Undertale and Deltarune are great games, and 99% of the people who disagree are just being contrarian assholes

Undertale and Deltarune are great games, and 99% of the people who disagree are just being contrarian assholes.

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quality gote

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>dude love and friendship haha
>no don't kill the villains attacking you, just use kindness

I can see how they pulled the beta male audience, get your T checked if you're a straight man that enjoys UT.

so the other 1% have legitimate criticisms and therefore the game is not actually great (and you are wrong in calling it so) due to them?

I want to slap ralsei on his fat ass

You can always tell if someone has never held or seen a gun in person.

Contrarian asshole here.
I agree with you.

>You're a human
>The monsters were banished to the underworld by humans
>Implying a monster wouldn't get defensive and try to fight you if they see you.

The point of the game is that they aren't your enemy. Nobody has to die. Nice reach though.

>not having a 1 cal. pistol

My dad works for IWI and I've held two deagles at the same time.

no one says anything bad about the games. the fandom is just complete shit.

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yeah yeah Deltarune is good but can you really handle the fact that your vessel won't be as cute as this literal void-filled nig?

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>sympathizing with the punching bag joke character
what the actual fuck?

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worst character. dunno why he's so popular.

I smell the reddit on you faggot, it smells like onions

spoiler bait with fan art potential, currently on four layers of irony inside and outside of the actual fanbase. he is cursed

It's not great, but it's good.

Based filter raping this jabroni into whimpering submission

stoppu with the baito-chan, user, its time to sleep happily and comfy

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

Ralsei is a cringeworthy wooden board of a character. The only people I've seen who seem to care about him are entirely men, and probably pedophiles or future trannies.
Undertale was good but this new game is a joke orbited by literal discord child predators. Nuke from orbit or hang from tree, remove these """people""" from society

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post ralsei ass

>obsession with Le meta show how smart me am
100% reddit. Disembowel yourself tranigger.

>yet more buzzwords
have you ever had an original thought in your 13 years of existence

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COD, FIFA, Fortnite, LoL, candy crush, angry birds, Madden are great games

If you disagree you are a contrarian LOL

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just look up desertkaiju. the one I posted is an alternate version, so I imagine the original is black


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nvm, here

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White one is cute too, both are great honestly but please post more goat butt


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Undertale is a good game with a bad fanbase.
Deltarune is like 1/4 of what is so far a mediocre game.

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oh man

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I really like this goat

Shit games, kys furries

You will die alone and a embarrassment to your families

post more spicy ralsei pp

OWO bulgy wolgy

Undertale's "twist" is seen from a mile away if you ever played Chrono Trigger and I never understood why it's praised for "playing off the player". Moral choices were nothing new in games when Undertale came out, neither were story heavy games.
You can dislike a popular thing without being a contrarian.


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Buff goat boi


But you can kill them.

post more lewd stuff so i can nut to gote

Undertale has an excellent OST and is quite stylish, but offers very little reward for skill. Toby Fox is so afraid of leaving you behind that he built guardrails everywhere so you won't get stuck. Meanwhile, being great at the main gameplay loop gets you, in total, one line from Sans. Genocide Undyne is by far the most fun part of the game.

Deltarune is just way too easy. Even the secret boss has guardrails.

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>get your T checked if you're a straight man that enjoys UT
But user, I like playing Unreal Tournament.

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where's the front shot

Kris, Ralsei, and Susie are gaming right now, please come back later.

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