Why are Japanese games so much better than Western games now?

Why are Japanese games so much better than Western games now?
I used to love Western games but now they all suck

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I think it's the western obsession with making interactive Hollywood movies, whereas Japan is trying to make interactive anime. Animes are just more suited to being videogames.

>People with (((game design))) bachelors
>People who can't even compete with fanfic writers
>People too ugly for Hollywood

Game studios are where the dregs of society come together to drag the rest of the world down to their shitty level

just the way of it right now, doesn't matter really. If you can find shit to play then buy that shit. I rarely buy western games anymore but that could flip in a second if I start seeing stuff like I did in my teens and twenties.

Which country has Jews running their entertainment industry?

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>Japan thinks of a gameplay structure first, prototypes the hell out of it and then designs all the other components around the gameplay

>everyone else doesn't so it falls apart instantly

These are people who actively hate their customers and want them to be as miserable as themselves. They don't care about profit, because they hate capitalism anyway and if they get fired, they just go on to become bloggers or start their own indie studio with kickstarter money

I think Japan simply understands how to make a fun but serious game like the yakuza series

I think Japs still make games that don't need to succeed globally to be a success. I believe that they budget their games okay maybe not established franchises that already sell well abroad so that they'll be profitable even if they only sell on the Japanese market. Smaller budgets allow for less investor intervention and more original games.

Western games, especially AAA only cares about profits and the games are designed around making most profit. This led to DLC and now MTX. Even singleplayer games get fucking MTX nowadays. It's ridiculous. Investors learned that games can be hugely profitable and infested the industry. The invention of the smart phone and the rise of mobile "gaming" really didn't help.

Because liberalism is one hella drug

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>SJWs are liberals

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That... was the point. The damn libbies broke western media beyond repair!

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In fucking 1848 maybe

Everyone moved to California.

This plus the fact that gamers are actually stupid enough to buy these people’s shit.


Which country doesn’t?

>repeats fact but with meme arrow
Well, I’m convinced.

It's late stage capitalism.
There's a reason why """marxists""" all come from upper middle class families, have college education, own apple products and are addicted to social media and Disney movies.

>underage panty quest 28: hurt feelings edition

Hey faggot

While I enjoy WRPGs, older ones at least, more than I have ever enjoyed JRPGs Jap games don't really treat me like I'm a brain dead moron incapable of thought like most Western games do.

western games from the 90s > japanese games from the 90s

japanese games from the 2010s > western games from the 2010s

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You're too harsh on western games and too forgiving on japanese games. If you were being honest, you'd realise that japan puts out so much low-effort money-grubbing shit, but you like the artstyle, so it gets a free pass.

Jap games were always better dumb frogposter

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because Japanese developers started to adopt what made Western games good but without the fat and retained what made Japanese games good

We've been having these threads for about 15 years now. It still isn't true.

What is it with Yea Forums and the jews

Every damn time with the jews


There are always sectors of people in any industry like this but it’s so prevalent in gaming.

Might have to do with them being expelled from 109 countries. But Jews dindu nuffin of course!

Neolibfags, not classical liberals

Government run school did them dirty

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I miss him so much.

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because the bulk of western games are design-by-committee, mass marketed schlock to protect investments

>expelled from 109 countries
>they're still a problem
The problem might actually be the stupidity of other countries, user. Ever thought of that?

Look into history and you will start to understand why every part of the world you will find hatred for jews.

Because jews are evil faggots

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was meant for you

Jews created great entertainment for years. It's something else.

What a kewl dude.

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Is it because like a third if the world is muslim

the only good western games are indie games

Both are the answer. Fuck humanity.

Even then Japanese doujin games are better.

>it's not that the weird penis mutilation cult from the desert are faggots, those dirty unenlightened goys are just too stupid to appreciate not being able to feel their cock

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Unironically Jews making up a larger and larger part of the Western video game industry every day.

America, Israel, and UK. The unholy trinity of this world.

i disagree but your opinion is your own

western PC games from the 90s > Japanese PC games from 90s
japanese console games = always better

japanese games from the 2010s > western games from the 2010s

jews = based

The Jews are behind most of the evil in the world. Jesus called them the children of Satan.

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He was handsome as fuck.

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I feel it pretty fucking good when I edge about 30 minutes straight.

Holy shit how much mental gymnastics do you need to pull off to not see the correlation between jews being a problem and getting thrown out of 109 countries.

>gomenasai, jew-kun

user, if they managed to infiltrate 109 countries, the 108 after the first one didn't learn a damn thing. This isn't rocket science, this is basic logic.


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>jews never get expelled from america
>america becomes best country ever
Guess all those other countries fucked up, didn't they?

i don't believe for a goddamn second that kojima prioritises gameplay over the world he creates

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Metal Gear Solid games have great gameplay. Like the stealth stuff and all the weapons in 4 was great, but you only get to experience it fully for half the game sadly.

Japanese devs don't capitulate to sjw/tumblr backlash nor worry about reaching the "wide demographics."

After being built up by PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN EUROPEANS and now being torn down due to ZOG goy puppets and Rothschilds destroying our economy and gold standard replacing it with worthless jew dollars yeah America was a good country once.

Western PC games used to kick ass until mid 00s or so

Death of arcade influence and devs taking their movie and literature inspirations too literally.

He lives in us.

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This. Too much of games as a "narrative experience" and not enough of games as games. I don't mind story heavy games, but too many Western developers don't appreciate arcadey fun.

Because Askhenazi jews are chameleons who can blend into native populations and lie. Case and point look at the Rosenburgs and the jewish schemes they've done throughout medieval Europe. You think they're christian? Lmao that's the lethal camoflauge Askhenazi's have.

They always were you fuking zoomer

I don't remember. Except rts anf strategy genre.

What changed is they decided that Christian-Western society must die now and have tripled down on destroying it.

That wouldn't even be a problem if they knew anything about writing, film direction, or game design in the first place. The real problem is the vast majority of them don't know how to do anything but churn out the same stale AAA shit over and over and lack the skills to make any part of that AAA shit stand out in any meaningful way.

I can smell your sweaty resentment from here, and it's fucking disgusting.

WRPGs were great - Fallout, Baldur's Gate, etc. FPS - Doom, Quake, Unreal
Deus Ex
The list is endless

More like Christian-Western society decided to kill itself.

>US congressmen
It's actually really terrifying how Jews can so easily masquerade into a society. They look so similar to whites and all they have to do is lie.

Because it went from a realm of passion and creativity to a AAA money grubbing industry, complete with political soap box stands and soulless projects that just appeal to casual masses.

>Christian-Western society
You mean that part of the West that's been slowly fading into irrelevancy since the Renaissance?

Why do you keep making the same thread over and over again?
Are you fucking autistic?

liberals do not want to associate with SJWS in the same way that conservatives do not want to associate with neo nazis

Goebbels was on point regarding the jews.

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>That wouldn't even be a problem if they knew anything about writing, film direction, or game design in the first place.
They actually do, the confounding thing is talented, knowledgeable people in a system that produces flawed results.

I disagree that a good game cant come from a different order.

>Pillar of the west that's only been crumbling in the late 19th Century.
I wonder why Selfish hedonism and rampant degeneracy has been going up and up. That silly ol' Religion probably had nothing important like morals or societal boundaries.

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Conservatives are fucking spineless cucks that have failed to conserve anything. Anyone who calls him/herself a conservative deserves to be ridiculed and mocked. There is nothing to conserve in this sick fucking world of ours, the only thing to do is to revolt against it.

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You shouldn't need imaginary beings and places to tell you how to treat others.

Fucking Slaanesh cultists.

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There is no objective criteria to how one should treat others. Human rights etc are a fucking meme and are still fundamentally based on the christian notion of the sanctity of an individual "soul".


>Like the stealth stuff and all the weapons in 4 was great
Not really. The best mechanics in the world don't mean shit if they aren't implemented in compelling scenarios. Lots of short, sedate stealth sections and shootings galleries are all that I remember.

>human rights are a fucking meme
Get a load of this brainlet

Apparently you do otherwise you have convicted sex predators cross dressing as women reading books to children at local libraries or 10 year old crosadressing boys pole dancing at a fag bar. That looming threat of everlasting damnation if you're a fucking inhuman degenerate and not normal human trying to be a good person kept the freaks in line. But thank you Rabbi for Sexual revolution and "just be yourself" with no premarital consequences you just get it sucked out with a vacuum cleaner!

That's what I meant. Great mechanics, but they didn't get used well enough.

Human rights is a Christian value :^)

Kojima generally starts his game design with a couple of core gimmicks and mechanics and then slowly has them take less and less of their original design space as the game is built around them. You can usually tell because they become themes in multiple cutscenes, like the idea of foraging for food in MGS3, or the entire base concept of MGS5, but usually they end up taking a backseat to returning mechanics and gameplay styles and it just becomes a stealth shooter at core.

>That looming threat of everlasting damnation if you're a fucking inhuman degenerate and not normal human trying to be a good person kept the freaks in line.
No it didn't, and for every freak that it did, it also caused problems for creatives who sought to step away from collectives and become an individual.

>complaining about degenerates on Yea Forums

It's how a small part of jews have infilitrated different cultures, becoming owners of various industries, most notably known for being bankers. The hate germans garnered for jews was becomes of all the degeneracy they introduced, jews opened brothels all over the land, making germany the land of prostitutes. Didn't just happen in Germany, look at hollywood, it's mostly owned by jews. But also because they're large owners of the centralized banks too, they put entire country into financial crisis. Always scheming with something for profit. youtube.com/watch?v=IaDt9T7BF38 this is an interesting watch

How are they not a meme?
They don't exist objectively out in the world, they literally only exist in the heads of the people who actually believe in human rights.
The notion of human rights fits the original definition of a meme to a t.

>Great mechanics but they didn't get used well enough
Perhaps they weren't great.

>step away from collectives and become an individual
By being a degenerate, moraless beast who crossdresses or rapes puppies to death wearing an animal costume? Michael Angelo and Lionardo Davinci had mo problems being individuals through their art while also behaving like normal humans and having faith in our Lord.

Japan has no indie game scene.

This. I miss gamey videogames. Fuck this movie shit and characters that don't shut the fuck up.

>da Vinci
To the extent that society required it of them. All creatives embrace a little bit of the Devil in them; they couldn't be creative otherwise.

Because they can be derived and argued logically. They're a fundamental property of the universe. Partially they're memes in the way we describe and recognize them, but they're only memes in the sense that all human culture is memes.

Westerners have no sense of aesthetic.

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But Touhou

I doubt Japan could come up with designs like these

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They are a meme in the traditional sense, an idea that propagates.

Nigger, how in the fuck are human rights a fudemental property of the universe?
And no, they can't be derived and argued logically. Human rights are based on the illogical assumption that human life is inherently valuable.

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Read some philosophy

Retarded athiest is trying to discredit Christianity for being the main attribute to human rights while Pagan religions actively engaged in slavery, rape and infanticide of enemies all throughout the Bronze Age and Roman Era.

Mathematics propagates as an idea, but it's not just a meme. Human rights are similar.

Who could be behind this post

Not a fucking argument.

From the Greek and Roman Philosophers who took part of slavery and child killings or the Christian European Philosophers?

Christian European Philosophers. John Locke, Thomas Paine, etc.

tell that to the niggers committing 50% of the violent crimes despite being 13% of the population.

this, moral relativism is retarded

Deist rather than Christian in Paine's case. Still more religious than most westerners nowadays.

I’m just here for the Hitler posting.

MGS4 is maybe the only game in the main franchise that doesn't seem to be focused more on gameplay. Metal Gear has always been first and foremost a puzzle game, that has just added more and more potential solutions and tools for the player as time has gone on, while also making the area the player is in larger and more intractable as time goes on. MGSV is the ultimate conclusion of Metal Gear gameplay: Open world map with insane amounts of interactivity, while giving the player the ability to research endless amounts of tools to deal with any situation. The only way you could go "bigger" than MGSV would be to do some sort of open world closer to Batman: Arkham City, or a stealth version of Breath of the Wild, where there's a huge open world with hidden puzzles and objectives throughout, even in places that seem to be completely empty.

Because you're a brainwashed weeb loony


Ironic how you claim moral relativism whem Christianity has been what created what you think "universal rights" are. Which never existed in the 15'000 years before Christianity.

>only pagans engaged in heinous acts
Mm, love me some Christian historical revisionism
>engaging in heinous acts means you're 100% wrong
and on top of that a fallacy that doesn't actually make for an argument. Beautiful.

I can dump my Hitler folder if you want.

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Show me exactly where Christianity actively endorsed Slavery (discrediting Jew Slave Trade of the 1600's) compared to the Pagan groups of Greeks, Vikings, Mongols and Romans.

The ironic (or not) admiration of Hitler and the Nazis is so damaging to the anti-SJW cause that I almost want to think it's a false flag.

Please do
I dont have nearly enough.
Mega or imgur them if jannies give you shit

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You became a weebcuck hence the Hitler picture.

I'm no Hitler fan, but photos like this are great.