Why is Yea Forums so desperate to see TLOU 2 fail, it unironically looks good?
Why is Yea Forums so desperate to see TLOU 2 fail, it unironically looks good?
They claim to not like clickbait and social political grandstanding.
We need to wait for oneangrygamer to give his opinion so we can parrot it first
It has lesbians in it, even though lesbians are totally fine. It would be a different story if two dudes were kissing, but then Yea Forums would probably love that, being giant faggots and all.
The desperation lies elsewhere considering this is going to generate more "Yea Forums BTFO" threads than anything else.
Sony are massive cunts & this is blantant SJW propaganda, it would be different if the lesbianism was actually well written & authentic instead it comes across as blantantly forced
Simple, because TLoU is a shit game and the second looks like more of the same. In the past games like that would have ended up in the bargain bin but somehow its actually selling with is causing a knock on effect and lowering industry standards.
>no Joel
I'll buy it used at FUCKING GAMESTOP for $8 some day.
The story would unironically be good if it went like this
> Joel is simply a hallucination in the Trailers
> Ellie's manufactured memory is trying to lead her to find Joel's Killer
> It's revealed that she was the one who killed him all along
> Game revolves around this plotline & the murder of her Girl Friend
A psychological Silent Hill 2 esque story would be great, but unfortunately Naughty Dog isn't smart enough to write something like that
Sounds gay
It's too big to fail.
Also the first game fucking sucked and you can't force me to play 2.
Keyword here being looks.
If Naughty Dog abandoned every pretension of gameplay and just did a massive interactive movie it would be better because at least they would be honest in their goal.
I dont like leftist politics
>it unironically looks good
Please explain
>A psychological Silent Hill 2 esque story would be grea
It really wouldn't because at that point it would just be apeing story elements from better games.
Something about liberals like always
SH2 has shit gameplay so its not better game
Why does it look good? Same generic gameplay as the first game. SJW story.
Looks more like a rejected Walking Dead episode, with a bit of interactivity.
They are mad their digital daughter is gay.
(not kidding)
They are shitty surrogate dads.
Even with shit gameplay the mechanics of the game convey the story so well and so cohesively that it's far superior to a TPS moviegame.
Predict how the game will end. It has to be a cut-to-black moment.
Because I hate Naughty Dog.
>the mechanics of the game convey the story so well and so cohesively
"Not okay."
Yea Forums needs Daddy Billy to tell them what to think.
>cut to black again
What a fucking hack fraud jew
cut to black
The priority isn't being a fun game. The devs treat it like a dirty word.
If it's not fun why bother
>black guy shots his sperm into ellie's pussy
>joel start crying of emotion
>cut to black
You say that like the original didn't.
>it unironically looks good
>looks good
No it doesn't, it looks like another boring third person action game that pretends its b-movie tier storytelling makes up for the bland, generic gameplay. There is nothing exciting about this game.
Not all art is fun.
>Clockwork Orange
>For Whom the Bell Tolls
>Animal Farm
I don't think Naughty Dog makes art imo.
But I saw their point.
Major spoilers for the ending.
>Ellie: "Swear to me! Swear to me this baby inside me isn't yours."
>Joel: "I swear."
>Ellie: "... Okay..."
>Cut to black.
Damn. Druckmann is going out on a high note.
That analogy doesn't work because videogames aren't art.
Checkmate atheists.
Good thing video games will never be an art form no matter how hard these rejected film students try.
I bet you Ellie's girlfriend isn't going to die in the prologue like Yea Forums wishes she will. She's probably going to accompany you for a big chunk of the game.
Ellie belongs to BBC you idiot.
I'm interested, but I really don't expect anything revolutionary. TLoU was a fairly generic story simply told fairly well and given more time than movies etc allow for to grow. 2 is going to be more of the same, and I very much fear they're going to be afraid to bully Ellie in the same way they did for Joel, cheapening her character and making her seem too impervious.
I actually think slightly butch but recognisably feminine dykes are cute cute cute
Gameplay wise it looks like more of the same but somewhat refined, which is fine I guess.
All in all I just don't understand why it's SO highly regarded, but I'm sure the naysayers are almost exclusively so loud just because it's popular.
>TLoU was a fairly generic story simply told fairly well
That's the best description you can give the game. I played it to the end and enjoyed it, but didn't expect all the flattery, awards and even the "muh citizen kane of gaming" babble". Only goes to show gaming journalists are a bunch of hacks.
Let me guess: Joel (if already dead, any white straight male) dies saving a diverse group of survivors and Ellie is last seen with her queer family?
I'm already a snobby moviefag. Why would I waste my time watching CGI characters in bland storylines that are stuck being about "Kill that thing, collect those things, go to that place"? If I wanted that, I could watch whatever marvel decided to shit out this year. If the best you can hope for in your storytelling is on par with "The Avengers" in artistic quality, your genre is low art, and will never truly rise above.
TL;DR: Games like TLOU pander to idiots who think that Game of Thrones is high art, and are willing to throw away the only good thing Video Games have going for them, gameplay, so that they can watch trash.
yeah, it looks good
probably plays like shit
I am. You are right.
I don't want to necessarily see it fail but it will be pretentious garbage. Neil Druckmann is a creatively bankrupt hack.
There is nothing about this "game" that needs to be a game. The gameplay is basically tacked on to tell a blatant rip off Cormac McCarthy's the road. There is nothing about the gameplay that adds to the narrative. It is just something to do between cutscenes.
>no joel
>ellie romances some lesbian kike
The Joel and Ellie duo made the first games story pretty enjoyable. Honestly don't think I'd like a story that just has Ellie.
Guy who liked the first, has there been even a single image of Clickers in TLOU2 yet?
I have been disappointed with my PS4, I barely play any games on it. This includes Bloodborne and RDR2.
TLoU2 is pretty much the last game that might redeem the console to me and only because of the multiplayer.
lesbians are only fine if they arent this form of "california gay"
sequel bait but the question is how big the cliffhanger will be
they will once you are able to leverage them for political goals. they are turning into an artform infront of your eyes, right now.
Ellie is going to end up being a typhoid mary, her comment about infecting David with a bite wasn't a throw away line.
What a fucking retard.
He's right
SH2 shits on TLOU, at least try with another game.
No he isnt. The guy was upset at the clear leftist push made by Naughty dog.
Ellie Dies
we all know the polfags are gonna buy the game anyway
because it's garbage
it's not a game, it's just a movie
and not even a good movie, just a shit movie used to push an agenda like every hollywood trash these days
And people who arent brain dead dont like it. Why have someone say "what if its a girl" in the first place? "What does it matter" if it stays a guy?
I feel like this will be an interactive The Walking Dead long episode. Even with the lesbians and all that shit.
>Cool that's different. Yeah, let's do that
Imagine gender or race swapping characters and thinking it's actual diversity and not just pandering.
>Does that affect anything
You literally had a focus tester, although unprofessionally, tell you that two grown men trained in combat getting beat up by a woman was unrealistic as fuck and you ignored it and wrote him off as a bigot
I would actually love a genuine homosexual love story in a game like this, but we're never going to get that. It just doesn't sell. Nobody wants to see two dudes kiss, even the "allies" only suffer it for the cameras before looking back down at their Twitter feed. Nope nope nope, gotta get those GIRLS kissing, because girls kissing is SEXY. Ain't it HOT, guys? Amirite? Haha, lesbians! Girl love is so ~pure~.
Fuck that. Give me the controversy, I want to *see* it happen on-screen.
>Hire somebody specifically tasked with looking out for discrepancies in your game
>They point something out
>Fire them because you didn't like what they said
Maybe it would be sexy if they werent both so ugly
Westerners aren’t capable of writing romance, let alone lesbians anymore. It baffles me that Hollywood once made something as Perfect as Mulholland Drive, when it was entirely driven by two lesbians
Because it really doesn't look good or even fun.
I've always wondered if some focus/play testers are just professional yes men that are too afraid of bringing up anything besides game breaking bugs
Because of pic related
just make your own and do it right, there are plenty of game devs who would join you.
>Westerners aren’t capable of writing romance, let alone lesbians anymore
It's been what, almost two generations since Mulholland Drive? Lots happened in two decades, namely the rise of social media and Identity Politics. People are terrified of being honest with each other anymore, because the moment you express some genuine emotion, it can get snapped by a thousand cameras and posted on the world stage forever. It's why Suy Face is a thing; men trained from birth to fear expression, so they turn something as honest as a smile into a HAHA GOOFY LOOK AT ME GOOFY.
My theory has always been the cult leader rapes Ellie and impregnates her, Ellie manages to kill the cult leader and escape and chooses to heroically abort her rape child.
Joel will be a playable character at some point in the story, mark my words.
I want it to fail because I know based madman Joel won't be playable and they will force me to play as the ugly lesbian.
Of course not, he's going to be the archetypal "legendary white father figure" that's apparently so popular in narratives these days (BJ is one in Youngblood, Luke Skywalker is one in Star Wars, and I could've sworn there's some others) so Naughty Dog can insist they're still appealing to the Core.
Because there arestill people who cant afford even $150 base ps4
What did they mean by this?
>BJ is one in Youngblood
Wolfenstein 3 is still being made with BJ as the protag.
I couldn't give a shit about Star Wars.
If you think there won't be at least a small section with Joel being playable then I'd wager you are wrong.
Neil Cuckmann writes some political bullshit into his stories but he isn't dumb, he knows there is an audience that wants to play as Joel.
Very progressive!
part of Yea Forums hates sony
so brave
so powerful
because commies hate judeo-christian values
Yea Forums is not one person I am indifferent like I was with their last game, it was a polished cover shooter with some stealth gameplay wise nothing revolutionary plot was ok but again mushroom zombies wow what a twist...I wont be buying the new one two, but not because of whatever the loud incel polacks thing this is the first signs for the sjw apocalypse or whatever but because it looks like it is still intellectually bankrupt boring game that repeats a million cliche both gameplay and plot wise.
nobodys desperate faggot
it is trash and shallow but still will be heralded as the best movie of 2019 by the massive droves of normies
christian values boomer not judeic talmudic values
of "chosen people"
I'd be impressed by the gameplay footage we got last year if it was confirmed that the player wasn't following a predetermined scripted path. On the other hand, the characterization and forced SJW shit left a bad taste in my mouth.
Because everyone here knows that this game is already going to be the GOTY in the eyes of all the video medial regardless of whether or not it's perfection or just decent.
Because the girl is ugly and ugliness should not be rewarded
wahmen kissing and it’s predominantly trying to be a story instead of a game
if girls kissing legitimately make you angry im sorry for you
It makes me angry when they're ugly. No one wants to see ugly people kiss. People barely want to see them outside in public.
Is ellie really that ugly? I guess you could call her a little androgynous.
Not that guy but are you implying that you're not butt-fuck ugly?
Post proofs
Naughty Dog have got too big for their boots and I can't help but sense this air of smugness with everything they say / produce, as if their shit is universally loved
Especially embarrassing since Santa Monica proved they could literally do every single aspect better than them with God of War, AND have really good gameplay
>mechanics of the game convey the story so well and so cohesively
You are also the same guy who says RE is better with fixed camera angles, yes?
Days Gone will outsell it.
seething cuck
I wonder why the homosexual kiss didn't take place in a synagogue or a mosque.
>Play as Ellie about some dyke shit
>Not play as entirely new characters
Multiplayer should be good but story looks like a pile of shit
The same reason Yea Forums never cared for the first TLoU or any of the Uncharted games, or Call of Duty or Assassin's, etc.
Or at least used to be the case, Yea Forums has never been more casual than it is now so it wouldn't surprise me if people honestly praise TLoU2 on Yea Forums but it would be a nail in the coffin if that happened.
What I don't like is that you fags used to be perfectly fine praising shit like that on reddit and 95% of videogame sites but felt compelled to spread your cancer onto Yea Forums.
Because it would be seen as an attack on muslims to do such a thing and they'd be right.
it looks like TLOU1 except with better graphics and worse story, and story is the only reason TLOU1 was good
Woah, hang on now, what you're saying is Druckmann and his followers claim to be progressives pushing boundaries and fighting against bigotry but are actually terrified of bigots and won't do anything to potentially harm sales? Are you saying they're lying hypocrites that don't deserve respect?
how can you be pro muslim, pro feminism and pro LBGTQ at the same time
I love forced walking sections leading into scripted events. But now I get to enjoy those things playing a character that was only ever good because of her relationship to a character I used to play. And fashionable, market-friendly lesbians! Hot dang!
>cut to black
Let me guess, there's a shitty crescendo before it and gets cut-off on the black screen?
You literally can't. Being pro-fags and pro-Islam is like saying you support the KKK and BLM.
Cause it's overrated like a majority of Sony games. It's nothing more than a ladder placing, crate pushing, pallet floating, movie with some shooting gameplay.
You're an awful writer
Neil likes to talk big game like all progressives but you know damn well he wouldn't have had two dudes kissing or set it in a mosque. He likes to run around pretending to champion the oppressed but he just pays lip service in the safest way possible, nervously glancing at his marketing team every couple of minutes.
And the worst part is people fall for it.
Having said that, I'll pick it up used at some point for multiplayer but I'm not touching the story with a ten foot pole.
What pisses me off about the game most is it will be an ok action adventure game, 8/10 overall game. But Naughty Dog is the most in bed with journos of any studio so it's going to be the best fame ever and win 3,000 goty awards and anything below a 10/10 will be flagged as trolling.
>actually well written & authentic instead it comes across as blantantly forced
This doesn't happen in any fucking game with any kind of romance yet. You know how they get better at it though? By attempting it until they are good at it.
This game is going to RUIN this board
The game looks like it embodies all the things I find wrong with AAA singleplayer games.
AHAHAHAHAHA Where is this from?
That isn't how it works. Vast majority of video game writers are dog shit with a few good ones. The romances remain shit until a good writer shows up and does it right. The shit writers will continue writing shit.
>all games do it bad
If your scope of video games is last of us, uncharted, god of war, and undertale then yeah i can see where you get the idea that all games have trash writing
>Western AAA cinematic experience now with more identity politics
I've yet to see a single reason why this game will be good.
Then tell me at what point in the DLC were you able to notice Ellie and Riley were a couple instead of just 'gal pals' BEFORE they kissed.
If you can't, then congrats, you have a well written same sex love story that doesn't try to milk itself for cheap sentiment.
Then pray tell, what's YOUR pick for best written vidya romance, same sex or otherwise?
I can see why leftists have been doing it for decades, it is fun as fuck.
B-b-b-but the first game was the citizen kane of video games!
How does it look good?
>snoyboys will defend this
Yea Forums is the epitome of Dunning Kruger, so it's expected. Imagine the nerd arrogance of thinking you could write a 'better romance' when you barely know what the real deal feels like.
Far as fag ones go I don't know
>it unironically looks good?
Incels hate lesbians.
>it unironically looks good
Ellie's got terrible taste in girls.
Certain Know Your Meme mods like 3kole5 will ban you if you make hilarious memes of that scene. Why? Because he claims to be a LGBTQ+ ally and he gets triggered easily.
Cut to black
>The story would unironically be good if it went like this
>unironically good
Sounds pretty lame, dunno why you think you could make a better story
Naughty Dog is not making games for "us" because they think we're "toxic".
Nigger are you fucking retarded