What games take the most time to git gud?

What games take the most time to git gud?

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When are human beings going to stop killing themselves to be servants to an incredibly small part of the population?

Probably iRacing or something insanely competitive like that.

There will always be replacements.

Don't people usually stop being productive after six hours anyway? What's the point of making people work 72 hour work weeks when they won't even be productive for half that time.

China needs a revolution in general. All those mouths to feed, yet they can't even maintain enough natural resources to feed a quarter of them.

Assembly lines, government approved abusive supervisors.

I worked 12 hour days 6 days a week once and I wanted to kill myself but I knew it was only got 4 months and that I'd get to be a neat for months afterwards. I couldn't imagine just doing that forever with no end in sight.

Why does Megamind own a Chinese tech company?

workers are literally disposable trash to their overlords

>THIS is what American corporations will defend while complaining about Russia

Based Ma making his employees take the S.W.E.A.T. pledge.

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>some trials suggest 4 day work weeks may be better than 5
>china doing the opposite and doing 6 on top of extra hours
nice developing nation you have there

they're trying to solve the population problem by working people to death

killing 2 birds with one stone really, great move

At first glance I thought the thumbnail said his name was Jack Me Off

>some trials
What trials?

can't wait for China to run over Silicon valley and this madness to be over.

Human beings are subservient sheep by nature.

Why is his head so fucking flat?

>rice Jews
>unions are practically illegal
>largest wealth gap in the world
>workers will defentily be forced to work In these conditions

Why haven't the insects rebelled yet?

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You may not like it, but the 9am-9pm, 6 days a week is what peak performance looks like.

No one ever changed the world working 40 hours a week.

I work 4 days a week with 9-10 hour days and it's wonderful. I don't know how you people work 5 days a week

I thought their problem right now is that theres actually not enough people

Because he's Chinese.

being good at starcraft 2 takes forever

>Unironically celebrating Chinkoid society
Unironically, faithfully, kill yourself. Tianamen

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>unions are practically illegal

unions should be illegal

Uh Henry ford did

Because they dont have guns.

jack ma dick

But if those are tech people they're working to death their smart people instead of peasants


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trials done by individual businesses. finding in their personal case productivity may stay the same or increase because people do more work when they have less days to do it so don't get slack. and feel more relaxed after a 3 day break, they did increase the hours by like1 hour or less a day to compensate anyway its only very small stuff and thats why i said 'suggest'.

At this point I think the Chinese just see their poorer peers as literal insects, they just put them in the wage cage until they stop moving.

When you start killing each other to be a part of the workforce, of course! Those student debts aren't going to pay themselves.

Based Dengist socialism with Chinese characteristics.

>tfw four 10's, an 8 and a 6
The 8 and 6 are optional OT though. It's nice taking an occasional 3 or 4 day weekend to recoup, play a game, or get things done. Working a couple 54 hour weeks makes splurging at the titty club a little more rewarding too

996 is the future. Get used to it boys.

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Chinese sweatshops are even worse

Not when corporations want you to work 72 hours for pennies.

>rejected from every job interview he ever had
>fucking rejected by kfc taking literally a dozen people, only rejecting him
jack is ourguy

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The chinks are nothing but copycat fucks,they’re retarded.
>you habbu search engine?,I copy make mine
>you habbu intaanet store?, I copy and make mine
>you want tradu? I make bridge over all Indian ocean

Chinese people are disgusting rats and orcs.

>being this fucking sheltered
If you knew even the most basic of Chinese history you'd know that Chinas entire cultural since the first dynasty is one of servitude. To them, being under a leaders jackboot has been the norm for the past thousands years. And they like it, they view their leaders as almost divine and tell themselves its ok they know better than a peasant like me.

Never because an order of Hierarchy is nature. Humans are pack animals. There's always a chief that dominates the lessers.

im lucky that my workplace is fairly chill with nice colleagues so its not too taxing or anything.

And yet somehow it's also human nature to lead each other and shape the world around them. Kind of makes you wonder if "human nature" might be a complete load of bullshit people made up to get other people to behave the way they want.

>Chinese billionaire
lmao, his commie government knocks off billionaires whenever they feel like inspiring faith in the party.

Those leaders are all fucking insane. That's how they break away from the norm in the first place.

I was supportive of poor people, people struggling, etc. until I read those Tinder studies. Women control one economy in the world and it has a bigger inequality than 3rd world oligarchies. Thats when I realized there is no humanity, its all just virtue signaling. Since then I don't feel sorry for anyone. at least the chink is honest

you realize that almost all of your phones and other electronics are made by chinese factories that run 24/7 with two shifts, and as soon as any of the workers get hurt they're just replaced

too them labor is virtually endlessly replaceable, because it is when you have billions of people too cowardly to fight back against the communist billionaires

unions would be hard in china with so much excess people regardless of the legality

Lol this smug motherfucker shows up to the office 1 day a week max, at 11 probably, leaves at 3, gets his dick sucked and collects dividends the rest of the week, and wants to talk about being blessed for working back breaking hours

His workers should tear him limb from limb

unions are the reason we have nice things like a 5 day work week and only 8 hour shifts for most jobs you little shit

Are you retarded? I’m legitimately struggling to see how these things correlate.

>Rice Jews
The correct term is "Jews of the East", or "Jotes" for short. Call the chinkoids Jotes

As in all markets the fault lies with the consumer. If men had a backbone and stopped being literal paypiggies to every woman they received attention from we wouldn't have this inequality.

Women only want Chad, so fuck poor people. What part don't you understand?

True but he's working his fellow Chinese to death.

Their culture is subhuman

>whole post

What the fuck are you trying to say

I worked for a 90yo multi millionaire and he was first in the office and the last one to leave. There's a reason why these people are rich. They dedicate their lives to their business.

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Unions shouldn't have leadership that are outside of the workplace. It should always be under the control of active workers and be compensated properly for the extra work it takes to negotiate for your fellow coworkers.

People only care about the inequalities that personally affect them. all people are selfish to the core.

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Oh god, an actual unironic incel post.

The only reason women dominate the sexual marketplace is because men literally can't stop giving them attention. Imagine if a woman went to a bar and there weren't any thirsty retards hitting on her, pumping her value up.

>If you find a job you like, working 9 hour days 6 days a week isn't a problem
Yes goy, it's your fault you aren't thrilled about only having 1 day off a week

Never. There will always be good goy, that's why we're replacing you.

We have those things because our economy was based around selling commodities to our own work force, so they need to be given time to go out and consume.
China doesn't give a shit about that because everything of value they produce is sold as exports to other countries. Meanwhile their citizens are selling each other bootleg food.

How did it come to this?

Ubions vere have leaders elected from peers, though my country is basically built on unionization.

You can slob his knob all you want, not many of them have that kind of work ethic.

i only disagree with #7 desu

Only people who have never worked a job, or got a great job through connections genuinely believe there are no bad jobs. The world is fucking full of bad jobs

no thats not what i mean't, i mean the inequiality connection.

There was a period when it was very popular to post quotes from him on social media. Got really sick of the small business owners constantly posting up that one quote of his where he was moaning about his relatives not investing in his business back when it was a startup, while third-parties did.

Your relatives aren't obligated to throw their savings at whatever nonsense you think up.

from Tinder wiki
>However, in March 2015, the website Medium published a statistical analysis quantifying the degree of inequality on Tinder as a dating market. The analysis concluded that "the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men. The Gini coefficient for the Tinder dating market based on 'like' percentages was calculated to be 0.58. This means that the Tinder economy has more inequality than 95.1% of all the world's national economies. In addition, it was determined that a man of average attractiveness would be 'liked' by approximately 0.87% (1 in 115) of women on Tinder."

Fair enough, but we're talking about a billionaire here, not your typical real estate mogul founder-manager type

I feel like Mike Rowe has experienced some pretty shitty jobs considering he started the show Dirty Jobs

>When are human beings going to stop killing themselves to be servants to an incredibly small part of the population?
and then do what, exactly?

public shareholding was a mistake

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A one day expose does not make you really see how garbage a job is, especially if you've been doing for over a decade.

Only for the public sector

He looks like the Mount and Blade character you get when you hit randomize in the character creation screen.

thats just tinder and only about sex, who cares?

I don't think there's anything wrong with it at it's core. If your average joe wants to invest into Apple because he believes in the company then that's fine. But investment has pretty much turned into high-stakes gambling where retards wanna strike it rich quick or build an entire fucking career off investing only. Fuck em.

Live more fulfilling lives? Find a purpose nigga. You don't need schlomo shekelstein to give you one.

I would kill at least 6 people with my bare hands to just taste a trickle of the economy boomers destroyed.

more like the C.U.C.K. pledge

Except he shows up for a single day and does the job on camera, able to take his sweet time while attempting to make the show entertaining. He doesn't actually stick around and isn't expected to pick up the pace and meet time requirements, and has no idea how mind dulling and back breaking those jobs can be working them full time

>I do not "follow my passion"
What does he mean by this? Don't have any dreams?

>implying the natural order is relevant
Maybe if you’re a pleb still living in a world rules by the concrete

>who cares?
Certainly not the women on Tinder who spend the time crying about inequalities in other parts of life.
Tinder is perfect example because it gave a complete upper hand to a single group (women) and you can see the results.
If these women had the opportunity to exploit people in other area of life, they would happily do so. Billionaires are just people who have the ability to exploit people.

You really should read the ego and it's own

He means that despite your dream job being something like developing games or voice acting you should be able to passionately clean up the shit and piss off the bathroom floor at mcdonalds.

>work 12 hours to make billionaire CEO richer
>work 12 hours to make billionaire CEO richer

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Yes. No dreams, no passions. You’re employee #3456 of MegaCorp and that’s it.

I read it in highschool

i always find it funny when amerilads shitpost about chinks
they are jealous because they want to do the same and get get away with it screaming >freedom

Retard. This isn't the 1700s, living outside of society is increasingly difficult -- because governments often won't let you. You can start your own business but those are fraught with failure. There's very little incentive to go do your own thing outside of the enticing aspect of freedom, but people want security for themselves and their family and serving other people is the only way to get that.

Which political system lets me kill billionaire CEOs?

if you work in an office with work that isn't so straight forward, sure
people in an assembly line will always have work to do, it's consistent and never ending

>China needs a revolution in general.
Yeah because that worked so well the last time.

Passions and dreams don't make shekelstein money, mindless drone work does.


Business owners like Rockefeller and Rothschild wouldn't have gone as far as killing workers who organized if a 40 hour work week was an inevitability.

The only reason your shit shoveling job isn't your dream job is because you chose that it's not your dream job.

>>work 12 hours to make billionaire CEO richer, but at least you get paid enough to buy bread
>>work 12 hours to make billionaire CEO richer, and there's no bread at the market so you can't have bread even if you rob the place

What a cuck.
>don’t make that ceo pay for universal healthcare he needs another 10 Lamborghinis.

>be american
>quit your job to work for yourself
>get sick
>die or go bankrupt because you no longer have health insurance from an employer and insurance is too expensive for the average person to afford

work 2/3 days a week, 12 hours a day. Holy shit this is the life.

Trials to death

You really are cucked. You don't need to be someone else's slave for security and safety. Dictators around the world have been selling this same lie to their people while brutally murdering them at the same time. Having a relatively decent amount of freedom = / = living in the wild and eating berries.

>A faggot with a degree in communication studies who excelled in theatre and got into TV as a marketer wrote this

What job?

Research is from average shitty people not Chinese drones

That sounds great, honestly.

Anti-semitic post


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Hard to believe there are people out there this brainwashed but here you are

>insurance is too expensive for the average person to afford
And then the gov't fines you just as much as you would have paid when they find out you don't have insurance.


it depends on the type of work

if you're doing something mentally taxing then you're probably toast after even less than 6 hours, if it's some menial shit you could do it for way longer

>the government fines you for not being a slave

>it's been scientifically proven that working more than 8 hours straight actually reduces overall productivity, meaning that all that extra time is wasted because a tired worker is an inefficient worker
>nips keep doing it anyway because "much work ethic"
Based stupid nips

Even if it is best for everybody if everybody works decent hours, it's optimal for each INDIVIDUAL company in isolation to work their employees to death in horrible working conditions. The ideal situation would be if every other company in the country had decent working conditions so they had time to buy your products but you were still able to slave your employees somehow.

The result is that, unless there's some strong 3rd party force like a union, every business will independently pursue their own best interest at the cost of society at large and end up like China or the west during the industrial revolution

They are a necessary evil, in my country they managed to get better working conditions overall but at the same time the people at the head of those unions are completely corrupt so i get the sentiment.

Don't know, do something they enjoy instead of slaving their life away to a faceless corporation that sees them as nothing more than disposable shit? Be in tune with nature and their families instead of living in a fucking dystopia where their lives have absolutely no meaning?

Eh, after about 6 hours of being on my feet all day, I'm pretty much toast. My job takes a lot out of me. I'm constantly running around in an environment that's like, 75 to 80 degrees. That shit is going to naturally make me feel lethargic and headachey after a while. I can push my body, but I'll get punchy and start forgetting shit after a while.

holy shit son

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You can make jobs that aren't the greatest or that you were not initially very passionate enjoyable with the proper mindset, but you would have to go through some serious mental gymnastics or brainwashing to convince yourself that it's your dream job.

idk i've quit a few jobs only a few hours in

Working 7 days a week for 10 hour shifts is terrible. It takes 2 hours to drive there and that leaves about 10 hours to have to have a decent 8 hour rest and 2 hours to eat/clean and enjoy life.

Being a workcuck isn't meant to be it seems.

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I'd love this if my job didn't depend so much on the output of other people's work
the main reason I end up staying longer at work than I want to is because I'm waiting for some shit from someone else before I can finish my shit

Factory worker in semiconducters. I make 2.300 eurobocks a month after taxes so I even have a lot of spending money but I put most of that shit to the side. Gonna go study CS to become a full time wagie eventually.

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Honestly what's stopping us from eating the rich right now? Forget the race war, class war should start first.

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I think for certain jobs, you can make the best of it for a time. The job I'm currently in isn't my dream job, but there are aspects I like, and I do feel at least some pride. But it stops there. I have my limitations of caring, especially when someone starts yelling at me for shit, or if I'm pushed to the point of feeling physically ill.

I've been in the fab before
I don't want to live your life, I know what that's like

Based cuck.

>There's very little incentive to go do your own thing outside of the enticing aspect of freedom
Oh is that all?

shut up shabbos goy, you'll work how long i tell you to

This is the future liberals want

>Honestly what's stopping us from eating the rich right now?
Everyone can talk big on the internet, but really nobody gives that much of a shit about the issue. Same shit with people complaining about Trump or bad political candidates, all it takes is one man and one bullet, but shit barely ever happens.

The race war is how they try and keep the idiots from trying the class war

The legality system. The rich can afford bodyguards/security systems/secret service and more. Unless the poor/Working class piled together a list of known rich people and end their lives in a mob murder there will always be a heir to inherent it and then we have to mob murder them too. It's not worth it.

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Oh dude at the beginning I was not exactly excited either, but I have the luck that we in the weekend shift have a fairly relaxed attitude and that I get along with everyone with everyone. This weeks gonna be a horror though because I walk 2 extra night shifts because of the holidays. welp 600 bucks more at least.

I'm surprised we don't hear about Chinese serfs going postal in these conditions.

Unions are a form of checks and balances that allows employees and employers do continue pushing for whatever is optimally possible for them to do without basically killing their employees

bruh what the fuck is wrong with his head?

I'm sure you realize but if they ever try to move you to salary, never take it
overtime sucks and it's almost always a definite thing but atleast you're paid for it

Can't you tell? He is a ching chong ding dong. They all look like that.

Unless you're making assloads of money no it isn't. Then again you're retarded enough to pretend private insurance is a good thing.

>paid enough

Good one.

>tfw work a 980 schedule
This shit is based as fuck

I know, did the mistake of doing a lot of extra shifts at the beginning but that extra money is not as good as all that free time. Holidays are great though because we get an 150% bonus for them.

I'm the only person replying to this that has a job

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>have to work easter
>won't get holiday pay despite being hourly
debating on telling them to shove it

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there are 7 billion humans on the planet, if people REALLY wanted to they could wipe out the rich by sheer numbers

Look at the hubris on this wise guy. Thinking we're above nature. Lmao

A combination of reasons. One, we're all too busy fighting each other, the strategy is called "divide and conquer". Get certain groups to turn on each other, fabricate a "war" between them, and watch as they destroy each other. Two, the police and military. The police were originally designed to be a force to protect the rich, look this up, it's all true. Also look up "Five Monkeys" social experiment, this will help further explain why the police are so fucking good at keeping us all in check. Three, the allure of money. Throw some cash at certain groups of people like the police, and they'll do anything for you. Greed is a great motivator. Tell people the only way they can live a good life is to have a percentage of your shekels, and they'll be willing to let you live.



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#5 is on point

Mine for the most part is kind of lax since we only have to work when pulling orders (and get most of the summer to relax and just watch movies/play vidya), the past week has been absolute hell though.

They keep us calm and complacent with enough media consumption to overdrive our senses for us to do anything, also humans are naturally cattle and need a master or guide to keep them in line, and the only one who can do that is God or another human.

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Same here bro, no holiday pay either. But I hate going to my aunt's house during Easter, and I don't really need to be there, seeing my cousin and his soon to be wife bragging about their good fortune. Fuck em.

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I will never understand the level of greed some of these people have. How much is enough?

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there is never enough

Hierarchy isn't a natural part of being human though, it was a consequence of agriculture and accumulation of wealth


>60 million less Chinese
>not a good outcome

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Look at this idiot, thinking Nnnugnar didn't slay extreme puss while Grak masturbated to cave paintings.

That's more like basic common sense than anything you need to pledge for.

>post-black plague: improved working conditions
>post-WW1: improved working conditions
>post-WW2: improved working conditions

i think you can see where i'm going with this

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1989 tiananmen square massacre
the great leap forward

>tfw unions vs corporations are just jews playing chess with each other


His face looks like a mask. I can't hate him too much now knowing that he isn't even a human.

Only proxy wars in third world shitholes to turn them into bigger third world shitholes for you user.

That is a blessing, if the money is good.

>Why haven't the insects rebelled yet?

The answer lies in the question itself. They're insects. They don't know any better.

If you're taking out loans to support a lifestyle, you've already fucked up.

We need God in our lives more than anything now

>post-boomers: slave working conditions and poverty

>never worked a day of customer service in his entire life

I used to clean shit and piss for a living and I would take that over customer service any day.

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It's pretty well known that prospective rocket league players put in 60 hour weeks, and anyone putting in less can't make up any ground.

I'd say this is pretty much the same for any competitive game.

Yet the #1 regret people have on their death beds is spending too much time at work.

Heard some of these people compare it to the MMO sentiment of gains in your stats/money even though you don't use the stats or money on anything. It's jut bragging rights.

You know people can still be decent, kind, and motivated without religion, right?

That's why you work hard short term so you can have breaks where you don't work at all. It's a hard gamble but some people make it work going in and out of neetdom.

don't go into the job market expecting some perfect, idealized dream job that you've planned on doing since you were five.
By obsessing over that unrealistic expectation you're blinding yourself to dozens of more accessible jobs that you would never dream of doing, but still be perfectly fine with.
Nobody dreams about being the assistant overnight manager at a retail store, but if it pays well, you don't mind staying up late, and all you have to do is haul some boxes around, then life is good.

you should learn who and why introduced 5 day work week
you're in for suprise

When Americans are born their dicks are cut off to mark them in eternal service to the jew. They have no say in the matter

Go ahead and explain how you would make a mcdonalds job enjoyable. Keep in mind they constantly have people bitching at them over the tinest things, and have to clean the disgusting bathrooms. Oh and of course you cannot forget the homeless people who try making mcdonalds their home


Never because that's objectively the best way to survive as a society. Zerg guilds work as real life governments, and only start to fail if a bigger zerg guild shows up.

I'm with you, they need a revolution in China to bring in communism.

How do I get a job? Never worked before.

just be yourself with 5 years minimum experience

When the rent is due, you don't have a choice to really "blind yourself" to all the management and retail jobs out there, you just have to take them or starve to death and have all your lights shut off.

Religions tend to claim otherwise.

just b urself

know somebody. Nepotism will carry you farther than any actual skill will unless you're elite

a firm handshake and some elbow grease with a bit of bootstrap pulling

Currently there is a oversupply of workers, which will only be compounded as the years go on thanks to automation. We must radically reduce the supply of workers. This will bring balance to the supply/demand equation. As the world is 1 market (thanks to globalisation) there must a global reduction in the supply of workers.

A pandemic will probably be managed too well with current tech. War has the added plus of accelerating technology so when the resources get redistributed to the leftover people everyone gets even more shit. But if the nukes start flying it might be overkill. Or you could enforce a 2 child policy globally. But there is no world government and our economies are not structured to benefit from non-growth.

All our decision makers grew up in the post-WW2 boom. That economic oddity of prosperity is their "normal" and we are all trying to reach back to achieve an aberration which is simply economically impossible with the oversupply of workers at the moment. The more we try and force the system - the faster we'll crash.

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The best job I ever had I got in a bar. Get on it.

thanks, grandpa

Do you think the Chinese will have a modern revolution?

I mean, you have worse and worse living conditions and now a literal 1984 security service plus no matter how hard they try, the Chinese will get exposed to other cultures and see they are better. If you pulled this shit in the US you would have people on the streets shooting at politicians.

No, as long as they have access to food and entertainment (which they do) there will be no revolution

Find a friend or family member who can get you in, seriously your skill means jack shit compared to nepotism and social skills. Introverts are naturally fucked in the grand scheme of things, only time they're not is when they're extroverted for that one singular moment they try to get the job, or just die.

>If men had a backbone and stopped being literal paypiggies to every woman they received attention from we wouldn't have this inequality.
This. Most men are cuck faggots that put pussy on a pedestal.

really depends on the context
my company services nursing and retirement homes and I pick up calls from them all day, and although there are always dumb people in any place, the nurses typically communicate in a professional manner so it's a relatively smooth process.

I mean, they've never really revolted before, unless you count the Maoist cultural revolution, which most Chinese would tell you wasn't really a revolution to begin with.

Unironically become a writer for online blogs and shit.

>Currently there is a oversupply of workers
US unemployment has never been lower

Also confidence trumps competence.

steve looking ass

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>the gov't fines you just as much as you would have paid when they find out you don't have insurance.

Nah, it was 600 before and now it's gone.

you get taken off the unemployment stats when you stop looking

That's because you're not dealing with actual customers directly. You're dealing with a business that needs help from your business.
In normal customer service customers see absolutely no reason to be polite at all. They'll fucking yell at you over the tiniest thing, because in their mind they're right and worst case they never have to see you again. When dealing with a business that uses your services, they know that they have to maintain a level of professionalism because switching to a new company is a huge hassle

>You know people can still be decent, kind, and motivated without religion, right?

The Chinese Communist party has mastered the art of having an iron grip over the populace. They sow the seeds of division any time a group starts growing big enough to challenge them, then crack the fuck down. They actively encourage self-surveillance of both yourself and your neighbors with good boy points, and rats who expose anti-party individuals get rewarded handsomely.

How did we even get to this point with our society? 100 years ago the entire government branch would get lynched if they pulled even 1/50th of what they do today, mega corporations would be burned down if they ever knew just how powerful they'd actually become.

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And wages are still shit and cost of living is still high.

That's exactly what he's saying

No time like a revolution than a nation that has never had one. More likely China has one than France.

It's already happening, but slowly. Chinese people are getting more and more contact with the outside world and subtly going against the big companies.

How come be so smart yet be so retarded at things like basic work hours.

>tfw 12 hour shifts
>get up at 5 to go to work at 7
>usually fully decompressed from work around 8
This work cycle has been going on for 3 years

This is the biggest truth that could ever be told. I'm a loud, unskilled autist at work but I sling bullshit until they can't see the ground and my bosses love me for it.

>Never because an order of Hierarchy is nature. Humans are pack animals. There's always a chief that dominates the lessers.
Humans aren't pack animals you retard, our social systems are way more complex than that. Even those of dumb monkeys are more complex than that. Stop listening to that fucking Canadian lobster psychologist.

>living in china

found the problem

>How did we even get to this point with our society?

Unironically because the wealthy elite (Rothschild, Bilderbergs, etc..) own this country and Israel is draining it dry. These people don't give a single fuck about your or your life and none of the people who slave away at their shitty payed jobs to make the richer even richer while the international banks loan money that does not actually exist and get rich off interest.

me :)

I work three 12s at amazon and people really fall off after ten. I'm convinced 12 hour shifts are not good for companies.

I miss Henry too buddy

What an absolute bugman ideology. This is the kind of shit that rich people sell to schmucks to make them feel better about their shitty 12-hour shift job at the factory.

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well yeah I understand, that's why I said it depends on the context. Customer service like this is pretty chill work, precisely since it's not face-to-face and most of the time we're not dealing with unreasonable people. Whenever we do get unreasonable customers, we usually just escalate it to our manager and their director-of-care or whatever too so eh no fear either too.

definitely would not want to work retail or something

Maybe some day. It's not to say there are no Chinese that want to overthrow the government. There certainly individuals like that. But just not enough of them right now.

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>>>work 12 hours to make billionaire CEO richer, enslave yourself to banks through debt because you can't afford basic things like homes and medical care without it
>>>work 12 hours to make billionaire CEO richer, and at the very least you get a government-paid shack to live in

Wages are at record highs and 401ks are bursting at the seams, there’s never been a better time in history to be an American worker

They aren't. I used to work 12s all the time at my old security job. There were only so many doors to lock, so many buildings to check, and so many "customers" to serve. After a certain point you're just sitting there pretending to look busy so the boss doesn't write you up for the 7,000th time in a row.

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>"What we lack is truthful words that make people think"
>Work 996 schedule
>Eat gutter oil fried food dinner on way to box apartment
>Lie in bed
Really makes me think