That one character you forgot, but remembering it instantly ruins your whole day

>That one character you forgot, but remembering it instantly ruins your whole day

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that final fight with him is such shit. other than that he just seemed like an edge lord they added for no reason other than to make retards say “oh cool space ninja”

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The only thing I remember about him is anger, and shoehorned homosexuality.

Eh, he was fine. I never read the comics or books or whatever so I had no expectations for him. He was the Darth Maul of Mass Effect, his job was to look cool while you beat the shit out of him and he did that competently. I never really had a problem with him. Benezia is a far more annoying character.

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worst ME2 companion. if you bring him with you on missions then you actually have something broken in your brain

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he's really good on Tunchanka, or any mission with melee fuckers

>how do we further develop plot points
>turn them into a character
how did bioware become a joke so fast?

Very effective against krogans and mutts

Were they trying to make me happy Otacon Cucked him? Because they succeeded.

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>be nice to him
>get fucked in the ass
Why do gays behave like this?

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Huey did nothing wrong. It should have been Venom Snake on that boat, not him. Also, D-dog is a wolf and D-horse is a donkey

>Only living Prothean is a Prothean Era Shepard who just pokes fun at the idiocy that has bred since he took his nap.

Bravo, Nolan.

Remember this?

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Not real ones, this is how BW thinks gays behave.

>even if you do his loyalty mission he just fucking dies in the last mission sometimes for literally no reason

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I remember that killing the framerate on my meme card for some reason. No other issues at all in the game except for that one scene. Fucking Cut Content.

*Steels ur sereal*

Heheh, nuthin personel

>play ME3
>both gay options are overly sensitive soft-spoken guys who talk about their emotions constantly
>play ME Andromeda
>both gay options are narcissistic douchebags with no charm or depth
Do any gays go for either of these types? What were they thinking?


>What were they thinking?
the Bull dude from their dragon age game became a meme so they decided to make all of their gay male characters the Bull dude.

Honestly I love that it turned Otacon cucking his dad to death into an act of heroism.

What a faggot.

>only human male romance option is a mage freedom fighter terrorist, on top of being a faggot
>only human female romance option is a literal hooker pirate
>non-humans are a psycho elf and angst incarnate

Why couldn't I just fuck the dwarf? He was genuinely the only in the party who was normal and that I actually liked.

Even ME3's staunchest defenders don't like Kai Leng so he was a huge failure in that regard as well.

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>BW proceeds to make faggot Qunari in Inquisition
Guess the big-burly horned man fetish was catered to.

Might as well stop writing altogether because there's no way in hell you can't tick somebody's crazy ass fetish off.

Gaider was based, the faggots demanding every possible kind of romance be included are the main reason BW games went to shit, god bless him for trying to put a stop to that shit.

I still want a character in a game that's like Kai Leng, but everyone knows he's a tool. He's still dangerous, but everyone just thinks he's basically a neckbeard that got superpowers.


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This, plus a character optional story should be more about exploring that character's deeper motivations, lore, and the subtle pieces moving in the background that would not be immediately obvious in a regular surface level play-through. Character arcs leading to romance was a shit design and led to shit stories that revolved around romance and little else.

Oh yes

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Alistair is for holding hands and cuddling though.

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