Not only is this the worst dev, but it's the worst video game related company by a huge margin.
Not only is this the worst dev, but it's the worst video game related company by a huge margin
That isn't EA. Blizzard is 2nd worst company of all time however
>allows customers to pay $15 a month to play their entire library plus games they have contracts with
>charges $15 a month to play a decade old MMO while also, not only charge for expansions, but regularly increasing the price of them.
If this was 5 years ago? you would be right
>makes predatory practices main stream including microtransactions, bloated worthless dlc and loot boxxes
>claimes single player games are dead trying to make other major developers want to abandon them
yeah no. Shit tier mmo is nothing compared to that
>>makes predatory practices main stream including microtransactions, bloated worthless dlc and loot boxxes
you're thinking of bethesda and valve
> trying to make other major developers want to abandon them
This is absolutely retarded, publishers don't try and get other publishers to do anything you dumb 12 year old
Nope, not by a long shot and that has nothing to do with trying to defend Blizz so much as there are studios that have only made mobile gachashit.
Nah despite all the hate Blizzard gets their customer service is god tier. Probably better than amazon's. They've given me so much free shit.
Hmm tough call. At Least EA's flag ship games aren't a blatant rip off of some elses IP.
They are basically the devil. They hire psychologists to make their RNG as addictive as possible.
Use to be the case, not anymore. They fired a huge portion of their customer service staff and replaced them with: nobody
They made it next to impossible to open a ticket in any of their games anymore and most things will just lead you to a FAQ
SEETHING retail cukks
Interesting. Do you think that the more money/time you spend with their products the higher tier service you get? Because I get instant queues in their chat and 6-12 hour replies on tickets.
t. someone who has spent at least $1100 on Blizzard products.
>They hire psychologists to make their RNG as addictive as possible.
They did a terrible job with BFA in this regard. The grinding for gear sucks the soul out of you and just makes u just give up on the game and stop playing unless you're really lucky with RNG. All my friends who used to play quit not long after hitting 120
HotS is unironically great.
It's dead though :^)
Lets go over the other IPs they have outside of WoW
Completely destroyed the IP only to bring it back to life to kill it in a worse way. The game that defines the genre is currently overshadowed by a F2P game made by a company that didn't even exist before it was released.
The IP that killed the genre, again the iconic game of its genre. Now a complete barren shell of its former glory because they wanted to "make it more accessible" and started basing the game around units that has low skill ceilings
A game based on SJW bullshit, but somehow managed to be a good game at release. But modern blizzard couldn't have that so they decided to """"rebalance"""" half the characters in the game to make it as generic and boring as possible while also banning people for using decades old socially established gestures
>Heroes of the Storm
The one current gen IP that is at all creative and unique. Continued to grow and have promise up until blizzard completely axed the development team out of nowhere, around the same time they announced the next diablo game would be a mobile reskin of a failed mobile game.
Blizzard has nothing, as more and more of the old guard hang it up the company gets worse and worse and they start pumping out more and more "HD remakes" or in WoW's case, just releasing the same exact game again for the same price.
I have spent significantly more than that on blizzard games, I've actually probably MADE more money than that through blizzard games. My dream as a kid was to work for Blizzard, I grew up on blizzard. Seeing them like they are now is like watching your dad pull a Caitlyn Jenner while also doing xanax. I would be happier if Blizzard just dissolved as a company at this point, there is no question it would be better for the industry
Nah. They are slow with new heroes, but we got a patch yesterday and there were new skins with this month's event. Plus prime boner material.
Your opinions are terrible. You think a DotA clone with assets based on existing properties is "creative and unique," and you have no conception of why SC2 failed or what's wrong with Overwatch. You should feel bad.
>The one current gen IP that is at all creative and unique.
>a moba is creative and unique
>hurr heroes is bad because of character thematics are similar to other games of the same genre
Mobas have been a stagnant genre since WC3, heroes is the first one to even attempt to change the genre in any somewhat meaningful way
Activision Blizzard isn't your friendly neighborhood indie company anymore. Get over it. All the executive decisions being made are a reaction to the current market. If they don't adapt and milk the new generations money someone else will. They will get eaten up by some random Chinese-invested companies if they don't keep their cash flow on par with them.
>character thematics are similar to other games of the same genre
What in God's name are you trying to say? The characters are literally from their other properties and none of their other games are DotA clones.
Hearthstone is literally the only game left that earns them money and even that is pretty much dead
I'm saying that judging a game based on the shell of it is some casual retard shit
>none of their other games are DotA clones.
what are YOU trying to say
And what better way to make the moba genre good by dumbing it down huh?
>no items
>shared levels
>snowball as fuck objectives
>games that at max last 14 mins long
Yeah it was trash
EA didn't make MTX mainstream, at all.
the moba genre as a whole is dumbed down warcraft 3 you stupid zoomer, it's a genre for casuals of course it should be made simplistic
You underestimate the venture capitalist cycle of silicon valley. The Overwatch League makes them money. Good, old fashioned failing upwards.
What the fuck is a shell of a game? You said it was "unique and creative;" I pointed out that it literally borrows assets from things they made previously.
Take a deep breath and consider the possibility that you are not as good at communicating your ideas as you believe you are -- or that your ideas are possibly just garbage.
Hearthstone is pretty fun. Don’t play the others. OW was fun at launch.
I'm discussing mechanics, not the fucking thematics surrounding some models and textures you casual troglodyte
You would probably have more fun playing just about any other digital card game on the market right now. Excluding the completely dead ones like valves trash can and the fable card game
>The one current gen IP that is at all creative and unique. Continued to grow and have promise up until blizzard completely axed the development team out of nowhere, around the same time they announced the next diablo game would be a mobile reskin of a failed mobile game.
>hurr heroes is bad because of character thematics are similar to other games of the same genre
>I'm saying that judging a game based on the shell of it is some casual retard shit
>I'm discussing mechanics
No. That's what you think you're discussing, but you literally never said a single things about mechanics to me. Again, consider the possibility that you're shit at communication.
>Hearthstone is pretty fun
Yea if your are willing to spend $500 on packs to build 3 mediocre decks every 4 months
>No. That's what you think you're discussing
kys kid
That's not Gearbox.
try and buy any blizzard IP on any other launcher besides
Nah. You can play pretty much everything if you sink a few hundred bucks every expansion or so.
I sincerely hope that eventually you understand that communication is between two parties, because rambling about "character thematics" when you want to talk about game mechanics is not a recipe for success.
I remember the day we looked foward to Blizzard releases and knew we could expect some gritty, badass good game.
Nowadays nobody i know gives a shit about them anymore.
>modern blizzard fanboy
>plays games specifically for textures
I haven't said anything in defense of Blizzard -- they can rot for how they treat their staff alone -- and I don't care about graphics in the slightest. I do, however, have eyes that can see when you copy and paste a character from one game into another.
This is the other half of you being shit at communication. You think you're being clear, and you think you understand what other people are saying. You're wrong on both counts. You are fundamentally failing at sending or receiving semantics and, really, just amusing yourself with some sort of superiority complex founded on the conversation you're imaging inside your own head.
>I don't care about graphics in the slightest. I do, however, have eyes that can see when you copy and paste a character from one game into another
>I don't care about graphics but I do judge games based entirely on their graphics
I didn't judge the game. I have never played the game. I judged your statement claiming that it was "creative and unique." I'm being absolutely serious here: you need fundamental help learning how to communicate. Try interacting with your peers more.
>remove spreadsheet bullshit
>add actual skillshots + unit control
HotS only mistake was positioning itself like Hearthstone, despite being LITERALLY the last MOBA released that wasn't mobile only. If they weren't incompetent and released it several years earlier, or played full bitchmode and added shit like custom games + full roster free, they would be fine. Honestly, they were fine before the random axing. Half of dota 2 numbers wasn't bad considering how incompetently the project was run.
Oh, so you're retarded. Look at Abathur.
>I didn't judge the game
>Your opinions are terrible. You think a DotA clone with assets based on existing properties is "creative and unique,"
>Abathur, the Evolution Master, is a melee Support hero from the StarCraft universe. Abathur, the Evolution Master of Kerrigan's Swarm, works ceaselessly to improve the zerg from the genetic level up.
Kinda proving my point.
I'm sorry, is it not a DotA clone with assets based on existing properties? Descriptions aren't judgements.
I certainly judged the opinion, because it was terrible.
user, if you did not play the game, you should not be attempting to pretend you know anything about it.
>I'm sorry, is it not a DotA clone with assets based on existing properties?
You're replying to the wrong person retard
That is very literally the only thing I have said about the game. What do you think I'm pretending to know about?
It played far closer to a co-op ARPG than a MOBA.
Basically the 3D equivalent of Awesomenauts and the underlying systems were very good, but hampered by poor top level design decisions and executive decisions. So when you make such a statement, you are clearly clueless.
To be clear, you're saying HotS isn't a DotA clone/MOBA?
I would like you to listen which MOBAs you have played. If you cannot do that, please list games you have played in the last month.
>the blizzdrone attempts to have a thought
I can't tell who is arguing for what, anymore.
HotS was the last good game blizzard made, and probably will be the last good game they ever make. It's also the only assfaggot other than awesomenauts that was ever worth playing.
Here's hoping they don't fuck up classic, otherwise I'm done. Hearthstone is playable sometimes, I suppose, but it always leaves me feeling empty.