That random kid in a popular streamer's stream chat that announces his own arrival...

>that random kid in a popular streamer's stream chat that announces his own arrival, when he leaves and sometimes tells random stuff to the streamer as if the streamer would ever bother even reading a comment from him without a minimum of 20+ dollar tip or 10k cheer or some shit

shit's just pathetic to the point that you can't even feel sorry for the stupid little shithead

Attached: baby is all grown up.jpg (476x452, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

God I wish that was me

>Yea Forums - Imaginary Twitch Zoomer Blogging

Attached: tho fank u.png (844x651, 229K)

>Going from full hair to balding
Nothing worse desu

you just know

I miss the White Stripes.

know what

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>watching twitch for anything besides EVO
you fucked up

Surely there was at least one person that pointed out that it looked like a sexual act and that it wasn't a good photo op, surely?


>he doesn't know

Surely it's based and redpilled to raise your daughter into the perfect waifu and then marry her yourself?

And in 2 years is going to be some Chad doing this instead.

Attached: bilbo smoking.jpg (1280x1579, 233K)

I'm pretty sure he knew

sexual acts make for good photo ops you dummy

No, dumbass.
You and a friend make an agreement to raise daughters to be the ideal partners for each-other. Then you swap them once they're both 12 years old so you can both have a daughter-wife to which you are not blood related.

>not blood related
Then what's the point?


you wish your daughter was on your dick?

not having kids with web toes?

>wanting your offspring to be shit at swimming
lmao look at this cuck and laugh

Your zoomer shit isnt exactly what you wanted to talk about, is it, OP? Well if it is, nobody cares. Post more of the grill or more just like it.

>having kids with your kids

white girls literally fuck their own dads

this is some Usagi Drop shit.


Explain to me how webbed toes is not a step forward in human evolution

>all these hopeless Yea Forumsirgins instantly assuming lewds
just have sex already

Attached: 1ysadi.jpg (480x368, 35K)

*hits pipe*

that OP was talking about himself
he's one donating to streamers

fuck, i guess i was wrong. sorry guys, i take it back.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more fulfilling than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so that the world might experience a radiant bundle of happiness and love. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it amplifies the joy everyone she meets shall experience when she greets them and takes precious time from her day to make theirs a little better.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get off the streets. The lucky man or woman who marries her will get the perfect partner, and you'll benefit from gaining a second child in her spouse, one who will be a dear friend that thanks their lucky stars you raised such an astounding woman.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to grant your wondrous, miraculous daughter and all the people around her a better life. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL reward. Think about it logically.

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She's still going to get ravaged like any other whore.

fuck off bitch stop pretending to be me.

Go to school you obviously don't know nothing about anatomy.

i know enough about anatomy to recognize a pussy when it replies to me


Holy shit you must be fun at parties

You are no less pathetic for watching streamers in the first place

>he actually believes this

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Go back

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I don't give a flying fuck about OP's image. I am interested in what he said, and I agree. I don't get why people even chat on twitch streams when literally nobody looks at what they have to say unless it's a small stream with a few people watching.

dont believe this guy anons

im the web toes guy:
i take by what i said about web toes. i was too narrow minded to see the benefits

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Holy fucking shit

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She's not my daughter, user. I just want a hot girl with big boobs laying on me

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>virgin night mode

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dont make it look like i didnt apologize to those anons. i dont want them to think less of me for my web toes comment.

Put me in the screencap

Attached: Super Ye.jpg (534x356, 23K)

I saw this burn from the front page and had to pop in to this shitposting thread to give you a (You)

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It's pretty much guaranteed going to eventually happen to you too user.

well done

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Oh my fuck.

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There is no real problem with inbreeding unless its done repeatedly over multiple generations.



cute elf

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Haha imagine if she starting bouncing and squealing about ice cream while daddy's hands slip.

Attached: ohmy.png (408x400, 292K)

Epic!!!! Put me in the screencap!!!

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It wasn't that funny, guys damn

see what you did? now everbody thinks this guy burned me because you were pretending to be me, you are not i am

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finally I get to use this image

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It can't happen to me if I shave my head first. Vin Diesel up in this bitch.

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Holy fuck

>not only living in the same house for 20 years but also having the same furniture
Mega yikes

Does anyone else hate niggers?

>guy donates $100
>millionare streamer misses dono
>guy donates another $20 to reminds millionaire streamer

>10k cheer
what's this mean

i dont watch streamers

>not wanting mutant kids that become super heroes
What the fuck?

fictional twitch bucks


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did anyone actually say this?

Attached: bburmydarlinurmysunshineigbusumcandy.jpg (921x763, 104K)

Wasn't funny honestly, reads like a reddit post
Put me in the screen cap r/Yea Forums!

$100 worth of bits (twitch currency)

>cucking each other
That's a new one.

so whats the difference between those and real dollars

like why would donate one instead of the other

theres a porn site called daughterswap thats kinda like this

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less chance of it being charged back

how will user ever recover?

Attached: 1546531235086.jpg (283x273, 13K)

is charge-back that big of a problem on twitch that they need to invent their own currency to prevent it?


That only happens after multiple generations of incest dipshit.

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When your viewers are willing to SWAT you then chances are they'll give fake donations as well

Absolutely based.

it was a HUGE problem back in the day, people would donate thousands upon thousands of dollars for attention, and then yoink it back the next day or whenever. but i think it gets blocked now and is much harder to get your money back, specifically because paypal had so much trouble with it a few years ago.

Finally a good fucking post

Attached: 1359526321434.jpg (960x800, 478K)

yea donation trolls are still a thing

Yes, it actually is. Streamers have to leave donated money in their account untouched until the chargeback window passes because people chargeback tons of donations.

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that he's putting himself in the red, if you know what I mean

That's so hot. I bet it was the dad's idea. "Hey sweetie I saw some funny photos online of people recreating baby photos and of all the photos I have of you as a baby I just happened to find this one photo of me holding you over my crotch."

No. You're not fitting in. Go back.

a ll me

thank you for the re ddit gold


What does it feel like to have a daughter?

I hope she remembers all the good I did for her........

So my next question, as a streamer why would ever accept real money and not just only accept bits?

Secondly, as a viewer/donator, why would ever donate with bits and not just exclusively use real money since you can charge it back if you later change your mind?

all this shit is too confusing for me.

Attached: 1548299353683.jpg (1218x765, 305K)

some streamer would greet me every time I join his stream
of coure I never responded and he had sub 10 viewers

Is there sauce?

> as a streamer why would ever accept real money and not just only accept bits?
most people use real money donations, only using bits could cut revenue way down.
>since you can charge it back if you later change your mind?
paypal or whatever is getting better for siding with the streamer, i think the streamer can dispute chargebacks its probably a constant thing for big streamers

>What does it feel like to have a daughter?

Think about it logically....

Attached: huffs pipe.png (720x888, 938K)

Nice reversal of the old pasta.

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Fucking your daughter is the ultimate cuck move. If you think about it biologically, it is literally you masturbating to try and prove to the world that you're not a cuck. I can't think of a more pathetic and beta male thing to do, other than playing Danganronpa.

Just make sure to put a stop to her cuntish behavior early on and you should be fine
Let them be a brat and you may as well throw them in the trash

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yea. you don't?

If you don't know what he's talking about why are you posting? This happens several times in every twitch chat.

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>as a streamer why would ever accept real money and not just only accept bits?
Because it's never good to deny possible revenue streams. Some people will donate with money but not bits and vice versa. But it is actually true that some streamers won't accept non-bit donations.

>as a viewer/donator, why would ever donate with bits and not just exclusively use real money since you can charge it back if you later change your mind?
As mentioned before, there are some streamers who don't accept cash. Also some people are so cucked that they donate with bits because they know the streamers prefer it. Also also you can obtain bits for free by watching ads, so it's possible for kids with no money to collect bits from ads to donate to streamers later.


Based motherfucker in the house

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oh sh-

God I wish I were white


Alright, I guess it makes sense. i think i'm too boomer-tier to watch streamers.

thanks for the replies though. have a picture of a cute tomboy

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get dabbed on

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Imagine paying some stranger $100 for attention, only for them to ignore you. What a sad existence.

Yeah that's the happiness user was referring to. It's just a wordy cuck fantasy.


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I'm having a strange feeling that Yea Forums is trying to convince me to have sex with my daughter

woop woop!
reply train to this epic post my fellow gamers!

reddit will hear about this

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>as if the streamer would ever bother even reading a comment from him without a minimum of 20+ dollar tip or 10k cheer or some shit
I read my chat and I don't accept donations. I stream games because I like it.

got 'em

Attached: onFiRs1.png (636x590, 236K)

Damn, that's going to sting in the morning

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Do you have a daughter?

>that image

Attached: skeeeeeup nah.png (595x303, 199K)


user don't tempt me

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That's none of your business

holy shit lol

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do it user

She looks like my old friend's gf

How do you LOSE that much hair

High test


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>that guy on the official forum that is a celebrity despite being completely unfunny and irritating
>his signature includes quotes of people talking about him
>his avatar is one of those dumb stick figure fight scene gifs

god i hated the early 2000s

what some good games where this happens?
you have a child and you see it growing up.
>don't say conceptionIV


violated heroine

Thinking about your daughter

I'm pretty sure they both knew.

Do what


Good shit.

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cringe and bluepilled


Fuck, I'll have to remember that one.

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Can anyone actually refute this wise hobbit's words?


i cant even

That nigga dead

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xD you win the internet

Not that user, but there's literally NO balding in my family. Just premature graying. Which is fine by me, because all men in my family gray in silver

epic win

Attached: 1526520993958.jpg (599x563, 50K)

>have a son
>60% chance he doesn't reproduce and pass on his genes
>Spent 18 years raising a faggot, cuck, or incel
If someone has sex with your daughter and reproduces, that means your genes are being passed on. That is the exact opposite of being a cuck.

Hello >>>/Reddit/


>getting mad at someone because their post got a lot of (you)s

Damn Daniel!


Only like two thirds of men go any sort of bald at any point of their life here.

good one

hahaha fucking epic

oh my goodness

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You know what must be done.

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okay this is epic

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Attached: 1-800-3beamup.gif (325x244, 1.84M)

unironic kek

>mfw thats kinda hot

I understand lusting after your own daughter cuz she is actually cute and got nice tits but to make a collage showing her as a baby?
Now thats fucked up. Its like the dude was planning on fucking that pussy ever since the baby came out of her mother.

>that one twitch streamer that tries recognizing everyone by name and ends up creating an ingroup of people of beta orbiters and every joke is an injoke of an injoke
anyways dont fuck your daughters

best I've seen on here in a while

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put me in the screencap fellas


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>tfw i have webbed toes


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>big tiddies and no visible tattoos
dad did ok

>didn't even bother to show the replies leading up to it

>probably has a ~Daddy's Girl~ tramp stamp
Dad did more than ok.

Wow Gpogle, he's speaking English.

Attached: 1503255843372.jpg (210x251, 9K)

His hands are too low in the second picture

Sam is just coping after Frodo left for Valinor.

Which one?
If having a daughter is cucked, is fucking your daughter redpilled?

Attached: 1555549432160.jpg (2048x1366, 739K)

>there are retarded butt hurt ugly virgins who still fantasize about having a daughter that they'll never have
You people will never reproduce and you'll never adopt anyone. Think about it. You people never actually leave your mom's basement and you don't have any money so you can't support anyone. This is an objectively shitty type of escapism. Meanwhile, women can easily go to a hospital to collect semen so they can get pregnant. I'm sorry, my boys. I just humiliated all of you people because I said objectively correct things. Tell me about how humiliated and depressed you people are because I said objectively correct things.

Attached: kcvmwst.gif (200x350, 1.91M)

I have always wanted a daughter and now I know why


Attached: 1555549640409.gif (480x384, 1.05M)

I have always wanted a daughter and now I know why


Attached: pyle.jpg (559x448, 33K)

>half of this thread is filtered comments
>other half talking about how having a girl is being a cuck
I like how you fuckers think you're even going to have sex with a woman

>watching twitch streamers
>caring about twitch streamers
>paying attention to streamer chats

Attached: ok retard.png (500x306, 86K)

>denying your grandchildren the same rights you had access to
Bad parenting, anons.

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What's with the newfags on Yea Forums and Yea Forums that don't know how to hide samefagging?

What's with the poopooheads on 4channel that don't know how to hide their poopoo heads?


holy shit gottem

>Iphone filename
You aren't one to talk

Attached: 1464843055324.jpg (470x475, 48K)

I almost spat out my drink.

neither you are fucked no matter what

Someone get an ice pa... HE'S ALREADY DEAD

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>all my streams are around 50 people so I can answer the chats questions
Anything over 50 is too many.

Drackonic's existence. Noticed, but never acknowledged.

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This would be so good his voice was like 300 octaves lower, why is everyone on here such a fucking onion eater

>watching streamers
It’s past your bed time, you have a big day in middle school tomorrow

XD include me in the r/Yea Forums screencap my fellow reddit bros

oh fuck

The sadder part is that 100 dollar donations are fucking nothing to a streamer like summit and this guy thinks he's gonna be like that millionaire that watches sodapoppin (i think it was sodapoppin) and maxes out his donation cap or whatever it is each month

Sister > daughter

That is scarily a lot more sexual than it intended to look

Having a son is literally prepping a bull for 18 years.

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nobody cares about your imaginary blogs and e-girls, retard-kun. it's not a fucking video game.

My daughter is 4 though


Attached: Rekt.gif (468x443, 18K)

>when she sees your dick

>dad and grandpa are both bald

Attached: Akko grenade.png (994x720, 309K)

>read Yotsuba
>having a daughter mite be cool
>saw wise hobbit rant
He is right, you know.

this is how you end up like china with a literal shortage of women you dumb fucks


Is Jozef Fritzl the logical conclusion?

absolutamente basado

I give no shit about continuation of humanity or even my race.