HotS somehow the only non-shit modern Blizzard game

>Made on shoestring budget with comparatively few devs
>Made on an engine that was outdated before development started
>Is a MOBA
>Released before it was finished
>General shit balancing decisions
>Shit matchmaker, even for a Blizz game
>Adds literally whos before Baal
>Pushed Esports hard while gameplay was in a bad state
>Esports focus lead to gameplay changes to make things more Twitch friendly at the expense of gameplay
>Makes no money
>Gets no Twitch views
>Adds Lootboxes because Overwatch had lootboxes
>New characters are given so many tools most old characters are outclassed
>Old strategies nerfed to make big dumb teamfights the only viable way to win
>Someones Goth loli OC gets in before Baal
>Still makes no money
>Still gets no Twitch views
>Esports dies, dev team is cut down to like 3 interns
>Actual good balance patches come out
>Character requested since beta comes out
>He's balanced and doesn't negate any of the oldfags
>Paid lootboxes are removed, can now be bought with in-game currency.
>Even shit balance patches make an effort to fix the shit things about characters
>All but like 4 characters out of 80 are viable
>You don't get banned for sharing Pepe memes
>Matchmaker is very slightly less shit
>Is F2P

It's not exactly a fierce competition these days, but who'dathunkit?

Attached: Heroes_of_the_Storm_logo_2017.png (281x139, 72K)

Threads about it are pointless now since Blizz put it on life support.

I like HotS. Sad to see it in death throes thanks to poor advertisement and management decisions.

>Storm League now hides premade groups and doesn't care about matching them with solo players
It's over


lol went to shit the second they tried to "balance " it and make a E-sport out of it.

Do the remasters of WC3 and SC count as recent games? Cause they are good games, even if the new graphics aren't to your taste.

I dropped it as soon as they made changes to stealth.
Are all the stealth characters still hot garbage?

basically this
blizzard didn't even try which is a shame because this game is fun

Are you retarded? Stealth-rework Zeratul was/is fucking insane. He was literally always picked or perma-banned when the stealth update went in. How shit are you?

I was gone after they sold my masterskins as the cheapest skins. Fuck them

since no one cares about the game now, can i get the garrosh pull back please ?

Zeratul has constantly fluctuated in and out of overpowered states since the beginning of the game. It has less to do with stealth and more to do with his massive potential to secure kills with a combination of high burst damage, insane chase, and great escape, plus one of the best AoE CC ults in the game.

>mobility creep: the game

>take a genre all about economy and character building
>remove nearly all the economy and character building elements
Wow, who would have thought it would fail?

Downloaded HoTS about a year ago since my RL pals are trash at online games.

Play a few games and holy shit this game is actually really fun. Far less autistic than DotA or LoL

its legit one of the worst games theyve ever made. i feel bad for you if you find this thing entertaining. do yourself a favor and commit to learning dota if you must play a moba, its like a higher level of being compared to that laughable mobile phone tier HOTS

It's shit now though. Activision killed it. Blizzard is dead.

Well yeah, DotA is great if you want to dedicate hundreds of hours to learning a game.

If you want to just jump right into a game and have fun, HotS and Battlerite are where it's at.

>Buffed Abathur again
>Not shit
The game is dead. They're doing their best to make sure they can shut it down soon.

Too bad they fucked themselves in the ass by making it TOO casual. Also fuck that stealth rework they did, made me quit the game because it ruined my favorite build on my favorite character.

i can understand that position but dota does have turbo mode now so theres no real reason to play hots for that case