Share your funny BANNED stories here, keep it vidya

Share your funny BANNED stories here, keep it vidya.

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Yeah so this one time i called someone a nigger.

go on...

>playing game
>say "nigger"
>get banned
10/10 would do it again

>doing BGs in WoW
>grouped up with Latin Amerishitters
>they play like absolute retards
>call them all spics
>keep baiting them as they rage in chat
>get chat banned for a week
>ask GM why(playing retarded)
>when they don't tell me I call them a turbo-kike and uninstall

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>play game
>say nigger, faggot usual demoralizing banter
>banned for toxicity
When did games become a nest for the professionally offended pussies? This shit was standard in Halo 3 multiplayer.

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I spoiled the ending of Heavy Rain in the GameTrailers forums

Got banned from a server because I said "story in videogames is unimportant." So that got the people going. It evolved into politics. Which a mod came in and said "no religion or politics." So I said "storyline in videogames is unimportant because if its based on religion and politics you cant discuss it"
Game was halo.

>be girl
>get banned for causing drama

>sniper rifle in TF2 is named "nigger"
>female on voice chat eventually points it out
>immediately pull up votekick menu and use it on her
>beta orbiters assume it's me and tap F1, kicking her in seconds

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not joking


Where the fuck did this happen?


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Posted a family guy shitpost on Yea Forums

They could’ve just removed the thread, but Yea Forums mods can’t take a joke.

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I got banned from ResetEra for a week when I posted pic related in response to a bunch of triggered sonybros. I haven't logged back since.

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I got globally permabanned for shitposting Yea Forums on /fit/. Then I'm sitting in a rangeban from Yea Forums.

I'm a sony fan and this is funny. People are so fucking sensitive.

based funposter
adult playground. they could literally just mute you on their end but no, it has to escalate to the teacher. now go put on your dunce hat and think about what you've done, naughty boy!

Just playing there friendo?

I wasn't just that post but was the tipping point due to the chronic amounts of shitposting I did on that site.

>played maplestory over a decade ago
>was addicted and literally spent all my time on it
>always begged my parents for money to spend on the good gacha shit
>one day I type in my dad's card information but unintentionally make a typo somewhere
>nexon still accepted it
>a day later I try to log in and the game says I'm permabanned
>dad's bank rejected the charge
>I try to put a ticket into nexon
>they don't bother doing anything about it
>tfw account I spent years on is gone forever

I hated Nexon after this

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>friend and i at Best Buy
>playing the demo they have setup for 2010 FIFA World Cup game
>get banned from Best Buy for being too loud

We weren't even being that loud. They literally had a Rockband drum set on the other side and some kid was going crazy on it. I'm pretty sure it was this little faggot kid who was visibly upset that all the game demos were being used.

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>back from the gym
>decide to go on some random game server my friend recommended to me
>enter server
>breathing heavily still due to intense workout
>admin is one of those who manually greets new people onto server
>"can you breath any louder?"
>oh, one of these obnoxious faggots, how rude
>I breathe louder just to annoy him
>"can you stop!?"
>I don't stop
>[Heavy Breathing Intensifies]

I wrote "Black women need some love" and got banned

I haven't been banned from any games, but I did get nuked from orbit on some small forum even though I don't remember doing anything wrong.

>be edgy kidy
>playing Wolfenstein: ET
>on a server that is owned by a clan I am an admin of
>am high ranking admin, but not on this particular server
>using the Panzerfaust
>some other admin gets pissed at me after killing him repeatedly
>goes beyond just calling me a panzerfag
>get in to a shit flinging argument with him, gets somewhat personal
>so heated that we stop playing, going to spectator so we can insult each other
>almost the whole server leaves because of this
>some other admin comes on
>tells us we're both retarded and this is no way to represent out clan
>we kinda chill, but after some passive aggressive bullshit from him I again start the shit flinging
>get demoted to minimum admin and banned from this particular server because of this
>get extremely butthurt
>start some shit on the forums
>don't vget enough support, at least in my edgy kid mind
>ragequit the clan
>join new clan a few weeks later
>it's mandatory to introduce yourself on their forums before being accepted
>write up a normal introduction, but sprinkle some shit flinging at the previous clan and some members
>previous clan notices this
>get banned from all of their servers
I was an edgy kid and thus a massive cunt after the incident so it's fair, but IIRC I was completely justified in my initial bitching/argument and the first ban was bullshit.

That time I put a called someone a tranny faggot kike

>I was completely justified
why would you think this? why stoop to the level of some mouth breathing retard who gets mad about a specific gun instead of leaving or getting good?
this is literally why phrases like "u mad bro" were invented. just fire and forget it while they sperg out

>arma 2, takistan (literal desert wasteland for the most part) life
>been through a few servers over the past few years
>one i played on a lot went down for good without a word
>the server list for taki life gets shorter and the player base gets smaller as time passes but i fell in love with the mode so im sticking with it
>join another server, name is muhammad the prophet
>play for a week, been minding my own business
>may have broke a minor rule here and there about methods used for killing cop kiddies
>suddenly getting targeted down by an admin, being told that i have to join the teamspeak about an urgent matter
>its me, the admin who called me in, and a higher up admin in the chat
>higher up admin apparently ordered i be called into teamspeak
>tell me to change my name
>"no, my name is fine for the roleplay setting and theres nothing wrong with it"
>tells me that muslim admin is offended by my name and that i need to change it
>"fuck him, being offended is not my problem"
>tells me i am going to be permanently banned if i dont change it
>still logged into the server in game
>start whistleblowing in global (entire server) chat about how this server is being run and their reason for banning me
>get off a few more messages while talking to the cuck admin standing up for the shitskin higher admin
>permaban from their teamspeak, permaban from the server

in a mode with suicide bombs, car bombs, taliban gear, and other things, you would think that "muhammad the prophet" would be a fine name
god i fucking hate shitskins

Oh boy, I've got a recent one
>playing SS13, wizard round
>Wiz spent all of his points of Magic Random Event and a staff of Transforming Retards into Random Shit, entire server stopped caring about order and were hacking everything, breaking things down as mobs, players who were turned into xenos made a nest in central, et.c, basic shitstorm round
>atmos tech, hiding in the atmos room because I didn't want to get turned into a carp or some shit and lose my gear, because god knows the evac shuttle was going to be a shitshow
>server announces The Floor is Lava event starting soon, evac shuttle around 1 minute or two out from the station
>decide if nobody is following the rules I may as well join in on the chaos
>try to flood the room the wiz was holed up in with the captain with plasma, figure the lava floor might light it up once they start
>fuck up because lolatmos and flood most of the hallways
>event starts, game goes on for around 10 seconds, chugs, crashes
>admin bwoinks me, says the massive amount of fires starting and lighting other shit up at the same time crashed the server
>quotes server rules about griefing, says he understands but that he had to make a point
>bans me for a day
>come back 2 days later, sec officer immediately stuns, cuffs, spaces me in revenge
Such is life in spess

Not a ban story outright but I got banned a lot doing it.

I used to go on Gmod servers and hold them hostage. Using a bug I'd found requiring almost no access to build tools I could crash it. It existed for like 5 plus years though I haven't looked in at least 3 years. The server would fuck up so bad it needed to be manually reset.

The beauty of it was I could rig it up the lethal combination and then have it set to go when I hit a toggle. No need to stop and do anything I just had to press a button. No evidence of me having built anything to do it was left after I set it up. I would hold servers up and demand everyone to obey me or I would bring it all down around them.

A lot of the time people would just ban me outright. Some would go with the old "SURRRREEE you can BUD." "Go right ahead and crash it then :^)" Which I would gladly do.

If they banned me outright I had four Gmod accounts and I would just log on with them over and over and crash it again and again. Usually I would let them know it was me but some I would just keep going in as soon as it was back up and do it again.

But some would comply for the fun of it and I would form conga lines or build a pyramid to my greatest to enshrine me, or have people fight to the death.

Eventually I stopped when all the fun group build servers died and it became 99% terrorist town bullshit. I almost forgot about all this. It makes me a little sad to remember.

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I've been spaced in retribution once the station starts going up in flames at the end of a round one too many times for my liking.

I cannot git gud at the combat.

>playing ss13
>be an atmos tech
>start roleplaying as a pissed off school shooter forced to get a job
>start getting into my role
>"stop acting like a schoolshooter"
>"this isnt appropriate roleplay"
>keep roleplaying
>I fucking hate my dad
>why doesnt someone just shoot the captain
>asking scientists how to make bombs in a trenchcoat HoS gave me
>"dont do what I think youre about to do"
>steal a gun from a security and become friends with traitor quartermaster
>walk into medical
>shout out
>start unloading on everyone
>actually kill people before admin recognizes
>"that wasnt funny"

Not a ban, but ingame, functionally similar, and a similar concept
>assistant, decide I'm going to be the biggest weeb possible
>bug botany for enough leath to make a trenchcoat
>steal the detective's hat after he died
>fake katana in one hand, mountain wind can in the other
>two plates of spaghetti, one in each pocket
>bug science and medical to make me a braindead catgirl gf
>AI declares me nonhuman, asks security to remove me from its station
>get gulag'd

have I got a blog for YOU
>basically running a TF2 trade server (but not the server owner)
>everyone loved me and thought I was the best fagmin because they thought I was super chill
>just sat around chatting and killing 10 year olds
>sometimes held a 'melee tournament' where people would donate hats/metal for a chance to win it big and take it all home
>fast forward a while later
>some dickrider is trying to ride my dick some more
>allow it because he gives me free shit in exchange for letting him stand next to me when I hold a tournament Caesar style (so he could feel important? idk)
>one time he's trading a cosmetic I want
>some other autistic is screeching at the top of his lungs that HE wants it
>mute the squeaker and announce over voice chat that I desire the item and anyone who steps in my way shall be banned (obviously joking)
>Dickrider, already in the middle of trading the squeaker cancels his trade and trades me instead
>gives it to me for free
>squeaker loses his shit saying I'm abusing my power and he's going to report me
>go 'ha ha ha' like a fucking cartoon villain over the mic and ban him for 1 second
>waiting for him to rejoin so i could trade him the item, to dry his salty kid tears since it was like a 3 dollar hat and i could just buy it
>never rejoins, forget about it
>few hours later the person who owns the company who hosts the server contacts the head gm who messages me
>i get my admin powers taken away, banned from the server and blacklisted from hosting a server with that company
guess I got owned

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Its gotten bad enough just having a different opinion gets you banned. It usedto take actual trolling and micspam. Now its just "I like donald trump."

>Kingdom of Loathing chat
>mod randomly bans as a joke and promptly unbans me
>comment "damn what a good mod you are"
>bans me again for real
I'm still fully fucking butthurt for not appealing my ban for that straight up display of power tripping.

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Why would someone censor other people voluntarily?

It was years ago, on a game with dedicated servers. Toxicity was the norm. Hell, the ban technically wasn't for our argument, it was because of me refusing to listen to the third admin.
The first guy started and escalated the argument constantly. The third admin was biased against me (can't remember if he was just a friend of the other guy, or he actually disliked me) and it went something like this.
>tells us we're retarded and to stop it
>we do so, but all 3 continue discussing this
>first admin is passive aggressive the whole time
>he also escalates it into insults again
>second admin tells us to stop completely and that he will be demoting whoever doesn't shut the fuck up
>first guy again starts his passive aggressive shit
>I call him out
>instantly get demoted, he doesn't
>I lose my shit
>get banned
Yeah in a perfect world I should have just told him to fuck off and continue playing. But W:ET in 2010 wasn't a perfect world, so whatever.

Sane people do not spend loads of their time to moderate online forums or games for free

jammku you keep repeating yourself, telling the same old stories for years. whats up with that?

>in tournament Discord
>prepping for a crew battle
>listing off players and their mains
>instantly after posting, receive warning
>apparently one of the players decided to be a woman at some point
>and typing their birth first name results in an automatic strike
>this isn't mentioned anywhere
>angrily about to complain to the management
>sudden inspiration
>leave discord and go to ingame menu
>change handle to disguised string containing forbidden name
>return to Discord
>start talking shit about my opponents
>other crew getting defensive and "if you're so good prove it"

>match starts
>deliberately play like a noob
>people in Discord start making fun of me
>and suddenly get banned for using my name
>eventually someone figures it out
>entire crew battle is stalled 40 minutes as this was the third strike for at least one person on the enemy team
>win my game just before being permabanned

still counted too

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Got what you deserved

I've never been banned from anywhere except Yea Forums.

Can you imagine someone moderating, say, an image board for FREE? Haha

I called someone a nigger and then the Jannie banned me, guess it's a no-no word now in blue boards

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Got someone banned for calling me a nigger.

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I got banned on GameFAQs for saying Nintendo fans are friendless manchildren who all smell like shit

same. and this was before the 4channel days

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>even Gamefucks knows how to deal with seething snoybois

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I used to speedhack in Natural selection, but only when i fired the HMG, i would down a Onos in like 3 seconds.

I got banned from a guns4back2school server, but never vac'd.

>Tfw your dad probably just did a charge back and blamed you saying you made a mistake
Did you a favor

Got permabanned from a Gmod server for going on a drunken racist tirade

So this one time i said fuck jannies

>make a joke post about me fucking petite women and pretending they are actually underage when i nut in them
>get permabanned for it by a butthurt mod for "being an idiot pedophile"
>i don't actually fuck any women at all
Yea Forums jannies are thin skinned subhumans """hired""" from reddit

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>enter versus server in L4D2

it was late 2010 and i was an a darkly trade server in TF2 and i put an animated spray on the wall of some guy chopping his nuts off with a hatchet

admin comes over and takes a quick glance at and it and then back at me and says in chat "You will literally never be unbanned"

still banned 9 years later. I check every now and then

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>Play wow in 2018
>Tranny discussion in chat
>Say that there are only two genders and they are defined by sex and identification is just childish fantasy that doesn't change facts
>Get chatbanned immidiately for a day
>Never play wow again
I remember saying much more aggressive shit before and never got banned, nuwow is the worst. If people don't like somebody they should use ignore function or chat filter, what's the point of chat filter if you will get banned for nigger either way?

>got banned for saying there are only 2 genders

I said out loud in a joking voice "abortion is murder". Banned. Still laugh about it.

>f2p korean mmo
>i think nexon or ijji
>terrible profanity filter
>"good night" becomes "**********" because of the "nig" in "night"
>"hello" -> "******" because, you know, hell
>for some reason "henry" gets censored and no one fucking knows why
>communication can get hilariously difficult because of this
>"rape" isn't censored for some reason
>i'm twelve and i find that a funny description for some things in the game
>also gain points because people are always surprised and amused that you can say it
>guild pvp shenanigans
>knight class vs healer class
>healers get obliterated, only one of them remains and holds out surprisingly well despite being juggled and chased by close-range damage dealers players with pvp builds
>mod happens to be in the lobby and hears me say it
>four month ban
>try to appeal by blaming the filter
>complain about communication being way too hard
>complain about the fact that towns are full of spam bot linking to scam sites yet i can't say "hello"
>no reaction

>fuck it, make a new account
>get to level 80
>get cash shop money from an event or something
>buy a pet
>cute little girl version of a thief character
>name it "loli thief"
>receive lifetime ban for pet name some weeks later
>no warning or anything even though you can change your pet's name with zero effort
>the fucking forum admin has "loli" in his fucking username

>get back onto original account
>as with many MMORPGs, there are animations you can activate from a menu or typing /dance or /sit in the chat box
>/dance1 has your character bob his head, tap his foot and beat his fist rhythmically
>if you position correctly it looks remotely like you're giving a handjob to the character standing behind you, a bit to the side
>it's a popular joke among many guilds, you often do it to someone afking in town
>mod walks by and sees me do it to a guildie
>guildie types "omg p 3 r v"
>i get banned for two weeks

in space station 13 back when goonstation was a big thing, they were well known for being massive SJWs. so naturally i grabbed a label gun and labelled everything as NIGGER

got banned for EXTREME RACISM

Holy shit EXTREME racism. Bro. How do I get on that level? Give me the deets.

>REASON: buzz lightyear wasn't the second man on the moon

>old wow
>drunk after some raid and i get the good idea to shitpost the GMs
>my buddies are all giggling with me as we lure a GM in with a normal request
>once they show up, I start going off about some bug in the game where I can't get battle cruisers because I need supply depots and vespene gas
>The first GM tells us to settle down (they still maintained their goofy half RP the GMs did at the time)
>thinking we are hotshit and that this is hilarious, we submit another ticket to shitpost another GM
>everyone passes out before the next GM is able to appear
>awaken later in the morning
>log in to do my auctions before going to get ready for the rest of the day
>email from blizzard saying my account was suspended for what was the exact length of time I slept
>their reasoning was "Sober up"

I wish I saved this but it honestly happened to the best I can remember.

I'm evil.

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my secret?

Reinforced Wall (NIGGER)

>reinstall cod4 and play some multiplayer because why not
>say something in chat
>get kicked from the only server with players

Fastest uninstall ever. Guess they enjoy only having 20 players online at a time. Yeah not funny but no where else to share this shitty story

it's not inside vidya but it's vidya related, i got kicked out of some gba multiplayer group in 4th grade because i wouldn't let the school retard sit at our lunch table. As in, legit retard that couldn't function without a tard wrangler.

they've been playing the same game for 12 years. clearly they dont give a fuck about new experiences, let alone new players

>Xbox Live 3 months
>League Of Legends
>WoW(Retail and Private servers)
>Warframe, and I still owe 1700 platinum coins to recover my account
Those are some I can remember, probably was VAC banned too.

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>still owe 1700 platinum coins to recover my account
The fuck does this mean

Is space station 13 worth it? I've heard stories of crazy shit going down. How fun is it?

>Playing L4D2 2 years ago
>Some faggot picks Louis
>Louis is my character
>Same faggot gets to go tank
>Spends entire time as tank on fire getting kited by the survivors
>Spawn next round
>Unload Shotgun into louis's face
>Get vote kicked
>Get 10 messages from the dude bitching at me
>Get invites to 10 groups all named some shit about being a greifer
>Join another match of L4D2

> and I still owe 1700 platinum coins to recover my account
What trade made it happen? How did you end up at negative?

ss13 is a fucking ride
totally worth it but it's a real commitment

Want to know? from that list I posted, Warframe was the only game I never exploited or did anything against it's rules and still got the end of the stick.
My account has -1700 platinum as a sanction for selling some rivens in a trade, that is it. The plat I received for the rivens I farmed and unveiled, was fucking stolen by the cunt so they took all my plat away and on top of that they put a sanction of plat on my account.

DE didn't believe me when I told them my side of the story and said to me I was working together with the guy. Now I need to pay real money If i want to recover my account with 3k hours invested into it. I'm more sad than mad

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Played on a WoW private Server about 10 years ago, perhaps more, it was a funserver where you could level to 250 and enemies dropped Morphs that allowed you to turn into them, I was having fun and farmed loads of these morphs which all appeared with the questionmark in the inventory
as I ran out of inventory space and bank space, I decided to make a guild bank, but for some reason the guild banks were glitched and I ended up having access to someone elses guild bank
This person had lots of bought special weapons and armour in their bank, all of which also had those questionmark symbols, so I wrote him a letter explaining that the bank system appeared to be broken.
A day later I was contacted by a GM who told me to give back all the Items I stole, and even though I tried to explain him those were just morphs he banned me ten seconds later.
I am still mad about that injustice as I literally did nothing wrong. Ever since then I am a sworn enemy to all mods and jannies and their arbitrary ilk.

>cant get banned anymore because world of tanks just straight up removed global chat

I got banned somewhere once.
If it were me with the power tho I'd have banned the other guy instead.
So I hosted my own server so I could be the one with the ban power but nobody joined it.
I figure multiplayer games aren't really my thing.

I hope you're describing something that happened when you were ten years old and by this time and age you understand why that mindset was ridiculous

No I actually stopped playing multiplayer games since that day. It's been VNs and Skyrim ever since.

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I got banned in a forum for trolling

>3k hours
I was hoping you weren't actually a long term player, but it usually does happen with rivens. I'd really be burned if it happened to me since I'm up past 2k+ I think.

>be dumb kid
>download credit card generators from those stupid youtube videos
>try to buy videogames with generated credit card numbers on amazon
>make new account, repeat

Your mistake wasn't starting shit.
Your mistake was starting shit before you had the firepower to back it up.
The only justice you can guarantee is the justice you can enforce.
If there are admins and you don't have the power to challenge them directly, either try a different tactic, pick a different fight, or stay stealthy until you get the power.
The angriest people don't start shouting. The angriest people stay calm and quiet and patient until they can hit the assholes where it hurts.

Now THIS is the proper way you respond to a power tripping admin.

It sucked.
Maybe on the next big update I will pay because I really miss my shit, I even have a solo dojo with everything researched and remember with joy autistically staying awake until 7AM of the next day just decorating rooms.

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Do you think that if Angels and Demons had a discord server they'd ban you for Truenaming?

jannies are consolewarring faggots to boot
notice how there are hours where every non-nintendie thread gets deleted, and others where you just see the catalog flooded with snoy wojaks?

fucking mouth breather

I see you have found ABIB.
He did that to me too and a bunch of other people. You can always appeal those because those aren't Yea Forums's rules, he's gone rogue.
At first I assumed it was Nishimura himself doing it because it's his own bloody website and he makes the rules so he can do that, but no it's just some rogue mod who's ashamed of being pedo himself.

I got banned in this generic FPS for killing 3 dudes with an axe. It wasn't even "in the space of X seconds" , the last guy I killed was just really butthurt and the butthurt cascaded. I hate that game, you can literally kick anyone for no reason and everyone else will automatically vote yes. Then again, that might just be every game ever with a voting system.

should have killed him irl desu

>Is space station 13 worth it?
In the very brief time that I played it before getting banned from every populated server, I can tell you this:
The entire fanbase is a bunch of homosexuals that outright ENFORCE roleplaying. As in you can't play the video game purely for the sake of winning the videogame.
Also their opinion of what is and what isn't roleplaying is made up on the spot, full of inconsistencies that they literally can't explain, but which ultimately all centers around worshipping some avatarfag.
Fortunately LOIC hammers SS13 servers really fucking well so I managed to pay back the bans with interest.

>playing css
>carrying team
>retard third world spic bottomscorer wants me to give him my awp

i got a permaban on the tf2 forums for "discussion of piracy" when i made a joke about a loadout i used in a loadout joke thread
>yarr mateys, we pillage but we dont seed
apparently steam forum bans are handed out like candies, the mods there are real power trippers because there is nobody bothering to check what they do

The mindset is not ridiculous.
That mindset is in fact the only sane mindset.
Morality does not matter if you lack the power to defend it, because someone who DOES have power is going to outright ignore morality and you can't do shit about it if you lack the power to challenge them.
Look at all the places nowadays who think of roasties, diversity, and enabling incompetence as okay, but who think of cunny, racism, and disrespecting moderators as valid reasons to attack others.
Their morality is completely backwards, and no amount of toasting, nigging, or shitminning will convince them otherwise. If people won't listen to reason, then your only option is superior firepower.

Though you're right, as I've gotten older, I've realised there are more sources of firepower than just a banhammer in an online game.

Really? when I play games with votekick systems and I try to votekick people for really blatant shit, like pretending to be AFK and deliberately not moving up and fighting the enemy, it doesn't work.
Then they votekick my ass even though I'm the one carrying their team and it usually goes through.
It's gotten to the point where these days I don't really play the game, I just shut up and -pretend- to play the game until my teammates are in a tight situation, then I ditch them or "accidentally" hit them or "mistakenly" draw in more enemies.
I get votekicked less often than when I'm actively trying to team carry and clear out the team's semi-afk shitters.

Found your problem.

>something only a pirate would recognize
>instead of laughing at the in-joke and moving on
>outright bans the person for making a reference only he would understand

Can someone. Anyone. Please. Explain this mindset?

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Studies say pedos in denial more likely to be critical of pedos who are proud.
Probably the same thing with pirates.

Fucking pedo kill urself

I dont get this, I dont like homosexuals and I absolutely dont want to fuck them.
The anus is digusting and men have too much body hair.

i dunno who that is

Wait, who was talking about that?
I was talking about cunny! That's the complete opposite of what you're talking about. Is there something you want to share with us?

ERPer on /trash/. One trick pony. Only ever does futa as a surly disinterested Type Moon character.

I got permabanned from Angry Joe twitch channel by the man himself, called him out on some shit, he hasn't got any better since then

>Day of the Medic update in TF2
>Unlock the Kritzkrieg
>Go to a random server to try it out
>Soldier I'm healing suddenly gets banned
>Ask why
>"He was crit hacking"

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Never been banned from a game, always really polite and helpful if I'm in a position to be.
Only ever got banned on Yea Forums for a post on Yea Forums apparently some admin has a hard on for black lighting and didn't appreciate me jesting that his name should be Niga-Watt and permabanned me for rule 14 can't remember what that is.

>some people don't want all games and characters to be the same
>someone doesn't like cunny and racism
>we must fight this degeneracy
It's not about morality, and even if it were, you would be on the losing side. It's about manners and whether or not you have them.

>tfw used to get banned for "cheating" as sniper
>mfw still get kicked from time to time

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my nigga
I love doing shit like this.

Resetera obviously.

I did this to the black admin in vc as I gunned him down because he timed out my friend for TKing someone who ran in front of him while shooting. I

>enable FF on your server
>get mad when people get TK'd
Never again will I play in public servers

I said the C word in BF3 and never got banned

>10 years ago
>fenix classic wow private server
>but hurt how 1 sided the server pop is
>complain one time in a BG chat
>perma ban (IP included) with no warning

>spent the next 2 weeks spamming world chat with multicolored gm text
>became leader of chat multiple times and banned a shit load of people from it.
>they had to enforce a global mute for any one who wasnt near lvl 60

>play soldier
>pub medic starts pocketing me
>airshotting, doing well
>people actually vote me out

another time
>killing friendlies
>kick this asshole :(

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.Stop playing multiplayer games you faggots, people dont play them for this exact reason

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reply spam is shit bait, user.
no (you) for you

that sounds fucking retarded
good thing i dont use steam forums

You do realise that's still giving him attention, right?
The best thing to do is not mention it period.

>I'm a soldat
The absolute state of panzernoobs


fuck off
Multiplayer is cancer

>I said gg in league of legends once
>15 days

Couple years ago when I still played League.
Usually pretty chill, but one time in LoL there was some turbocunt being the biggest piece of shit, and I lost it and threatened to flay the guys mother alive and suffocate him with her skin and yeah I probably deserved that
Life's better without LoL though so hey, thanks for that.

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The only game punishment I ever received was a 2 week ban in League of Legends because I went on tilt-spree, just insulted people left and right.
Other than that I usually just stay quiet.

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yeah, reacting like that ain't really normal
so I don't doubt that life is better without LoL

Had lots of fun invading in DkS2 but was really annoyed by SM bullshit. Dropped myself some shit and red eyed orbs, even did it offline but then turns out you can get banned. Might as well invade with infinite HP those fucking japs as swear to god. I don't understand why people think jews are greedy when those asshole exists.

I was 15 and felt edgy. At least temperament wise everything's a-ok. If anything I feel a bit too mellow. Can't get excited or agitated for anything these days.

>[2. Trade] anal [For the Children]
3 day ban

I knifed a DICE dev in the early days of Battlefield 4 once and got banned off a server cause of that.

>play wow since vanilla through to bfa
>play dota 2 and league since they came out
>never been banned from any of them, or any other game during that time
>never even been chat restricted
I don't know if I'm just straight edge af or what, I hear all the time about people getting banned from these.

>that one weapon in vanilla wow with a name close to a derogatory term
>tfw blizzard will change or remove it for classic
>tfw thousands of bans will be prevented
feels bad

>literally get banned for being good

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One time uh I said nigger and they banned me wtf

Banned for calling someone a catfag tranny on TGstation

Not anymore. Furries and trannies have taken over all the servers and metagame like crazy in their little private discord


>Grouped up in an MMO
>Die halfway through an instance because accidentally aggro'd a mob around the corner
>Nobody grabs my soul so I can resurrect at the res point
>Quest requires everyone in the instance to be near the NPC for it to complete
>Nobody comes back to get me
>They call a GM
>GM instantly bans me for a week
>Automated email says the ban was filed under "griefing"

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based GMs

I used to submit reports of the ASCII middle finger when the servers shit themselves during raids, but I never got a response

>Go on ChinkShitGeneral /csg/
>Post an image of a pooing chinaman

At least you'll still have Dirge spa- Wait Dirge spam was a TBC thing.
At least you'll be able to bring over thunderfury and artifact warblades of azzinoth spam from retail!

fucking DDO

I tried to scam people in habbo hotel by telling them to purchase credits using my code instead of theirs because it was special and would give them more than the usual amount. After a few days I got permabanned.

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>playing with some turbo faggots in ESEA CSGO
>High blood pressure ragefaggel keeps on running in when I flash, even after I call them out. Was definitely my fault at least once desu but this kid was already screaming
>lol calm down dude we're not gonna win if you focus on hating me the whole time
>happens again, he hops around a corner as I'm tossing a flash that I'm very conscious of calling out beforehand
>gets flashed, turns around and kills me immediately following
>wow what a shitter
>remember ESEA autokicks after 2 TK's
>next round pretend to be really upset with him, follow him around
>he's still screeching btw
>shoot him in the legs once or twice pretending I'm going to try to TK
>like a brainless monkey he immediately blows my brains out
>he gets booted from game, loses ESEA faggo points

Doing God's work user.
Keep it up.

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>someone else knows what DDO is

My experience with TF2 is that retards always vote the first option no matter what it is be it either F1 or 1.

I've only been banned twice on fovchan, first for posting a picture whose thumbnail looks like the dog's ear is a penis, and second for using the N word while everyone else gets off scot free.

It's not weird that shitting on jannies these days is as popular as it is

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>play Insurgency
>only open class is medic
>do best I can
>get b&
They were kinda shit anyway, but I guess wasnt helping enough

that game was p cool but I haven't played since before they added epic levels, and the turbine-style F2P was pretty jewy

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Spraying porn sprays in DoD source,stanard

>used to have a real endgame with 8 raids and a bunch of epic quests run constantly
>fucked it up by adding epic levels, epic destinies, completely unbalanced quests, power creep items, and now Reaper
>instead of "Have 400+ HP, link beater" it's now "Have 6000+ HP and be able to res" because everything at endgame just oneshots people
>endgame raid groups don't even fill because the only people who stomach doing them do so with private groups to avoid pugs wiping them

One time with a friend in habbo we acted as girls that would send nudes for in game currency or furniture or whatever (I don't really remember it was like 9 or 10 years ago) we had so much fun catfishing people we got banned obviously shortly after.

I once asked in Trade chat "Why is nigger a bad word?" and I got banned.

>be me, in top 5 clan for mobile game called battle nations as an f2p because I cracked the level scaling formula in the game to contribute disproportionately to the games raid equivalent
>game has an occupation system where you can attack your friends and permanently disable parts of their base
>annoying kid on the forums known for being unironically stupid (likely a literal autist) looking for friends to help him with stuff
>he adds me
>occupy his resources base, my occupation is cost effective and effectively unbeatable for him
>he literally cant play the game as you can’t collect resources from an occupied base
>get a bunch of my clan mates to join in and occupy under the pretense of killing the occupations for him, with help of our alts as well
>we occupy the whole base, making swastika shapes with the occupations
>he complains on the forums
>I get rangebanned


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I got my smurf account that I barely used banned.

My PSN name was Pwite_8841_Hower and my real name was listed as Nate Higgers.

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>It's about manners and whether or not you have them.
"Manners" that are conveniently defined by whatever side has the most power, and which can be ignored by that side. You don't have to be polite to pedophiles, or racists, or incels, or people who yell at you when you pick a suboptimal class.
Call it what you want, but it's not about manners. It's about a power dynamic.

>be 18
>was roped into moderating this one faggots mlp roleplay server
>pretty much my entire job was cleaning up after the co-owner sperged out
>he'd mass teleport everyone to one location and force them to hear him read an mlp fanfic
>contagious levels of autism
>one day am chatting casually with owner
>tell him how I was flirting with this one chick i met on the train
>got her number
>the literal faggot got so buttmad I even had the courage to talk to a woman that he banned me from his server
>and forums
>but didnt demote me
>contact another mod who had ghosted everyone, find out he's not banned or demoted despite being inactive for months
>he gets on and unbans me while the owner is offline
>literally come in with all my rank and use backdoors i had the owner install so i could clean up the co-owner's mess to mass ban and mass demote everyone
>not done yet
>hit up his shitty forums
>fuckwit hides a mother fucking RAT (remote administration tool) in the website
>but he uses an outdated mybb
>upload php shell
>make new index.html
"Banning me wont make up for the fact women don't want to talk to a 14 year old boy with male pattern baldness and a waistline as large as his height."
>nuke his database, dumbass gave me the password so that was easy... no recovering your forums now
>laugh in the skype call with the other mod and his friend

I have more stories about this guy and his server, let me know if u wanna hear them.

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>playing mobileshit

>griefing Gmod
>admin's not present, but they put voteban on the server
>voteban requires 100% of the server to vote yes
>including the person being votebanned

Correction: Don't play multiplayer games unless you're okay with being banned in unjust ways. If you're okay with unjust bans, then you can play multiplayer games.
Or if you can obtain some sort of power to ensure that you're the one dealing out the unjust bans, rather than receiving them.
Or you just hack servers, get IPs, dox players, hire assassins to kill them, and get your revenge that way. Probably a lot harder than it sounds though. And at what, $2000 per assassination, you'd need a job earning six figures purely to pay for all the assassinations.
I suppose it's as good a motivation as any to climb the corporate ladder though.

I once got banned from the payday 2 forums on steam for cheating achievements.
My post was asking how I could reset my profile.
The fucking nazi mods literally inspected my profile to make sure I was a legit player

>Can't get excited or agitated for anything these days.
Moved out of home and got your own place too, eh? I was like that too when I got my own place.
I've since re-learned to be angry but it took me a lot of practice.

Yes tell us more, it felt satisfing somehow

>gmod mod
>make teleporting bomb-cage follow dudes shooting at people
>admin finally comes online
>banned due to excessive lag
welp at least it was not for backseat moderating

I wish I had the patience to get back at people like this.
Wait, no. I wish I lived in a world where I didn't HAVE to get back at people because they didn't abuse their power to ban for things that were their own fucking fault.
But failing that, getting back at people would be the next best thing.

I managed to get banned on one of those servers by votebanning -myself- and taunting everyone else because there was one fuckwitted brazilian retard that probably didn't even know what a vote was.
They votekicked him (votekick required much less of a majority) and I got banned.
To be fair I kind of was asking for it.
To be fair I ALSO was kind of asking they'd votekick the fucking brazilian.
I didn't think they'd actually do it tho.

Alright. This occurred a few weeks before he banned me for actually speaking to women.
>be casually playing on the server
>operating a base because eh, killing time
>got a few players grouped up with me, i guess they thought because I'm a mod i'll have their back whenever they do something wrong..
>shits going fine until the owner gets on
>radio silence from him on steam and skype
>i spectate him
>mother fucker spawned an RPG... nobody can get rpgs on this server because they unfreeze props and cause lag
>he activates god mode
>he activates cloak
>he activates noclip
>he remote executes a command on all clients forcing the range and volume of the youtube player plugin to be max, and enabled.
>he plays shitty thrash metal and starts noclipping around destroying everyone's bases, printers, everything.
>anyone who somehow stands up to him gets instabanned on the spot
>he gets to my base.
>i've already cloaked and god moded myself because I saw this shit happening from a mile away
>start bodyblocking his rpgs and making them blow up in his face
>eventually he grabs me with his physgun and launches me away
>dumbass cant setup a server for shit so I can do the same to him
>he gets mad and starts banning people in my base
>im just unbanning them as fast as he's banning them.
>he bans me
>i hit his server offline with a $2 booter.
>he home hosts his server so his entire home network goes offline.
>he calls me on skype on his phone, crying that someone ddosed his server
turns out he was anal because some chick dumped him

I got another one about the time he found a gay furry boyfriend, stay tuned for that one.

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sounds like a mentally stable person

Machiavellian post

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Back when the AQ opening event was going on my server (Sylvanas EU), me and my small guild focused ganking the guild who were about to deliver the scepter or whatever. It was of course eventually going to end badly for us because were severely outnumbered but we did cause some mayhem in their ranks and some carebears motherfuckers from the Horde side started to Mind Control the Method guys so we couldn't kill them. It was one of the most pathetic things I've ever witnessed on a fucking PvP server. Got some mentions of my name on the servers IRC channel too on another occasion (relentless ganking in Silithus, Tyr's Hand was all I did basically) and a few forum posts. Wouldn't call it griefing because it's part of the game but anyway.

Also Burning Crusade had so many spots you could abuse MM hunter range in towns it wasn't even funny. You could kill people when they were visiting NPCs in towns fucking everywhere. Loved it

>play on server
>one mod was a asshole that nobody liked
>had his own bot that would spam chat with random shit
>got away with it because he was a friend of the admin
>got sick of it and spammed earrape dialup noises every time it showed up
>mod was on at one point when i did it
>flipped out and banned me
>tell admin about it
>admin unbans me and forces mod to publicly apologise
>call mod a gay nigger afterwards

>play CS1.6
>listen to footsteps
>shoot through wall for 10 seconds
>get a couple of kills
>get kicked by admin
>repeat on most servers

>play CSGO
>I'm top player in my team
>last man standing
>only have to diffuse a bomb
>my team votekicks me for absolutely no reason

Sadly I have no funny stories about being banned.

>said that Muhamed was a pedophile because his wife was like 10 years old
>get permabanned

thats my story

>be black
>say nigger
>still get banned
wtf did wypipo mean by this

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Continuing on from this one, the time faggot's gay furry boyfriend jizzed on skype and died.
I'm not fucking joking either, he actually died.
>be about a month after I wrecked his server
>he got it up and running after groveling at my feet for a week
>a guy joins the server named Belyn.
>typical furfag, white wolf avatar with the tufts on his chest n shit
>that shit will forever be ingrained on my brain
>him and faggot hit it off, takes about 2 days for them to start skyping regularly
>during this time belyn starts convincing faggot that all his friends were out to get him
>mfw he was right but we never admitted it
>these fuckers end up being gay for one another
>at one point they try to invite me into a skype call
>its a video chat
>I accept
>they are fucking fapping on cam, completely nude.
>it took me about 2 seconds to decide whether to film for revenge porn or gtfo.
>I chose not to be arrested for child pron
>karma had my back anyway
>radio silence from both of them for another week
>faggot comes online out of nowhere
"belyn is dead bro"
>wtf how
"him and his parents were moving house, and he was sitting on the back of the truck"
"the truck bed dropped and he fell face first onto the driveway, went into a coma"
"his parents pulled the plug today"
>well good riddance
"I fucking loved him and i kept a recording of all our masturbation chats"
>yeah fuck off
>screenshotted the chat, sent it to his father on facebook
>didnt see the dude for weeks
his dad was an interstate trucker and extremely homophobic, probably would have been a trump voter too if it were 2016. Turns out he saw the message, took faggots power cable from his pc and belted faggot with it, before taking the machine and cable with him interstate.

yiff in hell forever fur fag. Got one last one.

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If a fucknugget like this can get admin of a popular server, why can't I get admin of a popular server?
Am I just not trying hard enough, or does this fucknugget really appeal more to the average person than I do?
I knew I was out of touch with the average person but holy shit.

Got banned from a few DayZ white listed servers because me and 5 friends would gear up and hunt unarmed fresh spawns on the coast and made the servers unplayable

>blizzard forums
>pharah to recieve a muslim skin
>just after the Nice truck terrorist attack
>for some reason write "TRUCKS RAIN FROM ABOVE"

perma banned on forums

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On the one hand, it's kind of good that justice happened
But I feel bad for the families of both of those guys. One whose son died, and one whose son lives with the gay.

It's Blizzard, what did you expect?
I hope you're not one of those "we're going home" classicfags. There's going to be nonstop Ree from private server migrants who expect Blizzard to NOT be full Socjus bans for wrongthink, and whose expectations are shattered.

10/10 these stories made my day, LOL

>playing dark rp server on garys mod with friends
>decide to be nice but slightly oblivious cop
>be dirty cop around friends because don’t want to kill their fun
>admins baby a squeeker cuz daddy’s credit card and everyone’s ruining my fun and betraying my good will
>arrest everyone for acting like nignogs
>admin tells me to stop
>arrest admin
>get banned
Fuck that server

He ran the server himself, on his home PC. Website, game files, everything. All self-ran on a windows pc. Ran like ass too, and he convinced everyone he needed donations to keep it running... infact...

>be about 2 days from the day he asked me to moderate his server
>he's drilling his mods on how he expects the server to be ran
>basically he wants it to be anarchy but at the same time he wants us to peddle donator
>literally told to go teleport to random players and ask if they'd like to donate, if they say yes tell them to add him
>if they say no, move on
>if they say yes then no... well lets just wait and see
>this one kid, his name was goldenkiteman. gold for short.
>gold was gonna donate to the server, so we get the owners attention.
>faggot spends 20 minutes chatting with gold about donating
>gold changes his mind at the last second
>faggot gets mad and reveals his power level
>uses a script that crashes golds game on join
>convinces gold he needs to run a "community patch" to fix it
>remember that RAT i told you about at ?
>yeah, that was the "patch"
>faggot starts encrypting, deleting, and doing all sorts of shit
>ends up somehow frying the kids hard drive
>we find out a week later through mutual friends that gold committed suicide after his parents found out and cracked the shits
>he faked his suicide and only revealed it to me and the ghost mod from first story
>guilt tripped faggot for weeks
>he stopped using his script kiddie tools for a while
>fast forward 3 weeks
>rinse and repeat on another player, cant remember his name
>also faked suicide
>taught faggot not to hack people's shit
fyi all faggot managed to do was wipe the MBT on the drives. If u know what you are doing, thats an easy fix.

I still have one more up my sleeve, this one was something I literally just remembered.

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Oldie but a goodie
>Be bilingual Spaniard
>Playing on critsanvich server based in Chicago on TF2
>dude in chat starts typing in spanish, asking if anyone speaks spanish, he doesn't know english that well
>Talk over mic and confirm with him, and tell him there is a spy near the base.
>Find out he is Mexican and I help him by going Maul Pybro
>Round ended, we get fucked, I just joke saying "Welp, I blame the gypsies for that one."
>Dead silence from server while he rants, and I tell him it was just a joke
>He calls in the admin into the server and tells him the situation. Admin tells him to calm the fuck down, and tell me just not to be outright racist, getting that I was making a joke.

>Later in match Mexibro finally gets his mic and gets into chat. Causally conversing with him in chat, telling him when other people have eyes on a spies location etc.
>Swed mod then chirps in on our conversation in Spanish saying "Oheheh, si si, tacos and burritos. Bueno Tour-til-ahs"
>Mexibro gets angry asking why he was saying that
>Tell him Mexibro is taking offense to him belittling him speaking his language and that he is being very hypocritical what he was saying earlier
>Retorts back "No, because Spanish is a european language, and Spanish people are white. So its not racist to make fun of white people and white things."
>He asks the server again if anyone is Swedish and if they agree with him not getting replies
>Ask him if thats what Muhammad tells him to say while he fucks his wife and sister.
>you have been banned from the server

>mfw i'm not even American.

At least I friended mexibro, and he played a pretty offensive Engie on Blu.

>known cheater joins a game
>he will 100% fuck shit up, I've seen it before many times
>tell host: "Dude, this guy is a cheater, kick him"
>host doesn't react
>cheater: "No, I'm not a cheater, it's this guy (me)."
>cheater blows himself up a couple of times using cheats
>"See, I told you this guy is a cheater and now he's killing me"
>host kicks me

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kek Blizz GMs are pretty based
Or used to, at least

>decide to join guild TS
>only couples
>get asked where my gf is
>say I don't have one
>get banned

>Be the only foreigner on the mainland China Overwatch server
>Say "Who's Tigger's best friend?" in Chinese
>Master level, Gold star account instantly permabanned
>Proceed to change my Uplay, Steam, and Origin profile pictures to ones mocking Xitler's likeness to Winnie

I didn't even care about shitting on Xitler until they banned the account. Will someone please teach the chinks how to PR?

snitches get stitches desu

>TF2 circa 2013
>height of the brony phase
>the sixth server in a row in which at least four people with MLP shit as their avatar
>ask in all chat: "is it possible to find a single server that isn't infested with horsefuckers?"

I'm so glad that bronyism has fallen out of fashion. Goddamn I still hate horsefuckers.

>Spanish is a european language, and Spanish people are white
I mean, he's not wrong, but 90% of spanish speakers are latinos, how is that argument even remotely coherent?
Are indians who speak english white too?


Yeah, I run servers on a second box in my house. Might not be the best since the lack a dedicated connection, but at least they have a dedicated cpu/gpu.
I'm not very competent at webadminning but I can make backups of world files and fuck it, adminning is basically being a scriptkiddie at this point with all the tools.
What I'm failing at is that I just can't get players to join my server. Or if people do join they're brazilians and stuff, and I have to ask myself "Would I rather my server have these guys, or be empty?" and off they go.
Realistically this means it's my own problem for having high standards, and I suppose that makes sense. But you'd think there'd be multiple tiers of players between literal nonsentient goblinoid cockroach-men and godlike masters of their own server with their own cults dedicated to their engineering prowess.

>"You can't warn people about cheaters, it's snitching."
Based retard.

This is the time when we got faggot's server shut down permanently, and is technically a sequel to story 1.

>aftermath of server destruction
>owner recovered his game server, but had to unban everyone ever
>except me
>he didn't spot my backdoors
>asshole was running his mouth about how I was garbage and my attack was worthless
>i had wiped his website, unrecoverable because he didnt back shit up though
>and I had wrote all his templates
>his replacement ones were shit too
>after a few days i get sick of his shit... but at least this time he demoted me when he banned me.
>but not the rogue mod that got me back into the server
>get back in, use my backdoors to restore my rank and nuke everyone elses
>reset everything to stock DarkRP configs
>configure darkrp to simply error out and break every wednesday, friday, and saturday.
>force server to crash every 3 hours
>disguise it as an update to the hud i made for his server
>fucker actually believes me and installs this trojan update
>his server turns to shit
>player base dying by the day.
>eventually he cottons on and removes my hud, as well as reinstall's DarkRP.
>it's not over yet folks.
>steampipe update was due to hit in a few weeks
>I sorta felt sorry for the kid, we'd been destroying his server for weeks and prank ordering super spicy custom ordered pizzas to his door at all hours
>that pissed his dad off
>and made his dad beat him.
>warned him that if he didn't back up his server files before he updated to steam pipe, shit would break
>showed him dev posts
>he didnt believe me
>tfw im the boy who cried wolf
>mfw i'm glad he didnt believe me
>his server was completely destroyed, all files reset to default
>he gave up on his community and stopped hosting servers
>we havent spoken since
>i actively avoid him too
I'll wrap this up in another post, i'm at like 1900 chars here.

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Tigger's best friend is Kanga. So not only are they banhappy faggots, they also don't know their Winnie The Pooh lore.

Cant wield the "fuck with" power against someone with the "can't handle it" shield, bro. A recipe for a spoiled good time

>Play ESO
>Made by ZOS
>Pretend to be Todd Howard
>Banned for imporsonating a ZOS employee

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The way faggot went about getting his players was by poaching players from a server he was eventually banned from. See, he had a disagreement with one of the admins on this server, and he decided to go and make his own server... then whenever the other server's admins were gone, he'd advertise the shit out of his server

He had incredibly low standards. Anyone and everyone was welcome, and if you offered to donate, even better. A fuckwit he may have been, but a charismatic one he most certainly was.

Glad you liked them. I wish I had the foresight to never get involved in his server and Garry's Mod altogether, maybe I would have actually not dropped out of college, but then I wouldnt be here today... posting on Yea Forums...

I feel bad only for faggots father. The dude has to share a fucking name with faggot. Its a Jr/Sr situation. And Faggot Sr is actually a cool bloke. Was heaps into cars and shit, helped me out with a problem with my dads car once when we had a squeaky ball joint in the front axle.

Word on the grape vine is that after all this shit went down, he went awol and started hanging out with emo kids, then with LGBT groups, now he's on HRT and looking to go post-op... I believe only some of it... but any of it is still unstable.

Nowadays I'm not nearly as vindictive as I used to be. Out of laziness or otherwise, I've changed. Maybe for the better?

not previous user, but Ive been wanting to give it a shot with a friend or two, are there ways to just have fun and ignore the furfags? or nuke them all with some bullshit?

>WoW account banned on 10 toons on 3 different servers for excessive trolling and racist remarks In chat.
>Tf2 account banned for excessive trolling and racist remarks In chat.
>CSGO steam account banned for excessive trolling and racist remarks In chat.
>World of Tanks 6 accounts perma chat banned for excessive trolling and racist remarks In chat.
>Battlefield 3,4,1 perma chat banned for excessive trolling and racist remarks.
>CoD MW, MW2, BO1, 2, 3 perma chat banned for excessive trolling and racist remarks.
>4chins multiple bans on Yea Forums, /pol/ and /mlp/ for posting loli and cheese pizza.

I think I might have a problem.

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Oh also heres a treat: an example of his autism... his old youtube channel where he uploaded the "VIP song" sung by himself and his co-owner cheese who was an actual neo nazi.

ps: cheese went off the grid sometime before I started destroying the server. Nobody could find him, it was like he was CIA bagged and tagged. I think he must've had a premonition of all this autism and ran while he still could.

I understand. Thanks.

You don't have a problem. The whole world has a problem. You exist, grinning, while they get frustrated and cope.
Though to be fair you also have way too much disposable income.

>>World of Tanks 6 accounts perma chat banned for excessive trolling and racist remarks In chat.
do russians even give a shit about people being dicks in chat?



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I mean, think of it this way
What's worse. Trolling and racist remarks, or salty scrubs, butthurt baddies, niggers and jews?
You're more like a crusader for high standards in a world of mediocrity. You're like a defender of the righteous! (The righteous is people who are white and also not kalemales)
Or you could ignore that and just do whatever you can get away with because you enjoy it, and not even bother making excuses. That's what most people do.

I an Aussie cunt who plays on the Asia server. Ching chong wing wongs dont have any sense of humor apparently.

>Play TF2 with my cousin, we play together all the time
>An exploit which allows you to stack up almost infinite health to a sentry was discovered
>We decided to try it out in trade servers
>It worked but so we decided to go to a ``serious´´ server
>We go to a normal dustbowl server, we didn't noticed it was a skial server were all the tryhards were
>For this exploit to work you needed a spy and an engineer, so we needed a hidden spot where we could be alone
>Wait until stage 2 so we could be under the first checkpoint after it is capped so no one comes
>Move sentry with caution
>Place it in the second checkpoint
>Various demos and soldiers tried to destroy the sentry but failed
>My cousin was the engineer so eveyone called him hacker
>Eventually mods noticed and banned him
>Mfw he was banned from all skial servers but I wasn't

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>Guy with very effeminate voice starts talking smack over the mic after getting a single kill
>"Whatever dude"
>Reason: Exhuming a transphobic atmosphere around transpeople

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Compared to Australians, NOBODY has a sense of humor.
Especially not Canadians.

I have a permanent ban on Superior Servers DarkRP on Garry's Mod... because I exposed the way he was redirecting players from his fake servers with artificial player counts, to his real server.
>join server
>as soon as you load in, it spams commands
>command it spams on you is "connect "
>bypass by going 'connect ;alias connect "say MY NAME IS ASTONEDPENGUIN AND I LIKE PENIS"'
>server now makes me spam chat with "MY NAME IS ASTONEDPENGUIN AND I LIKE PENIS
>his fake server was running base gamemode, but reported as DarkRP
>his fake server was running gm_sandbox, but reported rp_danktown
>his fake server reported 100 or so players. Yeah that was a total lie.
>i exposed him on the facepunch forums
>facepunch devs blacklist his servers from the master server list
>i get banned
>got this meme out of it though

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Alpha male

Why are all leaf always such a faggot online?
like if you see someone who talked shit out of no where its usually leaf

Fuck those French Chink leaf faggots.

>played GT vice city on some RP server
>had trainers on and was flying with cars
>I kept crashlanding at people
>one time I meteor'd a heist getaway as tank
>the last straw was when I crashed my skypirate ship at an admin who was flying a helicopter
>got banned after

On hindsight, the story isn't that funny, but me and my passengers had fun

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An alpha male stole my meme image.

holy shit, bless you, user

Named my gun "racial slur".
Got banned for racism.
Is this allowed?

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>enter a game of ASSFAGGOTS
>notice entire enemy team is premade and all have matching skins
>game loads in, and immediately type in the all chat chat:
>get instabanned for 2 weeks because of the chat filter
>was 1 honor point away from getting the free honor skins


Absolute cancer. Also, fuck superior servers
t. Revival Halofag

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Their server is shit, and they only survive because they dont ban people. They just "ghost" players that are banned, and they are forced to sit there doing nothing and just watching until their ban expires.

>6 people on server
>two germans start chatting
>me: "Hanz NO, I don't read nazi runes"
>get banned 5 seconds later

>server admin calls me out because I keep AAing his jet
>me: "You have anything against homosexuals?"
>words "homosexual" and "gay" are blocked
>me: "Why can't I write H O M O S E X U A L? I wanted to say I am one but why is it blocked... ?"
>admin: "It's my server and I don't like it. If you have a problem go play elsewhere you fag :-)"
>me: "Why are you so scared of C O C K ?
>banned for lifetime

This. I love the roleplaying aspect but they will come up with any excuse they can to say "it's unrealistic" or "nanotrasen wouldn't allow this" or really, anything, to get rid of anything they don't like.
t. Former ss13 mod
I always hated that shit, and it only got worse and worse with people reinforcing their own arbitrary definitions to ensure that you didn't have a tactical advantage because that would be "ganking" or "murderboning" due to not directly telling them to their face that they're about to die. Avoiding killing at all points, a bunch of shit that takes away from the dark and dangerous world of ss13; they wanted even the violence and danger to be all sunshine and rainbows. The danger and drama that ends up happening is all their bullshit interpersonal relationships and soap operas. Don't get me wrong, that's alright in my book too, but only so far as it serves to make ss13 feel like a living, breathing world.

The server I was on became so fucking on rails that I was completely drained of trying to fight back on discouraging people from murder and fun gameplay and only allowing dialogues to be considered roleplay, I just lost all motivation to keep logging in. I dreaded logging in even to play because I knew I'd be nabbed if I did anything they might consider ganking despite the logical motive behind it. I just stayed off the server for like 6 months before they asked me to quit, and I promptly did. Fuck that shit, I came for fun, and I tried my best to keep it fun. But I failed, Yea Forums. I'm sorry. ;_;

I have a dark confession to make, anons.
I've never been banned from anywhere, not even temporarily. And I've been on the internet longer than 4chins has.
I apologise to anyone who has ever dealt with me for being such an utterly boring person.

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Me and a group of friends were very bored in vanilla WoW, we made a human and got farm clothes, and then a bunch of black dwarves named shit like tyrone and jamal, and walked around ironforge saying slaves for sale. We all got a week ban.

Fuck you.

Now that I think about it, if Roleplaying had a way to objectively determine if you're good at it or bad, rather than it being based entirely on the whims of some butthurt drama whore, I'd give it a go.
The problem is, roleplaying doesn't have a way to determine objectively if you're doing it properly or not. And as with anything subjective on this planet, "subjective" is like an open gate, self-worshipping bias is the trojan horse, and the soldiers that spew out are projection and butthurt.

Mods please ban this cunt

Yea Forumsstation was my most unexpected ban.
They banned me for mixing plasma and oxygen into atmos pipes and setting the station on fire.
AS AN ANTAGONIST. With a goal of escaping alone.

Once, in like 2006, I got banned from WoW for saying the n-word. Spending too much on Yea Forums made me think that's something you can say as long as you think you're being ironic, so it made me mad. But after cooling off I realised that it's actually pretty cringy and most importantly completely unnecessary. Embarrassing for me personally to be that infantile, and pointless if it can offend people even if they're not me

So I guess Blizzard made me a better person and I thank them for it. Funny, huh.

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what a fucking faggot

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Because apparently setting fire to the station and making the entry shuttle uninhabitable is just not allowed in a game where my stated objective is to kill everyone.
I mean jesus christ son.

Basado y rojopastillado

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pssh get a load of this schmuck

And let me guess. The dialogue and drama you engage in isn't "Proper RP" if you insult some faggot for being a faggot? Or if you do, it's "Proper RP" for them to murderbone or permabrig you, but not for you to murderbone or permabrig them first?
"Proper RP" is a codeword for "Worship my online persona or get banned"
Which is of course itself a codeword for "Use LOIC".

>Join low gravity scout server on cs 1.6
>im doing good,capping scrubs left and right
>then suddenly
>BANNED for 999999999 hours

haha admin kid didnt like getting demolished

Yep. Proper RP is respecting their fragile fucking ego and maximum self inserts. The vast majority of regular players invested so heavily into their self inserts that an attack on their character if you didn't know them was a personal attack on the player.
Coincidentaly, ss13 is the foundation of my revelation that reddit users are primarily emotionally driven hotheads. It only really clicked after I started playing Tekken and found that the reddit users in the tekken discord have fucking terrible copy/paste meme-spouting sense of humor and get angry at just about everything they disagree with, and polarize their personal disposition toward because of their disagreement. From then they'll always seek any reason to dislike you more and disagree with you more, etc. After contemplating it I realized, wow, the reddit faggots from ss13 do the EXACT SAME THING. It's just all awful cancer.

public ban this loser

So whats this N-word people keep talking about?

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>have fucking terrible copy/paste meme-spouting sense of humor and get angry at just about everything they disagree with
This is me.
> From then they'll always seek any reason to dislike you more and disagree with you more, etc.
This is not me.

Does reddit not realise you can be good at one thing but shit at another? Because you can. You can have absolutely atrocious taste in, say, waifus (e.g. you like Natsuki DDLC), but you have good taste in shooter games (e.g. you like Serious Sam and Quake 3). You can also have it the other way around, suppose you like Bayonetta but also Fallout: New Vegas and Bioshock.
You don't hate everything a person does unless that person is literally incapable of or unwilling to improve their taste and get good.
To be fair, there are a LOT of people who will react with belligerence and animosity when told to betray their waifu and buy DLC (as they should), but react with the SAME animosity when told to use weapons their class is specialised for, to move forward and fight enemies rather than sitting on their asses, and to at least fucking TRY to dodge incoming damage rather than sucking up medkits like a black hole.
Why people react with utter refusal to get better tastes, I will never know.

no way this true

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>playing rust on a community server
>meet a guy from my cunt
>befriend him
>he keeps fighting some assholes in chat and calling them nigger
>he gets banned
>the admin in game starts messaging me even though i never said a word
>asks me if i intend to do the same thing
>i'm in disbelief
>i start asking him/her what he's doing, i say i never said a word and that what he's doing right now is completely unprofessional
>we argue a bit but i keep it cool at all times
>eventually he says that i don't need to be an ass about it
>i call him an ass for his behavior
>''buh bye ;)''
>banned permanently

i swear at that moment, and even now, i would give A FINGER of off my arm to be able to punch people over the internet, i would have gouged his/hers eyes out at that moment if i had the chance. I'm pretty sure it was a girl because she had some typical cutesy name girls usually have when playing games, not something over the top, and everyone on the server was orbiting whenever she came online.

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for some reason my people get bootyblasted really fast on the internet
t. hans


>have to loudly sprint jump in a predictable way
>the half a second delay before firing, accompanied by a sound you can hear from far away
>slow rocket speed
I won't pretend the Panzerfaust was some high
skill weapon, but dealing with it was pretty easy. There is a reason why you pretty much never saw it in tournaments, except for the rare suicide rush or spawn killing halfway across the map on unofficial maps

It's classic krautism. I'm part of the problem myself, but I've gotten increasingly good at pokerfacing it.

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What you have done is made a classic mistake.
You gambled more than you are willing to lose.
Every time you play an online server, you run a very real chance of getting banned for something that is 100% entirely the admin's fault. If you are not comfortable with this, do not play.
You can mitigate this risk somewhat if you can dox and ruin life on the server owner, because it feels good to get back at people who pull that bullshit. But it's still a net loss, because you didn't actually gain anything.
Personally I'd be REAL fuckin skeptical of putting any investment at all into a server that I couldn't retaliate against. And even if I could retaliate, I'd weigh up how much + feeling I'd get from a full retaliation, and limit myself to exactly that much investment and no more, so I'd always at least break even.

Ist halt neuland, da kennt man das net, die Älteren hätten ja nüscht.

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I would recommend against telling people you ever went there.

fuck man, i'm usually chill when it comes to ordinary relations online, but for the life of me i CAN'T STAND admins that power trip, i keep my distance, but if the start bugging me for unjustified reasons i completely lose my shit, i wish i was smart enough to be able to properly retaliate, but i would just feel like shit afterwards probably as has happened before only irl retaliation.

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You behave like a melanin enriched individual man, take it easy.

>2 day temp ban
wow what a tragedy, mr howard

i bet youre an aussie or a leaf

>playing Legion TD in WC3
>reasonably high ELO, at the point where the game is predictable as fuck unless you screw around
>decide to go super low unit value and just pump my income instead
>wave 4 after constant leaking someone on my team starts to flame me
>turns out this guy is the admin
>dude relax there's no way they're going to hold wave 7
>flames me for a couple more waves
>wave 7
>unload 4 of each aura and tons of blood orcs on the enemy team
>they can't hold it and lose
>admin bans me for team hampering
[ENT] can go fuck themselves

Bummer, but at least they have some humor aknowledging your love for Todd.

Holy shit I lost it.


Maybe, cunt

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I will say it again.
Don't gamble more than you're willing to lose.
If you can't stand the thought of interacting with someone that you can't punch if they power trip,
and you have no way of punching them or stopping them from power tripping, then DON'T INTERACT WITH THEM.
Also that's another thing. Revenge is a dish best served cold. If you have the option of waiting 30 minutes before retaliating, take it.
If you retaliate before thinking properly about what you're doing you WILL fuck yourself.
Only retaliate if you can think calmly to yourself and know what you're doing is correct, or if the opportunity will be lost if you don't act now.

Melanin enriched individuals do not feel like shit after they've done something.
Melanin enriched individuals do not have intuitive knowledge of how events in the past and future can work together, and will not draw connections between what they've done in the past and how they currently feel.
Melanin enriched individuals can certainly feel like shit, but to them it's an unexplainable random occurrence that happens to them out of nowhere by God or by some asshole in their immediate vicinity.
It may be hard to grasp, but they literally do not handle the concepts of "past" and "future", or "cause" and "effect".

Edited WoW files with Noggit to make an invisible tunnel in WSG that started from one flag room to the next

>selling my usual shit on the market board
>other player starts to put shit up to undercut me
>isn't by a normal amount, its by like 25%
>match it and lower it because I don't care(at first) and still have more inventory to sell
>the lad then undercuts me even more and floods the market with his entire stock at once
>talking like 60+ fucking leather glamour prisms all at once
>notice that all of his retainer names (things that sell the items for you) are named after himself with stuff like xxx's lady, xxx's girlfriend etc
>have an idea
>stop selling and change my retainer names to xxx loves cock and xxxisafag
>he sees this and instantly starts buying all of my shit up
>friend gets on it and sells the materials for the said prisms
>the lad then buys all of the materials so I can't make more prisms insulting him
>catch a 3 day ban and forced name change the next day

>renamed to BigFan01234
HEH. You can tell whoever banned you had a good laugh at your names.

I got banned from 8/v/ for telling a pedophile to fuck off

is it true if someone in switzerland shits in a toilet, it comes out in australia as earthquake? s'called butter effect or something

i remember when these threads were called Badmin threads, and they were full of tf2 "You have been banned!" screencaps. good times

If it is true then those Swiss poofs mustnt be able to do a proper shit because theres been no earthquake In years

>be regular user on for about ten years
>in their Exalted Mythic tier of users showing general good community contribution
>bungie puts out Destiny
>overhauls and downgrades the site in 2013
>bars all users from the forums who haven't played Destiny
>borrow a friend's game to get five mins of Destiny gameplay on my account to rejoin
>for the next few years bungie's changes in site mods and admins gets rid of or drives out all older members and mods
>still remain basically out of spite
>eventually permabanned for "Reason: ______________" pretty much just to clean out all the remaining people from the Halo days
>when Destiny 2 dropped they again barred everyone who hadn't bought it from the forums apparently

I've never seen a worse downfall from within

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No wonder they love black people fucking their wives.

>barely play tf2 because i got perma'd for being a sperg on my favorite server
>mantreads (goomba stomping boots) come out
>turns out it was really badly coded
>causes full 32p servers to crash if you kill a revved/firing heavy with the boots
>do it a couple of times
>snitch on myself
>do it again
>perma'd from sourceop
i was kinda dumb

Are they in the /vg/ server as well?

If they didn't overtake it, it'd be the only place they didn't overtake. Maybe that and Colonial Marines, but that's it. And they're still rampant

Half of my country can't post pictures on Yea Forums for some reason
Thanks hiro

2d is not 3d. Please do not be a disingenuous wankrag.

>I've never seen a worse downfall from within
I've seen the Games Done Quick speedrunning event.

I've had multiple people try to get me banned from SS13, I was always nice to the admins and respectful but would be a complete hard ass playing security. I would subtlety fuck with people I hated until they left or would sperg out. Towing the line just enough to never be banned while punishing even minor crimes for the max allowable brig timer. Got multiple people banned for meta grudging.

That's literally the intended way to play ss13 for maximum character rivalry. Generates tons of fun with not garbage self insert players. They should be having fun with it and getting back, not sperging out about it.

Oh man, I miss the old Bungie forums.
Porch day will forever live on in my heart even if everyone else has forgotten it.
People melting down after that one guy spoiled the ending for reach was another highlight.

Just nuke my country

I really hope this isn't fucking made up

>playing WoW cataclysm
>using fly/speed hacking to ezmode that archaeology gold
>GM stops me with “stuck_” debuff
>asks me if I knew how fast I was going
>respond “not sure, unstuck me and I’ll take another lap to let you know”
>bans me for three months


>playing EQ2
>1st expansion
>casual non-raider
>send in ticket suggesting I logged in and my BIS chest armor was missing from my inventory
>talk with dev for two hours explaining the fake situation
>he messages my guild mate
>guildie plays the bitch card and tells the GM I’m lying
>get banned for 4 weeks
>log in and have the item in my inventory
I’m convinced the EQ2 GMs were actual chimpanzees


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Also bumping despite being on page 1 still

>have twitch on for background noise at work
>streamer starts playing with someone annoying
>take the time to say that hes an annoying cuck

I've never participated in the forum and this still makes me mad as fuck

I agree, that doesn't stop literal faggot autists from generating paragraphs upon paragraphs of forum posts about how I'm a huge piece of trash.

One time I was packing up for a gig and my drummer's mom was leaving for his aunts house, and we didn't know it, but his hi-hat was in the back seat!! This is in the days before cell phones, mind you, so we had all of our guitars and stuff but no hi-hat LOL. That was such a funny moment.

community servers have tons of trannies. They are trigger happy to ban for the smallest possible notion of a slight at them

Read what he said.
>more likely to be CRITICAL of pedos who are proud

He's saying that theses who criticize and bash immensely one group are VERY likely to pertain the same said group, but are in denial about this. The more they criticize, the better their insecurity become apparent, and the better are the chances that one is revealed to be thing he/she hates the most.

For example, the whole scandal of UN. A few persons there criticized the loli culture on Japan, but theses same persons, later, were faced with charges and accusations of practicing pedophilia.

I've never been banned from something because I'm not a cheater or someone who rages


I got banned from Yea Forums a couple of times for posting loli porn

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>say "I hope the Empire gasses the Ala Mhiggers" in Square Enix Shadowbringers stream
>Twitch account suspended
>The Garlean Empire wanting to use Black Rose poison gas to kill the people of Ala Mhigo was the central plot point of that patch in FFXIV

>actually being such an emotional baby that you get sucked into a verbal argument with someone over a video game

Unironically got banned because I had a nicer unusual than a server admin.
Man I wonder if anyone on Yea Forums knows about the nuthouse that was Galactic Dolphin League on TF2

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I used to spam CP from motherless in console war threads to lock them down back in the day. I don't actually remember getting banned, just the thread getting nuked

My IP is currently banned from posting images on Yea Forums because of a range ban
I've literally done nothing wrong

Not sure if based

It's okay, I was underage at the time

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I was enjoying your story until that you just said you took a photo of the said chat and sent it to his homophobic father.

Not cool, dude. You basically (perhaps) ruined the life of one person only because he has preference for men. I know that this person you speak off has acted like a total jerk based on your previous stories (assuming that they happened), but still, you shouldn't have went further on his private life to reveal his dad that he's gay. You should have instead logged off instantly the moment he said "I fucking loved him and i kept a recording of all our masturbation chats" and never speak to him again.

I haven't been on bungie's forum for years, but they used to have some of the best community interaction, or at least that's how I remember it.

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lol fag

Gotta agree, you're a gigantic faggot. You keep that shit in the games, not take it into real life. There are boundaries which you clearly have no regard for.

they're still like this
you can't even insult someone by calling them stupid or say something is "gay", you get permabanned for being "ableist"

>reddit spacing
you have to go back

Posted Wojak on Krautchan when the normalfags first discovered it, they used to kill him "Le Voldemort Face" (on Reddit and 9gag apparently) with the post being like >Le Voldermort Face when (...). Also, at the time greentexting That Feel posts was taboo because it was associated with Reddit's Brother, Yea Forums.

Got banned from Gearbox forums because I was uppity enough to call out the muitlplayer base that crybabied so hard to get the Bee shield nerfed because people would join their games and use it to defeat bosses faster.
I got banned for informing those players they had the option to "kick" that player and that Gerabox was retarded for nerfing an item that didn't need to be nerfed at all.

I lost the screencap but I got banned from neogaf after like two days because I said I didn't want to discuss a topic (GG, all I said was that there were two sides to the argument) because I would probably get banned for it. The reason for my ban was "saying you would post a bannable thing but you don't want to get banned will also tend to get you banned".

typical panzernaab

>porch day
holy shit I forgot about that shit used to be so much fun

Or, bear with me here, you don't be a complete degenerate and keep that shit private. Most of the 90's kids were taught to not give out info to strangers on the internet - it's a shame the guy had to find out why we were taught that the hard way. After a certain point you have to ask "why were you walking around naked at night in the ghetto with a sign that says fuck me" when a woman gets raped


The only boundaries that exists are ones that you can enforce. If you leave a paper-trail right to your front door you lose any right to act surprise when shit goes south because you attracted the attention of the wrong person. Sometimes the victim is even more at fault just based on the stupidity multiplier

You are actually mentally unhinged to believe this.

Found the zoomers

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>literally going out of your way to ruin somebody's personal life for some fun is not crossing any boundaries
If being a piece of shit is your thing, go ahead I can't stop you, but the idea that the only boundaries that exist are mechanically enforceable is retarded as fuck. I'm all for fucking with people but getting satisfaction from doing something like that (essentially just going on a power trip) who didn't actually do anything to deserve it, and then justifying it saying "it doesn't exist" tells me the extent of the mental gymnastics you perform to keep yourself from feeling like what you are; a piece of shit.

>you don't be a complete degenerate
Having preference for men is not "degenerate". Stop spouting buzzwords, or else, I will have a hard time to think you're being serious.

>and keep that shit private
I may agree with that, and like I said, I know that the same person you have unfortunately meet has acted a jerk several times, but it still doesn't justify to invade the private life of others for the sake of revenge or whatever. This is cruelty. Everyone has a right on their privacy, and I'm sure most of people who browse here appreciate the matter this imageboard allows you to choose to stay as Anonymous on the name field.

Not cool, again.

>it's a shame the guy had to find out why we were taught that the hard way.
Or he could have know to not give info to others on the internet through his parents's advice... but I guess it looks like his parents aren't good.

>calling TT servers BS and building severs fun
>was literally just going into people's severs and forcing them to play by his rules
you sound like the type of guy to turn off the console when he lost his stocks in Smash and say to do something else

faggot deserved it though
faggots always deserve it

just recently got my chat disabled in tetris friends, probably from all the swearing

go back to /r/Yea Forums

>used to

Yeah that just about sums it up

I got one

>be in wanna-be raiding guild in WoW
>Wotlk just released
>we're in Sartharion lair
>Christmas time
>One of the gifts was this toy car that you got to control in first person perspective
>Entire guild is standing infront of the boss
>Keep playing the toy
>figure out that if i pull the boss with the toy he'll reset instead of chain to the raid
>a few of us are doing it just for kicks
>Guild leader: user stop doing that you're going to get us killed
>keep doing it
>Guild leader: Final warning or you're getting a DKP reduction
>Fucking bitch
>Pull Sartharion with the toy car into the nearest guildy
>Guild wipes
> /gquit
>bye bitch

now that i look bad i get sad, i miss the old WoW

Why do people use reddit spacing? Not only is it a waste of space but it also stretches out relevant ideas further apart from each other, and makes it less intuitive to recognize what is and isn't part of the same point. The "not cool again" part, literally what was the point of using up three extra lines for that? You're fucking adding in buffer, faggot. gb2reddit

I report faggots like you because it's an easy way to get you flaming mongoloids suspended, not because I'm offended. Cope, bitch.

You can tell from the way he types he came here straight from reddit to grab wacky screencaps that he could post on /r/Yea Forums for upvotes

Nah they deserved that. Trying to lord resources over you for doing something that doesn't affect the raid. Fuck them.

>tfw remembering the initial character name violations from Maplestory 2's launch and how they were handled

someone had a their name as Big Dick and the character was renamed to Little Stick

>Big Dick to Little Stick
Fucking top tier admins

Attached: mail3.jpg (2592x1944, 702K)

That car is based I still have it and used it to wipe pug raids in Uldir

>Unmistakably angry response to these kinds of people
>I report everyone who says something offensive
>Not offended
You're so deep into your own ass that your head is still between your shoulders.

>ci spawn
>announce presence over intercom loudly and order all furries and nerds to remain where they are and drop knickers for impending chaos cock
>slayed by 12yo admin who thought I said niggers instead of knickers
>tell him how retarded that sounds
>banned for mod sass

every year I'm subbed i look try i hope they have another car like it because of how based it was. Doubt they'll ever do it again.

Attached: nms.png (905x336, 32K)