quake hampions
Quake hampions
Dragon's Dogma
silent bill 2
Star Wars: The Horse Unleashed
Metal Beer
kr-CHK pssssss~
non de dieu
I love these threads. They're like [s4s] while it was more toptopkeks than homosex.
unironically the best thread on Yea Forums in months, possibly years
D.E.E.R 2
Wedding Qake
It didn't have to be this way...
yo fags,
i just installed CPMA but when i try to join a server it says i dont have the correct client or something.
I use the CNQ3 one mentioned in the downloads of the official site. Anybody who isnt computer retarded know whats up?
Halo: Wombat Evolved
Quack Hampions
This thread is comedy gold.
This is an amazing piece of art. I'm sorry I can't help your question.
Isn't that just Man-At-Arms from He Man?
quake champignons
literally the best thing to come out of this game
Somebody said quaker oat meal?
this is good
>the upcoming Anarki/Sorlag movement nerf
Why are they trying so hard to kill this game?
Jesus, what are they doing to them?
looks like a stock photo with a defibrillator
Making them fucking slow.
Speed caps reduced from 680 to 600. Strafe accel lowered from 70 to 50. Anarki inject speed boost being dropped from 800 to 666. Sorlag ordinal accel from 15 to 10.
They're straight up murdering CPMA in all modes because they're too fucking stupid to balance CTF.
>speed cap
this is the exact trajectory i predicted this game would follow, holy shit i wish i saved my own posts
>falsely say they cater to hardcore/oldschool, don't
>have broken or easyfied mechanics for newbs
>game doesn't interest oldschool/hardcore crowd or newbs
>dies a fast death, lacking in any feature whatsoever that a game called Quake demands
>eventually game is nerfed to make it easier for newbs in desperate attempt to get any audience
fucking exaaaaaaaaactly what I said would happen...guess its no surprise though
the game was great in its first beta state
then they ran it into the fucking ground, what the fuck is their problem
>first beta state
>no mapping
>no modding
>no servers
mechanically you fucking inbred retard
all the balance changes after that were all SHIT
>you fucking inbred retard
the core mechanics of quake are the things i mentioned, not the base gameplay. you wouldn't understand that, having not been around :\
The devs are so retarded it's incredible. It's like they make all their balance decisions by picking shit out of a bag full of bad ideas.
The game was a horribly broken pile of shit in 2017. What are you smoking? Pixel perfect hitboxes, parkinsons LG, broken rockets, MG fire rate accidentally tied to the player's framerate etc. etc.
Diabotical can't come soon enough, really can't wait for based 2gd to BTFO brainerror
Mere mention of his name gets my blood up.
One thing that really pisses me off about the community of this game is just how many cocksuckers there are out there. There is a pretty large crowd of retards that keep apologizing for Sync and his cronies/claiming that criticism is "toxic" and "killing the game"
Surprisingly the SubRibbit is full of critics and the fellatio fanatics mostly hang out in Twitch/Discord chats, but they still exist.
They act like the game has a low player count because people say mean things on the internet and not because the game has been riddled with poor design choices and terrible optimization.
It's insane that I get random framedrops on minimum settings while I can run Sekiro at max settings with zero issues.
Anarki speed nerf is a great thing, he is completely broken in duel. What they're doing is finally admitting that having vq3 and cpma movement in the same game at the same time was a thoroughly retarded idea. So they're trying to salvage it by butchering the cpma champs. Not saying it's an ideal situation but absolutely a move in the right direction.
The speed nerf is fucking moronic. CPMA will be totally useless now. Naturally Sync is saving his pet robot though. They're rolling back the Clutch damage nerf so he can still push your shit in right off spawn.
They're nerfing Anarki's inject hard (1 sec delay before shooting and accel nerf) and that would be more than enough to balance Anarki. Sorlag has been fine ever since the barf nerf.
If you want to have CPMA movement in the game you either need a speed limit or loadouts NTF-style. The issue is not the speed limit. The speed limit is the solution to the problem and the problem is that mixing movement styles fundamentally doesn't work in this kind of game.
cpma is dead. it isnt worth it to use cnq3 btw, just the original exe. there are 2 versions of (1.48? is it?) and only 1 works. cant remember which, havent had files on hdd for a year or so. just go play reflex
If it's such a big issue then all they need to do is implement a ban system, which people have been demanding since day one. CPMA is strong but the main issue with Anarki is his tiny hitbox. If they fixed that then he would be balanced.
Sorlag is a total non issue for that very reason. Her hitbox is so fat that a blind chimp could LG her easily.
>CPMA will be totally useless now
...and that's a good thing. Having a character be infinitely more mobile than every other one will never not be broken in a game that's all about positioning and collecting items on the map.
What stops you from playing CPMA yourself?
Oh man this thread started so nice, keep going OP.
A sense of pride I suppose. Also I find the hoverboard sound effect distracting. In CTF I'm part of the problem though and play a lot of Sorlag.