post battlestations
Post battlestations
That's a fucking lot of figures. Must've been expensive.
>Must've been expensive
Actually they aren't, they look like the shit you can buy at Bookoff for 108-300 yens.
Just an ordinary man trying to do extraordinary things.
Best one itt by far
You must be a fan of the color red
It is my favorite color, yes.
That's a doll room
It was my favorite color as a child, but as an adult I'm fond of blue.
Where in Europe do you live?
I used to live in Denmark but I've since moved to the United States. Just brought all my shit with me.
Damn, how fun is collecting figures? I might try it out
Why did you leave Dänemark?
Shoo, shoo trannies.
How the fuck am I a tranny for posting my battlestation?
the weirdos become bolder at this hour of the night
Too many blacks.
You post your ugly scrawny ass almost as much as Meowie. Get out tranny.
at that resolution I can only see your retardness
Why not leave for Norway? Surely it would have been more enjoyable than the US and the language similarities.
Because most of my immediate family moved here and I was depressed at the time and needed some stability.
Way more blacks in the US.
I may post, but I'm no tranny.
you sound like a tranny and you post like one. don't deny your misgender, faggot.
Stop blogging, tranny.
Nice wife! How long have you been together?
I asked him faggot.
Please bully
>99.99% weeb
>Jack Skelington
Have sex
Quit replying to yourself.
Is this a pathetic attempt of samefagging??
Are you they guy that makes those wallpapers with the geometric windows/soft focus?
Posting an old one because I'm too lazy to include the changes right now.
Quote him and I and I'll show you my (You)'s
Cringed hard at that wallpaper desu
>Renka tit pad
>phone posting or just disabling your yous with addons
Stop replying tranny. You're not wanted here.
>Pc on the floor
Which one?
You're paranoid as fuck
Aaahhh, Another victim of Hackamatsu.
I'm thinking of going the itx route for my next build.
I wanted to take new better pictures but I've been too lazy
that mouse is some trypophobia fuel
simple and efficient, that is one big ass maria though
the chair is cool
there isn't much to bully you about, besides maybe the fact that your screens aren't the same height
I don't know how to feel about it though, it's my first time using titty mousepad and it feel weird.
Sometime it's okay, sometime it hurt my wrist
And you're a disgusting lanky skeleton trying your best to seem like a girl to turn on fat neckbeards.
It stresses me out, personally. I feel bad for having them and bad that I'm not doing anything cool with them either.
It's a shame you even have to ask
It's pretty fun but buyfaggotry is not something you try out. It's a hole you fall into. Read the guide at
I don't do any of that? Are you okay?
You admitted in a previous thread where you posted your k-k-kawaii uguu~ crossdressing pictures that you were 6 foot 2. Go join the 40%, tranny.
I guess, but you didn’t answer.
Please suck my dick meowie.
Please feel free to try again next thread.
I didn't do anything like that you stupid mother fucker. You're (You)ing the wrong guy.
You're just some closeted homo motherfucker lashing out anyone who will reply to you calling them a tranny to try to make you feel better about your homo-erotic tendencies.
have fun larping and samefagging in a dead thread, retard. ugh.
I got a few things to the left of my monitor
Redbull is overpriced piss.
That's because it is hurting your wrist, mousepads with wrist cushions cause carpel tunnel.
i bet 1 to 10 that you're as fat as my grandma lewis who died of a heart attack.
Ive lived like this its really refreshing cuts out so much stuff you never need.
I have omegabattlestation now can all i do is dust and clean it.
>jigglypuff including the gold plated BK card
ultra-based. I have a few big jigglypuffs in my room too.
quintessential i have severe OCD, autism and live with parents style
I have neither of those and I haven't lived with my parents for years.
poverty tier
I'm 100% sure that the those pictures belong to a mental defective e-neet tranny.
>Limited edition wind waker Ganondorf
The only time I regreted not preordering a game.
it was worth it, no more giant matx case with mostly nothing in it
I'm selling it on ebay if you want to go find it. Beware, reveal my identity and I will reveal yours.
>posts setup thousands of times without fail
there's your ocd
>stuffed animals on bed
that's some autism
congrats on having your own place though and being one of the functional ones
careful, he could cut himself and send pictures on discord.
Based Kawakamifag
What's an e-neet? I'm totally a NEET, you have that part right.
All of my stuffed animals were gifts. I will hand it to you that I do post the same things a lot, but so does everyone in these threads.
clean fags not welcome
Here's mine
I tried building an otaku room like that but my dad accused me of being a queer and my mom thought I was a sexual pervert.
Thanks. The card and the angry puff were gifts. I really need to get a plushie to go with them
Wish Jigglypuff was still really popular like the old days so I could get a quality figure instead of settling for the amiibo.
>all this faggoty weab shit and the faggots who own them desperate for attention
they were both right. good parents, user. I hope you changed your lifestyle.
They are both right.
r8 h8
Oh shit senpai that mouse to keyboard placement is autistic as fuck
I have the same mouse because im super cheap.
How do you make it stop glowing?
Are those Neo Geo games?
exactly. they don't think of the children in africa or the nigger women who was sexually stolen by boko haram.
>be new
>not understanding the point of these threads
humble bragging about your battle station and weebshit is a time honored Yea Forums tradition, you have to go back
You need cable management my child
>maga hat
>monster ultra
>thinks he's a based boomer or something
You should stop browsing Yea Forums and absorbing memes.
that's how boomer desks were made back then
download the logitech gaming software from their site, user
Spending the evening with my waifu.
I don't care what you do with your money but surrounding yourself with idols to your absolute fucking failure of a life is just icing on the jesus christ whats wrong with you cake.
does that fan cooler actually help? my friend has that and it's shit; regular electric fans are more helpful desu
I've been calling people faggots for this shit longer than you have been here.
>Yea Forums was for weabs and anime
Doesn't change that you are a faggot.
why enter a thread obviously meant to show off otaku merchandise and then get angry? fuck off back to wherever you came from.
No it's not. It used to be about sharing setups, but you weeb trannies ruined everything.
it's a parody one, not an actual MAGA cap.
functional, with nothing but vidya focused on and doesn't spend hundreds of dollars on plastic waifus like 90 percent of everyone else who posts battlestations
8/10 now challenge yourself and chug all that smirnoff and run through super metroid
Someone help me.
Battle station threads have always been low key tricks to get you fucking idiots to post your faggot collections to be ridiculed.
fuck off tranny
Hello user!
So what are you guys going to do with all that crap when on the verge of death? You have no kids, you've abandoned your family for the NEET lifestyle, you have literally no one to give this shit to.
I love anime and anime girls
exactly. and people used to knew that. that's why there were so many retarded and ironic battlestations. nowadays it's a excuse for trannies and weebs to show their retarded pathetic slice of life.
Holy shit a newish one. These are my favorite.
nah don't have a neogeo
it's shit but gets the job done, mainly use it for background noise.
I'm considering getting rid of the majority of the stuff in mine. I'm not a very material person.
I've been posting in these threads for 11 years and you're wrong.
textbook normalfag. Impossible to understand other people’s interests and since they are not aligned with his they are weird. gtfo.
The fuck is in that trashcan to turn it that color?
Who's in the framed picture on the floor?
What are these for then?
Fuck off weeb tranny, and have sex.
What fightan you play?
>wanna post battlestation but still haven't organized room after moving into it in 2017
Depressed doomer alcoholic setup
What OS?
stop acting zoomer
welcome to nu-Yea Forums
How do I keep my room from reaching 100 degrees during the summer while playing vidya when I'm too much of a jew to put the AC high
>MAGA hat
Most people don't realize but the majority of those bottles are filled with piss.
I currently have 10+ jugs of piss in my rv that i've been too lazy to dump, so i know my piss jugs.
SFV and UNIST. I actually had a bit of fun trying Mika but I ended up picking Hilda as my main. Also this guy in SFV. I dabble with GGXrd but it's pretty hard.
Does Yea Forums drink while gaming? I do sometimes.
>defending trannies
>Duct taped headset
>Straw in your glass
get a job, Neet
>buy all of that shit
>still uses a CRT
How new are you?
Look at poor depressed user up in his McMansion tower with high end electronics, two computer setups and a microphone and camera to stream himself being so unfathomably sad.
>black out curtains
Is this for real?
you never seen genesis games before?
No rest for people like us.
Not him but they look like genesis boxes.
Here's my toilet btw
Whenever I look at these threads i always feel less guilty about my shitty room
At least I don't have piss bottles
Submit to my high class setup
/r9k/'s battle station is pretty comfy
cool file name bro, I totally believe this is yours!
My gfs setup
How the hell do people let their rooms get so messy?
Is that pillow Kallen?
I think your setup could use some work but nice Uncle Death wallpaper. I use him as my phone background.
>inb4 thread
Mobile gaming counts
Isn’t this the guy who throws up on his bed and flooor and says he’s going to kill himself because his dad is his only caretaker
Bro, you need a hug?
Depression is one hell of a state.
Don't be silly. Who the fuck would ever keep a pillow Kallen?
Yes it's for real. I work night shift and sleep during the day. Fite me.
>all those rooms filled with garbage
This kind of shit only happens in Japan and US?
I would rather kill myself by injecting shit on my veins than have a hug from you, "bro".
Thanks m8, and yeah im currently using my mom's childhood toy chest as my desk, but once i move out ill finally be able to get a real one
I'm loving my battle station
>Trump brand cologne
>meth pipes
Seems about right.
I mean you would have to inject it in your veins not on them for the intended effect, but you do you i guess, bro
best battlestation so far imo. the color green is really present and you can see shades of rose and meat colors. I would give you an 8 out of 9. cheers.
those pipes aint for weed, but I never met a crack/meth head that plays gamecube
This thread smells really bad. It's a smelly thread.
melty blood? where you at?
>pistol next to his comp
How many times have you almost kill yourself when some 14 year old dumps on you in CoD and tells you that you're trash and should kill yourself?
whatever you dream of, droopy faggot. I won't even try to decipher
Been on a 5 month binge. Here's my drinking room.
no numpad. pleb.
i once drank that much, but i left the cans in the bin.
I'm not an accountant nerd
What? I'm American. I use it to kill flies.
I did almost shoot myself several years ago while doing some target practice because I thought I was a cool faggot that could put one in the chamber. Put on in my truck instead...
nice daki. does it have a back and was a prerended one or did you get it special made?
My brother would do that, ash in his bed and sleep it on it. There's a difference I think between depression and having some shitty i don't give no fucks attitude that culminates in sleeping on filth.
What the hell is going on in this thread? Why is there somebody posting a bunch of dirty rooms from the internet and pretending they're his?
Pre-rendered. I bought it off moemarket for like $50.
Some autismo thinks that's what battlestations are all about
I once put up a black sheet as a blackout curtain. Had a few wanks at night. Turns out it wasn't blackout (it was just a bed sheet afterall) and the neighbor could probably see everything when I had the light on at night.
have you ever tried aiming it at people? just for curiosity.
One hell of a night
Why couldn't you have just installed real curtains and closed them?
holy fucking fuck I'm depress off my ass but i can at least acknowledge that the enitre fucking house that pic related is in is probably a bedbug and roach mansion
why? if he wants to make a pool of beer cans why the hell are screaming at him?
I sincerely hope you're all under 18. Having your PC in your bedroom is fucking pathetic otherwise.
Depression, alcoholism and drug abuse following the death of a family member
Listen nigger, I'm not playing Melty Blood with someone that has a smoothed prefrontal cortext. Are you sure you shouldn't be playing Kekken 7?
because my previous one broke (they were venetian) and I was only 16 or so and couldn't afford new ones. My parents did get around to fixing it a couple of weeks later.
Can you stop posting
post that wallpaper my dude
No? How fuckin' unhinged do you have to be?
I live in the attic
why do americans fetishize guns
Lets pretend you planted the butter there to make this funnier.
i don't know. what's the point of a gun if not to kill something. granted, you can kill deers, but humans it's the ultimate thrill.
It's not his image. this isn't his setup
>juden gun
Do you have a wife or girlfriend? Are you planning on ever having one?
manifestation of freedom, personal duty, and power in object form
>retarded newfag who never saw that iconic meme
Have you ever fired a gun? It's fun. It's satisfying when you hit the target too.
Fuck you, I was around for butter golem when you where still sucking on your mamas tit, you little shit.
It can't be any more fun than firing a gun in a videogame.
I hope you're not wasting an amp on those m50s.
Sometimes it's nice to get outdoors.
spoken like a cottonwool wrapped wuss that's scared to use his body.
Why do other countries think that the mere ownership of firearms is fetishization? Imagine being so far from owning a thing that to see anyone else owning it is, to you, an extreme.
Preparedness. The world is nice now but that doesn't mean it will be nice later. Or maybe it will. But it's foolish not to have a means of self protection just in case. A few hundred dollars now can save your life sometime in the future.
Knock the Jews all you want but they make a good gun. They have too. Wouldn't be able to pull all of their bullshit on their borders otherwise. That and um... never mind.
Do you not see the speakers?
I like that little scene you have set up with Layton and Liz.
I imagine cleaning dust there must be hell.
Because they're cool
how many times you clean all your shit in a week? 3 times? must be dust hell
I'm married, dude. sorry. it doesn't apply to me, I guess. but you have other labels at your disposal.
It's a completely different experience that requires far more than skill and bodily control to achieve. In a video game, a still target at range just requires some slight aiming adjustments to get the reticle on target. IRL, you're shaking ever so slightly and your eyes is just a little misaligned and your form is wrong or your wrist is turned the wrong way and the gun is starting to feel heavier in your hands the longer you try to hold still to line up that shot.
And this is coming from someone who isn't super great at shooting because ammo costs just a little more than I'd like given my current job. Then again, I'm getting promoted in a week so weekly trips to the range may finally become a thing for me again.
nice pasta
>PC in bedroom
How fat are you? How fat is your wife?
because we literally invented them
why are Europoors afraid of guns and having the right to own things?
If you can find a single time that I've post that image on Yea Forums with that text, I'll reward you with one trophy for excellent speed photoshopping skills.
Fuck off you redneck manchildren. Imagine still thinking guns going bang bang is cool after being 12 years old. Your brain's development is stunted. Go play cowboy or army men with the kids at the park.
We aren’t.
Our communist overlords are.
wtf, dude. You don't have a pc on your bedroomt o watch netflix or shit? do you really pay 100 bucks for a google thingamagig or whatever? I like to think my wife is a whale otherwise I wouldn't have been lost inside her... lol. (it gets lost on translation.)
imagine being such a pussy that you rely on the state for you and your familys protection. when a nigger kicks your door down, just keep him busy with your asshole while you wait for the cops.
he's joking. relax, retard.
I don't have any screen in my bedroom because I'm not a mentally stunted fatty.
no one posting battlestations. this thread is lost to /pol/ sage.
God, i wish i could get a blonde, american gf with bog tits that loves guns.
she's a lesbian tranny
good taste
Da fug?
>that table, now that's some good shit
Had a guy come from Mexico that worked with me that did that shit, no joke. And he'd leave shit smears on the goddamn walls too.
>not normalfag shit
who the fuck is meowie?
hed flush them down the toilet rr-right?
How do people make their beds with them being flush against the wall. Isn't it a pain in the ass?
I remember hearing from my mom who went to visit family in Mexico that she was told to put used toilet paper in the trashbin because either the toilets or sewage system just couldn't handle the paper, so I can understand why they would do that. Leaving shit smears on the wall is inexcusable, though.
Open a window and get a fan.
I don't, half my sheets are on the floor every morning anyways.
>/pol/ Boogeyman
same set up for past month or two.. moving to another apartment number soon so not bothering putting anything on the walls
nah the baby eagle's fine bc cowboy beep boop
I am Meowie, hello.
looks kinda crammed with the bed there
Are you sucking dick or not? Get to work.
No it's another stereotype, it is a matter of self protection, not that I own one but it's understandable why someone would
>vomit user
Wow his room looks a lot better.
Be nice to me.