Can we please get the following cancer buzzwords filtered please:
Have sex
To make this site a better place!
Can we please get the following cancer buzzwords filtered please:
Have sex
To make this site a better place!
Other urls found in this thread:
Add unrelated anime OPs to the list
you do realize that "based" was started because of wordfilters, right?
>you do realize...
Please add Boomer and Zoomer to that list
Don't forget seething and yikes.
have sex
baka desu senpai cuck onions
based = epic
cringe = fail
there, I fixed Yea Forums for you.
it used to never used here, but then the whole s o i thing started being filtered to basedboy and the like, few months later everyone was unironically saying based without it being a filter
>if i request something that's quite likely to happen anyway, it means I influenced the rules implemented on Yea Forums!
kys op seriously, also anime needs to be fucking nuked from this website already
Have chex.
At least filter "Incel", Jesus these faggots are so annoying.
eh I don't think I can eat stuff that sugary in the morning anymore but I'll try.
Reverse them and make them something like
based = epic fail
cringe = epic for the win
Cringe, bluepilled incel. Have sex.
While we're at it I wish we could ban threads where the OP puts "[game] thread" in spoilers at the end of a quote from the game
ie, "patroling the mojave almost makes you wish for a fallout thread"
i hate this shit
Unfortunately, you can't filter "based" because it's commonly used with its actual meaning. The rest are indeed never posts worth reading or replying to, though, so just filter them.
Fuck off you zoomer newfag. Yea Forums began as and always will be an anime imageboard for the West.
They need to be turned into jap words. Onions ended up not fixing the problem by not making it another jap word.
Cringe and bluepilled censor faggot.
"keep saying it" too, my hero Dunkey it's not a cuck!
you can
it's always misused as a single word on a single line, that's all you'd have to filter, not when used in a sentence
have sex incel
Are you joking or are you the biggest newfag of all time?