What's your genius idea for a video game, that you don't have the willpower or technical skill to create?

What's your genius idea for a video game, that you don't have the willpower or technical skill to create?

Attached: idea.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

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RPG where Music and Magic are the same thing. Combat is timing based ala classic Paper Mario, the Stick of Truth and Mother 3 while also having straight-up Rhythm Game mechanics. For example, to use a healing spell you have to play a small rhythm game, if you succeed, you get to heal, but if you do it in a more "cool" away, you get to heal more or you get an extra buff. Like getting the "cool" rank in Parappa the Rapper.
All the bosses would be based on music genres or literally be based off of a famous music artist.

Attached: tumblr_o3npywPEj41qmamqfo1_500.png (500x500, 138K)

>imagine not even trying

Attached: skele.png (672x608, 119K)

Subverse is already making it.
Well, I didnt think about the cuck stuff, but close enough.

There's a real untapped market for sex games out there, especially with VR perpetually ready to take off. Whoever manages to make the breakout hit in that genre is going to have bigger than Notch money.

Oh and all the traditional RPG classes have a musical spin, like a Guitar Axe-wielding Knight/Berserker, a Harp Archer, a Piano or Drum set Tank, Saxophone Black Mage, etc.

Action adventure game where you start as a childish rock golem with no abilities, as the game progresses you slowly become adept at controlling elements and incorporate them into building up your body. By the end of the game you're like the size of the mountain and you becoming the protector of the Earth fighting massive space kaijus with elemental martial arts

A proper game of those short melee maps in warcraft 3 like Footman Frenzy and Pimp My Peon. Footman Frenzy is still alive to this day, so there has to be someone out there who likes these types of games.

I just need to make some money first, then everything will fall into place.

Top down shooter in the style of nuclear throne/enter the gungeon with customizable guns and skills (pick various gun parts to make your custom gun, use a skill tree to make your custom skills). various gamemodes as well

>RPG where Music and Magic are the same thing
So it'll be the Mother3 16-hit combo but expanded upon?

Urban RPG.
fire blast -> lighter and deodorant
wands -> glocks
swords -> batons
bandits -> the homeless
Kings -> Pimps
That sorta thing.

Like I've seen this concept tossed around a bit here but god dammit nobody has made it yet.

Super Hero/Villain Action Game with high amounts of customization, replayability and weapon/ability variety.
No MMO shit

I mentioned Mother 3, so yeah user.

Some dev is making something like this iirc. Basically xcom but with wizards that are also a swat team. Can't remember who exactly but it was someone with some clout. You see their concept art posted here from time to time

Fighting game like MvC except with all of Mega Man's robot masters

play as a ghost, possess people and objects to creatively kill enemies, who drop parts of x weapon to access and fight boss of a stage (who will be half damaged by various possession actions within the boss area and the weapon made out of enemies)


I remembered that because the guy made Heat Signature, one of my favorite games on Steam.

Actually finish some of my favorite unfinished games

What if I'm not interested in creating a super innovative game, but just want to tell an interesting story? I still have no coding, art, or music experience. Anything using free assets would just be a half-assed bastardization. How the fuck do you build a competent team of like-minded creators?

>How the fuck do you build a competent team of like-minded creators?
Most companies struggle with this, even with an employee budget of millions.

You basically just have to win the lottery, and meet the right people, at the right time in their lives. There's no process to it.

That does seem to be the case. It's fairly discouraging.

Combine snatcher with shin megami tensei.

I could actually make it, as it would be entirely point and click oriented with turn based battles, and there are engines that require no coding thay simply let you drag and drop assets.

My problem is 2 fold: having to sit down and plan out a game of the magnitude I have in mind and the fact that I would hand draw all assets, which would probably take a year alone.

write a book faggot

or learn how to make art and plug it into rpg maker or some shit

The Jews must be exterminated.

>write a book faggot
I'm doing that, too. But there's a story I want to do that only works as a game.
>or learn how to make art
Were it that simple. I'm artistically retarded.

A game that's basically The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly mixed with Journey.
So 3 players play through different campaigns and they intersect with each other, which can either lead to Cooperation or utter backstabbing competitions to get a little further ahead.
At the end, all 3 players do a Mexican Standoff and have to decide who shoots who while a ripoff of The Trio plays.
Storywise its about a plan to rob a demonic train carrying a shipment of Panacea, which all 3 characters want for different reasons (One wants to become a sanctioned wizard but can't because his lung got damaged in the war, One is a skeleton and wants to become human again (being undead is almost as bad as being a darkie in the west), and one simply wants to dilute it and make a fortune selling snake oil and live the American dream)
Gameplaywise it involves practicing Magicka Americana (Gunmancy) and juggling the right magic spells (enchanted bullets) to put into your Single Action Wand for whatever attacks you want to do (Using Cartridge of Wind to push yourself away from enemies, Exorcise rounds to get rid of ghosts, Chronocalibers to slow down enemies or hazards, etc.)

>parry this you filthy casual

A monhun clone that is all about a world overun by giant demons, in tacky clothing. You join the fashion police as a new recruit to stop the socks with sandals menace, the blazer with shorts fiends, and hawainn shirt guy. Weapons are all clothing or fashion related, stuff like thimble gauntlets, rapier sewing needles, knitting needle staff, etc. Boss drops are fabrics which are used to create clothing, the type of fabric determines the skills your clothing has.

I'm a VR porn dev and this is a lie, lmao. VR porn is a fucking joke and games sell like 3 copies, and no I'm not talking about mine, all of them. VR 3D porn games are terrible for profit. And there won't be some mystical breakout hit that satisfies everyone. You can't even masturbate while using controllers.

>you won't manage to make the breakout hit

A warhammer 40k multiplayer FPS game like red orchestra/cod WaW with an involved and competitive first person melee combat system.

An RTS game like steel division/wargame but which takes the good from world in conflict, company of heroes 2, men of war and graviteam tactics and rolls it all into one ultimate authenticity 20th century to current era spectacle RTS platform with a ridiculous quantity of assets and environments.

no one will, VR porn is amazing, but only pre-recorded stuff. "games" are awful.

How would you get three different players to play three separate campaigns at exactly the same time? It would either have to be incredibly short, or such a massive fucking hit that there would always be players overlapping, which seems extremely unrealistic.

I have a dozen games I'd love to play, but none of them are genius, except for one I just thought up a few days ago.
The tactical Jermania, the 4CC of modern shooters, the Mario Retardy of the global stage. A game to surpass Esports. The ultimate Virtual Cockfighting FPS.
The game revolves around taking the whole "bots have personality" thing a lot of games tot and then actually spend a few thousand hours working on it. Each bot has a name, character/weapon preferences, one of a number of voicetypes, as well as values for target acquisition accuracy, corrective accuracy, manueverability, leadership, how often they listen to orders, how often they advise others, how good that advice is, botchability, clutchability, the ability to make stupid plays, the ability to make those plays work out, all sorts of shit. This all comes with a powerful character creator so each bot can be given a unique identity. In addition to virtual cockfighting, you can play against them yourself and appreciate the depth of their AI.

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Yeah that's it, i knew it was a dev that had made something successful before

Ideally you'd get 2 friends to play it as well and leave it up to them whether or not they disclose what's happening with their side of the story until the end

A huge RPG but the mechanics are like a fighting game

Ninja Gaiden black, but multiplayer

A remake of that old Atari game Xari Arena, I liked the concept of a weapon that caught projectiles, stored them, and then could be released and used in different ways. Absorbing too many projectiles or trying to absorb a particularly deadly projectile would overwhelm the weapon and it would explode in on you, killing you. So the gameplay would be a balance between trying to absorb as many things as possible to maximum damage output vs trying to keep the number of projectiles you absorb from exceeding the maximum limit. If the idea was expanded upon I think it could have real potential.

Cross between danganronpa and a RPG. Characters from different universes get locked up together, and when all of you sleep you crossover into the RPG aspect with 3 characters you can choose from.
Characters only permanently die when they kill another, and they receive executions when they get caught in a trial.
When you talk to other characters in the awake world you level up your trial skills while also being able to lock RPG skills so that when they somehow eventually die you can still retain their skill and put them on other characters.
Its uncertain who's going to die, with some victims being random, so min/maxing can be impossible, leading you to talk to that guy just in case.

Tl;dr Darkest Dungeon crossed over with Danganronpa.

I wish we had ran out of internet in the airwaves so I didn't have to suffer through more of their videos.

you kill minorities in a certain society

combine dark souls and animal crossing

A very arcade feeling dungeon crawler. Like simple on the surface, very fast paced.

Make an RPG that I wouldn't find tedious or grindy, basically, an RPG that I would want to play.

You're an undercover cop in a gang that you have to dismantle from the inside, the main mechanic is similar to shadow of wars army. Trying to maintain your cover and inadvertently making friends with lower-tier but loyle members makes your situation complicated, so you have to make a balance between your officer-duty and your gang-duty and consider the consequences of getting the next person arrested/killed or letting a drug deal go down which would put that person higher in the hierarchy. story missions would acknowledge whose been killed off and may change the outcome of events; say you're doing a heist and the guys who can hack are dead- now you've slowed down the gang but now you have to contend with more counter-units)

tl;dr sleeping dogs

Zelda Wind Waker maker, everyone get to make their own island, but instead when you upload your map. it ramdomly appears on other players oceans.