ITT: Games no one but you plays

ITT: Games no one but you plays

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owo was dis

its like a mix of minecraft, animal crossing, and stardew

only theres not a lot of mining, and there's no furries unless you mod them in

seems cute is it good?

I like it personally, wasted a ton of time on it
it's extremely moddable too. i've made two race mods for it and I've never modded anything in my life.


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Posting in a shill thread
Looks interesting, tell me more

>tfw everyone I'm friends with hates Smite

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>playing the game that killed Tribes
you dont belong here

Tribes died on its own, it wasn't killed

My friends made fun of me for playing this but I stuck with it cuz I loved it

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looks awful
whats it like?

Kinda like a pre 2011 cod mixed with tf2 since the character classes are easily distinguishable

Looks cute, might pirate it and then maybe buy it.

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I changed my mind, sounds fun

the sequel was pretty good


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I think servers are still live on 360 maybe steam too

You’re both standup chaps.

but i play s4 too

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Tail Concerto

is this the one game where the girl with the pink hair is lesbian with the main girl character

Combat Arms

that game for some reason has a shit performance, i can play minecraft with a lot of render distance and runs normal but for some reason this struggles to run lmao

Your friends have good taste

Never played that one, but.

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if you make good friends with a villager they can move in with you, but thats as far as it goes. Still waiting on a mod for that
if I had the free time i'd make it myself

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Playing on a private server with a partially translated client patch. It’s okay.

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