What are the best games based on an anime?

What are the best games based on an anime?

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Masterpiece, Average, Shit
Average, Shit, Shit
Good, Shit, Shit
Overall Horrible Taste


>berserk, welcome to the nhk
i can understand not liking eva but you are just retarded

>hating mushishi
I’m mad!

Hard to believe it's already 2019 and there still isn't a single good anime game.

This is the most pretentious taste I’ve ever seen. Only missing HxH.

Hard to believe it's already 2019 and there still isn't a single good anime.

Is the 2nd attack on titan game any good?

>but muh HxH chimera arc and the duality of man
inb4 pseudo-fags and bisky posters

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You know, you're completely right.

I guess it's hard to make a good anime video game when there's no good source material.

>t. turbonormalfag, not enough naruto for me

Why do you hate Berserk?

Wrong, there's one

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This is slightly below normie-tier if normie tier is AoT, Naruto, etc. Anything below this you live with your parents and have piss bottles. It's a happy medium to be at desu, no wonder Yea Forums hates it.

>Yea Forums shunned it for literally no reason as it was airing just because it aired in the west first on Toonami and that somehow made it Yea Forums related
God I fucking despise Yea Forums so goddamn much.
I mean I despise Yea Forums too, but for completely different reasons.

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Yea Forums still fucking has threads about it, though.

These are all good shows in their own way, you don't have to pretend to be a harsh critic on the internet user you aren't impressing anybody.

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For like a year or two after it aired you could not have a thread about it on Yea Forums, and mods would actually delete the threads if they saw them.

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Fuck off, they genuinely all suck except for Lain




What games indicate the most boring taste?

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T. Brainlet that couldn't understand it, Key The Metal Idol shits on everything in that picture besides Lain

There's a Mushishi game?

Oh I understood the pretentiousness. You only like it cause of the visuals

Yeah, but it's pretty boring

nothing really happens until the last 5 minutes of the game.

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Fromsoft fans

This, pic related is pretty much the most boring & predictable NPC core taste imaginable. You always see these same fucking games on everyone's list

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>Likes Lain but not Texhnolyze
>Likes Tatami Galaxy but not NHK

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> Utena and Tatami
Good taste. I haven't finished Utena yet but I love it so far

> Male Protagonist
It's shit by default, Tatami only gets a pass because the MC isn't a generic looking piece of shit

Checks out with these top 16 from different sites.

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i v played the shit of the berserk game on the dreamcast with my brother my favorite "anime game" im on the casual side and other than that the naruto uns series are fun to play with friends and i liked a lot jojo ASB shame the online of that game was dead week 1 , speaking of jojo is there any chance of ASB or Eyes of heaven ported to either steam or the epic store? suck no jojo game on pc

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I just enjoyed all DragonBall console games. FMA games in PS2 if we talking anime series based

I've been fucking around with XV2 photo mode even though I stopped playing it a while ago

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When did something being popular and successful become synonymous with it being bad? Contrarians are the fucking worst

at least half of those games are genuinely terrible and made gaming worse, Metal Gear especially

Nobody said these were bad, we just said it's boring always seeing them on the top of every best game list
Pretty sure if i remember that one was about favorite game lists, here was the one about the "Best games"

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Video games aren't a fashion statement virgin, they are something you play to unwind and have fun. You aren't a special and unique snowflake because you play loli rape dungeon similators instead of the latest Zelda game. Unironically have sex.


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>Puts Panzer Dragoon on this list with shit like The Last of Us
Fuck you, and completely unbased

I like most of those games, but people often pretend to like them despite never playing them to fit in with hiveminds


I honestly genuinely bothers me when people feel so self conscious about their own tastes that they feel the need to throw in some popular stuff in there just to try and come off as 'one of the boys'. It's like people can't think for themselves or are ashamed of the things they like.

What are top-middle and middle-right?

>tastami galaxy

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Speaking about anime
>SZS is Shaft's most well liked anime adaptation according to Nico ratings
>still no S4
God dammit give it the Monogatari treatment it rightfully deserves

Jesus fuck, BOTW is already on 6 of these lists. Why did it become so much more popular then other Zelda's?

tatami galaxy is a masterpiece

babys first ubisoft open world game

It honestly genuinely bothers me when people can't understand that some people do actually enjoy some popular things, because the sole reason of being popular does not automatically discredit it from being good.

The shows in OP's pic aren't even that popular. To you and me and Yea Forums, maybe, but not to the average casual anime watcher who thinks Death Note is a 10/10 and jerks themselves off to My Hero Academia

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Panzer Dragoon Saga is just as critically acclaimed as The Last of Us, which is why it's on there

>Only missing HxH.
Yea Forums only pretends to be pretentious with HxH, everyone knows its just another shonen

You know just as well as I do that people pad the shit out of their lists with games they know will get them Yea Forums cred, and this applies with anime/manga as well. People here fish for compliments more often than you think.

That'd be pathetic if they did. I'd like to err on the side of them just enjoying Fallout New Vegas or Mario 64 like thousands of other anons because they are generally great games.

>Just another shonen
Have you read the latest arc? It's more of a political novel than fighting manga at this point.

My point being that it's unfortunate to think that people can't actually talk about the things they enjoy around here without getting shat on for having certain tastes.

>Yes, I too only play games so strangers on the internet can praise my niche taste in an intricately selected 3x3. Fun is, after all, just a buzzword for sheeple.

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I like all of those games except RDR & Half-Life 2 though

NHK has horrible animation at times but it's not awful