Put controller in lap

>put controller in lap
>burn your penis tip

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I'd buy it

why cant you just leave it in your mouth? i dont smoke btw

my dick isn't that long

>He doesn't burn his penis tip for the extra edge in-game provided by the adrenaline rush

Never gonna make it.

the smoke goes into your eye.

also this idea is retarded because ash will fall on the floor

how are you supposed to use this?
>1 hand to hold controller
>1 hand to operate clip
>one hand to deposit doobie
am I missing something?


What, do you guys just don't wear pants
Unless you either have a tiny dick or are constantly erect you probably won't get your penis tip burnt.
And even if you do have one of the above conditions just wear some fucking pants.

fuck that impractical shit.

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anything involving smoking is a retarded idea

anyone smoke cigs here? im thinking of starting because my life is too stressful and i need something to relax with

Smoking doesn't relieve stress. It just makes you more stressed in general so when you smoke you go back to your baseline, pre-smoking levels of stress

honestly, why aren't they just eating it? Or using Salvia

please smoke
as much as possible.

Smoke weed instead. Cigarettes are garbage.

don't do it, just stick to quick meditations

eating it doesnt hit me hard enough as I have a slow metabolism. also eating it is more expensive. dabbing freshly pressed rosin is kino.

cigs are better than weed

smoking doesn't actually relax you, it's just the alleviation from the anxiety the cravings induces in you once you become addicted

it's literally like punching yourself in the balls all day so you can stop briefly to enjoy the few minutes of not being in pain

be a non-brainlet and look into other things for stress relief

you must have shit weed, cuz

Literally do not smoke. As a smoker, i fucking hate it, and i keep doing it cause im compulsive, not only is it a huge waste of money it also does not relieve stress, leave an awful smell on your hands and breath and an awful after taste. Im gonna quit soon

Then you will inhale smoke through the nose and not be able to breath.

Nice Lungs

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>Im gonna quit soon

I've known smokers all of my life and none of them have ever successfully quit smoking cigarettes for good.
The longest one them has gone is 6 years without smoking, then he had a "really stressful" day at work and starting smoking again and went right back to a pack of smokes a day.

Good luck to you, user. I hope you are stronger than the smokers in my life.

Weed is the only drug worth smoking besides DMT. Cigs are fucked.

find a single flaw

Attached: weed.jpg (810x455, 45K)

>or use salvia
i like to relax

>tfw brass musician who also doesn't smoke
Enjoy your cancer smoke shitters, ill be over here enjoying my based lung capacity

Nerve gas

whats wrong with smoking a cigar every now and then?

>glass filter
oo la la

I think both of those lungs's owners are dead.

>smells bad
>stops you from getting jobs
>makes you feel paranoid like you might die every breath you breath
I don't find reality so boring that i need something to enhance it

Those are pig lungs anyway.

I actually forgot cigars were a thing. Yeah cigars with like, your dad and family friends or whoever for Christmas is a kino experience.

>makes you feel paranoid like you might die every breath you breath
>like you might die every breath you breath
>every breath you breath
>breath you breath

Attached: justblowmyshitup.gif (148x111, 261K)

>not having your foreskin protect your penis tip
get out of my board shlomo


Don't. Unironically find other hobbies instead like going to gym or doing sports.
>I'm gonna quit soon
Good luck my man, I already stopped smoking for like 2 years but I'm warning you that withdrawal is a bitch. I got a fever and my body is looking for that sweet nicotine. It's worth it though and you'll feel like a better person.

breath you breathe, dog.

>tfw my dad decided he'd had enough drinking so he just quits
>tfw one year later he decided he'd had enough smoking and quit that cold turkey as well
It's possible to stop user, you just have to willpower your way through.

Don't smoke, kids. I've been smoking for 7 years. I really like and I'm pretty sure this shit gonna kill me but if you want to start watch some films about heart problems and mouth/lung cancer to understand risk

Make you pretty dumb and slow

elon musk smokes weed

makes me feel like I'm trapped in my own body and I fucking hate that feeling more than any other drug I've done

I've never understood people who don't smoke weed because it "makes them paranoid".

Like, how paranoid are you getting? The most it make me think is that everyone who knocks on my door is a cop, or that I pissed my pants because it's warm and I check and it's dry. Y'all need to chill, how fucking high are you lightweights gettin'?

>tfw I have a management position selling weed

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Smoking only relaxes you for only the first couple of times, then you will get stressed without it and instead of smoking to relax you'll do it to go back to normal

Never start if you can. Even if you quit some part of your brain always wants to go back to it. Been cig free for two years now and smelling them still does shit to my brain.
Also if you go straight to vaping without ever smoking you are a large faggot and deserve whatever horrible issues they end up causing in the long run.

I've been smoking weed every day for the past 4 years. Should I be concerned

And he committed securities fraud just to impress his girlfriend real great judgement by him must be a true example of how weed does not hinder your decision making process

>Never start if you can. Even if you quit some part of your brain always wants to go back to it.

This is why I never started drinking. Growing up being at parties everyone tries to get the 1 guy who doesn't drink to drink and I never did, then when we're all adults at parties I tell people I don't drink and all I hear are things like "Damn, I wish I never started drinking" or "Good for you, man. Don't ever start it's awful." as they slam back their drinks.

Getting laid is incredibly difficult, though...

lmao faggot you smoked too much. Take a couple puffs, wait 10 min then take more if you need to.

I'm not European

I considered working in a dispensary when weed became legal in Cali just to tell all the customers how much i didnt give a fuck and i was just selling it to enact a power fantasy

>something in your brain always makes you want to go back to it though
Lmao no,
I’ve smoked cigarettes and weed and I’ll never miss the wheezing as I do long distance running now

smoke free two years also and cigarette smell is just as terrible as it was when i started and i have no will to go back to it so not sure what your serotonin is on brother

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I've smoked more than a handful of times at the behest of people like you and it's always the same shit. It feels like fucking anxiety and garbage from start to finish and I always have to go lay in some dark quiet place till I'm sober again. Fuck that vile shit, I'd rather and have done basically anything else. I don't have the brain chemistry for it, I'm not touching it again ever.

anyone tried cocaine before? i saw my cousin do it once and he offered it to me but i noped the fuck out

I know a hipster kid from Cali who doesn’t smoke and is arrogant about it.
I make him clean the bathrooms because he never did when we were both cashiers and that’s how I got the management position over him. Also he doesn’t do jack shit outside of work and I make money off my comics and music.

Same thing happened to me first time smoking. Literally laid in a dark spot in a forested area for 3 hours because i couldnt even stand up.
Next time I smoked carefully and played vidya afterwards and it was great/

haha jokes on you my dick is tiny

nothing wrong with a tiny dick, a womens vagina is only 1.5 inches deep

haha maybe yours is you poonlet

I don't understand this shit
Why not just set down the fucking cig

Only virgins freak out on weed

Cigs are trash, e cig or try pipe tobacco, not bottom shelf, you gotta go mid quality because it doesnt taste like shit. Or just dont smoke tobac.

25 year old virgin here, i smoke everyday

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I'm a twenty six year old boomer and I've been engaged
I don't give a shit if you smoke around me but I'm not touching it, fuck off

cant put the weed down man need dopamine now now now must feel good must feel good must feel good

>ash will fall on the floor

Yes, and? You will get cancer anyway.

>ew, user, you don’t smoke even when we’re all blazing it?
>you’re such a square, this engagement is off
Don’t be like user, have sex

so, do you bring the whole controller up to your mouth like a mongoloid to hit the joint? you're gonna end up getting ash on either the controller, or your floor, or your lap too if you're not swinging the whole thing over every 30 seconds to ash it, which pretty much entirely defeats the purpose of it being hands off and then some, i can tell by the hands that some fat white trash kid probably cooked this up, explains the absolutely autistic hindrance of an idea

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Cigarettes are for niggers.

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For me it's just being too high feels awful, the dissociation and getting lost in my thoughts is just really uncomfortable and I start to panic for no reason. It's generally something like "oh no I hope that wasn't too much and I don't start feeling too high" and then it's all over. Now I can't escape that mental cycle and any time I try to smoke, once I'm at the point where I can feel it at all I'm already freaking out so there's just no point.

I don't really dig weed but CBD/THC hybrid strains are great, I like to actually relax
Pure CBD doesn't do much but a mix of it with some THC takes away the panicky side of the THC high and it's just the best of both worlds

Imagine having friends this shit
even in college I could just say "nah" and drink outside with them and it wasn't a problem
no one cares you dicklet

looks classy but i doubt unfiltered tobacco could be good for you


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>user’s wife left him cause his dick was too small
Projecting hard.
Don’t be like user, don’t be too arrogant to smoke with your friends or gf, you might just lose everything

who the fuck is user? what does that even mean

Don't inhale and bring a cold drink (no alcohol) with you and you'll be fine.

>looks classy but i doubt unfiltered tobacco could be good for you
Filters are a sham, they make next to no difference and the darkening of them is actually just a chemical reaction that changes the color so it looks like they're filtering something out of the smoke. They became mainstream so people think their cigs are safer, but it's really the same bullshit as those "toxin-removing footpads" that change color when they're moistened so it looks like they purged toxins out of you.

Son you best stop fucking with me or I will end you

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Soon to be wife, he didn’t even get that far, cause his small dick gave him anxiety while he was high


please be bait


not only you but so many you'd start a major corporation. casio made rings that did basically this during ww2.

Weed sux and your shit's all retarded
dumb high school nigger trying to peer pressure me

>Having a penis
Nigga u gay


>gets too high
>spergs out and cries for mommy
>user, I’m leaving you for this Chad pothead on Yea Forums...

why not just use an ash tray? They come with those ridges to set your smoke'um on.

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he has that pump set way too high

go away, spelling faggots are not wanted

if cigarettes are so bad why do cigarettes still exist and is still a successful industry?

The thing with pipes is you dont smoke as much tobacco as a cig, even if you do inhale, not like a retard sucking on it like a cig, but a few mouthfuls, also you can top it with pot and it works great.

21 year old virgin here, weed is a great way to relax

she didn't leave me you tremendous boy molesting fruit
still not touching your shit

Just like video games.

Asian-kuns who don’t know mostly

Sounds like he was under the influence of pussy not weed desu

Okay, why did they force pigs to smoke?

>putting pot in a tobacco pipe

How many cones have you boyes smoked this year?
For me it's 2130

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>been engaged
>not married
>lost the love of his life to weed
>curses weed every day
>chimps out like an autist every time weed is mentioned
>”Only water!”.jpg

Yeah the weed killed her, sad story. OD'd after injecting too many marijuanas
also fuck you acid is better than sex

I don't smoke or drink lmao
It's not that hard to stop. Just like how obese people can easily put down the fork, smokers can easily put down the cig as well.


Is using a bong better for your lungs than a pipe or joint? Weed makes me actually enjoy video games like I was a kid again, but vaping is expensive if it's oils, and if it's dry herb being vaped, the high doesn't last very long. I'm paranoid about lung cancer because it killed my grandpa at like 60, so I hate smoking joints or from a pipe.

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Cringe teenager branch out try some new drugs for once