for BOTW. I thought it was pretty soulless. Ask me to describe the game and I'll describe exactly your screenshot. Barren landscape with grass, a couple rocks and trees, some moblins running around, and a piss filter. The only thing memorable are some of its characters.
>I love these 90s-00s renders
>posts a 2019 game
>Barren landscape with grass, a couple rocks and trees, some moblins running around, and a piss filter.
But that's exactly why it has soul, its very understated. It doesn't feel like the world revolves around you
BotW had tons of soul. It was the most fun I had with a single-player game in years when it came out.
GOD BLESS THE RING. underrated game but holy hell it was unbalanced
is this any good, thinking of buying
you mean DX gameboy color color
Still have Klonoa on PS1
>people unironically played games with shitty graphics like this
Boomers had a hard life.
>"Oh, Jimmy, I want you to meet my husband."
>"Well whattya know! If it isn't my old pal Funnie!"
He's done fine for himself, has two kids apparently.
is barren landscape of botw that bad?
it show scale of world and you need to travel around world to get into interesting places instead of skyrim where map is bloated with similar dungeons.
Not our fault today's games ain't got the same soul
Colored Squares>Coherent sprites
I don't think having things barren and spread out is bad, but it would have been cool if there were more dungeons to find rather than just shrines. The game was great, but I'm looking forward to the next Zelda game and hoping they perfect the formula.
Fine, I'll be that guy to cheat and post a Treasure game.
Bulk Slash, it's a weird but fun mech game on Saturn
Ty user
Rayman Origins is the most artistically kino game ever made along with Okami. Good thing it's a great game too
i spontaneously smiled.
this gives me a huge nostalgia hit for my nintendo power years
>true evolution to diablo-clones, with line of sight based lightning, multiple floors, moving platforms, etc
>completely ignored, moden diablo-clones have zero of these features