Out of all the id software FPS protagonists, why does Ranger need to suffer the most?

Out of all the id software FPS protagonists, why does Ranger need to suffer the most?

Attached: Ranger.jpg (1143x1464, 42K)

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He came around during basically the darkest period for the company in terms of morale. I imagine most of the OG employees are not nostalgic for that era. Carmack literally said Quake 2 to 3 made him realize the industry was changing and he wasn't cut out for game development anymore.

QC really isn't that bad. It's just in a strange limbo. It's too hardcore for zoomers and too different for boomers.

QC is fine for what it is. It doesn’t need to be anything else

Everyone quick post the most annoying Quake enemies.

Attached: Vore.png (502x610, 36K)

And then they went ahead and made the Doom 3 engine, blowing the fuck out of everything else at the time in terms of technology. What a group of lads they were.

Attached: Spawn.PNG.png (324x315, 20K)

nah Source blew it right the fuck out

HL2 looked like shit compared to Doom 3, so no.

Environmentally and lighting wise? Probably. In terms of textures and character models? Fuck no.

I think you're misremembering HL2 textures as something else, because they sure were blocky as japanese dicks back when it came out. The character models were also pretty much on par, but source had a better facial animation system.

No they weren't. Stop making shit up. Doom 3 always had a fake plasticy look with hard fucking shadows that made no sense. HL2 always looked realistic.

Why are you changing the subject, though? Doom 3 had soft shadows right into the engine and that has fuckall to do with the texture quality. If you're not sure about something or misremembering things, I suggest you don't get into arguments about it.

I'm not misremebering tho and the subject is still "Doom 3's engine is shit"

Ok, you won.

Cause he angered the Elder Gods; the Nazis, Hell and the Authority are chumps compared with them.

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HL2 had way better models than Doom 3 and I can't believe I'm seeing this argument 15 years later.

Attached: Councilor_Swann.png (1024x768, 536K)

How is it shit, in your informed opinion?

Huh...this guy reminds me of the modern Lo Wang.

Environmentally and lighting wise?
Are you retarded? Doom 3 had terrible lighting. Hard shadows fucking everywhere.

Again, it had a better face rigging system but that's about it.

Attached: 1549288911736.jpg (3840x2160, 993K)

Open your eyes. It's not just a question of facial muscles. His head literally comes to a point. And Alyx' outfit looks amazing compared to his mirrored plain jumpsuit.

Here's a video of the 2004 version of HL2
Look at the
>realistic textures and lighting
>models with high poly count
>natural looking environments, despite the sci fi setting

I can't find a proper version of Doom 3 and I don;t want the BFG edition. But Doom 3 has
>terrible hard shadows
>chunky, ugly models with strange amounts of gloss
>terrible physics

>We will never get a Q1 equivalent of stroggification.

Attached: Stroggg.jpg (1280x720, 96K)