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Would you like this Pass Yea Forums?

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I would like you to stop making FUCKING SMASH THREADS YOU FAGGOT HOLY SHIT

As long as Sora isn't there it;s pretty good

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Replace Agumon with Leon and it's perfect.

I would absolutely hate it, way too lame


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Don't know who that Goku looking dude is
Crash would be nice
I feel like digimon is forever in the shadow of pokemon, and is a direct competing brand. Very unlikely, and honestly I don't give a shit
Banjo & Kazooie would be nice.

Nope but this one would work.

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Nah, I'm good with this one

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This is actually the best Fighter's Pass:
>Banjo and Kazooie
>Phoenix Wright
>Ryu Hayabusa


I'd like to see Crono, but I know it's the last time he will be shown in a game again, and in spite of the mountain of effort that will go into capturing the character and the games he's from Square Enix will ensure that the implementation feels slightly hollow with only 2 tracks, and only a spirit for Crono.
Crash isn't a good addition to Smash, I don't care if YOU like him his games aren't iconic, or significant, or even good, and of all the western reps to choose you choose one from Acti-Blizz because Crash was your first game, pretty disgusting.
Agumon doesn't deserve representation in Smash, he's fine as a character but Bamco have more relevant characters that could be put into Smash over Agumon.
Banjo/Kazooie would be great, but yet again just like Crono I know that their implementation in Smash will be better than anything we will get from the characters going forwards.
I haven't bought the pass yet, this would make me just feel reassured that I made the right decision to not buy the pass.

No, add at least one full girl character, and no, Kazooie doesnt count.

Replace Chrono with Scorpion and we're good.

the only good one

>nintendofags hate sony but want characters that are strongly associate with their platforms

Oh shit, Dante got deconfirmed, didn't he?
Make that Jill, then.

>dead bear

this is the ideal dlc roster, prove me wrong

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>Anime swordsman, two JRPG guys in a row
>dead mascot that only spins
>Agumon, pretty cool
>dead mascot
I'd hate it

>all these games with characters no longer or not at all on nintendo platforms
It checks out.

Capcom and Sega hate Nintendo, I don't see why they should get 4 reps a piece. Banjo and Kazooie are dead, please let them stay dead.
Ryu Hyabusa is a legitimately good pic, I just wish we could see more Ninja Gaiden.
>nintendo are willing to publish a shitty marvel game that comes out too late to capitalize on infinity war but won't publish a new ninja gaiden or fatal frame for koei tecmo
What a joke of a company.

>literal who
>Oh hey, Banjo and Kazooie!
>literal who
>Look! Doom Guy!
Not bad, I guess. But really there should be only one literal who, if at all in this pass.

Replace Chinesw Bootleg Charmander with Doomguy or Leon and we're good

>dead mascot

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I'd like any fighter pass with Crono in it. That fake leak a little while back had a neat moveset idea for him, the switching party members gimmick sounds so cool and a gimmick I would actually love.
Guess I'm stuck with Erdrick as the next best thing, who will undoubtedly have a much less interesting or fun playstyle than that fake leak.

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>only relevancy is the remakes
>no actual new games coming up

>Phoenix Wright
This list sucks dude. Keep Sonic's autism to a minimum, and joke characters shouldn't be paid-for DLC.

By far the gayest post in this thread

No way

But agumon is okay

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Ur faggot bear is never getting in
They won’t add characters from dead series especially as dlc
And characters that are dead but have an active series have slightly higher chance (bascially only first party)
So don’t bring up alligator because
DK Is an active series and first party

Cope more

what do i win

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>three naturally proportioned human characters
>and Eggman
Boring, mix it up more.

Putting aside the fact that my top choice isn't there
Huge meh, I love his game but the actual character isn't all that interesting for smash unless they give him some gimmick.
I have zero nostalgia for his games so he just strikes me as poor man's Sonic.
If we are going with the "Pokemon rival" approach you might as well go with Yokai Watch for being bigger and more relevant.
I am cool with him, feels like the last character that should have been in the roster since 64

Nah, my most wanted 4 are Banjo, Crash, Ninja Gayden, And Doom Guy. If atleast 2 of the 4 get in i'll be satisfied.

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digimon is bigger and more relevant than yo-kai watch, though. it actually broke through in the west to some degree while yo-kai watch only ever became popular in japan.

>>no actual new games coming up
>Beenox working on CTR NF
>likely the last remake
>VV also likely working on a New Game

>only relevancy is REMAKES
>Next game is a REMAKE
>they MIGHT be working on a new game

That's what you care about? Not the characters themselves, but whether or not they have human proportions in their design?

Since Nintendo is calling the shots I think they would rather go with the newer, safer pick. Digimon was popular in the west but that was a long time ago, it's very niche nowadays while Yokai Watch is a work in progress that can work as a novelty.

>>they MIGHT be working on a new game
Why wouldn't they when NST sold 10 million?

I don't like the inclusion of 3rd party characters (unless they have a solid history on Nintendo platforms) as a rule, but Crash and Agumon wouldn't clash with the game's style, so they're not the worst picks.

I want Siegfried as a heavy with Nightmare echo so bad

BN could make it work, especially since Smash just overtook and overshadowed SC6 so hard

Better taste than seemingly the majority of this board.

>Doom 2016 ported to switch
>Doom Eternal launching on switch
>Previous doom games except 3 were on nintendo consoles

>literal who

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Digimon is very big bro

Agumon is great but no sora? Come on man.